In January, winter fully comes into its own. Frosts and colds take their toll fairy tale from the patterns on the windows, blizzards and blizzards sing and swirl. The days are already getting longer. The sun, of course, has not yet had time to warm the earth, so in the cold the air becomes frosty. You can tell the children the proverb: “The sun is for summer, winter is for frost.” You can’t stand in one place for a long time: you want to run, move, to keep warm. There is another proverb: “The frost is not great, but it doesn’t tell you to stand.”

But at night you can admire the clear sky and stars sparkling like diamonds.

Tell the children about January.

January- second month of winter. January has 31 days. The name of the month comes from the name of the god Janus, who was worshiped by the ancient Romans. Janus was considered the god of the Sun and the beginning, entrances and exits, so he was usually depicted with two faces facing opposite sides to the past and future.

The ancient Slavs called January “prosinets” (because at this time the ice on the river turns blue) or also “cut” (at this time they cut down the forest).

People say: “January is the beginning of the year, winter is the middle.”

Observations of inanimate nature in January

In January there is a lot of snow, if the frost is not severe, then you can make a snowman and play snowballs. IN severe frost The snow is dry, crumbles, and it’s practically impossible to sculpt from it.

In the sun and under the light of lanterns in the evening the snow glistens very beautifully. You can ask the children what kind of snow it is. (White, fluffy, shaggy, plump). Children can be shown artists’ paintings about winter, and recall the caricatured poems of Russian poets.

Look at snowflakes with your children. They are very different. Remember. The shape of snowflakes changes depending on the weather. When there is no wind, snowflakes fall slowly, they are large, shiny, and look like stars. During the thaw, flakes form.

By playing with snow, children learn its properties. Children know that snow protects the ground from freezing, a loose layer of snow retains heat better, since there is a lot of air there, so there is no need to compact the snow near trees.

When snow is removed, it is taken to gardens and fields, because snow cover is a source of moisture for plants. It’s also useful to water indoor flowers with melted snow.

During the thaw, children often see icicles on the roofs of houses. You can tell them where they come from.

Where do icicles come from?

Icicles are formed when low temperatures, usually a few degrees less than zero and when water comes in. On the roofs of houses, under the influence of sunlight, snow begins to melt and water forms. Under the influence of gravity, the water flows down and, thanks to the cold air, freezes. One frozen drop is followed by another, which also freezes. then the next one, etc. When there are too many drops, the icicle may not be able to stand it and fall to the ground.

Observing flora and fauna

In winter, you can cut a branch of a tree and put it in warm water. It won't bloom for a long time. And only at the end of winter will the cut branches give rise to young shoots. The trees are at rest.

While walking, pay attention to the beauty of nature.

In frosty, foggy weather, frost appears on the branches of trees and bushes - ice coristals. This is a very beautiful sight. The trees look like they are standing in a fairy tale. Hoarfrost is often confused with hoarfrost - small ice crystals that look like tiny snowflakes. But frost never forms on thin, branchy objects. It lies on the ground on clear, cold nights and forms elegant patterns on our windows.

Trees often crack in the forest. Cracks may appear on them, which is why they say “bitter frosts.”

But even in such severe frosts, life in the forest does not stop. Cones are ripening on fir trees and pines. seeds spill out of them, on which there are small wings. They scatter and are carried away by the wind.

Hazel grouse and black grouse burrow into the snow. And on the top of the spruce crossbills hatch their chicks. In reservoirs under the ice, life also continues - burbot spawn.

January is the coldest month of the year. At this time it is very difficult for the birds. Therefore, together with your children, feed the arriving birds.

Our grandfather also made a bird feeder and every day we pour grains and seeds into it for the birds that come. These include titmice and sparrows.

On walks, talk with children about animals and how they spend the winter, for example, about the hare. Hares are not noticeable in the snow in winter because their coats are white. They feed more often at night, eating aspen bark. Hares have teeth as sharp as scissors.

You can see squirrel tracks in the park. In severe frosts, the squirrel hides in its nest,

Read stories and tales about animals to children.

Holidays in January

There are a lot of holidays in January. 1st of January - New Year, January 7 - Christmas. For the holidays, we decorated the Christmas tree and prepared gifts. Previously, the Christmas tree was decorated with apples, nuts and cornfets.

January 13 - Old New Year. It was on this day that the New Year was celebrated until 1918. Then in Russia they began to use a different calendar, but the tradition of celebrating the New Year remained.

And January is the most fun time the winter vacation in children. The children had a rest, played snowballs, went sledding, skating, and skiing. You can have fun during your winter holidays.

Signs of January

  • If January last year was warm, then January this year will be colder.
  • Dry January - the peasant is rich.
  • If January is cold, July will be dry and hot, don’t expect mushrooms until autumn.
  • If there is March in January, fear January in March.
  • In January there are many frequent and long icicles hanging - the harvest will be good.
  • Frosts in the last week of January promise a cold summer.

They also say about January:

  • the month of January is the sovereign of winter;
  • in January and the pot on the stove freezes;
  • January puts on a sheepskin coat to the toes, paints intricate patterns on the windows, darkens the eyes with snow. Yes, my ear hurts with frost;
  • In January the cold loomed over the earth. The animals and birds are cold and hungry at this time.

Proverbs and sayings about January

January - I sang all year long.

January is fierce, crackling, snowman.

January - clematis, take care of your nose.

The frost is not great, but it does not require you to stand.

If it blows snow, the bread will arrive.

There will be no snow - there will be no trace.

In January the frosts are harsher, and the burbot are more lively.

In January, as the day grows, so does the cold.

Snow is the earth's nurse, like a warm casing.

January, Father, begins the year, and marks winter.

Tell your children about January, signs, talk about the weather, read books about animals. Watch birds while walking.

And our photos in January

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Best regards, Olga.

January - winter season

Does January always start the year? January began to open the year in Rus' relatively recently. The ancient Slavs, for example, celebrated the New Year around March 1 - with the onset of warmth and field work. This custom lasted until 1343, when the New Year began to be celebrated on September 1. From December 15, 1699, by decree of Peter I, chronology was prescribed to be carried out in a Western manner. Not from the “creation of the world”, but from the “birth of Christ”, the difference between them was 5508 years. And that decree also said: “On... the streets at the gates and houses, make some decorations from trees and branches of pine and juniper, fire small cannons and rifles, launch rockets, as many as possible, and light fires. As a sign of fun, wish each other a Happy New Year.” Since then we have had this wonderful holiday. And about January they put together a proverb: “January, Father, begins the year and marks winter.” In order for the coming year to be prosperous, he was given a joyful, friendly meeting. In some northern Russian villages, young and old gathered in the hut before midnight. One of the guys dressed up as an old man, the other - usually a boy - put on a red shirt and a white hat with tassels. The “old man” (the passing year) sat on a chair in the middle of the hut. Exactly at midnight, a boy ran into the hut (New Year), pushed his predecessor off the chair and sat down in his place. A old year pushed out of the hut. Everyone congratulated each other on the New Year and wished everyone health and goodness. January is the most cold month year, roof of winter. They said about winter cold:

The month of January is winter, sir.

In January, the pot on the stove freezes.

January puts on a sheepskin coat to the toes, paints intricate patterns on the windows, darkens his eyes with snow and tears his ears with frost.

January - clematis: take care of your nose.

In January, the cold hung over the earth.

Animals and birds are cold and hungry at this time.

January signs

If January last year was warm, then January this year will be colder.

Dry January - the peasant is rich.

If January is cold, July will be dry and hot, don’t expect mushrooms until autumn.

If it's March in January, be afraid of January in March.

In January there are many frequent and long icicles hanging - the harvest will be good.

Frosts in the last week of January promise a cold summer. New Year's celebration associated with the Christmas tree - a forest beauty.


Shaggy branches bend

Down to the children's heads

Rich beads shine

Overflow of lights:

Ball hides behind ball,

And star after star.

Light threads are rolling,

Like golden rain...

Play, have fun

The children have gathered here

And to you, beautiful spruce,

They sing their song.

And, sparkling, it sways

Christmas trees are a magnificent decoration.


The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree,

She grew up in the forest

Slim in winter and summer,

The snowstorm sang a song to her:

“Sleep, Christmas tree, bye-bye!”

Frost covered with snow:

“Look, don’t freeze!”

Gray bunny coward

It was green. Jumped under the Christmas tree

Sometimes a wolf, an angry wolf,

I ran at a trot.

The nuts in them glitter gilded...

Who is not welcome here, Green Spruce?

Chu! Snow in the dense forest

It creaks under the runner,

Hairy horse

He's in a hurry, running.

The horse is carrying wood,

There's an old man on the wood.

He cut down our Christmas tree

Right down to the spine.

And here she is dressed up

She came to us for the holiday,

And lots and lots of joy

I brought it for the kids!

Sing more cheerfully and friendly, children!

The tree will soon bow its branches.

Choose what you like...

Ay, thank you. Beautiful spruce!

R. Kudasheva


(it will work if you mix a New Year's song with fairy tales)

The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree,

She grew up in the forest.

Large gilded

She laid the egg.

The snowstorm sang a song to her:

“Sleep, Christmas tree, bye-bye!

And to the Wolf, my little goat,

Don't open the door!"

Gray bunny coward

Jumped under the Christmas tree...

Ivanushka drank water

And suddenly he became a little goat!

Chu, hear in the dense forest

Are the runners squeaking?..

The fly has guests gathered

And the samovar is boiling.

The horse is carrying wood,

And in the logs - a man,

Left his grandparents

Ruddy bun!

Now she's smart

She came to us for the holiday...

And she dropped her shoe,

I still haven’t found it!


Vanya recently turned six years old. He lived with his mother, father and grandmother in a small wooden house on the very edge of the forest. On New Year's Eve I came to visit Vanya from his city cousin Peter. He came for the winter holidays...

After lunch, Vanya began to show Petya what beautiful Christmas tree decorations he and his mother had made for the New Year tree.

It would be nice to decorate a Christmas tree right in the forest,” said Petya. - Both animals and birds would look at her.

Petya will always come up with something,” said the grandmother. - But animals and birds don’t need Christmas tree decorations. They have to look for food in winter!

But it’s true,” dad suddenly said, “it would be nice to do it in the forest.” Christmas tree for birds and animals. Just hang on it not toys, but food for birds and animals.

That's right, that's right! - Petya and Vanya shouted.

“And let’s do it this way,” said my mother, “so that she can be seen directly from the window.” Look, look what a wonderful young Christmas tree not far from the house!

The next day, early in the morning, Petya and Vanya cut the bread into pieces and tied them to strings.

“And for the hares, we’ll tie carrots to the lower branches and put cabbage on the snow under the tree,” said mom.

When everything was prepared, Vanya and Petya, mom, dad and even grandma put on felt boots and walked through the snow to a beautiful young Christmas tree. They shook the snow off it and began to hang everything they brought. Vanya, who was sitting on his dad’s shoulders, hung pieces of bread and berries on the highest branches. Finally, the tree was decorated, and everyone returned home very happy.

The next morning, very early, Vanya quickly got dressed and ran to the window.

Petya, Petya, look! - he shouted.

Petya also ran to the window. A flock of some beautiful birds sat on the branches and pecked at the berries that Vanya hung on the tree.

What kind of birds are these? - Vanya asked.

“I don’t know,” Petya answered.

At this time, dad entered the room.

Dad, look at the birds on our tree eating the berries,” said Vanya.

Birds with red breasts are bullfinches,” dad answered.

Suddenly a tit flew to the tree. She flew up to the piece

bread and hung upside down. The bread was swinging on a thread, and the titmouse was swinging on it, and she pecked at the bread.

In the evening we celebrated the New Year. After dinner, mom went to the window and suddenly said quietly:

Hurry, here, here!

Everyone hurried to her. Outside the window there was Moonlight night. The snow glistened. Two animals were jumping around the tree.

“These are hares,” said dad.

And then everyone saw how two hares sat down under the tree near the cabbage. Then one of them stood up on his hind legs.

He eats carrots! - Vanya whispered with delight.

G. Skrebitsky, V. Chaplina


1. The tablecloth is white, covering the whole earth. (Snow.)

2. Warms in winter, smolders in spring, dies in summer, comes to life in autumn. (Snow)

3. I am water and I swim on water. (Ice floe.)

4. What grows upside down? (Icicle.)

5. Hangs on the branches in winter like a silvery fringe,

And in the spring it turns into dew when suspended. (Frost.)

6. Which artist painted this on the glass?

And leaves, and grass, and thickets of roses? (Freezing.)

7. We stood all summer, waited for winter,

We waited until the time was right and rushed down the mountain. (Sled.)

January is the coldest month of the year. In the east and northeast of the region, temperatures can drop to −50 °C, −53 °C, in the rest of the region to −40 °C, −45 °C. Especially cold outside last years were January 1985, 1987, 1999. Thus, in January 1999, frosts below −30 °C were observed everywhere in the last ten days of the month.

The average monthly air temperature varies across the region from −10 °C to −17 °C. In January there are thaws, during which the temperature can rise to +7 °C.

There is less precipitation in January than in December, and its amount ranges from 20 to 50 mm. On average, there are about 20 days with precipitation per month. In some years, up to 20 mm of precipitation can fall per day. Precipitation prevails in the form of snow, and during thaws - in the form of rain and sleet. Relative humidity high - more than 80%.

The average monthly wind speed ranges from 2 to 7 m/s.

Snowstorms are frequent in January, in some years up to 20 days a month. Ice and frost phenomena are typical. Frost occurs 9–16 days a month, and ice forms less frequently, mainly during thaws.

In Arkhangelsk average temperature January is −13 °C. On some days, the temperature may rise to +5 °C, as was the case in 1971, or drop to −44 °C, as was recorded in 1958. Frosts below −30 °C do not occur every January. Thus, in January 1994, 1995, 1996, 2001, such frosts were not observed, but in 2003 they lasted for 8 days in a row.

January of the outgoing year is interesting. Christmas 2006 was the warmest on record in the North. The temperature rose to +2.4 °C. The thaw lasted 7 days, and from January 15 it became sharply colder, and the temperature remained below −30 °C for 8 days.

More than 30 mm of precipitation falls in January. In some years, monthly precipitation differs significantly from the long-term average. Thus, in 1906, about 80 mm of precipitation fell, and in 1897 it did not reach 10 mm.

Folk omens say: if it’s warm on Christmas (January 7), then spring will be cold, and if on Epiphany (January 19) it’s clear and cold weather, then the summer will be dry. On Tatyana's Day (January 25) they celebrated what spring and summer would be like: if it is clear on this day sunny weather, then we should expect an early friendly spring, and if snowing, then the summer will be rainy.

Additional Information

January was named so by the ancient Romans in honor of the god Janus ( januaris). And the ancient Slavic name of this month is "prosinets"(from the word “prosin” - clearing after a long period of cloudy days).

People said:

  • January is the beginning of the year, the middle of winter.

In January, the days become longer and brighter, but this is the coldest month of winter. January usually sees ice, fog, snowstorms and heavy snowfalls. Therefore, they said: if in January there are frequent snowfalls and blizzards, then in July there are frequent rains.

People said about the increase in days in January:

  • January - more days for the chicken step.
  • New Year - a turn towards spring.
  • New Year - the sled is on the move.

The New Year in Rus' began to be celebrated on January 1 in 1699 according to a special decree of Peter I, announced on December 15, 1988. The ancient Slavs celebrated the New Year around March 1 - with the onset of warmth and field work. This custom lasted until the reign of Semyon the Proud - the sons of Ivan Kalita. Since 1343, the New Year began to be celebrated on September 1. Peter I, by his decree, ordered to celebrate January 1 as the beginning of the year, and introduce chronology not “from the creation of the world”, but according to the Western model - “from the birth of Christ”. And to make it easier to introduce the introduced custom, it was ordered to celebrate it with a festival: decorate the gates of houses with pine, spruce and juniper branches, and “light fire fun” on Red Square, accompanied by the ringing of bells.

In the old days they loved a snowy winter: Rich snow cover was always considered a harbinger of the harvest:

  • The snow is deep - the bread is good.
  • Snow on the fields - grain in the bins.
  • If there is frost on the trees at Christmas, it means a harvest.

The remarkable Russian agronomist K.F. Agrinsky, at the end of the last century, verified many folk signs using actual observational materials, which he checked for 10 years in his estate in the village of Ivanovka, Atkarsky district, Saratov province. In particular, he noted that the sign “Forty martyrs (22.03) - forty more matinees” is true. Modern researchers A. N. Dmitriev and V. N. Yagodinsky, having analyzed meteorological observations in the Moscow region over a 31-year observation period, they also consider this sign to be justified and note that the average number of morning frosts for the period from March 22 to the last frost in June is 38.

January 18- Epiphany evening, the eve of Epiphany, Hungry Kutya, the second Christmas Eve. Main day Christmas fortune telling. If the stars shine very bright on Epiphany night, the bread will be good.

  • If there is a snowstorm during a hungry Kutya season, the bees will work well.

Winter is in full swing, and the peasant is already thinking about spring, hastening its onset:

  • Cracks, frost, cracks, and the water cracks passed.
  • Tomorrow the winter will bring the news of spring: in the cold it will seem like the desired time.
  • If there is frost on the stacks of Gregory of Nyssa, it means a wet year.

January 24— Fedot is a freckler. Be afraid of the January spring, although winter is cold, the warm days of January do not respond well.

  • The sun will shine on Tatiana - for the early arrival of birds.
  • Snow on Tatyana - rainy summer.

Athanasius the Clematis ends January.

  • Afanasy and Kirilo are taken to the snout.
  • In the cold the old man is skipping.
  • Frost grabs the lazy one by the nose, and takes off his hat in front of the agile one.
  • Peter and Paul added winter.
  • If there is wind, then the year is damp.

- January(prosinets). “The beginning of the New Year, the middle of winter,” people have long said about this month. And they conventionally portray him as two-faced: his old face is turned to the past, his young face is turned to the future.
A crow cries at noon, towards the south - towards warmth, towards the north - towards cold.
Bullfinches sing when the weather changes - before snowfall.
Sparrows sit quietly in the trees - it will snow without wind.
The dog stretches out on the floor and sleeps with its paws outstretched - for warm weather.
In January there are many frequent and long icicles hanging - the harvest will be good.
As the day grows in January, so does the cold.
In January there will be snow and bread will arrive.
If January is dry, frosty and the water in the rivers decreases greatly, then the summer will be dry and hot.
From January the sun turns towards summer.
January is on the doorstep, the day has arrived for the sparrow's leap.
January puts wood in the stove.
January puts on a sheepskin coat to the toes, paints intricate patterns on the windows, amuses his eyes with snow and tears his ears with frost.
Father January - frosts, February - snowstorms.

January - the first winter month - was called “prosinets” in Rus', because for the first time after the low, gloomy sky of December, “thawed patches” appeared - islands blue sky. But January was also famous for snowstorms and frosts. That is why the Russians called it “section”, the Czechs and Slovaks called it “ice”, the Serbs called it “zimc” and “prozimc”. In addition, in Rus', January was called Vasil month in honor of St. Basil the Great, whose day fell on January 1 - the turning point of winter. In Russian proverbs, January is famous as “the beginning of the year, the middle of winter.” They said that in January the day increases by two hours (after the day winter solstice, December 24, the turn to summer begins).
Once upon a time in Rus' the year began in March, so January was the eleventh month; later the New Year was celebrated in September, on Semyon Day, and January became the fifth month of the year; and after the introduction of a new calendar by Peter I in 1700, it became the first of twelve months.

In some houses, an equally interesting custom was observed: on the night of New Year, the girl put the first piece of the festive dinner under her pillow and before going to bed, invited her betrothed to come and taste her dish. Then he appeared to her in a dream - he came for a treat.

January - Latin name first month of the year (Januarius). It is so named because it was dedicated by the ancient Romans to Janus, the god of peace. In our old days it was called Prosinets, as it is believed, from the blueness of the sky beginning to appear at this time, the radiance, from intensification, with the addition of day, sunlight. This name is constantly found in our ancient calendars and calendars.
The name of January Sochen indicates either the turning point of winter, which, according to popular belief, occurs precisely in January, when winter is cut into two halves, or during bitter, severe frosts. In Rus', the month of January was originally the eleventh month, for March was considered the first, but when the year began to be counted from September, January became the fifth; finally, since 1700, since the change made in our chronology by Peter the Great, this month became the first. Peter the Great, wishing to harmonize the beginning of the new Russian year with the Western European calendar, abolished the ancient chronology from the creation of the world and ordered the introduction of time reckoning from the Nativity of Christ. For this purpose, the transformer of Russia issued two decrees in 1699: in the first decree on December 19, he ordered to write henceforth from January 1 in all papers the summer from the Nativity of Christ, and not from the creation of the world, - “and if anyone does not want to,” it said in this decree, then write both from the creation of the world and from the Nativity of Christ.” The second decree, which followed the day after the first, revealed the very reason for the change in chronology and indicated how the beginning of the new centennial century should be celebrated in Moscow. Thus, from Peter the Great to the present day, the month of January is considered the initial month of the new civil year, although the church still celebrates its own church year as before - from September 1.
IN Ancient Rome When the calendar was formed, the months of January and February were named after the gods Janus and Februs. Janus was in charge of doors, entrances and exits, and in general every beginning, including the beginning human life, and was also the patron of treaties and alliances. Janus Day was celebrated on January 9th. Janus was depicted as having two faces: one face was turned to the past, the other to the future. But Januaris and Februaris were added to the already existing ten months of the year and for some time were considered in recent months. Then they were brought to the beginning of the year, and Januarius turned out to be the first month and began to truly correspond to its “two-facedness” - January cut off the past year and began a new one.
January is like other months folk calendar, several titles. Among them is a cut, that is, cutting the winter in half. Another name is prosinets. V. I. Dal in “ Explanatory dictionary“suggested: “prosinets” - isn’t it because in severe January frosts the ice appears blue?” However, Academician B. A. Rybakov believed that “Prosinets” was considered by the ancient pagan Slavs to be a month of requests and spells for the whole year.

The popular description of January is simple and practical: “The beginning of the year is the middle of winter.”
January - the first winter month - was called “prosinets” in Rus', because for the first time after the low, gloomy sky of December, “thawed patches” appeared - islands of blue sky. But January was also famous for snowstorms and frosts. That is why the Russians called it “section”, the Czechs and Slovaks called it “ice”, the Serbs called it “zimc” and “prozimc”. In addition, in Rus', January was called Vasil month in honor of St. Basil the Great, whose day fell on January 1 - the turning point of winter. In Russian proverbs, January is famous as “the beginning of the year, the middle of winter.” They said that in January the day increases by two hours (after the winter solstice, December 24, the turn towards summer begins).

Once upon a time in Rus' the year began in March, so January was the eleventh month; later the New Year was celebrated in September, on Semyon Day, and January became the fifth month of the year; and after the introduction of a new calendar by Peter I in 1700, it became the first of twelve months.
On February 20, 1918, a new chronology was introduced in Russia. Let us remind you that in order to convert a date from the old style to the new one, you need to add 11 days for the 18th century, 12 days for the 19th century to the date of the old style. and 13 days for the 20th century. Therefore, on the night of January 13-14, the Old New Year is celebrated.
And on the night from December 31 to January 1, according to tradition, they celebrate the New Year. It is no coincidence that on this day they congratulate each other “Happy New Year, happy new happiness.” At midnight, when the clock strikes 12 times, everyone wishes for the most cherished desires which must definitely come true in the coming year. There is also a more complex ritual. Before the clock starts striking 12 times, prepare paper and pencil. With the onset of the New Year, you need to have time to write a wish on paper, burn the paper, stir it in a glass of champagne and drink it while the clock is still striking. Then the wish will certainly come true.
Other signs were also associated with the New Year celebration. On New Year's Eve, in severe frost, they froze water in a spoon. If the ice ended up in bubbles - to good health and longevity. If there was a hole in the center, this foreshadowed illness or even death, not necessarily of the person making the wish, but perhaps also of someone close to him.
There was also a peculiar variation card fortune telling: on New Year's night, girls put four card kings from the deck. Whichever one is dreamed of or pulled out first in the morning - that will be the groom.
In some houses, an equally interesting custom was observed: on the night of New Year, the girl put the first piece of the festive dinner under her pillow and before going to bed, invited her betrothed to come and taste her dish. Then he appeared to her in a dream - he came for a treat. Sometimes on New Year’s Eve, when they went to bed, they “paved a bridge” from twigs, chips and splinters and covered it with a pillow. In the morning they remembered the dream they had and wondered about their fate in the coming year. A happy dream foreshadowing imminent marriage, children and prosperity in the house, was described in the proverb: “There is a cat on the stove, a goose on the floor, a winch on the benches, a dove on the windows, a clear falcon at the table.” Sleeping with a cat and a cat was considered especially happy. Remember Pushkin’s description of fortune telling in the novel “Eugene Onegin”: “Dearer is the skin of a virgin’s heart.” In his comments, Pushkin noted that he had in mind a folk song sung during fortune-telling: “The cat calls the fur coat to sleep on the stove,” which foreshadowed an imminent marriage.

We have collected for you interesting materials about winter, which may be useful both for schoolchildren when writing stories and reports about this time of year, and for teachers. primary classes to familiarize students with the topic “Winter. Winter months. Winter phenomena nature. Winter signs about the weather.", in this case the story can be presented as a presentation. It will turn out to be a wonderful lesson or extracurricular activity.

What is winter?

When the last colorful leaves finish falling and envelop the earth with their motley carpet, and gray raindrops give way to chilly cold and the first sparkling snowflakes, winter comes into its own. She reigns for three whole months: timid frosty December, snowy and festive January and, of course, February, famous for its severe cold. In winter, nature sleeps sweetly, wrapped in a blanket of snow and calmed by the discordant but melodic tune of the blizzard. However, this exciting time of year announces itself not only with a lush cap of snow-white snowdrifts and transparent icicles hanging from the roofs of houses, but also with a temperature that does not rise above zero degrees Celsius, and makes you chilly to wrap yourself in warm clothes.

Changes in nature in winter


December, which marks the arrival of winter, unlike the mild autumn of November, very rarely pampers nature with its thaws. He carefully and gradually prepares for the onset of cold weather and frosts, lowering the temperature on the thermometer and wrapping everything around with a warm blanket of snow. Thanks to such care, many small animals and plants can survive the coming cold, because it is warmer under the snow than outside. Sparkling snowdrifts often reach 30 cm and no longer surrender to the mercy of the timid rays of the sun. The lower the air temperature, the harder the snow and the more sonorous its melodic crunch becomes.

Gradually, the day begins to lose its ground, and the cold December nights become longer and longer. Short frosts are already beginning to show their harsh character and a thin crust of ice hinders movement winding rivers. Sometimes December indulges in slight thaws and a pleasant increase in temperature, but it can remind itself of sharp frosts, and the Arctic winds gradually bring more and more cold and freshness.

In the northern hemisphere, the night of December 22 is the longest of the year, and the day of December 22 is the shortest of the year. On the winter solstice, December 22, the sun rises to its lowest height above the horizon throughout the year.

With the onset of December, there are many folk signs about the weather. Here are some of them:

  • If in December the sky is cloudy and the clouds hang low, it means you should expect a big harvest next year.
  • If thunder rumbles often this month, then in January there will be very severe frosts.
  • The lack of rain means that spring and summer will also be dry.
  • A lot of snow, frost and frozen ground mark good harvest in the fall.
  • If bullfinches arrived this month, then winter will be frosty.

In Rus', at the beginning of December, they already began to make sleigh tracks and organized troika rides. From December 9, in the evening it was worth staying close to houses, as the wolves began to approach closer to the village.

However, December marks not only the beginning of winter, but also the eager anticipation of the New Year. This holiday, celebrated on the night of December 31 to January 1, is one of the most wonderful days, because it symbolizes not only the beginning of a new year, but also a time of finding new hopes and aspirations, faith in positive changes and magical events. Every person on this holiday becomes a child and looks forward to the advent of a bewitching fairy tale and the fulfillment of all dreams. The smell of pine needles and the unique taste of tangerines awaken warm memories and make the heart beat faster in anticipation of miracles.


In January, winter fully comes into its own. She serenely reigns over nature and continues her snowy and frosty march. Epiphany cold and unique snow crystals create a magical winter's tale from the intricate patterns on the windows, they sing about her, whirling in the whirlpool of a blizzard, and boldly look into the cloudless blue sky. The bitter cold makes itself felt with clouds of steam from the mouth and a pleasant tingling sensation on the cheeks and nose. All this magic is supported by a temperature already established within -10-30 degrees Celsius. The days are gradually becoming longer, and the impenetrable darkness of frosty nights is gradually losing its position. However, the piercing light of the bright sun does not have time to warm the earth, so the stubborn cold asserts its rights even more firmly and makes the air piercingly frosty. Thanks to this, at night you can admire the clear sky and sparkling diamonds of the stars. The wind is not as strong as in December and does not shake the trees dressed in snow, but only lovingly strokes their tops.

January is famous not only for its mesmerizing beauty, but also for the onset of... important event in the life of Christians - the Nativity of Christ. This bright holiday, celebrated on January 7, is solemnly celebrated by all believers, and their congratulations to each other merge together to the sound of bells.

The days from January 7 to January 19 are called Christmastide. They are illuminated by the light of the Nativity of Christ and are perfect for various games, fortune telling and carols. Most often fortune telling occurred on the night of January 13-14. Young girls wanted to know who their betrothed would be, and married women We tried to find out what the weather would be like in the summer and whether we should expect a big harvest. Christmastide was also a period noisy weddings. In Rus' these days they organized sleigh rides and all kinds of snow fun.

According to folk signs about the weather:

  • if it blows on January 21 South wind, then the summer will be stormy, and if there is frost on the stacks on the 23rd, then the summer will be cool and rainy.


With the onset of February, the thick gray sky, which continues to cover the sleeping earth with a soft cap of a blanket of snow, gradually becomes a little kinder and allows the bright rays of the sun to often peek through the dense clouds. Winter still reminds us of itself with the discordant tune of the blizzard and merry carousel snowflakes swirling in a blizzard, but the premonition of spring gradually begins to revive everything around. Cheeks pink from the biting frost gradually begin to warm up with timid solar heat. The snow becomes covered with a thin crust and begins to slowly give way, anticipating the approach of spring. The days are getting longer, and the clear sky is increasingly pleasing the eye with its unique blue.

IN southern regions In Russia, buds appear on willows - the first harbingers of spring, and thawed patches, like messengers, carry the news of its approach. The frosty wind pleasantly pricks the face with small snowflakes, and the chilly frost alternates with long-awaited thaws. However, the mesmerizing snowstorms and stubborn cold will not soon surrender to the mercy of the beautiful spring.

There are many folk superstitions about the weather associated with February.

  • If it is very cold this month and frosty weather, which means the summer will be hot.
  • Little snow in February threatens a poor harvest.
  • If thunder rumbles, then you should expect strong winds.
  • Rainy February indicates the same spring and summer.
  • Bright stars predict frost, and dim stars predict thaw.
  • If the frosts in February are very severe, then the winter will be short.

Signs of winter

One of the first signs of winter is the appearance of dense, low-hanging clouds. They, like a fur blanket, envelop the sky and do not allow the sun's rays to break through their curtain and delight the earth with their warmth, and the sun is low and does not warm up so much. Such clouds are very different from summer, light and cirrus. The winter sky does not please with its colors, but it compensates for this with sparkling snowflakes, neatly covering everything around, as if sparkling silver.

Thick blanket of snow is also an important sign of winter. Only at this time of year fluffy snowflakes do not melt under timid sun rays, and, gradually increasing, create a reliable snow cover.

Winter is also famous for its frosts. It's gradually getting colder. The thin needles of the first frosty winds begin to tingle your cheeks and nose and force you to wrap yourself more tightly in winter clothes. A warm jacket is complemented by its permanent companions - a hat and mittens.

Plants and animals are also actively preparing for the onset of winter. Trees and shrubs in anticipation of cold weather and cloudy days shed their leaves. However, this will not last long and in the spring the first small leaves will appear on the branches. Only coniferous trees they don’t want to part with their green needles and continue to delight them even in winter.

IN winter time there is little food, so some animals hibernate, and those that continue to stay awake grow fluffy and thick fur. The hare, for example, turns white, and the hedgehog and bear hibernate.

It is also not easy for birds to tolerate cold and lack of abundant food, so many of them fly to warmer climes , and the rest adapt to different types stern.

Natural phenomena in winter

At this time of year there are such interesting and unusual phenomena nature like:

  • Blizzard
  • Black ice
  • Icicles
  • Frost patterns

A blizzard appears with the first gusts of wind and, boldly picking up the snow cover, carries it away into a mysterious winter dance. This is very harsh a natural phenomenon, which it is better not to meet on the way. The blizzard boldly controls the snowy landscape and arranges fluffy snowdrifts at will. Most often this happens in the middle of winter, when frost and cold reign supreme.

Black ice, like sweet winter dream, binds water bodies and covers not only the continuous flow of rivers, but also all roads with a thin crust of ice. This happens if, after rain or sleet, the temperature drops below zero. Ice on the rivers prevents navigation, but provides ample scope for all kinds of winter activities, such as sledding, skating or skiing.

One more interesting phenomenon winters are icicles. They, like ice daggers, fall into the ground and crumble into hundreds of sparkling fragments. Icicles form when snow on roofs or other flat objects begins to melt, and the resulting water freezes at low temperatures at night.

Frosty patterns, like frost, are an incredible lace creation of winter. Their whimsical design and bewitching beauty leave a lot of room for imagination and immerse you in snow fairy tale. This becomes possible due to the formation of ice crystals settling on the irregularities of the glass. They overlap each other and create pictures of incredible beauty.

Winter is not only beautiful time year, but also very unusual. She is like a big mystery that has yet to be solved. For example:

  • snow is a real work of art and there are no two identical snowflakes in the world.
  • Snowflakes are 95% air, which is why they fall to the ground so slowly.
  • In Antarctica you can find purple, pink or red snow.
  • IN different countries and parts of the world ice has different temperatures. For example, the coldest ice is found in Antarctic glaciers and reaches -60 degrees Celsius, and the warmest (0 degrees) is on the tops of the Scandinavian mountains and the Alps.
  • More than half of the world's inhabitants have never seen real snow.
  • On February 18, 1979, snowfall was recorded in the Sahara Desert, which is one of the hottest places on the planet.
  • Enjoy yourself warm winter possible in North Sudan. There at this time of year the temperature rarely drops below +40 degrees.
  • One of the coldest and most uninhabitable places is Antarctica. In winter, the air temperature there averages -70 degrees. And at Vostok station, which is located in Antarctica, a temperature of -89.2 degrees was recorded.

Winter is a wonderful and fabulous time of year, when, despite the short days and frosty air, life does not freeze, but is filled with new light and sound. The snow-white blanket of snow and snowflakes sparkling in the sun, the unique patterns on the glass and the ice crust that binds rivers and lakes are endlessly pleasing to the eye. The prickly frost, lovingly touching your cheeks, reminds you of how many games there are fresh air conceals this time of year and makes you freeze in anticipation of the New Year holidays.