BRICS was quite popular in 2000, but from then until now, the union has been criticized quite often and was perceived by many solely as a marketing idea.

Table of contents:

General information about the BRICS alliance

BRICS is the abbreviated name of a union that includes 5 states:

  • Brazil;
  • Russian Federation;
  • India;
  • China;
  • Republic of South Africa.

The abbreviation was first proposed by D. O'Neill in 2001. It was entered into the analytical records banking institution. It is worth noting that until 2011, that is, before the accession of South Africa, the abbreviation BRIC was used.

The order of the letters is characterized by harmony, and, at the same time, in English language There is a similar word, translated meaning “bricks”. The term can be interpreted as a union of countries, with positive dynamics of development of which the state of the world economy will also grow.

In 2006, the institution was founded at the Russian Economic Forum with the participation of ministers of 4 countries. Today, in addition to summits, meetings are organized among the ministers of foreign affairs, finance and others.

Note -

Critics did not foresee coherence between the participating states, much less the creation of an EU-like entity. However, after a certain period, BRIC members expressed a desire to create an alliance and develop economic relations.

The main tasks and goals of the BRICS alliance

The main tasks of the participating states are to solve problems of a financial, political, scientific and technical nature. Despite the significant differences in the progress of each country, they are connected by the main thing - a thriving economy. Also, the goals of BRICS are to improve the state of the world economy, help eliminate crises, improve living standards, and use modern technologies in all spheres of life.

The BRICS countries have enormous resources to solve their main problems and develop their economies.

Participants occupy the following positions in the global economy:

  • Brazil– has a highly developed agricultural industry, and its economy is deservedly considered the seventh in the world in terms of GDP;
  • Russian Federation– has significant amount energy resources, ranks sixth in the world in economic development. Has the largest area in the world;
  • India– ranks third in the world economy in terms of GDP, famous for the production of various types of tea and spices, cheap intellectual resources;
  • China– the most developed state in the world, ranks first in exports and foreign economic activity. Has the largest foreign exchange reserves, the world leader in population;
  • South Africa– rich in natural reserves (world resources of diamonds are about 20%, gold - 53%, manganese - 91%).

Past BRICS summits

First Congress

The official meeting of the leaders took place in June 2009 in Russia. During the summit it was put forward:

  • a joint decision of the BRIC leaders on the next meeting in Brazil in a year;
  • general statement on world food security.

Second summit

The BRIC meeting took place in Brazil in April 2010. The result of the summit was the signing of some important agreements between the leaders of the countries, as well as a decision to overcome crisis situations and introduce reforms in the financial sector.

That same year, in November, South Africa expressed a desire to join BRIC. By agreement of all participating countries, the application was approved and the President of South Africa received an invitation to a meeting the following year.

Third Congress

The leaders of the countries met in April 2011 in China. South Africa was officially included in BRICS. The participants discussed the accession of the Russian Federation to the WTO, some reforms, as well as ways to solve problems in Libya, signed a joint agreement on actions for the current year, as well as on the use of economic sphere national currency.

Fourth summit

Took place in March 2012 in India. Problems in the economy were discussed, proposals were made to eliminate the crisis, as well as the situation in Syria and Iran. The leaders considered the profitability of creating a common bank and the processes of bringing together exchanges.

Fifth summit

Took place at the end of March 2013 in South Africa. As a result, it was assessed Current state world economy, and also developed general principles interactions with each other. A plan for the current year has been developed and prospects for cooperation have been determined. The leaders signed agreements on cooperation, joint financing of some projects in South Africa, and the creation of the BRICS Business Council.

Sixth summit

Took place in Brazil in July 2014. The heads of state discussed:

  • creation of a New Development Banking Institution;
  • formation of conditional currency reserves;
  • economic downturn.

BRICS confirmed the statement on the formation of the Network University. The heads of some other countries were also invited to the meeting.

Seventh summit

Held in Ufa in July 2015. Results of the meeting:

  • Iran joins BRICS as an observer;
  • founding of the Development Bank, ratification of the agreement approved by the head of the Russian Federation V. Putin.

The summit was also attended by heads of other invited states.

Eighth summit

The group's leaders met in India in October 2016. The meeting discussed the strengthening of the BRICS alliance and the development of comprehensive interaction between countries. The main objectives were resolving the conflict in Syria, combating terrorist attacks, and improving the state of the global economy.

Prospects for the development of BRICS and member countries

BRICS has enormous prospects.
The countries of this union are dominant states with enormous opportunities for cooperation. Due to constant interaction and negotiations between leaders, each of them is experiencing a continuous expansion of platforms for cooperation, turnover is growing, and the standard of living is rising. The heads of countries provide each other with every possible support, resolve issues and put forward proposals to improve the state of the world economy, foreign trade, fight against terrorism.

The BRICS countries first began to be talked about in 2006, when the foreign ministers of these countries met for the first time during the 61st session of the UN in September of that year.

It was then that the whole world started talking about the emergence of a new economic force, because the participants of this at that time economic unification truly amazing with their potential.

BRICS deciphering which countries are included. The name itself indicates the countries that are members of this union. You can guess what it is by the first capital letters:

  • Brazil
  • Russia
  • India
  • China
  • South Africa

Interestingly, the very name of the organization is consonant with the English word bricks, which means bricks.

And indeed, if you look at the world map, you can see how each state complements each other in a separate part of the world.

China in Asia, India in south asia, South Africa - in Africa, Brazil in South America, well, Russia is in the middle between everyone and occupies a special position in the northern part of the planet.

Purpose of the association

Initially, this union was built in the format of maintaining the economic well-being of its member countries, as well as building up the economy in relation to the whole world.

As you know, this union is not a bloc. This is what they officially say, in other words, the participants united exclusively for peaceful purposes, not against anyone and only for economic development and improving the well-being of citizens' lives.

on video: information about BRICS participants

However, many political forces in European countries see this union as a threat to themselves. We are talking about the European Union, the United States, as well as states that strongly support the policies pursued by these countries. Including in relation to Russia.

First meeting of BRICS heads and first enlargement

For the first time, the heads of the association met in Japan on July 9, 2008 at a meeting of heads within the framework of the G 8 summit (at that time there were 4 states in the BRIC union and all of them were members of the G 8 summit).

It was during the meeting that an agreement was signed to hold a full-format summit, which took place in Yekaterinburg a year later on July 16, 2009.

The organization's first expansion took place on February 18, 2011, with the addition of the Republic of South Africa. It was from then on that the association began to be called not BRIC, but BRICS.

Details of the countries included in the union

  • China is a great nuclear power. It has a leading position in GDP, and also ranks first in imports of goods around the world, has the largest foreign exchange reserve in the world, while being the main holder of US debt bonds, and also has the greatest human potential.
  • India has one of the most powerful GDPs in the world, according to these indicators it is in 3rd place, it has human potential like China, you can read how people live in India, one of two countries with a billion population. Like Russia and China have nuclear weapons, and is close to the name of a great power.
  • Great Russia nuclear power, ranks 5th in terms of GDP in the world, has a rapidly developing economy, is rich mineral resources, has the most large territory on the ground,
  • Brazil, one of the 10 countries with powerful economies and ranks 7th in terms of GDP, is one of the countries with enormous agricultural potential. You can read the name of the capital of Brazil. Close to great power status.
  • Republic of South Africa. This is the 5th country included in the BRICS alliance, but its economy is at an average level. Only 25th place in the world in terms of GDP. However, it is the most important economic power in Africa.

In 2013, Russia, India, China, Brazil produced products used throughout the world:

  • 40% wheat
  • 50% pork
  • 30% poultry
  • 30% beef

BRICS has 32% of arable land for bread production.

States occupy:

  • 30% of the earth's surface,
  • 42% of the world's population
  • 18% of gross national product

Applicants for membership and potential members are:

  • Indonesia (8th in the world by GDP)
  • Türkiye

They also expressed their desire to join:

Egypt, Argentina, Nigeria, Syria, Bangladesh and, oddly enough, Greece.

BRICS (BRICS) - a group of five fast developing countries: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. Until 2011, the abbreviation BRIC was used to refer to the organization. On February 18, 2011, after the accession of the Republic of South Africa, the BRIC group transformed into BRICS (BRICS - Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa). Exist different views on the prospects of this informal club, especially in world politics.

It is symbolic that the abbreviation is very similar to English word, which translates as “bricks”. The BRICS countries are indeed becoming building material for the framework of the world economy, on the strength of which sustainable global development will largely depend.

BRICS members are characterized as the fastest growing large countries. The advantageous position of these countries is ensured by the presence in them large quantity resources important for the global economy:

Brazil is rich in agricultural products;

Russia is the world's largest exporter of mineral resources;

India - cheap intellectual resources;

China - in last years is increasingly taking leading positions in global exports of industrial products;

Republic of South Africa - natural resources.

In 2001, the abbreviation BRIC first appeared. It was launched in a report by a group of experts from the American investment bank Goldman and Sax. The author of the term was analyst D. ONill. In 2003, the bank published an extensive forecast study, which indicated that by 2050, the economies of the BRIC countries would surpass the economies of Western countries in size, and then these states would begin to dominate the economic, and possibly political influence on world development. The next few years have demonstrated that there is no need to wait until 2050; everything is happening much faster. The 2003 forecast indicated that the BRIC countries would account for 10% of world GDP by 2010, but in fact already in 2007 their figure exceeded 15%.

Development of cooperation between leading countries developing world prevented by existing stereotypes. Political elite These states, including Russia, habitually looked to the West, and perceived each other on a residual basis. All 1990s. It was believed that the BRIC countries did not represent any fundamental interest for each other. The well-known liberal economist Evgeny Yasin recently stated about BRIC: “The place of BRIC in the world economy is this: China is the workshop of the world, India is the bureau of good offices, Brazil is the world farm, and Russia is the world stoker (energy supplier).” For example, Brazil in our country since Soviet times has been associated with football, carnival and instant coffee, but almost no one knew that this country had already turned into a major industrial power, into the world's third-largest aircraft manufacturer.

Practical interaction within the BRIC framework began in September 2006, when, on the initiative of Russian President Vladimir Putin, the first meeting of the heads of foreign affairs agencies in this format took place on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly session in New York. Its result was confirmation by the participants of their interest in developing multifaceted quadripartite cooperation.

The second meeting at the level of foreign ministers of the BRIC countries took place again on the sidelines of the session of the UN General Assembly in New York on September 24, 2007. At it, decisions were made to hold annual full-format meetings of the heads of foreign affairs departments in each country in turn, to launch a consultation mechanism at the level of deputy foreign ministers, as well as to establish regular contacts through embassies in key points for multilateral diplomacy, primarily in New York. Thus, the basis was laid for bringing quadrilateral interaction through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to a permanent basis.

On July 8, 2008, on the sidelines of the G8 events in Japan, at the initiative of the Russian side, a brief meeting of the leaders of the four countries took place, at which they agreed to prepare a full-scale BRIC summit.

In addition to inter-Ministry of Foreign Affairs contacts, a dialogue was established between the Ministries of Finance. On November 7, 2008, in Sao Paulo, on the eve of the financial G20 events, the first meeting of the heads of financial departments of the four countries was held - a joint communiqué was agreed upon outlining common approaches to the problems of the world economy, including the causes and ways to overcome the global financial crisis. An agreement was reached to hold regular meetings of the finance ministers of the BRIC countries, as well as contacts between their deputies.

An important role in the development of the quadripartite dialogue was the initiative of the government of St. Petersburg, which organized in May 2008 the international conference “BRIC: a breakthrough into the global economy of the 21st century” with the participation of representatives of municipal authorities and leading universities in the twin cities of St. Petersburg in Brazil ( Rio de Janeiro), India (Mumbai) and China (Shanghai and Qingdao). An agreement was reached to hold such conferences annually.

A forum for the public of the BRIC countries was created for an informal discussion of current issues of global development and quadrilateral interaction. The first conference "BRIC Countries on political map world: new challenges" with the participation of representatives of expert - political centers and foreign policy departments of four countries was held in Moscow on December 8 - 9, 2008.

In June 2009, the first summit of the heads of state of the BRIC four took place in Yekaterinburg. It involved the development of coordinated positions of 4 countries on a wide range of international issues and strengthening the institutional foundations of the coalition grouping. Firstly, its transfer to a regular annual basis was recorded. The next summit will be held in Brazil in 2010. Secondly, the parties agreed to jointly defend their interests in international arena based on the principles of equality, support for multipolarity and supremacy international law. Thirdly, positions on combating the global economic crisis were agreed upon. Finally, fourthly, cooperation on wide range issues (science, education, economics, energy). The BRIC format makes it possible to prevent the dominance of any one country, for example, China, and allows decisions to be made on an equal basis. Now BRIC is quickly emerging as a separate independent and, perhaps, the most promising direction foreign policy RF.

Following the summit, the heads of state of the BRIC group adopted a joint statement, as well as a separate document on global food security.

In the final documents of the summit, the parties expressed interest in further coordination of interaction in the process of forming a multipolar world, supporting ideas and initiatives regarding new system sustainable growth, strengthening and greater coordination of cooperation in the energy sector with the participation of producers, consumers and energy transit countries.

The leaders of the four countries approved proposals for further development dialogue in the BRIC format. An agreement was reached that not only meetings of foreign ministers, but also finance ministers and heads of central banks would be put on a regular basis. At the summit, the dialogue between the four countries on international security issues received support.

The summit participants discussed topics such as interaction in the context of international efforts to overcome the global financial and economic crisis and the challenges of post-crisis development, including within the framework of the G20 summit processes, current issues countering new challenges and threats, including international terrorism and nuclear safety, climate change issues, new promising directions cooperation in the BRIC format. Among the regional issues is the Iranian nuclear program, Middle East settlement and the situation in Haiti.

Following the consultations, the BRIC leaders adopted a joint statement reflecting a common vision modern stage world development. In addition, during the summit, Vnesheconombank, the China Development Bank, the National Bank for Social and Economic Development of Brazil and the Export-Import Bank of India signed a Memorandum of Cooperation.

Despite the difficulties and problems that the BRIC countries face in developing contacts among themselves, in general the process is progressing successfully and demonstrating positive dynamics. The BRIC alliance has become a significant factor in international politics, witnessing major shifts in the balance of power on the world stage.

In 2011, a fifth country, the Republic of South Africa, was admitted to the organization. With acceptance South Africa name changed integration association- from BRIC it turned into BRICS. The agenda included the question of joining the alliance of new members from among large developing countries. The most obvious candidates for this role are Indonesia, Mexico, Pakistan, and Türkiye.

The BRICS summit, which took place in March 2013, ended with universal assurances of mutual friendship on for a long time, however, when moving from general plans cooperation to specific details, it turned out that the parties have completely different views on the implementation of the same goals. On the eve of the summit, officials expressed hope that it would be adopted final decision on the creation of the BRICS Development Bank. These hopes did not come true.

Based on the results of the summit, we can say that plans for further rapprochement of the BRICS economy and politics have increased by an order of magnitude. Thus, the leaders of the BRICS countries signed a package of documents, including the Ethekwina Declaration and Action Plan, as well as a declaration on the establishment of a consortium of think tanks of the BRICS countries.

BRICS are five countries that are considered by many to be fast developing countries. The purpose of such an association is cooperation in various areas, mutual assistance and coordination of joint actions.

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BRICS includes Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, and the abbreviation consists of the first letters Latin names such states.

What kind of organization is this

BRICS is an international organization that is about ten years old. Its essence lies in coordinating joint development, forming common projects and other actions, mainly of an economic nature.

The organization regularly organizes meetings and summits to which representatives of such states are invited.

Regular meetings take place every year. In addition to economic interaction, they raise questions regarding the environment, mutual assistance, and also examine various global problems.

In fact, the BRICS countries are among the fastest growing. The share of the world's GDP is also very significant.

For example, China is in first place in terms of this indicator, India is in third, Russia is in sixth.

The total share of the BRICS countries is already about thirty percent, which is a significant indicator.

Initially, the organization was created solely for the sake of economic interaction, but over time its functions and powers expanded significantly.

The organization also sets environmental goals, and also expresses a common position on many international issues.

Each BRICS member has significant natural resources, in particular of an energy nature, which indicates the significant potential of the organization and the possible growth of its influence.

IN soon The countries of the organization must solve the following tasks:

It is necessary to decide in which sectors investments should be directed, to determine some priority Undoubtedly, the main emphasis should be on high tech, electronics, nanotechnology, as well as solutions social issues and issues of ensuring the defense capability of each state
It is necessary to ensure the interest of states in mutual investments Countries should have mutual benefits from joint development
It is necessary to coordinate the process of mutual control over the use of investments and their implementation

In recent years, several new potential projects have been proposed, including the development of small and medium-sized businesses, which should be involved in larger projects.

Origin story

The year 2006 is considered to be the beginning of the formation of BRICS. At the next session of the UN there was a meeting of representatives four countries— Russia, China, India and Brazil.

After this, other meetings were organized, at which a common position and the future of the organization were gradually formed.

The first small meeting of countries under the name BRICS took place in 2008, in Japan, after the G8 meeting.

At that moment, the countries agreed to hold a full-scale meeting next year, which took place in Russia (before that there were two more meetings at the ministerial level).

As of 2009, the organization included four countries: Brazil, Russia, India and China. It was only in 2011 that the Republic of South Africa was included in the organization.

How are the summits held?

BRICS summits have been held annually since 2009. Every year they are attended by representatives of all members of the organization, who are this moment five.

In essence, summits are required to organize joint cooperation between countries; they address issues such as:

  1. Mutual financial aid between community members.
  2. Organization of the exchange of technical achievements, joint research and investment in high-tech industries.
  3. Exchange of cultural data, organization of relations in this area.
  4. Solving some political issues.

At the summit it is determined where the next meeting will take place. Each side expresses its opinion on this or that issue and puts other topics for consideration.

The result of each meeting, as a rule, is the signing of agreements, as well as the expression general opinion regarding the most important world events.

Not only heads of state and other representatives, but also representatives of large organizations take part in the summits.

Often, as part of the meeting, various contracts and agreements are concluded, which subsequently provide mutual benefits.

List of states with explanation

The following countries are members of BRICS (with breakdown):

A country Peculiarities
Brazil The country has significant natural resources. Very developed Agriculture, whose products are shipped all over the world
Russia It is the sixth largest economy in the world in terms of GDP. Has the largest natural resources, as well as the largest territory
India The second country in the world in terms of population, the third in terms of GDP. The country has the cheapest intellectual resources, which gives impetus to development. There are huge natural resources
China Largest GDP in the world. In this indicator, China has already surpassed the United States. Largest population in the world. The country has the most industrial production, in fact, most of world industrial goods made exactly in China
South Africa The most developed African country. The state is actively developing Cooperation with South Africa has brought BRICS opportunities to enter the African market

Each of the BRICS countries has significant economic or social problems, but economic growth rates are among the highest.

Certain economic cooperation brings countries a lot positive points, including the possibility of technology exchange and mutual investments.

Economic development

Today, the share of GDP in these countries is already approaching thirty percent. This indicates the significant influence of BRICS on the global economy.

This share is constantly growing, which indicates a positive trend that is observed despite the many problems that have arisen in the global economy in recent years.

However, GDP is not the only indicator that plays a role important. Undoubtedly, countries have a number of significant economic difficulties, but this is why the organization was created to overcome them together.

The pace of economic development of states is significant and is one of the highest in recent years.

Some difficulties have arisen only in the last few years, with the onset of the economic crisis. Also, a number of difficulties arose in Russia with the beginning of the sanctions policy towards the state.

But this only further stimulated the Russian Federation for further cooperation with the BRICS countries and resolution of its internal problems.

The main difficulties of states are the underdeveloped social sphere, as well as an insufficient number of high-tech industries based on the example of other countries, as well as, in some cases, a small amount of investment.

These problems are fundamental and must be resolved jointly as a matter of priority.

Advantages and disadvantages

BRICS activities are largely positive features, such as:

  1. Joint cooperation between countries makes it possible to increase mutual investment.
  2. Countries have a significant share of global GDP (already about thirty percent), which indicates a huge impact on the world economy.
  3. A huge part of the world's population lives in these states.
  4. Cooperation allows for the exchange of technologies, development of joint production and research.
  5. The countries agreed to expand the use of national currencies, which also has a positive effect on the development of domestic economies and reduces attachment to the dollar or euro.

But there are still some shortcomings in the activities of BRICS. First of all, this concerns the insufficiently wide list of possibilities.

Video: which countries belong to this organization


The creation of BRICS was one of the most significant geopolitical events beginning of the XXI century.

The BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) play a significant and constantly growing role in world politics and international relations.

The modern name of the association entered international practice in 2011 after the accession of the Republic of South Africa (December 2010). From the moment of its creation, the association was called BRIC. The term BRIC was first used in a report by the investment bank Goldman Sachs in November 2001, dedicated to forecasting the state of the world economy in the middle of the 21st century. The author of the term is considered to be the American economist J. O'Neill, who used it in relation to a group of developing countries - Brazil, Russia, India, China - considering the group as a new investment proposal. In 2003, the bank published an extensive study entitled “Dreaming with the BRICs: the path to 2050.” The report praised the development dynamics of the BRIC countries, which claim to be permanent leaders in their regions. They have colossal natural resources, significant industrial potential, and 40% of the population lives on their territory globe. Behind short period“The developing economies - China, Russia, Brazil, India - began to turn into a political reality. They unequivocally stated that modern international mechanism relations does not correspond to the realities of the 21st century, and proposed to build a new world order on the basis of international law and cooperation.” With the formation of BRIC, Russia gained “greater stability of its positioning on the world stage, a real instrument for implementing the idea of ​​a multipolar world and the principles of a multi-vector foreign policy.”

“The formation of BRIC is an expression of common political will various countries, aimed at transforming the world, transforming not against anyone, but in favor of a new - truly democratic - world order." The presence of one of the leaders of the African Union - South Africa - in the BRICS coalition expanded the geography and sphere of influence of the association, strengthening its overall economic and political potential.

The first BRIC summit took place on June 16, 2009 in Yekaterinburg. In a meeting at top level attended by Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, Brazilian President Luiz Lula da Silva, Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Chairman of the Chinese People's Republic Hu Jintao. During the summit, issues such as opportunities to overcome the consequences of the global economic crisis, global food security, international trade, investment policy, the threat of global terrorism, cooperation in the field of science and education, etc. As a result of the summit, a joint statement and agreement on global food security was adopted.

The second BRIC summit was held in the capital of Brazil - the city of Brasilia on April 15-16, 2010. The main issues discussed at the summit were: overcoming the consequences of the crisis, creating a new financial order, the place of the BRIC countries in such international organizations, like the World Bank and the IMF, as well as issues of international trade, poverty alleviation and climate change. As a result of the summit, a memorandum of cooperation was signed between state financial institutions for the development and support of exports of the BRIC member countries.

The third BRICS summit was held on April 13-14, 2011 in China resort town Sanya, located on Hainan Island. This was the first summit after the Republic of South Africa joined the organization. During the BRICS summit, it was decided to take measures to stabilize world prices for raw materials by strengthening regulation of the commodity derivatives market, and an agreement was reached on economic interaction using national currencies. As a result of the summit, a joint declaration was adopted.

The fourth BRICS summit was held in New Delhi on March 28-29, 2012. During the summit, attention was paid to close attention problems global economy, anti-crisis measures, as well as the problem of resolving the situation around Syria and Iran. The parties discussed the possibilities of creating a development bank and mechanisms for bringing their stock exchanges closer together. Speaking at the summit, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, as one of strategic objectives of this association called “the gradual transformation of BRICS into a full-format mechanism of interaction on the most important issues world economy and politics". Following the BRICS summit, a declaration was made public. In the presence of the leaders, the heads of the development banks of the BRICS countries signed the General Agreement on the provision of loans in national currencies within the framework of the mechanism of interbank cooperation of the BRICS member states and the Multilateral Agreement on the Confirmation of Letters of Credit.

As of 2012, the five BRICS countries account for 45% of the population, 25% of global GDP (at purchasing power parity of national currencies) and 30% of the Earth's territory. The graphs below, compiled based on data from the investment bank Goldman Sachs, clearly demonstrate the sustainable pace of development of the BRICS countries, GDP growth and declining inflation rates:

International currency board more reserved in his assessments of the BRICS countries:

Dynamics of changes in GDP of the BRICS countries, 2010-2013.
(in% of the previous year; 2012-2013 - forecast)

Against the backdrop of rapid GDP growth in the BRICS countries, the development forecast for the US and EU countries looks very modest.

The unification became a long-term factor in the development of world economic and political architecture. Scientists and politicians of many countries call BRICS new strength capable of finding consolidated approaches to solving the most important problems of global development.

The Five are taking an increasingly active part in resolving issues of energy security, combating international terrorism, ecology, demography, etc. During the financial and economic crisis in 2008-2009. It was the BRICS countries, primarily China, India and Brazil, that became the main engines that helped economic growth begin again. The BRICS states largely determine the ways to overcome the consequences of the crisis and the dynamics of global economic development. They reflect an objective tendency to increase economic interdependence countries, increasing the role of integration processes.

Vladislav Viktorovich Bukharin
(Ph.D., senior lecturer, Federal State University, Moscow State University)