We know that the minimum possible temperature is -273.15 °C. At this temperature, the movement of particles stops, and the emissions released by them thermal energy becomes equal to zero. There must probably be a point beyond which the particles will no longer be able to release more thermal energy, having reached their maximum.

Modern physics believes that this point is at a level of 1.41679 × 10 32 K (Kelvins) and is called the Planck temperature. This is exactly what the temperature of the Universe was in the first fractions of seconds after the Big Bang.

How to convert Kelvin to Celsius?

In physics, it is convenient to measure temperature in Kelvin, which does not imply the presence of a scale negative temperature, that is, absolute zero here is zero. To represent the temperature in degrees Celsius, which are more familiar to us, it is enough to know the formula used to calculate the temperature in Kelvin. T K (temperature in Kelvin) = T C (temperature in Celsius) + T 0 (constant equal to 273.15). In other words, to convert Kelvin to Celsius, it is enough to subtract the number 273.15 from Kelvin. for example, 1000 K = 1000 - 273.15 = 726.85 °C.

Given the formula for converting Kelvin to degrees Celsius, we can represent the Planck temperature in degrees Celsius as 1.41679 * 10(32)-273.15 °C. Certainly, this assessment calculated theoretically and based on the fact that if matter heated to the Planck temperature is given more energy, this will not lead to an increase in the speed of particles and, as a consequence, an increase in temperature. But it will cause the appearance of new particles during chaotic collisions of existing ones, which will lead to an increase in the mass of matter. But let’s imagine that matter, heated to the Planck temperature, is still given more energy in order to try to heat it even more. In this case, the entire Universe is waiting... and no one knows what awaits the Universe after passing the Planck temperature point. It is likely that the gravitational interaction between particles of heated matter will become so strong that it will become equal to the other three interactions: electromagnetic, strong and weak. Not a single physical theory existing today can describe the physics of our world.

But let us return from cosmic affairs to earthly affairs. In my attempts to achieve the maximum possible temperature within laboratories, man set a temperature record of about 5.5 trillion Kelvin, which can be written as 5 * 10 12 K. Of course, scientists did not heat a piece of iron to this unthinkable temperature - there simply would not be enough energy for that. This temperature was recorded during an experiment at the Large Hadron Collider during the collision of lead ions at near-light speeds.

Temperature may vary. And high degrees occur not only in some place on Earth, but also in specific person or in a specific device.

Experts say that the highest average annual temperature, which was recorded for six years (from 1960 to 1966), was registered in Ethiopian Dallol. Then thermometers showed plus 34.4 degrees Celsius. The volcanic crater Dallol, however, is famous for the fact that it is practically all year round The air temperature remains at the same level, approximately plus 34 degrees. The crater is located 48 meters below the sea level, its diameter reaches almost one and a half meters. This place has another name - “the gates of hell.” It is quite difficult to stay here for a long time. However, there are indigenous people here. Local people Tribes are distinguished by their taciturnity and aggressiveness.

But in the American Death Valley, for 43 days in a row (this is from July 6 to August 17, 1917), the air warmed up to plus 48.9 degrees Celsius.

Death Valley

In Western Australia, namely in Marble Bar average temperature was above plus 32.2 degrees Celsius. And this lasted exactly 162 days in a row from October 30, 1923 until April 8, 1924. At the same time, the maximum temperature was plus 48.9 degrees Celsius.

The highest temperature on Earth, plus 58 degrees (and this is in the shade!) was recorded in the Libyan place of Al-Aziziya. It is located at an altitude of 11 meters at sea level. The record was recorded on September 13, 1922. On the same day in Saudi Arabia thermometers showed plus 58.4 degrees. The difference in readings is not so significant; it can be compared with the measurement error. Therefore, two places are considered the hottest in the world, that is, they have the highest temperatures.

Lunch without fire

Already in the new century, records continued. In the Libyan desert of Dashti Lut in 2005, experts noted that thermometers showed plus 70 degrees Celsius. To date, this is the highest temperature that has been recorded in the natural environment.

In such weather, a person can safely cook food without using fire. At plus 70, objects heat up under the sun so much that, for example, a car hood turns into a heated frying pan. And you can easily cook yourself first-class scrambled eggs with it. However, in such heat it is impossible to walk barefoot on the ground. In the shade the air warms up to plus 60 degrees.

And even despite such sultry weather, streams of tourists constantly flock to the Dashti-Lut desert. This place, in addition to its record temperatures, is famous for its high dunes. They can reach half a kilometer in height.

Hot stars

It turns out that the stars also glow with heat. The temperature of the substance in their depths is measured in millions of Kelvin. And the energy of almost all the luminaries is released after thermonuclear reactions converting hydrogen into helium. The process takes place in internal areas at high temperatures. In the depths of stars, temperatures can reach 10-12 million degrees Kelvin.

Artificial temperature

Well, the highest temperature that man could create is about 10 trillion degrees Kelvin. For comparison, such heat was supposed to exist during the creation of the Universe. A record degree was obtained in 2010 at the Large Hadron Collider during the collision of lead ions, which were accelerated to near-light speeds.

However, this is not the only record artificial temperature in the world. American physicists It has been possible to reach enormous temperatures in laboratory conditions since the creation of the Universe. This was done by colliding gold ions at Brookhaven National Laboratory. During the experiment, gold ions collided in a collider. Scientists have obtained quark-gluon plasma (after Big Bang The universe consisted of a similar quark-gluon plasma for a few microseconds) with a temperature of approximately 4 trillion degrees Celsius. She only lasted a few milliseconds. But this time was enough to obtain data for research for several years.

For comparison, the temperature of the Sun's core is 50 million degrees, and neutron star, which was formed after a type 2 supernova explosion - about 100 billion degrees Celsius. It turns out that the resulting substance has a temperature tens of thousands of times higher.

These studies, scientists say, make it possible to understand the processes that took place at the early stage of space development. And as a result, physicists plan to get closer to understanding why matter emerged from a homogeneous primordial mass.

Theoretically, the highest temperature is the Planck temperature. Temperatures above this simply cannot exist, since everything will be converted into energy. The record Planck temperature is approximately 1.41679(11)×1032 K (this is approximately 142 nonillion Kelvin).

The Large Hadron Collider

Previously, the highest temperature in the world was considered to be 520 million degrees Celsius. This is 30 times higher than the temperature at the center of the Sun. This figure was obtained on May 27, 1994 at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory in the Tokamak experimental reactor.

Man and cat...

The highest temperature that has been recorded in a person is 46.5 degrees Celsius. Theoretically, such heat leads to fatal outcome. However, a 52-year-old man with such a thermometer reading was cured. This was done by doctors at the American Grady Memorial Hospital, in the state of Georgia. The record was recorded in the summer of 1980 and was included in the Guinness Book of Records. After a 24-day course of treatment, the man was discharged from the hospital. Theoretically, a temperature of 42ºС - 43ºС is lethal for humans, since it is at this temperature that proteins coagulate and metabolism in brain tissue is disrupted.

In animals normal temperature body exceeds the usual human 36.6 degrees. And among the record holders for thermometer readings is chicken. Her body temperature can rise to 42 degrees. Much higher temperature lizard body. In the sun it is 50-60 degrees. And this despite the fact that experts classify lizards as cold-blooded. Well, the most warm-blooded are birds. For their body, the norm is 42 degrees. The need for high temperature is explained quite simply - flight requires birds to have a high metabolic efficiency.
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What's the weather like? In principle, it is possible to live at +50°C and -50°C, and even in a greater range. Air conditioners, fans and jackets will help us with this. Well, someone, of course, will die and nothing can be done about it, because we don’t live in a terrarium.

Which one is the most low temperature air was registered on Earth?

The lowest air temperature on Earth was recorded at the Soviet Antarctic Vostok station on July 21, 1983, when the platinum thermometer at the weather site showed -89.2°C. This is the coldest temperature ever meteorological observations.

The lowest temperature recorded in our country is -78°C. Incredible frost occurred in the upper reaches of the Indigirka River.

The lowest air temperature in inhabited areas of the planet was recorded in 1964 in Yakutia in the village of Oymyakon - -71.1°C. The entire interfluve of the upper reaches of the Yana and Indigirka rivers is considered to be the region of the Pole of Cold Northern Hemisphere.

What is the highest air temperature ever recorded on Earth?

The highest temperature on Earth recorded in Libya in 1922 is +57.8°C.

The highest soil temperature was recorded at Shurchi station in Uzbekistan. The temperature of irrigated light gray soils here reaches 79°C. At the Repetek station in Turkmenistan, the sand is heated to 77°C.

What is the maximum outdoor temperature a person can withstand?

A person may be exposed to dry air at very high temperatures for a short time. A person can tolerate temperatures of 160°C. This was proven by English physicists Blagden and Chantry, who conducted an experiment on themselves. A person can tolerate a temperature of 104°C for 26 minutes, 93°C for 33 minutes, 82°C for 49 minutes, and 71°C for 1 hour; This was established during experiments with healthy human volunteers.

What is the minimum outdoor temperature that a person can withstand?

It depends on the state of his health and clothing, but most importantly - on the speed of the wind. In Yakutia in winter, people spend hours in the cold, with air temperatures below -50°C, but they are dressed appropriately, and in the conditions of the central part of the Siberian anticyclone there is usually no wind. In Antarctica, winterers from continental stations also have to spend quite a long time outdoors, but there very coldy often accompanied by strong winds. Therefore, warm, windproof clothing is not enough there, and people are forced to wear a mask or cover their faces with the hood of a fur jacket (“parkas”). The staff of research stations in the Arctic and Antarctic, who by the nature of their work are forced to regularly be outdoors, sometimes use electrically heated clothing, which weighs less than ordinary warm clothing, is less bulky, and less restricts movement. Minimum temperature, at which people spent a short time in the air, is -88°C.

And two more facts

Maximum temperature hard objects, with which people can contact for a long time - about 50 degrees Celsius (at a higher temperature a burn occurs).

At a constant body temperature of more than 42°C, a person dies.

There are many records in the world. Like sports: who can jump the highest or run the fastest. Same with physical ones: who is taller, who has longer arms and legs. But not only people and animals set records. The weather also likes to set them. Not only those like the most high wave, the deadliest hurricane.

No less interesting are the records in weather, namely in temperature. It is customary to single out the lowest and high temperature, and the average annual lowest and highest. It is difficult to select specific leaders in these indicators, as well as to compile a rating. This is due to the fact that the Earth can be divided into several sectors. And the habitually low temperature in one sector will never be noticed in another, with a warmer (tropical) climate.

It is customary to measure on the Celsius scale, recognized internationally. It is impossible to say exactly what the lowest temperature has ever been on Earth is, since it was only in the twentieth century that this began to be closely monitored and the results recorded.

Antarctica - "Dome Fuji", -91.2 degrees

Information also appeared that in 2004, on August 3, in the area of ​​the Japanese Arctic station “Dome of Fuji” a new world temperature record was recorded - -91,2 . One of the reasons for setting a new temperature minimum is the location of the “Dome” at an altitude of 3786 meters above the waterline. It should also be noted that the average annual temperature in Antarctica is -60.2. This indicator rightfully reserves the title of the coldest place on Earth for Antarctica.

Leader in minimum temperature is Antarctica. This is the continent that is higher than others above sea level. It is completely covered with ice and has no vegetation. Doesn't happen here temperature conditions above zero. Considering everything climatic features Antarctica, it is worth noting that it rightfully holds the well-deserved title of the coldest place in the world. Antarctica belongs to no one. All results about its temperature indicators were provided by stations located on its territory. Antarctica is called the South Pole of Cold. The pole of cold is usually called the place marked by the coldest temperature.

The lowest officially confirmed temperature in Antarctica was recorded by the Russian Vostok station. The thermometer dropped that time up to -89.2. The record was recorded in 1983, on July 21. This was taken at an altitude of 3420 meters above sea level.

Asia - Verkhoyansk, temperature -67.8 degrees

In 1855, a temperature of about -67.8 degrees was recorded in this eastern part of Siberia. There is an official dispute, but the majority insists on giving the title of Pole of Cold to Verkhoyansk. There is non-documentary information in favor of Oymyakon that in 1924 a lower temperature was recorded in the settlement, amounting to -71.2 degrees Celsius. And in 1938 – -77.8 degrees Celsius.

The debate about a colder climate is still ongoing. Interesting fact that Oymyakon claims to be both the North Pole of Cold and the World Pole. This is explained by the fact that the difference in location above sea level with the Arctic station “Vostok” is taken into account. Therefore, Oymyakon has the right to be called the global pole of cold. Representatives of the locality believe that this title should be distributed, taking into account not only the temperature, but also the location. Vostok station is located at an altitude of 3420 meters. Whereas Oymyakon is located at 741 meters.

In Oymyakon the temperature dropped once up to -67.7 degrees It is worth noting that it is impossible to compete with Antarctica for its lowest temperature indicators. But each continent has its own temperature records, which are not much worse South Pole cold. There is such a competitor in Asia, specifically in Russia. In the world it is called the North Pole of Cold - Oymyakon. This place is located at an altitude of 741 meters above the waterline.

Some believe that Oymyakon is the harshest place with temperatures below zero that has a permanent population. -67.7 – with this indicator, Oymyakon is considered to be the North Pole of Cold. the main problem is that not only Oymyakon claims to honorary title Pole of cold. There is a lot of controversy on this topic. And many scientists consider Verkhoyansk the coldest point in Asia and the northern part of the hemisphere.

Europe -Ust-Shchugor, temperature -58.1 degrees

The lowest temperature was once again recorded in Russia, but in its European part of Siberia. Ust-Shchugor is a small village in the Komi Republic. It is known only for its temperature records. -58.1 – exactly with this indicator locality managed to set the lowest temperature in Europe. This was done just in time New Year, December 31, 1978.

North America - Northais, temperature -66.1 degrees

The crowning glory was the Greenland Northais in 1954, January 9th. He entered the list of the lowest temperatures with a personal record of -66.1 degrees Celsius. 2345 meters above the waterline (Greenland Ice Sheet) - this is the height at which the record holder is located North America among temperatures below zero.

South America - Valle de los Patos Superior, temperature -39 degrees

Hot and strange Argentina pleased us with the cold. This happened in Valle de los Patos Superior, where the temperature dropped in 1972. The temperature reached -39 on July 17. As in previous cases, the altitude of the location played an important role - 2880 meters above sea level.

Australia - Charlotte Pass, temperature -23 degrees

The southern continent, at first glance so hot, has its snowy side. Charlotte Pass is the coldest area in Australia. Where in winter months The temperature may well be below zero. 1755 meters above sea level played a role. And they gave a record for Australia of -23 degrees. Which at first glance may not seem so cold. But only if you are not used to celebrating the New Year on the beach and in a swimsuit. Here is the one and only ski resort Australia.

Africa - Ifrane, temperature -23.9 degrees

Last on the list, but not last in importance. Even in Africa it can be cold - Ifrane, Morocco. In 1935, the city pleased with its temperature -23.9 degrees. Subsequently, due to the unusually cold climate for Africa, it was made into a ski resort.

World record for rate of temperature change March 11th, 2015

I didn’t even think that a temperature record could occur in the territory of mild and warm climate(according to my ideas) USA.

IN American state There is a small town in South Dakota called Spearfish. It is home to just over ten thousand inhabitants. But Spearfish holds the world record for the rate of change in air temperature.

Let's see how it was:

On January 22, 1943 at 7:30 am the air temperature in the city was -20 degrees Celsius. Then the Spearfish rose strong wind and after 2 minutes the air temperature on the streets rose to +7 degrees. Since then, Spearfish has held the world record for the rate of temperature change: 27 degrees in two minutes.

By 9 a.m. the temperature had risen to 12 degrees above zero. As soon as the wind died down, it dropped again to -20°, and this took only 27 minutes.

Due to the sharp temperature jump, many of the windows in the city's windows cracked and the roofs became icy.

The warm, dry wind that caused such a dramatic temperature change in Spearfish is called a Chinook. The local population nicknamed him “the snow eater.” Under the influence of a strong Chinook, 30 cm of snow can completely disappear in just one day - it will simply melt and evaporate.

Chinook wind caused another temperature record, when on January 15, 1972 in the city of Loma, Montana, the temperature rose from -48 to +9 degrees in one day (57 degrees in 24 hours).

More weather records:


  • Most heavy rain was registered on November 27, 1970 in Guadeloupe - 3.8 cm/min.
  • Colombia received the most rain during the year - the precipitation level was 13.3 meters.
  • The greatest amount of precipitation in a year on Earth fell in the period 1860-1861. in Cherrapunji, India - 26,466 mm.
  • Day s the largest number precipitation occurred in March 1952 in Kilaos (Reunion Island), where 1870 mm of precipitation fell.


  • The largest snowflake was 38 centimeters in diameter.
  • The record snowfall for the amount of snowfall was recorded on February 13 - 19, 1959 on Mount Shasta, California, USA. Then 4.8 m of snow fell.
  • The heaviest one-day snowfall was recorded in Silver Lake, PC. California, USA, April 14 - 15, 1921, when 1.93 m of snow fell in one day.
  • In one year (from February 19, 1971 to February 18, 1972), 31.1 meters of snow fell in the town of Paradise on Mount Rainier, Washington State, USA.


  • Heavy hail (weighing 1 kg) was observed by residents of Bangladesh on April 14, 1986.
  • The largest hail is considered to have fallen on June 22, 2003 in Nebraska - 17.8 cm in diameter, 47.8 cm around the perimeter.
  • May 30, 1879 in pc. Kansas, USA, during the passage of the tornado, hailstones up to 38 cm in diameter were formed. As they fell to the ground, holes measuring 17 by 20 cm were formed.
  • In April 1981, hailstones weighing 7 kg were observed in Guangdong Province, China. As a result of this hailstorm, 5 people were killed and approximately 10,500 buildings were destroyed.
  • In 1894, a hailstone fell in Bovina (USA), with a turtle 20 cm long inside.
  • Some tea-growing areas of Kenya experience an average of 132 hail days per year.