Cod rich in vitamins and minerals such as: choline - 13%, vitamin B12 - 53.3%, vitamin H - 20%, vitamin PP - 29%, potassium - 13.6%, phosphorus - 26.3%, iodine - 90 %, cobalt - 300%, copper - 15%, selenium - 41.6%, fluorine - 17.5%, chromium - 110%

What are the benefits of Cod?

  • Kholin is part of lecithin, plays a role in the synthesis and metabolism of phospholipids in the liver, is a source of free methyl groups, and acts as a lipotropic factor.
  • Vitamin B12 plays important role in the metabolism and transformation of amino acids. Folate and vitamin B12 are interconnected vitamins that are involved in hematopoiesis. A lack of vitamin B12 leads to the development of partial or secondary folate deficiency, as well as anemia, leukopenia, and thrombocytopenia.
  • Vitamin H participates in the synthesis of fats, glycogen, amino acid metabolism. Insufficient consumption of this vitamin can lead to disruption of the normal condition of the skin.
  • Vitamin PP participates in redox reactions of energy metabolism. Insufficient vitamin intake is accompanied by disruption of the normal condition of the skin, gastrointestinal tract and nervous system.
  • Potassium is the main intracellular ion that takes part in the regulation of water, acid and electrolyte balance, participates in the processes of conducting nerve impulses and regulating pressure.
  • Phosphorus takes part in many physiological processes, including energy metabolism, regulates acid-base balance, is part of phospholipids, nucleotides and nucleic acids, necessary for the mineralization of bones and teeth. Deficiency leads to anorexia, anemia, and rickets.
  • Iodine participates in the functioning of the thyroid gland, ensuring the formation of hormones (thyroxine and triiodothyronine). Necessary for the growth and differentiation of cells of all tissues of the human body, mitochondrial respiration, regulation of transmembrane transport of sodium and hormones. Insufficient intake leads to endemic goiter with hypothyroidism and slow metabolism, arterial hypotension, stunting and mental development in children.
  • Cobalt is part of vitamin B12. Activates enzymes of fatty acid metabolism and folic acid metabolism.
  • Copper is part of enzymes that have redox activity and are involved in iron metabolism, stimulates the absorption of proteins and carbohydrates. Participates in the processes of providing oxygen to the tissues of the human body. Deficiency is manifested by disturbances in the formation of the cardiovascular system and skeleton, and the development of connective tissue dysplasia.
  • Selenium- an essential element of the antioxidant defense system of the human body, has an immunomodulatory effect, participates in the regulation of the action of thyroid hormones. Deficiency leads to Kashin-Beck disease (osteoarthritis with multiple deformities of the joints, spine and limbs), Keshan disease (endemic myocardiopathy), and hereditary thrombasthenia.
  • Fluorine initiates bone mineralization. Insufficient consumption leads to caries, premature wear of tooth enamel.
  • Chromium participates in the regulation of blood glucose levels, enhancing the effect of insulin. Deficiency leads to decreased glucose tolerance.
still hide

You can see a complete guide to the most useful products in the appendix.

Cod is valuable commercial fish, represents the cod genus. This type of fish lives in open seas and oceans. Cod valuable food product, there are no small spiny bones in its skeleton, the meat is rich in iodine, calcium, phosphorus, and complete proteins.

Lifestyle. Nutrition

Cod is a widespread fish in temperate and cold seas. This close-up view fish are characterized by rapid growth and fertility. Females are capable of laying up to 10 million eggs. Most of them turn out to be prey for many marine inhabitants.

By the age of three, cod grows to a length of 40-50 cm. They are characterized by a migratory lifestyle. They make long journeys associated with currents in the seas and oceans: in winter, schools of cod move in a southwestern direction against the current; In summer, cod follows the current to the northeast.

The migration zone expands with the age of the fish: the older the cod, the wider the migration zone. Cod that have reached the age of eight years are ready to spawn. However, in warmer southern regions, sexual maturity of cod occurs at 2-3 years of age.

Track photo

In preparation for spawning, schools of cod move to the northeast to sea areas rich in food. As spawning approaches, cod liver reaches its greatest weight. By this time, the fat content in the fish liver should be at least 50%. Only under this condition is a successful spawning process ensured.

Cod feeds on plankton, juvenile herring, capelin, crustaceans, and small fish. There is a bottom-dwelling species of cod that lives at a depth of about 60 meters. This species eats various mollusks, including bivalves.


The size of cod depends on its habitat, but the characteristics of the cod family are the same:

  • fins - three dorsal and two anal;
  • strong elongated body;
  • small scales;
  • jaws of different sizes - the upper jaw is longer than the lower jaw;
  • on the chin there is a fleshy, well-developed antennae;
  • the swim bladder has elongated outgrowths, with ends curved to the sides;
  • the color of the fish is brown-green or brown;
  • number of vertebrae 51-56.

The body length of cod varies depending on its habitat: on average, cod living in Atlantic waters has a length of within 80 cm, Pacific specimens are inferior in length, but differ in head size, which is wider and larger.


Sexual maturation of cod occurs between the ages of 4 and 8 years. However, fish that live in warmer areas begin to spawn at the age of two years. Male codfish are somewhat retarded in growth and age limit from females.

The sexual maturity of this fish species is determined by its size. Females that have reached a length of 55-85 cm are capable of spawning; males reach sexual maturity when they reach a length of 50-80 cm. They reach this size by 4-9 years, depending on their habitat.

The number of eggs can reach 2.5 million. Spawning begins between January and May. IN northern regions this period shifts to the warmer time of year from March to April.

Cod spawning is carried out in several stages. The incubation period for cod larvae depends on the water temperature. As a rule, it lasts at least one week, but does not exceed three weeks. Having grown to 2-3 cm, the fry descend to the bottom area of ​​the sea.

Cod is a genus of ray-finned fish of the order Gadidae, family Gadidae.

In the old days, cod was called “labardan”, and its modern Russian name the fish received due to the characteristics of the meat, which cracks when it is dried. According to another version, cod got its name due to the peculiar crackling sound made by huge schools of fish going to spawn. The origin of this sound, the crackling sound, is associated with the contraction of the muscles of the swim bladder.

Cod - description and characteristics of the fish. What does cod look like?

Cod fish grows throughout its entire life, and most fish by the age of 3 grow in length to an average of 40-50 cm. The size of mature cod individuals depends on the area, the most major representatives Atlantic cod species reach 1.8-2 m in length, while the weight of the cod can be about 96 kg.

The body of cod has an elongated spindle-shaped shape. There are 2 anal fins, 3 dorsal fins. The head of the fish is large, the jaws are of different sizes - the lower one is shorter than the upper one. One fleshy antennae grows on the chin.

Cod scales are small and jagged. The back may be greenish-olive, yellowish-green, or brown with small brownish spots. The sides are much lighter, the cod belly is clean white or with a characteristic yellowness.

The longest-lived fish is the Atlantic cod, some of which can live up to 25 years. Pacific cod lives on average about 18 years, Greenland cod - 12 years. The lifespan of Kilda cod is only 7 years.

Classification of cod.

  • Cod (Gadus) – genus
    • Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) – species. Subspecies:
      • Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua morhua)
      • Kildin cod (Gadus morhua kildinensis)
      • Baltic cod (Gadus morhua callarias)
      • White Sea cod (Gadus morhua marisalbi) (According to Russian sources stands out as a subspecies of the Atlantic. According to foreign sources, it is synonymous with Greenland cod)
    • Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus) – species
    • Greenland cod (Gadus ogac) – species
    • Pollock (Gadus chalcogrammus) – species
  • Arctic cod (Arctogadus) – genus
    • Ice cod (Arctogadus glacialis) – species
    • East Siberian cod (Arctogadus borisovi) – species

Types of cod, names and photos.

The modern classification includes several species and subspecies of cod, which have some differences related to their habitats:

(lat. Gadus morhua)- the largest type of cod, the average length of adults is about 1 m, the maximum is about 2 m, the weight of cod can reach 96 kg. Atlantic cod is found in temperate zone Atlantic Ocean and, depending on the specific habitat, forms a number of subspecies that are found from the Bay of Biscay to Barents Sea, as well as from North Carolina to Greenland.

Subspecies of Atlantic cod:

  • Atlantic cod (lat. Gadus morhua morhua). The average body length of fish aged 5-10 years is from 40 to 80 cm, older individuals reach a length of 1.6-1.8 m. The color of the back of cod is dominated by shades of green, olive or brown tones interspersed with small spots of gray brown tint. The abdomen is white or slightly yellowish.
  • Kildin cod (lat. Gadus morhua kildinensis) is an inhabitant unique lake Mogilnoye, located in Murmansk region on the island of Kildin and is a hydrological natural monument. The exclusivity of this reservoir lies in the fact that the water in the lake has varying degrees of salinity: the surface layer is almost fresh, the indicator of the middle layer coincides with sea ​​water, A bottom layer The water is extremely salty and saturated with hydrogen sulfide. Cod appeared in this reservoir back in the 10th century, when it was an ordinary sea lagoon. Then the lagoon was cut off from the sea by a rocky shaft, the upper layer of water was desalinated, and the cod remained to live in Lake Mogilnoe, sinking into the middle, moderately salty layer of water, about 4 m thick. As a result of consuming too small food, Kildin cod, compared to other representatives of the species, has a small mouth and short jaws. The body size of cod is also small: males grow up to 50 cm in length, females up to 40 cm. The largest individual of the Kildin cod reached a length of 70 cm with a body weight of 2.5 kg. A distinctive feature of the subspecies is the brighter color of its scales than that of Atlantic cod. Representatives of this subspecies are not capable of living in other places, and pollution of the lake and uncontrolled fishing of this fish have brought the Kilda cod to the brink of extinction. Currently, the subspecies numbers several dozen individuals and is under the protection of the Russian state.
  • Baltic cod (lat. Gadus morhua callarias) lives massively in the middle part Baltic Sea, east of the island of Bornholm. Slightly less common in the Gulf of Finland and the Gulf of Bothnia. Body dimensions do not exceed 80-100 cm in length, and the weight of cod is 11-12 kg.

  • White Sea cod (lat. Gadus morhua marisalbi). According to Russian sources, it is distinguished as one of the subspecies of Atlantic cod. According to foreign sources, it is considered synonymous with Greenland cod. The main habitat of large populations of the subspecies is Kandalaksha Bay White Sea, a smaller concentration of White Sea cod lives in the shallow Onega and Dvina bays. The body color of the White Sea cod is significantly darker than that of the Atlantic cod, the size varies from 55 to 60 cm.

Pacific cod(lat. Gadus macrocephalus) differs from the Atlantic in a more massive and wider head shape, but in smaller body sizes. Pacific cod also differs from Atlantic cod in the structure of the horn-shaped outgrowths of the anterior end of the swim bladder, which are much shorter in it than in Atlantic cod. In addition, Pacific cod does not have floating pelagic eggs, but bottom-dwelling, adhesive eggs. The average length of Pacific cod is from 45 to 90 cm, rarely reaching 120 cm. Weight, as a rule, does not exceed 22.7 kg. The habitat of the species passes through northern regions Pacific Ocean: through the Bering, Okhotsk and Japanese seas. Cod feeds on pollock, navaga and other fish, shrimp, crabs, worms and octopuses.

Greenland cod(lat. Gadus ogac)- a type of cod that is not recognized by all scientists as separate species and is often considered a subspecies of Pacific cod. A special feature of the species is its small body size ( maximum length Greenland cod does not exceed 75-80 cm). The species is distributed off the coast of Greenland. Cod feeds on small fish and invertebrates.

Pollock (lat. Gadus chalcogrammus). Representatives of the species are distinguished by a rather narrow body, the length of which rarely exceeds 90 cm, and the weight is 4-4.5 kg. The color of the pollock's back varies from light to dark gray, almost black. The sides and belly are whitish, less often with a slight yellowish tint, sometimes covered with dark spots. The species is widespread in the Pacific Ocean, especially in its northern part. Pollock lives in the Sea of ​​Japan and Bering Sea, in the Gulf of Alaska and Monterey, as well as in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.

Two species of cod are classified into a separate genus, Arctic cod (Arctogadus). This includes the following types cod:

Ice cod (lat. Arctogadus glacialis) lives mainly in the western part of the waters of the Northern Arctic Ocean, off the northern and northwestern coasts of Greenland, smaller populations occur north of the Bering Strait and in the waters near Wrangel Island. The length of the body of ice cod, painted in gray tones, does not exceed 30-32 cm. The head of the fish is large, the eyes are large, the antennae on the chin are very poorly developed or may be completely absent. Ice cod mainly feed on plankton.

East Siberian cod (ninefin) (lat. Arctogadus borisovi) – fish that lives off the coast of Greenland, North America and Siberia (east of the deep-sea Yenisei Gulf). Far from the coast, it is sometimes found near the New Siberian Islands and in the northern part of the Bering Strait. Adults reach a length of 52-56 cm, while the weight does not exceed 1.5 kilograms. Cod feeds on crustaceans - mysids and amphipods; large individuals eat juvenile cod.

Cod lifestyle.

The lifestyle of cod directly depends on its habitat. The Pacific cod species leads a sedentary lifestyle, seasonal migrations pass over short distances: in winter, schools of fish migrate to a depth of 30-60 m, and with the onset of the warm season they return to the coast.

The life of Atlantic cod is closely connected with the ocean current; this determines long seasonal migrations, forcing schools of fish to cover distances of up to 1.5 thousand km from spawning grounds to feeding grounds.

Young cod become predators by the age of 3-4 years, and before that the juveniles feed on plankton and small crustaceans. The diet of adult Atlantic cod consists mainly of: different kinds fish: herring, cod, saury, sprat, smelt, as well as young and medium-sized individuals own kind. In summer, krill and bivalves, in which the cod bites off the legs extended from the shell.

Pacific cod feeds on pollock, navaga, worms, mollusks and crustaceans.

Kilda cod eats mormysh, representatives of the order of higher crayfish, polychaete worms, bell mosquitoes, juvenile smelt and butterflies.

Young pollock feed mainly on plankton with small crustaceans. As the fish grows, it begins to feed on prey that is more impressive in size: capelin, squid, smelt. Cases of cannibalism are common among representatives of the species: adult individuals eat fry of their own species.

Where does cod live?

Experienced fishermen usually know well where the fish they catch live, what they eat and how they behave. Sometimes information that may seem like fishing tales can make a significant contribution to science. However, this knowledge is limited to those familiar places, where fishermen hunt, and it is almost impossible to get a general picture of the life of a particular species from such data.

Explore life cycle cod, understanding how fish living in some waters differ from others has been made possible thanks to marine biological research. By the way, among the many historical services of cod to humanity, which will be discussed below, there is also a contribution to the science of the ocean: it was the need to collect oceanographic data necessary for the proper organization of cod fishing that was the reason for organizing scientific fishing expeditions of the last century, which created the basis of our knowledge about North Atlantic and its seas.

More than a century of research has shown that within the limits of its habitat, Atlantic cod forms what scientists call geographic populations - isolated groups associated with certain seas and possessing characteristics of growth, reproduction and migration unique to them. Fishermen often call such groups herds, and in English language There is a term stock. For people far from marine fisheries, the word “herd” when applied to fish sounds strange. However, if you think about it, the analogy with a herd of cows that grazes on its own territory and has its own shepherd is very clear. Only the role of a shepherd directing the movement of millions of fish is played in the sea by ocean currents and water masses.

The main spawning grounds for Barents Sea and Norwegian cod are located near the Lofoten Islands in the southeast of the Norwegian Sea. Here, in March - April, at a depth of several tens of meters, where waters of Atlantic origin meet the somewhat less salty and colder waters of the fjords, the main event occurs: millions of spawned eggs are picked up by the current and begin their drift to the east. Most of they end up in the Barents Sea. Soon, larvae emerge from the eggs, which then turn into fry (for ichthyologists these are not just words, but scientific terms, having a clear definition). The new generation feeds on plankton - organisms living in the water column, including main role The copepod Calanus plays. Kalyanus, in turn, eats unicellular algae- phytoplankton.

Just at the moment when the cod fry should begin to actively feed, the water “blooms” with phytoplankton after the polar night, and the overwintered calanus rises to the surface layers of the water, actively eats algae and reproduces. The newborn cod takes its place, won by long evolution, at this celebration of life.

By July, the fry, drifting east, reach the Kola meridian, and in September - the eastern part of the Barents Sea, where the cod switches to a bottom lifestyle. In the first two years, young cod are not very active and do not strive to return to a more mature state. warm waters. At this time it feeds on bottom organisms. From the age of three, cod begins to make noticeable migrations: in summer - along the current to the north and east, in winter - against the current to the south and west (Fig. 2).

In spring, cod almost always feed on capelin, which they encounter in open areas and accompany schools to spawning grounds off the coast of Murman or Northern Norway. There is usually a summer “cod run” when it comes to the shores to feed on sand lances and other bottom fish and invertebrates that have gorged on the spring festival of life in cold waters.

At the age of eighty, Barents Sea cod begins to prepare for procreation.

In September-October, cod finishes fattening and gathers in large flocks and begins its return journey to the Lofoten Islands. The cod completes this 1,500 km journey in 5–6 months. Along the way, cod sometimes feeds, but mainly spends the fat reserves accumulated in the liver - the main reserve depot of all cod fish. On the way to their homeland, the main reference point for cod is the jets of the North Cape Current. The lifespan of the Norwegian Barents Sea cod is 20–25 years, and during this time it makes several trips from west to east and back.

It is believed that special groups of coastal cod constantly live in the fjords and bays of Norway and Murman, which do not make long migrations and breed close to those places.

Rice. 2. Above: diagram of cod migrations to the west (1: areas of pre-spawning aggregation of mature cod; 2: areas of autumn-winter aggregation of immature cod; 3: migrations of mature cod; 4: migrations of immature cod).

Below: diagram of cod migrations to the east (1: wintering areas of immature cod; 2: migrations of mature cod; 3: migrations of immature cod). (according to N.A. Maslov) where they live. However, most likely these groups are only temporarily isolated from the main cod population; their individuals constantly mix and participate in the formation of a common genetic pool.

Icelandic Greenland cod, like Barents Sea cod, has a wide feeding area and spawns in certain places off the coast of Iceland. There is also a Labrador/Newfoundland cod stock, in the life of which the removal of juveniles and active migrations of adults are less important than in the Barents Sea and Icelandic populations. Both off the coast of Greenland and in the Barents and Norwegian Seas, where migratory groups live, there are local populations that never leave the fjords and bays, usually differing from migrating cod in their growth rate, maturation and appearance characteristics.

The Baltic cod is very unique, living in conditions of lower salinity than its relatives in other seas. She matures in the third year of life and lives up to 10 years; and spawns in the autumn winter time over the depressions of the Baltic Sea. Scientists have identified several other geographic populations of Atlantic cod that are targets of industrial fishing (they are listed in Table 1). Although the likelihood that cod from the shores of western Greenland will reach, for example, the Barents Sea is very small, exchanges between populations exist. There will always be some kind of traveler fish, like the one caught in December 1961 on the Great Bank of Newfoundland. Two and a half years earlier, a tag was attached to this cod in the North Sea, and after that it traveled no less than 2 thousand miles. Another amazing case was the capture in 1956 in the Baltic Sea near the island of Rügen of cod, tagged a year earlier in the Barents Sea.

Cod are also known to migrate from the Barents Sea to the White Sea, where, in fact, a special subspecies lives - Gadus morhua marisalbi. White Sea cod is much smaller than its Barents Sea “sister”: its length reaches 60 cm, but usually does not exceed half a meter. Even within the sea, it is not found everywhere. Cod is very rare, for example, in the shallow Onega and Dvina bays, but in the deep-water Kandalaksha Bay it is a common fish, well known to everyone who has ever gone fishing by boat.

Atlantic cod also has an unusual subspecies. On the island of Kildin in the Barents Sea

Lake Mogilnoye is located. It was once a sea bay, but, separated by a bay-bar,

cod (ICES 2003)

North Sea Strong decline and complete cessation of fishing

Barents Sea, open waters Stock is growing

Barents Sea, coastal waters Strong decline and complete cessation of fishing

Baltic Sea Strong decline limited fishing

Iceland Some increase in limited fishing

Faroe Plateau Some increase in limited fishing

Faroe Bank Some increase in limited fishery

Greenland Severe decline limited fishing

West of Scotland Severe decline and complete cessation of fishing

Irish Sea Severe decline and complete cessation of fishing

turned into an enclosed body of water. The top layer of water in the lake is fresh, the bottom layers are contaminated with hydrogen sulfide, and in the middle of this “layer cake” there is sea ​​water. Saved here marine fauna and the cod lives, which for many generations of isolation and living in such unusual conditions acquired a number of differences from the original form. It is clear that when large quantities isolated groups within a species, some of them may find themselves in long-term isolation and change during independent evolution so much that crossing between them and the original species becomes impossible.

This is apparently how modern Atlantic cod and two closely related species, Pacific cod and uvak cod, were formed.

During one of the warming periods in the Arctic, the common ancestors of Pacific and Atlantic cod could have lived along the entire Arctic coast of North America (and perhaps Siberia). Subsequently, in more severe conditions, the division of a single habitat occurred and the formation of independent species in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans began.

Pacific cod, slightly smaller than Atlantic cod ( maximum dimensions- 120 cm, and weight - 18 kg), unlike the Atlantic, it has not pelagic, but bottom caviar. It lives in the space from the Bering Strait in the north to the coasts of Japan, Korea and California in the south, and does not make such extensive migrations as representatives of most groups of Atlantic cod, which, however, is understandable: benthic eggs and larvae, quickly switching to a bottom lifestyle, are not carried by currents over such long distances as in the Atlantic. Off the coast of Kamchatka and in many other places, adult Pacific cod usually approaches the shores in the summer, where they stay at shallow depths, and as the surface waters cool, they move away from the shores and winter at a depth of 150–300 m, where positive temperatures remain. In winter, cod spawn in the Kamchatka waters.

Belongs to the Cod family; in ancient times this variety was called “labardan”. Yours current name cod received due to the unusual property of the meat to crack when it is dried. There is another version of the name change: cod began to be called that way because it makes a crackling sound that appears with the contraction of the muscles of the swim bladder. In the photo the cod looks very impressive.

What does cod look like?

Sea cod or River fish? Distinctive feature the fact that it grows throughout its life and lives in the seas. By the age of three, the length of an individual reaches half a meter, the largest individuals can grow up to 2 meters in length, and such a fish weighs about 96 kilograms. The body of cod is distinguished by an elongated spindle-shaped shape, the scales are small and jagged. Top part cod can be olive, yellowish or brown in color with brown spots. The sides of the cod are light, the belly is white. The longest living fish of all is cod, which is found in Atlantic waters; its age can reach 25 years, in the Pacific - 18 years, in Greenland - 12.

Atlantic cod

Cod - what kind of fish? Atlantic, for example, is the most big fish and can reach a length of 1-2 meters. This type cod lives in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean and has several subspecies. They depend on the specific habitat. Today there is the following classification of subspecies:

  • Classic Atlantic cod lives from 5 to 10 years, the average length is 80 centimeters. The color is greenish, the belly is white.
  • Kildin cod is found in the waters of Lake Mogilnoye, which is located in the Murmansk region. This is a real natural monument, the exclusivity of which lies in the fact that the water in the reservoir varying degrees salinity. Cod appeared in this lake back in the 10th century, even then it was not a lake, but a sea lagoon. The size of the cod that lives in Lake Mogilnoye is small, approximately 50 centimeters in length, and its weight reaches only 2-3 kilograms. The color of the individuals is brighter than that of the previous subspecies. Today, Kilda cod is one step away from extinction and is protected. This was caused by too frequent fishing and pollution of the lake. They tried to relocate this subspecies to other bodies of water, but representatives of this species are simply not capable of living in other places.
  • Baltic cod lives, accordingly, in the Baltic Sea. By size and appearance similar to the Atlantic, it can reach 100 centimeters in length, and the weight of such a fish is 10-12 kilograms.

These subspecies are considered the largest in terms of the number of individuals.

Pacific cod

Its main difference from the Atlantic is in the size of the front part, namely the head. It is more massive and wide, while the body dimensions themselves are small. In length, individuals can reach from 45 to 90 centimeters in length. Weight Limit- 22 kilograms. Cod lives in the northern part of the Pacific Ocean, these are the Berengovo, Okhotsk and Japan seas. The fish feeds mainly on pollock, shrimp, crabs and worms, as well as other small fish. Pacific cod has one subspecies - Greenland cod. It is small in size, approximately 70 centimeters in length. It also feeds on small fish and invertebrate organisms.

Arctic cod

This species is divided into two subspecies: ice cod and East Siberian cod. The first variety inhabited the waters of the Arctic Ocean; individuals are distinguished by their gray color and small size. Only 30 centimeters in length. East Siberian cod lives off the coast of Greenland, North America and Siberia. The size of the individuals is larger than that of the ice fish. They reach 50-55 centimeters in length, and average weight- a little more than a kilogram.

Cod spawning

Cod is sea ​​fish, its sexual maturity and ability to reproduce also depend on the habitat of the individuals. For example, Atlantic cod first goes to spawning grounds at the age of eight to nine years. Cod living in the waters of the Pacific Ocean begins to reproduce a little earlier, at the age of five to six years, the Arctic species are the youngest, they are ready to go to spawning grounds at the age of 3-4 years.

The breeding season usually begins in the first weeks of March. Cod is on the list of the most prolific fish, and this is not surprising, because one adult is capable of laying up to 6 million eggs. This process does not occur immediately, but gradually, in portions, over several weeks. Spawning occurs at a depth of up to 100 meters, all this time the males are next to the female in order to immediately fertilize the spawned eggs.

Then the eggs sink to the bottom, as if sticking to the vegetation. This is how reproduction occurs in Pacific cod. As for the Atlantic species, the eggs do not fall to the bottom; they are carried by the current to the north, where the larvae later appear. Already around the end of summer - beginning of autumn, young individuals enter the Barents Sea and live on the bottom for the first few years.

What distinguishes cod from other fish is that it is of great economic importance. This is because delicious, tender fish and especially cod liver have very beneficial properties. Cod liver is considered a fatty product, but fish meat is very useful for those losing weight. Unlike other varieties of fish, dried cod retains all its nutritional and beneficial properties for a long time. It was cod that helped great travelers who discovered new countries stay alive.

The benefits of cod

Cod liver - very useful product, which is not only rich in vitamins A and D, but also contains a sufficient amount of Omega-3 fatty acids. We have all heard and used it as a dietary supplement at least once in our lives. fish fat. It comes from cod liver. But cod meat, especially steamed, is a real godsend for those losing weight. Its advantage is that when minimum quantity calories, the body receives a sufficient amount of protein, vitamins and beneficial microelements. The highest quality cod is considered to be that caught off the coast of Alaska and Iceland. As for nutritional value, per 100 grams of fish there are only 82 calories, 0.7 grams of fat and 19 grams of protein; there are no carbohydrates at all. Isn't this happiness for those who want to say goodbye to overweight? In addition to protein and essential amino acids, cod boasts big amount vitamin B12. His task is healthy nervous system and full development. That is why fish must be in the diet of children. It should also be mentioned that cod is a source of selenium and phosphorus. These nutrients help maintain healthy hair, skin, bones, and teeth.

Dietary properties of cod

Cod in its low-calorie content. Stick to the principles proper nutrition? Then cod is what you need. It can replace heavy meats, such as pork or beef, and not feel any weakness, loss of strength or energy. All due to the high protein content in As we know, with age, metabolic processes in the body slow down and people slowly but surely gain extra pounds. To prevent this from happening, in order to always remain healthy and vigorous, you need to make a choice in favor of low-calorie foods rich in vitamins and microelements. Cod is one of these. Various research teams have studied the effects of cod on the human body and concluded that regular consumption of cod slows down the decline in cognitive activity brain, which inevitably comes with age.

How to cook cod deliciously?

You can often hear from novice cooks that cod meat is dry and bland, and during cooking there is no escape from the pungent smell of fish. And if the meat is a bit dry, you can often hear that the liver is too fatty. So where is the truth?

Of course, all this takes place, and these are not shortcomings, but specific characteristics of cod. It is only important to learn how to cook it correctly. The most popular dishes with the addition of cod are salad with liver, fish soup, fillet cutlets, oven-baked cod with vegetables and steamed cod. You can also simply fry the fish, but it would be best to choose a different method of heat treatment.

What does cod taste like?

Cod is a sea fish, the meat of a fresh specimen is of a pleasant white color, slightly flaky, but nevertheless it tastes soft and non-greasy. The peculiarity of cod is that it has a pronounced taste and smell of fish, so many housewives have learned to weaken these aromas and taste qualities. To do this, you just need to boil the fish in a large amount of plain water, adding as many different spices to the pan as possible. And one more important element - celery roots, parsley and onion. It is important for novice cooks to remember that cod cannot be re-frozen, as it will completely lose its taste and become watery.

Use in cooking

It so happens that cod is the product that is used in almost any national cuisine. This type of fish is widely known throughout the world and is present on tables in every country. You can cook anything from cod and its liver, from soups to appetizers. Cod carcass can become an independent dish that can be easily and quickly prepared in the oven. But the most popular method is drying, drying, salting and smoking fish. This is because cod is one of the few types of fish that, when dried and salted, retains all its beneficial properties.

Since fish was popular with people back in ancient times, history has collected a considerable amount interesting information about this fish. Here are the most entertaining of them:

  • In 1992, a cod crisis occurred in Canada and many other countries. Difficult times for fish factories began when there was a sharp decline in the cod population, which forced the Canadian government to impose a moratorium on fishing. In Canada alone, more than 400 factories that produced fish products were closed.
  • Some peoples consider cod to be a gift from God, because nothing is lost from the catch, everything is put to use.
  • The Portuguese have one interesting national dish called cod bacalhau. It is interesting because it was included in the Guinness Book of Records, since only 3,134 people managed to taste this delicacy.

Cod is a real storehouse of vitamins that is available to us all year round. Including fish in your diet will help improve your well-being, increase your overall body tone and get rid of a couple of extra pounds.