People born in the year of the Rooster are generally respected, courageous and hardworking. They expect others to listen carefully to them when they speak. They are always the center of attention and show their charm on any occasion. /website/

Here are some famous personalities who were born under this favorable sign:

Confucius, famous Chinese ancient philosopher, born in September 551 BC. He spoke about the importance of personal and state morality, correctness social relations, fairness and sincerity.

Catherine II the Great, Russian Tsarina, was born in 1729. Her strong character and hot temper left an indelible mark on the fate of the Russian state.

Alexander I, Emperor of Russia, was born in the Year of the Pink Rooster (1777). Alexander Pavlovich conducted liberal reforms and was one of the organizers of the Holy Alliance.

James Fenimore Cooper, American writer, author of many adventure novels. Born in 1789 under the sign of the Yellow Rooster. From his pen came famous works, such as “Pathfinder”, “The Last of the Mohicans”, “St. John’s Wort”, “Red Corsair” and others.

Henry Ford, founder of the Ford Motor Company, was born in July 1863. He developed a process for assembly line mass production of automobiles.

Serena Williams, born in September 1982, is a tennis star who has won every major tournament and became the number one champion in 2013.

Also born in the Year of the Rooster: Richard Wagner, Stanislav Lem, Yuri Nikulin, Andrei Sakharov, Andre Maurois, Enrico Caruso, Yves Montand, Juliet Masina, Yoko Ono, Jean Paul Belmondo, Johann Strauss, Rabindranath Tagore, Giuseppe Verdi.

On January 28, the Red Monkey will joyfully wave goodbye to everyone and transfer the rights to rule to his feathered friend, who will be in charge until February 15, 2018.

The rooster in China is a symbol of dawn, courage and kindness. People born in the year of the Rooster combine many qualities in their character: will, energy, efficiency, desire for leadership, as well as brightness and sociability. According to astrologers, people of this sign love to shine in public and in companies they usually find themselves in the center of attention.

Portal site talks about 15 Russian celebrities born in the year of the Rooster.

Ksenia Sobchak

Ksenia Sobchak born on November 5, 1981 in Leningrad. It was the year of the White Metal Rooster. This symbol is characterized by the fact that it notices other people's shortcomings more than its advantages. And he cannot remain silent, he is drawn to speak out. However, excessive harshness towards others does not mean that the Rooster does not “spur” himself, trying not to miss a single opportunity.

Ksenia's father, Anatoly Aleksandrovich Sobchak (1937-2000), was a lawyer, politician, Doctor of Law, author of books and articles on economics and law. Mother, Lyudmila Borisovna Narusova (b. 1951), is a historian and political figure. As a child, Ksenia studied at the ballet studio at the Mariinsky Theater and painting at art studio at the Hermitage. Ksenia graduated from school at the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen. In 1998 she entered the Faculty of International Relations of St. Petersburg State University.

In 2001, Ksenia moved to Moscow and transferred to the Faculty of International Relations at MGIMO. In 2004, Sobchak was invited to host the reality show “Dom-2” on the TNT channel, and she worked there until 2012. It was thanks to this project that she gained enormous popularity. In the same year, the artist made her film debut, playing the role of a journalist-psychologist in the comedy “Thieves and Prostitutes” directed by Alexander Sorokin. The prize is a flight into space."

Sobchak hosted the “Star Boulevard” program on NTV, her own show “Blonde in Chocolate” on MUZ-TV, and was also the host of the reality show “Who doesn’t want to become a millionaire” on TNT, “The Last Hero-6” on Channel One , “Generation” and “Ideal Man” on STS. She was one of the hosts of the show “Two Stars” on Channel One, co-host of the program “Freedom of Thought” (Channel Five), the political talk show “State Department” on MTV and many others. etc.

She has written books: “Stylish things of Ksenia Sobchak” (2007), “Masks, glosses, curlers. The ABC of Beauty" (2008), "Married to a Millionaire, or Marriage of the Highest Class" (co-authored with Oksana Robski, 2009), "Encyclopedia of a Sucker" (2010) and "Philosophy in the Boudoir" (co-authored with Ksenia Sokolova (2010).

On February 1, 2013, Sobchak married an actor Maxim Vitorgan. November 18, 2016 star couple a son was born.

Quote from an interview with Ksenia Sobchak:“There are not so many beautiful, wonderful, talented women. Moreover, there are even fewer women who are smart, modest, and graceful. And Ksenia Sobchak is generally alone. So for me main woman years - it’s me, me and me again.”

Dima Bilan

Dima Bilan Photo: Elena Sukhova

Dima Bilan(real name - Victor Belan) was born on December 24, 1981 in the city of Ust-Dzheguta (Moskovsky village, Karachay-Cherkessia) in the family of a design engineer and a social worker. He was six years old when the family moved to the city of Maisky (Kabardino-Balkaria). There he studied accordion at a music school, later switched to vocals, and studied in a pop studio at the House of Culture.

In 1999, the young artist moved to Moscow, where he took part in the Chunga-Changa festival, and in 2000 he entered the Gnessin State Music College (academic vocal department). From 2003 to 2005 he studied at RATI. While a student, the singer met producer Yuri Aizenshpis and began working with him. On the advice of Aizenshpis, Victor took the pseudonym Dima Bilan.

In 2002, Bilan made his debut on the stage of the Russian festival in Jurmala “New Wave”, where he presented his composition “Boom”. He only took fourth place, but he became famous and popular. After the death of Aizenshpis in 2005, the artist’s producer - Yana Rudkovskaya. In 2006, Bilan represented Russia at the international Eurovision Song Contest with the song “Never Let You Go”, where he took second place. And two years later, in 2008, he became the winner of Eurovision with the song “Believe”, performing triumphantly with the Russian figure skater Evgeni Plushenko and the Hungarian violinist Edwin Marton.

In 2007 Dima Bilan entered the top three most expensive and popular people Russia - according to Forbes magazine: 3rd place in terms of press attention and audience interests and 12th place in terms of income.

In 2012 - 2014, and also since 2016, Dima Bilan was a mentor in the “Voice” project. Since 2014, he has been a mentor at “The Voice.” Children".

Quote from an interview with Dima Bilan: “ There should always be space for solitude inside. But it is precisely this state that helps you understand yourself and understand this world. You don’t need to fight it, you just need to fill it with feelings, emotions, love for everything that surrounds you, and then there will be harmony in your soul.”

The Chinese horoscope sign Rooster is a symbol of strong-willed character and intelligence. A calculating mind and strict logic do not deprive the Rooster of openness in communication, but require a practical approach to any undertaking.

The Rooster is a sign with amazing abilities. The speed of thinking, a holistic vision of the world picture, the will to win sets the Rooster apart from others. But unlike the Ox, the Rooster is not so straightforward. Flexible intelligence allows you to see weak spots and misses. The Rooster knows how to direct his will, subordinate minds to his ideas, and subtly senses the right direction of action. This is proven by the reign of Catherine the Great and Alexander the First. They left more than just a mark on Russian history, but brought Russia to a new level of state development.

This sign is characterized by an unusual openness to everything new. Roosters are real pioneers of style in music, creators special sound and images. We are reminded of this by the works of great composers born in the year of the Rooster, Johann Strauss, Giuseppe Verdi, Sergei Rachmaninoff.

The Rooster strives to discover new territories, to experience the unknown, to look beyond the horizon of known knowledge. At the same time, he is noble and ambitious. The works of the American writer James Fenimore Cooper “The Last of the Mohicans”, “The Pioneer”, “St. John's Wort”, and the work of the science fiction writer Stanislaw Lem clearly demonstrate these qualities of the Rooster.

The talents of this sign are not always realized in the form of a stellar career. The Rooster may choose the life of an ordinary householder, but he will also succeed in a simple craft. A master of his craft, whatever it may be. This sign has “golden hands” and a subtle sense of taste. The Rooster himself comes up with and invents something completely new. Boar and Sheep are similar to this sign; they also strive to introduce something new. At the same time, these signs use other people's ideas. The rooster comes up with everything himself. True, his ideas are not always realized by himself, but they often form the basis for the future.

Among the actors and actresses born under the sign of the Rooster, there are many bright characters, memorable for their charismatic images. Film stars such as Jean-Paul Belmondo, Juliet Mazina, Yuri Nikulin, Katharine Hepburn, Tatyana Doronina, Christopher Lambert, Nikita Mikhalkov present strong characters with unforgettable charm. Yoko Ono, John Lennon's muse, was also born in the Year of the Rooster. Actress Jessica Alba is known not only for her work in cinema, but is also successful in the business sphere. This is very typical for the sign of the Rooster - a combination of practicality and talent.

The unique clear timbre and soulful power of the voice distinguishes the famous Rooster singers. It is enough to recall the classics - Fyodor Chaliapin, Enrique Caruso, and contemporaries - Eric Clapton, Elton John. Dima Bilan was also born in the year of the Rooster.

Self-esteem, practicality, the desire to finish what is started and the unbending will to win allow this sign to surpass the zodiac in achievements and achievements. material benefits, not paying attention to honors and glory.

Horoscope for the year Description of the sign

Horoscope for 2019 for the Year of the Earth Pig (Yellow Earth Pig)

In 2019, the Rooster will not be able to sit on his perch, crowing carelessly. The Yellow Pig will generously overwhelm you with business, but will also thank you for your vigorous activity with financial profit and moral satisfaction. The owner of the year advises the Rooster not to advertise his income, not to spend money thoughtlessly on unnecessary things and not to invest in unverified assets. If you listen to these tips, your financial situation will be at its best.

2019 will delight you with stability and calm. The gentle clucking of a cute hen and the squeaking of little yellow chicks will be a balm for the soul. By directing his energy and resources to arranging the family nest, the Rooster will definitely please the patron of the year, because he loves home coziness and comfort.

In the fast pace of things, try to regularly arrange stops for rest and entertainment. Society misses your brilliance and beauty, so after preening your feathers, proudly go out to decorate the world around you. If the Rooster's nest is empty, there will be many contenders to take it. Choose your one and join the ranks of the lucky ones.

Set ambitious goals for yourself and, boldly spreading your wings, fly to achieve them. The boar will make sure that your flight is comfortable and productive.


The rooster is a dual sign. People born under this sign are of two types - either calm, self-confident and wise, or restless, talkative and restless. Both types are difficult to communicate and difficult in character. Roosters always dream of great achievements, but they rarely realize them. They are usually considered fanfare and boasters, but this opinion is wrong. Although this sign has a tendency to overestimate one’s abilities and strengths. The Rooster can take on tasks that are clearly beyond his capabilities, but arouse great interest. When he realizes that he needs to work hard to achieve a goal, he tries to find a person to whom he can delegate the most labor-intensive part of the work. The Rooster succeeds in this extremely rarely, since in communication he is not inclined to diplomacy, has a somewhat inflated opinion of himself and is not very insightful, so he does not catch the mood of people. He never minces his expressions, considering his position to be the only correct and truthful one, he points out to others their shortcomings, and also explains methods of dealing with them, which, of course, does not bring him popularity. His desire to teach and explain basic things often leads to quarrels and scandals. The Rooster always strives to be the center of attention, loves to stand out from the crowd - with his manner of dressing, provocative speeches, unexpected tastes. But behind the eccentricity lies conservatism, which only close people know about. The Rooster is not timid in character, but does not seek to demonstrate it. He shows his outstanding fighting qualities only when necessary and can take risky actions.

Rooster man

This is the type of egoist man who always considers himself to be right and, from the height of his extraordinary personality, generously gives out advice. It is full of plans and ideas that can change, if not the world itself, then people’s understanding of this world, but they most often remain unrealized. He is a great dreamer, but not a great practitioner. Usually Roosters understand the futility of their fantasies and therefore prefer to indulge in them in a pleasant and comfortable environment that others should provide them with. And they reserve the right to contemplate life and philosophize. Roosters love to speculate on the most different topics, considering themselves experts in any field. They need attention and respect, otherwise they become irritated and begin to mock their loved ones. Representatives of this sign most often have no idea about saving, so they often find themselves in difficult situations. financial situation. I'm with youth you should learn to live within your means.

Rooster woman

Women of this sign are open, trusting and sincere, which attracts attention to them. They are addicted people and tend to exaggerate everything on an emotional wave. Trying to impress, they begin to brag uncontrollably, which causes others to be disappointed in them. But we must give them their due - they do not lose heart and set off on new searches. In general, the Rooster woman is very active and active; she does not like to “lie on the stove.” She is constantly on the move and always finds something worthy to do. Roosters are very original in their preferences and statements, there is never a dull moment with them, and Rooster women also love to be in the company of other women - provided that they shine there.

Element: Metal.
Energy: yin.

Years of the Rooster:

  • from January 26, 1933 to February 13, 1934;
  • from February 13, 1945 to February 1, 1946;
  • from January 31, 1957 to February 17, 1958;
  • from February 17, 1969 to February 5, 1970;
  • from February 5, 1981 to January 24, 1982;
  • from January 23, 1993 to February 9, 1994;
  • from February 9, 2005 to January 28, 2006;
  • from January 28, 2017 to February 15, 2018.

Celebrities born under the sign of the Rooster

Alexander Kolchak, Alexander Suvorov, Boris Strugatsky, Fyodor Chaliapin, Vladimir Dal, Gennady Khazanov, James Fenimore Cooper, George Segal, Giuseppe Verdi, Ekaterina Vasilyeva, Catherine II, Yves Montand, Johann Strauss, Kierkegaard, Michelle Pfeiffer, Nina Ruslanova, Peter Bagration , Rabindranath Tagore, Rudyard Kipling, Richard Wagner, Richelieu, Roman Polanski, Sergei Rachmaninov, Socrates, Somerset Maugham, Stanislav Lem, Elton John, Yuri Nikulin.

Love and marriage among the Roosters

Roosters love to live in plain sight, to be the center of attention, to catch admiring glances. They love parties and events, because there they can show off, show off or surprise someone. Men for the most part perform better in the field of courtship than in serious relationships. They do not strive to create a family, at least in their youth, preferring fleeting connections. But at heart the Rooster remains a conservative, and when it comes to choosing a permanent companion, he prefers serious and moderate ladies.

Rooster Man - Rat Woman

The Rat strives to save on everything, and the Rooster loves extravagance. It's unlikely they'll get along.

Rooster Man - Ox Woman

A good alliance if the Ox recognizes the Rooster as commander-in-chief. The Ox woman does not like it when her shortcomings are pointed out.

Rooster Man - Tiger Woman

Both strive for great things, but the Rooster's boasting irritates the Tiger woman. She eventually breaks off the relationship.

Rooster Man - Cat Woman

A very unsuccessful union, mainly for the Rooster. The cat will not tolerate empty philosophizing.

Rooster Man - Dragon Woman

A very tempting union for the Rooster, especially if the Dragon woman takes high position in society.

Rooster Man - Horse Woman

The Horse is too calculating to connect its life with the Rooster.

Rooster Man - Goat Woman

This is not a suitable match for the Goat - she loves luxury and comfort, but does not know how to create it. And the Rooster is not able to provide her with the proper standard of living.

Rooster Man - Monkey Woman

A monkey is capable of charming anyone if he sets himself such a goal. She will play with him and laugh, but the Rooster wants real recognition and respect.

Rooster Man - Rooster Woman

They both want the same thing - for someone to work, and leave them the opportunity to shine and indulge in dreams. An absolutely hopeless union with complete kinship of characters.

Rooster Man - Dog Woman

Both signs are honest, but the Dog sees the world too realistically to react seriously to the Rooster's dreams.

Rooster Man - Pig Woman

They are not well suited for each other's temperament. The boar loves a calm and friendly environment, and not constant moralizing in a specific rooster manner.

* * * * *

The alliance with the Ox is very successful - both are conservatives, and the Ox is also a workaholic who can pull the burden, leaving the Rooster the opportunity to shine.

In an alliance with the Cat, the Rooster's self-esteem will suffer seriously. The cat, attracted by the Rooster's philosophical reasonings, will soon see that there is nothing real behind them, will be disappointed and will express all his complaints.

The Dragon helps the Rooster in implementing his plans - he has everything that the Rooster lacks, for example, the ability to bring plans to life. Both love glitter and recognition. And this is the main danger: the Dragon will have to be content with second roles.

The snake may have beneficial influence on the Rooster and soften his warlike disposition. Both signs are prone to philosophizing, but the Snake is more practical and wiser, and she is curious about the unexpected turns of the Rooster’s thoughts. They are interested together, the only thing is that the Rooster cannot stand competitors in his field, and if the Snake turns out to be brighter in something, he may be seriously worried about this.

An alliance with a Horse will not be very successful and most likely will not go beyond a passing hobby.

The Dog will also not take the Rooster seriously. The characters of these people are too different - such opposites do not converge.

Rooster Fate Drawing

The Rooster does not have a clear division of life into phases, but ups and downs are possible within one period. His life moves along a bizarre trajectory, and it is problematic to predict what might await him around the next turn.

Childhood can be different, but most often it is not very happy - Roosters want a lot, dream of something more than what can usually be offered to them everyday life. They are dissatisfied with their surroundings and leave home early in search of incredible adventures and new sensations.

The second period is rich in events and changes in different areas of life. During this time, the rooster can go from poverty to wealth and back, more than once. But he will not lose heart in any case. Feelings can take over him completely, and he will forget about everything in the world during the period of falling in love. If he experiences serious disappointment in life, he may become more indifferent and begin to build his future life, guided by a strict plan and material benefit. At the same time, you should not think that Roosters will limit themselves in pleasures.

The third phase is usually successful - the Rooster finds a safe refuge and indulges in dreams in complete comfort. If at the same time he manages to teach those around him about life, he will be completely happy.

Combinations of Eastern and Western signs

Connecting the year and month of birth gives a more complete description of the personality and helps to understand the hidden characteristics of nature.


This Rooster has an obstinate character and is ready to fight anyone, even if the enemy is much stronger than him. He understands people, but often sees them not only as partners, but also as competitors, which, however, does not prevent him from building far-reaching relationships. It is hardly possible to call them simple. Aries-Rooster is not inclined to hide his shortcomings; they lie on the surface and are therefore known to everyone. By and large, they are harmless and do not go beyond the well-known rooster’s craving for fanfare. The optimism of the Rooster in combination with Aries can have a beneficial effect on the most difficult matters - even if it is just moral support for a person in difficulty. IN bad mood Aries-Rooster is not so interesting. He becomes quick-tempered, stubborn and even rude. In disputes, such a person, of course, goes all the way. However, having come to his senses, he is able to back down, but only after some time. Excessive pride and pride will never allow him to admit his mistakes right away. It is hardly possible to negotiate in the heat of the moment with such a person.

The personal life of the Rooster-Aries fully reflects the above. It’s interesting to be with him, but restless and rarely without offense. IN sex life he is active and wealthy - unless, of course, he is offended by the whole world and his own half.


Elegant and noble appearance of the Rooster, which is cramped in its appearance an ordinary person. This is not connected with the type of his activity - being even the most ordinary mechanic, the Rooster-Taurus feels like a royal person. Therefore, his behavior is majestic and not always adequate. Such people often not only play at being noble, but are actually noble, honest and true to their principles. Their feelings, as a rule, are sublime, even with the usual passing infatuation. The latter, however, are rare. In love relationships, the Rooster-Taurus is distinguished by fidelity and constancy. He is able to control his actions and be responsible for their results. This person is not gentle and easily endures adversity, although he prefers a better life than the one he currently has. He is distinguished by responsibility and serious attitude to everything that makes him a reliable spouse and an ideal business partner. In her sexual life, she prefers not only to receive pleasure, but also to give it to her partner.


This Rooster has a changeable disposition, he is contradictory in his actions and aspirations, is not attached to his home and is rarely an owner. These are active natures who do not have any one path in front of them and therefore choose different ones, depending on the circumstances. Following their path, they often go to the wrong place and are forced to make stops. Their life line branches out. They are full interesting ideas, not all of which are given fruition. There are often cases when a profession for a Gemini Rooster is secondary, and a hobby comes to the fore, turning from a hobby into his life’s work.

The Gemini Rooster is a democrat by nature and is very partial to criticism. He just takes it with hostility. His ability to quarrel out of nowhere is inimitable. Oddly enough, with such a temperament he is characterized by prudence. However, in business it is not easy with such a person. He is capable of successful actions, but is unpredictable and rarely does without ill-wishers. But in some cases his activity and directness are irreplaceable. There will never be a dull moment in your personal and sexual life with such a partner.


The active nature of the Rooster haunts the usually calm Cancers. Such a Rooster is active in business even without it, loves to be aware of everything and often interferes in other people's affairs. The distinctive qualities of this Rooster are straightforwardness and the desire to cause fire on oneself. It’s easy to fool him, which is what many do. Like all Roosters, he loves to talk and brag, make big promises, and then disappear. His sociability sometimes becomes excessive, but it is difficult to escape him when he is in the mood to talk.

He is prone to excess. At the same time, he loves to lead others and always tries to find a reason to give advice and recommendations. Emotionally not very stable, but if desired, he can make a pleasant impression.


He is very dexterous, resilient, active and persistent in achieving his goals. He is often lucky and is able to achieve a lot in life. He always sets the highest goals, the ideas he serves are humane, but his methods are sometimes too harsh. This is the Rooster, who is ready to sacrifice himself and his interests for the sake of good. He has will, determination and other qualities that winners usually possess. He is confident in himself to the point of narcissism and is sometimes so blinded by his victories that he begins to command everyone indiscriminately. This is an authoritarian person who does not tolerate objections and who is characterized by a totalitarian leadership style. To deal with him, you need to study his habits well and often remind him of his high purpose.


The Rooster-Virgo knows what he needs from life. And he knows how to achieve this. He is not inclined to act alone, but recruits supporters whom he is able to convince and in an original way thinking, and extensive knowledge, and excellent analytical skills. He is observant, and everyone around him is visible to him - he knows how to gain favor the right person, playing on his weaknesses. He is strong in matters relating to economics and finance, and can also prove himself as a pure mathematician - he has a penchant for abstract thinking, but at the same time has a practical streak. He is capable of both philosophical constructions and puzzles for the mind - this is a real Sherlock Holmes. Cannot stand a dismissive tone or indifference towards oneself. If he has to deal with such manifestations addressed to himself, he will not hesitate to give a worthy answer. Sexual potential is sufficient to win a number of high-profile victories.


He needs honor, respect, admiration and indulgence to his whims. He knows his worth and the price of his ability to enter high circles. There he is able to be loyal and find mutual language with the right people. Can act as a mediator in various kinds of compromise solutions. If there is a need to reconcile warring parties, best performer can not found. He knows how to find unifying factors for the most different people and explain them to opponents. He is usually not inclined to show aggression, except in cases where his pride has been damaged. Then he will systematically and consistently engage in a retaliatory strike.

He is very inventive in communication, because he has a good memory and is able to draw conclusions from his observations. He knows how to step back from problems and see what is happening from above, which protects him from emotional swings. He has to work hard to achieve the desired position and create a comfortable life for himself according to his ideas about comfort and luxury. As a business and sexual partner, he is reliable and tries to fulfill his obligations.

Rooster Scorpio

A courageous and persistent fighter, a researcher by nature, endowed with a powerful intellect and a huge supply of vitality. He is hardy, unpretentious and able to work on one project for a long time, using various methods. He hits one point for a long time until he achieves a result - and the results are most often impressive. The Scorpio Rooster is usually sincerely admired; he has many friends and acquaintances who are ready to do him a favor and become partners in a promising business. But the personal life of the Rooster-Scorpio is not always successful. It is bright, strong and somehow outstanding personality who never makes concessions or compromises, does not forgive weaknesses of character either to herself or to others. He is sharp, straightforward and has an iron will. Sometimes he can be overly assertive, but this quality helps him bring any task he starts to completion. He needs close people who would be sincere with him and could support him.


An individualist by nature, he is more inclined to philosophical reflections about life than to achieving real results. He likes to contemplate and looks at many things somewhat detached. His hobby is discussions on various topics, he has the skill of an arguer high class, and it’s quite difficult to compete with him in this matter. At the same time, he never uses prohibited techniques, preferring directness and sincerity. For this he is loved and envied at the same time. He will never lie, even if he needs to save his own skin. But he will not spare his interlocutor if he considers him guilty. He will definitely seek justice - in his own understanding. Always strives to punish the offender. He knows a lot, but his knowledge is superficial, and he does not use it very skillfully in practice. But he takes it with activity, which is usually based on ambition. He strives to make a career, but does not always achieve his goals - partly because of straightforward thinking, partly because of superficiality, partly because of problems with loved ones, which he seeks to solve, forgetting about his business responsibilities.


A very purposeful Rooster, and also not lacking in ambition. He has both business acumen and the ability to work long and hard. He usually achieves his goals, but not too quickly. These are smart, sensible people who are strong in logical thinking and are able to build good plans. They are not fussy, calm and have an enviable self-control, which often helps them. They always serve high goals and never go against their principles. Fearless and courageous, they are not afraid of the superior forces of the enemy, or the excellent weapons of the other side, or warlike speeches. If the Rooster-Capricorn gets into a fight, he goes to the end, never retreats. But he is capable of fighting only for the sake of something big - he needs powerful motivation in any matter. He himself chooses the business he serves and the people with whom he enters into business and personal relationships. He can gain the favor of the people he needs for a long time and is able to eventually conquer anyone. Few can resist such intense passion, miracles of heroism and loyalty. But both in friendship and in family relationships Capricorn Roosters remain faithful and devoted.


The Rooster-Aquarius has an originally organized mind and great abilities to research work. This is a type of genius eccentric scientist, immersed in own world and not noticing what is happening under his nose. Usually these people are able to generate progressive ideas that are ahead of their time and are appreciated only by posterity. The Rooster-Aquarius often understands this and works for the future. He is capable of taking risks and limitations in everything - these people are fanatically devoted to their work. They are active and active, not without adventurism and are very eccentric in their manifestations. They love everything new, unknown. The most cherished wish such a Rooster is to be a pioneer in the area that he has chosen for himself to serve. In order to achieve what they want, they make any sacrifices. But their goals are never mundane. These are complex and difficult people, despite their sociable nature. They can be charming, but they are so intractable that they often remain alone or have many superficial relationships.


This Rooster is a lover of thoughtful shocking. He likes to expose himself, but not openly, but as if by accident, inadvertently. He doesn’t do anything for nothing, all his actions are subordinated to one thing - to attract as much attention as possible to himself. At the same time, he is emphatically businesslike, calm and does not allow himself unnecessary movements or statements. This feature The Rooster-Pisces is not at all dangerous and does not harm either him or the cause. This Rooster is peaceful and relates well to the team. For the sake of others, he is even ready to make some concessions. Still, he gives preference exclusively to his own opinion. His worldview differs from the generally accepted one, and judging him by ordinary standards is a useless exercise. Therefore, his actions seem for the most part wrong and even sometimes devoid of meaning and logic. The most difficult thing about this Rooster is its unusual coordinate system. The only thing that is constant for him is his rejection of long-term and monotonous work. He is anyone, but not an accountant or a leader in assembly line production. Sexually, such a person is amusingly strange. Having, like a rooster, inexhaustible potential, he pretends that this is not so. Why? And he himself doesn’t know.

Rooster's Secret Identity

Depending on the hour of birth, each sign has another sign that makes its own adjustments to a person’s personality. The day is divided into 12 periods of 2 hours, and a Rooster born during the hours of the Rat will be different from a Rooster who was born during the hours of the Tiger or Cat.

Rooster born during the hours of the Rat - from 23 to 1 am

The Rat gives the Rooster charm. He is not so prone to moralizing, he would rather lightly scold than scold. But he won’t miss a single discussion.

Rooster born during Buffalo hours - from 1 to 3 am

In this case, conservatism and authoritarianism are doubled. Both signs are fierce fighters. But the Buffalo is able to somewhat balance the character of the cocky Rooster.

Rooster born during Tiger hours - from 3 am to 5 am

A very self-confident and energetic Rooster. However, he is thrown from one extreme to another, and he does not have time to cope with the surging emotions in order to move along his path. He is active, a good analyst, but lacks composure.

Rooster born during the hours of the Cat - from 5 am to 7 am

A very sweet Rooster, with an abyss of charm and a penchant for philosophizing. He does not like arguments, shouting and does not strive to be visible; his job is to find a cozy nest for himself.

Rooster born during the hours of the Dragon - from 7 to 9 am

A spectacular Rooster, bright and confident. There are no authorities for him. He strives to be first everywhere. Can work hard and be attentive and neat.

Rooster born during the hours of the Snake - from 9 to 11 am

A rooster who loves solitude. He strives to rise above reality and look at everything from a bird's eye view. He will calmly listen to everyone, but still do it his own way.

Rooster born during Horse hours - from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

The Horse gives the Rooster prudence and practicality. His dreams are more earthly in nature, and he sets quite achievable goals. He is very cheerful and active, bright and impetuous, but manages to look very attractive.

Rooster born during the hours of the Goat - from 13 to 15 days

Less aggressiveness in character, less boasting, less desire to argue and teach. The Quiet Goat pacifies this wayward bird, making the Rooster more domestic and modest.

Rooster born during the hours of the Monkey - from 15 pm to 17 pm

A rooster who is not without cunning. He is more diplomatic and is able to avoid getting into trouble. Then goals become more achievable, and people don’t look askance.

Rooster born during Rooster hours - from 17 to 19 pm

This is the Rooster of Roosters. He is so persistent in his desire to change the world that the world prefers not to let him achieve this cherished goal.

Rooster born during the hours of the Dog - from 19 to 21 pm

Both signs strive for justice, but they understand it in their own way. The Rooster is not so self-confident, but his criticism becomes more sharp and ironic. If more organization were added to this nature, excellent results could be expected.

Rooster born during Pig hours - from 21 to 23 pm

An open, honest altruist who rushes to help, even if no one needs help. He is proud of himself, rejoices like a child and, like a child, quickly forgets about all problems.

People born in the year of the ROoster:

1921, 1981, 1941 - year of the metal rooster

According to the horoscope of the Year of the Rooster, it is the metal representative of this sign who is distinguished by his determination and perseverance in achieving his plans. He can be harsh and intolerant with others, because he always tends to notice other people's shortcomings more than other people's merits. The Metal Rooster is responsible and reliable, especially when it comes to his own projects. He strives for leadership, since he himself does not like to obey anyone. Born in Year of the Rooster well versed in financial matters and wouldn’t mind starting your own business. If they manage to assemble a good team, they succeed in business. The horoscope of the metal Rooster also highlights such character traits of this person as honesty and sincerity, which always help him in life.

1933, 1993, 1953 - year of the water rooster

Element of Water, according to Chinese horoscope Year of the Rooster, gives this sign such qualities as sociability and erudition. He knows how to be frank, sincere and is able to convince anyone and anything. The Water Rooster loves to speculate on various topics and, surprisingly, always has his own opinion, different from the generally accepted one. This is an interesting conversationalist; he is not as assertive as representatives of other elements of the Year of the Rooster. But the horoscope of the year of the Rooster and the elements of Water is certainly not deprived of energy. He is a rare workaholic who is able to work day and night. The Water Rooster can become despondent and worry about trifles, although in such situations he is helped out by the innate sense of humor with which he is generously endowed.

1945, 2005 - year of the wooden rooster

The combination of the year of the Rooster and the element of Wood in the eastern horoscope contributes to the manifestation of such character traits as honesty, sincerity, and reliability. The Wood Rooster is a person who strives to do good deeds even on a public basis. He does not tolerate loneliness well, so he continues to live and work in a team. Those who were born in Year of the Rooster, will never betray or go over to the side of an enemy or competitor. If they do not strive for obviously unattainable goals, then they are quite capable of succeeding in life and occupying a high position in society. According to the horoscope, the wooden Rooster is keenly interested in different areas human activity, loves distant countries and new experiences.

1957, 1917 - year of the fiery rooster

According to the horoscope of the year of the rooster, fire gives it powerful strong-willed qualities. The Fire Rooster has all the prerequisites for leadership and almost always succeeds in life. He most often manifests himself in the field of a leader or organizer of any business, knows how to form a team and lead it to the intended goal. Sometimes people born in Year of the Rooster, especially the Fiery one, are not very democratic, and even cruel, but they can afford this only if the interests of the case require it. In general, they treat others well, although they clearly lack sensitivity.

1969, 1929 - year of the earthen rooster

According to eastern horoscope, Year of the Rooster in combination with the elements of the Earth, they give birth to deep, insightful and intelligent personalities. The Earthy Rooster has neither hard work nor the ability to achieve his goals. He is not inclined to waste his time on trifles and always goes for something high. Those born in the year of the earthen rooster are persistent in achieving goals, they know how to correctly calculate everything and find the moment when it is necessary to actively act. The horoscope of the Year of the Rooster sees in the Earthly representative of this sign an excellent strategist and tactician, who is also not deprived vital energy. Usually the authority of such a Rooster is very high, and his position in society is very strong.


Duke of Edinburgh, Erol Flint, Yoko Ono, Dolly Partens, Peter Ustinov, Richard Wagner, Cardinal Richelieu, Goebbels, Marie de Medici, Andre Maurois, Jean de La Fontaine, John Colet, Enrico Caruso, Catherine the Great II, Fenimore Cooper, Katherine Hepburn, Vladimir Belyaev, Leonid Vereshchagin, Lev Ginzburg, Andrei Gromyko, Bekjamin Goodman, James Jones, Marcel Carne, Vadim Kozhevnikov, Martti Larney, Stanislav Lem, Juliet Mazina, Neil Miller, Yuri Nikulin, Bella Rudenko, Andrei Sakharov, Jean Paul Belmondo, Claude Bernard , Yves Montand, Philip Augustus, Johann Strauss, Rabindranath Tagore, Giuseppe Verdi, Queen Victoria, Eugene Paton.

Children born in the year of the ROoster:

Children born under the sign of the Rooster are resilient, smart, hardworking, very scrupulous in all areas, and, as a rule, achieve great heights in life. Among the negative signs of the sign are excessive pedantry, which sometimes drives the surrounding loved ones crazy, as well as a certain arrogance of the Rooster. The rooster will not fail to peck painfully if he feels that the enemy is weaker than him. The Rooster's parents raise a very strong personality. Their child is talented, diversified, and his mental abilities manifest themselves very early. But also early, the little Rooster manifests such traits as authority and intolerance. Don't let your child control you. No matter how beloved and smart he is, it is necessary that you raise him, and not he raises you. But Cockerel’s pedantry will make the life of his parents and teachers much easier, because this child himself will clean up his bed and toys, and neatly fold the clothes he has taken off. Girls born under this sign begin to help their mother with housework early on, and dads will soon be surprised - how did they manage it before without the help of their son? However, the gender of the child is not at all important. A boy born under the sign of the Rooster loves order just like a girl, and such work as, for example, washing floors will not cause negativity in him. In relationships with other children, the Rooster may sometimes experience difficulties because he takes some things too seriously. For him, everything is serious and real. He doesn’t understand how some children can fool around like that, wasting their time uselessly. Chickens are the children of the house. This child will prefer homework to a walk with friends. These traits may not always have a beneficial effect on social adaptation child, because later, as adults, they will experience the same problems if they do not learn to communicate freely and perceive people as they are. Studying is quite easy for Rooster children; he, of course, lacks a star from heaven, but he masters science thanks to patience and perseverance. If some subject is not clear to him the first time, he will return to it with interest until everything becomes clear. Such children are not short of pedantry, they have early age everything is in its place, all orders are completed on time and correctly. This is why Rooster children very often act as class leaders or counselors.

People born in the years of the ROOSTER are distinguished by selfishness and greed, straightforwardness and aggressiveness. They are harsh and are not shy in their expressions or actions. What they think is what they say, what is on their mind is what they say on their tongue: “Fuck-Bang!” and that’s it, perceive and understand as you want. And yet, frankness and eccentricity are only appearances, they are just window dressing. The actual nature of "roosters" is much more complex. Here, arrogance and sarcasm, whims and quirks, internal tension and excessive sensitivity, innate charm and modesty, enterprise and annoying noisiness, a thirst for communication, a good understanding of other people and attention to their needs, the ability and desire to subjugate them to your will are mixed in one paste. through suggestion and persuasion. The life of “roosters” is designed only for victories and accomplishments, which is probably why many of them have a very noticeable balance and clear sense of purpose, because once they have made a decision, they no longer deviate from it, pursuing their goal to the bitter end.
But there is another type of “rooster” who, understanding other people well, can be completely indifferent to their feelings and needs, believing that there is simply no reason to spare them, that with their suffering they must atone for their karma earned in previous lives. Or maybe this particular type of “rooster” is right?
The Roosters have almost no diplomacy. With their manners and behavior, flashy, fashionable and expensive clothes, they often shock both their loved ones and friends, as well as the surrounding world and society.
Often the “rooster” neglects norms and generally accepted rules of this company, but this is again the same bravado, the same window dressing, under which the true state of the soul, the inner world, is hidden.
They often play the role of lazy people and parasites, frivolous and frivolous people, although in fact they are real workers, hard workers. Among young people, the “rooster” tries to look like some kind of ultra-modern superman, claiming clear leadership in her company, thus wanting to cling to her and become her idol, idol. Although in fact he despises these young people for their low spirituality and aimless lifestyle. True, the “rooster” highly values ​​and respects that part of the youth who strives to raise their spiritual level, who tries to preserve all the highly moral traditions of the former knights and their people.
The “Rooster” loves to be noticed and singled out, to be the center of attention. He is not a timid person, he can be bold, courageous, courageous, and even capable of very risky things - but only when it is really necessary. He can even take mortal risks with a smile on his lips. This is probably why they are good warriors.
In the political arena, the "rooster" acts as a conservative pure water- both in their views and opinions, and in their beliefs and worldview. By the way, he also exhibits sadistic tendencies - whomever he loves more, he offends and humiliates more.
As a rule, the “rooster” is also a real practitioner of life, but thanks to his rare ability for insight, he can organize and polish everything so that even gray booths begin to shine with the greatest brilliance. Although “roosters” are not theorists or philosophical dreamers, they are still very prone to romance and can poetically brighten up everyday life. Their ingenuity, and sometimes childish naivety and gullibility, make them very easy to deceive.
If you assent to them, they will be satisfied and happy, even knowing this shortcoming and laughing at it. True, this often leads them to overestimate their own personality - to arrogance, to great scope and excessive self-confidence, or simply further strengthens selfish tendencies.
Academic knowledge does not attract "roosters", although there are exceptions. Their dream since childhood is to win personal freedom, independence and independence. They try to insure themselves against everyone and everything, but the main thing is to ensure their old age with reliable bank account. When they can, they avoid responsibility, do not take on unnecessary responsibilities, and try to avoid close and binding ties and contacts with friends.
They give to others when they have something to give or when it is clearly visible and noticeable from the outside, but they take less for themselves. And it is unknown what is more here - true nobility and generosity, or just ostentatious. Think and understand as you wish. If they fail at something, they will spend a lot of work and time to hide it. They do not tolerate failures well, so at the slightest opportunity they willingly shift them onto the shoulders of others. If failures begin to haunt them relentlessly, the “roosters” can give up everything and take the path of vagrancy, declaring to the whole world that they decided and did it voluntarily in order to see how people in other places live on our land. Maintaining your dignity and proper appearance is first and foremost. They are diligent in their studies, they thirst for knowledge, but only to show what they are capable of, what they are good for and that they are in no way behind the spirit of the times.
True, the “rooster” copes with his complexes on his own without harm to others or himself. He is convinced that he is always right, that he knows everything, that he does exactly what he needs. He trusts no one, relying only on himself. However, he generously gives out advice and recommendations to others - left and right and free of charge. Sometimes - and not without reason - the “rooster” may seem like an adventurer, an adventure seeker, although in fact this is not entirely true. He is literally bursting with absurd and unrealizable projects, impossible dreams. He willingly fantasizes, imagining himself in the role of some hero, and loves to contemplate. He often suffers from myopia in his views and plans, which, as a rule, do not always lend themselves to free improvisation.
Since his relatives, acquaintances and friends consider him an extraordinary person, he must keep a mask so as not to fall in their opinion and not to disappoint. Of course, it would be better for him to give up eternal bragging, boasting, talk and chatter less, promise less, knowing that he cannot fulfill it. The Rooster always has a tendency to do more than he can and to take on tasks that exceed his strength and capabilities. This is usually where his sorrows and disappointments come from.
He usually doesn’t have easy, easy money, because it won’t fall into his beak without difficulty. He must work conscientiously and continuously in order to provide himself with at least living wage. Although there are, of course, cases of another kind, when they instantly become rich, when they extract money even from a very “favorable field.” In general, representatives of Eastern astrology claim that a “rooster”, which has to scrape with both its beak and paws, will always find even from scratch.
Due to the fact that the “rooster” is very wasteful, that he does not know how to stock up, and immediately spends everything he earns, he is quite often susceptible to financial crises and bankruptcies with complete collapse and ruin.
In the sphere of love and marriage, things are also not as smooth as he would like. It is not so easy to find and win a partner whom you could both love and keep, because this requires compatibility - both spiritual and emotional, as well as physical.
“Roosters” men love female company, where they can prance and flirt, and court their chosen one. But it also happens that the matter does not progress further than this.
“Rooster” women, surprisingly and strangely enough, prefer the company of women to men, because there they feel much freer and simpler, as they say, “at ease.”
Sociable "roosters" make up the majority of them. They are very kind and friendly, quickly winning the sympathy of others. They amaze everyone with their determination and self-confidence.
Closed "roosters" are a strange mixture of an introverted person, turned inward and living his own life. inner world, and at the same time, a person who lives for show and strives to attract attention outside world, and when it seems to them that people simply do not understand them, they even fall into despair.
Throughout their lives, periods of success and good fortune alternate for the “roosters” with periods of failure and failure. This is how it happens in everything; both in the service and in the field of finance and social sphere, in married and family life, in intimacy. The pendulum of fate can swing from ideal love to its most disgusting manifestations, from riches to poor and back. But, as a rule, in most cases old age for “roosters” is almost always prosperous.
But let’s add one more thing: two “roosters” under one roof make life a real hell.
Roosters choose professions that allow them to lead and manage, command and command, which require courage and bravery, iron nerves and iron discipline. They also need rewards, recognition of their work, which increases their authority, prestige, and reputation in the outside world.
The passion of the “roosters”, their favorite hobbies are also caused by a strong desire to impress others - this is theater stage and cinema, singing and dancing, applied arts.
In sports, many of them prefer boxing and other types of wrestling.
The most suitable countries for "roosters" are England, Australia, Ghana, Haiti, Paraguay.
Precious and semi-precious stones for “roosters” - diamond, ruby, garnet, topaz.
The years of the ROOSTER are quite harsh. The forces of reaction may be rampant. "Rooster" does not like disorder, he puts things in order. Everyone will have to work hard, work hard to earn a living, especially since the threat and risk of unemployment is very real. Money will not fall from the sky without effort, just like “manna from heaven.”
There will be people around military uniform, acting in the name of order. However, the degree of abuse and crime is also high. These years are good for a military career.
A "Rooster" born in the spring will be less aggressive.

MOUSE He will only think about his own well-being, chewing, as it were. For her, everything will go more or less well, all possible changes and changes, fractures and rearrangements will hardly affect her.

VOL with zeal he will again take up the work for which he yearned to the point of impossibility. His former self-confidence will return, and he, finally immersed in work, will take a break from everything else.

TIGER during these years, however, he will be very upset and disappointed, even unhappy. These years are a time of real rebellion for him, and he will continue to fight.

RABBIT as an anti-militarist and pacifist, will survive anxious time. All this madness - with military uniforms, parades and awards - seems to him unnecessary, superfluous and will, to a certain extent, only irritate him.

THE DRAGON as always, in these years he will find an opportunity to shine, he simply cannot do without it. But his reason and prudence will still keep him from unnecessary actions, from careless actions.

SNAKE will be very unhappy and may even reach despair. For her, these years will always be harsh and negative, because she becomes lazy and must make great efforts to at least survive.

HORSE will be more or less calm, since its rear is reliably provided. You can safely get to work - according to plan, everything should go well.

GOAT will change jobs, counting on more profitable profits in the world of bohemia. Well, here she can do a lot and will pray to God that this will last as long as possible.

MONKEY will be very concerned. Her time is over, and these years do not suit her - there is little fun and although the efforts of the “rooster” occupy her, but not to that extent.

ROOSTER Overall I'm happy. Order reigns! Which one then good year in perspective! Now everything will be decorated with flags. But one disappointment still remains - you will have to not only command, but also work, work hard to survive. The year will certainly be not only harsh, but possibly also hungry.

DOG I am sad and disappointed, like many others. She is unhappy and plans to continue the fight in secret. Yes, these years are always harsh and difficult for her.

BOAR one of the few who are heartily satisfied. For him, these years are always good and promising: life is visible and foreshadowed very clearly, it will require a lot of labor, work, and he loves this, because it brings both money and prosperity. Well, God willing, as they say!



Frankly speaking, nothing good! They have a lot in common, but even more contradictions. Although both are ambitious, the charm and cunning of the “mouse” are in no way compatible with the empty external shine and quackery of the “rooster”. Their union is threatened by poverty and discord, rupture of relationships and divorce with separation. Friendship does not develop due to dubious sympathy for each other, superficial relationships. This is not the basis for friendship. Business relationship? - In no case! Everyone will pull the blanket only on themselves, and the common pot will remain empty as it was.


Very promising, if not great. But knowing each other's weaknesses, they must neutralize them. In addition, the vain “rooster” must leave his tendency to command the home parade for the rest of his life outside the registry office, and everything will be as good as possible. Friendship also promises to be strong, strong, deep and for life. Business relationships? It’s better not to start anyway! There is a lot of work to be done, but there will be little use, because the “rooster” for the “ox” is a very weak helper, simply conditional.


In no case! This marriage union will destroy selfishness and selfishness, for both prefer only to take, and moreover, and to give less. The “tiger” cannot stand the folly and noisiness of the “rooster” and does not even appreciate the good in him, and over time he will even treat him unfairly. Friendship is also not for them - due to lack of mutual understanding. Business relationships are completely eliminated. "Tiger" is no match for him. “Cockerel” will quickly become exhausted, and that will be the end of it.


Also, under no circumstances! Even though they seem to complement each other in some way. The "rabbit" can become frustrated by any trick of the "cockerel", even one that has just hatched from an egg. Friendship is dubious and unpromising. The noisy "cockerel" only tires the "rabbit". Business relationships will only benefit the “rabbit”. The “rooster” should know this in advance.


Such a union is possible only with true mutual love, mutual understanding and a mutual desire to formalize legal marriage. Both of them are ambitious. This is good. The originality of the "dragon" can always emphasize and promote the conservative views of the "rooster". The best option to strengthen this marriage union, the high social position of the “dragon”, his wealth, wealth, which the “rooster” could use, will serve. The friendship between them is maintained only on the basis of mutual sympathy, although not very deep, and at the expense of the plump wallet of the “dragon”. There can be business relationships, but on condition that they are led by a “dragon”. Great success can be achieved in the field social activities, where they perform both together and individually.


Both in the sphere of love and marriage, and in marriage and family life, they complement each other well. If the “rooster” evaluates everything only by appearance - external beauty, clothing, then the “snake” proceeds from the inner content of a person. Despite the apparent contradiction, they understand each other well. Friendship is just great. As good as it gets! Business relationships are very doubtful, because they risk drowning in chatter.


In no case! For any “horse”, marriage is the goal of life, and love is a very serious and responsible matter, which cannot be joked with. And the “rooster” here is frivolous, superficial, noisy." And if such a union has already been created and exists, then its only salvation can be frequent, albeit short, separations - in the form of business trips, trips. Friendship is best in the form of joint social life - with tea drinking, dancing, empty chatter. Business relationships are very problematic. The "Rooster" does not count on the "horse", does not even trust it, and the "horse" is disgusted by the inactivity of the "rooster".


Also, by no means! Everyone has their own goals in life, they do not coincide and therefore drown out mutual sympathy. If everyone could realize the merits of their partner, learn to appreciate and respect each other, maybe they could live together. But the "goat", unlike the "rooster", is not able to be content with only love and fresh air. What about work? Friendship will not work out due to the many conventions of the “rooster”. In addition, he simply does not understand much about the “goat”.


Not good either! Married couple they won't work. In life together, the “rooster” will be unhappy, and the “monkey” will be dissatisfied. Friendship is useless, both for one and for the other. There will be no mutual understanding or sympathy here. Business relationships are also unpromising. The "monkey" will always deceive the poor "cockerel" - the golden comb.


My God, not this! A hundred times bad! - Living together simply impossible. Here, eternal family scenes are inevitable - this will be ensured completely until the discord and breakdown of relationships, until divorce and separation. Friendship is also impossible for the reason constant friction and collisions. Business relationships will very quickly and easily lead to bankruptcy and collapse.


Also no! This union does not bode well. The “dog” simply cannot stand the folly of the “rooster”, its eternal noise, screaming, din. This will cause hostility and even hatred on her part. Friendship? Can it be if there is a Chinese wall on one side and an abyss on the other? Business relations? Not at any gate! This will lead to a real disaster.


Also nothing good! They clearly don't suit each other. The nature of the “rooster” is dominated by strength and energy, courage and aggressiveness, while the nature of the “boar” is justice and the desire for sensual pleasures. Friendship? Simply catastrophic! The farther they are from each other, the better for both. Business relationships are also unpromising. Their business will fall apart due to lack of mutual trust.


ARIES- this is already a real “rooster” warrior, a fighting “rooster” that knows no limits to its aggressiveness. He will look for disputes and quarrels, get into fights with everyone.

CALF- a relatively peaceful and calm “rooster”.

TWINS- this is a "rooster" brawler even in a sober state. There is an eternal buzz around him, it is difficult to stop.

CANCER- an open, even childishly naive “rooster”. You can fool him in no time.

A LION- a brave and courageous "rooster". Without blinking an eye, he can give his life - no matter for whom and no matter what.

VIRGO- “rooster” is calm and simple-minded. A rural "rooster", but firmly standing on its own two feet

SCALES- the “rooster” is also peaceful and calm, loving to reconcile the warring parties.

SCORPION- a very thin "rooster". We can say that one of the most interesting in the chicken coop.

SAGITTARIUS- this is already a real Gallic “rooster”. More faithful and noble than nature itself.

CAPRICORN- also a very strange bird, which is only interested in what concerns itself.

FISH- this is the "rooster" on the bell tower Protestant churches. These really show off on Lutheran churches. He aims high and is full of all sorts of chimerical projects.