The journalistic style is called the official style of the media (media mass media), including - reports, notes, interviews, etc. This style is more often used in written speech, less often in oral forms of the same reports or public speeches of political and public figures.

The general features of this style include:

  • emotionality and imagery of speech - to create the necessary atmosphere;
  • evaluativeness and confidence - for interest;
  • logic of presentation based on irrefutable facts - to give the speech credibility and information content;
  • call of readers (listeners) to action and public accessibility;
  • easy and clear presentation.
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Traits appear on language levels in the following way:

  • in vocabulary (use of words) - emotionally expressive and colloquial words, phraseological units and set expressions, dialect or slang words - depending on the specifics of the audience;
  • in morphology (use of parts of speech) – an abundance of adjectives, pronouns and adverbs, verbs in the present tense;
  • syntax (construction of certain types of sentences) - short and incomplete sentences alternate with heavy complex ones, sentence construction is conversational, easy to understand.

Journalistic style: case study

Let's look at how the components of a journalistic style are used using an example.

Excerpt from the article:

Is it possible to give a lesson if there is no classroom? Taking an exam without a record book in your pocket? Is inhaling chalk dust included? full breasts necessary integral part in the process of receiving higher education? Victor V., for example, doesn’t think so. He is 41 years old, he is not last man in one of the insurance companies and at the same time - a university student of the third age. During a lunch break or in the evening, when Victor’s wife is already asleep, he sits down at the computer keyboard, logs on to the Internet and begins to gnaw on the granite of science in the place that the professor assigned to him, standing at the department seven hundred kilometers from his home.

1. In vocabulary In this example, the following layers can be distinguished:

  • words general use: exam, person, lunch, evening;
  • terms: classroom, Internet, chalk dust;
  • colloquial words: education, house, designated;
  • slang words: record book;
  • speech clichés: give a lesson, take an exam, enter the Internet, not the last person;
  • phraseological units: breathe deeply, gnaw on the granite of science.

2. Morphology of this passage:

  • the subject matter of the text dictates the combination of morphological features of the journalistic style with the features of others;
  • the use of abstract nouns in the genitive, dative and accusative cases: process of receiving, lunch break, education;
  • we can highlight the use of verbs in the 3rd person singular and the present tense, which carry the generalized meaning of the subject of the action: he doesn’t think so, he’s sitting down, he’s already asleep.

3. Syntax:

  • sentences are short, simple structure;
  • intonation, the purpose of the statement is narrative and motivating;
  • incomplete sentences: “Taking the exam without a record book in your pocket?”

Scientific and journalistic style: an example

The journalistic style is one of the most developing and “mobile”: it actively borrows features, including vocabulary (scientific terms, cliches of official business style), adding expressiveness and emotionality. artistic style for better perception and impact.

From such a synthesis in the journalistic style, substyles are formed:

  • actually journalistic;
  • scientific and journalistic (scientific articles);
  • artistic and journalistic (entertainment articles).

Let's consider an example of a scientific-journalistic style.

Excerpt from the article:
How wild! Quite recently they rightly declared: the fall of the ruble is a national catastrophe. But, excuse me, the national catastrophe with the fall of the ruble occurred much earlier, when the ruble became equal to a cent. That’s when I had to speak up and come to my senses. We all know: the economic reform plan was never announced. Why? If it doesn’t exist, then this is a gamble; if it exists, then why is it hidden? We know from the press: here and there there are scandalous cases of privatization for next to nothing. And we know how catastrophically our ordinary and brilliant science is falling, our education is falling, medicine is falling, billions of dollars a year are looted and taken away from the country. This is the third year we have heard the same thing: the fight against crime. Tell me, where are the open courts, where are the terrible sentences? Can you name if you heard them?

Traits scientific style:

  1. Terminology ( fall of the ruble, cent, economic reforms, investors, privatization).
  2. Among the nouns there are those that denote a sign, state ( fall, crime).
  3. The number of nouns and adjectives is significantly higher than verbs ( “...there are scandalous cases of privatization for next to nothing«).
  4. Multiple use of verbal phrases and words ( fall, education, crime, sentences).
  5. Verbs in the present tense found in the text often have a “timeless” meaning, in other words, their lexico-grammatical meaning of time, person, number is weakened ( we know they are hiding).

Features of journalistic style:

  1. The communicative purposes of the text are, first of all, informational and influencing.
  2. There is also formality that emphasizes the importance and special meaning facts, information provided (“ We all know: the economic reform plan was never announced»).
  3. Wide range of vocabulary: from scientific and technical terms and ending with words of everyday colloquial vocabulary ( savagery, plunder, fall of the ruble, cent, economic reforms, terrible sentences);
  4. The presence of categorical assessments submitted through non-standard lexical combinations ( national catastrophe, what savagery, scandalous cases of privatization, terrible sentences, falling catastrophically);
  5. Relaxed use of expressive and conventional language at the same time ( terrible sentences, then this is a gamble);
  6. The combination of abstract and concrete concepts in the vocabulary ( national treasure, state, ruble equals cent);
  7. The fundamental identification of the author with the narrator;
  8. In syntax, one should note the correctness and clarity of the structure of sentences, as well as their simplicity and clarity.

The journalistic style is perhaps one of the most used and widespread today. It is important to know about its features not only for journalists, rewriters or bloggers, but also for writers. We constantly listen to reports or read the news, on a subconscious level absorbing vocabulary and speech patterns from the media, so that we can also subconsciously use them when

Subject: Journalistic style. Basics of Public Speaking


1. General characteristics of journalistic style

2. Style-forming features of journalism and language means their incarnations

3. Public speech. Formation of rhetoric as a science. Types and genres of eloquence

4. Main stages of preparing a public speech

5. Logical foundations of speech. Argumentation

6. Interaction between speaker and audience

7. Types of discussion speech

1. General characteristics of journalistic style

Journalistic style (from lat. publicus– public) serves the sphere of public relations: political-ideological, socio-economic, cultural and others. This style is the most popular of all book styles, since its spread is facilitated by the media: its examples are presented on the pages of newspapers, magazines, in promptly published books and brochures, in materials from radio, film and television journalists, as well as on the Internet.

Main functions journalistic style (journalism) are informing(message) and impact, and the primary function is information. Journalism allows the mass audience to receive up-to-date information about events in the country and the world, about news from politics, science, sports, etc. Thus, information, contained in journalistic texts, specific. It is distinguished by:

    as a rule, the topicality and relevance of the issue;

    diversity of content, since journalism reflects different aspects our life: political, economic, moral, etc.;

    the intended purpose of a mass, very heterogeneous and most often dispersed audience: after all, we read the newspaper, listen to the radio most often alone (the exception is movie viewers and partly television viewers, as well as listeners of the speaker’s public speech, although the interests of this audience can also be very diverse;

    stylistic heterogeneity of speech (which will be discussed in more detail in § 2. of this lecture) and visual design.

No less important for journalism influence function (voluntary). After all, the author’s communicative intention includes not only a message on a particular topic, but also the hope for a response from the reader (listener), for public resonance. Along with factual information, a journalistic work also contains the author’s interpretation, assessment, and commentary. It influences our feelings and mind, and this influence is carried out due to not only emotionality, expressiveness, but also the thoughtful logic of presentation of the material. Therefore, for analytical genres of journalism (see Table 2), a system of arguments and logical judgments is mandatory. It should also be noted that influence in journalism can be both open, “straightforward”, and veiled. In the latter case, the point of view of the author (the media) can be expressed, for example, through the order of arrangement (sequence) of journalistic materials, through a graphic series, the intonation of a radio or television presenter, etc.

The influence function of journalism is traditionally closely related to such concepts as agitation and propaganda.

Agitation– this is the dissemination of operational information about current events that actively shape the life position of the mass addressee in specific situations. Campaign materials convey the ideological and emotional attitude of the author and the media to facts, events, processes, etc. A typical example of campaigning is election leaflets and videos of candidates.

Propaganda– this is an activity to disseminate fundamental ideas, knowledge that shapes mass consciousness, as well as the worldview of a particular person, giving the mass addressee value guidelines for understanding the processes occurring in society. First of all, the views held by the owner and/or editorial board of the media (as well as the socio-political forces behind it) on fundamental issues of life are popularized. For example, “glossy” publications consistently promote the bourgeois way of life.

The functions mentioned above are equally characteristic of the journalistic style and of journalism, but these terms should not be identified. The first term is much broader, since journalism, in addition to the genres presented in the media, also includes literary critical works, as well as public speeches at meetings, rallies, plenums, etc. Journalistic works are published in the form of books; and many school essays and essays are also journalistic in nature. Thus, any person who masters the journalistic style is capable of creating a journalistic text, expressing his own opinion about certain events and phenomena. However, in our everyday consciousness the term journalism primarily associated with journalism (journalists) and politics (politicians).

Journalism exists in both written and oral forms. Since today they watch and listen much more than they read and write, radio and television journalism takes on special importance in modern conditions. In addition, there are journalistic genres that combine verbal and visual components: posters, caricatures, television and radio broadcasts, theatrical drama productions, etc.

What types and forms of journalism are you most familiar with? What TV and radio programs do you prefer?

What do you read from the modern press?

2. Style-forming features of journalism and their linguistic means


The scope of use and the main functions of journalism determine its most important style features, presented in table. 1

Table 1

Main style-forming features of journalistic style



functions style-forming features

The essence of the concept



Reflection of new socially significant information about reality: facts, events, processes, etc.


Correspondence to reality, objectivity.


The combination of the novelty of the information being communicated and the speed of its verbal presentation


Focus on something understandable to the mass addressee or target audience information presentation form



Communicatively appropriate manifestation of the author’s individuality in the text


Expression in the text of any idea, direction in views and intentions; bias, partiality


Expression of conflicting ideas, opinions, judgments; dispute when discussing any problems


Expression of a call to action in the text

Of course, style-forming features manifest themselves in speech works of different genres differently and not to the same extent. As already noted, journalistic messages are based on a wide variety of information; This factor, as well as differences in the way the material is presented, gives rise to a variety of genres. The typology of the main genres of journalism is given in Table. 2

table 2

Main genres of journalism

Genre Types



Note, chronicle, correspondence, informational interview, report, quick poll, press conference, obituary


Article, analytical interview, media review, journalistic investigation, review, review, commentary, round table, dispute


Brochure, leaflet, poster, debate

Artistic and journalistic

Essay, feuilleton, essay, pamphlet, parody, satirical commentary

Now let's talk in more detail about some of the style-forming features of journalism in relation to different genres.

Due to documentary we should dwell on such a concept of journalism (and journalism) as fact-news. After all, there are many events happening in the world, but not all are selected for coverage. The selection criteria are their scale, conflict potential, and ability to arouse interest among a wide audience.

One of the important components of documentation is factuality, which involves indicating the place, time and circumstances of the fact, event, as well as their participants. Credibility, so necessary in information and analytical journalism, is to a lesser extent characteristic of artistic and journalistic, as well as propaganda genres. In essays, for example, a certain amount of fiction is acceptable; feuilletons, pamphlets, and leaflets tend to use exaggeration (hyperbole) or, conversely, understatement (litotes). But they say about a report that it reflects reality in the least distorted form.

Naturally, in journalistic works both of these properties are “supported” by non-linguistic means: video, photographs, audio recordings, etc.

Efficiency journalism (especially in relation to the work of the media) is due to a number of reasons, including the presence of competition “in the news market” and the frequency of publication (broadcasts, programs). And from a technological point of view, it is associated with the method of recording and transmitting information. So, if we talk about the placement of journalistic materials in the media, we should keep in mind that among the existing four subsystems of journalism (print, radio, TV and Internet media), the least efficient, precisely for technical reasons, is print (newspapers, magazines, books and etc.). And the fastest ways to respond to events are the Internet and radio.

In addition, to create analytical materials, and even more so artistic and journalistic works devoted to a particular problem, much more time is needed than to write informational texts.

Availability journalistic text is largely relative character, and this quality can only be assessed taking into account the addressee. Accessible text is the level of complexity of which (in terms of informative content and compositional and speech design) corresponds to the background knowledge and intellectual level of the addressee. In other words, the publicist must be sure that the terms, borrowings, precedent texts, etc. he uses must be understandable to the potential reader (listener). Of course, certain expressions in the text of a sports (economic, political, music, etc.) observer may not be understandable to a wide audience, but this fact itself does not indicate a violation of communicative norms by the author.

One of the main qualities of journalism is expressiveness. The fact is that the main task of a publicist is not only to awaken interest in his oral or written speech, but also to maintain this interest. After all, it is the expressive speech of a publicist that we regard as successful and effective.

Expressiveness consists of many “components”, the main ones being expressiveness, evaluativeness and imagery. Expressiveness- this is an expression of the subjective attitude of the author of the text to the subject of speech and/or to the addressee through the use of unusual and/or unexpected linguistic and speech means in a given situation. The antipode of expressiveness is everything standard, familiar, expected, and the most typical means of expressing the standard are speech stereotypes (For more information about speech stereotypes, see lecture No. 6, § 6.4). Evaluativeness implies the expression of a positive or negative assessment of the subject of speech. And in general, for journalistic style is characterized by open, unveiled expression the author’s point of view, his assessment of facts, processes, etc. Imagery as an artistic reflection of reality, of course, is characteristic of artistic and journalistic genres (This concept is explored more deeply in lecture No. 10, § 10.3.).

I. Introduction.

II. Journalistic style.

3. Genres of journalism.

III. Conclusion



Journalistic style


I. Introduction.

II. Journalistic style.

1. Characteristics of journalistic style.

2. Features of journalistic style.

3. Genres of journalism.

1) Essay as a genre of journalism.

2) Oral presentation as a genre of journalism.

3) Report as a genre of journalism.

4) Discussion as a genre of journalism.

III. Conclusion

I. Introduction

The Russian language is heterogeneous in its composition. It primarily emphasizes literary language. This is the highest form national language, defined the whole system normal They cover its written and oral varieties: pronunciation, vocabulary, word formation, grammar.

Literary language, depending on where and for what it is used, is divided into a number of styles.

Speech styles

Spoken Book

(scientific, official business,

Journalistic style


Russian styles literary language characterized by:

  1. the purpose pursued by a speech statement (scientific style is used to communicate scientific information, explain scientific facts; journalistic - to influence the word through the media and directly speaking; official business – for information);
  2. area of ​​use, environment;
  3. genres;
  4. linguistic (lexical, syntactic) means;
  5. other style features.

II. Journalistic style

1. Characteristics of journalistic style.

Journalistic styleaddressed to listeners, readers, this is already evidenced by the origin of the word (publicus, lat. – public).

The journalistic style of speech is functional variety literary language and are widely used in various fields public life: in newspapers and magazines, on television and radio, in public political speeches, in the activities of parties and public associations. This should also include political literature for the mass reader and documentary films.

The journalistic style occupies a special place in the system of literary language styles, since in many cases it must rework texts created within the framework of other styles. Scientific and business speech focused on the intellectual reflection of reality, artistic speech- on her emotional reflection. Journalism plays a special role - it seeks to satisfy both intellectual and aesthetic needs. The outstanding French linguist Ch. Bally wrote that " scientific language“is the language of ideas, and artistic speech is the language of feelings.” To this we can add that journalism is the language of both thoughts and feelings. The importance of topics covered by the media requires thorough reflection and appropriate means of logical presentation of thoughts, and the expression of the author’s attitude to events are impossible without the use of emotional means of language.

2. Features of journalistic style.

Sphere of use of journalistic style: speeches, reports, debates, articles on socio-political topics (newspapers, magazines, radio, television).

The main function of works of journalistic style:agitation, propaganda, discussion of pressing social and public issues with the aim of attracting public opinion to them, influencing people, persuading them, instilling certain ideas; inducement to certain actions or actions.

Objectives of speech in journalistic style: transfer of information about current issues modern life with the aim of influencing people, shaping public opinion.

Characteristics of the utterance: appeal, passion, expression of attitude to the subject of speech, brevity with informative richness.

Features of journalistic style: relevance, timeliness, efficiency, imagery, expressiveness, clarity and logic, information richness, use of means of other styles (especially artistic and scientific), accessibility (understandability for a wide audience), appealing pathos.

Genres of journalistic style: essays, articles in the media (newspapers, magazines, on the Internet), discussions, political debates.

Style Features: logic, imagery, emotionality, evaluativeness, genre diversity.

Language means: socio-political vocabulary and phraseology, words with emphatically positive or negative value, proverbs, sayings, quotes, figurative and expressive means of language (metaphors, epithets, comparisons, inversion, etc.), syntactic constructions of book and colloquial speech, simple (complete and incomplete) sentences, rhetorical questions, appeals.

Form and type of speech:written (oral is also possible); monologue, dialogue, polylogue.

3. Genres of journalism.

Journalism has its roots in extreme antiquity. Many biblical texts and the works of ancient scientists and orators that have survived to this day are permeated with journalistic pathos. In literature Ancient Rus' genres of journalism were present. A striking example works of journalism of ancient Russian literature" - "The Tale of Igor's Campaign" (genre of journalism - the word). Over the millennia, journalism has developed in many respects, including genre.

The genre repertoire of modern journalism is also diverse, not inferior to fiction. Here is a report, and notes, and chronicles, and interviews, and an editorial, and a report, and an essay, and a feuilleton, and a review, and other genres.

1) Essay as a genre of journalism.

One of the most common genres of journalism is the essay. Feature article – small literary work, short description life events (usually socially significant). There are documentary, journalistic, and everyday essays.

There are short essays published in newspapers, large ones published in magazines, and entire books of essays.

A characteristic feature of the essay is documentation, reliability of facts, events about which we're talking about. In the essay, as in work of art, are used visual arts, an element of artistic typification is introduced.

Essays, like other genres of journalism, always raise some important problem.

2) Oral presentation as a genre of journalism.

Oral presentationalso belongs to the journalistic genre.

Important distinctive feature oral presentation is the interest of the speaker - the guarantee that your speech will arouse the reciprocal interest of the listeners. Oral presentation should not be drawn out: the attention of listeners becomes dull after 5–10 minutes. The speaker's speech must contain one main idea which the author wants to convey to the audience. In such speech, colloquial expressions and the active use of oratorical speech techniques are acceptable: rhetorical questions, appeals, exclamations, simpler syntax compared to written speech.

It is important to prepare such a speech: think through a plan, select arguments, examples, conclusions, so as not to read “from a piece of paper”, but to convince listeners. If a person owns the subject of his speech, has his own point of view, proves it, this arouses respect, interest, and therefore the attention of listeners.

3) Report as a genre of journalism.

The most difficult form of oral presentation is report . In this case, you can use pre-prepared recordings, but do not overuse reading, otherwise they will stop listening to the speaker. The report usually concerns some area of ​​knowledge: it can be a scientific report, a report-report. The report requires clarity, logic, evidence, and accessibility. During the report you can read bright quotes, demonstrate graphs, tables, illustrations (they should be clearly visible to listeners).

4) Discussion as a genre of journalism.

The report can be a starting point discussions , that is, discussion of any controversial issue. It is important to clearly define the subject of discussion. Otherwise, it is doomed to failure: each participant in the dispute will talk about his own. It is necessary to object with reason and provide convincing arguments.

III. Conclusion

The journalistic style is a very important style; it can be used to convey something that cannot be conveyed by other styles of speech. Among the main linguistic features of the journalistic style, one should mention the fundamental heterogeneity of stylistic means; the use of special terminology and emotionally charged vocabulary, a combination of standard and expressive language means, the use of both abstract and concrete vocabulary. An important feature of journalism is the use of the most typical at this moment social life, ways of presenting material, the most frequent lexical units, phraseological units and metaphorical uses of the word characteristic of a given time. The relevance of the content forces the journalist to look for relevant forms of its expression, generally understandable and at the same time distinguished by freshness and novelty.
Journalism is the main sphere of origin and the most active channel for the dissemination of linguistic neologisms: lexical, word-formative, phraseological. Therefore, this style has a significant impact on the development of language norms.


1. A.I.Vlasenkov, L.M.Rybchenkova. Russian language. 10-11 grades. Tutorial for educational institutions. A basic level of. M., “Enlightenment”, 2010.

2. V.F.Grekov, S.E.Kryuchkov, L.A.Cheshko. Russian language. 10-11 grades. Textbook for general education institutions. M., “Enlightenment”, 2010.

3. Deykina A.D., Pakhnova T.M. Russian language (basic and specialized levels).10-11 grades. Textbook for general education institutions. M. Verboom-M, 2005

4. N.A. Senina. Russian language. Preparation for the Unified State Exam 2012. Rostov-on-Don, “Legion”, 2011.


Conversational style.

The conversational style is used in everyday life, when sharing your feelings or thoughts with others in an informal setting. It contains colloquial and colloquial vocabulary. This style differs from others in its large semantic capacity, colorfulness, and it adds brightness to your speech.
Speech genres: dialogue, conversation, private conversation or private letters.

Language means: imagery, simplicity, emotionality, expressiveness of vocabulary, use introductory words, interjections, repetitions, words of appeal.

Scientific style.

The main function of the scientific style is information, facts and their truth.

Speech genres: Research Article, monograph, educational literature, dissertation, etc.

Language tools: terminology, the presence of general scientific words, professionalisms, abstract vocabulary.

Style features: predominance of nouns in, logic, accuracy, evidence, unambiguity, generalization, objectivity.

Formal business style.

Used to inform people in a formal setting. Official business style is used in the following documents: laws, orders, receipts, certificates, protocols, etc. The scope of application of this style is law; one can act as a lawyer, diplomat, lawyer or just a citizen.

Style features: accuracy, standardization, lack of emotionality, presence of speech cliches, use of terminology, abbreviations.

Journalistic style.

The journalistic style serves to inform people in the media. This style can be used in reports, articles, interviews, essays, and oratory. Information conveyed in a journalistic style is intended not for a narrow circle of people, but for broad sections of society.

Style traits: emotionality, appeal, logic, evaluativeness.

Art style.

Used in fiction. The purpose of artistic style is to influence the reader, to convey the feelings and thoughts of the author, his.

Style features: emotionality of speech, imagery, use of all the riches of vocabulary.

Video on the topic


  • how to change text style

The word journalism comes from the Latin publicus, which means public. The journalistic style is used to agitate and promote socio-political ideas in newspapers and magazines, on radio and television.


A scientific informative text is a creatively revised presentation of the primary material, completely coinciding with it in meaning. However, it does not contain all, but only basic information, only the most essential information about the subject. To write works in this genre requires the ability to work with scientific literature, evaluate sources and convey their content in a compressed form without distortion.

Other genres of scientific style of speech

In one large group Linguistic specialists often combine texts of scientific reference, educational and scientific and popular science genres of scientific style. These substyles are characterized by the focus of information not so much on specialists, but on those who are far from the specifics of the subject at the center of the publication. Important at the same time, they have not only results scientific research, but also form.

In the educational and scientific genre they most often write teaching aids and lecture texts. The scientific reference genre, characterized by extreme clarity and conciseness, is characteristic of reference publications, scientific dictionaries, encyclopedias and catalogues. Texts composed in the popular science genre are less tied to special terminology. They are often used in books intended for a mass audience, as well as in television and radio programs covering scientific topics.

There are quite a lot of definitions of the concept “style”. If we compare these definitions, we can distinguish general provisions: style is: 1) a type of literary language, 2) which functions (acts) in a certain area social activities, 3) for which it uses specific features of text construction and linguistic means of expressing content specific to a given style. In other words, styles are the main largest speech varieties.

The formation and functioning of styles is influenced by various factors. Since style exists in speech, its formation is influenced by factors (conditions) that are associated with the life of society itself. These factors are called extralinguistic or extralinguistic. Highlight the following factors:

· Sphere of social activity: science, law, politics, art, everyday life;

· Form of speech: written or oral;

· Type of speech: monologue, dialogue, polylogue;

· Method of communication: public or personal (all functional styles, except colloquial, refer to public communication);

· Genre of speech: in particular for journalistic style - note, article, report, etc.;

· Communication functions.

In each style, all the functions of language are implemented (communication, message, influence, etc.), but one is leading. For example, for a scientific style this is a message, for a journalistic style it is an impact. Based on the listed factors, the following styles of the Russian language are traditionally distinguished: scientific, official business, journalistic, colloquial and artistic.

Let's take a closer look journalistic style.

Journalistic style is characteristic political sphere activities of society, functions in written and oral forms, manifests itself both in monologue and in dialogue and polylogue (discussion), is a public way of communication.

Target journalistic texts- inform citizens about events in the country and in the world, as well as form public opinion. A feature of the journalistic style is the combination of standard (stable linguistic forms of expression) and expression (linguistic means that affect the reader’s emotions).

The journalistic style is represented by a variety of genres that have different tasks in the process of communication and function in different conditions. Thus, journalistic genres include newspaper political information, editorials, notes, feuilletons, pamphlets, lyrical and journalistic articles, as well as slogans, appeals, appeals to citizens of the country, reviews of films and plays, satirical notes, essays, reviews, that is all genres of mass communication (language of newspapers, magazines, television and radio programs), as well as oral speech - public performance on socio-political topics. Due to the variety of genres, characterizing the journalistic style raises many difficulties.

It should be borne in mind that the journalistic style, like all other styles, is a historical phenomenon and is subject to change, but in it, more than in other styles, changes are noticeable that are caused by socio-political processes in society. Thus, even a non-specialist can see the changes in the newspaper modern style in comparison, for example, with the language of newspapers at the beginning of the century: the open appeal, sloganism, and directive nature of newspapers have disappeared; modern newspapers strive at least for the external argumentation of the presentation, the polemical nature of publications. However, the characteristic stylistic features of journalism have been preserved.

The journalistic style is primarily characterized by the desire to influence the reader and listener. So, the most important feature of the journalistic style is its influencing function, which can be designated linguistic term"expressive function". This function of the journalistic style is inherent in all its genres in any socio-political conditions.

A characteristic feature of this style is also the informative nature of the presentation, associated with the popularization function. The desire to convey something new to the reader and listener ensures the success of journalistic genres. Originality of functioning journalistic genre, for example, in newspapers, the conditions for preparing the material, different levels The qualifications of numerous correspondents contribute to the emergence of standard linguistic means in newspaper texts. The standardization of linguistic means is generated both by repetition and by the fact that the search for expressive means is limited by time, and therefore ready-made expression formulas are used.

Thus, the typical features of a journalistic style are: the desire to influence the reader - an influencing function; information content; expressiveness due to the influencing function; presence of a standard in an expression. The influencing function of the journalistic style determines the expressiveness of this style. Expressiveness manifests itself primarily in the assessment of events and phenomena. Evaluativeness is expressed by the use of adjectives, nouns, adverbs with the meaning of a positive or negative evaluation such as: wonderful, interesting, important, sufficient, grandiose, unprecedented, etc.. Evaluativeness is also expressed by the use of high book vocabulary : daring, Fatherland, Fatherland, mission, inspiration, feat of arms, etc.. On the other hand, assessment is expressed in colloquial and even colloquial vocabulary, for example: hype, rabid, renegades, etc.

A sharp, apt, figurative assessment is expressed using metaphors and personification, for example: The news is in a hurry, spring is raging, slander and hypocrisy are walking nearby.

In the journalistic style, foreign words and elements of words, in particular prefixes, are actively used a-, anti-, pro-, neo-. ultra- (anti-constitutional, ultra-right, etc.). It is thanks to the media in Lately The active dictionary of foreign words that are part of the Russian language has been significantly expanded - privatization, electorate, denomination and others. Evaluation can also be expressed using word-forming means, for example, suffixes superlatives adjectives, evaluation suffixes on nouns: highest, most interesting, most important, groupism, hazing, assault.

The syntax of the newspaper-journalistic style of speech also has its own characteristics associated with the active use of emotionally and expressively colored constructions: exclamatory and interrogative sentences, sentences with appeal, rhetorical questions, repetitions, dissected constructions, etc. The desire for expression determines the use of constructions with a conversational coloring: particles, interjections, inversions, non-union proposals, omission of one or another member of a sentence, etc. Often the assessment is expressed in the headlines, therefore the requirements for expressiveness and catchiness are imposed on the title of articles. Expressiveness is thus expressed by a variety of linguistic means, including sentence structure.

The information content of the journalistic style is achieved:

a) in a documentary and factual manner of presentation through the use of special terms, special vocabulary, professional words;

b) the generality of the presentation, its analyticity;

c) “neutrality” of presentation, which is facilitated by non-expressive vocabulary; complex syntactic constructions are used, especially with subordinating connections.

A characteristic feature of the journalistic style is the presence of special newspaper standards, special newspaper phraseology, newspaper cliches arise, for example: make a huge contribution, work with passion, honor sacredly, increase military traditions, universal human values, etc.

The journalistic style uses linguistic means of different styles, but the main stylistic features of the journalistic style stand out very clearly, and the journalistic style is a special phenomenon, combining such features as expressiveness and standard, informativeness and popularization.