The best time to visit India depends on the region. By virtue of great variety natural conditions here you can find a suitable time for relaxation practically all year round, so it’s worth focusing on specific places. Conventionally, the most favorable period is the period from October to March, when the heat and humidity throughout almost the entire territory of the country have not yet reached levels that are uncomfortable for Europeans. Peak tourist season traditionally falls in November-February.

Summer is extremely hot almost everywhere and inconvenient for travel. The temperature in most of India is over +35°C, which makes rest extremely difficult, given the lack of air conditioning in transport, offices and most hotels. In the western states, for example in Rajasthan, the heat is complemented by debilitating dry winds from the deserts and an abundance of dust, and in the southeastern states - almost one hundred percent air humidity.

The north-west (Jaipur, Jodhpur, Ahmedabad) literally swelter in the heat in the summer - the thermometer from May to October rarely drops below +27°C with average daily maximums from +33°C to +40°C. Almost during the same period, the maximum rainfall occurs - from 70 mm in June to 230 mm in August. But in winter (from November to the end of April - beginning of May) the air warms up to +28-30°C with precipitation of no more than 11 mm (1-2 rainy days per month). The region is also characterized by a noticeable difference between day and night temperatures in winter - from January to February it can reach 15°C, while in summer it rarely exceeds 5-7°C.

Full of historical sights central part countries (Delhi, Agra, etc.) are most comfortable in terms of weather conditions from the end of October to March, when average temperature stays below +30°C, and precipitation falls no more than 20 mm per month. In summer it is too hot (from March to October - above +30°C with maximums around +39°C) and humid (peak precipitation is 260 mm, that is, approximately 10-12 rainy days per month, in August)

The east (Bhubaneswar, Kolkata, Bhagalpur) is best from November to February - the average temperature during this period is around +27-29°C, precipitation is no more than 30 mm per month (minimum in December). True, the further from the coast, the faster the heat increases, but the precipitation becomes less and less.

The southeast coast (Chennai, Puttucherry, Kudalur, Machilipatnam) is best visited in January-March - +26-28°C with minimal humidity (3-16 mm of rain per month). At the same time, from September to December it is hot here (on average + 28-34°C). and very damp (up to 350 mm of precipitation per month, peak October-November).

The west coast (Mumbai, Ratnagiri, Panaji) warms up very evenly throughout the year - from +18-28°C in November-February to +27-33°C from May to August. It’s worth going here based only on the amount of precipitation - in summer months(June-September) they fall up to 870 mm (the peak is in July, 24-27 rainy days!), but from November to May - no more than 15 mm per month (1-2 “wet” days).

The popular resort areas of Goa and Kerala, lying just to the south, have even more “even” weather. From November to April it is +26-31°C with a minimum of rain (no more than 30 mm per month) - it is for this period that you should plan a trip. In summer, +27-33°C with very high humidity - the peak occurs in June-July - 870-1000 mm (that is, 21-27 rainy days per month).

For traveling to the mountainous regions of the country (Ladakh, Kashmir, Sikkim and others), the most favorable periods are from April to early June (+23-30°C, 30-80 mm of precipitation per month) and August - October (+26-29°C , 35-70 mm). In general, it is always noticeably drier here than in the central and southern regions of the country - no more than 8 rainy days a month, but unpredictable mountain weather can bring many surprises. There is also a large difference between day and night temperatures - sometimes up to 12-17°C.

At the same time, the ski centers of Jammu and Kashmir operate from November to March, however, the air temperature during this period can fluctuate (and quite sharply!) from 0°C to -20°C (average -1°C), snowfalls are frequent and strong winds, roads are closed, passes become impassable, and airports often suspend flights due to poor weather conditions.

In the eastern Himalayan regions, along the border with Nepal and in the state of Arunachal Pradesh, it is quite comfortable at the height of summer - +27-33°C in Patna and +24-30°C in Itanagar. However, it should be borne in mind that wet monsoons during this period can bring such rainy weather, that climbing and even just hiking in the mountains is out of the question - 250-300 mm of precipitation, that is, 13-17 rainy days a month, and even taking into account their rainy nature and high air humidity, can turn any movement into a complete nightmare . It is also better to go here from November to April, when the air warms up from +24°C to 31°C, and It is raining no more than 1-2 times a month (97-155 mm).

There is no particular difference when to fly to India, since the country experiences high temperatures all year round. Despite the fact that the state extends from the Himalayan mountains to Indian Ocean, dominates throughout its territory tropical climate monsoon type. This means that one season gives way to another not at the expense of temperature changes, and when the wind direction changes.

Based on temperature fluctuations, the seasons in India can be divided into three periods - winter, summer and the long rainy season. High season in India it begins in March and continues until the end of June. Travel to this country is also very common between December and February. These months are considered the best when to vacation in India.

The low season in India occurs during the tropical rains. The greatest number of them falls from April to October. Holidays at this time are marred not only by humidity of 100%, but also by high temperatures that cross the mark of +40°C. The only region where you can go at this time is considered to be mountainous. However, even here weather surprises are possible in the form strong winds or sudden cold snap.

Features of holidays in India in winter

Winter is the best time of year to travel to India. Despite the fact that the climate for this time of year is considered quite cool, in the western and east coast the air temperature can reach +26°C. So, the weather in India during winter will depend on your location.

If you tolerate it well hot weather, then you can spend your holiday in India in winter in the southern state of Kerala. Here the air temperature warms up to +32°C; it will be a little cooler in Goa - +30°C. The winter season in India can be called the most unpredictable, since with its arrival the ski season opens in the Himalayas, and in the capital the thermometer rarely reaches above +20°C.

Features of holidays in India in spring

Holidays in India in the spring are suitable for those tourists who love sultry heat. If you come here from March to May, you can get a good tan, as the air temperature warms up to +41°C. Wherein, maximum amount precipitation is reduced to 3 rainy days per month.

When going on holiday to India in the spring, the most optimal are the mountainous regions, where the air temperature is slightly lower than in other areas. Even in the capital of India, which is famous for its temperate climate, the air temperature warms up to +38°C. Solar Activity on the coasts it is even higher, so you need to be very careful.

Features of holidays in India in summer

Unlike countries familiar to our tourists, holidays in India in the summer cannot be called comfortable. The thing is that with the onset of summer, rainfall falls on the entire territory of the country, which is under the influence of the southwest monsoons.

Due to the fact that it rains for several hours every day, roads are severely washed out and traffic slows down. The weather in India in summer is characterized by 100% air humidity and air temperature, which, depending on the region, ranges from +29°C to +37°C. Even breathing normally at this time is very difficult.

As evening approaches, there is no relief, as the air temperature drops by an average of only 8°C. This time of year is considered not the best time to travel to India.

India is one of those countries that make indelible impressions on tourists. Guests remember it as bright and luxurious, sunny and friendly. It attracts travelers to its territories, promising new experiences. The tourist season in India lasts all year round. This is facilitated by her geographical location, exotic nature, many attractions, rich story country, its illustrious traditions, spiritual values.

More than 6 million tourists from all over the world come to India every year. Here you can meet both Europeans and Americans. They strive to learn as much as possible about this country and enjoy its beauty.

But in order for your impressions not to be spoiled by the vagaries of the weather, and for your vacation to be as comfortable as possible, you need to know when is the best time to go to India.

High tourist season

For lovers beach holiday The best time to visit India is considered to be from December to February. It is at this time of year that the water and air warm up to a comfortable temperature. There is practically no precipitation.

During these months, the average temperature is 25-31 degrees depending on the region of India. At this temperature, traveling around the country will be a real pleasure. You can combine a beach holiday with an excursion program or activities aquatic species sports

A large crowd of tourists is observed during the New Year or Christmas celebrations. Due to the residence of people of many nationalities and religions in India, these days a large number of festivals and holidays. Also during this period, Goa traditionally hosts wedding ceremonies in national style. If you're lucky, you might even take part in one of them.

The cost of trips during the high tourist season reaches its maximum. For those who want to have a cheaper holiday, you should think in advance about booking a room in a budget hotel or purchasing a last-minute ticket, which is not difficult to buy. To do this, just send a request to travel companies, and they will definitely select a tour according to the wishes of the tourist.

Low tourist season

The least number of tourists come to India when the rainy season begins. This time falls between April and October. In addition to heavy rainfall, the air temperature rises above 40 degrees. This combination of humidity and heat makes rest almost impossible.

For people who are used to something else temperature conditions and humidity, staying in a hotel that is not equipped with climate control or even simple air conditioning is quite problematic. Therefore, when planning a visit to India in low season, you should definitely ask the tour operator about the living conditions.

More comfortable temperature persists in the mountainous regions of the country. Precipitation does not fall there often, about 10 days over the entire period. But people who have paid for a trip and want to get acquainted with the culture and attractions of India will probably not want to sit in one place.

Best time to travel around the country

The optimal time for making excursion trips around the country and getting acquainted with its rich attractions is the period from May to October. Even though the weather is favorable for traveling around the country, you should not try to see all the significant artifacts in one visit.

This simply cannot be done. Firstly, there are a lot of truly noteworthy attractions in India, and secondly, they are scattered throughout its territory. Cultural experts believe that this is a country that is generally impossible to fully study. Every time a tourist comes here, he discovers new horizons for himself.

Experienced travelers advise those coming to India for the first time to choose excursions around the Golden Triangle. The Golden Triangle includes Largest cities countries: Delhi, Jaipur and Agra.

Holiday season on the beach

Best time enjoy sunbathing and soak in warm waters ocean is the period from November to March. This is a time of contrasts. The peaks of the Himalayan mountains are already covered with snow, and the ocean coast is warm and comfortable.

The month of November marks the beginning beach season. The water temperature reaches 25-26 degrees, and the air warms up to 29 degrees during the day.

Everyone can choose a vacation that meets their requirements and financial capabilities. Along the entire beach line, hotels and private apartments of any level of comfort and for any budget have been built. It will be interesting here for those who like parties and parties, and those who prefer relaxing holiday away from the hustle and bustle.

Every day you can observe the ebb and flow of the tides on the beaches of India. They happen at the same time on every beach. Care should be taken during high tides and do not go deep into the water.

Diving and surfing season

Beach holidays can be varied with active pastime and various types of water sports.

While diving, you have the opportunity to get acquainted with unique flora and fauna of the Arabian Sea. Here and Coral reefs the most varied forms, and different kinds fish such as groupers, barracudas, moray eels and many others. For adventure lovers, exploring sunken ships is of interest.

All along the coast, small diving centers provide their services for equipment rental and training in the basics of diving.

It is also possible to rent surfing equipment here. India is not yet a country where surfing is developed. But for last years This sport is gaining popularity both among the local population and among tourists. Peak surfing season is in September. This month the waves reach a height of 5 meters! Beginners are advised to come here when the sea is calmer. Usually this is the period from October to April. Then the waves reach a height of 2 meters. Surfing will give you drive, a dose of adrenaline and a feeling of freedom.

Ski season

India is a country of contrasts in every sense. At the height of the beach season, those who wish have the opportunity to ski on real snow. To do this, you need to go to the ski resorts of the country. Holidays here are as exotic and varied as on the beaches. And yet there is a choice ski resorts big enough.

The scenery of the Himalayan mountains is simply breathtaking, and the largest cable car in Asia will impress even the most inveterate skeptic. Ski season coincides in time with the beach holiday season and lasts from December to May. The air temperature in the mountains does not rise above -8 degrees, and most often there is no wind, clear overhead blue sky- these are excellent conditions for skiing!

For avid tourists, there is no such concept as a “tourist season”. They are always open to new experiences and are ready to enjoy every day spent in wonderful India.

The weather in India is contrasting and tends to change dramatically. Territorial climatic differences are also strong. While the southern part of India is experiencing tropical monsoon rain, snow may be raging in the northern part.

So, choose the best time to travel to India depending on the region.
The Indian Meteorological Service uses a classification of the state's territory that distinguishes its six climatic regions:

  • Himalayas
  • Assam and West Bengal
  • Indo-Gangetic (North Indian) Plain (north-central India)
  • Western Ghats and coast
  • Deccan Plateau (south-central region of India)
  • Eastern Ghats and coast.

In general, the north of India is cooler than other regions, the center is drier and warmer, and the south has a tropical climate.
When talking about weather in India, there are usually three seasons considered - winter, summer and monsoon. As a rule, the best time to visit India is winter, when most of its regions are relatively cool and comfortable.

Summer in India (March to May)

It becomes warm in the northern plains of India from the first of February. Summer comes a little faster to other regions. By April, in most of them the temperature level exceeds 40 degrees Celsius. In the south of the country the humidity is higher, so the heat is easier to bear.
From the end of May, signs of the approaching monsoon begin to appear more and more clearly. Humidity levels are rising, thunderstorms and dust storms are becoming more frequent.
The most tiresome aspect of the Indian summer heat is its relentless persistence. Day after day the weather does not change - hot, sunny and dry days drag on in a long series.
What to see in India in summer?
Summer is a fairly dry season, so expect comfortable conditions You can stay in most regions of India for a very long time. However, this perfect time for a holiday in the mountains. When everywhere in India is hot, here Fresh air and relatively cool. You can fully enjoy the greatness wildlife: what could be more exotic than spotted tigers in their natural environment a habitat? Summer is the best time to visit national parks India - with the onset of heat, all animals come out of the thickets in search of water, allowing tourists to admire them.

Rainy and monsoon season in India (June to October)

India is known for its monsoons - southwest and northeast winds. The southwest monsoon comes from the sea and covers the western coast of India in early June. By mid-July, most of the country is flooded with rain. The northeast monsoon hits the east coast in November and December. This is a short but intense monsoon. In the regions of Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Kerala it rains most of precipitation from northeast monsoon, while the rest of the country receives rain from the southwest monsoon.
The monsoon begins its activity with rain, developing into a thunderstorm. After a few days it culminates in a long downpour. Then the monsoon gives way to pleasant sunshine. Rain becomes a kind of respite from the searing heat, which is why it is so positively perceived by local farmers. However, it is fraught with destruction and possible floods. It is difficult to travel around India during the monsoons as rain often makes travel around the country difficult.

Winter in India (November to February)

The subsidence of the monsoon marks the beginning of a clear, sunny period, and, consequently, the opening of the tourist season. Daytime temperatures in winter are comfortable, although it gets quite cold at night. However, it is never cold in the south of the country. This is the time for a beach holiday on the coast, where tourists from all over the world flock.
A classic example is the coastal strip of beaches in Goa. The southernmost resorts of India are especially popular in winter - from December to February. These months are considered ideal for a beach holiday. In other months it is either too hot and humid, or it rains a lot.
While India is inundated with rain, tourists can head to Kerala (Malabar Coast in southwest India). In winter, it is worth traveling to the desert state of Rajasthan. You can also go skiing in India. You will find ski slopes in the Himalayas. Their peaks are covered with snow even in summer.

If you are planning a trip to India and do not want to experience rainy weather there, then it is worth knowing when the rainy season is in India.

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First of all, it is worth saying that the following seasons exist:

Winter begins in November and lasts until February. During this time, India will be dry, but not so hot;

Summer begins in March and lasts until June. It will be dry and hot;

Starts in July and continues until October. It is very wet and hot here at this time.

It should be understood that such a division is very simplified, since nature is different everywhere and does not always coincide. It is for this reason that if you want to know exactly when, then it is worth considering each region in India separately.

When does it rain in India?

The main feature is the geographical location. Since it is surrounded on three sides high mountains, forming a semiring. This is what slows down the main air masses. As a result, in winter time Cold masses do not arrive from the north, while marine equatorial masses do not go north in summer.

It is for this reason that the period starting from last days May - early June and until mid-September, the monsoon season begins, accompanied by heavy rainfall.

The monsoon refers to the winds that contribute to the onset of the rainy season. If we consider by region, the southern state of Kerala is covered with monsoons at the very beginning of June. And towards Mumbai, the wind catches up with the clouds towards the end of this month.

The monsoon itself does not immediately show its strength. This usually takes at least three days. And its very peak will be accompanied by very heavy showers, powerful lightning and thunder. Moreover, if for tourists this is the so-called dead Season, then for Indians this is an escape from the sweltering heat.

Characteristics of the rainy season

During the monsoon season in India, humidity increases, which is quite high temperature very unpleasant. In addition, simple showers are combined with strong thunderstorms. It happens that cities are literally flooded large mass water.

It is for this reason that people try not to travel to India from June to September.. It is worth saying that such weather is not typical everywhere and not all the time. Most often, the weather will be rainy for a few days after the start of the rainy season, after which they become less frequent and hot and sunny days still prevail.

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Moreover, at first the showers can continue for several days in a row, and then turn into short but sudden downpours, which end as suddenly as they appeared. Moreover, in the interval the sun will shine, and the earth will dry out quickly. The only drawback of this period is that it is quite high humidity air.

Hurricanes occur along the coast during the rainy season. Of course, they are not as destructive as in other countries.

The east coast receives the least amount of precipitation, while the most rainy place will be northeast India. It can rain here until November. Basically, already in mid-September-October larger territory installed dry warm weather .

What tourists need to know

If you want to have a good rest, then you should know when the rainy season is in India. But even at this time it will be possible to have a good time on your long-awaited vacation, for which you will need to choose northern regions countries. Here, at the foot of the Himalayas, it will be almost like in Europe. Namely, it is hot and relatively dry. For example, if you come to the state of Punjab, you may not encounter rainy weather at all.

Another important point is savings. Prices are quite cheap in India at this time. . In addition, you can engage in self-development, commit interesting excursions. True, for this it is still worth waiting out the rainiest peak at home.

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