The answer to the question of what dreams the table with food seems obvious: of course, to well-being and profits. But not all dreams and not in all cases agree with such a definition. There are such plots when a richly covered table is a warning about the coming changes, and not the fact that pleasant. For a more accurate interpretation of such a "breadless" image, you need to take into account all the details seen in a dream.

Dream Miller

Pleasant and, most importantly, useful dating are waiting for that dream, who in a dream saw the full table of food, covered to dinner. You can also count on pleasant surprises.

Dreamed that there are no tablecloth under the plates? This means that very soon you will have so much money that, looking at the wealth of others, you will not feel the feeling of envy. But, full plates of food residues, mean quarrels and disagreements.

What prevailed in the menu

If you have dreamed of a meal table, it is advisable to recall exactly which dishes prevailed in the menu. Here, why dream some of them, according to dreams:

  • meat dishes in a dream are thrown away from problems and troubles;
  • fish delicacies - to success, but if you learn to keep secrets;
  • sweet products prophesy fun;
  • see in a dream alcohol - to unjustified risk and disappointments;
  • non-alcoholic drinks in a dream predict tears and resentment.

"Table" nutrition like a surprise symbol

Grascina's dream book explaining what dreams of a lot of food on the table in a public dining room, recommends how to pay attention to how appetizing it looked.

If you have dreamed of many different eats that do not have food in the dining room, and a long queue of people with trays, full of delights, then this suggests that someone is pleasant to surprise you.

And if you see in a dream that in the dining room after dinner there is a lot of untouched unappetizing food on the table, then you should not wait from people to what they are not capable of. Take friends as they are, it recommends the dream book of a wanderer.

Home Kitchen - Relationship Acquisition Sign

Interpretation of sleep offered by the dream of the Pastor Loffe, in which you cover the dining table with a white tablecloth and sit down to dine, it propheshes the following: very soon you will get into the company, to become a member of which have long dreamed. Did you keep a leisurely conversation for dining meals? You can not doubt, you will easily win the authority among new buddies.

Sleep in a dream to dinner, and not to participate in it - a sign that you can't achieve the goal because you do not have a patron. But, to cover to a dinner and sit at the head of the table - a positive sign: you will be able to have not only connections, but also you will conquer a reputation as a person who can help in a difficult moment.

Festive abundance: from wealth to needs

If you want to understand that predicts a dreaming a festive table with food, striking the look of sophistication, then, searching for information in the dream interpretation Miss Hasse, you will find out: soon you will "fall" a huge condition for you, and you do not attach special efforts to this.

But, not quite a festive event, but also a crowded - a memorial feast, in honor of, for example, the deceased grandfather is a signal that if you wish to change your life, then it's time to stop clinging for the past. Sit in a dream at the table with meal, sad - you have to fight with the need; And if you were sitting on the commemoration, as at the wedding, then everything will work well.

Smoke, or learn to trust and make concessions

Explaining what a chic buffet with food is dreaming, but at the closest review of it spoiled, then be prepared for disappointments, predicts the lunar dream book. To see in a dream a large number of unigitious or take them into hand, sniffing - a sign of incredulsion.

But what dreams of a buffet with enemies are dreaming, in the menu of which dishes are unsuitable for food, according to Eastern Dreamnant: You can't come to a consensus with an opponent because both do not want to compromise.

The most complete collection of dreams. Includes: Standard Dream Interpretation, DFFA Dream, Dream Dream, Dream Miller, Nostradamus Dream, Assyrian Dream Interpretation, Dream Hasse, Dream Interpretation Vangi, Dream Dream Azara, Dream Interpretation Zhou-Guna, Dream Interpretation, Ancient Russian Dream Interpretation, English Dream Interpretation, Esoteric Dream Interpretation, French Dream Interpretation, Indian Dream Interpretation, Sonniest Kopalinsky, Culinary Dream Interpretation, Slavic Dream Interpretation, Dream Interpretation Meneghetti, Muslim Dream Interpretation, Persian Dream Interpretation, Right Dream Interpretation, Small Dream Interpretation, Solomon Dream Interpretation, Dream Crades Veles, Family Dream Interpretation, Intimate Dream Interpretation, Child Dream Interpretation, Modern Dream Interpretation, Love Dream, Lunar Dream Interpretation , Electronic Dream Interpretation, Dream Dream Food, Dream Interpretation, Wedding Dream Interpretation, Dream Interpretation, Dream Interpretation for women, Dream Interpretation for men, Ancient Dream Interpretation, Sonic Kananita, Dream Longo, Ukrainian Dream Interpretation.

Sleep, in which you cover on the table, predicts a happy union and circumstances favorable for prosperity. To see empty tables in a dream - mean poverty and disagreement. Clean from the table - a sign that the current pleasures will soon replace the troubles and indifference. There is on the table that is not covered with a tablecloth - predicts that your position will be independent and you will have little to worry the behavior and well-being of other people. If you have dreamed that the table moves mysteriously, then dissatisfaction will soon go into your life and you will search for relief in change. To see in a dream on the table, the appointed tablecloth is a sign of disobedience of children or subordinates. In addition, the pleasures will certainly follow quarrels. Broken table - symbol of failure. See someone sitting at the table - a dream - a warning. This person will make an ungivory act to achieve his desires. Hear in a dream tapping on the table - means that you change the attitude towards your friends. In addition, there is a threat over your destiny. Expect losses due to a dismissive attitude towards relatives or friends. If you dreamed that you are sitting at your desk, then in real life, unforeseen difficulties will fall on your way. Seeing money on the table - a sign that you will find an unexpected way out of personal difficulties. Dream Miller
If you see the table covered in a dream - it means you will soon be waiting for pleasant acquaintances and favorable circumstances. If you see empty tables in a dream - we wash the quarrels and disagreements. If in a dream you remove from the table - it promises that peace and joy will soon replace sadness and indifference. There is in a dream at the table without a tablecloth - means that soon you will achieve such an independent position that the prosperity of others will not be upset you. If the table moves in some mysterious manner - it means that soon you will experience a deep dissatisfaction with your life and will search for changes. Ripped tablecloth on the table foreshadows quarrels in the family. Broken table - means decline, change to the worst. In a dream, tapping on the table - the head of the fact that in a short time you change your attitude towards friends, and your fate will be at risk. This dream warns that you will lose a lot if you become neglected close and friends. If in a dream you sit down for your desk - it warns you and encourages carefulness. Money lying on your table foreshadow you happily get out of difficulties. Dream Khasse
Turn - buy a property; remove the profit from you; Sit at the table - a cheerful company; Empty - shortages. Dream of Zhou-Guna
In the house - it's not swimming. Old Russian dream book
house, family life. Esoteric dream book
Good, strong - to sufficiency, confidence in life. Chlipsky, plastic - uncertainty, instability in the material situation. Full food, treats - a sign of ancient way. If you are not gourmet, then enjoy your food bodily. With food residues, untidy - to troubles in the household sphere. Sleep, place dishes - to guests. Small dream book
Low in a dream on the table means that you are destined for a happy union. To remove from the table - a sign that the current joy will soon replace the troubles. To see the empty tables predict poverty. If you dream that you dine at the table, on which there is no tablecloth, then you are an independent and independent nature. To see on the table, the evaporator tablecloth means disobedience of children or subordinates. If you have dreamed that the table is somehow strangely moving, then be prepared for your attitude to life will be characterized by dissatisfaction and you will acutely feel the need for change. Broken table - symbol of failure. If you have dreamed of any of your familiar sitting at the table, then you should beware of this person, as to achieve your goals, he is able to go anything. Sleep, in which you sit at the desk, means unforeseen difficulties. To dream in a dream on the table money - a sign that you can find a way out of a deadlock. Family dream book
The table in a dream symbolizes the strength of your position, your family, your business. It all depends on where it is worth (at home, at work, friends, etc.). Empty table in a dream - a sign of a quarrel or passage. If you dreamed that the table hangs in the air at your home, then your family can fall apart because of the treason, betrayal or some kind of deception. Sometimes such a dream indicates the scalance of your material position. The stronger and more expensive there will be a table in your dream, the prosperity will be your life. Broken, rigging, fragile table (table, shelf) in a dream indicates that your position may worsen if you urgently do not make the necessary security measures. Get rid of such a table in a dream - the sign of the crash of your hopes. But if in a dream you can repair or strengthen it, then luck and well-being will return to you. Buy the table in a dream or see how it makes it in your home, - a sign of big change. Small decorative tables in a dream foreshadow well-being and pleasure. Knock on the table in a dream - a sign of disagreements, quarrels and the likelihood that you will harm yourself enemies. A fresh tablecloth on the table means that you will soon have a meeting with new friends. Ripped, dirty, mint tablecloth on the table means quarrels and chagrins. Turn to the table in a dream - the fores for pleasant meetings or conversations (see interpretation: stains, underwear). Cleaning from the table in a dream foreshadows frustration and chagrin. The table covered for a solemn event foreshadows receipt of news of a important event or an invitation to it. See Interpretation: Celebration. If you dreamed that your table disappeared and you cannot find it, then the opponent (or rival) will make your happiness. The tilted table in a dream predicts you big trouble, because of which everything in your house will be upside down. See interpretation: Furniture. Children's dream book
The table - indicates some kind of mass gathering. If it is a dining table, then you will soon have to participate in some celebration. If this writing table, then there is either an extracurricular event, or some meeting at school. If the table is chosen by some objects, conflicts are possible. If the table is empty, it means you will feel among people as in the desert. Modern dream book
Modern dream book
If you have dreamed that you are covered on the table, then guests will get into your home. The same dream on Saturday will proper the appearance of a new family member. Sleep on Friday, in which you accidentally broke the feet of the table, means that your life will change drastically. The same dream on Sunday warns you that you can fire from work. On Monday night or Wednesday, the sale of the dining table dreams of the fact that in a short time you will become a family man or head a new family. If you dreamed that you were shedding something on the table, it means that good luck will cause doubts. The same dream on Thursday indicates that in real life your chances of success in starting are growing like on yeast. Dream interpretation for women
Low in a dream on the table - to guests. If such a dream dreamed from Friday to Saturday, he means that soon you will have adding in the family. If in a dream from Thursday to Friday you broke the leg of the table, in the near future there will be a cardinal change in your life, but if such a dream dreamed from Saturday to Sunday, he foreshadows dismissal from work. If you dreamed from Tuesday on Wednesday or from Sunday to Monday, that you sell your dining table, it means that you will soon have a new family. Pour some fluid on the table - to doubtful luck, but if such a dream dreamed from Wednesday to Thursday, your chances are significantly rising. Dream Azara
Invitation to the nameman Slavic dream book
House, family life; overturned - consolation in misfortune. Sonic Kananita
Table - Low - Buy Property - Clean - Easts Profit from You - Sit - Merry Company - Empty - Lack Ukrainian dream book
Table - throne, joy. Dream Khasse
You will live in contentment. Standard
To see in the dream of a pillar - predicts that some stranger during the needs and deprivation will come to your aid and become your faithful friend. Stumble upon a pillar - means that in real life you will have to commit a dishonest act to overcome difficulties, otherwise you will enter the network of enemies. To see a pillar in his way on the way - a sign that in real life you will have many enemies. Small dream book
If in a dream you see a pillar, then I will have the help of an unfamiliar person in his difficult hour, and this will serve as a basis for many years of strong friendship. If you dreamed that you came across a post, then in real life you will have to make a non-good act to overcome difficulties, for otherwise you will enter the network placed by enemies. Family dream book
Pole in a dream - a symbol of power, health, wealth. A dropping pillar in a dream indicates the deterioration of your position or illness. The destroyed post in a dream suggests that fate will change to the worst. Last minute pillars in a dream point to the danger threatening your children. The verst poles in a dream mean that your business is moving. See Interpretation: Figures, Movement. If there are no numbers on the pillars, then you will count on the success of your business. Electronic dream book
power, power, health; fallen - damage, illness and failure in everything Sonic Kananita
Pole - power, power Ukrainian dream book
Your joy will be replaced in crying. Dream interpretation numbers
To see in a dream of a pillar, lonely towering on a hill or in the middle of the field, means that you have long wanted to do a new thing, but you are afraid that you will not handle it alone or you do not have enough strength to bring it to the end. Stop reflecting, it's time to start decisive actions - take into the allies of a person you know for ten years, and start working on your project. If you need a loan, then let the amount of the components of its numbers give a unit. Women enlite the possibility of honest earnings, if she accepts a person's offer, who is older than one year or 19 years old. Standard
A collision in a dream is a sign that in reality is threatened by an accident with serious consequences. Your commercial affairs will also bring you a lot of disappointments. A young woman has a similar dream predicts a difficult choice between two sweethearts, which will cause the contention.
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If you see the table covered in a dream - it means you will soon be waiting for pleasant acquaintances and favorable circumstances.

If you see empty tables in a dream - we wash the quarrels and disagreements.

If in a dream you remove from the table - it promises that peace and joy will soon replace sadness and indifference.

There is in a dream at the table without a tablecloth - means that soon you will achieve such an independent position that the prosperity of others will not be upset you.

If the table moves in some mysterious manner - it means that soon you will experience a deep dissatisfaction with your life and will search for changes.

Broken table - means decline, change to the worst.

In a dream, tapping on the table - the head of the fact that in a short time you change your attitude towards friends, and your fate will be at risk.

This dream warns that you will lose a lot if you become neglected close and friends.

If in a dream you sit down for your desk - it warns you and encourages carefulness.

Money lying on your table foreshadow you happily get out of difficulties.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's dream book

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What does sleep sound

Turn - buy a property; remove the profit from you; Sit at the table - a cheerful company; Empty - lack

Interpretation of dreams from Dreamnoy Hasse

What a dream table mean

A sign that circumstances will turn against you and your honor will be ruined. The table, luxuriously removed, dream of abundance and satisfaction. The table without a tablecloth - foreshadows troubles or widowism. If you are creating a routing tables - you will learn amazing news and make wonderful discoveries.

Interpretation of dreams from French dreams

Sleep about the table

Interpretation of dreams from Esoteric Dream

Value of dreams table

The table is a good, strong - to sufficiency, confidence in life. Chlipsky, plastic - uncertainty, instability in the material situation. Full food, treats - a sign of ancient way. If you are not gourmet, then enjoy your food bodily. With food residues, untidy - to troubles in the household sphere. Sleep, place dishes - to guests.

Interpretation of dreams from a cannel depression

Sleep table

The table - indicates some kind of mass gathering.

If it is a dining table, then you will soon have to participate in some celebration.

If this writing table, then there is either an extracurricular event, or some meeting at school.

If the table is chosen by some objects, conflicts are possible.

If the table is empty, it means you will feel among people as in the desert.

Interpretation of dreams from children's dreams

Interpretation of sleep table

The table in a dream symbolizes the strength of your position, your family, your business. It all depends on where it is worth (at home, at work, friends, etc.).

Empty table in a dream - a sign of a quarrel or passage.

If you dreamed that the table hangs in the air at your home, then your family can fall apart because of the treason, betrayal or some kind of deception. Sometimes such a dream indicates the scalance of your material position.

The stronger and more expensive there will be a table in your dream, the prosperity will be your life.

Broken, rigging, fragile table (table, shelf) in a dream indicates that your position may worsen if you urgently do not make the necessary security measures.

Get rid of such a table in a dream - the sign of the crash of your hopes.

But if in a dream you can repair or strengthen it, then luck and well-being will return to you.

Buy the table in a dream or see how it makes it in your home, - a sign of big change.

Small decorative tables in a dream foreshadow well-being and pleasure.

Knock on the table in a dream - a sign of disagreements, quarrels and the likelihood that you will harm yourself enemies.

A fresh tablecloth on the table means that you will soon have a meeting with new friends.

Ripped, dirty, mint tablecloth on the table means quarrels and chagrins.

Turn to the table in a dream - the fores for pleasant meetings or conversations (see interpretation: stains, underwear).

Cleaning from the table in a dream foreshadows frustration and chagrin.

The table covered for a solemn event foreshadows receipt of news of a important event or an invitation to it. See Interpretation: Celebration.

If you dreamed that your table disappeared and you cannot find it, then the opponent (or rival) will make your happiness.

The tilted table in a dream predicts you big trouble, because of which everything in your house will be upside down. See interpretation: Furniture.

Interpretation of dreams from family dream

That in a dream predicts the table

Joy; Mastery - the dead man will; covered - to good; on thin legs - life is not too kind; on thick legs - excellent life; Broken - illness or death of his wife.

Interpretation of dreams from Dreamnoy Veles

What does it mean in a dream table

Low in a dream on the table - to guests. If such a dream dreamed from Friday to Saturday, he means that soon you will have adding in the family.

If in a dream from Thursday to Friday you broke the leg of the table, in the near future there will be a cardinal change in your life, but if such a dream dreamed from Saturday to Sunday, he foreshadows dismissal from work.

If you dreamed from Tuesday on Wednesday or from Sunday to Monday, that you sell your dining table, it means that you will soon have a new family.

Pour some fluid on the table - to doubtful luck, but if such a dream dreamed from Wednesday to Thursday, your chances are significantly rising.

Interpretation of dreams from dream interpretation for women

In a dream to see the table

The dressed beautifully served table foreshadows life, complete pleasures and love, an empty table, on the contrary, promises disagreement.

If in a dream you remove from the table, it means that love for you will be replaced by an indifferent attitude.

Ripped tablecloth on the table - Sorry sign and disagreements in the family.

Interpretation of dreams from Love Dream

Prediction of sleep table

Loading the table to receive guests foreshadows large acquisitions, large spending. Abundant table with many treats and drinking foreshadows carefree pastime in a circle of close relatives or friends. An empty table is a sign of disagreements between spouses.

Heaps of dirty dishes with embraces on the table - lose a loyal chance to earn good. The table, littered in the working disorder with different books and paper, foreshadows the shortage of time to perform urgent work.

The old pricky table foreshadows quarrels in the family, the new polished - will not be satisfied with their position, the coffee table - to loses and sadness, written - success in rivalry, marble table - to a dear gift, a billiard table - discord among friends.

Interpretation of dreams from the dream alphabet

What dreams table

To see the table covered with dinner - to interesting acquaintances and favorable moves of events in your life. Empty tables in a dream foreshadow quarrels and disagreements. If in a dream you remove from the table - peace and joy that you are experiencing recently can change the sadness and indifference.

Interpretation of dreams from modern dream

See in a dream

"To sit at the table of negotiations", "Baseless Table", "Behind the Round Table" (Free Exchange of Opinions), "Understand" (fodder).

Rich (Kushan) or poor table.

Interpretation of dreams from dream interpretation

See in a dream table

The dream in which you see the table is very favorable, but only if something stands on the table.

An ordinary wooden unpacked table, not a shining tablecloth or a glue, on which there is nothing, is such a dream of loss, perhaps even the death of a loved one.

If you dreamed of such a dream, imagine that you are covering the table with a beautiful tablecloth.

If empty dishes stand on an empty table - all your affairs will move, but the profits will not bring. If the dishes were still dirty, it means a lot of unpleasant hassle that will not pay off, but they will demand the voltage of all forces.

Imagine that you quickly shook all the dishes and filled it with delicious eats.

If empty dishes stand on the table, shining a tablecloth or a glued, - your affairs will be successful, but do not wait for a big financial profit. If you see a table served by beautiful porcelain dishes (in which there is nothing yet), "you have to get acquainted with the whole company of serious and influential people. With some of them, good friendship will be tuned.

See the table covered for the feast, stolen and beverages, - to great wealth, well-being and prosperity of your whole family. If you sit at the table in the company of relatives and friends - a favorable influence of sleep will affect not only you, but also on all your surroundings.

Imagine that you drag the table with a snow-white tablecloth and put a variety of snacks, bread, wine and ripe fruits. You invite you at the table of all your relatives and friends and start to appear.

Interpretation of dreams from Simeon Simeon Simeon

What a dream table mean

The table covered in the dinner, seen in a dream, means that you will have nice acquaintances and successful circumstances.

An empty table dreams of quarrels and disagreements.

Cleared in a dream from the table - peace and joy will soon replace sadness and indifference.

Ate at the table without a tablecloth - in the near future it will achieve an independent position.

If the table moves in some mysterious way, soon you will be given dissatisfaction with life and thirst for change.

Ripped tablecloth on the table foreshadows quarrels in the family.

The broken table dreams to decline, change to the worst.

Heard in a dream tapping on the table foreshadows that soon your attitude towards friends will change, and your career will be at risk. Do not neglect close people, and then nothing bad will not happen to you.

If in a dream you worked at your desk, in real life, show carefulness.

Seeing money at his desk, know that you will happily leave any position, even the most difficult.

Interpretation of dreams from psychological dream

Sleep about the table

This is a symbolic reflection of your current plans.

Appearance and decoration of the table: Show what state is your business and what your coming perspectives are.

Ornate table with many dishes: Sign Sign.

If, looking at this table, you do not feel hungry excitement, and you feel pleasant satisfaction: this dream says that some of your plans can be very successful and promising.

An empty or meager dining table, seen in a dream: suggests that you risk taking on low-job affairs. After such sleep, you do not prevent you from revising your current plans.

Work or writing desk: foreshadows some of the problems that you have to solve.

Disorder on the desktop: a sign that you are confused in solving some question.

Coffee or bedside table in a dream: symbolizes insignificant ventures or small entertainment.

If in your dream you are trying to lead any cases at such a table: this is a hint that Introduces you either overestimate their importance, or approach the case without due fundamental.

Broken table in a dream: warns that some conflict or error can jeopardize your well-being.

On these days you better avoid any clashes with others and keep our business with great care.

Interpretation of dreams

The table in everyday life plays a large enough role. Behind him are going to close people, communicate, celebrate any holidays, having fun. But this is in reality, but what can mean this piece of furniture seen in Gres? There is a huge number of interpretations, much will depend on the specific plot. In this review we will try to tell what it is worth waiting for from the future if you started to cover the table in a dream.

Much depends on the type

In a dream, you can see a variety of tables. This depends on the main part of the interpretation. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to remember exactly what kind of table dreamed.

  1. Quite often in the Gresses you can see the dining table. Sleep is a sign, he warns that it should be limited to food. Many dreams recommend to eat often, but the portions do not have to be big.
  2. Started to cover the table in a dream in Gresses? If he is a kitchen, be prepared for a quick holiday.
  3. The commemorative table reports the presence of longing for the deceased relative or to a friend. After recommended to visit the grave of a close person, according to which you continue to miss.
  4. Festive table in a dream symbolizes the success of the dream. In the near future, only positive events will occur, the material condition will not suffer.
  5. Buffet is a symbol of hasty in affairs. The dream simply does not work, all decisions have to be taken to be taken.
  6. The wedding table serves as a harbinger of the end of a complex life period, only success awaits ahead. Dream intercoms report that even the most risky events will end successfully for a dream.

Form and dimensions

Not only the view of the table is able to play its role, but also its form with dimensions.

  1. A great subject of the interior reports the beginning of the discussion of important affairs in reality. Perhaps the negotiations will begin, which the dreams waited for a very long time.
  2. Began to cover the table in a dream? If he is small, you should not give the upcoming meetings of great importance, they will not be for a dream icon, paramount.
  3. The new table serves as a symbol of rather interesting and promising proposals. A high probability that will be able to get good partners.
  4. The old subject of the interior is a symbol of long-standing ideas that the dreams cannot be implemented, but also to discard them. A similar dream is capable of pointing on old friends with whom you have not seen you for a long time, but you want it.
  5. He serves as precursor success in financial plan. The dreams are able to implement a promising idea and get good profits from it. However, you will need to make a lot of strength.
  6. The white table symbolizes good things to the implementation of which the dreams will start soon.
  7. See in a dream a covering table of black color - wait for the collision with betrayal. It is possible to bring dishonest partners.
  8. The dirty countertop acts as an omname of failures. It is better to leave the realization of conceived plans, otherwise you have to deal with a lot of problems.

Condition of tablecloth

Began to cover the table in a dream? To understand that the dream is promoting, a variety of nuances take into account. An iconic element is considered to be a tablecloth.

  1. Is she clean? In reality, promising offers, profitable contracts.
  2. Is it dirty, remembered? We will have to face a lot of diverse obstacles and misunderstandings.
  3. Is she torn? Wait for quarrels with loved ones. Scandals may be too serious.

The table without a tablecloth serves as a symbol of well-being. In the near future, the financial state of the dream will improve significantly. Profit from the implementation of profitable cases can exceed all expectations.

A good symbol is a vase with flowers standing on the table. In family life, everything is intended successfully, relations with loved ones are prosperous and harmonious.


And what promises the future if the darning symbolizes empty hopes. Dreams in reality dreams of unless. If the table is served unfamiliar people, in the near future wait for guest invitations.

The emphasis was placed on but it was on the knife? Past failures do not allow me to meet people, build a personal life. Perhaps you simply do not trust others because of the old offense.


Started to cover the table in a dream, expose food? Dream Interpretation Similar dreams usually treat positively. But much will depend on those dishes that managed to see in Gresses.

  1. Meat food foreshadows good luck. The dreams will cope with numerous problems and difficulties.
  2. Fish is a rather extensive symbol. Smoked dish predicts receipt of news, roasted reports interesting travel. Salted fish acts as a precursor adventure in the amourn sphere. A large number of fish dishes on the table is a symbol of well-being. Women Fish warns of serious trials in reality. Delicious fish dishes report a success that will definitely come if the dreams learn to keep secrets.
  3. Sweets report fun, pleasure.
  4. Alcohol serves as a precursor of unjustified risk, which can lead to disappointments.
  5. A non-alcoholic drink is a symbol of disappointments and tears.
  6. Fruits symbolize profits, success in the financial sector.
  7. Bread acts as a precursor of profitable transactions. Reports that rumors and gossip begged behind his back. The crumbs sign that in life predominantly favorable events will occur. However, they will not be significant.
  8. A richly covered table in a dream with an abundance of different delicious dishes reports that pleasant events will begin in life. Perhaps someone from acquaintances will surprise, please.

A few more interpretations

There are other interpretations from such a dream. Much will depend on the nuances.

  1. A large amount of food on the memorial table serves as a symbol of changes in which the dreams need. However, they will not happen if he won't let his past.
  2. The wedding table foreshadows changes that will occur in life without participation from the dream. Everyone will happen unexpectedly.
  3. A banquet table with a meal reports on successes in all matters and spheres.
  4. If the food is on the rich tables in the restaurant or cafe, wait for amazing discoveries and news. There is a chance that fate will make an extraordinary gift.
  5. If there are many tables, a new acquaintance will be held soon. And it will happen unexpectedly, in a public place.

In some situations, the table signals that all the necessary conditions for success are created, it is necessary to start acting.

Tablecloth or oilcloth?

Do you have to cover the table in a dream for guests? In real life, you are waiting for meetings and negotiations. And those who are at the table in Gresses, with a large share of the likelihood will be directly related to the dealer.

To see the table covered with a white tablecloth in a dream - wait for positive events in all spheres. A similar dream is a symbol of the purity of family relations. Also, the dream reports the purity of the dream intentions. Soon the happy period will come in your life.

The oilcloth on the table speaks of negligence, which is present in all the actions of the dream. There is no sincerity in his thoughts. If you managed to see that the table moves in an incomprehensible way, then it says that the dreams are unsatisfied in real life. Perhaps it is not happy about what is happening.

What else can Damn dream

There are some nuances from which the main details of interpretation will depend.

  1. Began to eat in the company with a specific person? In the near future, relationships will be applied with him.
  2. Lunch alone - wait for complications. Perhaps health will deteriorate or deteriorates financial position.
  3. Are you at a festive table? In life, waits a favorable period, all difficulties will remain behind.
  4. Sit behind a covering table? Success will be accompanied in all endeavors.
  5. If you lie on a covering table, in reality you risk getting into a difficult situation, to get out of which it will be very hard.
  6. A dream in which you have to stand on the table, reports that you feel your impunity, you think that everything is allowed to you.
  7. Started going on the table? The usual lifestyle will soon break, unexpected events will begin.
  8. If hide with the table, wait in the near future to incarnate all plans and ideas.
  9. Do you drink tea at the empty table? Be prepared for the strongest disappointment. At the same time, some dreams advise to forget about past failures.


The table seen in a dream can report a variety of events in the life path. A lot will depend on specific nuances, dream details that must be taken into account to get a more complete interpretation. We hope this review has helped to understand what a covering table means in a dream.

If you look deep into Russian history, you can open the amazing attitude of people to the table with food.

In the dream interpretation there are many interpretations about what dream of a covering table.

Popular predictions

In Russia, the food was considered not only the way to saturate the body, but also as a saint communion. It was forbidden to knock on the table with a fist and even smash the shell of boiled eggs about him. Rugan during the meal was also considered taboo for Russian people. From this it becomes more or less clear, what dreams of a covering table: Of course, to good. To see the table, festively decorated and made by all sorts of dishes to the arrival of guests, means happy changes in the life of a dream.

  • Flowers stand on a covering table - happy family life is waiting for you ahead;
  • The table covers without a tablecloth - wealth, which will soon come to your home, will exceed all your expectations;
  • Guests are sitting at the table - restoring interrupted relationships. Also, sleep promises the emergence of new friends in the life you find a lot of interesting topics for conversation.

Another sign predicts happiness and harmony in the house. The process of covering the table also does not promise anything bad. On the contrary, a dream in this case is worth waiting for guests to visit either prepare for the fact that someone will invite him to his house. This vision, according to some dreams, may indicate the speedy purchase of real estate in reality. If in a dream you see that together with you in the preparation of the table to the arrival of guests and some unfamiliar personality are involved, do not be afraid of: they are not harbing negative. Most likely, such a dream foreshadows that all the spheres of the dream of a dream are organized as well that everything goes clearly according to the plan and develops exclusively well.

It is very important to remember the material from which the table was made to find the right interpretation of sleep. Furniture from marble or tree - a symbol of a valuable gift or financial stability, and from plastic - a pitch position. If the bottom-up table in your dream suddenly suddenly disappeared somewhere, it means that there are reasons for concern. It is possible that you are afraid that someone breaks down in your family upgrades and separates you with the second half or business competitors will take a solid profit from under the nose.

Cover table in copyright dreams

Each interpreter in its own way interpreters, what is the dream of a covering table and the details associated with this vision. For example, Dreamniest Grishina considers this sign as homely focus and the joy of family life. If the table in a dream was round, then soon you will be able to make yourself with relatives.

To cover on the table - the implementation of conceived plans, and put on it a vase with flowers - a happy marriage union with a loved one. But the dream book Hasse explains what the table is dreaming, from another point of view:

  • See the table - getting new knowledge in reality;
  • To cover on the table - the acquisition of a new property;
  • Clean the plates from the table - a possible failure of a profitable deal;
  • Sit at the table - a pleasant leisure in a good company;
  • An empty table is a sign of the shy financial position of the dream.

Esoteric dream book notes that the table burning from delicacies and food indicates the tendency of sleeping to gastronomic excesses. And if the table was not removed after the meal - this is a sign of unsettled life in reality. To put on the table to the dinner means nothing but a meeting of guests in his house.

Miller's dream book table

In this interpreter, covered with a meal table symbolizes pleasant dating and favorable circumstances for the accomplishment of plans in the real life of the dream. Below is some more interpretations from this source:

  • See empty tables - we are afraid of conflicts and quarrels with loved ones;
  • To eat at the table without a tablecloth - the achievement of an independent position, thanks to which the rest of the rest will not be a chagrin;
  • Broken table - sad changes, decay;
  • Money lie on the table - you will succeed safely to get out of the confusing situation;
  • Torn tablecloth on the table - harbinger of large quarrels and scandals in the family;
  • The table is strangely moving in a dream - you will have to experience a deep dissatisfaction with your own life.

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