How many seas and oceans are there on our vast planet? A huge variety. I'll tell you about one of the most beautiful seas Pacific Ocean, which is rightfully considered the deepest on our planet.

Somewhere in the Pacific Ocean, between the coasts of Australia and New Guinea, is the deepest sea in the world - the Coral Sea. According to the most accurate estimates, its most maximum depth is nine thousand one hundred seventy-four meters with a total area of ​​four thousand sixty-eight meters and an average water volume of eleven thousand four hundred and seventy meters.

I would like to note that the second deepest sea in the world is also located in the Pacific Ocean. Its name is Banda, its depth is about seven thousand four hundred and forty meters.

Let's return to the deepest sea on earth. The Coral Sea gets its name from large quantity coral reefs and islands that make navigation very difficult - you have to constantly be on alert. In this sea there are such famous islands as Willis Island, Tregross Island, and Chesterfield Island. As for reefs, the most famous is the Great Barrier Reef, which is also the largest reef in the world.

The islands located in the sea are not inhabited by anyone, however, for example, on the Willis Islands there is a meteorological station.

The bottom topography of the Coral Sea is highly dissected. Its currents form a cyclonic gyre, and on the western edge the world-famous East Australian Current originates.

average temperature waters in the south of the Coral Sea at the surface range from 19° in August to 24° in February, and in the very North the whole year is 27-28 °C. The salinity of the sea is 34.5-35.5‰. Currents on the surface of the sea form a cycle.

Among the living creatures in the sea there are a lot of sharks and so-called flying fish.

Since the end of 1969, the sea territory began to belong to Australia and belongs to Canberra.

The most important ports of the Coral Sea: Cairns (on the coast of Australia), Port Moresby (on the island of New Guinea), Noumea (on the island of New Caledonia).

The geographical coordinates of the sea are as follows:

Latitude: -16.934167

Longitude: 155.11

If you sail along the Great Barrier Reef described above, you can see fluttering everywhere flying fish. These fish reach a length of up to 50 cm, they can fly up to 200 meters (can you believe it?!) above the surface of the water. Beauty!

If you engage in scuba diving, you need to be extremely careful and remember about safety, since even such, at first glance, safe sea ​​urchins if desired, they can cause enormous harm to health, or even touching them can lead to fatal outcome. Some of them can be poisonous. The needles of these animals are equipped with special glands that produce poison.

Another abomination may also pose a danger - different kinds worms or jellyfish. The density of worms in water sometimes reaches several thousand per 1 cubic meter. When pricked by the bristles of these worms, strong pain and fever.

The reef fish are very beautiful, they are colored bright colors. They swim in schools near corals and feed on them.

The deepest sea in Russia is the Bering Sea, named after the Danish-born Russian naval officer Vitus Bering, who explored this rough, deep northern sea in the mid-18th century. Before the adoption of its official name, the Bering Sea was called Kamchatka or Bobrov. Its average depth is about 1600 meters. In the deepest places, a depth of 4151 meters was recorded. About half of the area is occupied by spaces with a depth of more than 500 meters, while its entire area is more than 2315 thousand square kilometers.

The Bering Sea is not only the deepest, but also the northernmost body of water in Russia. The sea becomes covered with ice in September and is cleared only by June, while ice can cover up to half the area of ​​this reservoir. In the coastal zone and bays, ice forms impassable fields, but the open part of the sea is never completely covered with ice. The ice in the open part of the Bering Sea is in constant movement Under the influence of winds and currents, ice hummocks up to 20 meters high often form.

Despite its depth, the Bering Sea is not even among the ten deepest seas in the world rankings. It belongs to the Pacific Ocean, separated from it by the Aleutian and Commander Islands, and along it runs a section of the water border between Russia and the United States. The Bering Strait connects the Bering Sea with Chukchi Sea and Northern Arctic Ocean.

The shallowest sea in Russia

The shallowest sea in Russia is the Azov Sea. Its average depth is only about 7 meters, the maximum does not exceed 13.5. The Sea of ​​Azov is the shallowest sea not only in Russia, but also in the world.

The Sea of ​​Azov belongs to the Atlantic Ocean basin, is an inland sea in eastern Europe, connected by the Kerch Strait to the Black Sea, and is located between Russia and Ukraine. The Sea of ​​Azov is not only the shallowest, but also one of the smallest seas in the world. Its maximum length is 380 km, maximum width– 200 km, coastline 2686 km, surface area 37800 sq. km.

Inflow river waters in the Sea of ​​Azov it is abundant and accounts for up to 12% of the total water volume. The main influx is in its northern part, so the water there contains very little salt and easily freezes in winter. In winter, up to half the sea area is covered with ice, and ice can be carried into the Black Sea through the Kerch Strait.

In summer, due to its shallow depth, the Sea of ​​Azov quickly and evenly warms up to an average temperature of 24 - 26 degrees, which makes it an excellent place for relaxation and fishing.

Eternal human interest in everything very special in the world - big, small, long, high, deep - is inexhaustible in the search for new interesting facts and unusual records. And if it is not possible to outdo exceptional natural masterpieces, then in the areas of construction and industrial production From generation to generation, people tirelessly strive to establish at least temporary superiority over competitors in height, size and a number of other parameters. The material below contains the most amazing sights of the world, created by nature and human hands.

The biggest country in the world

According to a 2015 estimate, its population does not exceed 1,000 people, and almost all are subjects of the Holy See.

The next largest state in terms of territory (other autonomous territories are not taken into account) is Monaco with an area of ​​2.02 square meters. km and with a population of approximately 38,800 people, according to a 2014 estimate.

The largest city in the world

The largest city in the world in terms of population and at the same time the largest seaport is Shanghai, China. According to 2015 data, this metropolis is home to 24,152,700 people.

The largest urban agglomeration is Tokyo-Yokohama, 37,843,000 people. The population of Tokyo alone is 13,617,445 people (as of 2016).

There is no uniform assessment of cities by area, since the official city ​​limits around the world is formed and specified differently: with or without suburbs. Currently, one of the largest cities in terms of area is Beijing, 16,411 square meters. km (according to other sources - 16,801 sq. km), of which the city itself accounts for approximately 1,368 sq. km. km (and this territory is steadily growing every year due to the suburbs), for the suburbs - about 15,042 sq. km.

The largest and smallest island in the world

The volume of wood was taken as the main criterion for “calculating” the winner with such a vague definition. The volume of the trunk of this sequoiadendron at the time of setting the record was 1487 cubic meters, while the mass of the entire tree is estimated at 1900 tons - “General Sherman” is not only the largest, but also the heaviest living organism on Earth at the present time, if you do not take into account the aspen poplar grove - clonal colony of Pando (about 6000 tons). And this sequoiadendron, whose age is estimated at 2300-2700 years, continues to grow and adds about 1.5 cm in width every year. The measured height of the tree is 83.8 meters, the circumference of the trunk at the ground is 31.3 meters, the maximum diameter of the trunk is 11.1 meters.

However, in terms of diameter, the giant is inferior to the Mexican Tule Tree in the city of Santa Maria del Tule. According to measurements in 2005, its diameter at the ground is 11.62 meters, its circumference is 36.2 meters. The exact height of the tree is difficult to measure due to its wide crown; according to approximate measurements - about 35.4 meters. Scientists are still arguing about its age and the actual number of trunks, but this did not prevent the Tule Tree from being included in the UNESCO list as a natural monument of international importance back in 2001.

The largest animal in the world

The largest animal on the planet is the blue whale (aka blue whale, vomit). The body length of these marine mammals reaches 33 meters, and their weight can exceed 150 tons. Historically, the habitat of this species of cetacean was the entire World Ocean, but now their populations are scattered. Blue whales are found throughout the year in the equatorial waters of the Indian Ocean and can be seen from the coasts of Sri Lanka, the Maldives and the Seychelles.

The largest whale ever caught by humans is a female blue whale, caught in 1926 in the waters of the South Shetland Islands. The length of its body from the fork of the caudal fin to the end of the snout is 33.27 meters, weight is 176.792 tons.

The largest animal on land is the savannah elephant (species African elephants). As a rule, males weigh on average 7 tons, females - about 5 tons. With a body length of about 6-7.5 meters, the height of the elephant at the shoulders is close to 3-3.8 meters. The recorded weight of the largest savannah elephant was 12.24 tons. The animal was shot in 1974 in the village of Mucusso (Angola). Tourists can see savannah elephants in Africa in national parks and reserves.

The fastest animal in the world

Cheetah is the fastest terrestrial mammals. According to various sources, these predators can accelerate in 3 seconds to a speed of 96.6 - 112 km/h. National Geographic magazine named the most fast cheetah a female named Sarah (also Sahara): she ran 100 meters in 5.95 seconds. The sprint run of cheetahs for prey lasts no more than 20 seconds and is limited to a distance of 400 meters.

Moreover, among all the animals in the world, cheetahs occupy only 13th place in speed. The championship belongs to the birds. And the fastest bird and generally the fastest representative of the animal kingdom is the peregrine falcon, which in a diving flight reaches a speed of 322 km/h, the record recorded by researchers is 389 km/h. However, in horizontal flight the peregrine falcon is inferior to the Brazilian folded lip (a species of bat and the most fast mammal) with its speed exceeding 160-200 km/h and swifts (species - black, needle-tailed), capable of maximum acceleration up to 169 km/h.

Among fish, black marlin stands out for its speed: on average, these large oceanic fish are capable of cutting through water at a speed of 85 km/h, the maximum established speed of a representative of the species is 129 km/h.

Of the insects, horseflies fly the fastest - on average 60 km/h, maximum - 90 km/h.

Some representatives of the reptile class can reach speeds of up to 35-40 km/h, but no more. This bearded dragons, green iguanas, and in the water - leatherback turtles.

The biggest fish in the world

The largest fish of our time is the whale shark, which is harmless to humans and lives in warm waters tropics. It feeds mainly on plankton, and its average length varies between 10 and 12 meters, although such specimens are extremely rare for fishermen.

The second largest species is giant shark(giant shark). Like the whale shark, this shark feeds on small organisms - plankton. On average, adult individuals reach 6-8 meters, and only a few sharks grow to 9-12 meters.

Beluga is the largest freshwater fish, is part of the sturgeon family. This species is listed in the Red Book. Largest fish, caught in the Caspian Sea and at the mouth of the Volga, were more than 4 meters in length and weighed about 1.5 tons.

The largest shark in the world

Disputes about size and weight largest sharks have been going on for decades. Currently, the existence of exceptional specimens of whale sharks over 20 meters in length is allowed. In particular, information that inspires the confidence of researchers includes reports of a shark 20 meters long and weighing 34 tons, caught near Taiwan in 1997, and a shark 17.5 meters long and weighing 15 tons, caught in the Arabian Sea off the coast of the city of Veraval, India.

The latest message about a very large whale shark refers to February 7, 2012. Then Pakistani fishermen caught a dead shark near Karachi, 11 to 12 meters long and weighing about 15 tons.

The largest shark that has ever existed is considered to be the megalodon - an extinct species, the size of whose representatives can be judged by paleontological finds: the average length is about 15 meters, while megalodons were predators.

The largest snake in the world

The largest snakes on the planet are representatives of constrictors and pythons, namely the green anaconda and reticulated python.

The heaviest snake in the world is the common or green anaconda, and the name “water boa” also refers to it. National Geographic indicates that the largest female anacondas can grow up to 8.8 meters and weigh more than 227 kg. However, on this moment such an indicator remains only a theoretical estimate. Messages about giant anacondas By now, a lot has accumulated, but most of them do not have any material evidence and are classified as legends. The largest recorded specimen of anaconda in captivity was kept at the Pittsburgh Zoo. The snake grew to 6.27 meters, and was weighed at a length of 5.94 meters - 91 kg.

The most long snake- the reticulated python comes from Asia - in nature it grows up to 1.5 - 6.5 meters. The largest measured representative of the species was 6.95 meters long and weighed 59 kg, but had not eaten for almost 3 months before the measurement. Pythons, like anacondas, have a lot of unconfirmed evidence, including a length of more than 8 meters.

The largest spider in the world

The world's largest spider is the goliath tarantula of the genus Tarantula, in Latin - Theraphosa blondi. The specimen described in the Guinness Book of Records was discovered by members of Pablo San Martin's expedition in tropical forests Venezuela in 1965. The leg span of the goliath tarantula was 28 cm. In 1998, the same size was recorded in a two-year-old spider raised in captivity, and it weighed 170 grams.

Some species of the family Sparassidae grow with a leg span of about 25 cm or more; their sonorous and often used name is giant crab spiders.

The largest spiders in Russia are South Russian tarantula and several types of crosses. Basically, the size of the largest individuals does not exceed 2.5-3 cm.

The biggest dog in the world

The title of the tallest dog in the world with a mention and photographs in the Book of Records belongs to Zeus, a Great Dane (aka Great Dane), a favorite of the Durlag family from Otsego, Michigan, USA. The height of Zeus is 111.8 cm, the dog weighs more than 70 kg. If Zeus stands on hind legs, his “height” will be 224 cm. The record was set on October 4, 2011. At the same time, Zeus is not much taller than the previous record holders - Giant George (109.2 cm) and Titan (107.3 cm), which, by the way, are the same breed - Great Dane.

The most heavy dog back in 1987, the English mastiff Zorba was named: a six-year-old dog weighed 142.7 kg. Two years later, when weighed again, he was even heavier: 155.6 kg with a height of 94 cm.

According to the Guinness Book of Records, the largest dog that ever existed lived on Earth approximately 15.3 million years ago, during the late Miocene era. Average weight This ancient wild dog is estimated to weigh 170 kg.

The biggest cat in the world

The longest living pet cat is Maine Coon Ludo, a favorite of Kelsey Gill from Wakefield, UK. The cat was measured for the Guinness Book of Records on October 6, 2015. As expected, measurements were taken three times, and then the average length was calculated - 118.33 cm. At the time of measurement, the pet was 17 months old and weighed 11 kg. Now several active pages on social networks are devoted to news from his life.

The record of Ludo's famous predecessor, also a Maine Coon, the cat Stewie, is 123 cm, he was named domestic cat with the most long tail. He died in 2013 at the age of 8.

Officially, the largest living cat in the world is the liger Hercules (a hybrid of a lion and a tigress). He was born in 2002 at the Institute of Endangered and Rare Species in Miami, at the time of the last measurements at the age of 11 years, he weighed 418.2 kg, was 3.33 meters long and 125 cm high at the withers. Hercules is active and does not suffer from obesity.

Tallest man in the world

The height of the tallest man in history, American Robert Pershing Wadlow, recorded in the Guinness Book of Records is 272 cm. With this height, he weighed 199 kg. The giant was diagnosed with a pituitary tumor and acromegaly, so he grew rapidly from the age of four until his death at the age of 22 in 1940.

The second tallest man in the entire history of observation is John Rogan, whom contemporary newspapers dubbed him the “Negro giant.” However, already in adolescence, due to his height, he began to develop ankylosis - immobility of the joints. His exact weight was measured only posthumously, in 1905 at the age of 40, and was 267 cm with a weight of only 79 kg.

The tallest living person is Turkish farmer Sultan Kösen, born in 1982, whose height is 251 cm. Gigantism in his case is also caused by a tumor of the pituitary gland, but as a result of treatment, doctors managed to slow down the man’s further growth.

Currently, the history of medicine knows of 17 people who have reached a height of more than 244 cm.

Fastest man in the world

Usain Bolt

Kai Pfaffenbach / Reuters / Scanpix / LETA

The fame of Usain Bolt, a Jamaican runner, has been thundering since the 2008 Beijing Olympics, and now the athlete already has 9 gold medals from the Olympic Games and 11 from the World Championships. The athlete, nicknamed "Lightning Bolt" - literally "Lightning Bolt"), set 8 records.

His first world speed record fast man reached 100 meters in 9.72 seconds in 2008 at the age of 22. In 2009, he improved his 100-meter mark to 9.58 seconds. His world record for 200 meters is 19.19 seconds.

Tallest building in the world

The tallest building and structure ever built by mankind is the Burj Khalifa skyscraper in Dubai, also known as the Dubai Tower.

The grandiose eastern skyscraper, shaped like a futuristic center or stalagmite, rises 828 meters from the ground, includes 163 floors and a sharp spire directed upward. The grand opening of the skyscraper, which thundered throughout the world, took place in 2010, on January 4, then the ceremony included a light show and fireworks, and was broadcast online.

The Dubai skyscraper was built with a large margin, because the earlier (and also not yet overcome by the third high-rise) record corresponded to the Warsaw radio mast (646.38 meters), which fell in 1991.

The tallest building in Russia and Europe is the Federation Tower (about 374 meters) as part of the Moscow City complex, followed by two more skyscrapers of the same complex - OKO (South Tower, 354 meters) and Mercury City (339 meters). The fourth tallest building in Europe after the Moscow towers remains the pyramidal London skyscraper The Shard (309 meters), which opened for tourists in 2013.

The unspoken international competition to build super-skyscrapers continues, and perhaps very soon we will learn about taking a new height.

Tallest tower in the world

Among the already built television towers, the leader is the Tokyo Skytree, 634 meters high, rising in the special Sumida area. It is also the second tallest building in the world after the Burj Khalifa. The tower was built by February 29, 2012 as part of the program for the complete transition of Japanese television to digital format, since the height of the Tokyo Tower (332.6 meters) was insufficient for this task. The observation decks on the Tokyo Skytree are located on several levels, the highest being at 451 meters.

The Guangzhou TV Tower is 34 meters lower than the Tokyo Sky Tree, but from its highest observation deck you can see the panorama of the metropolis from a height of 488 meters.

In the Western Hemisphere, high-rise superiority remains with the famous CN Tower in Toronto, Canada, built back in 1976. Its height is 553.3 meters, and the observation deck at 447 meters welcomes more than 2 million people annually. By the way, the Ostankino Tower in Moscow is only 13 meters lower than the Canadian CN Tower, and it has the 4th place in the world.

The longest bridge in the world

The three longest bridges are railway ones, all of which are located in China.

The maximum length is at the Danyang-Kunshan Viaduct (164.8 km), commissioned at the end of June 2011. The bridge is part of the Beijing-Shanghai High Speed ​​Railway, and approximately 9 km of the bridge passes over the water surface. The largest body of water crossed by the Danyang-Kunshan Viaduct is Lake Yangcheng. The other two operating railway bridges out of the top three record lengths - the Tianjin Viaduct (113.7 km) and the Wei Bridge (79.732 km) - are two to three times longer than the largest of comparable structures in other countries.

The longest sea girder bridge is laid along the route Hong Kong - Zhuhai - Macau. The second longest girder bridge, the Qingdao Bridge, is also located in China.

The longest bridge-type above-ground structure currently remains the Bang Na Highway in Bangkok, which opened in 2000 and is 54 km long.

The largest plane in the world

Air giants make the dreams of many travelers come true when they travel to new countries and even to other continents.

Passengers who frequently fly internationally have the chance to see the largest production airliner, the Airbus A380, which is operated by several leading airlines. The wingspan of the airliner is 79.75 meters, length - 72.75 meters, width - 24.08 meters. The capacity of this double-deck passenger aircraft is 853 passengers or 525 passengers in a three-class configuration.

The status of the largest and heaviest aircraft in the world is held by the only copy of the An-225 Mriya, which was put into operation in 1988. The board is used for cargo transportation and has already managed to break over a hundred records, including transporting the heaviest monocargo in the history of aviation, weighing 187.6 tons, while the maximum carrying capacity it achieved was much larger - 253.8 tons.

The largest ship in the world

The infamous Titanic, which amazed the whole world with its size at the beginning of the 20th century, can hardly be compared with new cruise ships these days. The Titanic, launched in 1912, was 269.1 meters long and 28.19 meters wide. At that time, these figures were record-breaking.

Currently, the leader in the race of the size of cruise giants is the ship Harmony of the Seas, with a length of 362 meters and a passenger capacity of 5479 / 6500 people, which was put into operation relatively recently - in the summer of 2015. It is noteworthy that Harmony of the Seas is the third vessel of the Oasis class and is only two meters longer than its predecessors - the twin ships Oasis of the Seas of 2008 and Allure of the Seas of 2010.

The largest floating facility currently is the Korean floating liquefied natural gas plant Prelude FLNG, which is currently under construction but has already been launched. The 488-meter-long factory ship is reminiscent of other smaller industrial ships in its appearance.

The fastest train in the world

A new world train speed record was achieved relatively recently - in April 2015. The Japanese L0 Series magnetic levitation train (maglev train) reached a speed of 603 km/h on the Shinkansen high-speed railway.

Since 2007, the championship among rail trains has been held by the French TGV POS train, which reached a speed of 574.8 km/h. Now trains of this series serve regular routes in France and Europe, without exceeding the design speed of 320 km/h.

In constant operation, the Shanghai Maglev train maintains the highest speed - 430 km/h, but only on a number of routes (on others - 300 km/h) and at a distance of 30 km.

The largest metro in the world

When comparing the largest metropolitan areas in the world, it is customary to highlight several records: this is the deepest and longest metro, the leading subways in terms of the number of stations and the number of passengers per year.

The longest metro (in terms of the total length of completed lines) is Shanghai; the total length of the underground transport network is 588 km, and this is not the limit - the expansion of the subway is planned in stages for several decades to come.

The New York subway has the most stations and routes. This subway includes 472 stations (or 425 unique transfer hubs) on 36 lines.

The busiest metro (based on maximum daily load) is in Beijing, its daily load is an average of 9.998 million people, its peak is more than 12.69 million people, the annual figure is 3,660 million passengers. At the same time, the consistently expanding network of the Beijing Metro maintains its position as the second longest - 574 km.

The next highest daily load is the Moscow Metro: at the end of 2015, the volume of traffic reached 2384.5 million people per year or 6.533 million per day, the peak load was recorded on December 9, 2014 - 9.5 million people.

The undisputed leader in annual passenger traffic is the Tokyo Metro (3,334 million). And Seoul ranks third and is behind Beijing - according to the latest official data, it serves 2,619 million people annually.

The depth record belongs to the Arsenalnaya station of the Kyiv metro: it is located 105.5 meters underground. Sometimes there are attempts to “calculate” the deepest metro in the world based on the average number of bookings of all its stations, but the clear champion in this indicator still not precisely defined.

The longest car in the world

The car, recorded in the Guinness Book, was assembled according to the design of Jay Orberg, a Hollywood collector, designer and creator of unique cars. It was the 100-foot (about 30.5 meters) limousine that brought Orberg worldwide fame.

The car is placed on 26 wheels and the inside can hardly resemble the interior of a classic car. It has a swimming pool with a diving board and a double water bed; In addition, there are about a dozen sleeping places, satellite TV, a sunbathing area and other amenities. For safe driving of this, essentially an exhibition model, a second driver’s cabin is provided.

The fastest car in the world

The land speed record set in 1997 is amazing: it is the world's first officially confirmed overcoming sound barrier. In a Thrust SSC with turbofan engines, Briton Andy Green reached a speed of 1227.985 km/h. Speed ​​measurements were taken in the Black Rock Desert, USA.

The Guinness Book of Records stipulates that the first attempt to break the sound barrier was claimed by a race in a Budweiser Rocket Car in 1979 at the American Edwards Air Force Base, but this experience was not officially sanctioned by the USAF, and its results were never counted.

The fastest production car is the Hennessey Venom GT. The acceleration record - up to 300 km/h in 13.63 seconds was set on this car on January 21, 2013. In addition, the car showed best result based on average acceleration to 200 mph, its figure was 14.51 seconds. Maximum speed achieved by this car is 435.31 km/h.

Photos from open sources

The sea is a body of salt water that is connected to one of the five oceans. But some seas are located inside the continent, others are considered part of others, and others are considered a component of the ocean. There are about 90 marine bodies of water on our planet, which differ in size, shape, depth, and the presence or absence of shores.

The top 10 included the most big seas in the world by area.

10. Sea of ​​Okhotsk

Okhotsk opens the top ten largest seas in the world with an area of ​​1.6 million square meters. km. and a maximum depth of 4 thousand meters in the Kuril Basin. It washes the shores of Japan and Russia. Previously, the sea was called Kamchatka. They began to call it Okhotsk in honor of the Okhota River, which flows into this sea. Its waters abound with species of valuable fish, such as salmon, chinook salmon, sockeye salmon, chum salmon and others. The Kuril Islands are located in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.

9. Bering Sea

The Bering Sea is the largest in Russia, its total area is 2.3 million square meters. km. Its waters belong to the Pacific Ocean, it washes the shores of the United States and Russia, being the water border between the states. The deepest point of the seabed reaches 4 thousand meters. The sea received its current name in honor of the explorer and navigator Bering, who most devoted his life to the study of sea waters. In the 13th century, Beringovo was called Bobrovoe or Kamchatka. Practically all year round The sea is covered with ice, but despite this there are about 240 species of fish, among which there are valuable species that are of interest for fishing.

8. Mediterranean Sea

The Mediterranean is one of the largest seas on the planet. Its area is about 2.5 million square meters. km., and the maximum depth can reach 5 thousand meters in places. The sea washes three parts of the world at once - Africa, Asia and Europe. It is connected to the Atlantic Ocean by the Strait of Gibraltar. An integral part Mediterranean Sea are the Aegean, Adriatic, Ionian and Tyrrhenian. All together they form one big sea. There is a very rich fauna here, numbering about 550 species of fish alone, 70 of which are found only in these waters. The Mediterranean Sea also abounds in sharks and has about 15 species that are dangerous to humans.

7. Caribbean Sea

The Caribbean ranks seventh in the ranking of the largest seas in the world by area. Its size is about 2.7 million square meters. km., and the greatest depth is about 8 thousand meters. It belongs to the Atlantic Ocean basin. The sea received its name thanks to the Indian tribe of the Caribs who lived on its coast. The second name of the sea body of water is Antilles. There is a version of scientists that the Caribbean is the source the largest number hurricanes in the Western Hemisphere. Natural disasters regularly destroy the buildings of the inhabitants of the islands and the coastline of the basin.

6. Weddell Sea

Weddell ranks sixth on the list of the largest seas in the world. Its area is 2.9 million square meters. km., and the greatest depth reaches almost 7 thousand meters. It is a marginal sea in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean, between the western part of the Antarctic Peninsula and Coats Land (east). The Weddell Sea is considered the coldest and cleanest sea in the world. The water here is surprisingly clear. A special feature of Weddella is the fact that the water temperature in it can reach minus 25 degrees, but does not freeze! The local fauna is represented by marine animals such as penguins, seals, whales, etc.

5. Tasman Sea

The Tasman Sea has an area of ​​3.3 million square meters. km and greatest depth more than 5 thousand meters. This is one of the largest seas on the planet in terms of area. It is located between New Zealand and Australia. It got its name in honor of the Dutch navigator Abel Tasman. The depth of the sea is about 6 thousand meters, which makes it one of the deepest. The flora and fauna of this sea differs significantly in different areas.

4. Coral Sea

The Coral Sea is in fourth place with an area of ​​4.7 million square meters. km. It belongs to the waters of the Pacific Ocean and is located between the shores of New Guinea, Australia and New Caledonia. The depth of the sea can reach more than 9 thousand meters in some places. The sea has numerous coral reefs and islands. It is here that the largest reef on the planet is located, called the Great Barrier Reef with a length of 2.5 thousand km. and an area of ​​344 thousand square meters. km., which is larger than the area of ​​Great Britain. The richest underwater flora and fauna is concentrated here.

3. Arabian Sea

The Arabian opens the three largest seas on the planet. Its area is approximately 4.8 million square meters. km., and the maximum depth is 4 thousand meters. Initially, the sea was called Eritrean. It is part of the Indian Ocean and washes the shores of the island. Somalia, Maldives, Djibouti, Iran, India and Pakistan. This is where they are located best beaches India for holidays. The world's most important routes pass through the sea. trade routes. In addition, Arabian is one of the saltiest and clean seas peace. Undersea world rich in vegetation and marine life. Here you can find rare species of animals, such as the green sea turtle or hawksbill turtle. The Arabian Sea is considered one of the most popular among ecotourism lovers.

2. Philippine Sea

Filipino is the biggest coastal sea, the area of ​​which is approximately 5.7 million square meters. km., and the maximum depth in some places can reach 11 thousand meters. Here is the deepest trench on the planet, which is called Mariana. The sea is located not far from the Philippine archipelago, hence its name. It does not have clear coastal boundaries: it is separated from the ocean by groups of islands: the Philippine Islands, o. Honshu, Kyushu, Ryukyu and about. Taiwan. Philippine waters are inhabited by many species of fish from small to giant. Here, industrial fishing of tuna is carried out, which is considered one of the most valuable marine products.

1. Sargasso Sea

The Sargasso Sea tops the list of the largest seas in the world. Its area reaches 6-7 million square meters. km. and may change depending on sea currents. The uniqueness of this sea is that it has no shores. Its water boundaries are considered to be three ocean currents. The shape of the sea is a large-scale ellipse of light green color. It received this shade from abundant underwater vegetation in the form of algae. Just imagine: about one square meter there are about two tons of underwater plants! This is where the second name came from, which Sargasso received from Columbus - “a jar of algae.” The depth of the sea in some places can reach about 7 thousand meters. The average temperature here ranges from 20 to 28 degrees above zero.

IN modern geography It is customary to distinguish 90 seas, each of which is classified according to certain criteria (depth, surface area, type of coastal isolation, percentage of salts contained, temperature of the upper layers of water, access to the ocean). Some seas have a controversial status, since their continuous coastal boundaries and water composition allow them to be called lakes. The deepest seas arose where large faults in the earth's crust were flooded by the ocean. Relatively shallow seas were formed by flooding the coastal areas of continents. This review covers largest seas in the world, the area of ​​which is measured in millions of square kilometers. This indicator is relative to a specific object in various sources may vary: research continues, and the boundaries of the seas are quite mobile. For example, not only reefs, underwater rocks or areas of continental land, but also unstable processes in the form of currents can be considered a boundary separating sea waters from ocean waters.

10. Tasmanovo

Between New Zealand and the southeastern coast of Australia lies this one of the largest seas on the planet, with an area of ​​2.3 million square meters. km. The name arose from the name of the first discoverer, Abel Tasman, but another navigator, the notorious James Cook, made a greater contribution to the exploration of these waters. The capricious nature of the sea belonging to the Pacific Ocean basin is demonstrated by periodically occurring squally winds that form in the forties latitudes. Storms are a major obstacle to shipping throughout the year. The water area lies in three climatic zones, which significantly affects the diversity of species marine fauna and flora.

9. Mediterranean

Occupying an area of ​​2.5 million square meters. Kilometers, the Mediterranean Sea is one of the largest in the world. In ancient times, entire civilizations formed and developed around this huge stretch of sea water. Now the Mediterranean waters are connected to the Atlantic Ocean by the Strait of Gibraltar, which has unstable tectonic plates underneath it. It is their movement that causes periodic shallowing and subsequent filling of this space with water. They have access to the Mediterranean coast European countries, as well as states in Africa and Asia. Vegetable and animal world The water area is characterized by diversity. Shark species that are quite dangerous to humans also live here.

8. Caribbean

The vast Caribbean Sea, often featured in literary adventure novels and films of similar themes, has an area of ​​2.7 million km². Through the Panama Canal it gains access to the Pacific Ocean. The connection on the western side with the waters of the Gulf of Mexico makes it possible to attribute it to the Atlantic basin. Borders Caribbean Sea to the north and east are the Antilles, to the south and west the sea meets the lands of the South and Central America. In the coastal zone you can find many corals and rare species of algae. The fauna can surprise you with curious species of reptiles, fish and mammals. The favorable climate allows you to relax in the Caribbean at any time of the year, which cannot be said about certain regions of the Mediterranean belt.

7. Weddell Sea

Almost constantly, an area of ​​2.9 million km² of water is covered moving ice. The huge sea, named after the Scottish whaler, is located in the Atlantic sector of the ocean, only recently marked on the map. The Southern Ocean area is the least studied: movement here is extremely difficult due to the large number of drifting ice mountains- icebergs. However, this circumstance also has a positive aspect: the water remains crystal clear. Seals and whales live here. Explorers of this region often encounter a unique but very dangerous phenomenon called “flash freeze.” It can be observed when the water temperature begins to drop rapidly. The ship passing at this moment is forced to stop movement, and the crew is forced to evacuate, as the ship finds itself trapped in ice.

6. Fiji

In the ranking of the largest seas in the world, Fiji ranks 6th. The sea is named after the islands it washes. The state became a kind of border New Zealand, as well as the neighboring Coral Sea and Tasmanovo. Water space of 3.2 million square meters. kilometers, it was decided to assign a similar geographical status due to the deep basin located in the central part. The depth at the bottom point furthest from the surface is more than seven kilometers deep. Belonging to the Pacific Ocean, Fiji covers the junctions of lithospheric plates, which means high seismic activity region. The archipelago of islands of the same name arose due to changes in relief under the influence of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. The fauna is a true paradise for snorkelers. Many coral reefs become a gathering place for colorful fish different sizes. Not so harmless inhabitants live in the depths: sea snakes, gray sharks, stingrays.

5. South China

Opening to the Pacific Ocean, the South China Sea covers 3.5 million square kilometers, which places it in the middle of the top ten largest seas in the world. On its shores there are a number of states of southern and South-East Asia. The sea has great value in the field of trade and transport communications. The largest sea route for commercial vessel traffic runs through the Singapore Strait. Warm sea waters attract a huge tourist flow. Many developed beaches coexist with absolutely wild ones. The Gulf of Thailand, so beloved by tourists, on the shores of which those visiting Thailand relax, also communicates with the Pacific Ocean through the South China Sea. Among the representatives of the animal world, it is necessary to highlight a huge volume commercial fish, crabs, crayfish and shrimp. The economic value of a natural salt water body (in a broad sense) is due to the discovery of gas and oil fields.

4. Arabian

Formerly known as the Persian, this large sea communicates with Indian Ocean. Those who come to relax in the Maldives and the best Indian resorts get acquainted with the sea coast. The water is surprisingly clean and very salty. The border is the Andaman Sea, familiar to tourists from trips to the island of Phuket. The space, covering 3.9 million square kilometers, cannot be called teeming with islands. There are few of them here, the largest one belongs to the territories of Yemen. The underwater world can amaze with its diversity of species. Lots of red algae and kelp, among the fauna - exotic angelfish, sardinella, sea ​​turtle, clown fish.

3. Coral Sea

Opens the three largest Coral seas in the world. In the vast expanses of the Pacific Ocean, this sea is a real pearl, an exquisite decoration and a curious geographical object that can be explored from various angles. Fully justifying its name, the Coral Sea demonstrates the largest on the planet coral reef, called the Great Barrier. He is a separate ecological system and an attractive space for marine life research. In addition to corals, which are considered a natural treasure, there are a huge number of species of sharks and mammals, among which schools of dolphins and dugongs have been spotted. The sea borders the northeastern coast of Australia, the Solomon Islands. The surface of 4.8 million km² hides unpredictable terrain at depth. Many atolls give way to depressions and crevices. The shelf in shallow water is represented by sand of volcanic origin, the deep bottom is lined with silt.

2. Filipino

If it were not for the unique sea, demonstrating the absence of boundaries in the usual sense, the Philippine waters would take a leading place in the ranking of the largest seas on Earth. Its area is 5.7 million km2. The name appeared in honor of King Philip II by the decision of the discoverer, a Spanish subject, Fernando Magellan. The Philippine Sea is surrounded by islands that act as boundaries. Most of them belong to Japan. The deepest sea basins are located in the space of this sea (Philippine and Mariana). Surprisingly, even at a depth of ten kilometers, a rich fauna was discovered, represented by mollusks, crayfish, bacteria and protozoa. Pacific waters are constantly mixed with sea waters through strong vertical currents. This phenomenon causes a relatively constant level of salinity and changes in the shades of water from rich turquoise to sky blue.

1. Sargasso

The Northern Trade Wind Current, the Canary Current, the North Atlantic Current and the Gulf Stream are the boundaries of the most mysterious and largest sea on Earth. Not having coastline, it is capable of spilling, covering an area of ​​6-8 million km². Scientists attribute it to the Atlantic Ocean basin; in the northern part, the location of a mysterious place is noted Bermuda Triangle. There are no storms here: the perimeter surrounded by currents is a permanent anticyclone zone. The water level exceeds the ocean level by 2 meters: currents drive water along the surface, then it sinks to the depths, and an outflow occurs. The sea surface is colored green due to a significant accumulation of algae that appears in this sea and disappears there.

The largest seas in the world belong to the waters of one of the five oceans. Until 2000, only 4 were traditionally identified, but scientists of the International Hydrographic Organization decided to indicate on the map South ocean, washing the shores of Antarctica. Many researchers still consider this geographical object to be conditional, since its border on the northern side has very vague outlines.