Types of milk mushrooms, their descriptions and photos. The benefits and harms of white and black milk mushrooms. Features of collection and preparation for use.

Summer and autumn are those times of year when nature has an abundance of plants, fruits, berries and mushrooms. The unique tastes inherent in the latter attract people to the forests and forest edges in search of the treasured prey.

Milk mushrooms deservedly took pride of place on tables and in jars as preparations for the winter. These types of mushrooms, in addition to the range of taste, have useful qualities. For example, in terms of protein they are superior to meat products. In addition, it is absorbed much better human body than an animal.

Having opened the encyclopedia of mushrooms in the “types of milk mushrooms” section, a novice mushroom picker will spend long hours studying their differences and characteristics. To save you a little time, we will consider the most common types of milk mushrooms, as well as signs of their difference from other mushrooms.

Real edible milk mushrooms: list, description with names, photos

There are so many varieties of milk mushrooms that it is easy for a novice mushroom picker to get confused among them. Let's look at the list and descriptions of the most common representatives in our latitudes.


He is also a yellow wave, or scratcher. Its distinctive features:

  • yellow or golden cap, smooth in dry weather and slippery with mucus in wet weather
  • The diameter of the hats ranges from 6-28 cm
  • young mushrooms have a convex cap, adults have a concave cap
  • its edges are bent in the direction of the leg
  • plates have brown spots
  • pleasant fruity smell
  • the place of cutting/breaking and the secreted juice turn yellow from contact with air
  • loves coniferous forests


It belongs to the conditionally edible milk mushrooms; it is a fairly large mushroom. It has the following characteristics:

  • wide hat of dark color, its diameter is 15-20 cm
  • tall brown-green leg reaches a height of up to 10 cm
  • the fracture site changes color from light to dark


He's the same real mushroom differs from its other brothers, except for color:

  • the oily outer surface of the cap, which has a depression pressed down in the middle,
  • strong fruity aroma,
  • fringe at the ends of the hat, which in young representatives is turned inward, in more mature ones it resembles a funnel,
  • short up to 6 cm and hollow inside the leg,
  • a yellowish tint of the juice, which becomes so at the break site due to contact with air,
  • taste qualities. It is recognized as the most valuable in terms of gastronomy.


It belongs to the category of false milk mushrooms and conditionally edible ones. Its distinctive features:

  • strong peppery taste that can only be removed by long soaking before cooking
  • lack of mucus on the cap, it is dry, as well as fringes at its ends
  • the juice changes its color to an olive or bluish tint


It is also bitter, or bitterweed, or bitter - good for pickling. Him:

  • the color of the stem and cap is the same - brown or with a reddish tint,
  • different dimensions depending on age, maximum - 9 cm stem height and 12 cm cap diameter,
  • smooth with light fluff a hat that is damp in wet weather,
  • no smell,
  • stands out a lot milky juice during a break,
  • a specific bitter taste of cooked mushrooms,
  • Priority is given to acidic soil types in birch and coniferous forests.


It's raw, it's white. Let's add its characteristics:

  • hat dirty with plant debris. The reason is its stickiness, moisture
  • the presence of white and yellowish scales on the outside of the hat
  • Dimensions: short cylindrical leg and wide funnel-shaped cap.


cut poplar milk mushrooms on the ground

It is also aspen, or white. The characteristics are presented in detail in the description of the aspen milk mushroom.


It has a number of other names, for example, blue breast, lilac, dog. Refers to conditionally edible mushrooms. Its characteristics are as follows:

  • bluish tint of scales under a yellowish cap
  • the leg changes color to blue after touching it
  • the juice released from the cut changes to purple
  • thick leg


It belongs to the conditionally edible mushrooms and has the following distinctive features:

  • the maximum diameter of the cap reaches 30 cm
  • pink or lilac spots appear on the surface of the cap and stem
  • slight hairiness on the cap
  • found only in aspen, poplar and aspen forests
  • grows in small groups


Characteristics of the mushroom:

  • the cap is smooth, becomes cracked with age
  • young representatives have a pleasant smell, adults have a herring odor
  • the cap is darker than the stem
  • the latter is thick with a slight roughness on the surface
  • the cap is elastic, fleshy


An inedible mushroom that is only suitable for pickling after a long period of soaking. Its characteristics:

  • small wrinkled hat
  • a tall thin trunk that tapers towards the ground
  • looks very similar to a parchment milk mushroom
  • grows in mixed forest in large groups


They represent a group of Russula. Distinctive features:

  • the cap is dry and smooth
  • young representatives are white, adults have yellowish spots
  • smell of honey with a woody tone
  • Able to maintain freshness during dry periods
  • grows in mixed forests


Another name is oak camelina. Its distinctive characteristics:

  • the color of mushrooms varies between red, yellow, brick, and orange tones
  • presence of grass contamination on the cap
  • rarely wormy due to the bitter taste of the milky juice
  • the color of the juice does not change when exposed to air



  • flat cap in adult mushrooms, and depressed in the center in young ones
  • The cap is large, reaches 15 cm in diameter
  • its surface is wet
  • when the plates are damaged, the area changes color from pale to greenish
  • Juice on contact with air changes color from milky to green with a bluish tint

False, poisonous milk mushrooms: list, description with names, photos

Among milk mushrooms in general there are no clearly poisonous specimens. It's just that some of them need to be soaked and cooked longer before eating.

However, there are several subspecies of milk mushrooms with a specific taste, with which you must be more careful. This:

  • camphor
  • peppery
  • creaky


camphor milkweed in nature

Camphor milkweed is dangerous due to poisoning caused by the presence of large number muscarinic substances, resistant even to prolonged heat treatment.

Its distinctive characteristics:

  • hat in brown tones with tints from the lightest to purple
  • the presence of yellow-cream plates on its lower part
  • darkening of the fracture site without changing the color of the juice
  • young mushrooms have a strong specific odor; in mature ones it transforms into the aroma of coconut
  • when pressing on the cap, a dent of brown or brown with gold color remains

Pepper and squeaky milkweed were discussed in the sections above.

What mushrooms are similar to black and white milk mushrooms, what can be confused: photo, description with names

The ones listed below are similar to black milk mushrooms.

Camphor milkweed

Was discussed in the section above.

Oak milk mushroom.

Discussed in the section above.

Nigella, or black podgruzka

  • does not release milky juice when broken
  • has color shades from olive to dark brown
  • has a stem that is darker than the cap and drier
  • covered with a wet cap with a deep notch in the center
  • loves only mixed forests, especially sunny places under birch trees

Gossamer violet

His most striking feature- change in color of the juice at the break site to bright lilac.

These look like white milk mushrooms.

False white, or creaker

Refers to the conditionally edible species of mushrooms. Skripun is not as tasty, and it loses in benefits. Its differences are:

  • hat without fringe
  • juice color brown-red
  • squeaking sound when cutting the cap with a knife or chewing with teeth
  • the color of the plates under the cap is dark yellow
  • always cleaner than the real thing
  • is never wormy, unlike a real milk mushroom
  • appears in the clearings later

White loading

torn white loads

Its features:

  • absence of milky juice, that is, it is dry
  • growing place in ravines and holes under old trees

Volnushka white

Has the following characteristics:

  • smaller sizes and increased fluffiness
  • snow-white color of the legs and cap, in contrast to the greenish tone of the milk mushroom

Aspen mushroom

Discussed in the previous section.


Described in the first section of the article.

How to distinguish a white milk mushroom from a toadstool?

Despite the external similarity between the pale grebe and the white milk mushroom, you will also find significant differences:

  • the shape of the cap - in the toadstool it is ovoid, and in the milk mushroom it is funnel-shaped
  • the color of the cap is more often in the toadstool with a greenish tint, in the white milk mushroom it has a yellowish tint
  • leg height is higher poisonous mushroom and reaches up to 15 cm in height
  • The toadstool's leg is thin and has a characteristic white rim

How to distinguish a black milk mushroom from a pig?

At first glance, these mushrooms are very similar to each other. Therefore, conduct a few experiments before adding them to your cart.

  • When a breast is cut or broken, it always secretes milky juice. You won't see it at the pig's house.
  • Press the mushroom cap with your finger or make a cut on any part of the latter. If you see the color of the dent change to red, it means you have a pig in your hands. Leave her in the forest.

White and black milk mushrooms: benefits and harms

The benefits of milk mushrooms have been known to our ancestors since the times of Rus'. For blacks and whites, it is similar in many ways, namely:

  • mushrooms are rich in fiber, protein, vitamins A, B, C, D, riboflavin, thiamine, natural antibiotics,
  • harmless for diabetics and people watching their body weight,
  • treat a lot of diseases - depression, neuroses, tuberculosis, diseases of the kidneys and urinary systems, disorders of the nervous system,
  • improve the condition of hair and skin.

Their beneficial properties:

  • diuretic
  • soothing
  • quickly satiating in small quantities
  • regulate blood sugar levels
  • stabilize the gastrointestinal tract
  • anti-inflammatory
  • restorative
  • antisclerotic

The harmful effects of milk mushrooms on the human body are mostly associated with:

  • the severity of their assimilation,
  • frequent use of them for food, optimally - 1-2 times a week for lunch,
  • errors in collection, processing, preparation and salting,
  • consumption of large quantities of black milk mushrooms, which absorb a higher rate of carcinogens than their white brothers.

The harm of milk mushrooms manifests itself in:

  • food poisoning
  • affected by botulism

In which forest do milk mushrooms grow, how many days after the rain do they appear?

Milk mushrooms love deciduous and mixed forests growing on black soil, rich in humus from fallen leaves.

Feel free to go looking for them if there are forests and undergrowth of the following trees near you:

  • birch
  • aspen
  • pine
  • fir

If the weather has been dry for a long time, and then it rains, go for milk mushrooms after 5 days. However, there is an opinion that the optimal period for their growth after rain is 12-15 days.

When are edible milk mushrooms harvested?

The best time for collecting milk mushrooms starts from the end of July and lasts until September-November. It all depends on the type of mushrooms you are going out to “hunt”.

Experienced mushroom pickers claim that autumn milk mushrooms are both tastier and more of them grow in one place.

How to clean and process milk mushrooms after harvesting?

After collecting milk mushrooms, carry out a series of cleaning procedures:

  • wash and clean them thoroughly
  • remove the mycelium and all earthen lumps from the legs
  • in the process, review them again to ensure that dangerous or questionable mushrooms are rejected
  • Change the liquid of the mushrooms 2-3 times a day.
  • Leave them to soak for at least 3 days.
  • Drain salt water and transfer the mushrooms to a cooking pot. If desired, add onions cut in half.
  • After a third of an hour, transfer them to a frying pan and lightly fry.

Now use the prepared milk mushrooms for further preparation.

So, we figured out the description of the species edible milk mushrooms, saw them in the photo. We learned to distinguish them from other mushrooms, including poisonous ones. We marked the months for collecting milk mushrooms on the calendar, and also took note of the features of their processing before consumption.

If the weather in your region is currently dry, then after the rain be sure to go to the forest with the whole family in search of delicious milk mushrooms!

Video: where to collect real milk mushrooms?

Many different mushrooms grow in Russia. But experts quiet hunt“We are sure that special luck falls on the one who gets to the place, because here you can very quickly fill a huge basket with fragrant mushrooms. Experienced mushroom picker It is easy to distinguish this one, which has a pubescent cap and yellowish mycelium.

Why are mushrooms called that?

To answer this question, you need to know how and where they grow. These mushrooms “live” large families, popularly they are called piles or heaps. Many believe that it was for this feature that edible milk mushrooms were so named.

Even if you know well where these wonderful mushrooms grow, you need to learn how to look for them. They are perfectly camouflaged under a layer of foliage and fallen pine needles. Mushroom pickers go for milk mushrooms early in the morning - about five o'clock. You need to take a long stick with you, which you can use to probe all suspicious tubercles under birch trees, or near stumps. It is with these trees that these mushrooms prefer to grow in symbiosis, creating mycorrhiza.

There is another version why these mushrooms were named that way. The word “milk” comes from Hebrew and translated means “having a notch.” True, it is well known that the cap of this mushroom is funnel-shaped. Therefore, experts do not take this version seriously.

What milk mushrooms look like, types

Milk mushrooms have several varieties. They all grow in groups. The caps of adult specimens often reach 30 cm in diameter. Milk mushrooms, photos of which you can see in our article, are suitable for pickling and pickling.

Yellow milk mushroom

This noticeable fungus is distinguished by a yellow cap, which can reach 28 cm in diameter. But medium-sized specimens are more common, with a cap size of 6 to 10 cm. Sometimes it is colored brown or golden, with small scales. The cap of young mushrooms is slightly convex, then it straightens or becomes concave. Its edges are usually folded inward. It is smooth to the touch and can become slimy in wet weather.

The leg of the yellow milk mushroom is 5-12 cm, has characteristic bright yellow pits and notches, and is sticky. It is hollow, but at the same time very strong. The plates are frequent; adult specimens have brown spots. The flesh is yellow, but when cut it quickly turns yellow when exposed to air. It has a weak but very pleasant aroma.

Yellow fringed, true and purple. The fringed milk mushroom is found in deciduous forests. It does not have any dents on the leg. And the inedible purple milk mushroom is distinguished by its lilac milky juice.

Yellow milk mushrooms, which are collected from early July to mid-October, are most often found in temperate countries in Eurasia.

Mushroom pickers believe that it is very tasty. Before use, they are pre-soaked and boiled.

Bitter milk mushroom

This variety is slightly smaller than yellow milk mushrooms. Their cap rarely exceeds 10 cm. As a rule, it is colored brown or reddish, bell-shaped, over time it straightens, and a small tubercle appears in the center. Mature specimens have a depressed cap. It is smooth to the touch, has slight pubescence, and is sticky in wet weather. Bitter milk mushrooms, photos of which can often be seen in special publications for mushroom pickers, have a stem up to 9 cm high. It is thin and cylindrical in shape. Its color is similar to the hat. Covered with light light down, noticeably thickened at the base. The plates are not wide and frequent.

The pulp of these mushrooms is characterized by fragility; when cut, it secretes a milky juice white. It has virtually no odor. The mushroom was named for its bitter, peppery taste.

These milk mushrooms, the description of which resembles the inedible liver milkweed, differ in that the latter’s milky juice turns yellow in the air.

The bitter mushroom grows from the first half of July until the beginning of October in almost all countries in northern Europe and Asia. Prefers acidic soils coniferous forests, less common in dense birch forests.

These mushrooms are suitable for pickling, but after a long (10-12 hours) soaking with a change of water. This is necessary to remove bitterness. Under the influence of brine, these edible milk mushrooms noticeably darken.

IN folk medicine these mushrooms are not used. But scientists managed to isolate from them a special substance that inhibits the growth of bacteria such as colibacillus, E. coli, and Staphylococcus aureus.

You need to know that this variety is capable of accumulating radioactive substances (cesium-137 nuclide) in its tissues, which settle in the muscles and liver of a person, so collect this mushroom in areas with increased level radioactive contamination is strictly prohibited.

Breast red-brown

Another variety of edible milk mushrooms. These mushrooms have rather large caps - their diameter reaches 18 cm. They are matte, colored in light brown tones, much less often with a bright orange or red tint. In young specimens the cap is round, but gradually it straightens and then takes on a depressed shape. It is usually smooth and dry to the touch, but sometimes becomes covered with a network of small cracks, and in wet weather it becomes sticky and slimy.

The red-brown milk mushroom has a stalk from 3 to 12 cm in height. It is quite strong, has a cylindrical shape, and is velvety to the touch. Its color usually does not differ from the color of the cap. There are frequent and narrow plates that are colored light pink or yellow, but more often they are completely white. When pressed, brown spots appear on the surface.

These mushrooms are distinguished by very brittle flesh, which can be white or reddish in color. It tastes sweet. Another one characteristic feature- freshly cut mushroom has the smell of boiled crabs or herring.

These mushrooms have a double - non-caustic lacticaria. How to distinguish milk mushrooms? Milky much smaller in size, and the skin on its cap almost never cracks.

Red-brown milk mushrooms grow from the first days of August until the second half of October in all European countries. They can be found in various forests. They do well in damp, dark areas. These mushrooms are very tasty when fried and salted.

Pepper milk mushroom

This mushroom was so named for its pungent and pungent taste. What do pepper milk mushrooms look like? They have a whitish cap, which has no zones marked on the surface, and is dense and fleshy. The plates are located very often. They are colored yellowish-white. In young specimens the flesh is white, later it turns yellow, and at the break it has a light greenish tint.

Pepper milk mushrooms are classified as the lowest-grade variety. Nevertheless, such mushrooms can be salted if they are well soaked or boiled. They are very reminiscent of violin and white podgrudok, but differ from the first by frequent plates, a hairless smooth cap and greenish flesh at the break, and from the second by milky juice.

White real milk mushroom

So we got to the “king” of all milk mushrooms. WITH early XIX centuries in Russia this was the name for pepper milk mushrooms. But in 1942, the famous scientist and mycologist B. Vasilkov proved that the real species should be considered Lactarius resimus.

Real milk mushroom - pretty mushroom impressive size. Its white or yellowish cap can reach a diameter of 25 cm. In young specimens it is flat, but gradually takes on the shape of a funnel. WITH inside The edges of the cap are curved, and there is almost always noticeable fluff.

In our article you see a real mushroom. Look carefully at the photo. There is always plant debris on its cap, which sticks to the mushroom more often than to other types of mushrooms.

The real breast stands firmly on a stalk, the height of which is from 3 to 9 cm. It can be white or yellowish, always hollow, and has a cylindrical shape.

The pulp is white with milky juice. Please note that when exposed to air, it acquires a dirty yellow or grayish color. The actual aroma is similar to that of fresh fruit.

They look like real milk mushrooms:

  • white podgrudok, which does not have milky juice;
  • violinist, whose cap is more pubescent;
  • white trumpet, a much smaller mushroom;
  • found under aspen trees, where real milk mushrooms never grow.

This wonderful mushroom appears in early July and can be collected until the end of September in Siberia, the Volga region and the Urals.

Where does it grow?

True milk mushrooms are most often found in pine-birch and spruce forests Central Russia, in Transbaikalia, in Western Siberia. In the Urals and Volga region they are called raw milk mushrooms. This is explained by the mucous surface of the cap. In Siberia they were called Pravskie milk mushrooms, i.e. real.


Real milk mushrooms are usually salted after prolonged boiling. This removes the bitterness. Juicy and fleshy milk mushrooms, after they are poured with brine, acquire a slightly bluish tint. After forty days they are ready to eat.

Traditionally in Siberia, real milk mushrooms are pickled together with saffron milk caps and volnushki. They make pies with them, and offer guests cold milk mushrooms with horseradish and butter. IN Western Europe These mushrooms are considered inedible, and in Russia they have long been called “kings of mushrooms.”

Beneficial features

Real breast milk is a low-calorie product, so it is often used in dietary nutrition and promotes weight loss. It contains easily digestible minerals and vitamins. Its vitamin D content is especially valued. Scientists have found that white milk mushroom stabilizes blood sugar levels, so it is especially useful for people suffering from diabetes. In addition, these mushrooms contain substances that have antibacterial properties, so it is advisable to use them during viral epidemics. Their special activity against Koch bacilli is noted. This allows you to use real milk mushrooms, or rather an extract from them, to make a medicine for tuberculosis.

The benefits of white milk mushrooms are great.

  1. Their composition contains a large number of squirrel. It is its quantity that is most valued in them.
  2. Breast milk is the only plant product that is rich in vitamin D.
  3. It does not increase glucose levels and can be consumed by diabetics.
  4. Milk milk cleanses the body of toxins and has a diuretic effect, thereby removing excess fluid from the body.
  5. Restore nervous system You can prevent the development of stress and depression by eating milk mushrooms regularly.

White milk mushrooms: how to distinguish from false ones?

In addition, they are useful during colds and infectious diseases. They have an antibacterial effect and increase immunity.

Because of the wet and slippery cap, the milk mushroom is popularly called “raw”. Young mushrooms have a smooth cap, but as they grow, a hollow similar to a funnel appears in the center. The cap is white, sometimes it is yellow with dark dots. At the bottom of the cap there are white plates, the edges are fluffy. The stem of the mushroom is dense, white in color. If you break it, you can smell the mushroom aroma. It's hollow inside. During the salting process, the mushroom becomes bluish.

How to distinguish white milk mushrooms from false ones?

To avoid mushroom poisoning, you need to be able to distinguish false ones from edible ones. TO false mushrooms that can be mistaken for white milk mushrooms include:

  • peppery,
  • violin.

Pepper when cut, emits a pungent smell of pepper. When cut, you can see the juice, which is initially white and then turns green or blue. The cap of the pepper milk mushroom is white and dry; at the bottom it does not have the edge characteristic of white milk mushrooms. This species is non-poisonous, you will not get poisoned, but you will spoil the taste of the dish.

The violin also has no edge; its cap is white and dry. You can distinguish it by its characteristic creaking sound, which can be heard if you touch it with any sharp object. The violin's leg is different from the real one, it is longer. At the cut site, the juice turns from white to brown. If at least one fungus you collect causes mistrust in its authenticity, it is better not to eat it.

White milk mushroom is a glorious prey for a mushroom picker. But a lucky rare person can boast of a big “catch” of this beauty - not every mushroom picker knows the mushroom spots. The ancient Roman poet Martial wrote back in the 1st century that it is easier to give silver than to bring milk mushrooms as a gift. This excellent category I mushroom has long attracted people with its taste and original color when pickled - white milk mushrooms have a bluish tint when ready.

This mushroom got its name for its massiveness, weightiness, and heaviness - hence the “milk mushroom.” The breast is really heavy and dense. The family of milk mushrooms is quite diverse: aspen, oak, blue, yellow, black, pepper, real, parchment... But the most famous and widespread are three of them - white, yellow and black.

White breast (real). The cap of this mushroom is almost flat or depressed with downward curved edges bordered by a fluffy-fibrous fringe. The size of the cap can sometimes reach up to 50 cm in diameter! But more often they are from 10 to 20 cm in size. Even in dry weather, the cap of the white milk mushroom remains moist. The name “white” milk mushroom is quite arbitrary - its color can range from milky white to light cream, often with lighter concentric circles, and sometimes with brownish, rusty or light yellow spots. The stem is short, up to 6 cm high, 2 cm thick, and becomes hollow in mature mushrooms. The flesh of the milk mushroom is white, dense and fleshy, but brittle, the smell is pungent and pleasant. At the fracture, abundant, caustic milky juice is released, turning yellow in the air.

The milk mushroom grows from late July to mid-September in birch or birch-pine forests, most often in families. These mushrooms like to camouflage themselves under fallen pine needles and leaves. In order for the “quiet hunt” for milk mushrooms to be successful, you must have keen eyes: sometimes a small tubercle of moss or foliage can indicate the presence of a mushroom. There was even a saying among the people: “The milk mushrooms play hide and seek and get under your heels.” White milk mushrooms are used mainly for pickling. Mushrooms are pre-soaked, as the milky juice can give an unpleasant bitterness.

. It differs from its white relative in its cap, on which there are concentric circles of a darker color. For your taste qualities The yellow milk mushroom received a ticket to category II, although many experts can argue with this. This mushroom is found from July to October in birch (less often in spruce) forests.

. The cap of the black milk mushroom reaches 30 cm in size. It is dense, fleshy, dark brown, brown-olive or greenish-black with slightly noticeable dark circles, slightly sticky. A young mushroom growing in a deciduous or mixed forest has a flat cap, with a small depression in the middle, and a slightly pubescent, downward-curved edge. A milk mushroom grown in a spruce forest has a funnel-shaped, thin cap, with more dense plates. The stem is 3-4 cm long, about 2.5 cm thick, and hollow in mature mushrooms. The flesh at the break is grayish-white, quickly turns brown, the milky juice is white, sharp, quickly darkening in air. Black milk mushroom belongs to category IV. It is consumed mainly in salted form after long soaking with periodic changes of water or boiling. For adult mushrooms, the top covering of the cap is first removed. When boiled, the mushroom first turns purple, then its color changes to dark cherry or bright red. With proper salting and storage, the strength and taste of the mushroom is preserved for up to 3 years or more.

Ever since Kievan Rus milk mushroom was considered a valuable commercial mushroom, so Russian cuisine includes great amount recipes using these gifts of the forest. There are hundreds of recipes for salads with mushrooms. This is a salad of milk mushrooms with herring, peas, sauerkraut and many others. Gourmets highly value poultry dishes with milk mushrooms: the amazing taste of baked meat combined with the strong aroma of mushrooms will conquer anyone. And how many second courses! Goulash from milk mushrooms, okroshka with mushrooms, mushroom cutlets and tomatoes stuffed with mushrooms, stuffed milk mushrooms and roast - the list goes on for a long time. The most simple dishes - mushroom soup and milk mushrooms fried with onions - the signature dishes of lovers of “silent hunting”. But the first thing that comes to mind when you mention milk mushrooms is an incomparable pickle. Although pickled mushrooms using various spices are no less popular.

Classical cold method pickling milk mushrooms are simple. Before salting, mushrooms are soaked in salted and acidified water (at the rate of 10 g of salt and 2 g of citric acid per 1 liter of water). Soak for 2 days, changing the water in the morning and evening. Then the mushrooms are placed in prepared barrels or glass jars: a small layer of salt is poured onto the bottom of the container, then the mushrooms are laid out with their caps down, sprinkled with salt at the rate of 40-50 g per 1 kg of mushrooms. Having filled the container, cover the mushrooms with a clean cloth, place a circle on top and place a small weight on it. After 2-3 days, when the mushrooms thicken and release juice, a new portion of mushrooms is added to them, following the same rules. This is done until the sedimentation of the mushrooms stops. Do not remove the load! The mushrooms must be covered with the resulting brine. If it is not enough, you can add salted boiled water and increase oppression. Filled containers are placed in the cold for 35-40 days.

Salted milk mushrooms in raspberry style. For 1 bucket of milk mushrooms, take 1.5 cups of salt. Soak the cleaned and washed milk mushrooms in cold water for 2 days, changing the water every day. Then place in layers in a non-resin wooden tub, sprinkling with salt and chopped onions.

Ryazan milk mushrooms. Do not soak the washed small milk mushrooms, but only allow them to dry after washing on a wire rack. Then place in large jars, sprinkle with dill, and lightly sprinkle with salt every 2 rows of mushrooms. Sprinkle a lot of salt on top and cover with a cabbage leaf. No oppression needed.

Salted milk mushrooms in Altai style. For 10 kg of mushrooms, take 400 g of salt, 35 g of dill, 18 g of grated horseradish, 40 g of garlic, 35-40 allspice peas, 10 bay leaves. The milk mushrooms are sorted, cleaned, the stems are cut off and soaked in cold water for 2-3 days, changing the water 1-2 times a day. The soaked mushrooms are washed, thrown into a sieve and placed in a barrel, sprinkled with spices and salt. Cover with a napkin, place a circle and a weight. After compaction, you can add fresh mushrooms until the container is full. Be sure to ensure that the mushrooms are completely in the brine. Milk mushrooms are ready in 30-40 days.

Hot salting of milk mushrooms. For 2 kg of mushrooms: 90 g of salt, 6 cloves of garlic, dill seeds, leaves black currant. Sort the mushrooms, clean them, weigh them. Rinse each mushroom under cool running water, place in an enamel bucket (or large pan) and pour over a cold rein for soaking. Soak the milk mushrooms for 3 days, changing the water in the morning and evening. After this, wash the mushrooms well and cut into large pieces. Place in a saucepan, pour cold water, bring to a boil and cook, skimming off the foam, for 10 minutes. Place the cooked milk mushrooms in a colander, let the water drain and cool. Place milk mushrooms in rows in a prepared container, sprinkling with salt, dill seeds, chopped garlic and currant leaves. Cover the container with a napkin, put a circle and bend. The milk mushrooms will be ready in a month.

Salted milk mushrooms a quick fix . Soak the milk mushrooms for a day, then clean them thoroughly. Pour cold water over the mushrooms and cook from the moment of boiling for 20 minutes. Then drain the water, add fresh water and cook again for 20 minutes. After this, add black peppercorns, bay leaves, cloves and salt to make a fairly strong brine. Cool, mix with vegetable oil and chopped onion, serve. With potatoes - simply delicious!

Pickled milk mushrooms. For 1 kg of mushrooms you will need 1.5 tbsp. salt, 3 cloves, 3 allspice peas, 2 bay leaves, 1.5 cups. water, vinegar. Wash and peel the mushrooms. Leave small caps whole, chop large ones. Pour in cold water and cook from the moment of boiling for 20-30 minutes, skimming off the foam. Drain the water from the finished milk mushrooms. Marinade: 1.5 cups. Pour water into an enamel pan, add enough vinegar so that it is not too sour, add spices, salt, mushrooms and cook for 15 minutes, stirring constantly (otherwise they will stick to the bottom). Place the mushrooms in sterilized jars, pour in the marinade, roll up or screw on a screw cap (just do not use a plastic lid, otherwise the mushrooms will become moldy!). Turn the jars over and cool. Keep refrigerated. Mushrooms can be eaten after 40 days.

In Russian cuisine, salted and pickled milk mushrooms were served not only as a separate dish, but as part of a wide variety of dishes. This variety is especially important for the Lenten table. Here are a few recipes that can be used both in your daily diet and during fasting.

Rassolnik with milk mushrooms

400 g fresh or canned milk mushrooms
2 onions
2 tomatoes
2 pickles
1/3 parsley root
2 tbsp. maslin
1.5 liters of water or broth
1 tbsp. butter
spices: bay leaf, pepper, salt, hot pepper
greens and lemon for decoration

Wash and peel fresh mushrooms, rinse salted (marinated) mushrooms from brine. Cut into slices. Fry chopped onions, mushrooms and parsley root. On butter stew the cucumbers cut into small cubes. Boil the broth, add fried mushrooms and add stewed cucumber, boil a little, add spices, bay leaf, chopped tomato, chopped olives and cook until the mushrooms are ready. Serve with herbs, sour cream and a slice of lemon.


500 g salted or pickled milk mushrooms
500 g potatoes
4-5 pcs. carrots
4-5 pcs. tomato
2-3 pcs. Luke
3 cloves garlic
vegetable oil, bay leaf, spices, salt.

Wash the salted milk mushrooms and cut into strips (there is no need to rinse the pickled ones). Cut the potatoes into cubes, grate the carrots on a coarse grater, fry in vegetable oil, finely chop the onion and also fry (separately from the carrots). Scald the tomatoes, remove the skin, cut into cubes. Place the food strictly in layers: milk mushrooms - onions - potatoes - carrots - tomatoes. If there are a lot of products, then alternate the layers in the same sequence. Fill with water so that the top layer is covered with it. Put on the fire, from the moment of boiling, reduce the heat to low, add salt and simmer under the lid for about 15 minutes. Then add bay leaf, garlic and spices and simmer over low heat for another 5 minutes, remove from heat and keep covered for at least 20 minutes. This recipe can be adapted for a slow cooker: lay out the ingredients in layers, add all the spices and put on the “Stew” mode for 1 hour.

Very interesting, “winter” pie with milk mushrooms and sauerkraut.

For the test:
3 stacks flour
4 eggs
3-4 tbsp. drain oils
40-50 g yeast
For filling:
500 g sauerkraut
300 g mushrooms
1 onion

Prepare the dough using a sponge or straight method and let it rise. Wash the cabbage and simmer covered. Add 1 tbsp. butter, chopped milk mushrooms, chopped onion sautéed in oil. Stir, add salt if necessary, and simmer until done. Cool. Divide the risen dough into two unequal parts and roll out to the size of a baking sheet or mold. Place the larger part on a baking sheet, put the filling on it, put the smaller part on top, pinch the edges, and let it rise for half an hour. Bake in the oven with medium heat.

Happy “hunting” for milk mushrooms and bon appetit!

Larisa Shuftaykina

This mushroom is a source of balanced amino acids, mineral salts, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins, which are completely absorbed. More than 33% is protein, which makes it similar to beef. Mineral composition: phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, calcium, zinc, potassium, magnesium, etc. Vitamins: PP, A, B1, B2, C, E.

How breast milk affects the body

White milk mushroom is a low-calorie product, with increased content squirrel. It is used in dietary nutrition, instead of meat, promotes weight loss, and is part of weight loss diets. Useful for diabetics, as it is a glucose stabilizer and does not raise sugar levels.

Positively affects the condition of the lungs and stomach. Helps cleanse blood vessels and improve their condition, tones the gastrointestinal tract. Increases immunity, has a beneficial effect on brain function, improves blood circulation and reduces the risk of sclerosis. Tones the nervous system, relieving tension, eliminating fatigue and anxiety. Has a mild diuretic effect. Cleanses the body of toxins.

The breast contains a large amount of milky juice, which is why it is very bitter. To make it suitable for consumption, soaking with water changes is required for 1-2 days. This mushroom cooks quickly - no more than 20 minutes.

How to choose the right white mushroom

IN trading network This mushroom is not sold fresh. When purchasing pickled, check the expiration date. Keep in mind that during the pickling process the color changes and the body of the mushroom turns bluish-pink.

There are several types of milk mushrooms: black, yellow, aspen, pepper, oak. When collecting in the forest, you can easily distinguish the white milk mushroom. These are massive specimens, with a wide cap and a powerful leg. White juice always appears on the cut. Has a pleasant mushroom smell.

In an old mushroom, the plates acquire a yellow or cream tint, brown spots appear on the cap, and the stem becomes hollow. It is better not to take these, because they may contain toxins. Opt for medium and small sizes.

Storage methods

White milk mushroom is stored in a salted and pickled state. High-quality salting requires 30 to 45 days. Salted milk mushrooms should be stored at a temperature no higher than +6 o C. To do this, you need to place the product in an enamel or glass container, pour in brine, cover with a clean cloth and put pressure on it. In this condition, mold may appear on the surface, which must be promptly removed and the coating washed in a solution of salt water. Observing these conditions, it can be stored for 3-4 months. Freezing is not recommended, as the mushroom becomes fragile, brittle and loses its taste.

What does milk mushroom go with in cooking?

Salted milk mushrooms can serve as an excellent snack and a separate dish. When fried, it is a hearty dish that goes well with any side dishes. Ideal with boiled and baked potatoes, rice, vegetables, cereals and legumes. Also with herbs and: garlic, onion, celery, parsley, horseradish root, pepper, etc.

Healthy combination of products

White milk mushroom is an ideal meat substitute. Used in dietary and vegetarian diet. It is especially actively used during fasting and by those on plant-based diets.

For proper nutrition, it is recommended to combine it with boiled rice and stewed and raw vegetables, and make vegetable stew or pilaf. A good side dish is a salad of leafy greens. This dish promotes the process of weight loss, satisfies well and eliminates hunger for a long time.


It should be borne in mind that the mushroom is a “heavy” product; if consumed in excess, digestive problems may occur. Not recommended for liver and kidney diseases and for children under 12 years of age. It is imperative to follow the cooking rules - soak, as the presence of milky juice can cause poisoning.

Application in medicine and cosmetology

White milk mushroom is used in medicine to treat the stomach, diabetes mellitus, lung problems. Serves as a natural diuretic. Use for medical purposes involves consumption of 250 grams 2-3 times a week.

Extracts from this mushroom are effective for healing urolithiasis, to remove excess bile and kidney failure. Compresses from salted mushroom help in the fight against warts. It is recommended as a prophylactic against the formation of stones and salt deposits, for the prevention of sclerosis, depression and neuroses.

Compresses made from boiled milk mushrooms have an anti-inflammatory effect, help cleanse purulent wounds and generate skin lesions. Pharmacists use it to create a drug for the treatment of tuberculosis and mental illness.

In cosmetology, milk mushrooms are valued for the presence of vitamin D, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair. The action of creams, masks and other procedures will not be effective without internal balance, therefore it is recommended for use as a natural source of maintaining beauty.