I sometimes hear phrases like “Oh my God, a killer whale attacked a man, a monster!” or “these pilot whales are dangerous, you remember that incident?”

Since I know a little about marine biology and I love representatives of the dolphin family with a deep and strong love, I could not pass by this interesting topic.

Let's start with something simple.

The two most popular types in the context of cruelty marine mammals- these are the killer whales and pilot whales I have already mentioned.
Let's start with killer whales.

Firstly, there are discrepancies in the Russian name of this species: killer whale or killer whale. I always say and write the first option, but the second is also popular.

Orcinus orca - the largest of the dolphin family. Length from 4-5 meters to 9-10 (males). Herd animals. Predators. Very smart. They hunt fish (including sharks) and mammals ( seals, dolphins, whales).

They are trainable and loved by the public, especially children. They have a bad habit of sometimes being naughty, but more on that later.

Pilot whales - from 4 to 10 meters, also gregarious. Also predators. Also very smart. As far as I know, they most often hunt fish. I have not seen any mention of keeping them in dolphinariums.

So. What we have: two types of large and intelligent predators with their own language and culture (non-believers can watch the film Jaws Slayer produced by NG). Or this video:

And people.

A lot has been said about human behavior in the company of wild animals, so I’ll get straight to the point.

Here is a video of a pilot whale attacking a person (watch from the fourth minute). It is worth noting that the people who took part in this meeting with the pilot whales chased the animals for a very long time, not allowing them to swim away into the open sea.

As you may have noticed, the pilot whale did not seek to kill or maim. She very correctly and carefully (I’m not even sure that she bit the unfortunate diver’s leg) grabbed the obsessive fan by the leg and just as carefully dragged her under the water. But she could easily tear a person into pieces, mutilate her, or hold her under water until the girl suffocated.

But instead, the pilot whale dragged the man all the way to the surface of the water and only then let him go. And just as calmly she swam away with her flock.

And this is called aggression and attack? It seems to me that it was a warning shot, without blood and without violence, just an unobtrusive show of force by those tired of persistent animal fans.

Now killer whales.

It’s more difficult here, since it’s no secret that black and white dolphins sometimes become very aggressive and often, alas, kill their trainers.

But if they are about hundred attack, then they behave as if hunting seals. That is, it either tries to create a wave that will cover the victim and disorientate it. Or it jumps out of the water and falls on the unfortunate animal (if we talk about seals) from above (you understand, five tons falling on you is not the most pleasant thing in life). By the way, this tactic, along with the practice of ramming headbutts, is used by killer whales when hunting whales.

Example of seal hunting (watch from 1:30).

And an example of an attack on something larger (here, by mistake, a killer whale attacked a kayak).

As we see, if a killer whale wants to kill, it kills. In one aquarium, a killer whale attacked its trainer three times, but never seriously injured him. And, on the other hand, there are cases where orca's quite deliberately attacked and killed their trainers.

But almost every attack was provoked by something: stress, physical discomfort, anxiety among members of the flock (if several mammals lived in the aquarium), a feeling of danger when contacting an audience or a trainer.

Not a single normal and healthy animal will ever attack without a very, very good reason. Because in any direct conflict there is always the possibility of serious injury, which will jeopardize the ability to obtain food, and, therefore, the chances of survival will also be jeopardized.

So what's the problem? It seems to me that people tend to forget that dolphins are not lap dogs like Chihuahuas, but dangerous and smart predators. And forgetting about this is simply dangerous to health.

But nothing prevents us from enjoying the sight of these beautiful creatures.

Dangerous sea animals. What marine animals should you be wary of on beaches when on vacation?

TOP 10 dangerous sea animals

Relaxing on the sea coast, swimming and scuba diving, you want to merge with nature, absorb the sun and blue of the sea and not think about anything, but just enjoy life. It seems that the sea was invented solely for pleasure, and its inhabitants are as friendly as the little fish Nemo. Your vacation will leave an unforgettable impression in your memory if you do not encounter them - the 10 most dangerous sea animals that should not be disturbed of your own free will.

Box jellyfish

This jelly-shaped animal is very dangerous. Each tentacle of a box jellyfish found off the coast of Australia contains enough poison to kill 60 people. Moreover, the poison acts with instantaneous speed. Just three minutes and a person can lose his life. In addition to this variety, there is also a variety of box jellyfish found off the coast of Portugal, which is said to sting like a lightning strike.


This shark eats everything. It doesn't matter what it is - a fish, a seal, a bird, a squid, a small shark, a dolphin or even car tire will be devoured by this predatory toothy fish. Most sharks live in tropical waters. This species of shark reaches one and a half meters in length and weighs approximately one ton.

Stone Fish

There are two reasons why this fish is classified as a dangerous animal. Firstly, this is the most poisonous fish in the world. Secondly, this fish, which resembles a stone, is very good in its camouflage and often goes unnoticed. Although the stonefish is a passive fish and rarely attacks, you may accidentally step on it. The toxin in this fish can cause temporary paralysis and death if left untreated. health care will not be provided to you in the near future.


A deadly poison called Tetrodotoxin is found in this plump fish. The toxins are more potent than cyanide, causing breathing difficulties in the poisoned person before death occurs. It's interesting that a lot professional chefs In Japan, fugu meat is separated from the poison, preparing a delicacy from the fish.

Sea snake

Natural human fear of snakes places this species of snake on the list of the most dangerous marine animals. But in reality, life sea ​​snakes hidden in the ocean and not too threatening human life. As a rule, they do not attack a person unless he himself disturbs them. However, we should not forget that they, like their land relatives, are carriers of deadly poison. The snake's venom from one bite can paralyze the prey and kill it in seconds.

Lion fish

This fish is known for its poisonous, spiny spines. Although the sting of this fish is not fatal to humans, its poison can cause headaches, vomiting, and breathing difficulties. According to some reports, these symptoms may last for several weeks.

Saltwater Crocodile

The saltwater crocodile has a reputation as one of the most... ferocious predators in the world. This animal can grow more than six meters in length and weigh 1,500 kilograms. Its diet is varied and can include monkeys, kangaroos, buffalo, sharks, and even humans. Using enormous power, saltwater crocodile tries to bite the prey and drag it into the water in order to paralyze its resistance and eat it.


This animal attracted worldwide attention in 2006 after tragic death biologist and host of “The Crocodile Hunter” Steve Irwin. The stingray's tail, which looks like a spear, contains many toxins. After being hit by a stingray's tail, Steve Irwin went into cardiac arrest.

Sea lion

Sea lions can be classified as cute, easy to train animals, many of which have become stars in the zoo. However, this animal often attacks people. In California, United States, some cases of attacks have been reported sea ​​lions reported in Manhattan Beach, Newport, and San Francisco in 2006. Local scientists say sea lions' behavior is unpredictable and they can suddenly become aggressive.


A strong bite from the sharp teeth of a moray eel can leave a serious wound, prone to bacterial infections, transmitted from the mouth of this primitive animal. Moray eels often hide in crevices and holes in the reef during the day and hunt at night. Divers should keep their hands away from cracks and holes to avoid being attacked. Another important caution, never feed these animals, otherwise you will be attacked by a swarm of moray eels.

Here are the top 10 most dangerous sea animals. Know that when you see them on the beach or in the sea, you should increase your vigilance by 200% and quickly retreat from their path. Be careful - don’t spoil your holiday at sea!

Many people mistakenly believe that the sea lion is a northern resident. Today we will tell you where and how the sea lion lives.

Among sea ​​creatures there is one with an unusual name for aquatic animals - sea lion. Does this animal really look like a lion? Judging by their appearance, it doesn’t look like it at all, except maybe for one small detail... And besides, they belong to a completely different order (pinnipeds) and family ( eared seals). Only 5 species of these animals live on our planet: southern, northern, Californian, New Zealand and Australian sea lions.

Appearance of a sea lion

The body of this representative of the pinniped order has a streamlined and elongated shape. His limbs are in the form of flippers. The head has small size and is attached to a relatively long and very flexible neck. These animals are more mobile than the rest of their relatives. On the face you can see funny antennae called vibrissae. Hairline The animal's hair is very short and not too thick.

Male sea lions are much larger than females; females weigh, on average, 90 kilograms, while representatives of the opposite sex weigh 300 kilograms. The height of the animal is about 2 meters.

Where does the animal called the sea lion live?

This aquatic mammal- a resident of the southern hemisphere of our planet. Choosing natural areas, the sea lion prefers to be located on the open coasts of oceans and seas. Sea lion colonies can be seen near Australia, South America and New Zealand. The animal chooses both rocky and sandy terrain, and sometimes can stop to live in thickets of grass.

Animal behavior and lifestyle

As noted above, sea lions live in colonies (herds). However, it is worth noting that the population in one herd is not too large. And they are not located too closely in the selected territory, like, for example, fur seals.

Sea lions quite often swim into open ocean. There they get their food and can spend several days in the water. Basically, the sea lion is a sedentary animal, although there are still some semblances of nomadism. Animals can move up to 25 kilometers from the coast. Communication between individuals is carried out through a variety of sounds, vaguely similar to a growl, but softer.

What does a sea lion eat?

The basis of the diet of these mammals are animals such as crustaceans, mollusks and some types of small fish. The very dexterous and resourceful body of the sea lion makes it an excellent hunter - it very quickly and quickly pursues its prey, and then enjoys the process of eating it.

Reproduction of sea lions and their offspring

Once a year these animals experience mating season, during which one male gathers around himself a certain number of females (10 – 12). In the future, he becomes the father of future offspring from each “his” female. Sometimes males fight among themselves for leadership, but these fights are not too fierce.

The process of gestation lasts one year, after which babies are born - sea lion cubs, which the mother feeds with her milk (during the first 5 - 7 months of life). Immediately after birth, females again begin mating with males in order to replenish the herd with new individuals a year later.

Movies present killer whales as cute big creatures, capable of making friends with a boy and his friends, performing tricks without training and squealing pleasantly. But a kind killer whale is the same fairy tale as Santa Claus or Babai. Moreover, this animal is more similar to the latter in its disposition. In a pod, killer whales are friendly, stick to their family and do not look for partners on the outside. But if you displease the killer whale in some way, you will get a 6-7 meter monster with a mouth full of fangs.

In American aquariums you can interact with almost all the animals of the sea. There are stingrays, dolphins, fur seals, and penguins. Not without killer whales.

Until now, scientists had not even thought about training these ferocious predators. But by pure chance, during experiments, American neurophysiologists discovered in these predators not just the ability, but true love to dancing. One day, scientists gave a young male a chance to listen to Beethoven's violin concerto. Literally with the first sounds of music, the animal began to rush around the pool, dancing on its tail and jumping out of the water. He tumbled in every possible way on the water, stuck out his head and tail, and let out fountains of water. This love for Beethoven’s work brought killer whales into captivity in aquariums.

Killer whales are large dolphins. They are divided into three types according to size: large, black and ferez. The last one is the smallest - only 2 meters - and extremely rare. The black killer whale reaches 6 meters in length and weighs 1.5 tons. However, she prefers warm climate. Large killer whales are exactly the breed that took part in the filming of the film “Save Willy.” Among all her relatives, she is the most dangerous. In nature, a killer whale has no enemies, so there is no fear. She hunts birds, fur seals, seals, dolphins, squid and even sharks. IN extreme cases, the whole flock collapses baleen whale. In pursuit of prey, killer whales are capable of reaching speeds of 30 km. at one o'clock. Killer whales communicate with high-frequency pulses similar to clicks. Echolocation is as important for them as it is for bats. Without it they are blind and deaf.

This is not to say that killer whales are bloodthirsty monsters. If ocean world equate to the savannah, then killer whales will be lions. Cases of killer whale attacks on humans in the open ocean are very rare. Over the past 30 years, only one case has been recorded - in 1986, a killer whale attacked a surfer. He survived, but lost his leg, which the killer whale injured with its teeth.

But in the American aquarium SeaWorld, tragic incidents involving killer whales occur year after year. Oceanarium trainers say that killer whales periodically try to bite or drag a person into the pool. But commands almost always help bring some sense into predators.

However, a tragic incident occurred in 1987. Then, during the performance, the killer whale jumped out of the water and fell straight onto the trainer standing on the shore. As a result, he suffered a broken leg and several ribs. In the 90s, a killer whale grabbed trainer Mike Scarpuzzi by the leg and dragged him to the bottom. “It was a well-practiced trick,” said Mike, vice president of “ Water world" “According to the scenario, the killer whale jumped out of the water, and the trainer dived into the water from its nose. But the unexpected happened that day.”

Despite the team of trainers, the killer whale plunged Mike 10.9 meters under water. A minute later, both the prey and the predator reappeared on the surface, but the killer whale ignored all the commands and sank to the bottom again. Mike had 12 years of experience with killer whales and other marine animals. And this experience told me not to panic, to act as if everything was going according to plan. Overcoming the pain in his bitten leg, the trainer began stroking the killer whale with his usual movements. She loosened her grip and calmed down, after which Mike, with the last of his strength, swam to the edge of the pool and was immediately given into the hands of doctors.

But the most tragic story happened this year. The American company SeaWorld in Orlando was fined 75 thousand dollars this time. The reason for the fine was insufficient adherence to safety rules, which led to the death of 40-year-old trainer Dawn Brancheau. Information about the tragic incident was posted on the website of the US Department of Labor.

On February 24, 2010, a male named Tilikum grabbed his trainer by the hair during a performance and dived to the bottom of the pool. The woman choked on water. Many demanded that Telikum be euthanized, but management decided to leave the killer whale in the aquarium for brood. In fact, the animal is not dangerous to humans, since it did not intend to kill or eat the trainer.

This incident created a wave of fear among fans of performances with predators. And for good reason. Communication between humans and wild animals is pleasant entertainment. But it’s worth thinking about, is this entertainment so pleasant for the animals themselves?

Streamlined, bulky, but flexible and slender, in comparison with other types of seals, the body of this mammal can reach a length of two or more meters.

This figure eloquently demonstrates the impressive the size of a sea lion. As for weight, males are especially massive, with an impressive three hundred kilograms of living flesh. True, sea lionesses are three times smaller than the male representatives.

The usual color of animals is dark or black-brown. How can you be sure sea ​​lion photo, the head of these water creatures small; the muzzle is elongated, like that of a dog, with thick whiskers called vibrissae.

The animal's eyes are slightly bulging, large sizes. Males that have reached maturity are distinguished by a significantly developed cranial crest, which outwardly looks like a large crest. In addition, males are adorned with a short mane, formed on the neck with more overgrown hair than that of females.

Description of the sea lion cannot be considered complete without the last of the mentioned signs, since it was this that became the reason for the name of this beast, which is very apt in essence, considering that lions depths of the sea They make sounds reminiscent of a hoarse growl, but their voices have slightly less roar than those of fur seals.

The neck of animals is flexible and quite long. Their pinnipeds, flattened limbs with movable paws allow them to move quite quickly on land, which distinguishes them from clumsy ones.

However, the fur of sea lions is not particularly thick; moreover, it is quite short, so it is considered to be of poorer quality and is valued less than that of family relatives.

Sea lion lifestyle and habitat

Biologists distinguish five types of such animals. One of them is northern sea lion, also called sea lion. This animal is decorated with a golden mane and massive withers. The weight of males of this variety reaches 350 kg.

Sea lion rookeries spread almost along the entire coast of the Pacific Ocean and nearby islands. They are found in water areas Far East, Japan, USA and Canada. When talking about this variety, it is important to mention that it is considered rare and needs protection.

The southern sea lion is a regular on the shores and ocean waters of the New World, located on the other side of the equator. This species is interesting due to the impressive difference in size between pinniped lions and lionesses.

Male specimens are sometimes about three meters, and their friends are much smaller. Representatives of the species are light brown in color and do not have a mane.

Sea lion rookery

Inhabitants northern waters Pacific Ocean are representatives of the Californian variety. Such creatures are distinguished by particularly extraordinary intelligence and are easy to train.

From time immemorial, the indigenous inhabitants of the New World hunted these animals, lusting for their meat, fat and skins. And with the arrival of Europeans on the continent, mass hunting soon began, which worsened the situation of the animals. But at present there are strict restrictions on the capture and hunting of these representatives of the fauna.

Individuals of the Australian variety, depending on gender, differ greatly in body color. Males are dark brown, while females are lighter, and often even boast a silver-gray coat color. Another species of these animals is in dire need of protection. Scientists believe that New Zealand sea lions were once much more common in nature than they are now.

But having become a victim of industrial development in the century before last, their population has undergone significant reductions. And in some places of its former habitat, for example, on the Auckland Islands, this species was completely exterminated.

All species of the described pinnipeds are distinguished by impressive mental abilities, as evidenced by the highly developed certain parts of their brain. Animals are quite mobile in water, which is the main sea ​​lion habitat, where they are able to show real miracles of acrobatics.

These are, for the most part, inhabitants southern hemisphere, found on open coasts at the foot of oceans and seas, on sandy and rocky beaches, in thickets of seaweed.

Spending your life in warm water, they do not need significant reserves of fat, so they have almost no fat layer. This circumstance, as well as the low quality of their wool, made hunting for animals economically unprofitable, which saved them from mass destruction.

However, many species of sea lions, as already mentioned, still require special protection. These also include, in addition to those already listed, one of the Californian subspecies - Galapagos sea lion.

The mode of existence of such creatures is gregarious, and accumulations of animals in natural environment extremely numerous. They spend a lot of time on land, but sometimes they go out into the open ocean.

While swimming, their forelimbs move quite actively. By rowing in this way, animals move in the ocean waters. They usually roam over distances not exceeding 25 km, and seasonal migrations do not commit.

The enemies of animals in nature are and, to which they are regularly attacked. Curious information O sea ​​lions and their proof is very developed intelligence There are separate facts about the appeal of these representatives of the fauna to people on passing ships and yachts for protection from attacks by predators.

Sea lion feeding

The described sea animals are capable of diving to a depth of one hundred meters or more, jumping down from a height of twenty meters. Moving in such conditions with extreme ease and the beauty of a bird's flight in the sky, they hunt fish and crustaceans, eat shellfish, and often raid their prey together. This is especially advisable when large schools of fish appear.

The above indicates that sea ​​lion feeding what the depths of the sea send him, but his diet should be more fully described depending on his habitat.

For example, the food of sea lions often includes: small herring, pollock and capelin, larger halibuts and greenlings, numerous varieties of gobies and, as well as perches, salmon, sand lances and other fish that live in the seas.

To this should be added cephalopods and, in some cases, they serve as food seaweed and even sharks. And male southern sea lions eat not only octopuses and squid, but also hunt penguins. They often take part of the fishermen's catch, damaging their nets.

Reproduction and lifespan of the sea lion

During the mating season, which occurs once a year on the shore in rookeries, sea lions behave much calmer than, for example, fur seals or elephants. Occupying a certain area and protecting its borders from the encroachments of strangers, male sea lion Although it often gets into fights with fellow competitors, defending its rights to a harem, sometimes consisting of a dozen, and often more, females, there are usually no fierce bloody battles.

Pictured is a sea lion with a baby

True, there are exceptions to this rule. For example, young male southern sea lions, when they become adults, patrol the harems of the older generation in search of girlfriends. As a result of such attacks, very fierce skirmishes often arise, and the losers receive bloody, deep wounds.

In a harem, individuals that do not participate in reproduction usually stay at the edges of the area, occupying a separate place in the rookery. A female sea lions after mating, they carry their cubs for a whole year in order to immediately become pregnant again and, after a one-year period, give birth to offspring again.

The owner of the harem is vigilant to ensure that his favorites do not look elsewhere and do not have relationships with rivals. But, meanwhile, they are ready to do this at any moment, constantly looking at the property of other males.

Pictured is a baby sea lion

Immediately after birth, sea lion cubs have golden fur and weigh about 20 kg. For the first few days, they do not leave their mothers, who protect them. But after the next mating, which can occur a week after birth, they begin to gradually lose interest in the cubs and go to sea for a long time in search of food. However, mother sea lions continue to feed their offspring with milk, which has up to 30% fat content, for about six months.

Gradually, the young animals begin to form their own groups and thus learn the wisdom of life, growing to puberty in bachelor flocks. The females mature before the males, joining the harem of one of the husbands at the age of two or three years.

Males, competing with each other for the attention of their chosen ones, have a more difficult time finding the opportunity to have the desired harem, so they acquire their own females no earlier than the age of five. On average, the lifespan of sea lions is about two decades.