19 countries where you can fly to the sea in October. Where is the best beach holiday in October. Pros and cons of each country. Weather and sea temperature. Prices for tours, air tickets, hotels.

Where to go on vacation at sea in October - 19 options

Russians associate October with deep autumn, colorful leaf fall, rain and slush. A trip to a warm country, where it is so pleasant to lie on the beach, swim and sunbathe under the gentle sun, will help bring back the bygone summer. Where to relax in October to make your vacation bright and memorable? Ride on Black Sea coast tempting, but risky - you may be unlucky with the weather. Therefore, Russian tourists prefer to fly to where it is warm and sunny - abroad, to the southern seas.

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When solving the dilemma of where to go to the sea in October, Russians prefer visa-free countries. Flying on vacation to Turkey means exchanging autumn boredom for a beach holiday.

Tourists are attracted by:

  • short flight;
  • Russian-speaking staff;
  • many beaches have been awarded the Blue Flag;
  • infrastructure and service at the highest level;

Of the minuses:

  • excessive attention to Russian women;
  • cases of discrepancy between the ordered room and the actual living conditions.

Continues in October the Velvet season without the tedious heat and crowds. On the shores of the Black and Aegean Seas, the weather in mid-autumn is unreliable and rainy. But you can go on vacation to Turkey in October by buying a cheap last-minute ticket. It’s possible to fly two people on vacation for a week for 45-47 thousand rubles.

The air temperature during the day is from 20 to 27°, at night – 17-20°, at the end of October the sun is still warm, but at night it gets cold to 13-17°. At sea – 22-24°.

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The beach season in Tunisia lasts until mid-autumn. Here at the beginning of October comfortable weather– 25-27° in the air and 22-24° in the sea. If you want to get into a warm place where it’s nice to sunbathe and swim, you need to fly to the island of Djerba. Thanks to the hot south winds, during the day the air warms up to 27-29°, you can swim at 25°.

In mid-October until the end of the month it is not uncommon strong winds, it starts to rain. Although there is no prolonged precipitation, the sky is covered with dense clouds. It's time to go on excursions to Carthage and the Sahara Desert.

Pros of traveling to Tunisia:

  • no visa required;
  • the beaches are sandy and clean;
  • prices for tours are reduced;
  • The all-inclusive system is common.

Disadvantages for picky tourists:

  • in hotels 3* and below the level of service is low;
  • Russian is not widely spoken, although the staff is actively studying it;
  • not everywhere there are animators;
  • Tunisians really like Russian girls.

This month you can relax on a budget for 45,000 rubles in a 3* hotel and from 89 thousand for two in 4-5* hotels on the first beach line.


If you are wondering where to fly to the sea in October, choose Egypt. It's better to relax here late autumn, it's too hot in summer. IN autumn months still in full swing beach season, but schoolchildren and students have gone home, and you can buy last-minute trips at a profit.

For $750 two people get a wonderful sea ​​holiday And I note among the advantages T:

  • real summer weather(30-32°);
  • warm sea (26-27°);
  • no visa;
  • helpful staff.

A significant disadvantage is security problems and tedious intrusiveness of traders

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A beach holiday in October becomes a reality when it comes to Cyprus. Sea temperature 25°, air temperature 26-27°. Sometimes the wind rises and it rains with a thunderstorm, the thermometer drops to 20°. But such vagaries of nature do not happen often.

Holidays in Cyprus in October delight tourists with comfortable weather and beautiful scenery. This month you can not only relax on the beach, but also take an exciting trip around the island without fear of the tedious heat.

You can fly in without a visa; it is issued at the airport of arrival. There are few tourists at this time, and you can spend a vacation for as little as 50,000 rubles.

Undeniable advantages:

  • clean sandy beaches marked with the Blue Flag;
  • excellent service;
  • developed infrastructure;
  • no language barrier;
  • conditions for recreation of parents with children.


  • high prices for accommodation;
  • charging for services and beach activities;
  • noise until late at night.

Newlyweds often come to Cyprus to Honeymoon, the animators are preparing a very beautiful ceremony especially for them.


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It’s quite possible to travel to Europe without a visa and have an inexpensive vacation if you decide to spend your vacation in Montenegro. But weather in October are fickle. If you can still swim at the beginning of the month, then the second half of October is more suitable for excursions. At night the thermometer sometimes drops to 14°, during the day it warms up to 21°. There is a high probability of rain, there are frequent storms at sea, the water cools down to 18-20°.

But prices drop by 35-40%; a week’s vacation for two costs from 55,000 rubles.

What attracts Montenegro:

  • European service;
  • sanatoriums at balneological resorts;
  • hospitality of local residents;
  • a calm, measured holiday for retirees who cannot stand the heat;
  • beautiful nature;
  • reasonable prices.

The only disadvantage is rainy weather and piercing winds on the coast, which will overshadow part of the holiday.


The climate in Bulgaria is not much different from Montenegro. You can swim only in the first half of October. Then the air and water temperatures equalize - 18-19°, and by the end of the month nature is in the grip of autumn. It’s even cooler in the mountains – 9-10°.

You can have an interesting holiday traveling around the country. A significant disadvantage is that you need a Schengen visa. The minimum cost of a week of rest is 43,000 rubles.

Italy, Spain

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The most popular destinations are Italy and Spain, beautiful at any time of the year.

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In October, tourists get the chance to profitably purchase a week-long tour to Portugal for 84,000 rubles for two.

The beach season is not closed yet, but in the sea it is only 18-20°, and in the air 23° during the day and 14-16° at night. Vacationers are looking for where it's warm and heading to the heated Azores warm Gulf Stream. Here in the sea it is 22°, at lunchtime the atmosphere is 22-24°.

From the middle of the month the sky becomes cloudy and rain is common. But, according to tourists, the sun shines every third day.

What's good about Portugal:

  • active youth recreation is developed - surfing, diving, etc.;
  • many holidays, including bullfighting;
  • interesting excursions;
  • European service.

Disadvantages of rest:

  • frequent winds, high waves;
  • Schengen is required/

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In October it starts in the Emirates tourist season, but the heat makes itself felt - 34-38°. Water, like fresh milk – not lower than 27°. Holidays at this time are mainly beach holidays.

The beaches and hotels amaze with their wealth and luxury, the prices are high, but there is always the opportunity to purchase a last-minute ticket and relax for 62,000 rubles.

Undoubted advantages:

  • developed infrastructure;
  • sandy beaches;
  • varied shopping;
  • unusual architecture.

In 2018, it became possible to obtain a visa upon entering the country for free.

There are also disadvantages:

  • hot;
  • expensive;
  • far;
  • no alcohol law.

The Emirates has strict laws regarding appearance and behavior of tourists. One girl, unaccompanied by a man, may feel uncomfortable on the streets of the city.


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Israel has the most best vacation in October. The thermometer rarely rises above 30°, the water is warm – 24-27°. The shores are washed by the waters of 4 seas.

Tourists are attracted by:

  • visa-free regime;
  • no language barrier;
  • excursions to holy places;
  • hospitals around the Dead Sea.

Of the minuses:

  • high prices;
  • crowded;
  • safety problems;
  • long inspection.

The price range is quite high: from 63,500 rubles. in the capital up to 133,500 rubles. in Eilat.

Thailand, Vietnam

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Asia is in the grip of the wet season in October. At an air temperature of 30-32° during the day and 23-25° at night, it often rains, hence high humidity. The sea is rough, but warm – about 27°. Nature is especially rampant in the northern and central regions. Due to storms and typhoons, the water in the sea is cloudy.

And only on southern shores Sunny days and periods of calm are common.


  • no visa required;
  • cheap food and accommodation;
  • beach holidays have not been cancelled;
  • adult pleasures (in Thailand);
  • cheerful, friendly residents.

Disadvantages are mainly related to the weather:

  • high humidity;
  • rains;
  • Hurricanes and typhoons happen.

A long and expensive flight is compensated by cheap accommodation. The price of a week-long tour for two with breakfast starts from 52 thousand rubles.

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Morocco, Jordan

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Holidays in Africa are suitable for those who intend to combine a beach holiday with exploring the local flavor. The sweltering heat subsides only by October - 28-30° during the day, and from 16 to 22° at night, depending on the region. You can stay out of the water all day – 25-29°.

The most cheap tours start in Morocco from $1,390, in Jordan – from 99,000 rubles for two.

Pros of rest:

  • low prices within countries;
  • conditions for surfing and diving;
  • health and beauty treatments;
  • affordable prices for natural creams, cosmetics, bags, fabrics.
  • Vacationers are attracted by:
    • online visa application for 1805 rubles;
    • exotic landscapes;
    • free beaches;
    • centers practicing yoga and Ayurveda;
    • cheap clothing and food markets.


    • unsanitary conditions and crime outside the resort areas;
    • tap water is unsuitable for drinking and washing fruit;
    • very spicy food;
    • Beggars pester tourists.

    The price for the tour varies from 97 to 165 thousand rubles in a hotel on the seashore.


    On a vast territory with many climatic zones It's very difficult to decide on the weather. IN different regions weather conditions are radically different. The most comfortable place to swim in October is southern regions, where in water it is 26-28°, in air 29-30°. The number of rainy days also depends on the region.

    In the north of the country, where residents Far East fly for the weekend average temperature– 19-20°.

    For vacationers from the European part, significant disadvantages will be:

    • flight range;
    • high cost of air tickets;
    • Unstable weather.

    There are also advantages:

    • rich excursion program;
    • immersion in the philosophy of the ancient East;
    • cheap shopping.

    The cost of a week's vacation for two is from 75,000 rubles and above.

    Concluding the review of holidays in October, it is impossible not to mention Cuba.

    The rainy season is ending, but the likelihood of tropical downpours is still high. The temperature of the atmosphere and water is almost the same: 30-31° in the air and 29° in the sea.

    Pros of rest:

    • visa-free entry for up to 30 days;
    • wide sandy beaches;
    • fishing sport is developed;
    • happy holidays and festivals.


    • expensive and long flight;
    • very intrusive locals;
    • money scam.

    The minimum price for a trip for two is 100 thousand rubles.

    Traveling outside of Russia is impossible without a passport. In our country, only the Black and Caspian Seas are accessible for swimming. But weather conditions do not always allow swimming in October.


When summer is left behind, and you still want to go to the sea, to the sand, then you need to fly abroad, where the beach season is in full swing and there is not even a hint of dull autumn. But few people know where they can relax abroad in October 2019 at sea. Inexpensive beach holidays can be arranged in countries south asia, also the season has not yet ended in some European countries. We will tell you about them in our article, and you can decide for yourself whether to fly there or not.

Countries of Southeast Asia.
With the coming late autumn The beach season opens in countries located in Southeast Asia. These days the rainy season ends here and the beautiful time when the sun is shining and you can swim in the sea. What countries are waiting for you?

Firstly, this is Thailand, which is so loved by many of our tourists. Thailand has an excellent climate and luxurious hotels with beaches. In October there is neither heat nor cold here. The temperature during the day is about +27 degrees, and the sea has warmed up to +23 and above.

Although the rainy season is over, sometimes there are short-term downpours that last 30-40 minutes. Of course, it's not very pleasant when you're on the beach. But in such a case, there are cafes and restaurants on the beaches where you can hide and wait out the elements.
But prices are especially low at this time of year. In October there are not many tourists here, and hotels want to lure them in and offer discounts and other goodies. You can take advantage of this offer.

In October it is also warm here, there is no heat and no rain. At the same time, there is no rain even for short periods. And the sea temperature is slightly higher than in Thailand.
Goa compares favorably with its neighbors in prices. Here they are lower and sometimes by a lot. Plus in India, and Goa is India, there are many beautiful sights. The country itself has a rich culture and if the weather is bad, you can enjoy city tours and see life as it is.

Also don't forget about Vietnam. Especially about his resort Nha Trang. It is the most popular among tourists, and people relax here all year round, even during the rainy season.

Vietnam has recently become a tourist country. But this is even better, because the country has modern hotels, excellent beaches and beautiful nature.
Almost all hotels have their own swimming pools, and in cases bad weather you can stay in it and swim in the heated pool. The local jungle deserves special attention. They are beautiful, monkeys and other animals of the country live in them. Jungle excursions are very popular with tourists, who walk along the trails, admire the animals and take photographs.

Holidays in Europe at sea in October.
Many people think that in October there are no countries in Europe where it is warm and you can swim. They are mistaken, such countries exist, and they are well known to everyone.
The velvet season is underway in Greece and Cyprus. These days it is still quite warm here and up to +25 degrees during the day. The sun is shining most days, and no rain is visible yet.
You can also relax in Montenegro, but not everywhere. Only some southern resorts of the country are ready to receive tourists and guarantee them that there will be warm sea and excellent sunny weather.
If you fly even further into Europe, you can relax in Spain, on the gorgeous azure beaches. Holidays in Spain are not very expensive; plane tickets are expensive due to the distance they have to travel.

Next to Spain is Portugal, which is even cheaper. But again, due to the fact that it takes even longer to fly here, it seems that the cost of the tour is very high. But both Spain and Portugal are hot. During the day the air can warm up to +30 degrees, and the nights are as warm as summer and up to +22. The sea pleases with warmth and warm water. But these days it may not be calm and there may be high waves.

Hello, Dear friends. Well, summer holidays are over. September has arrived in full force, and it’s time to shed tears over the past vacation. Well, you can also show off your tan to your friends and colleagues, look through photos from your trip, and for some, run to the gym to lose the accumulated kilos thanks to your favorite all inclusive program and wait.

But in reality, not everything is so sad. After all, you can take a long-awaited vacation in the fall and calmly enjoy the sea, sun and beach (and even an autumn trip may cost you less than a summer trip). You just need to choose the right one for yourself perfect place. And that’s where we’ll now look at where to go on a beach holiday abroad in October.

I really like visa-free countries. At any time you can buy a plane ticket, choose a hotel and go to the sea with the whole family.

I have selected for you a list of countries where you will not be caught by wind, rain and cold days. In October, these countries are ideal for a beach holiday.

A country Temperature during the day Temperature at night Water temperature
Egypt + 29 + 20 + 26
Türkiye + 26 + 13 + 25
Tunisia + 25 + 13 + 23
Israel + 33 +21 + 26
Mauritius + 28 + 19 + 24
Seychelles + 30 + 25 + 28
Tanzania + 30 + 22 + 27


In October, the weather in Egypt becomes the most comfortable for a beach holiday. In September it is still hot, in November prices for tours to Egypt rise (our November holidays have an effect). The unbearable heat of summer has already passed, and winter with its winds has not yet arrived.

So, October is an ideal month for a vacation. The air temperature during the day is + 29 degrees, at night + 20, the water warms up to + 26 degrees.

Hurghada or Sharm el-Sheikh

People often ask the question: where is the best place to vacation in the fall? In Hurghada or Sharm el-Sheikh? For autumn, especially for October, there is no difference. The weather is excellent both there and there. For winter it is better to choose Sharm el-Sheikh. There is no such wind as in Hurghada.

Don't forget to take excursions to Cairo and Luxor. In autumn you will not suffocate from the heat and stuffiness and walks will be comfortable.

And the Red Sea is very beautiful. Be sure to snorkel.


With the onset of autumn, prices for holidays in Turkey fall. Schoolchildren and most tourists are finishing their summer holidays, the beaches are emptying, and the weather is only becoming more pleasant. If in July and August the air temperature during the day can reach + 40 degrees (and this year it was abnormal, reaching + 45 degrees in some cities), then in October the air during the day is + 26 degrees, the water warms up to 25 degrees.

It is worth considering that resorts are best suited for a beach holiday in October Mediterranean Sea: Side, Antalya, Alanya. And I recommend vacationing in the first half of October, as the second half can bring surprises in the form of rain.

Airfare prices are also dropping significantly. You can find good options in both directions without transfers.

In addition to the beaches, in Turkish resorts you will find entertainment centers and places: discos, nightclubs, cafes and restaurants, establishments with jazz and rock music, golf courses, diving centers. And of course, there are many sights that are much more comfortable to explore in October than.


It is better to devote the first half of October to a beach holiday in Tunisia. The water still retains summer warmth and swimming in the sea is comfortable. The water temperature warms up to + 23 degrees, the air temperature during the day is + 25, at night + 15.

October for a holiday in Tunisia is suitable for people who do not like unbearable heat or cannot tolerate it well. I recommend visiting thalassotherapy spa treatments, which are very popular in Tunisia.
The following resorts are worth visiting:

  • Sousse,
  • Mahdia
  • Monastir

October in Tunisia is rich in holidays and festivals. In odd-numbered years (2015 is one of them), Carthage hosts the International Festival and the International Festival classical music. It takes place in the ancient Amphitheater, which gives the festival a special flavor.


There are 4 seas in Israel, the Red, Mediterranean, Dead and Galilee (Lake Kinneret).

The resort city of Eilat, which is located on the shores of the Red Sea, is most suitable for a beach holiday, on the coast of which there are many fashionable hotels and 3* and 4* star hotels. When looking for housing, I recommend using the service Airbnb. I found apartments near the sea for $50.

The air temperature in Eilat in October reaches + 33 degrees, at night +21, the water warms up to + 26 degrees. As you can see, this is excellent weather for a beach holiday.

In Eilat big choice cafes, bars, entertainment events. The resort is popular with divers, so there are many diving centers there. There are sun loungers and changing cabins on the beach.

Holidays in health centers and hospitals are also popular in October. Dead Sea. Healing mud, thermal springs– a wonderful break from the hustle and bustle of life.


The high season in Mauritius is considered to be from November to April. But October is also suitable for beach relaxation on snow-white sand. Comfortable weather - air temperature during the day + 28, at night + 19, water temperature + 24 - allows you to forget about the rainy autumn in Russia.

For the picky tourist, Mauritius is not in demand in October. Maybe because the temperature of +27, + 28 degrees is not so hot for a tropical island. But this is also good for other “unspoiled” tourists. In October, prices for air tickets and hotels decrease and vacations become cheaper with the same excellent quality of service.

For entertainment, the island of Mauritius offers a variety of tropical flora and fauna, Coral reefs, marble caves, rocky plateaus and underwater grottoes. The island offers unforgettable fishing and surfing. Newlyweds also come here to spend their honeymoon.


The beach season in Seychelles lasts 365 days a year. October is considered the off-season, when the cool and dry season turns to summer, and summer itself with its hot weather has not yet come into force. This month you can swim in the sea to your heart's content, lie on sun loungers, without fear of getting sunburnt. The air temperature during the day is + 30 degrees, at night it drops to + 25 degrees, the water temperature is + 28 degrees.

The islands offer a variety of entertainment options undersea world. The diving here is some of the most spectacular in the world. Popular diving sites include Aldabra Atoll, Farquhar Archipelago and Recife Island.

When scuba diving, be aware of the danger of encountering sharks. Swim only in designated diving areas.

You will be very lucky if you are going to the Seychelles in October. A pass is being made on the northern island of the Berd archipelago migratory birds. Take it with you binoculars. You will not see such a concentration of birds as here anywhere else.


The best resort in Tanzania is the island of Zanzibar. Here you will find snow-white sand and crystal clear ocean. The ocean swell is minimal, there is almost no rain and the weather is not very hot.

Since the island is close to the equator, the weather remains virtually unchanged throughout the year. The air temperature during the day is + 30 degrees, at night it drops to +22, the water temperature is + 27 degrees.

The most popular entertainment is scuba diving. Here great amount diving sites. The most popular on the islands of the Zanzibar archipelago, on the islands of Pemba and Bangoyo.

From September to November there is excellent fishing on the islands of Zanzibar and Pemba, as well as on Mnenba Atoll. Can be caught blue marlin, barracuda, sailfish, sawfish.

During this time, you can watch birds and take part in a dry safari. And at the end of October, Tanzania hosts a holiday - the Zanzibar Cultural Festival.

All in all, you won't be bored in Tanzania. I wish I had time to lie on the beach.

Holidays in October with a visa

Yes, you will have to spend a little time and money on obtaining a visa. But believe me, it makes sense. Moreover, for some countries there is facilitated entry: you can obtain an electronic entry permit in advance, and some of the countries listed below issue a visa on arrival. Right at the airport.

A country Temperature during the day Temperature at night Water temperature
Cyprus + 28 + 18 + 25
UAE + 35 + 26 + 27
GOA + 31 + 21 + 27
Tenerife + 26 + 20 + 23


The sun almost always shines on the island of Cyprus. 320 sunny days speaks for itself.

With the beginning of September comes the velvet season, the sun becomes more gentle and not as scorching as in summer months, the sea is gentle and not so steamy. In October it is still warm, the air temperature during the day is +28, at night it drops to +18, so it is better to throw a warm jacket over your shoulders in the evening, the water temperature is +25 degrees. The warmth lasts until the end of the month, and only at the beginning of November the sea begins to storm and it rains.

It's better to stay in October resort town Ayia Napa. Lots of cafes and restaurants, sandy beaches, noisy parties and hangouts. But you will find all this variety in the city center. If you want peace and privacy, choose housing a little further from the center, closer to the outskirts. Living there, you will not even realize that you are in a youth resort, with a bunch of bars, discos and clubs.


If your vacation is in October and you dream of a warm sea, gentle sun and for the weather to be ideal, you need to fly to the UAE. Forget about warm jackets and sweaters. All you need in terms of clothing is shorts, flip flops and a Panama hat.

The weather on the coasts of the Persian and Ottoman Gulf is slightly different. Choose the one that suits you. In the resorts of the Persian Gulf - Sharjah, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Ras al-Khaimah - the air temperature during the day rises to + 35 degrees, at night it drops to + 26, the water temperature is 27 degrees. At the Ottoman Gulf resort in Fujairah, the air and water temperatures are about 2 degrees lower. That is, during the day + 33, at night + 24, water + 25.

You won’t find rain in October, as well as monsoons and typhoons, in the UAE. Don't even hope for it.

In addition to a beach holiday, you can take excursions to desert safari and ATV racing on sand dunes. Cultural life is also busy: Abu Dhabi hosts all sorts of exhibitions dedicated to education and health issues. In addition, the Arab Film Festival takes place this month.


October is the beginning of the tourist season in Goa. The monsoon season is ending and the coastal state of India is back from all over the world. But still put the umbrella in your suitcase. Rarely, surprises in the form of small downpours can occur.

This month the humidity drops and the climate becomes drier and more pleasant. What you need for swimming, getting out of the water and relaxing on the beach. The air temperature during the day is + 31 degrees, at night it drops to + 23, but the water temperature pleases us at +27 degrees.

Since the tourist season is just beginning, prices for air tickets and accommodation are not very expensive yet - you can completely relax 10-20% cheaper than in the high season (November-February).

From cultural entertainment- excursions and independent outings. Goa has many ancient religious buildings that are scattered throughout the state and its surrounding areas. Particularly interesting is the one neighboring Goa. ancient city Hampi with its Vijayanagara ruins, which belong to the sites world heritage UNESCO.


Autumn is coming into its own, but it is still warm in October. There is still demand for holidays this month, although the influx of tourists is decreasing. Because of this, holiday prices are falling, and you can bask in the sun for less money than in high season.

The air temperature during the day is + 26 degrees, at night it drops to + 20 degrees, the sea warms up to + 23 degrees. If you are traveling with a child, I recommend booking hotel with heated swimming pool.

For entertainment you will find diving, golf, parasailing, kitesurfing, and surfing.

Which countries can you travel to, but there are nuances?

— Dominican Republic — it’s better to go in the second half of October. People suffering from cardiovascular diseases or respiratory system, it is not recommended to visit the country at this time.


October is one of best months for holidays in Mauritius. At this time it begins hot season and there is no rain, at least in the northern and western parts of the island. So you can bask on the beaches, swim in warm Indian Ocean, go diving, surfing and admire Mauritian nature in its fullest bloom.

  • Air temperature: 26–27 °C.
  • Water temperature: 22–25 °C.
  • Visa:
  • Cost of living: from 1,149 rubles per night.
  • : from 109,637 rubles.


The Galapagos is another great island destination for an October getaway. There, as in Mauritius, the weather is warm and dry at this time, but the main thing is unique nature of these places still remains in all its glory.

The “peak” season for birds and fish lasts until the end of October, but there are noticeably fewer people on the archipelago. Therefore, you can safely snorkel and dive and simply explore the islands, almost the entire territory of which is a national park.

  • Air temperature: 25–27 °C.
  • Water temperature: 23°C.
  • Visa: .
  • Cost of living: from 556 rubles per night.
  • Cost of flights from Moscow and back: from 27,704 rubles.


Although the Canaries are considered a year-round resort, it is better to go there for a beach holiday in the summer or not too late in the fall. October is perfect: the ocean is still very warm, which means you can swim and lie on the sand all day long. Depending on the island, it can be black (volcanic), yellow or white.

The easiest way to get to the main island of Tenerife: direct flights depart there from Moscow. That is why there will be many compatriots (and tourists in general) there. The second most popular island among holidaymakers is Gran Canaria.

For a more secluded getaway, head to Lanzarote (and be sure to visit the local volcano national park with alien landscapes) or to relaxed Fuerteventura - an island that, thanks to its stable winds, is chosen by windsurfers.

  • Air temperature: 27–31 °C.
  • Water temperature: 26–27 °C.
  • Visa: not required within 90 days.
  • Cost of living: from 1,215 rubles per night.
  • Cost of flights from Moscow and back: from 14,985 rubles.


October is ideal for visiting Israel: there is no longer sweltering heat, and the water three seas, washing the country, warms up to very pleasant temperature. You are free to choose any coastal city for your holiday, but Tel Aviv will be one of optimal options. You can go shopping there and experience cultural and nightlife: after all, this is Israel’s entertainment capital.

In addition, Jerusalem is located approximately 60 km from Tel Aviv. It, along with other ancient attractions, is worth visiting in October, when there is not yet such an influx of pilgrims as in winter.

  • Air temperature: 20–23 °C.
  • Water temperature: 18–19 °C.
  • Visa: not required within 90 days.
  • Cost of living: from 477 rubles per night.
  • Cost of flights from Moscow and back: from 7,732 rubles.


Hot and crowded Istanbul empties out by mid-autumn, and the temperature in the city drops to very comfortable. So at this time you can explore the ancient city and its surroundings without fuss.

If you are a connoisseur contemporary art or have something to do with design, there is another reason to head to the Turkish capital. This is the Istanbul Design Biennale. It will take place from September 22 to November 4.

Of course, only the bravest will be able to swim in the sea. But it’s quite possible to drive along the empty coasts, sunbathe and maybe get into the water on a particularly nice day in October.

  • Air temperature: 14–20 °C.
  • Visa: Schengen
  • Cost of living: from 1,421 rubles per night.
  • Cost of flights from Moscow and back: from 13,764 rubles.


October in Paris is eventful. Firstly, the culinary capital is hosting a large-scale gastronomic event - Taste Week. During it, tastings of French food, master classes and themed days are organized: holidays of choucroute, spices, cider and fish. The week ends with the chestnut festival, which is celebrated on a grand scale throughout the country.

If you are going to Paris primarily for taste, put a separate line in your budget for this. Assume that you can have a snack within 10 euros, but a full lunch or dinner will cost 20 euros or more.

  • Air temperature: 17–22 °C.
  • Visa: Schengen
  • Cost of living: from 1,550 rubles per night.
  • Cost of flights from Moscow and back: from 21,714 rubles.


Another grand culinary festival takes place in Perugia, Italy. The period from October 19 to 28 is the time of the Eurochocolate chocolate festival, when sweet tooths and chocolatiers from different countries come to the city.

The program is rich: there are shows, the creation of chocolate sculptures, festivities, and, of course, fairs and tastings where you can try chocolate products of all kinds. If you decide to attend a holiday, take looser trousers: you will probably need them.

  • Air temperature: 10–17 °C.
  • Water temperature: 13°C.
  • Visa: Irish or British.
  • Cost of living: from 1,057 rubles per night.
  • Cost of flights from Moscow and back: from 15,270 rubles.


Dublin is another European destination, worthy of attention in October. In the first half of the month, the Irish capital hosts an annual theater festival, and towards the end - the Bram Stoker Festival, dedicated to the creator of the Gothic novel Dracula. Of course, at this time the city is filled with vampires and a vampire atmosphere; thematic performances, film screenings and parties are held at various venues - just before.

From Dublin you can also travel north to Belfast, where an international art festival takes place almost all month, or south to Cork, where last days October a traditional jazz festival will take place.

4. Delhi, India

  • Air temperature: 30–33 °C.
  • Visa: Indian, you can get it online.
  • Vivid (literally) impressions are guaranteed for those who travel to India in the second half of October. At this time, a wonderful local holiday is celebrated throughout the country - Dashahra.

    The celebrations last almost 10 days, this year they start on October 19. At this time, Indians have fun, exchange gifts and perform a number of beautiful rituals.

    Do you dream of seeing the city filled with colors, light and fireworks? Then go to Delhi. Although the celebrations will take place in all corners of India, so no matter where you find yourself during this time, you will not be able to hide from the beauty.

    • Air temperature: 0–10 °C.
    • Water temperature: 7–11 °C.
    • Cost of living: from 252 rubles per night.
    • Cost of flights from Moscow and back: from 10,180 rubles.


    You can stay very close to the lake, for example in the village of Listvyanka, or in the busier Irkutsk - and make forays into nature from there. It is better to take care of excursions in advance (after all, it is the end of the season, the programs will be cancelled), but at the beginning of the month many of them are still available.

We'll tell you where you can swim abroad in the sea in October. We have compiled a list of countries and resorts where you should go on vacation in October 2019.

Mini table of contents:

According to the old tradition, most Russians take vacation for the summer, winter or May holidays. Finding information about where to go at this time of year is not difficult. October is another matter. Where is the warm sea at this time? Which foreign resort is better to go to? We will undertake to answer these questions in this article.

In the text we will indicate the TOP countries where you can relax comfortably on the beach in October. We will list popular resorts and calculate the cost of traveling to warm countries. We will make the calculation using the following parameters: 2 people fly on vacation for 7 days with check-in at a 4* hotel.

Holidays in Turkey in October

Eastern country– the most popular destination among Russian tourists. Local resorts are ready to welcome vacationers at any time of the year. Tourists who love a measured, relaxing holiday will prefer to spend the velvet season in Turkey. All the fun with banana rides and shows in the evenings usually fades away.

Visa to Turkey

There is a visa-free regime for Russians. You can stay in the country for up to 30 days.

Weather in October in Turkey

During this period, the velvet season begins. The sweltering heat passes, but you can still swim and sunbathe. On the coast, the temperature during the day reaches +27 0 C, and in the evening it drops to +20 0 C. The water in the sea is warm - up to +24 0 C. It rarely rains in the first half of October.

The weather on the Aegean and Black Sea coasts is changeable. It rains often. Travel agencies no longer offer tours to these resorts.

Planning a trip? That way!

We have prepared some useful gifts for you. They will help you save money while preparing for your trip.

Where to go in Turkey in October

Pros of traveling to Turkey:

  • beach holiday;
  • The hotels operate an all-inclusive accommodation system;
  • The beaches are clean, some are marked with the Blue Flag;
  • All hotels employ animators, teachers and nannies;
  • There are many SPA salons, hammams and thalassotherapy centers;
  • There is no language barrier, there are many Russian speakers among the staff;
  • There is everything for an active holiday. You can go diving, yachting, mountaineering, and horse riding.

Disadvantages of traveling to Turkey:

  • Monotonous excursion programs. Most attractions are natural or historical in nature;
  • Local men show increased ;
  • The beaches are crowded, although this is probably not the case in October;
  • In taxis, bars, markets and shops.

Cost of a holiday in Turkey in October for two:

  • in Antalya from 45,000 rub. – direct flight + 4* hotel near the sea;
  • from 46,000 rub. – flight with a transfer in Istanbul + 4* hotel near the sea;
  • in Kemer from 47,500 rubles. – direct flight + 4* hotel near the beach;

Useful articles on the topic:

Holidays in Morocco in October

Pros of traveling to Morocco:

  • Rich excursion program to various attractions. Some of them are under the protection of UNESCO;
  • Sandy beaches suitable for families with children;
  • There are two coasts with different specificities: Mediterranean and Atlantic;
  • Ecotourism is developed;
  • There are conditions for surfing;
  • There are many thalassotherapy centers where tourists are treated sea ​​water, air with a high content of iodine and oxygen.

Disadvantages of traveling to Morocco:

  • There is a language barrier. Hotel staff does not speak Russian and speaks little English. French is used in everyday life. This is a legacy of the colonial era;
  • The hotels do not have beaches attached to them. Sun loungers and umbrellas need to be rented;
  • High crime rate. Use safes to store valuables and documents;
  • The local cuisine is not suitable for vacationers - it is very spicy;
  • In the trading zone, sellers intrusively pester tourists.

Cost of a holiday in Morocco in October for two:

  • in Agadir from 54,000 rub. – flight with a transfer in Casablanca + 4* hotel near the sea;
  • in Tangier from 55,000 rub. – flight with a transfer in Lisbon + 4* hotel near the beach;
  • in Casablanca from 63,000 rub. – flight with a transfer in Rome + 4* hotel near the beach;
  • You can find a tour much cheaper if you follow.

Holidays in Israel in October

Name the period high season It's not easy in this country. Israel is attractive to tourists all year round. Beach holidays start in October and last until March. Vacationers have the opportunity to choose which sea to relax on, because in Israel there are 4 of them: Red, Mediterranean, Dead and Galilee. In addition, there is something to see: a lot of entertainment for tourists and important historical places that should be visited.

Visa to Israel

There is a visa-free regime. You can stay in the country for 90 days. Upon entry, you will be issued a separate ticket with a photo and barcode.

Weather in October in Israel

Summer in Israel is hot and dry, but comfortable weather arrives in October. The air temperature does not rise above +30 0 C. The water is warm, from +24 0 ..+27 0 C.

Where to go in Israel in October

Tel Aviv is suitable for those who prefer leisure and ready to have fun around the clock. During the day you can sunbathe on the Mediterranean coast, and in the afternoon you can get acquainted with the culture of the country. Eilat resort is more suitable for family vacation. Plus there is Beautiful places for photo shoots and excellent underwater locations for diving. In Netanya you will find clean beaches and a gentle sea. It is convenient to go on excursions to other cities from here.

Pros of traveling to Israel:

  • There is an opportunity to swim in the waters of 4 seas;
  • There is no language barrier;
  • There is everything for a complete family holiday: water parks, attractions and amusement parks;
  • Big variety excursion programs: to nature reserves, national parks and holy places;
  • You can improve your health, because there are dozens of hospitals around the Dead Sea.

Disadvantages of traveling to Israel:

  • High cost of tours;
  • The situation in the country is difficult political situation and there are unsafe areas;
  • When visiting Israel, customs officers conduct a lengthy interrogation;
  • After visiting Israel, there may be problems with entering a number of Islamic countries.

Cost of a holiday in Israel in October for two:

  • in Tel Aviv from 63,500 rub. – direct flight + hotel near the sea;
  • in Netanya from 77,000 rub. – flight with a transfer in Thessaloniki + hotel near the beach;
  • in Eilat from 133,500 rub. – flight with a transfer in Tel Aviv + 4* hotel near the sea;
  • You can find a tour much cheaper if you follow.

Useful articles on the topic:

Holidays in Cyprus in October

The beach season is open until the end of October. The peculiarity of local resorts is the European level of service. It’s true that a holiday here is worth the same as in other popular European resorts.

Visa to Cyprus

You need to get a pro visa. They draw it up in . Although Cyprus is not part of the Schengen zone, it is possible to visit the country with a Schengen multiple visa category “C”. Provided that entry will be made from the territory of a Schengen country.

Weather in October in Cyprus

Where to go in Cyprus in October

There are three popular resorts in Cyprus. The largest of them is Ayia Napa. The second largest is Limassol. It's noisy and active here night life, but families with children will also be comfortable. Another place for a family holiday is the resort of Larnaca. In addition, it has long been chosen by diving enthusiasts.

Pros of traveling to Cyprus:

  • The beaches of Cyprus are considered the best in Europe and are marked with the Blue Flag;
  • Conditions have been created for family recreation;
  • High level of service. Even in three stars you will not be rude, and your linen will be perfectly clean;
  • The infrastructure of the resorts is excellent;
  • There are conditions for conducting tourist wedding ceremonies;
  • There are no problems with the language barrier. Menus, press, television channels in hotels are in Russian.

Disadvantages of traveling to Cyprus:

  • Expensive accommodation;
  • Same type excursion programs;
  • All services and entertainment on the beach are paid;
  • Resorts are not suitable for have a relaxing holiday, there is noise on the street until late at night. Although in October this is no longer so relevant.

Cost of a holiday in Cyprus for two:

  • in Limassol from RUB 65,500. – direct flight + 4* hotel near the sea;
  • in Ayia Napa from RUB 66,000. – direct flight + 4* hotel near the beach;
  • in Larnaca from RUB 97,500. – direct flight + 4* hotel near the sea;
  • You can find a tour much cheaper if you follow.

Holidays in Spain in October

Holidays in this country in October are suitable for those who cannot stand the heat, do not like crowded places, or prefer to lie on the beach a little and then run to the sights.

Visa to Spain

You need to apply for a Schengen visa. This is usually obtained at the visa application center. Cost – 35 euros or 2373 rubles. If you don’t want to bother with documents, you can.

Weather in October in Spain

During the day the air warms up to +23 0 C. In the evening it becomes cool. It often rains in the second half of October. The water in the sea at some resorts is kept within +22 0 C. At the end of the month, a squally wind blows and high waves form.

Where to go in Spain in October

In October, not all resorts are suitable for relaxation. We recommend staying in the suburbs of popular cities: and Valencia. This way you can combine swimming in the invigorating sea, sightseeing and getting to know Spanish culture.

In addition to these two cities, the beach season is still open in Tenerife, Ibiza, the Canaries and Mallorca.

Pros of traveling to Spain:

  • Eat good beaches, which are marked with the Blue Flag;
  • An extensive excursion program: here you will find mountains, architecture, amusement parks, and historical sights. For every taste;
  • Beaches are municipal and free;
  • In hotels high level service, regardless of star rating;
  • There are entertainment for young people.

Disadvantages of traveling to Spain:

  • To relax on the municipal beach you need to rent sun loungers and umbrellas;
  • There is a language barrier. You need to know spoken English or Spanish;
  • Temperamental Spaniards and tourists can party until late at night. If you are going on vacation with children or to stay in silence, choose your hotel more carefully.

Cost of a holiday in Spain in October for two:

  • in Tenerife from RUB 72,000. – flight with a transfer in Zurich + 4* hotel near the beach;
  • in Malaga from 78,000 rub. – flight with a transfer in Rome + 4* hotel near the beach;
  • in Barcelona from 85,500 rub. – flight with a transfer in Rome + 4* hotel near the sea;
  • You can find a tour much cheaper if you follow.

    Holidays in Tunisia in October

    Visa to Tunisia

    A visa is not required to visit Tunisia. Russians can stay in the country for up to 30 days. They charge upon departure tourist tax– 17 dollars or 1,010 rubles.

    Weather in October in Tunisia

    Where to go in Tunisia in October

    Monastir is considered one of the most popular places. Features of the resort: a large number of hotels with 4 and 5 stars. The level of service is sky-high. Travelers who prefer active holidays will choose the resort. A large number of entertainment venues and tourist attractions are concentrated in this place. Suitable for a family or relaxing holiday: there are beautiful and pleasant beaches.

    Pros of traveling to Tunisia:

    • The beaches are clean and free;
    • The sand on the coast is white and fine - suitable for families with children;
    • Most hotels operate on an all-inclusive basis;
    • Varied excursion program;
    • There are world-famous thalassotherapy centers here.

    Disadvantages of traveling to Tunisia:

    • In hotels 3* and below you may encounter poor service;
    • Hotel staff does not speak Russian. English and French are spoken;
    • Russian girls receive increased attention from local men;
    • Many hotels do not have animators on staff. You'll have to entertain yourself.

    Cost of a holiday in Tunisia in October for two:

    • in Sousse from RUB 89,000. – direct flight + 4* hotel near the beach;
    • in Djerba from RUB 96,500. – direct flight + 4* hotel near the sea;
    • in Monastir from RUB 116,000. – flight with a transfer in Paris + 4* hotel near the beach;
    • You can find a tour much cheaper if you follow.

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