
The first paper shredder was created by inventor Abbot Augusto Lowe of Horseshoe, New York. His "waste paper receptacle", an improvement on the recycling method, was filed for a patent on February 2, 1909, and received U.S. Patent No. 929,960 on August 31, 1909. But the invention itself was never brought to life.

Adolf Ehinger's shredder, based on a manual noodle cutter, was manufactured in 1935 in Germany. It is assumed that Adolf needed to get rid of documents promoting anti-Naziism in order to avoid persecution by the authorities. Ehinger later began selling his shredders to government agencies and financial institutions, adding an electric motor to the noodle cutter. Ehinger's company, EBA Maschinenfabrik, manufactured the first slitting shredders in 1959 and continues to produce them to this day as EBA Krug & Priester GmbH & Co in Balingen.

Before the 1980s, shredders were rarely used by non-governmental organizations. After the decision Supreme Court In the 1984 case California v. Greenwood, which ruled that the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution does not prohibit unreasonable searches and removal of trash left outside the home, U.S. citizens began using shredders more frequently to protect privacy. Industrial espionage and identity theft have further increased the demand for shredders.

Paper shredding is still popular in government agencies today. According to the Paul Volcker Committee report, between April and December 2004, Kofi Annan's cabinet chief Iqbal Riza sent thousands of UN documents for destruction, including the entire chronological archive of the Oil-for-Food program of 1997-1999.

Shredder Types

Shredders vary in size and price, from small and inexpensive for shredding a few pages to large machines used by dedicated shredding businesses, costing hundreds of thousands of dollars and producing millions of documents/hour. There are even special shredder trucks.

An ordinary small shredder is an electrical device, but there are also shredders manual use in the form of special scissors with many blades. These machines are classified by size and shape. Shredders can range from standard shears or a portable shredder to a vehicle shredder.

  • Shredders using rotating knives, cut out narrow strips the length of a sheet. These stripes can be restored, so this type of destruction is the least secure. This method creates the largest amount of waste.
  • Confetti shredders use two rotating drums and cut out pieces in the form of rectangles, parallelograms or diamonds.
  • Shredders cut out rectangular or round pieces.
  • Disintegrators And granulators cutting the document repeatedly until the particles are small enough to pass through the mesh.
  • Shredders and meat grinders pass the paper through a special screen, shredding it.
  • Shredder-cutters tear paper using rotating knives.
  • Shredder-grinders cut the paper using a rotating shaft with knives until the pieces are small enough to pass through the screen.
  • Industrial shredders shred plastic cards and magnetic media to at least the third degree of secrecy.

There are numerous safety standards for shredders, including:

There are also alternative shredders that use burning, chemical decomposition, or composting methods to destroy documents.

By area of ​​application, the following types of shredders are usually distinguished:

  • Personal shredders - for installation in small offices or at home. Intended for destruction large quantity documents with a low level of secrecy. Due to their compact size, such shredders can be conveniently placed next to desk. There are also compact models that are installed directly on trash can.
  • Office shredders - for collective use by office workers, designed to destroy a large number of documents with an average level of secrecy.
  • Archival shredders are designed for the industrial destruction of a huge number of paper documents, files, magazines, as well as floppy disks, disks, and even “Korona” folders, along with metal inserts and internal contents.

Data recovery

In some cases, it is possible to restore destroyed documents. If the pieces of paper are not mixed, then the remains of the document, as a rule, are in close proximity to each other. Additionally, if documents are fed into the shredder with lines of text parallel to the blades, text may remain on the strips.

A destroyed document can be restored manually. Following the Iranian Revolution and the takeover of the US Embassy in Tehran in 1979, the Iranians hired local carpet weavers to restore the documents by hand. The seized documents were later published by the Iranian regime in a separate series of books. Subsequently, the US government improved its destruction methods, adding chemical decomposition, spraying, and more.

Modern computer technologies significantly speed up the process of restoring destroyed documents. The strips are scanned on both sides, and then the computer determines how the strips should be connected. Robert Johnson of the National Information Destruction Association said there is a huge demand for document recovery. Some companies offer commercial document recovery services. The cost of restoring 1 sheet of cross-cut paper averages $100,000. For maximum safety, documents should enter the shredder perpendicular to the blades. Many of the documents that caused Enron's scandal were incorrectly fed into the shredder, making it easier to recover them. Efforts are now being made to restore the destroyed archives of the GDR Ministry of State Security. Millions of pieces of destroyed documents were packed into garbage bags panicking officials Stasi during last days regime in the fall of 1989. It took three dozen people and six years to reconstruct 300 documents from 16,000 bags, so the German government is putting its faith in modern computer recovery methods.


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    Or Schroeder is a German surname that means the same thing as Schneider, that is, a tailor: Schroeder (noble families) Schroeder, Ivan Nikolaevich (1835 1908) sculptor, author of the monument to N. M. Przhevalsky in the Alexander Garden... ... Wikipedia Large biographical encyclopedia- (Asia) Description of Asia, countries, states of Asia, history and peoples of Asia Information about Asian states, history and peoples of Asia, cities and geography of Asia Contents Asia is the most most of light, forms together with the mainland Eurasia... Investor Encyclopedia

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Devices that serve to destroy confidential documents by shredding them. Shredders are widely used not only by government and financial organizations, but also small companies, as well as private individuals. Experts recommend that everyone who cares about their safety destroy papers related to finances, bank cards and all kinds of documents that scammers can use to their advantage.

Despite the apparent simplicity of the device, choosing a shredder is not so easy. The fact is that cutting a document into small pieces does not guarantee absolute protection- fraudsters, if necessary, will be able to restore the document, although this will require additional time. Previously, you had to restore a destroyed document manually, but now the scammers have come to the rescue modern technologies. It is enough to scan pieces of the document, and the program independently assembles this “puzzle” in a matter of seconds.

Thus, in order not to suffer from the activities of attackers, you need to buy a shredder, comparing its degree of secrecy with the degree of confidentiality of the documents being destroyed. In addition, it is important to consider a number of other parameters, such as cutting method, productivity, noise level and power. Sometimes characteristics such as the width of the receiving part and the volume of the container can be critical.

Shredder privacy level

There are 6 security levels for shredders. The higher the value, the more thoroughly the shredder shreds documents:

I degree of secrecy- shredders of the first degree of secrecy are used to destroy open correspondence - they cut documents into strips up to 12 mm wide and up to 2 thousand mm2 in area;

II degree of secrecy- shredders of the second degree of secrecy are used to destroy internal correspondence - such devices shred documents into strips up to 6 mm wide and up to 800 mm² in area;

III degree of secrecy- these shredders are suitable for destroying confidential documents. The width of the fragments is 2–4 mm, length up to 80 mm;

IV degree of secrecy- devices with this level of secrecy can be used to destroy secret documents. They shred papers into pieces measuring 2x15 mm;

V degree of secrecy- shredders of the fifth level of secrecy are used to destroy top secret documents. As a result of the operation of the device, the document is cut into fragments of 0.8×12 mm;

VI degree of secrecy- shredders sixth, most high degree secrecy, serve to destroy documents of particular importance. Accordingly, the sizes of the fragments are the smallest - only 0.8 × 6 mm.

Cutting method

Depending on the cutting method, shredders are divided into devices with parallel cutting and cross-cutting, which is also called longitudinal-transverse. Comparing with the above, it is not difficult to guess that parallel cutting is used only in shredders of the I and II degrees of secrecy, which is not surprising.

Firstly, it is much easier to restore a document from stripes, and secondly, if, for example, you load a document into a shredder with the wide side, the fragments will contain entire lines of text, so attackers will not have to bother with “decryption” for a long time.

Unlike parallel-cut shredders, cross-cut shredders shred documents into small fragments rather than into strips. This, for obvious reasons, provides a higher level of privacy. True, such shredders are less productive.


The productivity of a shredder shows how much paper it can destroy per unit of time. It is not difficult to roughly estimate the volume of your documents by paying attention to the trash bin at the end of the day and multiplying the number of documents by the number of employees. Oddly enough, many buyers do not bother to carry out even such simple calculations, as a result of which the shredder simply cannot cope with the tasks assigned to it.

According to statistics, the vast majority of buyers underestimate the actual figures by half. Because of this, shredders often fail, and working with low-productivity models is extremely inconvenient. For example, it is important to understand that performance is directly related to engine power, that is, more efficient devices can cope with a stack of papers at once, while simple models will have to feed documents one at a time.

Thus, try to realistically estimate the volume of documents to be destroyed - this will save a lot of time, as well as nerves and money, which you will sooner or later spend on purchasing a more productive device.

Engine power

Not only the performance of the document shredder as a whole depends on the engine power, but also the ability of the device to shred other non-paper materials. In particular, we're talking about about staples from a stapler, which are often used to fasten documents. Fortunately, most models of shredders cope with them, but paper clips can damage the device - more powerful models are needed to grind them.

It is difficult to imagine a modern office without special office equipment. Its purpose is to facilitate and speed up work related to office work. Office equipment helps not only to automate calculations or print documents. Often, so many documents accumulate that they need to be disposed of. That's what a paper shredder is for.

The shredder is designed for shredding paper. He can cut it both into pieces and into strips. It all depends on the model. Modern shredders have the ability to turn sheets into fine crumbs.

Getting rid of piles of unnecessary papers means maintaining aesthetic order in the office. Recycled paper is also easier to place in the recycling bin because it takes up significantly less space. In addition, with the help of such a device you can easily destroy secret and confidential documentation (agreements, invoices, etc.), which should not fall into the wrong hands. Powerful models can handle not only cardboard, but even plastic cards and check books, so banking institutions are sure to buy them.

History of creation

The first prototype was a device created in 1909 by abbot and inventor Augustus Lowe. He even received a patent for his creation, but failed to fully implement it. At that time, people did not need such a device, so the public was quite skeptical about the possibility of creating a shredder. The production of such equipment was never launched then.

Adolf Ehinger made a significant contribution to the emergence of the shredder. In 1935, based on a conventional noodle cutter, he created new device by adding an electric motor. Most experts claim that he needed the paper shredding device to destroy documents promoting anti-Nazism. Thus, it was possible to avoid persecution by the authorities. A little later, Ehinger began selling similar devices to government and commercial organizations.

Since the 50-60s of the last century, the shredder began to gradually gain popularity. The fact is that Ehinger came up with a method of cross-cutting, which increased secrecy and complicated the process of restoring destroyed documents.

Shredder device

Each manufacturing company creates equipment using its own technology with a unique body and control. True, the basic device of all models is very similar.

The main components of a shredder are, naturally, its knives. Their task is to cut sheets, that is, to perform the main work. The knives themselves are driven by an electric motor. The feeding mechanism is also important, as it correctly and quickly delivers the paper to the knives.

The photo shows a disc blade for a shredder

Any shredder has a basket where shredded pieces of paper accumulate, plastic cards, documents. The larger the container volume, the more expensive and convenient the model, because... does not require frequent cleaning. Industrial devices are equipped with a capacity of over 200 liters.

Types of shredders

Today, the device created by Adolf Ehinger is used in every office. Modern shredders come in hundreds of models. The most common are electric versions, but there are also manual versions. As for the size, the devices can be either home-made and compact, or the whole complex on wheels.

In the main classification, the following types of shredders can be distinguished:

  • strip cutters that shred paper into small strips;
  • confetti, which use their knives to cut documents into rectangular or diamond-shaped pieces;
  • granulators or “meat grinders” that process paper until it can pass through a special fine mesh;
  • grinders, characterized by the ability to set the length and size of cut waste paper;
  • cutters, the operating principle of such shredders is to tear sheets using rotating knives;
  • shredders that cut waste paper into small, round or square pieces.

There are also garden shredders that allow you to chop up plant debris. For example, leaves or collected grass, which can then be conveniently used as fertilizer.

Industrial shredders are aimed at more than just paper and cardboard destruction. They are used for the purpose of processing car tires, plastic bottles and pipes, defective plastic products and electronics.

Cutting methods

When choosing a device, be sure to consider the cutting method. In fact, there are two of them: straight (longitudinal) and cross.

With the straight type, the sheets are cut into strips. It is better not to use such shredders to destroy confidential information - shredded paper can be easily recovered. The undoubted advantage of shredders with this cutting method is high speed and a larger volume of processed documentation.

In the photo: a shredder with a direct method of cutting paper

Cross cutting will provide greater privacy. The material is crushed into very small particles. Techniques with this type of cutting have another advantage - the paper fragments fit into the waste container as tightly as possible. The user will not have to constantly bother himself with emptying it.

The photo shows a shredder with a cross cutting method for paper

Security levels

An interesting criterion that distinguishes all the variety of shredders is the safety class or. According to the European standard there are six of them. Belonging to a certain class depends on the size of the crushed fragments and the ability to restore them.

  1. The first level includes devices that dispose of general documentation. The resulting pieces of paper are quite large. As a rule, these are strips from 6 to 12 mm. The largest fragment size cannot exceed 2,000 mm².
  2. The second level of safety includes shredders with parallel and cross cutting. The width of the paper particle should be up to 6 mm, and its total size should not exceed 800 mm².

The technique of the first two classes is the most popular. They are ideal for destroying personal correspondence or office papers.

  1. The third level is shredders for eliminating confidential documents. Recycled waste paper when parallel cutting cannot be wider than 2 mm. If crushed into rectangular fragments, their size will not exceed 320 mm².
  2. To destroy classified documents (especially those marked “top secret”), shredders of the fourth and fifth levels are used. The total size of fragments after the action of such devices: no more than 30 mm² and 10 mm², respectively.
  3. Level six: devices of this type are used by special services. Storage media after encountering the knives of these devices will become more like ashes after being burned.

Possibility of recovery

What to do if you accidentally get into the shredder important document, the information of which is simply necessary for the user?

It all depends on the model and cutting method. You can even restore a document after shredding in a longitudinal type device manually. The situation is more complicated with sheets of paper that have been cross-cut. However, here too you can resort to the help of a special software, which first scans all the fragments and then puts them together like a mosaic. Such programs are called anti-shredder.

By the way, the business of restoring documents that have been in a shredder is popular in Europe. Some companies are willing to shell out tens of thousands of dollars to get lost information back into their possession.

Despite the growing use of electronic document management, paper documents still remain an integral part of office work. But if a file with a digitized document that has become unnecessary is easily deleted with one click of a button, then the issue of recycling used papers that have turned into excess waste paper is not so easily resolved. The best assistant in this matter will be a paper shredder.

Purpose and principle of operation

The key purpose of a shredder is to shred paper. This main function of the device allows you to quickly and easily get rid of unnecessary paper documents, while maintaining the secrecy of information (confidentiality).

The paper shredding machine rightfully bears the title the best way waste paper recycling. In addition to protecting data, using a shredder helps to significantly reduce the overall volume of waste generated.

There are shredders that use combustion, composting, and decomposition (using chemicals) to destroy material. But such devices are considered alternative. The main method of paper disposal used in devices is still shredding by slicing.

Despite the wide choice available on the office equipment market various models shredders for destroying paper, the main working mechanism hidden under the body, all of these devices have a similar design. Its main components are two mechanisms:

  • cutting;
  • server

In the role key element The chopper has knives. They are the ones who cut paper sheets, plastic cards, etc. The cutting mechanism is driven by a motor powered by electricity.

The feeding mechanism in the design of the apparatus is considered the second most important after the cutting one. The task of these constituent elements is to correctly and quickly supply the crushed material to the main parts of the device - the knives. Like the cutting part, the feeding mechanism is driven by a motor.

In the majority modern shredders electric motor equipped additional protection, protecting against overheating. In addition to two complementary mechanisms and an engine, the shredder design includes a basket for collecting crushed material. Its volume is inextricably linked with the size of the device - the more spacious the basket, the larger the device.

In addition to electric shredders, which have already become traditional, there are also so-called manual shredders. By their design, hand-held devices are specific scissors with many blades.

Types of device

To date, shredders are produced by many companies and have a very wide range of the lineup. The devices differ from each other not only in name trademark, but also by the following indicators:

  • crushed materials compatible with the device;
  • device size;
  • degree of secrecy;
  • price.

Shredders have long ceased to be exclusively paper shredders. Various modifications of this device are capable of shredding not only paper, but also other materials, such as:

  • banknotes;
  • cardboard;
  • CDs;
  • plastic cards;
  • staplers and paper clips.

Of course, this is far from full list. Advanced cutting systems equipped with modern models devices made it possible not only to significantly expand the range of processed materials, but also to significantly increase the level of secrecy.

Privacy and data protection

Among technical characteristics devices that you should pay attention to, the degree of secrecy of the chopper is perhaps more important than performance and other information.

Each model of paper shredding machine has a certain privacy class. This indicator is directly related to the size of the material fragments obtained during cutting. How smaller size fragments, the higher the level of confidentiality responsible for data protection.

The degree of secrecy depends on the number and size of particles of the material obtained after grinding. According to accepted latest standard DIN security, modern shredder models are divided into seven security classes.

The following resulting fragments (strips or pieces) correspond to these classes:

  1. Width 12 mm. Low privacy.
  2. Width 6 mm. The information is not yet sufficiently protected.
  3. Width 2 mm. Size maximum area fragment - 320 sq. mm. Average level privacy.
  4. Width 4 mm and length 40 mm (maximum possible values). Good information protection.
  5. Width 2 mm (maximum). The largest possible fragment area is 30 square meters. mm. High secrecy - data is reliably protected.
  6. Width 1 mm ( maximum value). The particle area is within 10 square meters. mm. Increased privacy.
  7. Width 1 mm (maximum). The area of ​​the fragment is less than 5 square meters. mm. Highest level secrecy of all existing today.

According to the type of material cutting, shredders are divided into two main types - parallel and cross. Representatives of the first group belong to the simplest devices - they cut the material into narrow strips (noodles). Representatives of the second - modern and improved - cut into small pieces (crumbs). Parallel shredders, for the most part, have low levels of privacy, while cross-type shredders, on the contrary, have the highest levels.

Types of Shredders

An extensive range of shredders, differing in cost, size and performance, allows everyone to choose the right device depending on the capabilities and best meets the requirements.

Shredders range in shape and size, from hand-held and portable to car and truck-mounted. Device models are divided into four main types (by area of ​​use):

  • personal;
  • office;
  • archival;
  • industrial.

The latter include shredders for plastic cards, CDs, etc. The minimum security level provided by industrial shredders is three. Among the devices of this type are crushers capable of processing large quantities materials such as:

  • waste paper;
  • wood;
  • metal;
  • car tires;
  • leather, etc.

If the simplest personal or office shredder is capable of shredding paper several pages at a time, then an industrial device can have a productivity of millions of sheets per hour. Of course, such a device is impressive not only in its power, but also in its price, reaching hundreds of thousands of US dollars. Such industrial devices are used in enterprises specializing in waste processing and disposal. Devices of this type have very large dimensions. As mentioned, there are even special shredder trucks.

Archival devices have similar characteristics to industrial devices. They are designed to eliminate paper documents, plastic storage media, and archival folders in huge quantities.

The office and personal types include most of the shredders produced. They, in turn, are classified by type of cutting.

  1. Strip cutter. Using rotating blades, it cuts paper into narrow strips along the entire length of the sheet. The simplest device and, accordingly, the least safe. This method of paper shredding allows for the possibility of restoring a shredded document more than others. In addition, this processing method creates the largest amount of waste of any type of grinding.
  2. Meat grinder. Drives the document through a special mesh, thereby shredding it.
  3. Crusher. Cuts material into fine particles rectangular or round shape.
  4. Grinder. It cuts the paper using a rotating shaft with blades until the resulting fragments become small enough to pass through a special mesh.
  5. Confetti. Cuts using two rotating drums. The crushed fragments can be in the shape of rectangles, diamonds or parallelograms.
  6. Disintegrator. It repeatedly shreds the paper until the size of the resulting fragments allows them to pass through a special grid.
  7. Granulator. The operating principle is similar to a disintegrator.
  8. Cutter. It differs from other shredding methods in that it does not simply cut the material being destroyed, but tears it apart in a unique way using special rotating knives.

Personal models, compared to office ones, usually have lower productivity and more low level privacy.

Emergence and role in history

The first paper shredding device was invented in 1909 by American Abbott Gus Lowe. The “recycling container” he created was intended to improve the efficiency of paper recycling. But the miracle mechanism invented in 1909, patented, was never brought into reality.

The device for destroying paper acquired real forms only in 1935, when the German Adolf Ehinger made such a device based on a manual noodle cutter. The car received self-explanatory name shredder, which translates from English as “shredder”. According to some reports, a similar mechanism was created by Ehinger with specific purpose- eliminate anti-Nazi documents to avoid clashes with the authorities.

Rated by personal experience usefulness of the device, Ehinger decides to start producing shredders for the purpose of selling various organizations and institutions - government, financial, etc. To increase the efficiency of using a paper shredding machine, an enterprising German equipped a manual noodle cutter with an electric motor, which greatly facilitated and accelerated the operation of the mechanism. Soon, shredder machines begin to spread around the world.

In 1959, Ehinger's company EBA produced the first cutting machines for paper shredding. The company has been successfully operating to this day, and EBA brand shredders, despite high competition, occupy a significant place in the office equipment market.

Over the years since the creation of the first device, shredder machines have firmly integrated themselves into world history. They helped politicians, and they, in turn, helped them. Thus, in the American embassy in Iran on the eve of the 1979 seizure, important documents were cut up using a paper shredding machine.

Colonel Oliver North later testified to Congress that he used a production shredder for this purpose. German company"Schleicher". After North's announcement, sales of the brand's appliances began to grow rapidly and by 1987 reached a 20 percent increase.

Another striking mark left by the shredder in history is the destruction of extensive UN documentation at the instigation of Iqbal Riza, the head of Kofi Annan’s cabinet. In 2004, Riza shredded thousands of papers, including all chronological archival documents from 1997-1999 related to the Oil-for-Food program.

Nowadays a shredder can be found in any office. And even see him in home environment no longer a novelty. But until the 80s of the 20th century, paper shredding machines were used primarily in government organizations and, with rare exceptions, in non-governmental organizations.

This changed the Supreme Court's 1984 verdict in a case called California v. Greenwood. The court's ruling stated that, notwithstanding the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution prohibiting unreasonable searches, trash found outside a dwelling is not covered by the amendment and, accordingly, can be taken by anyone who discovers it.

The Americans were not happy with this court decision. Wanting to protect yourself and protect your privacy, citizens began to buy shredders to destroy everything that, if it fell into the wrong hands, could be used for fraudulent purposes to steal personal data:

  • accounts;
  • bank statements;
  • credit cards, etc.

Thefts are on the rise personal information and industrial espionage finally strengthened the position of the shredder as a universal device for destroying paper documents and more. To this day, paper shredders are in great demand both among individuals for personal use and for state level from government organizations and enterprises, banking institutions etc.

A shredder is a device designed to shred paper into tiny pieces or simply into fairly small strips. This device is used by all banking, government organizations, as well as just private individuals. Shredder allows you to destroy all confidential documents (contracts, invoices, credit cards, personal data), because they can be used by fraudsters for their own selfish purposes. This device is indispensable equipment if a company or organization works with any personal or sensitive data.

Shredder Manufacturers

As world practice shows, the most popular and sought-after shredder manufacturers are Kobra, HSM, Gladwork, KGB and a company such as Fellowes. These shredder manufacturers earned their fame by producing high-quality equipment that allowed firms and enterprises not to worry about the safety of their and client data. The components used by the above companies meet all international standards in their field. This means that there is no reason to worry if you have chosen a shredder from the companies provided above.

Types of shredders

Shredders, like any other equipment, are different. Types of shredders vary in size, purpose, maintenance and, of course, price.

The dimensions of these devices can be completely different: from a small, compact device that destroys several dozen documents per hour, to a huge device that destroys several million pages per hour.

Main types of shredders

  • Industrial shredders. These devices destroy and shred bank plastic cards, various magnetic storage media, Bank statements. Such devices can even shred leather and wood, recycle waste paper, and destroy car tires.
  • Shredder-cutters. Devices whose work is aimed at tearing paper using special knives, which, in turn, rotate.
  • Shredders - strip cutters. Devices that, using rotating knives, cut narrow strips of paper from documents. This type of destruction is less secure, because a fraudster can put these pieces of paper into one document, like a mosaic. Also, when using this type of shredders, during operation, great amount waste.
  • Shredders and meat grinders. They pass the paper through their device, thereby destroying and shredding it.
  • Shredders - confetti. In the device of these devices there are two rotary knives, which, in the process of operation, cut out pieces from documents that represent geometric figures- rectangles, parallelograms, rhombuses.
  • Shredders - granulators. The devices shred documents until pieces of shredded paper can pass through a special fine mesh.

Shredder device

Each shredder manufacturer makes them using its own technology, however, the surface structure of all shredders is the same.

  1. The most important parts of a shredder are its knives. They are the ones who do the most important work, cutting documents.
  2. A feeding mechanism that carries out the operation, which consists in correctly feeding the document to the knives of the device.
  3. Motor - drives the shredder blades.
  4. A housing that performs an insulating function.
  5. A container where all the waste that appears during the operation of the shredder (shredded pieces of paper, shredded bank plastic cards) accumulates.