Meteorologist - a specialist in observing atmospheric phenomena and compiling accurate forecasts weather.


15,000–20,000 rub. (

Place of work

Specialists are in demand for weather stations, in the research departments of the State Hydrometeorological Service, the Ministry of Defense and the State Committee for Ecology.


Meteorologists are continuously monitoring natural phenomena, analyze processes, the reasons for their occurrence, analyze large amounts of data and make forecasts for various periods of time.

When studying meteorological processes, specialists use special instruments that collect primary data and transmit them to the main computer, where all the information is compiled into tables, graphs, etc.

Meteorologists often need to be at weather stations that are far from the city and home. Therefore, the work is of a shift nature.

Important qualities

The following qualities are important in the profession: accuracy, honesty, responsibility, analytical mind, a tendency to work with numbers, monotonous work, the ability to correctly interpret information and make forecasts.

Reviews about the profession

“No one can do without their weather service. Big City. The weather forecast is necessary not only so that people know how to dress tomorrow and whether to take an umbrella. Without a weather forecast, it is impossible to efficiently debug the work of the city’s municipal services, which are responsible for providing heating in houses and removing snow from the streets during the cold season, as well as many smaller, but weather-dependent things.”

From an interview with a meteorologist.

Stereotypes, humor

“Today there will be temperature and air. Precipitation and atmospheric pressure are possible.”

“Life is like a weather forecast: everything comes true, just not on time.”

"Announcement. Due to insufficient funding, the city hydrometeorological station is switching to weather phenomena recording mode.”


To work as a meteorologist you need a college degree. specialized education. You can study, for example, at the Russian State Hydrometeorological University (St. Petersburg). You can also get this profession at a university that has a geography department.

Leading universities in Moscow: Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Russian Academy national economy and civil service under the President Russian Federation, Russian the University of Economics named after G.V. Plekhanov.


For friends!


People's attempts to predict the weather have been known since ancient times. In their forecasts, they were guided by changes in the world around them. Many of the vintage folk signs have survived to this day.

The most accurate information about methods for determining the weather appeared in Ancient Greece. Already in Aristotle’s work “Meteorology,” written in the 4th century BC, an explanation is given of how wind, clouds, rain, and hail are formed. Meteorology, which appeared thanks to the Greeks, is the science of earth's atmosphere and the phenomena occurring in it - helped to develop a whole system of compiling weather forecasts.

Demand for the profession

Very in demand

Currently, profession Meteorologist considered to be in high demand in the labor market. Many firms and many enterprises need qualified specialists in this field, because the industry is developing rapidly, and specialists are still receiving education.

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Description of activity

Meteorologists' activities focus on observing changes in the atmosphere. They use a variety of methods and technical devices. Among them there is, for example, a special weather balloon (aerosonde) and even space satellites. Such specialists are engaged not only in compiling daily weather forecasts, but also in predicting natural Disasters(flood, drought, storm, etc.). In addition, their participation is indispensable in studies of the state of the environment and its level of pollution. The work of meteorologists is especially necessary for the successful conduct of agriculture, aviation, and shipping.


average for Russia:Moscow average:average for St. Petersburg:

Uniqueness of the profession

Rare profession

Representatives of the profession Meteorologist really rare these days. Not everyone decides to become Meteorologist. There is a high demand among employers for specialists in this field, so the profession Meteorologist has the right to be called a rare profession.

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What education is needed

Secondary vocational education (college, technical school)

To work in a profession Meteorologist, it is not necessary to have a higher professional education in the relevant specialty. For this profession, it is enough to have a diploma of secondary vocational education obtained from a college or technical school, or, for example, it is enough to complete special courses.

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Job responsibilities

The meteorologist independently collects the information necessary to make weather forecasts. To do this, he carries out observations and measurements according to a strict schedule. Such an employee processes information obtained as a result of working with various instruments, probes, and satellites. He evaluates the obtained indicators and, based on this, draws up graphs and special geographical maps. Also, the duties of a meteorologist may include working with a supercomputer, which will help make a detailed calculation of the weather forecast. Representatives of this profession also constantly monitor environmental pollution. Meteorologists send all data obtained during research to the hydrometeorological center.

Type of labor

Exclusively mental work

Profession Meteorologist refers to professions exclusively mental (creative or intellectual work). In the process of work, the activity of sensory systems, attention, memory, activation of thinking and emotional sphere. Meteorologists They are distinguished by their erudition, curiosity, rationality, and analytical mind.

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Features of career growth

Meteorologists can find application for their professional skills at meteorological stations and research centers. They become indispensable workers in companies involved in creating forecasts for aviation, shipping, construction, and agriculture. Despite the importance of the profession, meteorologists have quite low level income. The greatest income belongs to specialists working in private organizations.

Career Opportunities

Minimum career opportunities

According to the results of the survey, Meteorologists have minimal career opportunities. It doesn’t depend at all on the person himself, it’s just a profession Meteorologist does not have a career path.

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Meteorologist (from the Greek meteoros, atmospheric and celestial phenomena) - weather specialist, observer and researcher atmospheric phenomena.

Meteorology is the science of the earth's atmosphere and the phenomena occurring in it. In many countries, meteorology is called atmospheric physics, which is more consistent with its current meaning.

The word meteorology was first mentioned by Plato (about 429-347 BC), and Aristotle’s Meteorology is considered the first work on weather and climate. This book has been used for almost 2000 years.

Meteorologists observe natural phenomena, analyze them and make forecasts. Meteorologists are called weather sentries; they are always on watch, which cannot be left for a minute. They monitor all weather changes, record all these changes, monitor the sky constantly, enter observation data into special magazines, collect, evaluate and systematize data on atmospheric phenomena coming from hydrometeorological stations, readings from special instruments, atmospheric probes, and space satellites. Analyze materials, reflect them on material media (geographical maps, graphs) highlighting areas and zones of low, high pressure, movement of cyclones, anticyclones. Meteorologists make forecasts of air temperature dynamics, atmospheric pressure, precipitation, wind strength and direction, monitor the level of air pollution, and transmit information to the central node - the hydrometeorological center.

There is no profession more international than that of a meteorologist. Weather occurs anywhere and moves anywhere on the planet, regardless of any state borders, so meteorologists collaborate with meteorologists from other countries. They conduct joint research, observe natural phenomena, collect, process and disseminate meteorological information. Special meteorological codes and standard symbols have been developed for this purpose. Experts in this field obtain information, compare and contrast. For this purpose, a uniform system of measures has been introduced for the whole world, uniform methods of carrying out meteorological observations, unified standard instruments are used, the accuracy and time of observations of the relevant meteorological elements are strictly observed.

Weather observations are carried out at weather stations, which can be located either within the city or at a very great distance from housing.

Place of work

The place of work of a meteorologist can be meteorological stations and posts that are scattered throughout the country, oceanographic research vessels, the hydrometeorological service of Russia, information Center weather, weather services at airports and seaports, cosmodromes, aerological stations, urban planning organizations, research institutes.

Meteorologists work at meteorological stations and posts, in the research departments of the State Hydrometeorological Service, the Ministry of Defense and the State Committee for Ecology.

In particular, Hydromet has its own divisions in each region.

Its specialists are engaged in modeling weather forecasts, climate, and atmospheric research (using radars, satellites, etc.).

Meteorologists are participants in a wide variety of expeditions. They work at polar stations and on high mountain plateaus, at airfields and on board ocean liners, in sparsely populated areas and passes, at airfields, we fly on airplanes and balloons.

Meteorologists also work in private companies that provide forecasts for aviation, shipping, Agriculture, construction, in military organizations.


· Weather monitoring.

· Data collection from devices.

· Primary analysis of the obtained data.

· Study and forecasting of natural phenomena.

· Study of the atmosphere and its layers.

· Weather and climate forecasting.


The main requirement for the work of meteorologists is strict objectivity in observations and their processing, as well as constant attention to the object of observation. A meteorologist must know everything that happens and can happen in the atmosphere: the origin and spread of hurricanes, typhoons and others strong winds, the movements of cyclones and anticyclones, what precipitation falls and in what quantity, be able to explain various natural anomalies and much more.

A person who has chosen the profession of “Meteorologist” must have many qualities. He must be able to endure adverse weather and loneliness. Maintain performance in uncomfortable situations temperature conditions. Be physically prepared for exposure to adverse factors natural environment. Be able to organize your activities in conditions of a large flow of information and a variety of tasks. Carry out measurements accurately and carefully, have a tendency to monotonous work, have a good eye, a developed attention span, notice minor (barely noticeable) changes in the object under study, in instrument readings; have a good memory for symbols(signs, symbols, plans, diagrams, graphs); have a tendency to research activities; ability to analyze and compare facts.

Education: higher education majoring in Meteorology. You can also get this profession at any university that has a geography department and relevant departments. The specialty of a meteorologist can be obtained in secondary institutions vocational education: hydrometeorological technical schools

Grigorchuk Elena Viktorovna,

Zaozernenskaya comprehensive school

city ​​of Evpatoria,

Republic of Crimea,

teacher primary classes

Class hour“All professions are important. A story about the profession of a meteorologist" for 2nd grade students

Subject. A story about the profession of a meteorologist.

Goals: talk about the profession of a meteorologist, reveal the meaning of this

professions, labor results.

Equipment: illustrations of the operation of weather stations and some instruments.

Teacher's story

I want to start today’s conversation about professions with the famous poem by Sergei Mikhalkov “What do you have?”

Who's on sitting on a bench,

Who looked at the street

Tolya sang,

Boris was silent

Nikolai shook his leg.

It was in the evening

There was nothing to do.

The jackdaw sat on the fence,

The cat climbed into the attic.

Then Borya told the guys


- And I have a nail in my pocket!

And you?

- And we have a guest today!

And you?

- And we have a cat today

I gave birth to kittens yesterday.

The kittens have grown a little

But they don’t want to eat from a saucer!

- And we have gas in our apartment!

And you?

- And we have running water!

- And from our window

Red Square is visible!

And from your window

Just a little bit of the street.

- We walked along Neglinnaya,

We went to the boulevard

They bought us blue-blue

Pre-green red ball!

- And our fire went out -

This time!

The truck brought firewood -

That's two!

And fourthly - our mother

Takes flight

Because our mother

It's called a pilot!

Vova answered from the stairs:

- Mom is a pilot?

What's wrong?

Here at Kolya, for example,

Mom is a policeman!

And Tolya and Vera

Both mothers are engineers!

And Leva’s mother is a cook!

Mom is a pilot?

What's wrong!

“More important than everyone else,” said Nata, “

Mom is a carriage driver,

Because up to the hooks

Mom drives two trailers.

And Nina asked quietly:

- Is it bad to be a dressmaker?

Who sews panties for the boys?

Well, of course not a pilot!

A pilot flies planes -

This is very good!

The cook makes compotes -

It is also good.

The doctor is treating us for measles,

There is a teacher at school.

We need different mothers

Different mothers are important.

It was in the evening

There was no point in arguing.

Today I will tell you about the profession of a meteorologist. This is a very important profession because meteorologists help people in different professions. That's how? And with what?

“It’s either rain or snow, either it will happen or it won’t!”

"After the rain on Thursday!"

Every now and then a bag of jokes spills onto the heads of weather forecasters - meteorologists.

Meteorology... “Meteora” is in Greek “atmospheric celestial phenomenon”, “logos” is “teaching”. And all together - “the science of the earth’s atmosphere, its structure, properties and phenomena occurring in it.”

There are thousands of weather scout posts scattered around the world. There are weather stations everywhere: on land and at sea, in the Pamir Mountains and the Sahara Desert, in the ice of the North Pole and in the vastness of Antarctica. Meteorologists monitor the weather in any weather. They have an anemometer, weather vane, barometer, and moisture meter in their service. They determine temperature with thermometers and thermographs, and air humidity with a barometer. An anemometer - wind speed and strength, a rain gauge - the amount of precipitation.

From time to time meteorologists send skyward Balloons. Equipped with a radio transmitter and all kinds of measuring instruments, heavenly messengers report via radio what the weather is like at an altitude of 20-30, or even 300 kilometers from the earth. Meteorological satellites of the Earth send from above photographs of clouds enveloping our planet.

Reports from a large army of scouts come to weather headquarters, the Institute of Forecasts. Here scientists compile a synoptic map (“weather forecaster” - “joint observer”).

Meteorologists study this map, compare information, take into account the movements of warm and cold air masses, computer programs make complex calculations and then give a weather forecast.

Meteorologists warn farmers about possible frosts, dry winds and hail (take care of the harvest!), sailors about the approaching storm (quickly take shelter!), pilots about poor visibility, the possibility of icing on the plane, about thunderstorms (fly away from the thundercloud!), railway workers about in blizzards (the path wouldn’t skid!) Each of us, having connected the weather forecast on our phone, knows whether to take an umbrella or not, and what to wear!

Previously, meteorologists only knew how to predict the weather, now they know how to change it: with the help of airplanes and rockets they disperse thunderclouds.

The tasks that meteorologists solve are very diverse. Specialists work in the field of designing new devices, and participate in expeditions, working with the most complex instruments.

A person who has dedicated his life to such a difficult task must be very accurate when collecting information and observant when analyzing weather conditions.

Making forecasts requires the development of memory and creative imagination, and the ability to work on a computer. Must be remembered conventional signs, symbols to depict them on special maps, and then translate them in the mind into visual pictures so that a “portrait” of the weather appears and it is clear how it will change over certain periods of time.

When working at drifting stations in the Arctic, on weather ships, and in high mountain areas, a meteorologist needs endurance and the ability to overcome difficulties.

When you finish school, maybe one of you will decide to devote yourself to this work. Technical schools and institutes train meteorological specialists.

To conclude our conversation, draw how you imagine the weather station of the future.

A meteorologist is a weather specialist, observer and researcher of atmospheric phenomena.

Meteorologist- weather specialist, observer and researcher of atmospheric phenomena. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in physics, mathematics and geography (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Features of the profession

Meteorology is the science of the earth's atmosphere and the phenomena occurring in it. In many countries, meteorology is called atmospheric physics, which is more consistent with its current meaning.

Meteorologists observe natural phenomena, analyze them and make forecasts. Behind different levels Information processing is carried out by different specialists: a meteorologist and a meteorologist-forecaster.

Meteorologist (from Greek. meteoros, atmospheric and celestial phenomena) is engaged in weather observations, collecting instrument data. Conducts primary analysis of the received data.

Weather observations are carried out at weather stations, which can be located either within the city or at a very great distance from housing.

Forecasters carry out further analysis of atmospheric phenomena and make forecasts.

Forecaster (from Greek. syoptikos- observing everything together) is a meteorologist specializing in analysis atmospheric processes and predictions of future weather conditions. If meteorologists are engaged in observation and primary analysis, then the main task of weather forecasters is making forecasts. The most important element The work of a weather forecaster is a synoptic map (currently mainly in electronic form), that is geographic map, which reflects the weather condition for a relatively large territory, which allows you to view the weather simultaneously over a large area.


Meteorologists work at meteorological stations and posts, in the research departments of the State Hydrometeorological Service, the Ministry of Defense and the State Committee for Ecology. In particular, Hydromet has its own divisions in each region. Its specialists are engaged in modeling weather forecasts, climate, and atmospheric research (using radars, satellites, etc.). Meteorologists also work in private companies that provide forecasts for aviation, shipping, agriculture, and construction.


Salary as of 04/29/2019

Russia 15000—70000 ₽

Important qualities

A meteorologist needs analytic skills, a penchant for exact sciences. When working at a weather station it is necessary good health, because weather instruments are located in the open air.

Where to study

Specialty "Meteorology".

Moscow State University named after. Lomonosov
Faculty of Geography
Department of Meteorology and Climatology

Russian State Hydrometeorological University (St. Petersburg)
Faculty of Meteorology
Department meteorological forecasts;
Department of Climatology and Atmospheric Protection;
Department of Atmospheric Dynamics and Space Geosciences;
Department of Experimental Atmospheric Physics.

Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University
Faculty of Geography and Ecology
Department of Meteorology, Climatology and Atmospheric Ecology.

You can also get this profession at any university that has a geography department and relevant departments.