How to determine your psychotype

As far as a person is inclined to create conflict situations or, on the contrary, to be involved in them as a result of the inability to stand up for itself, give rebuff and thereby provoking aggression on itself depends on its psychological type. Psychological types are otherwise called personal accentuations - that is, the severity in man of certain character traits. Below will be given 9 such psychotypes. To learn to what of these are you fill in the psychological test below.

-Psychological test-

Instruction: Carefully read the approval in the questionnaire. Decide whether you agree or disagree with every statement. If you agree +; do not agree - Do not think for a long time. As soon as they understood the question, specify the first answer that came to mind. And keep in mind that the correct and wrong answers can not be here. Any your answer is correct.

  1. I always try to solve anything, and maybe someone's problem
  2. I'm always busy
  3. I have an excellent appetite and strong sleep
  4. It is difficult for me to stop in place for a long time.
  5. If I fail, I do not lose sense of humor
  6. I would like the work requiring energetic organizational activities
  7. In the departure, I worry if there was anything terrible at home: fire, robbery, etc.
  8. I'm worried about the feeling that I worse than others
  9. It is difficult for me to make a decision and I fluctuate for a long time before acting
  10. Often some obsessive thought does not let me fall asleep
  11. In relations with people, I feel difficult because of your own shyness
  12. I often miss many opportunities because of my indecision
  13. Sometimes I feel that someone manages my thoughts
  14. Often I do not understand the surrounding people, consider me a little strange
  15. I intellectual and the world of emotions is absolutely incomprehensible to me
  16. I live my inner thoughts, and I am not interested in reality
  17. My ideas, thoughts look like ahead of time
  18. I have very strange and unusual internal experiences
  19. Often I am ready for everything to defeat the dispute
  20. I all boils inside if you do not do something in my
  21. Sometimes I am so annoyed and angry that it is better not to approach me
  22. I do not transfer critics to my address
  23. I hate when you touch and move my things
  24. Often it is difficult for me to cope with your desires
  25. I adore when I admire me
  26. I love speaking loudly and beautifully, fashionably dress
  27. I am usually a focus on society, companies
  28. At school, I will read the poems before the public, participated in the circle of artistic amateur
  29. I can be friendly even with those whom I obviously do not appreciate, I do not like, I do not respect, so he will not even suspect my real relationship for him
  30. At times I have the attacks of the irrepressible laughter or crying, with which I can't do I can't cope with
  31. I can experience long because of the trifles
  32. I am very sensitive to insults
  33. Often I suffer from injustice
  34. I often visit ingenious ideas
  35. I am preferably defending my own opinion, and I cannot convince me
  36. Sometimes I am visited by the thoughts that there are some ill-wishers around me
  37. I'm a serious man
  38. I often have a somewhat depressed mood
  39. My life seems to me hard
  40. In conversation, I am usually a few
  41. I often pull me to travel
  42. I still love loneliness and quickly get tired of noisy society, companies
  43. It's hard for me to overeat chicken or sheep
  44. It is difficult for me to carry blood type, it causes me unpleasant feelings.
  45. I very quickly for goodbye offender
  46. The tragic film can take me in such a way that tears come on the eyes
  47. I love the nature for so much that I can call her friend
  48. I am experiencing a long time to sorrow other people
  49. I often get sick with the authorities, work colleagues
  50. I used to immediately get what I want
  51. I live today's day without thinking about what will happen tomorrow
  52. I respectfully treat physical strength
  53. Laws are written in order to violate them
  54. I am confident in my own right, and I am not interested in the opinion of others
  55. I committed small theft as a child
  56. Sometimes I am angry
  57. Not all my friends like me
  58. Sometimes I am a little gossip
  59. I don't always keep my promises
  60. I do not always return things that lent, especially if their owner has already forgot about them

The key to the test:

Consider the number of positive answers for each scale.

1. Hypertension - Questions from 1 to 6

2. Psychos - Questions from 7 to 12

3. Sports - Questions from 13 to 18

4. Epilepture - Questions from 19 to 24

5. Exteroidability - Questions from 25 to 30

6. Paranoid, questions from 31 to 36

7. Distimacy - Questions from 37 to 42

8. Emothetivity - Questions from 43 to 48

9. Impulsiveness - Questions from 49 to 54

10. Accounts for answers - Questions from 55 to 60

High values \u200b\u200b- 5-6 replies with the sign "+"

Middle values \u200b\u200b- 3-4 responses with "+" sign

Low values \u200b\u200b- 0-2 responses with "+" sign

If you have a low value on the authenticity scale, this may mean what you answered incomplete sincerely and all other questions. Read the instructions for the test and answer questions again.

Now you can make your own psychological portrait on the basis of interpretation to the test below. And remember that there are no bad and good psychotypes. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses, the situations in which he will feel comfortable or, on the contrary, discomfort. Also, each psychoticipa shows the recommendations, as it should lead themselves, what impact on it to provide in preventive, educational purposes. Knowing your psychotype will help you adjust your own unwanted behavior.

When interpreting the results, pay attention primarily on those scales for which you gained at most or less points. This means that the characteristics of this particular psychotype are more present or, on the contrary, are absent.

If you scored the same number of points on two or more scales, it means that you are related to the mixed type.

Each person has a specific psychotype, which is characterized by a special behavior. Learn how to determine the psychotype of the interlocutor to establish confidence interpersonal relationships!

Each psychotype has a set of qualities and special reactions on the circumstances of life.

The system of business relations distinguish four main psychotypes, which determine the diversity of human reactions to various circumstances, is a "sacrifice", "hunter", "Monk-thinner" and neutral psychotype.

In its pure form, these psychotypes are rarely represented. Most often, they are mixed in man all psychotypes, but everyone dominates the dominant psychotype.

Knowledge of psychotypes will help you in business communication, in negotiations and in finding reliable partners.

How to determine the psychotype "victim"

In Latin there is the word "Victima", which means "victim". Daily psychology there is the concept of victimnia¹, there is even a definition - a "sacrifice".

How does the state of the "victim" manifest?

The most characteristic are victim gestures. Although they are inherent in many other people. But this suggests that all of us get along in different proportions all the psychotypes.

Imagine: you in your pocket lies a wallet with a decent amount of money. You will unconsciously check it, as if imperceptibly touching your elbow, hand or some other disguised movement, to understand whether the place is in place.

Thieves-pockets have learned to understand in such subtleties of human psychology and perfectly track victim gestures. It turns out that the person himself indicates to them where money or other values \u200b\u200bare hidden.

Moreover, frequent and unconscious test gestures lead to the fact that the perception of a person changes, and he feels a wallet in his pocket for some time after it was stolen, and he can miss the moment the alarm.

A specific unconscious program is produced, which fixes the feeling of the presence of a wallet in his pocket. This is called "issuing the desired for valid."

A man of Victim's warehouse is psychologically ready to become a victim at any time. This is manifested in the particular reacting of his subconscious.

But his sacrifice is not the nature when he voluntarily and consciously puts himself to the altar of serving a matter. Not. Such a person becomes a "victim" only before a more energetic and strong opponent.

If the "man-sacrifice" meets with a person's well-friendly, unable to render rude pressure, he himself becomes an assertive, trying to suppress the other. From the "victim" to the "hunter" the distance is tiny.

Sometimes, when communicating with people of this type, there is a temptation to take advantage of the willingness of the "victim" to concessions, play it. But it is necessary to proceed from the fact that no one is insured from the role of the "victim".

Psychological law

If you played a person's readiness to sacrifice, you will soon find yourself in this role. There is no mysticism or manifestations of mysterious. This is the law of fees for the deed. He acts inevitably.

Here is one example confirming this fact.

A few years ago, at the railway crossing, the bus with children got under the train, all in it died. Psychologists who participated in the analysis of the situation said that all bus passengers and the driver belonged to the category of victims.

But the most amazing occurred with the driver of the train. Two weeks later, he died under strange circumstances: he climbed into the floor, the leg turned up, he fell, hit his head and died.

"The victim" is ready for the negative, and the negative stretches to him. This attracts like that.

If you are in one company with a "victim", it is likely that the negative, attracted by it, will fall on you.

How to build communication with the psychotype "Victim"?

Imagine that you meet with one of your partners and understand that he is victual man. What to do next? To take advantage of his readiness to sacrifice or act as a savior and benefactor?

Recall that the "sacrifice", feeling your good attitude towards him, can change dramatically. Either it will turn into a "hunter" and starts to put pressure on you, or what is most likely to try to shift your problems on you.

It can start with a simple complaint about some trivia, and then, when it is convinced that he is listening attentively, it will take all his troubles and problems on you. But together with his sophors, he conveys you and some of his problems.

This is not innocuous "crying in a vest." You risk being buried under the alarm problems. No matter how cruel it sounds, but Victimy man must unrest his troubles, realize them and overcome.

Otherwise, no one will ever help him.

Only independent struggle with the problems, their overcoming will help him get out of the role of "victim" ... This role also did not arise in itself. Apparently, Victimy man built it for a long time, most likely since childhood. And the basis for such a life implementation was the deep, prenatal bookmarks, as well as a generic conflict.

How to determine the "sacrifice"?

The back side of the left palm is no less informative than the palm itself. You need to learn to read it.

In order to determine the psychotype, you lock the look on the back side of the left hand of another person, and then imagine how the rays of glance are reflected from it and return back. At the time of the reflection of the view in the head, confusion arises, and then the image or feeling that is so peculiar and unusual that cannot be confused with any other.

This is your perception of the psychotype of the "Human Sacrifice". The uniqueness of the experience itself is a sufficient guarantee that you do not confuse it with some other psychotype.

If you try to explain to words, the feeling appears that you seem to fall into the "sacrifice". So he sits in front of you, but your feelings suggest that he seems to draw you into himself. Of course, you are not specifically, but your inner state of equilibrium, comfort and harmony.

For him, your inner calm is like a breath of air for a drowning. By the right, however, it will not be for "sacrifice", he will "squint" you and everything. In interpersonal relationship, such a person acts as an energy vampire. After communicating with him, you will feel uncertain, devastated ...

From the "Human Sacrifice" comes the feeling that this creature is weak, amorphous, who is preferably to get through, adapt to someone. And at the same time does not leave the feeling of a tight compressed spring, which at the slightest weakening of pressure is ready to straighten and hit. This is a hidden phenomenon of the transformation of the "victim" in the "Hunter".

How to determine the psychotype "hunter"

The next psychotype of business communication is "Hunter". In it, the pressure is prisoner, onslaught. The desire for the search, the desire to catch up, catch, defeat ...

The "hunter" is good to be at operational purposes, so that the resistance and the result will be suppressed by their pressure and pressure. But constantly being "hunter" is difficult, since "victims", which he "kills," have their negative power and attract trouble to the "hunter".

There is another "hunter", stronger, which suppresses the first "hunter", and the one turns into a "sacrifice". The psychotype "Hunter" is determined as well as "victims". However, this method of visual verbalization of the psychotype is the same for all four groups, but different sensations appear with each psychotype.

"Hunter" is a pressure, onslaught, pressure, elastic wind, power surrounding from all sides. There is a feeling that the psychotype of your partner tries to suppress you, press, do not make heads.

Naturally, all these sensations are not so strong so that you can feel them, barely stepped over the threshold of the cabinet. To reveal the psychotype of a partner, you need to tune in to it, and then the feelings will appear.

"Hunter" - behaves aggressively in interpersonal relationship, but if it is encountered on solid psychological resistance, then, as a rule, it becomes softer and militant.

Aggression is like a gust of the wind. If there is no obstacles on its path, it is free to carry, fascinating all new air masses. But it is worth it to stumble upon a strong wall, as the movement energy dissipates and can no longer put pressure on the same force.

How to determine the psychotype "Monk-Thinker"

The third psychotype is probably the most productive and effective - "Monk Thinker." This is a calm, detachment, philosophical acceptance of life in all its manifestations.

In life it is best to be a "monk-thinner", which is distinguished by the philosophical attitude to everything, the calm acceptance of her collisions and difficulties.

When you look at the back side of the left palm of the "Monk Thinker", the feeling of reliable support, the wall, to which you can lean during the wind, hide from the storm, hide behind it from the misfortunes of this world.

This psychotype does not draw into yourself, but also does not push. He does not suppress, but heats, next to him psychologically comfortable, because he does not climb into your business and does not seek to impose his opinion.

How to determine the psychotypeneutral

And the last, the fourth psychotic is neutral. He, like a wind, free, not limited to some kind of frames. No matter how much you tried to draw a fourth psychotic person to your affairs, no matter how interested him, he will remain with the opinion that his personal freedom is more expensive.

At first, such people quickly light up a new idea, they strive to do something for her ambulance, but also quickly fade away.

Such people are the emptiness and ease of space, they are difficult for something to catch something, as they do not want to be tied to anything. Money? What money? They come and go, but the value of personal freedom, for a person neutral psychotype is much higher than any material prospects.

How to learn to quickly determine the psychotype?

Start with the practice that you can carry out anywhere: in the salon of public transport, at work, at home ... just look at the back side of the left hand of another person and listen to your feelings.

The feelings of the dominant psychotype will most bright. Especially well to train in public transport. People hold the handrails and exhibit hands on the review.

Tune in to them and read information. When gaining experience, it is not necessary to look closely in someone's hand. You can play the back side, and then even turn away, because you immediately get all the necessary information.

What is your psychotype?

Look at your hand. Who are you in relation to yourself - this is a dominant psychotic, which makes you commit certain actions. Be in front of you, you will not shine soul, so you need to honestly tell yourself who you are in your psychotica, and in the future take into account this knowledge in communication with other people.

Accounting for its psychological features will help you in affairs and in life.

Put the left hand in front of yourself and look carefully on the back of the palm. Listen to your feelings and try to understand: Who are you in relation to yourself?

The left hand is a channel, a peculiar entrance to the inner world of a person.

You can look at the face, it is not important what part of the body you look at. It is important to believe in yourself, in your capabilities and the ability to read non-verbal information coming from another person.

Practical actions enshrine knowledge, form a certain basic system of concepts: "The" monk "psychotic, I feel like that," hunter "- so, etc."

You only need to train to determine the psychotypes of unfamiliar people.

No matter if you can check your observations. Working with foreign people will give the most important thing - the bank of sensations, the bank of concepts and definitions, intensifies your sensual opportunities.

When working with other people, an abundance of new impressions and experiences appear, and they will help finally form a sustainable feeling of each psychotype.

When you determine who you are, and begin to act to change yourself, you all change in your life. You, as it were, take another system of vital coordinates, and you change the picture of the world.

If you used to see the world from the position of the "Hunter", then it determined your actions in life. And if you were a "sacrifice," then we saw the world through the eyes of the "victims" and came as "sacrifice."

Changing the perception of life, the change in its psychotype will allow you to more adequately behave in interpersonal relationships with other people, and respond to the slightest changes in the behavior of the interlocutor. Previously, you would not notice insignificant changes in the moods of others, and with the practice of determining the psychotip you will be available to you, and you can confidently predict the development of events.

Notes and thematic articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Voriticity - the tendency to become a victim of a crime (

Each person perceives the world in different ways. The identical situation is able to cause absolutely contradictory emotions from different people. Knowing their strengths, it is easier for us to cope with life difficulties. Simple and quick on the definition of a psychotype will help you better deal with yourself.

Look at the image presented below. Do not think and do not look at it for a long time. The response of the test at the psychotype of the individual online is that the first rushed to your eyes.

Personality test results online

Huge face of yellow

You are not prone to long-term analysis. Always choose the path that lies on the surface. The test for the definition of a psychotic personality characterizes you as a very positive person. You do not try to see human flaws, perceiving people with all their minuses and advantages.

Easy to experience failures and do not know how to be sad for a long time. Maybe therefore many consider you a real luckycle. After all, luck often accompanies you in life.

Black female silhouette

Several different psychotypes of people test found in your soul. Today you are kind and gentle person, able to come to the aid of the first call, and the next day is strict and not tolerant compromises dictator.

Your character is changering like wind. And people are often difficult to find a approach to you. But, despite the duality of your nature, you are a very faithful and devoted person who is not capable of betrayal.

One of the main aspects of human existence is its self-realization in various fields of activity, among which the leading importance is successful adaptation and productive interaction with other people. From time immemorial philosophers, and then psychologists tried to establish certain patterns in the behavior and the world's consumption, to make the relationship between people more understandable and mature.

Thus, at the dawn of psychology, the Austrian psychiatrist Z. Freud was formulated by the theory of the structure of the psyche, and the Swiss psychiatrist K.G. Jung, relying on these knowledge and his own many years of experience, created the first concept about psychological types of personality. This teaching today has become the basis for many competent socio-psychological theories and even entire areas of modern psychotherapy.

One of these modern theories is socionics as a doctrine on the interaction of a person and the outside world, depending on the personal characteristics of a particular person who belong to one of the 16 socionic types of personality.

Socionics as science was created in the seventies of the last century by Lithuanian scientist Auschroy Augustinavitut on the basis of computer science, sociology and psychology. In the scientific community, socionics is rather not science, but one of the famous personality typologies, which serves as a diagnostic method in psychological consulting.

K.G. Jung - Foather Socionics

In the XIX century K.G. Jung created his famous theory about the types of personality, the definition of which is based on ideas about the installations and basic functions of the psyche. He allocated two major personal installations: introversion, when a person's interest is directed into the depths of its own inner world, and an extroversion when a person is aimed at the outside world. At the same time, there is a concept about the tendency of personality to a specific installation, but not about its complete predominance.

The main functions of the psyche of Jung took thinking, feeling, intuition and feeling. The feeling means interaction with the world on the basis of sense organs, thinking and feeling help to realize these sensations at the level of reflection and emotional experience, and intuition answers the question of the origin of these phenomena at the subconscious level.

Each person has one of these functions is dominant, and the rest complement it.

These functions were divided into two groups:

  • rational, which belongs to thinking and feeling;
  • irrational (sensation and intuition).

In this case, rationality implies orientation on objective norms of society. Based on these aspects, the Jung was created a classification, consisting of 8 major types of personality, which expanded to 16 psychotypes in socionics.

Birth of socionics

To create a new full-fledged typology and allocate more specific types of personality, A. Augustinavita combined the concept of Jung with the theory of information metabolism of the Polish psychiatrist A. Kempinsky. This theory is based on the concept of sharing information between man and the outside world in comparison with the metabolism in the body, when information is food for human psyche, therefore mental health is directly related to the quality of incoming information. Thus, the types of personality socionics calls the types of information metabolism. Do not confuse the presence of dominant features with.

The socionic types of personality are not a permanent, "frozen" personality characteristic, their definition displays only the way the exchange of information, not the hiking individual characteristics of the person (education, culture, experience and character), which studies individual psychology. The accentuation is a pointed feature of the character of a person who should pay attention to as bordering pathology, but at the same time an accentuation is not the purpose of research in socionics.

Formation of titles

How did the specific types of personality get their name? The type of type comes from the dominant installation (extroversion or introversion), and the two strongest functions of four, while the names of the functions have undergone some changes: thinking and feeling of steel, respectively, logic and ethics, and the sensation is made by Sensoric.

Rationality and irrationality is determined by the location of functions in the name of psychotic. If we talk about the rational types of personality, then in the title the first word will be logic or ethics, and irrational - sensory or intuition.

The names of the 16 types over time were supplemented by different scientists for a clearer available human characteristic. The most popular names of these types are: the formula titles based on theory of Young, the pseudonyms of the well-known historical personalities - carriers of the indicated signs, the pseudonyms-characteristics of the professional predisposition of a person.

Major socionic types

Yung has a classification of 8 major psychotypes, on the basis of which socionics proposed a more detailed classification consisting of 16 psychotypes.

  • Logic-intuitive extrovert(Lee), "Jack London", "Entrepreneur". It is able to clearly allocate his own capabilities and abilities, it is easily inspired and starts new things, he is fond of dynamic sports that give extreme sensations. Feels new trends, goes to risk, relying on intuition. With confidence, it uses new technologies in the work, deeply analyzes yourself and the world around. Located to and close communication with people.
  • Logic-sensory extrovert (LSE), "Stirlitz", "Administrator". Very workable, socio-adapted type, always feels the need to bring the work started before completion. Plans to operate, practically relate to the surrounding things. She is inclined to show love and care for loved ones, loves noisy fun, companies. Good-natured, but rescued, it can be hot-tempered and dubbed.
  • Ethico-intuitive extrovert (EIE), "Hamlet", "Mentor". A very emotional person, inclined to empathy and manifestation of the wide spectrum of emotions. It has expressive facial expressions and eloquence. It is able to predict different events and prepare for them in advance. Catches inconsistencies in the words and emotions of other people. Often not sure about the love of the partner, prone to jealousy.
  • Ethical and Touch Extravert (ESE), "Hugo", "Enthusiast". It is able to influence people with the help of emotional pressure, while he gets well with them, can raise the mood, inclined to sacrifice its own interests for the sake of another person and show love and care for loved ones. In the work of everything, it seems independently, likes when other people emphasize his dignity.
  • Logic-intuitive introvert (Leah), "Robespierre", "Analyst. It is able to distinguish the main thing from the secondary, does not like empty conversations, inclined to clearly practical thinking. In this type, this type likes to use unusual ideas, while demonstrating its independence. Uses intuition where does not know exact answers. Does not like noisy companies, it feels difficulties in establishing relationships with other people.
  • Logic-sensory introvert (LSI), "Maxim Gorky", "Inspector". He loves order and rigor, deeply delves into work, analyzing information from different sides. It has some kind of pedanticity. Really looks at things, it takes about the case only if he knows exactly what can complete it. Causes confidence, but prefers short business contacts with other people.
  • Ethical intuitive introvert(EII), "Dostoevsky", "Humanist". Suffens the nature of the relationship between people, attaches great importance to confidence, does not forgive betray. Able to identify the hidden abilities of others, endowed with the talent of the teacher. He is fond of self-education, people often turn to him for advice. It is very angry, it is hard to endure aggression and lack of love.
  • Ethical-sensory introvert (ESI), "Driver", "Keeper". Recognizes the narrowness and falsehood in relationships, divides people on their own - strangers, leading to the psychological distance. Defends his views and principles. Able to stand up for himself and his loved ones, does not tolerate the moral superiority of other people. Conducts deeply analyze yourself and others.
  • Intuitive logical extrovert (ILE), "Don Quixote", "Seeker". It is distinguished by a wide range of interests, knows how to adapt to new conditions and easily moves to new methods of work. He is a generator of ideas, does not like traditions and routine. Able to explain complex ideas, being in them a pioneer. To the most inclined to the synthesis in thinking, creates a new idea from the finished components.
  • Touch-logical extrovert (SEV), "Zhukov", "Marshal". Located to apply physical strength to achieve victory at any cost. Obstacles only strengthen his desire to win. He loves to lead, without submitting. Analyzing the situation, likes to draw up a specific action plan, it should clearly.
  • Intuitive-ethical extrovert (IEE), "Hexley", "Sovitchik". It is able to finely feel other people, has a developed fantasy. He loves creative work, does not tolerate monotony and routine. Signable, likes to give delight tips in the field of interaction with people.
  • Touch-ethical extrovert (SEE), "Napoleon", "Politician". It is able to see the possibilities of others using this knowledge in order to manipulate. Manages more
    Weak, clearly defining their weak points. He likes to keep a distance, in communication rather guided by its own interests. In the eyes of others, trying to look an outstanding original personality, but often so is not.
  • Intuitive logical introvert (Or), "Balzac", "Critic". This type is a sorry with a philosophical mindset. Careful, makes a decision only with confidence in his correctness, analyzing the vulgar in his connection with the future. Does not like the rapid manifestations of emotions, appreciates comfort and comfort.
  • Touch-logical introvert(S), "Gaben", "Master". Feelings are for him the main source of knowledge of the world. Shows empathy, it delicately feels and loves other people, rejects artificiality and false. It is distinguished by the technical warehouse of the mind, likes to work with his hands, while always putting on the desired time.
  • Intuitive-ethical introvert (IEI), "Lirik", "Yesenin". Dreamy and lyrical personality, knows how to intuitively predict events, well understands people, loves and "feels" them. It has a good sense of humor, causes the location of other people. Great value this type gives appearance. I do not know how to save, and while working it loves to rest for a long time.
  • Touch-ethical introvert (SEI), "Duma", "Mediator". Knowing how to enjoy the usual life, calmly postpone monotony and routine. Easy to get along with people, respecting their personal space, while demanding from them the same relationship. Loves to joke, entertain, avoid conflict situations. Often is an assistant, loves to feel the necessary and significant in the eyes of other people.

In our time, developed technologies provide an opportunity to all without exception to test and learn their socionic types, but do not forget that the personality of a person is very multifaceted and is ambiguous, so only a professional psychologist can be able to describe the social and psychological portrait of a personality in a multi-level psychological diagnosis. where socionics performs one of the methods.

An ordinary person includes signs of several types of personality

Traditional theories and classification of types of characters are based on the fact that a person is equal to one type. The specificity of the classification of six types of character is that the personality is considered as a complex of several character types, of which one is dominant. The structure of the character determines the appearance and material environment. For any external signs -, car, - can be evaluated and predicted. But there are exceptions when a person is inherent in only one type of personality, if there was no influence on the part of the society, but it is rare.

The essence of typology

The technique allows visual signs (physique, appearance, registration of individual space, motor activity) to determine the nature and predict human behavior. It is based on recognition in the nature of the groups of psychological qualities (psychotic) and the identification of their sequence. In order to recognize the character in the technique, six types of personality are used: exteroid, epileptoid, paranoid, emotional, hypertension, schizoid.

The difference of the theory of identity types from classical characterology

Classics of characterology corrected human features necessarily with one of the types of personality (psychotic), but it seems to us that this is too simplified approach. The method of six types is characterized in that the character of a person is understood as a complex of character types, one of which prevails. Each person has a different amount and different sequence of character types. The lead type of personality determines the main motive, the main purpose of behavior, and the second means to achieve this goal. For example, for an exteroidal nature, the main purpose of behavior is self-presentation. Epileptoid - organization and streamlining of the surrounding space. If these two psychotype and the exteroid are combined, the main one will be the purpose of human behavior, and the instrument of its achievement is highly organized, technologically, professionally approach to solving any tasks.

Also, the third, fourth and other types of personality types, as complete, are extremely rare, since this requires an insanely difficult work on themselves, but the borrowed features from psychotic can be different. It is also not easy to purchase these features, but it's easier than to completely embed a full-fledged epileptoid, schizoid or any other type of personality.

What is each type of personality

Estheroid It has a weak and movable nervous system, it cannot solve problems requiring a long and constant nervous voltage. It is easier for him to create an illusion of real achievement. It is unlikely that this person can still store corporate mystery. His someone will praise, he will be happy and everything will tell, "Solte" the client base of the company. He has intermittent, unstable performance, an increased depletion of energy potential, a rapidly developing need for rest, restoring spiritual and physical forces, a tendency, based on the total listed, take care of that little (in the sense of energy stock) than the nature awarded. Under such conditions, the exteroid is looking for easy paths.

But on the other hand, the exteroids are developed social flexibility, that is, a wide adaptability to the most different, diverse social conditions, groups of people, activities. They are artistic, they turn out good actors and singers.

From Exteroid the goal is to satisfy its ego, and the means - attracting attention.

Epileptoid - gloomy, disciplined and well organized person. He dislikes people, but at the same time it is a professional in any activity. It is absolute, unconditional. Powerful and confident. His position is a law for the rest. Violators of this law are cruelly punishable. Once in a new social environment, he begins to "adversely" everyone, to have a strength, finding out what place in the intragroup hierarchy he can claim himself. At the same time, epileptoid classifies people and its classification is simple. He divides everyone on "strong" - those who did not allow him to pamper themselves, was not frightened by his aggressive pressure, hesitated his expansive claims to someone else's territory (in a broad behavioral sense), and on the "weak" - those who gave way to Strestil, rescued in front of him.

Thinking epileptoid concrete, situational, it does not reflect on the level of high philosophical categories. He is more interested in where mining money was moved, who is to blame and what to do. In the thinking of epileptoid (as in parabbing) prevails goal. The purpose of the epileptoid is the protection of consciousness from unnecessary information through control and order.

One of the basic features, from which a lot depends in the epileptoid is love for order. And as a private manifestation - love for order in things. And this manifests itself in turn, the epileptoid loves the chairs to stand exactly, in the line so that the keys do not roll in the box, and hung on a specially arranged windows, each in their place so that all the necessary tools should be at hand. But, more importantly, he likes to force people to make this order in things - this is also his base feature.

purpose paranoid Type - a large-scale reformity everywhere, achieving a goal through human resource management. His power is efficiency, high level: it never deviates from the goal. Bring a paranoid person on a swamp and say: there should be a garden city - it will perform. A paranoid person can withstand large software stresses, he is inclined to them, he loves them. Paranoyala - a creative man, but with its own specifics. Paranoyar creative thinking depends on the organization of a mental associative series, and it is not wide and is limited to the narrow orienary directority of the paranoid personality.

The creative thinking of a paranoid person is purely targeted, and the process of thinking, its "side" products are not interesting to paranoid. Thinking paranoid is usually quite consistent and one-sided. He digs deep at one point - where he is interested and where it is necessary to dig to achieve the goal. And the goal of a paranoid personality is to global change in public order established by one of the preceding paranolas and supported by zealous epileptoids. Paranoyal considers this order of things to be bad, the relations that have developed in the world of people and supported by the tradition, recognizes with unfit and subject to replace on the best, they are invented. So, a parasale man is a fundamental revolutionary. And at the same time - unprincipled. His principle is to unsubscribe anything.

Emotive The psychotype is finely felt people. At the heart of the type of personality lies a low threshold, the purpose of the behavior is harmonization and humanization of the medium, equilibrium in relationships. These are connoisseurs of all beautiful, these are the main consumers of art, but they are not creators, like schizoids (see them below). This is a man of true, and not talked emotions, sympathizing, empathizing other people. He is always ready to provide a crying vest. In relation to humanity, emotive - antipode epileptoid. He is an altruist, a philanthropist, he perceives the pain of near sharper than his own. Unlike paranoid, he appreciates the need, the aspirations of the individual is significantly higher than the abstract, from his point of view, "the benefit of society."

Emotives are good educators (mainly where you need to mitigate from nature a steep temper of the pupil), nurses, homemade (family) doctors, psychologists, social workers. Of these, it turns out good waiters, employees of hotels, sellers. Emotive does not endure a hint of vulgarity, rudeness, disharmony and it makes it an indispensable editor, in the broad sense of the word, any product of creative activity. His goal in creating harmony and restoration of equilibrium, through a good attitude towards people.

Hypertension The type of personality is based on a strong and movable nervous system. Hypertime is a tireless ledge and optimist. Surface, does not put large-scale goals, lives one day, its main motive -, fun, adventure. Hyperitim is always an informal leader, collects a party around him. Energy is constantly executed, but it does not concentrate on anything specific, does not have a sustainable goal, the only direction in which it would spend its powerful energy reserves. As a result, Hyperitim "Spray" into many small classes.

He is a lifespan of life, he loves the bortage, he is to walk so much. He spends a lot of money, can escape everything. Hyperitim is striving for adolescent companies, it is boring one. They communicate hyperthy not for the sake of the case, it is important for communication for communication for communication. They can trudge the clock, forgetting about things. The frankness of hyperthy does not know the boundaries. He can tell about himself, about his wife, right up to sexual details. It has already been mentioned that it easily gives out other people's trusted secrets. He is often lying, but at the same time does not put himself in the center of the story, unlike an exteroid, which puts himself at the center of his own lies. Hyperitim composes just like that without receiving any material benefit from it. The goal of hyperthy is obtaining new emotions, a means - a change of activity and social mobility.

Shizoid The type of personality is expressed in the specific feature of thinking. Schizoid in the formation of concepts about objects and phenomena operates not by the main signs, but secondary. He thinks unorthodox. For example, ask a schizoid, which is the main sign of the cup, and he will answer: "Looking for what to use it." His main feature is a tendency to theorization. This is a formula man, a scheme. This is a thought type. He has thought prevails over the action and in the way. The asociality, the complexity of the assimilation and implementation of even relatively simple stereotypes of the behavior, the unpredictability of actions (can never be sure how the schizoid will behave, what the quality of the situation it will determine how important it is) - all this, no doubt it makes it difficult to adapt.

Schizoid - True creative nature. He is not straining, does not force himself to create, he just sees everything else than Orthodox. Every familiar thing, a banal phenomenon, well known to all known, schizosin, schizoid perceives as something new. For whatever the task, the schizoid will be taken, it will certainly deviate in the process of the decision aside from the target target. The fact that schizoide does not order order, and the will of the waves sails the waves of his creative element, closely conjugately and so that it does not set itself goals and does not reach them. He seems interesting to him - he is doing it. This "something" can be productive, then he strains and puts a certain task. He still puts some minor goals, it is impossible at all without them, but these are not big, not long-term goals. The purpose of the schizoid is to create something new through non-standard thinking.

Analysis of the identity of the appearance

The key to character recognition is good knowledge of the types of personality (psychotypes) in pure form: the features of the physique, the design of the appearance (clothing, hairstyle, accessories), spaces (apartments, work office, car, etc.), motor activity (facial exposure, gesture , gait, poses, speech).

The first step in the recognition of human nature is to identify all types of personality, and the second is their placement in terms of severity with the help of a special technique. If we see athlete, this does not mean 100% that he is epileptoid, but indicates that there are such character traits in his character. Leading he can have another. Usually, the more signs of one type of person, the most likely he is leading. A good expert by 99% will definitely define it.

External Signs of Personality

Estroid is bright, fashionable, it is always visible on group photos, it takes unusual poses, wears a faithful mask of friendliness, constantly playing, is realized only surrounded by viewers. The gesticulation of the exteroids is mannered, works in the public. The hairstyle is original, attracting attention. Not like everyone else. Exteroids often paint hair, change their hairstyle, like things in the wardrobe. Exteroid women plastic. Their movements are elegant, smooth, relaxed, clever, flirty. If the epileptoid decomposes the behavior into individual actions, which performs it pneuing if the schizoid cannot even join one action, and performs a clumsy set of insulated movements, then the exteroid is easily and smoothly performs complex combinations of action.

Epiletoid - Athletic Build, Broad Bone, Short Neck, Big Head. The look of straight, confident, sometimes the interlocutor may seem hard. Epileptoids are intended constancy in clothing. They get used to things. They cannot understand how it can be thrown into the thing, if it has not yet been worn out, but only came out of fashion. Even if you have to stop wearing some thing, they do not throw it, but clean it in the closet - suddenly it will be useful. But if the schizoid wears a jacket, until he falls apart from dilapidation, the epileptoid is a worn thing overflows, takes off, replans. Dark tones are dominated in clothes.

Paranoyal - a follower of a classic style. He endured the test of time, he recognizes the vast majority of people, he is understandable and close to the masses and most importantly - reflects a completely definite social position - the unconditional priority of social goals and values \u200b\u200bover individual. Mimica in paranoid power and confident. The movements of paranoid often pivyrs, he vigorously gesticulates, knocks on the table, relies with his hands on the table.

Emotive is able to feel harmony and bring it in line with himself and everything that is in the surrounding space. There is no appearance of the characteristic physique of emotive, but it is always quite harmonic. Emotive do not like sharp corners. Including in clothing. They willingly wear knitwear. Soft, casual sweaters, pullovers, dresses, cervical scarves. At the same time, they avoid close, grave clothing, accessories (ties, gloves, tight jeans).

Hyperthy is very curious, movable, quickly go, look in the face passersby, quickly get acquainted and quickly forget. It is characterized by illustrating gestures. Externally - picnic addition, weakly developed limbs. Hypertension design of appearance is a lot of clothes for rest. Hypertension also introduces into clothing, makeup, accessories a special taste of hurry carelessness (not to be confused with the dense inaccuracy of schizoids). Hypertims always do everything on the run: hurrying the sandwich is hurry, drinking juice, while pulling a sweater or a fastening shirt on the head.

Schizoid externally is an asthenic physique, often high growth, eclecticism in appearance, untidiness, dirty clothing. Schizoida is not like that of people: Mimica - Orchestra, gestures and postures - awkward, gait - puppet, be sure to drop something, disassemble. Often wears a beard and mustache, shave does not like. And if it shams, it is not completely and then you can see the sticking hairs alone. And it happens that they stick out of the nose or from the ears. Among the specific schizoid signs of appearance, we call, first of all, a distinct eclecticity - a disharmonious, paradoxical mixing of styrene-forming parts.

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