The collapse belongs to the edible mushrooms of the highest category and in flavoring qualities is not inferior to neither white, neither more mossycakes-butter. (Wikipedia)

I got acquainted with him 10 years ago. And I now treat those "units and renegades" (see text below), which love him and collect.
And if there is a cap in the forest - I will never come back with a blank basket. Surprisingly delicious mushroom! And it is always a lot in the forest! And few people collect :)
On Saturday, again went for the mushrooms and just the cap scored pretty. And in search of the photo to show employees, came to this forum and article about the tragedy of the cap.

I really wanted that you would read it. Both due to the onset of mushroom pores, and from the point of view of interesting life parallels between the nature of mushrooms and people.
To do this, I begin to fill the text of the story of Tatiana Moskvina "Tragedy of the Cap" by hand. Manually, for the text in electronic form I did not find (they say, looking for useless - there is no in the internet). And so I am sure that not everyone could read it. What I can not allow.
But I ask you, Osilte, do not miss this topic, despite the "Many Bukaf". This is not only about mushrooms. Take to the end.

"Tragedy of the Cap"

As the people of the life of simple, ordinary sorrow! Tragedies and dramas are touted literally under our indifferent legs. I'll tell you about one such tragedy today, and you will understand that they always knew about it. They knew - but did not realize, passed by, did not think. And to think about what.
In the mysterious mushroom kingdom there is such a mushroom - the cap is ring, he is the forest champignon. It is widespread from us in the north, and on the outlines of your own really look like a champignon, only his hat has a yellowish-powdery with a naizy nour. The collapse belongs to the edible mushrooms of the highest category and in flavoring qualities is not inferior to neither white, neither more mossycakes-butter. Especially good freshly jailed. In the processing is simple: it is not necessary to soak nor to remove the skin, checked on the worm - and in the case. The cap is growing as a rule. Numerous families, and in the season you can cut a whole basket of a housing young for some half an hour.
So everything is fine! In a short time, almost in any forest corner, anyone can assemble a fair amount of excellent edible mushrooms of the highest category. The cap is eating in all determinants. It is difficult to confuse with something unlike other nations of the world, the Russians use mushrooms without sacred goals, just like that, in everyday food, and adapted to digest them without problems. Well, about us, it seems to be taken care of - here you are, Vanya, the cap, eat from the nearest and have fun.
But no in the light of Russian happiness. No - and that's it. It is not known from what reasons is an innocent, a delicious honest cap a long time ago was a victim of friendly peopling hatred. It takes him only the units, the decanches that the contempt and laughter of the people who discovered in your basket "some reels" in your basket. The cap dies under the feet of the forest crowd, it is kicking and pressing with a particular pleasure. The crowd cannot quietly pass by the incomprehensible mushroom - no, it is stitched, it is splashing over the forest with a tireless and non-omilive.

But it is a lot of russely over the cap - it is a lot, very much. If he seriously went - then the whole forest is defined as neither Sshhiba, no matter how wild, it is not destroyed. No, people continue to trample the poor caps of the heads every year, every time, because it is not bored and the mind will not come to the mind - is I well doing? There is no shadow of doubt in their rightness! The cap is felt by the masses as an enemy, a vague creature, which must be crushed and plot. But why?

The cap is objective to everyone. (Let's say, in Latvia it has been collected in Latvia, calling for some reason "church") but the cap is never beautiful and wonderful qualities of the cap, it is never to break through the main Russian conviction: there is a good much. What grows in abundance and seems to be appreciated - for sure the setting and provocation. Behind a propulte mushroom should be chasing and hunting, look for him. It can not stand under his feet as cheap. Even those experts that understand the value of the cap, they collect him somehow reluctantly, without inspiration, most often when there are no other mushrooms or chose them. Multiple beat the taste of hunting and competition. The strange fact that the edible mushroom of the highest category allows themselves to be frozen in such a huge amount - or the general error of his strategy, or vice versa, brilliant trick. How to see. If the whole thing is in a simple persistence or reproduction of the species - then the abundant existence of the cap can be considered a debris that scares the consumer. But if the highest value of the life of the fungus is a merger with people (which is very likely, otherwise, why are the frightened mushrooms so cherry disguise and mimicted under good?) - Then before us tragedy, gentlemen. And very Russian, moreover.

It is a tragedy of all honest, simple-minded-sincere, which in his naivety thinks that what is more, the better. I know such people - journalists who write a lot and well, deputies, helping voters, directories who make excellent performances, good female educators, doctors ... and you scribe them. They rather dense life, despite the fact that they are not considered to think about them and notice them rarely. It is so to say the caps of the collies. Who are they interesting, is asked /? Here to coat around the mumor, to be styled with false white or to fake kilometers in search of the cherished Borovik - yes. Good hard, rarely and not available. Good can not call the eyes in the naive hope of at least someone come in handy. Good can not crumble in bad abundance and get almost free, without spending time and strength. Everyone who thinks otherwise and is going to happily and frankly go to the Russian world of their beautiful taste caviar, sent by the cap. In his tragedy.

"But I am so tasty, so good. I will work even more, even better, and they will be taken and will love me," the cap thinks in the human image. And the more he, it's better, mansolpak, works the more annoying people. The less I appreciate and notice. And the danger of death from hitting, from hatred and contempt of the crowd everything grows.

Cute people imagining that this light is enough to be good and come correctly, when you go to the forest and admire the hero of the Russian tragedy, on the forest champignon, the edible mushroom of the highest category, nobody in FIG is not necessary.
Do not kick it, do not trample.
This brother is yours.
© Tatyana Moskvina "The harm of love is obvious"

Kip Mushrooms: Description of the type and differences from other mushrooms

Cap Ricked - mushroom, common in the foothill coniferous forests of the middle strip of the Eurasia Eurasia and North America. The caps are edible mushrooms, they can be used in boiled or fried or used for salting.

Mushroom Kip: Description

Caps Killed appear in August, you can collect them at the end of August September. In his own way, they are similar to some other kinds of fungi, including inedible, so mushrooms need to know how the caps of the cap look like.

Source: Depositphotos.

Mushroom Ring Cap

    The mushroom caps are reminded in the form of an inverted seedlier of a yellowish, ohlogen or brown shade with a diameter of 4 to 10 cm. In arid weather the hat is covered with cracks and wrinkles.

    The feet of the mushroom is white or yellowish, with a slightly lower cap with a film ring with the same color. Just above the rings, the feet of the mushroom is covered barely noticeable scales. In height, the leg of the cap can reach 12 cm, and in diameter - 3.

    The mature mushroom plates are yellowish or clay-yellow, sagging, with uneven edges.

Young mushrooms have a slightly bluish shade and smooth, slightly wax surface. Rided mushroom on a white layer, but in the air pulp quickly acquires a yellowish tint.

How to distinguish the caps ringed from inedible mushrooms

The caps should be distinguished from inedible and poisonous fungi.

    A ring cap is very similar to a poisonous gray amanita: shape, coloring caps and a ring on the leg can mislead an inexperienced mushroom. However, it is easy to distinguish them, you just need to turn the fungus and look at the color of the plates. At the mature mushroom, the cap is painted in a yellow or brownish color, and in the amamor they, regardless of the degree of maturity of the mushroom, remain snow-white.

    You can also confuse the caps with the web, but, unlike the web mushrooms, the caps do not form veil-webs between the leg and the cap, only the film membrane, which bursts and forms the ring on the leg.

    It is possible to distinguish the caps from some species to distinguish the caps: voles have a thinner, hollow inside the leg and a smaller diameter hat. In addition, voles grow on open meadows and lawns, and the caps prefer shady coniferous forests.

The ringed caps have excellent taste and are not inferior on the nutritional value to all famous white mushrooms and champignons. The foods are most often used by the caps of the caps, the soups are boiled, they are added to hot dishes to meat and birds, used for salting.

His name Mushroom Cap received for a peculiar convex hat. This species belongs to the family of paootic. It has other names: Forest Turks, White Cobble. The appearance of it is deceptive, at first glance it is difficult to determine whether it is edible or poisonous.

Different sources claim that the mushrooms of the cap (photo on the right and above) are suitable for frying, pickles, marinades and cooking soups. However, you should be careful with old gross mushrooms, solid old legs need to be mercilessly rebel. Due to the fact that the mushroom has a little-known among the mushrooms, it's not so difficult to find it in the forest. In Russia, he does not enjoy great popularity because of his dubious appearance. But in European countries is considered a delicacy, especially in the price of young strong mushrooms, which are happy to eat in food in stewed and fried. Unlike other pawnnikovy cap, the rail has a pleasant light aroma.

Caps ring (ROZITES SARATUS) - edible variety related to the family of the web and the family of the web (SRTINIUS). In Western European countries, such a mushroom is considered a delicacious dish.

Cap Killy - Edible variety related to the family of the web and the family of the coat

The hat is sufficiently fleshy, semi-like or cap-shaped, sometimes flat-convex shape, with the edges. The surface is gray-yellow, straw-yellow or hidden, with liabilities on the edges, wrinkled and covered in the central part with a pale pearl fiber type. In too dry and hot days, the edges of the hats can be very characteristic of cracking. The flesh is loose and soft, white or yellowing, with a very pleasant aroma and a fairly gentle taste.

Gallery: Mushroom Cap Killy (25 photos)

Features of the Cap Killy (video)

Plates are relatively rarely located Characteristic type of characteristic, unequal length, yellowish or hidden-brownish. The field of legs are strong, cylindrical shape, with a good noticeable thickening at the base and sufficient density, solid type, with a silky-fibrous surface. Above the ring is a lightweight scalyness and a yellowish color, and under the ring - an area with light-hidden staining. At the base, there is no residual residue covers a pale purple shade. Disputes ocher or rusty brown, almond-shaped.

Above the ring is a light flake and yellowish color, and under the ring - area with light-hidden staining

Other names of the mushroom

And also wears very original and unusual names. Most often, it is called a chicken, white, wild champignon or Turk.

Edibility and taste quality chickens

In the gastronomic plan, the collie-ring belongs to the category of really absolutely universal and delicious mushrooms. Prepare fruit bodies of such a variety can be absolutely any ways.But most often the mushrooms are boiled, roasted, stew, maridious and arched for the winter. Mushroom dishes are very harmoniously combined with almost any kind of vegetable crops, as well as with lean meat and a variety of spices.

For the preparation of all kinds of mushroom dishes are used exclusively mushroom hats of white pastry, and best of all young instances. In nutritional purposes, the fruit bodies of the ring cap can be used after preliminary heat treatment.

In some areas, the mushroom has a colliest occurs very often

As practice and numerous feedback of mushrooms show, young mushrooms have higher taste, and with age pulp acquires unpleasant rigidity.

Important to remember, That in the raw form, the fruit bodies of the ring cap are not used, so it is mandatory for the preparation of salads or cold mushroom snacks. Among other things, the most excellent nutritional qualities of the Turks are complemented by different healing properties. The inclusion of mushroom dishes to the diet allows you to stabilize the level of sugar and cholesterol in the blood, normalizes blood pressure, and will also serve as the prevention of some infectious diseases.

Where the caps are growing (video)

Season and Places for Harvesting Mushrooms

The mushrooms of the chicken or the cap is the largest spread obtained on the soils in moderate climatic zones. Quite often, the fruit bodies of white oracker are formed in birch stabes in the territory of northern latitudes, and sometimes in the mountainous areas and foothill areas. A worn white or risteness dull is a well-known mycorrhisan educator with various conifers, as well as actively fruits on mossy soils.

For active growth and development of white oral bloodflengths, there are places with refrigerated podzolic soils located in mixed or deciduous forest areas. The abundant fruiting of the dull ridges is noted in close proximity to the root system of oaks, beaks and birches. Quite often, the fruit bodies of the ring cap formulate quite large plantations in the period from July and before October. Only young copies should be assembled, Which do not fully discontinue, a semi-shaped hat. After a significant cooling, especially after repeated and strong night frosts, the fruit bodies are not recommended to collect, as toxic substances may form in them.

In some areas, the mushroom has a colliest occurs very often

How to cook chicken

Caps ring with many mushrooms are attributed to the category of delicacious mushrooms, which are not inferior to their taste qualities by the famous and most "noble" species. Such mushrooms can be harvested or used to prepare first and second dishes. Need to remember That mushroom billets must be kept in a cool basement or refrigerator at a constant temperature mode at the level of 0-6 ° C.


Clear fruit bodies, separate the caps and cut into two or four parts. Prepare marinade from liter of water, half of a glass of 9% of the table vinegar, three pieces of carnations, one laurel leaf, eight pieces of black pepper, 70 g of sugar sand and 30 g of salts. Lower the mushrooms in boiling water and boil a quarter of an hour, after which it is quick to cool in running water. Cold mushrooms are lowered in a boiling marinade, and after a couple of minutes, they are laid out hot and sterilized glass cans that rolled out with covers.

For the preparation of all kinds of mushroom dishes are used exclusively mushroom hats of white oral fishes

The mushrooms caps are quite common mushrooms, but do not differ particularly exquisite taste. However, there are quite a lot of recipes that are used to prepare the mushrooms caps. And so how to make mushroom caps?

Kip Mushrooms - Cooking Recipes

Recipes Fish Rolls with Mushrooms Caps

Salt the fillet of any fish, put the pieces of finely chopped mushrooms on top of each piece, sprinkle with dill and centers of cumin. Collapse slice with a roll and put into shape. Top pour mayonnaise and sprinkle with grated cheese. Bake in a hot oven for 30 minutes. 1 kg of fillet will require 1 cup of boiled cutting mushrooms, 1/2 cup mayonnaise, bug of dill and 50 g of cheese. Cumin and salt - to taste.

How to cook pancakes with mushrooms caps

Bake thin pancakes and to complete the original stuffing. Boiled beef tongue cleaned from skins (cook 2-2.5 hours), finely chop and mix with glorified salted caps. Fly in a frying pan before the pinkish shade, pour into it broth from under the tongue, stirring intensely. The resulting sauce is cooling, mixed with slices of language and mushrooms. Pancakes are heated in the microwave before serving on the table 2-3 minutes. You can hide them from above the remaining sauce. 10 pancakes - 1 beef tongue, 1/2 cup of salted mushrooms, 1 tbsp. l. flour.

Stuffed with mushroom caps tomatoes - recipe

Boil the rice to readiness and rinse with cold water. Mix it with pieces of saline mushrooms, dry seasoning and olive oil. Tomato cut the middle and start the cooked mixture. From above spray with grated cheese and bake at a temperature of 200 ° C 30 minutes. Tomatoes should be tightly put into the coating container, as they can break a little. Served hot as a snack. On 8 tomato - 1 cup of boiled rice, 3 tbsp. l. Salted chopped fungi, 30 g of cheese, 2 tbsp. l. Olive oil and spices to taste.

Mushroom Pomoric Pomegrana with Mushrooms Kip - Recipe

Prepare a slim fresh dough, roll it on the table and cut the mugs. On the middle of each put fish minced meat with a fried onion. Take the mugs in the form of dumplings. Boil mushrooms for 20 minutes and put dumplings with fish in boiling broth, cook for 10 minutes. Served chowing with green onions and sour cream. For 20 dumplings - 0.5 kg of minced fish, 1 bulb, dough on sour cream from 1 cup flour, 10 mushrooms, 2 l of water. It will take 1 cup sour cream and 1 tbsp. l. Oil.

Chicken pate with mushroom caps - how to cook

Boil chicken and separate meat from bones. Skip through the meat grinder chicken meat, salty mushrooms, butter and pour white wine into the ground. White all over the broom or blender and lay out in the form. Put in the refrigerator for 2 hours and serve as a cold snack. On 1 chicken - 200 g of butter, 1 cup of salted caps, 3 tbsp. l. White wine, salt and pepper to taste.

Roast marine with mushrooms caps - recipe

Pieces of beef frying in a pan to a crust, folded into a pot with a thick bottom, add a large sliced \u200b\u200bfresh mushrooms, pieces of raw carrots and onions. Salt, pepper, pour boiling water and stew 1.5 hours on weak fire. On 1 kg of meat you need 0.5 kg of fresh mushrooms, 1 carrot and 2 bulbs.

The mushrooms of the cap, the recipes of the preparation of which we led above, not the most delicious and exquisite mushrooms, however, if you know how to prepare the mushrooms of the cap, you can prepare quite tasty and nutritious dishes.