Often, guided by external similarity, people compare Damanov with large rodents: Surves, gestures, marine pigs - And very mistakes. Anatomical structure These inconspicuous, but very popular animals in Israel are so different from the structure of all other mammals, which zoologists have identified them in a separate detachment. The nearest relatives of their relatives among the now living creatures were elephants, as well as sirens - a small, extremely peculiar group of large animals, never leave water. Photo SPL / East News

The Phoenicians (and after them the ancient Jews), it seems that they did not distinguish them at all from rabbits, calling those and others in one word "Shafan" - "hiding". Today they have their own name.

- Procavia Capensis. The length of the body of an adult animal is 30-55 centimeters, weight - 1.4- 4 kilograms. Males on average a bit larger females. The upper part of the body is usually painted in brown-gray, lower - in cream, although different families And individual parties can vary greatly. Wool covering the spinal gland, black, less often - pale yellow or redhead. Inhabit the south of Syria, in the Arabian Peninsula, in Israel and practically throughout Africa (in Sahara - separate isolated populations in the mountains of Algeria and Libya). We prefer rocks, races of stones, stone scratch, although they are found in the plain savannas. Life expectancy is 10-11 years old.

Mountain Daman (yellow-spotted, Daman Bruce) - Heterohyrax Brucei.. Body Length - 32-56 centimeters, Weight - 1.3-4.5 kilograms. The wool is mostly bright, but on the upper side of the body ends of woolly dark brown, which gives Daman a kind "shimmering" color. Frequency color variations - from gray (in arid areas) to brownish red (in wet). The bottom of the body is almost white, stain on the spinal gland is usually bright yellow, sometimes from reddish-ocher to dirty white. Absolved from Ethiopia and Southeast of Egypt to Angola and North South Africa, isolated populations live in central sugar and in Democratic Republic Congo. Biological features and the lifestyle is very similar to the Kapsky Daman.

Wood Damans are three types of dendrohyrax species. Body Length - 40-60 centimeters, Weight - 1.5-2.5 kilograms. Damanov open landscapes are characterized by smaller sizes, a slightly greater harness of the body, the presence of tail (1-3 centimeters). Body coloring Brown (often grayish or yellowish shade), wool on the spinal gland light. Almost all African rainforests are inhabited - from Gambia on Northwapade to Kenya and Tanzania in East and South Africa.

Nice related relations did not affect the guise of Damanov. Bracked body on short paws, rounded ears, bead eyes, slightly rolled black spout, split upper lipIn continuous movement, as if the animal, something quickly chews. The tail is either very short (wood dams), or absent at all. Is that the paws look not quite usually: instead of claws on the fingers - flattering hoofs, similar to elephants (only the middle fingers on the three-plated hind legs are decorated with long curved claws). Yes, on the back, all damans have a round spot, wool on which is always distinguished by texture and color from the surrounding fur, no matter how painted. With fright or excitement of the animal, this wool rises on end, opening numerous ferrous mouths, of which the odorless secret is distinguished. In general, odorous glands in mammals are not uncommon, but no one except Damanov is not located in the most high point back. What can be marked with such a gland, except for the bar of the hole?

If the word "Daman" is used without clarifying definitions, it is possible to be sure that we are talking about the Kapsky Daman - a widespread form inhabiting in Israel. The name "Daman" of Arabic origin itself and translates as "Baran", although both the appearance and lifestyles of the Daman are extremely reminiscent of Surkov. They live in the mountains (without climbing, however, in highlands), rocks, stone places and outcrops. Mentillas families from 5-6 to 50 animals. If the soil allows, grow deep, well-equipped holes (not bending, however, abandoned by asylums of other farms, such as tubes), if not, find refuge in the cave, rafts or just between stones. In the ability to climb on the rocks, they will probably give odds and freaks: it's hard not to surprise, looking like a rapid look of the animal with an unexpected ease sweating upwards on a practically a straight stone wall. This trick Daman allows you to do it "palms" - paw pads, constantly distinguishing sticky "sweat". In addition, soft elastic pads work like suckers. Of course, the strength and durability of the prisons are not so that Danam can hang on the ceiling or vertical wall.

The ability to quickly achieve asylum is important for the animal, which is permanent prey for a number of predators - from Leopard to Mongosh. Among them, the "specialized" Damanov hunter, to which they serve as almost the only food, is the Kafrian Black Eagle, an African analogue of the Berkuta. This enemy makes Damanov constantly look into the sky, for which their eyes are protected by a kind of sunglasses - a special rosy iris covering the pupil. With this filter, Daman can see a bird predator even on the background of the dazzling sun. But the eagles have their tricks: they are hunting couples, and, while one of the spouses maneuverates in front of Damanov, causing the views of the whole colony, another unexpectedly attacks. Such tactics makes the successful nature of the very animal: With all his caution, the Daman are curious and always ready to stare even on obviously dangerous objects. So, when a person appears, they instantly hide into their shelters, but if the uninvited guest stands or sit still, in a few minutes, curious frills begin to appear from all holes. Then the animals are completely selected on the surface and are accepted to learn the new "detail" of the landscape. But with the slightest shelling or sound, they again are instantly hidden in Norah.

Damans feed predominantly vegetable food: Young shoots and leaves, roots, rhizomes, tubers, bulbs, juicy fruits, and even the bark, although they will never miss the case to diversify the table with the bold insect, and in the invasions of the locusts are moving mainly on it. Like many residents of hot open landscapes, feed in most morning and in the evening, but they can return to meals and under the moon if it shines quite brightly. It is only important that the night is warm: with maintaining a constant temperature of the damage body, it is bad, it ranges from 24 to 39 ° C. Therefore, coming out in the morning of the hole, the animals are first just warmed up in the sun. Often they take sunbathing and afternoon: in a strange pose, lying on his stomach and twisted the paws with soles up. It would seem, with habitat in a hot dry climate, such habits should lead to large consumption of water. However, in fact, the damans are drinking water only on occasion to the case, usually enough of the moisture, which is contained in food or stand out when it is absorbed.

Damans are distinguished by poorly developed thermoregulation, and to warm up, at night they are knocked down in the heaps, and in the afternoon they warm in the sun. Photo image Broker / Vostock photo

And only in terms of reproduction, the damans are reminiscent of hoofs rather than rodents. Their marriage games are not timed strictly to any season, but most of all the cub is born at the end of the rainy season (in different regions this is different monthsBut usually June - July), when there are many juicy food around. Birth is preceded by an unusually long-term pregnancy for animals - about 7.5 months. But the cubs (they usually happen from one to three), they will ride in vigorous, coated wool and after a few hours they can move and get out of the hole. Two weeks later they eat grass, after ten - they stop following the mother everywhere, and by 16 months become adults. After that, for several months, young males gradually leave the colony, and females remain in it for life.

In Central and South Africa, next to ordinary damasters can be seen from other, which are released by a light yellow stain denoting the spinal gland. This is a mountain daman, he is yellow-spotted, or Daman Bruce. Although zoologists and classify it as a separate genus, appearance, lifestyle, power spectrum and other it is very similar to Kapsky Daman - so much that sometimes they form mixed colonies. The differences are noticeable. Is that in the size of the colonies (at the mountain damanov, they are numerous - from several tens to a pair of hundreds of animals) and breeding time: if the caps of the damans most often appear on the light at the end of the rainy season or immediately after them, then the mountains - on the eve or early This season, in February-March.

Three other species, combined into the genus of wood dams, are also quite similar to mountain and caps (although somewhat smaller in size and have any tail), and the tastes of them are about the same. They love juicy parts of plants with the addition of insects falling on the path. But the habitats and household habits are completely different. Woody Damans live in the forests, climb on trees (although often and willingly descend to the ground) and are active mostly at night. They prefer to live alone, owning their individual sites (the patient of one animal is about a quarter of a square kilometer). Shelters serve them mostly hollows, but they can get a day and just in the crown of a tree. Going away with the onset of darkness on the feed and returning from it in the morning, the woody dams scream loudly, apparently confirming the inhabitability of the site.

Fate forest Damanov depends on the fate of African forests that have been mentioning from human activity. The Kapsky and Mountain Daman are in a much better position: their favorite landscapes are rocks and stone placer - for humans are unattractive. But the Daman themselves consider the settlements of people as quite suitable for life, albeit a restless environment. True, in most African countries, the transformation of Daman to the representative of the urban fauna is constrained by the active hunt for them. In the same place, where it is not conducted (as, for example, in Israel), the Damans often even enter the inside of the buildings, shaking the utility rooms and penetrating the stairs to the upper floors. They are kept as pets: if adult damas are tamed pretty badly, then being caught by young, they quickly become completely hand.

A type- chordovy
Class- Mammals
Squad- Damanov
Family- Daman

Yes, yes - it's he!

Damans are small animals, very similar to Surkov, and when the Damanians were open, they were initially mistaken for rodents. Some time after, turning attention to the characteristics of the structure of their limbs, the Damanov rank unparalleled, and in mid XIX. in., Finding the similarity of Damanov with elephants, was allocated to an independent detachment. The similarities of Damanov with non-parunning and elephants are explained by the presence of distant general ancestors of all these animals - the most ancient primitive hoofs, from which all modern empty animals occurred.

Damanov are divided into 3 kinds: wood, mountain and rocky damas. All damas are inhabited in the mountains at an altitude of up to 5,200 m above sea level. Woody Damans live in African mountain forests. Mountain damas prefer rocky areas devoid of vegetation. And Rocky Damans are found not only in the mountains, but also in semi-deserts, savannas and steppes of Africa, Arabia, Syria and Palestine. All damas are perfectly nailed at almost smooth sheer surfaces of stones or trees. Avoid sliding to them help wide, constantly moistened, as if rubber, soles and natural agility of these clumsy on the sight of animals.

Wood Damans live families: dad, mom and young. In the afternoon, they sleep in the wrappers of trees, and in the evening they go to search for edible leaves and insects. Wood damas do not climb on trees, but quickly run up-down on inclined trollers and jumped from the branch to the branch.

Rocky and mountain damas prefer to live in large colonies, sometimes up to hundreds of individuals. Toward open areas, safer to hold together - and the predator will notice in time, and to defend themselves together.

Young Damanov appear round year. At mountain and rocky in the litter usually there are 1-3 young. Kapsky Daman is considered the most prolific, which at the same time may appear to 6 kids. Newborn dads are quite developed, coated with wool and vigorous, quite ready for independent life, however, while still under the parent supervision. In 2 years, young damas are already repaid own seven.. Live Daman Nedless - about 6-7 years.

Damans are well tolerated by un. Although adult individuals remain wild, but young animals can be tamed. Damanam does not threatens disappearance, and no type of these animals is listed in the Red Book.

The largest damas are Daman Johnson (up to 5.4 kg), and the smallest - Bruce Daman (up to 1.3 kg). Both of these species belong to the genus of mountain dams and live in large colonies. It is curious that the composition of this colony is mixed: Daman Bruce is not just adjacent to the Daman Johnson: they spend the night in one clefts, warming each other, together bring up the offspring of two types and even communicate using similar sound signals.

Mountain Damans Such Cohabitation different species Animals are unique. In addition to the Damanov, only some kinds of monkeys are so closely communicated with each other.

Short fact
Damans do not need water, getting all the necessary moisture from food.

To comb your thick brown-gray wool, Daman uses a long curved claw located on inner side rear legs. Damanov's soles are covered with thick rough skin, similar to rubber. A sticky sweat is highlighted from special glands on the feet, thanks to which the feet work like suction cups, allowing the animal to easily and freely move along the sheer rocks, including down his head.

Damans are extremely careful. They are going to groups of about 50 individuals living in natural crevices rocks. Each group has observers, carefully follow the surrounding environment. Having envying a person or an animal, these "hour" make a shrill cry, and the whole colony lightningly runs through the nora.

Damans have good vocal data, in their repertoire - twitter, growl, whistle, loud cries. Sometimes at night the group arrange a roll call with neighbors - it all starts with barely audible pisch or whistle, which gradually goes into a piglery squeal, turning into sounds, similar to the cry of a child.

Most of all the noise of Daman is published, climbing the tree or going down from it. Daman's cold desert night gather together, clinging to each other to warm up, and in the hot time of the day it is conveniently comfortable in the shade of the trees, raising to the top of the paw.

Damans are daytime animals, they spend their time, climbing on the rocks and gorges or jumping with a branch to the branch in search of fresh juicy leaves, trees and shrubs fruits. Daman will not refuse and from the incidentally encountered insect. From the hoofed relatives of Daman, the habit of chewing remained, although in fact for chewing take the movement of his lips at the time when he carefully sniffed to something.

These invented animals living south of Sahara, as well as in Syria and Israel, have many enemies - leopards, pythons, steppe lynxes (Caracals), servals and viverries hunt Damanov. Damana's personal enemy can be called a black African eagle, which prefers to eat exclusively by the Daman.

Rus: Mountain Daman.
Eng: Yellow-Spotted Rock Hyrax

Distributed in Eastern and South Africa from Southeast Egypt (Red Sea coast), Sudan and Ethiopia to Central Angola (separate population) and North South Africa (Limpopo and Mpumalanga Province).

Length of an adult body mountain Daman 32.5-56 cm, mass - 1.3-4.5 kg. The males and females are practically no size, although the females are usually somewhat larger.

The habitat of mountain dams are stony hills, screaming and slopes of mountains. In the mountains, they rise to a height of 3,800 m above sea level. Characteristic climbing raynesses (monadnoky) in arid areas provide the donamans with a suitable temperature (17-25˚C) and humidity (32-40%), providing protection against steppe fires.

Like all damasters, mountain damas are colonial animals. The usual number of colony is up to 34 individuals; Its basis is a stable polyginal family group (harem). The group includes an adult male, up to 17 adult females and young people. Mountain damas often coexist next to the caps of the damans, separating the shelter with them. Active Daman Day, as well as in bright moon Nights. It is usually feeding from 7.30 to 11 hours and from 15.30 to 18 hours of the day, but up to 94% of the time spend, basking in the sun, causing wool, etc. Refuge Damanam serve emptiness between stones, cracks and rock clefts. Possess sharp vision and hearing; When attacking, aggressively protected with teeth. In the case of danger, piercing shouts, forcing other damans to hide in shelter. Able to develop speed up to 5 m / s; Well jump.

Mountain damasters eat a variety of vegetable food, including leaves, fruits, shoots and bark of trees. For example, one colony observed in Zambia eaten predominantly the Leaves of Gorky Yams (Dioscorea Bulbifera). The main source of food is, however, different types of acacia and allofilus; In general, prefer to fed wood-shrub vegetation, for which they can even climb into trees. The usual diet of the Mountain Daman in national Park Serengeti includes Cordia Ovalis (Grewia Fallax), Hibiscus (Hibiscus Lunarifolius), Ficus (Ficus), Merua (Maerua Triphylla). Waters do not drink, getting the necessary fluid from vegetation. Feed together with groups, less often - one one.

Mountain damas are breeding year-round, although the peak of reproduction usually falls on the end of the wet season. Pregnancy lasts 6.5-7.5 months and ends with a birth of 1-2 cubs in a brood nest, which mountain dams sometimes divide with the caps. The weight of the cub at birth 220-230. Dairy feeding continues until 6 months. Between 12 and 30 months, grown young males leave their native territory; Females join the family group.

At the mountain dams hunt large snakes (hieroglyphic pythons), predatory birds, leopards and smaller predators (for example, mangoshos). They are susceptible to viral pneumonia and tuberculosis. Suffer from nematodes of the view of Crossophorus collaris, various species ticks, fleas and lice. Fixed life expectancy - up to 11 years.

Rus: Kapsky Daman.
Eng: Rock Hyrax
LAT: (Procavia Capensis)

Common from Syria, Israel and Northeast Africa to South Africa. South Sahara live almost everywhere. Isolated populations are available in the mountains of Libya and Algeria.

Body length 30-58 cm, weight - 1.4-4 kg. Males slightly larger females.

Capskie Damans inhabit rocks, large marine places, remains or stony shrub deserts. Refuge find among the stones or in the empty noras of other animals (tubes, turkat). Live with colonies from 5-6 to 80 individuals. Large colonies are divided into family groupsheaded by adult male. Active in the bright part of the day, especially in the morning and in the evening, but sometimes go to the surface and in warm moon nights. Most The day is carried out, resting and basking in the sun, - weakly developed thermoregulation causes the temperature of the body of the Damanov fluctuate during the day. Feed predominantly grass, fruits, shoots and bark of shrubs; Rightly eat animal food (locust). Despite the clumsy species, these animals are very moving, easily climb on the sheer rocks.

The timing framework of the marriage season depend on habitat. So, in Kenya, he comes in August - November, but can last before January; And in Syria - in August-September. Pregnancy lasts 6-7 months. Females usually bring offspring in June-July, after the rainy season. In the litter 2, less than 3 cubs, sometimes up to 6. The cubs are born in vigorous and coated wool; After a few hours, they leave the brood nest. We begin to consume firm food in 2 weeks, they become independent in 10 weeks. Sexuality, young Damans reach at 16 months; At the age of 16-24 months, young males settle down, females usually remain with their family group.

The main enemies of Daman - Leopard, Caracal, Shakaly, Spotted Hyena and birds of prey. Kafrian Eagle (Aquila Verreauxii) is powered by almost exclusively by the Daman. When attacking the enemy Daman not only takes a protective pose, raising her hair over the spinal gland, but also protected by his long, strong teeth. The usual life expectancy in nature is 10 years. Females live markedly longer males.

Western woody daman
Eng: Western Tree Hyrax
LAT: (Dendrohyrax Dorsalis)

Live in the forests of Central and South Africa. They are found on the slopes of the mountains to the height of 4500 m above sea level.

The length of their body is 40-60 cm, tail-1-3 cm, weight - 1.5-2.5 kg.

Wood damas are very mobile: quickly running on the trunks of trees up and down, jump from the branch on the branch. These animals are leading night image Life and therefore are not careful. However, in the evenings, the forest is filled with their screams that are notified that the Damans went to the feeder. At night, the screams sneeze, but again fill the forest before dawn, when the animals are returned home. Creek of woody Damanov consists of a series of carcake sounds ending with a sharp squeal. Voices of woody dams of different species are well different. By screaming, you can also distinguish the male from female. Scream Daman only on trees. Probably, the cries of Damanov - signals that the territory is busy.

They lead a single lifestyle. The individual plot of this animal is about 0.25 km 2. Damans feed with leaves, kidneys, caterpillars and other insects. Often they descend for the feed on the ground, where they eat grass and collect insects, the day is carried out in the voupels or in the crown of the tree among the dense foliage.

There is no definite season breeding, and they bring a young all year round. Pregnancy lasts 7 months. Usually bring one, rarely two young. They are born with wool-covered, very large (almost half of the length of the mother) and a few hours after the appearance of the lights are already climbing on the trees. Sexual maturity reaches in 2 years.

With the danger of the Daman, they take a characteristic posture, turning to the enemy of the back and taking the hair on the spinal gland so that the glandular field is broken. Local residents Damanov seem to catch everywhere, because the meat of these animals good quality. In captivity, woody dams quickly become manual, live up to 6-7 years.

Southern Woody Daman.
Eng: Southern Tree Hyrax
LAT: (Dendrohyrax arboreus)

Distributed in Africa, along the south-east coast. His area extends south of Kenya and Uganda to South Africa and from the eastern part of Congo and Zambia, to the west to eastern coast continent.

The average body weight is 2.27 kg, with a length of about 52 cm.

Inhabits mountain plain and coastal forests to a height of 4500 m above sea level.

The appearance of Daman is deceptive, this fluffy animal resembles a marine rice or a rabbit tail with small rounded ears. However, the Damans have nothing to do with the numerous detachment of rodents. Being herbivores, the Damanians are closest to primitive hoofs, and among the hoofs their nearest relatives are elephants. It is believed that their sharp cutters are modified residues of the beer.

Flickr / Joachim S. Müller

To comb your thick brown-gray wool, Daman uses a long curved claw located on the inside of the rear legs. Damanov's soles are covered with thick rough skin, similar to rubber. A sticky sweat is highlighted from special glands on the feet, thanks to which the feet work like suction cups, allowing the animal to easily and freely move along the sheer rocks, including down his head.

Flickr / rainbirder.

Damans are extremely careful. They are going to groups of about 50 individuals living in natural crevices rocks. Each group has observers, carefully follow the surrounding environment. Having envying a person or an animal, these "hour" make a shrill cry, and the whole colony lightningly runs through the nora.

Damans have good vocal data, in their repertoire - twitter, growl, whistle, loud cries. Sometimes at night the group arrange a roll call with neighbors - it all starts with barely audible pisch or whistle, which gradually goes into a piglery squeal, turning into sounds, similar to the cry of a child.

Flickr / koller93.

Most of all the noise of Daman is published, climbing the tree or going down from it. Daman's cold desert night gather together, clinging to each other to warm up, and in the hot time of the day it is conveniently comfortable in the shade of the trees, raising to the top of the paw.

Flickr / Arno & Louise Wildlife

Animals communicate with each other with a rich set of sounds, from a deaf caching to a whistle who will warn the seeking fellow fellow comrades about the danger. With the help of songs, animals denote the boundaries of the territory, confirm their social status And declare the marriage intentions.

And in these songs, Zoologists from the University of Haifa (Israel) found a strange thing, even more amazing than the kinship of Damanov with elephants.

Each song consists of a repeating lady in 20-30 syllables. The speech can last 10 minutes, and the sequence of sounds and pauses in the "number" are strictly thought out. Studying the vocal abilities of Damanov, the tescriptions of Damanov from different colonies do not coincide, and the further the animals live apart, the stronger they have vocal-language differences analyzed records of more than 200 songs. Each repeating figure was decomposed on the letters where each letter denoted one of the five types of sounds. Then the resulting scores were compared, and the used mathematical algorithm was the same that was used to assess the similarity of two DNA circuits. It turned out that the vocal phrases of Damanov from different colonies differ from the syntax, and the farther from each other there are colonies, the differences are stronger.

As scientists write in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B, the human ear will not hear any difference, but if you relate differences with the structure of the songs, then the damas should be well fixed. It looks really like a territorial dialect, and if they carry out parallels with the human language, then not every Russian will be able to distinguish the dialects of the Germans, the British or Chinese. It is surprising that no one assumed such a level of complexity of the tongue in such ancient and not too developed mammals. Until now, the dialectic features in communication were noted only at primates, cetaceans and bats. Now the researchers want to find out how much the Daman songs are plastic and whether they can transmit any other information.

Damans are daytime animals, they spend their time, climbing on the rocks and gorges or jumping with a branch to the branch in search of fresh juicy leaves, trees and shrubs fruits. Daman will not refuse and from the incidentally encountered insect. From the hoofed relatives of Daman, the habit of chewing remained, although in fact for chewing take the movement of his lips at the time when he carefully sniffed to something.

Flickr / anymotion.

In order to attract the representatives of the beautiful floor, the Daman's males have a special device - spinal iron, during the period of reproduction, the highly smelling liquid. In young males and females, such iron also has, but smaller.

These invented animals living south of Sahara, as well as in Syria and Israel, have many enemies - leopards, pythons, steppe lynxes (Caracals), servals and viverries hunt Damanov. Damana's personal enemy can be called a black African eagle, which prefers to eat exclusively by the Daman.

Damans - small animals outwardly a little similar to wild rabbits. But only a little. In their way evolutionary Development The nearest relative ... Elephant. Yes, yes, it is the elephant, and also a rhino, and a horse, zebra and donkey. And this is because the damans, although the smallest on earth, but still unfortunate animals.

In other words, Daman's rabbit is confused. Say, Spain is owned by the Damanam. Phoenicians, when for the first time sailed on the Pyrenean Peninsula, saw many rabbits there, who had never seen before. And they accepted them for the Damanov in the abundance of their living in their homeland. "Shapan" in Phoenician - Daman, "I-Shapan" is the island of Damanov. Then the pronunciation changed the words on kinds and, finally, Spain.

Damans are children of mountains. Their elements of naked sheer cliffs. Cleverly they chat on them, forming whole colonies and frightened. But it is only worth someone to notice the enemy - a mangoste, wild Cat Or Python, how immediately scattered loudly and with a trap rushing into crevices, thus warning, thus all around about danger. Lizards, baboans and many other peace-loving animals are found in the Daman of good neighbors. Their tearful eyes (a person can see at a distance of a more kilometer) and the excreted hearing provide security to all others.

In deep crevices, the Daman are arranged nests from wool, where females are withdrawn 3-6 kids, quite large and quite developed. Literally only will dry the baby after birth and it is ready to climb along the rocks together with adults. Interesting is the fact that in the event of the death of female, the young adopted other females.

In addition to the rocks of the Damanov, which I told about, there are also several types of forests. These animals preferred forest rocks Central Africa. They practically do not simulate from trees, finding there and housing and punctures. Although, truth for the sake of, it should be noted that all the damasters are not bad for trees - both forests and rocks. All species have on the rear legs of three fingers and four on the front. All fingers have small hoofs except on average and then only on the hind legs. There, Damanov, instead of Kojti Kojts, which allow them to hold onto the tree.

The difference between forest dams from the mountain consists also in the fact that the first is the monoga (live families - female, male and children), and the second - the polygamy, like the "grandfather" of Elephant Danama Mames has a harem of several females.

"Yes, here," he said, "the elephant knows well, and few people know about the grandson of an elephant!
- What granddaughter of an elephant? - I was surprised.
- There is such a beast here. Elephant is huge, and his granddaughters is less than a hare ... Ashkoko Abyssins are called ...
- What? So, Ashkoko is not granddaughters elephant? - said Fiercely Artem Armovonovich.
- Perhaps, if you want kinship so much, then he is an elephant, a nephew of a rhino, an uncle of a horse, a donkey, zebra and all the non-parunning "
(A. Cheglock, Russian traveler, the theosof, writer, inventor, naturalist).

Although in all the translations of the Bible daman (Rod Procaviidae) are named rabbits, careful studies have proven that their closest births are not hares, and ... Elephants! Damanas are the most leaning empty and, perhaps, the most skillful climbers: they quickly and deftly climb on the sheer rocks and easily jump through three-five-meter clefts.

Spain, where during the historical time, Damanov had never been, nevertheless owed them to their name. Several thousand years ago, the Phoenicians first sailed to her shores and saw many wild rabbits there. By mistake, or consciously - it is now difficult to install - they called rabbits with the name of well-known Damanov, who inhabit the cliffs of their homeland in many.

Finishly Daman - "Shapan". The newly open Pyrenean Peninsula, the Phoenicians called "Daman Island" - "I-Shapan". Later "I-Shapan" in latin turned into "hikysania", and in Russian - in "Spain".

In the Bible in five places, the damans are mentioned. Shafan - Hebrew their name. Bible Translators european languages, in particular, Martin Luther, broke his head for a long time over what the beast Safan and how to call him in his own language. We finally decided that, apparently, this is a rabbit.

In the book "Levit", Shafan was declared an unclean animal and it is forbidden for the incomprehensible reason that he, although he chews his chewing, but his hooves are twisted. There is a misunderstanding: Shafan, or Shapan, in other words, Daman Zhwamachka does not chew, but these animals have a strange wonders to constantly move the jaws, just as they make it a ruminant when they are chewed.

The usual places of settlement Damanov are fruitless rocks. They are cleverly climbed by the most sheer rocks. And when someone from this rebar company, a wild cat, mangust or python, will notice, now the whistle, a screech and trampling of the paws warnsus, and all the moment are hiding in crevices and holes between the stones. But the animals are too curious.

Soon then, the other gray face will seem from the shelter and again hides if the danger did not pass. And if calmly - Ashkoko quickly leave the shelter, and again their careless running on the dull cliffs.

The soles of the paws in Damanov naked, covered with thick rubber-like epidermis; There are numerous sweat glands on their surface, which constantly moisturize the skin. central part The arch of each foot can rise by special muscles, creating a semblance of a suction cup. Wet skin enhances sampling. Thanks to such devices, damamen can with a large dexterity and speed to climb on the sheer rocks and trunks of trees and even descend from them down their heads.

With bavaans, lizards and other peaceful tasters, Damanama live as good neighbors. Their striking dormantia (a person is noticed for a kilometer), sensitive hearing and tirelessly vigilance serve as a guarantee of a well-known security to all wild inhabitants of the nearest neighborhoods.

For centuries, Damanians live on the places who loved them, and these places are easy to find out in the deposits of Guano, the solid "asphalt" of the covering stones, on which the Damans are used to leave their litter. Last century, the dry litter and urine of the Kapsky Daman, consumed for different medicines by pharmacists, occupied a prominent place in world trade. They still find some demand in perfumery.

In the clefts lined with wool, the females of rocky Damanov usually bring three, but sometimes six surprisingly large and mature young. (One, measured a few hours after birth, was half less than the mother.) The eyes of newborns are open, and a few hours, as soon as the fur will dry, they are already climbing with adults Ashkoko on the rocks. The females willingly adopt other people's other people if their mother died.

All damas are well closed by trees, but only three species preferred to the cliffs of the tops of the trees tropical forest. Wood Damanov, like rocks, on the front legs four fingers, on the rear - three. Only on the middle finger of the rear paws claw, on all others - tiny hoofs.

On the back of all Damanov - a large odoring iron with a white or yellow "finish" from long hair (Only at the order of Dolvola, by the way the largest damans, this is a stain black). The animals themselves are brown-gray, and therefore their spinal iron is very noticeable, especially when Daman is excited, scared or configured aggressively. Then the hair surrounding the gland, lingering, expose her, and she emits specific "flavors".

The enemies, commensurate in force, the damas are threatened very strange: having fluttering her hair around the spinal gland and exposing it to the best for better review, turn back to the enemy.

So, in any case, tree dams come, those that live not on the rocks, but on the trees of forests of Central and South Africa and on the islands of Boco (Fernando-PO). All damas are well closed by trees, but only three species chose the cliffs of the top of the trees of the rainforest.

Wooden) Damanov, like rocks, on the front legs four fingers, on the rear three. Only on the middle finger of the rear paws claw, on all others - tiny hoofs. Down, on the ground, almost do not go away, in the afternoon sleeping in foliage and duples (rocky damages sleep at night). After sunset, woody dams announce forests with loud ripples.

Wood Damans live not by the colonies, but families: father, mother and one or two young. They are monogama, and rocky - polygamas: the males of the harem of several females, like the "grandfather" of their elephant.

This sole representative The genus of mountain dams belongs to the class of mammals.

Mountain Daman - a small animal living in the territory African continent (in southern and eastern parts). Bruce Damanas are found in Egypt and Ethiopia, South Africa, Somalia, Tanzania, Kenya, Zambia, Congo, Algeria and other African countries.

The usual areas of residence for Bruce Damanov are the slopes of mountains and hills covered with stony soil. Maximum heightwhich meets mountain dams, is 3,800 meters. Most of all, this kind of Damanov is in love with the so-called monado (special types of rock formations, where the temperature has a property is constantly maintained in one interval - from 17 to 25 degrees with humidity from 32 to 40%).

Mountain damas have a moving temper, they quickly run and jump. The mass of the middle adult Daman Bruce is 3,500 grams. The body grows in length to half a meter. The fur coat of this type of animals can be both a light gray shade and saturated dark brown. The abdominal area is painted in light tones. Mustache (Vibri) can grow up to 90 centimeters in length. Internal heat exchange is weak, the body is very dependent on ambient temperature. Therefore, the mining damana body temperature can be from 24 to 34 degrees.

What do Bruce Daman feed?

Daman Bruce - herbivores.

These small mountain peasants make up their daily diet from vegetation. They gladly eat shoots, juicy leaves, fruits and even the bark of trees. The main vegetable source for Damanov Bruce - Allofius (view of acacia). In drinking water, this type of animals does not need absolutely, since all moisture necessary to maintain the vital activity comes from food. By the way: Mountain Damans eat, gathering into small groups.

And in general, these animals are colonial animals. In one group, it can accommodate from 30 to 34 individuals, which leads the most adult male. The leader marks its territory, denoting the boundaries of possessions.

Activity These animals show during the daytime. Bares in the sun, the mountainy dances care for their wool, adhere to it and comb. Daman Bruce - owners of acute view and excellent hearing. And they are too crying, it happens when the danger overtakes them. In this way, they warn their fellow colonies that you need to immediately hide in the shelter.

On the reproduction of mountain dams

Representatives of this type of mammals are willing to reproduce in reproduction throughout the year. For them, there is no certain time for the passage of the marriage season, though the special peak falls on the end of the wet season. The female shelters the baby for 6.5 - 7.5 months. One female individual of a mountain donana may appear on the light of 1 - 2 young. At birth, the weight of the baby is not more than 230 grams. For the first six months, a little milk is a thoughtful milk.