252. It is known that ermine– small carnivorous mammal with valuable fur, feeding on mouse-like rodents. Using this information, select three statements from the list below that relate to the description data signs of this animal.

1) Is an object of fishing.

2) Has teeth that can cut the skin of the victim.

3) The body length of the male is 17-38 cm (females are about half as large), and the body weight is up to 260 g.

4) The color of the body and its size make it possible to distinguish about 26 subspecies of ermine.

5) Leads a predominantly solitary, territorial lifestyle.

6) The ermine was the emblem of A. Breton and her daughter K. French - the wife of Francis I, therefore images of the ermine can be seen in royal palaces France.

253. Among invertebrate animals, the type Mollusks in the number of species is second only to the type

1) Arthropods

2) Roundworms

3) Chordates

4) Flatworms

254.Which of the following functions do earthworms perform?

1) damage plant roots

2) spread pathogens of plant diseases

3) promote the formation of humus

4) suppress the development of soil bacteria

255.The presence of wet and bare skin in an earthworm is associated with the process


3) irritability

4) breathing

256. Which of the following insects develop with complete transformation?

1) Diptera

2) Orthoptera

3) Homoptera

4) Hemiptera

257.Which of the following types of invertebrates developed a body cavity for the first time during evolution?

1) in arthropods

2) in mollusks

3) in roundworms

4) in flatworms

258. Submitted sheet

1) petiolate with reticulate venation

2) sessile with arcuate venation

3) petiolate with parallel veins

4) sessile with reticulate venation

259.The driving forces of evolution include

1) adaptability of organisms to the environment

2) diversity of organisms

3) the struggle for existence

4) formation of new species

260.Study the graph of insect growth versus time (along the axis X time (days) is plotted, and the axis at– insect length (in cm)).

Which of the proposed descriptions most accurately reflects the growth process of an insect in the interval from 26 to 32 days?

During this period the insect grows

1) smoothly, without visible jumps

2) very sharply all the time

3) abruptly, a period of rest is replaced by a sharp increase

4) at first sharply, and then growth stops completely

261.Look at a photograph of an Oryol trotting horse. Select the characteristics that correspond to his (her) external structure, according to the following plan: head position, head shape, back shape, location of the wrist of the forelimb, position of the hind limbs. Use a ruler and pencil when doing the work.

A)Head position

B)Head shape (by profile)

If the profile line from the bridge of the nose to the nostrils is without concave lines

2. Wedge-shaped

3. Humpback

If the profile line from the bridge of the nose to the nostrils has concave lines

5. Lamb

6. Humpnose

IN)Back shape

1. Saddle soft back

3. Carp-shaped back

G)Front limb carpal location (relative to the line connecting the middle of the elbow to the back of the hoof)

1. Direct

E) Position of the hind limbs (relative to the line connecting the extreme point of the posterior surface of the ischial and calcaneal tuberosities)

If the line passes or almost passes through the extreme point of the posterior surface of the fetlock joint

1. Direct

2. Framed

3. Set aside

If the line does not pass through the extreme point of the back surface of the fetlock joint

4. Sablistaya

5. "Soft fetters"

Enter the numbers of the selected answers under the corresponding letters in the table.

262. When making fruit jam, sugar is used to

1) make the product inaccessible to bacteria

2) the product was even more delicious

3) it was easy to transport

4) the product was more healthy

263.What animals have an internal skeleton?

1) Chordates

2) Arthropods

3) Shellfish

4) Annelids

1) sunflower

2) unicellular

4) plasmodium

5) fluke

6) multicellular

265.Which of the following statements is correct?

1) bacteria reproduce by meiosis

2) all bacteria are heterotrophs

3) bacteria adapt well to environmental conditions

4) some bacteria are eukaryotic organisms

266.Insert the missing terms from the proposed list into the text “Class Crustaceans”. Write down the numbers of the selected answers in the text, and then enter the resulting sequence of numbers (according to the text) in the table below.


1) antenna

3) cephalothorax

4) suberin

6) arthropods

7) hermaphrodites

8) separate sexes

267.Higher plants include those that

1) live on land

2) reproduce by seeds

3) have leaves and stems

4) tall trees

268. It is known that common pike- freshwater fish leading predatory image life. Using this information, select three statements from the list below that relate to the description data signs of this animal.

Write down the numbers corresponding to the selected answers in the table.

1) Pike usually lives in coastal zone, in aquatic thickets, in stagnant or low-flowing waters.

2) You can prepare a lot of delicious dishes from pike, for example, jellied pike is a very tasty dish, and boiled pike “keeps its shape” well and does not fall apart.

3) Pike eats fish, chicks and large insects, and ambushes its prey.

4) Pike breed in early spring.

5) The pike has a streamlined body shape, which reduces the resistance of water when it moves.

6) The body length of an adult animal is 1.5 m, and its weight is over 30 kg.

269.The terrarium with the turtle was taken out to a cool room. As a result, her metabolism

1) became more intense

2) decreased

3) remained unchanged

4) stopped

270.The picture shows a bird feather. What letter on it represents the rod?

271.What is the function of air sacs in birds?

4) reduce the body density of the bird

272.Place in in the right order digestive processes that occur in most mammals after food enters the oral cavity. Write down the corresponding sequence of numbers in your answer.

1)absorption of amino acids into the blood

2) digestion of food in the intestines

3) grinding food with teeth and changing it under the influence of saliva

4) supply of nutrients to body cells

5) the passage of food into the stomach and its digestion by gastric juice

273. It is known that king crab- one of the most large species crustaceans, inhabitant of the Far Eastern seas. Using this information, select three statements from the list below that relate to the description data signs of this animal.

Write down the numbers corresponding to the selected answers in the table.

1) The crab breathes oxygen dissolved in water.

2) The muscles of the crab's limbs are used for food.

3) Crabs are eaten by humans.

4) The parts of the crab's body are the cephalothorax and abdomen.

5) Poaching significantly reduces the crab population.

6) Males reach a carapace width of 23 cm, a leg span of 1.5 m, and a weight of 7 kg.

274.What is the function of air sacs in birds?

1) ensure the movement of blood through the vessels

2) promote the accumulation of oxygen in the body

3) help the bird’s orientation in flight

4) protect internal organs from overheating

275. Establish the sequence of complication of animal organization in the process of historical development organic world on the ground. Write down the corresponding sequence of numbers in your answer.

1) the appearance of the digestive system

2) the emergence of the circulatory system

3) appearance of trachea and spiracles

4) development of unicellular heterotrophic organisms

5) the appearance of two layers of cells in the body

276.What structural features of ticks and spiders indicate their similarity?

1) closed circulatory system and a pair of spiracles

2) three parts of the body: head, torso and tail

3) four pairs of legs and simple eyes

4) three pairs of legs and one pair of antennae

277.The discovery of the lancelet by scientists made it possible to confirm the conclusion about

1) the existence of chordates other than vertebrates

2) the unity of the structure of the organic world

3) variety of animals

4) the adaptability of animals to life in an aquatic environment

278.The figure shows a diagram of the structure of the shoot. What letter on it indicates the internode?

280.Algae, unlike other plants,

1) have a cellular structure

2)consist of a variety of fabrics

3) are small in size and live in water

4) consist of identical cells and do not have organs

281. It is known that bat- a flying mammal that is nocturnal.

Using this information, select three statements from the list below that relate to the description data signs of this animal.

Write down the numbers corresponding to the selected answers in the table.

1) The wings are formed by a leathery membrane stretched between the fore and hind limbs and the tail.

2) In winter they fall into a deep, long hibernation.

3) The female gives birth to one naked and blind cub, which she feeds with milk.

4)Bats have lived on Earth for almost 50 million years.

5) Orients in space using echolocation.

6) It is a natural reservoir of rabies and, according to WHO, the Marburg and Ebola viruses, which are included in the group of especially dangerous infections.

282. Thanks to the activity of earthworms in ecosystems,

1) suppression of the development of soil organisms

2)damage to plant roots

3) spread of plant pathogens

4)increasing soil fertility

1) their integument is not affected by digestive enzymes

2) there is usually no air in the environment where they live

3) they have organs of attachment

4)they have no nutrients

284.What part of the body crayfish indicated in the figure by the letter A?

3) cephalothorax

285. Fungal cells, unlike bacterial cells, have

1) formed core

2) cytoplasm

3) plasma membrane

4) ribosomes

286.Evolutionary processes begin at the level

4) populations

Similar tasks (8)

287.A representative of what type of the Animal kingdom is shown in the picture?


2) Flatworms

3) Shellfish

4) Coelenterates

288. Establish a sequence of systematic categories, taking into account their subordination, starting with the smallest. Write down the corresponding sequence of numbers in your answer.

1) Legumes

3) Red clover

4) Angiosperms

5) Dicotyledons

289.What structural features distinguish amphibians from fish? Choose three correct answers out of six and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) The respiratory organs are represented by the lungs and skin

2) There is an inner and middle ear

3) The brain consists of five sections

4) There is a swim bladder

5) Three-chambered heart

6) One circle of blood circulation

290.Insects breathe

1) using gills

2) across the entire surface of the body

3) using pulmonary sacs

4) using tracheas

1) the seeds ripen inside the fruit

2) there are vegetative organs

3) an embryo is formed in the seed

4ripe pollen is carried by the wind

292.Study the graph of the dependence of the body’s growth on the life expectancy (along the axis X the size of the organism is plotted in m, and along the axis at– time (years)). Representatives of which group of organisms are characterized by such growth in ontogenesis?

1) animals

2) bacteria

4) plants

293. An increase in thickness of a woody stem occurs due to constant division and growth of cells

1) core


294.What feature of the respiratory system in birds is associated with flight?

1) elongated trachea

2) branching bronchi

3) air bags

4) large nostrils

295.The picture shows a bird feather. What letter indicates the edge on it?

296.What organs protect birds from overheating during flight?

1) coccygeal gland

2) air bags

3)down and contour feathers

4) circulatory organs

297.Which feature among those listed distinguishes most animals of the class Amphibians from Mammals?

1) closed circulatory system

2) external fertilization

3) sexual reproduction

4) use for aquatic habitat

298. Multicellular filamentous green algae spirogyra is an inhabitant


2) flowing fresh water bodies

3) sushi, what distinguishes it from other seaweed

4) bodies of salt water

299. The kingdom of Bacteria includes

1) hay stick


300.What is the structure of the mycelium penicillium?

1) branching filaments of the mycelium are divided by partitions into individual cells, plastids are absent

2) branching filaments of the mycelium are divided by partitions into individual cells, there are plastids

3) one greatly expanded cell with many nuclei, there are plastids

4) one greatly expanded cell with many nuclei, no plastids

301. Free-living protozoa die in boiled water, since there is very little

1) oxygen

3)sodium chloride

The stoat is a member of the mustelid family. Forms separate species, which includes 26 subspecies.

This animal is small in size, its body is elongated, its legs are short. The habitat is quite wide. This is northern Asia, Europe, North America. It is often found in New Zealand and Greenland. It was artificially introduced on some Pacific islands. The inhabitants of that area were disturbed by rabbits, which caused serious damage to crops. To combat these rodent pests, people decided to breed voracious and nimble stoats.

However, everything turned out differently than the residents expected. The fast, toothy stoats quickly exterminated the rabbits and switched to other animals. Their prey was small rodents and birds, both wild and domestic. It turned out that the farmers protected the harvest, but did not protect the geese, ducks and chickens.

In addition, stoats have caused irreparable harm to some unique birds, such as the mallard, mohua, kokako or New Zealand starling, crooked plover, little egret and others. It is this animal that is to blame for the significant reduction in the populations of birds inhabiting New Zealand.

Appearance of an ermine

The size of an ermine depends on its habitat. Males are always and in any region 1.5-2 times larger than females. The body of the male reaches 19-40 cm in length, the female – 17-27 cm.

They have a fluffy tail, the length of which ranges from 6 to 12 cm. Average weight male – 260 grams, female – 180 grams. In winter and summer periods have different fur colors. Ermine fur in winter white, in summer the upper part of the body is light brown in color, and the lower part is pale yellow. The tip of the tail is black, regardless of the time of year.

Listen to the voice of an ermine

In summer the fur is sparse and rough, and in winter it is soft and thick. These animals molt twice a year - in spring and autumn. Spring molt long, slow, first the head sheds, then the back, and then the belly. In autumn, the animal sheds in the reverse order - from the belly, and this happens about 2 times faster. Some subspecies living in the south do not change coat color in winter. It’s just that in winter their fur becomes paler and thicker.

Stoat behavior and nutrition

An ermine is an animal with a cute face.

The ermine prefers to live in the taiga, tundra and forest-steppe. Always lives near a body of water, often in thickets of bushes and undergrowth. He tries not to go into the dense taiga thicket, and does not like open area with little vegetation. Lead single image life. Each animal has its own territory, the boundaries of which it marks with feces and urine. The male's holdings are much larger in area than the females'. When it comes mating season, then the males come to the territory of the females.

The stoat is a real predator. It hunts hamsters, voles, lizards, pikas, chipmunks, birds and insects. If it finds a clutch of eggs of a bird, it eats it too. Its prey is also mice and rats, of which there are many near people's homes. Eats and. The stoat is a very daring predator - being small in size, it can attack a prey that is significantly larger than itself; it will even attack. Catches and eats fish.

Ermine - small predator.

Stoats do not make burrows; they rest in natural shelters. They usually hunt at night, but sometimes during the day. They lead a sedentary lifestyle and change their place of residence only in the absence of food.

Reproduction and lifespan

The breeding season runs from April to July. The duration of pregnancy is 280 days, including the latent period. Before giving birth, the female begins to arrange a temporary shelter for herself. It is usually located in a hollow, under rocks or under a fallen tree. The den is covered with bedding made of grass and rodent hair.

A litter usually contains from 5 to 9 cubs, in some cases the offspring can include up to 18 individuals. The cubs are born very small, blind and without teeth. Top part The body is covered with fur of a dark red color, and the lower part is pink. When the offspring is a week old, the tip of the tail turns black. After 3 weeks, teeth appear, and after another week the cub is already eating solid food.

At the age of 1.5 months, stoats' eyes open. The female feeds the cubs with milk for about 12 weeks. Males become sexually mature at 10-11 months. The situation with females is different - they have puberty occurs at the age of 3 weeks, i.e. The female can become pregnant while still feeding on her mother's milk. The lifespan of an ermine is 7 years, but wildlife they usually only live to be 2-3 years old.

Enemies of the ermine

Thanks to its swiftness, agility and speed, the animal avoids predators and makes it difficult for them to catch it. The most serious enemy is man. First of all, I kill animals for their fur, which is then sold. Near farmland, the animal is killed to protect poultry from it. Today, the population size of this species has decreased significantly. The ermine is listed in the International Red Book as a species under threat of complete destruction.

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Ermine is a valuable fur-bearing animal. In the past, its snow-white fur with black-tipped tails was considered a symbol of purity and purity and was used to line royal and judicial robes.

In summer, the tops are brown-brown, the bottoms are white or yellowish; in winter the color is pure white (some Caucasian animals do not turn white in the winter). It differs from weasels and solongois in all seasons by the black tip of its tail. The trail is elongated, approximately 2.5*2 cm, the length of the jump is 30-40 cm. It often abruptly changes the direction of movement, and in winter it sometimes dives under the snow.

It lives everywhere, except for some islands, the Amur Valley and Southern Primorye, in the same landscapes as the weasel. In the tundra and dry steppes it is rare and inhabits only thickets of bushes and the banks of water bodies, and in the taiga and forest-steppe it is more common than the weasel. There are especially many stoats on the Lower Ob. Extremely rare in the Caucasus. Sometimes he settles in taiga huts and populated areas, but in big cities It is found only where there are especially many rats - in landfills, vegetable warehouses.

It feeds on rodents, less often on other small animals, carrion, and berries. On occasion he follows the tracks large predators, picking up the remains of the loot. Its larger size than that of the weasel does not allow it to penetrate the burrows of small rodents, so the ermine hunts medium-sized species, primarily water rat. Active mainly in the morning and evening. Rutting in the summer, pregnancy with a latent stage - the embryo begins to develop only a few months after fertilization. Stoats have developed an amazing adaptation aimed at increasing the rate of reproduction. Newborn females, still blind and naked, already attract adult males and are often fertilized almost immediately after birth. As a result, they can bear offspring as early as next spring.

Ermine is a valuable fur-bearing animal. In the past, its snow-white fur with black-tipped tails was considered a symbol of purity and purity and was used to line royal and judicial robes. In the 17th century in England, there was a case where the accused, a furrier by profession, appealed a court decision on the grounds that the judge was wearing a robe made of fake ermine. The verdict was declared invalid. Now ermine is hunted mainly in the North, primarily in Yakutia. Unfortunately, its numbers due to various reasons decreased slightly in last decades, especially in central and southern regions. Ermine - main enemy water rat, a dangerous agricultural pest.

  • IV. Algorithm for the actions of a commander (chief) when dismissing a serviceman due to his failure to comply with the terms of the contract
  • Alcohol, watercolors, animal prints on carpets and upholstery
  • Aluminum wire of the APB brand - all table sizes to the right and up from the bold line
  • Basic minimum and maximum consular fee rates
  • 1) Which gut predominates in the intestinal tract of herbivorous animals?

    2) Which carnivorous animal has a length ratio intestinal tract
    greatest to the length of his body?

    3) How can we explain that the lynx’s intestinal tract is much shorter than
    in a domestic goat?

    86.Task No.cec46a

    Set the sequence taxonomic units in the tiger classification, starting with the largest. Write down the corresponding sequence of numbers in your answer.

    2) Feline


    4) Chordates


    6) Panthers

    87.Task No. 25D7EB

    It is known that ermine- a small predatory mammal with valuable fur that feeds on mouse-like rodents. Using this information, select three statements from the list below that relate to the description data signs of this animal.

    1) Is an object of fishing.

    2) Has teeth that can cut the skin of the victim.

    3) The body length of the male is 17-38 cm (females are about half as large), and the body weight is up to 260 g.

    4) The color of the body and its size make it possible to distinguish about 26 subspecies of ermine.

    5) Leads a predominantly solitary, territorial lifestyle.

    6) The ermine was the emblem of A. Breton and her daughter
    K. French - the wife of Francis I, therefore images of ermine can be seen in the royal palaces of France.

    88.Task No. 790A78

    Establish a correspondence between the trait and the class of vertebrate animals for which it is characteristic. To do this, select a position from the second column for each element of the first column. Enter the numbers of the selected answers in the table.

    89.Task No. 34DCA5

    In the table below, there is a relationship between the positions in the first and second columns.

    What concept should be entered in the blank in this table?

    1) muskrat


    4) muskrat

    90.Task No. 5EDD1E

    The picture shows a print of Archeopteryx. It is a fossil transitional form between the ancient

    1)birds and mammals

    2) reptiles and birds

    3) reptiles and mammals

    4) amphibians and birds

    91.Task No. A62DE7

    Determine by appearance bird's beak, what it eats in its natural environment.

    1)flying insects

    2) juicy fruits

    3) small mammals

    92.Task No. ECBA8A

    It is known that common hamster- a mammal of the rodent order, a resident of open spaces. Using this information, select three statements from the list below that relate to the description data signs of this animal.

    Write down the numbers corresponding to the selected answers in the table.

    1) The cub is born naked and blind, the female feeds it with milk for up to 1 month.

    2) The animal’s body length reaches 34 cm, and its body weight is 400 g.

    3) Leads a solitary lifestyle and forms a pair only during the breeding season.

    4) Lives in the steppes, where it feeds on various perennial grasses and seeds.


    The ermine is a small animal of a typical musteloid appearance with a long body on short legs, long neck and a triangular head with small rounded ears. The body length of the male is 17-38 cm (females are about half as long), the length of the tail is about 35% of the body length - 6-12 cm; body weight - from 70 to 260 g. Similar to weasel, but slightly larger in size.

    The fur color is protective: in winter it is pure white, in summer it is two-colored - the upper body is brownish-red, the underside is yellowish-white. Winter color is typical for areas where there is snow for at least 40 days a year. The tip of the tail is black throughout the year. Geographical variability in the quality of winter fur, the color of summer fur and body size allows us to distinguish about 26 subspecies of ermine.


    Lives in Arctic, subarctic and temperate zones Eurasia and North America. In Europe, it is found from Scandinavia to the Pyrenees and the Alps, excluding Albania, Greece, Bulgaria and Turkey. In Asia, its range extends to the deserts of Central Asia, Iran, Afghanistan, Mongolia, Northeast China and northern Japan. IN North America found in Canada, on the islands of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago, in Greenland and in the northern United States (except the Great Plains). In Russia, it is common in the European north and Siberia.



    Ermine is most numerous in forest-steppe, taiga and tundra regions. Their choice of habitat is determined by the abundance of their main food - small rodents. As a rule, the ermine prefers to settle close to water: along the banks and floodplains of rivers and streams, near forest lakes, along coastal meadows, thickets of bushes and reeds. In depth forest areas rarely comes in; in forests there are old overgrown burnt areas and clearings, edges (especially near villages and arable lands); in dense forests it loves brook spruce and alder forests. Common in copses, steppe ravines and ravines. Open spaces avoids. Sometimes it settles near human habitation, in fields, gardens and forest parks, even on the outskirts of cities.

    Leads a predominantly solitary, territorial lifestyle. The boundaries of the individual area are marked by the secretion of the anal glands. Plot sizes vary from 10 to 20 hectares; in males it is usually twice as large as in females, and overlaps with their areas. Males and females live separately and meet only during the mating season. In hungry and food-poor years, stoats leave their areas and move, sometimes over considerable distances. Sometimes migrations are also caused by mass reproduction of rodents in neighboring areas.

    The ermine is active mainly in the twilight and night hours, sometimes found during the day. It is unpretentious in the choice of shelters, including brood ones. It can be found in the most unexpected places - for example, in haystacks, piles of stones, in the ruins of abandoned buildings or in logs piled against the wall of a residential building. It also occupies tree hollows and often hides in them during floods. The ermine often occupies the burrows and nesting chambers of the rodents it kills. The female lines her brood hole with the skins and hair of killed rodents, and less often with dry grass. The ermine does not dig holes on its own. In winter, it does not have permanent shelters and uses random shelters - under stones, tree roots, logs. It rarely returns to its roosting site.

    The stoat is a good swimmer and climber, but is essentially a specialized terrestrial predator. Its diet is dominated by mouse-like rodents, but unlike its relative - the weasel, which feeds on small voles, the ermine hunts larger rodents - water voles, hamsters, chipmunks, haymakers, lemmings, etc., overtaking them in burrows and under the snow. Its size does not allow it to penetrate into the burrows of smaller rodents. Females hunt in burrows more often than males. Birds and their eggs, as well as fish and shrews, are of secondary importance in the stoat's diet. Even less often (with a lack of basic food) the ermine eats amphibians, lizards and insects. Capable of attacking animals larger than itself (wood grouse, hazel grouse, ptarmigan, hares and rabbits); in hungry years, it even eats garbage or steals people's supplies of meat and fish. When there is an abundance of food, the stoat builds up supplies, destroying more rodents than it can eat. It kills prey like a weasel - by biting through the skull in the occipital region. The ermine tracks rodents by smell, insects by sound, and fish by sight.

    The ermine is a very agile and dexterous animal. His movements are fast, but somewhat fussy. When hunting, he travels up to 15 km per day, in winter - an average of 3 km. It moves through the snow in jumps up to 50 cm long, pushing off the ground with both hind legs. He swims well and easily climbs trees. Pursued by the enemy, it often sits in a tree until the danger has passed. Usually silent, but when excited it chirps loudly, can chirp, hiss and even bark.

    Young stoat

    The ermine is polygamous, breeding once a year. Sexual activity in males lasts 4 months, from mid-February to early June. Pregnancy in females with a long latent stage (8-9 months) - embryos do not develop until March. In total, it lasts 9-10 months, so the cubs appear in April - May of the next year. The number of cubs in litters ranges from 3 to 18, with an average of 4-9. Only the female is engaged in them.

    Newborns weigh 3-4 g with a body length of 32-51 mm, are born blind, toothless, with closed ear canals and covered with sparse white hair. At 30-41 days they begin to see clearly, and at 2-3 months they are indistinguishable in size from adults. At the end of June - in July they already obtain food on their own.

    Females reach sexual maturity very early, at 2-3 months, and males only at the age of 11-14 months. Young females (60-70 days old) can be productively mated by adult males - a unique case among mammals that contributes to the survival of the species. Average duration The life of an ermine is 1-2 years, the maximum is 7 years. The fertility and numbers of stoats fluctuate greatly, rising sharply in years of abundance of rodents and falling catastrophically when they become extinct.

    Meaning for humans

    The stoat is one of the most common predators, but its numbers have now dropped significantly due to hunting, deterioration of food resources, destruction of habitats, etc.

    Ermine is a commercial object (the fur is used as a finishing fur). Useful for killing mouse-like rodents. It was unsuccessfully introduced to New Zealand to control the rabbit population; here it multiplied and turned into a pest, destroying the young and eggs of native birds, in particular, kiwi.

    Ermine in symbolism and heraldry

    The ermine was also a symbol of personified Touch (one of the five senses).

    The ermine was the emblem ( impresa) Anne of Brittany and her daughter Claude of France - the wife of Francis I (-), therefore images of ermine can be seen in the royal palaces of France, for example, in Blois. The shield with ermines is depicted on the modern coat of arms and flag of Brittany, having been transferred to it from the banner of the Dukes of Brittany. There is a legend that one of the Dukes of Brittany, Alain Crooked beard(Alain Barbetorte), pursued by the Normans, was stopped by a flooded river, muddy and dirty. At this time, the Duke noticed an ermine running away from galloping horses and also stopped by the river. At the very water, the ermine turned sharply, preferring death to the mud. Appreciating the courage of the animal, Alain II shouted to his comrades: “ Better death What a shame!”, and the inspired Bretons turned to face the enemy.


    • Animals in alphabetical order
    • Species out of danger
    • Musteluns
    • Mammals of Eurasia
    • Mammals of North America
    • Animals described in 1758

    Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.


    See what “Ermine” is in other dictionaries:

      ERMINE- Ermine, slave in Ruchyevsky district. 1495. Scribe. II, 383. Vasily Ermine, clerk to the King of Lithuania. 1507. Arch. Sat. I, 7. Ermine, boyar in Lithuania. 1520. Arch. Sat. VII, I. Ermine, clerk in Krakow. 1525. Yu. Z. A. I, 68. Ermine, slave in ... ... Biographical Dictionary

      Ermine- Mustela erminea see also 3.4.3. Genus Ferrets Mustela Ermine Mustela erminea (some Caucasian animals do not turn white for the winter). It differs from weasels and solongois in all seasons by the black tip of its tail. The trail is elongated, approximately... ... Animals of Russia. Directory

      An ancient Lithuanian family. Its ancestor, Ermine Romanovich, was the governor of Ovruch in 1487-93. Of his sons, Ivan (died in 1558) was the governor of Novogrudok and treasurer of the Grand Duke of Lithuania, and Onike was the royal marshal (1555) ... Biographical Dictionary

      - (Mustela erminea), a mammal of the genus of weasels and ferrets of the family. mustelids Dl. body 17-32 cm, tail 6.5-12 cm. In summer the fur is brownish red, in winter it is snowy white; the tip of the tail is always black. Lives in Eurasia and North. America; in the USSR almost throughout the entire territory... ... Biological encyclopedic dictionary

      Animal, fur Dictionary of Russian synonyms. ermine noun, number of synonyms: 2 animal (10) fur (4 ... Synonym dictionary

      Mammal of the mustelid family. Body length up to 32 cm, tail up to 10 cm. In Eurasia and Northern. America. Destroys harmful rodents. Fur trade object... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

      ERMINE, ermine, husband. Small fur beast of prey from the genus of ferrets, white, with a black tip of the tail. || The fur of this animal is very valuable. Dictionary Ushakova. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 … Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

      ERMINE, me, husband. A small predatory animal of the family. mustelids with white (in winter time) valuable fur and black tail tip, as well as its fur. | adj. ermine, oh, oh. Ermine robe (royal). Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu.... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary