The holiday season in the Maldives is open all year round, because even in the non-tourist season, the islands never get colder than +30 degrees, and, for example, the rainy season creates excellent diving opportunities. As for the ideal time to visit the Maldives, this period is December-March.

Features of holidays in the Maldives by season

  • Spring: best month for a beach holiday - March (at this time the weather on the islands is sunny and dry). In April, although it rains, it will not interfere with a beach holiday, which cannot be said about May, when the ocean can be stormy.
  • Summer: the islands are hot in summer, but often there are tropical downpours lasting 2-3 hours at night and in the afternoon. But despite this, the water in the ocean is like fresh milk.
  • Autumn: tropical rains still fall in September, but no longer occur at this time strong storms. In October-November, the rains become less intense and rare, and the daytime will delight you with quiet and clear weather.
  • Winter: In general, winter offers almost idyllic weather for swimming and sunbathing.

Beach season in the Maldives

You can come to the Maldives for a beach holiday at any time of the year, but swimming may be an obstacle rainy weather and monsoons, provoking high waves. This means that it is advisable to go here in December-April, when the least precipitation falls on the archipelago. At this time, lagoons with sky-blue water, snow-white sands and hammocks installed between coconut palms will await you.

Do you want to relax on best beaches? Head to Biyadhoo, Maadhoo, Fihalhohi, Chaaya Dhonveli, Oe Dhuni Finolhu, Male, Kaani Maafushi.


The diving season in the Indian Ocean lasts from January to April.

If you decide to go diving in the Maldives, you will... right choice, because here you will be able to see beautiful underwater coral gardens, underwater grottoes and caves, the remains of sunken ships, various representatives marine fauna, strange fish (more than 1000 species). In addition, here you will be offered to go on a diving safari - a yacht cruise awaits you, during which you can move from one best dive site to another.

Surfing and windsurfing

Almost all Maldivian beaches have specialized schools, but for surfing it is advisable to give preference to the northern and southern atolls of Male.

The surf season starts in February, when light winds blow on the islands, which is especially important for beginner surfers. As for experienced surfers, it is better for them to come here in May-August - at this time the southwest monsoon is raging in the Maldives, causing tropical storms.

The Maldives does not boast spectacular architecture and notable historical monuments, but there are excellent conditions for lazy relaxation in the ambiance of a tropical paradise.

Maldives- an extraordinary place that many travelers associate with a fabulous paradise for lovers. The coast of this island is different special beauty, sophistication and comfort, as well as excellent service and developed infrastructure. For those who want to get to the Maldives, the weather by month will help them understand when is the best time to go.

Climate in the Maldives

The Maldives are a group of atolls located in the Indian Ocean. In the southern part of the island they intersect with the equator, so the climate in this region subequatorial.

The weather is directly influenced by monsoons, which bring humid air from the ocean or dry air from the land.

Southwestern Monsoon Hulhangu blows mainly in summer time, bringing with him to the islands high humidity, stuffiness, and also high temperature air. The rest of the time, Iruvai predominates at the resorts - northeast monsoon, bringing fairly comfortable weather from the expanses of the Eurasian continent.

Weather by month

Tourists choose the Maldives for their holidays for many reasons, one of which is the favorable climate. The coastline is warm and warm all year round. sunny weather, and the rains - very rare . Thanks to subtropical climate and proximity to the equator, even the slightest temperature changes at the resort are almost not felt.

in winter

  • December– the beginning of the high season in the Maldives. During this period, the weather at the resorts is dry, warm and sunny, and the Indian Ocean off the coast is completely calm. It’s warm outside, but not hot – the air temperature warms up to +27°C in the morning. This weather lasts until the evening, until the thermometer drops to +23 degrees. The ocean water is warm and ideal for swimming. All month it will warm up to +25 degrees.
  • IN January weather become even more beautiful than in the previous month, so tourists from all over the world come to the islands to spend their holidays here. New Year holidays. In the sky with early morning the sun burns brightly, creating comfortable conditions for a beach holiday. The air warms up to +29°C, and at night it cools down to +25°C. The water in the ocean is consistently warm, its temperature is +25 degrees.
  • Weather conditions in February not much different from previous months. The abundance of clear days, as well as the absence of strong gusts of wind and rain, is perfect not only for swimming and sunbathing, but also for sinking to the bottom of the ocean. Air and water temperatures remain unchanged– +28°C and +25 degrees, respectively.

The water is incredibly clear, making it ideal for diving and snorkeling.

Since the Maldives is an archipelago consisting of approximately 1,200 islands (only 100 of them are accessible to tourists), the weather on some of them is not very is different. For example, the air temperature in December in the southern corner of the Maldives warms up to +30 degrees, but the heat is still not felt, since the northeast monsoon softens it.

in spring

    Together with March The heat is coming to the Maldives. In the first half of the month there is still enough on the islands comfortable weather. The air temperature during the daytime is +30°C, and the water temperature is +28 degrees.


    You can diversify your holiday in the Maldives with fishing - a decent catch is guaranteed from September to May. In the waters Indian Ocean there are a variety of different types fish, but to go fishing you have to rent dhoni or yacht. The fact is that coastal fishing and spearfishing are prohibited on the islands.

    These islands always have wonderful weather, and the abundance of a wide variety of entertainment makes your vacation even more interesting and exciting.

    No weather conditions will interfere fabulous holiday in the Maldives.

    Watch a specialist's review of the seasons in the Maldives in this video:

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    Republic of Maldives - equatorial country with a tropical climate. Therefore, there is no question of when to go to the Maldives - you can fly to the Maldives at any time of the year. Whenever you arrive here, the air temperature will remain at +28-30 ºC.

    And although there are no sharp climatic changes, there are still some seasonal features. From mid-April and until approximately October-November, the southwest monsoon dominates the territory, which raises sea ​​waves and refreshes the air with frequent rains. This period is considered low season in the Maldives. The dry season begins, respectively, in November, when the northeast monsoon arrives in the country, and lasts until April. Moreover, from January to April, the already clear sea is considered the most transparent. This is the high season in the Maldives, when tourists flock for diving. The sun shines 12 hours a day at this time, rising at 6:00 and falling at 18:00.

    It is also worth considering some weather features individual months of the year. For example, December is usually very windy and rains more often than other months of the dry season. The weather is also unstable in May and June. When deciding when is the best time to go to the Maldives for diving, you should immediately abandon October and November.

    At this time, gathering near the shores a large number of plankton, so visibility in the water is not the same as at other times. Although for beach lovers this is the best time to fly to the Maldives. At night, glowing plankton gives the beaches a particularly magical look, and in the evening you can touch the stingrays feasting near the shore, which appear here for the sake of plankton.

    Holidays in the Maldives in winter

    Winter is considered one of the driest seasons on the islands. But from the big picture sunny days December is knocking out. If the beginning of the month is still relatively dry, then from the middle to the end there may be sudden, prolonged downpours. Although the rest of the weather in the Maldives in winter promises a holiday of warm days with temperatures slightly above +30 º C during the day and about +25 º C at night. Ocean water is traditionally warm and usually does not cool below +25 ºC.

    Despite the unstable weather, people go to the islands in December to celebrate New Year in an unusually warm atmosphere in every sense. Moreover, at the beginning of January the winds begin to gradually subside, and rains occur less and less often. By the beginning of February, ideal weather for a beach holiday sets in in the Maldives: no strong winds, maximum amount sunny days and crystal clear waters of the Indian Ocean. It doesn’t matter where you decide to spend your holiday: in North Male, Haa Alif, Nunu or on some other atoll - your holiday is guaranteed to be sunny. Winter on the islands is a time for lovers and lovers of noisy holidays.

    Read also:

    Holidays in the Maldives in spring

    Spring is the last chance to get to the resorts of the Maldives on sunny days, when the holiday is not overshadowed by rain and strong winds. Although the weather in the Maldives in spring is very changeable. Even during this month, you can get into a rainy streak, or you can catch a week of sunny days. As a rule, the best time to relax is the second ten days of the month. At this time there is a greater chance of catching the maximum number of sunny days.

    However, we must take into account that April is considered the hottest month not only of spring, but of the entire year. The air temperature at this time can reach +27-32ºС, and frequent rains increase humidity levels. Towards the end of spring, the winds become stronger, so the possibilities of the already small number of excursions and water activities are limited.

    Although this particular period is the time when it is better to relax in the Maldives for the purpose of surfing. At this time, surfers are literally besieging North Male, South Male and a number of other atolls in the country. In addition, prices for tours during this period begin to fall noticeably.

    Read also:

    Holidays in the Maldives in summer

    Despite the fact that you can bask on the Maldives beaches all year round, summer is considered the low season on the islands. And all thanks to the period of tropical rains, which begin in May and last until September. Although the weather in the Maldives in summer is traditionally heavenly - +28-30°C with the same warm ocean waters (+27°C).

    There is no need to be afraid of tropical downpours - they are rarely prolonged. The main problem with such weather is strong winds. The southwest monsoon gains full strength from about mid-July and rages until about mid-August. At this time, high waves rise off the coast, in which even experienced swimmers sometimes do not risk swimming. The same applies to divers, for whom choppy ocean waters are far from the best diving environment. The only ones who make you happy big waves- professional surfers. Beginners are afraid to practice in such conditions, but for professionals it is best time hone your skills.

    But if the very fact of being in the Maldives is important to you, and the number of sunny days on vacation is not important, summer is the only chance to get unusually cheaply to one of the country’s atolls: Lhaviyani, Raa, Baa, Ari, Dhaalu, Faafu and others. IN low season tours on them are sold at about one and a half times cheaper. Sometimes you can get promotional offers and purchase a full tour package for the price of an air ticket or even lower.


    The Maldives is a good choice for a holiday at any time of the year, because it is always warm here. But there is a certain seasonality. It all depends on what you are going to do on vacation.

    High season in the Maldives

    This period falls on December-March; the islands are dry and relatively crowded at this time. Most tourists try to get to the Maldives during this season. It also covers the Christmas holidays. The Maldivian state does not suffer from a lack of tourists even during the May holidays. IN holiday time the cost of vacation increases to 30-50 percent. The Maldives is especially loved by Italians, Germans, British, Chinese and Russians. At the same time, the probability of meeting a compatriot is not so small.

    Holidays in high season

    Low season in the Maldives

    This is the name of the time when tropical showers dominate the islands. It falls between May and October. This does not mean at all that it becomes cold at this time - the water temperature rarely drops below 27 degrees throughout the year, and the air warms up to 28-30 degrees, so it is comfortable to relax at any time of the year. The rain passes quickly, and the only thing that can cause any inconvenience is strong waves and wind. The greatest probability of stumbling upon money with such weather is July-early August. If you are still planning a low-season vacation to the Maldives, then it is better to pay attention to May, September or October. This time is great for thrifty tourists, because travel agencies offer hot tours for this period at 1.5 times cheaper.

    Beach season in the Maldives

    Are you wondering what time of year is the season for lying on the beach and swimming in the Maldives? This is an empty exercise, because the islands are ready to welcome guests to their hammocks between coconut palms all year round. The temperature difference between summer and winter is 2-3 degrees. As mentioned earlier, the only obstacle is short-term rains and high waves. If we talk about the best time for a beach holiday in the Maldives, then this is the period from December to March-April.

    Beach holiday in the Maldives

    Windsurfing season in the Maldives

    The Maldives is the perfect place to study aquatic species sports Windsurfing is one of them. Both beginners and professionals will find themselves here. Almost every beach has its own windsurfing school, but the best places for this sport are the northern and southern atolls of Male. If the purpose of your trip is windsurfing, then you need waves. For beginner surfers, it is better to choose February for a trip, then the season is just opening and the waves are weak. But experienced surfers will appreciate the powerful waves in June-August - at this time the southwest monsoon rages on the islands, causing powerful tropical storms. But in September and October the elements remain behind, but the waves remain strong for some time. In November the season comes to an end.

    Windsurfing in the Maldives

    Diving season in the Maldives

    Diving is another popular activity in the Maldives. Each island has its own centers ready to organize an underwater adventure for you. It should be borne in mind that diving in the Maldives in the summer is a controversial idea, because at this time the sea is too choppy. This trend continues until September. October is frustrating with poor visibility due to large accumulations of plankton. But from January to April is a favorable period. The weather at this time is calm and visibility is good.

    Diving in the Maldives

    Fishing season in the Maldives

    Yes, there was also a place for fishing among the Maldives entertainment program. And the best catch occurs in September-May.

    Season of holidays and festivals in the Maldives

    The holiday program primarily includes Islamic holidays, which are celebrated according to the Muslim calendar. Among others, we can highlight Independence Day on July 26-27, Republic Day on November 11, Catholic Christmas on December 25 and New Year on January 1.

    Fishing in the Maldives

    Holidays in the Maldives are everyone's dream. Almost 700 thousand tourists bring it to life every year. After all, there is everything here to have a perfect vacation: clean white sand beaches, cloudless, blue sky, crystal pure water. And of course tropical climate. The only thing that can overshadow the trip is unfavorable weather. Unfortunately, even on these paradise islands, she can be picky. Therefore, when planning a trip, it would be a good idea to ask when is the best time to go to the Maldives.

    To enjoy your holiday, it is best to book a tour to these magical islands during the peak season. Traditionally, this is mid-March or mid-December. At this time, the dry northeast monsoon prevails on the island. It promotes cloudless weather, hot days and warm nights.

    The islanders themselves claim that April is the most hot month. But December is called the coldest. But even during this period, the air warms up enough to feel comfortable. The time from December to April is considered the dry season. However, during this period, tsunamis are possible.

    According to statistics As for tour operators, the rush for trips to the Maldives begins from November to April. The cost of trips during these months increases significantly. And from May to October, the price of the tour will be more reasonable, since the demand for tours drops several times. The reason for this is the high probability of precipitation, both in the form of rain and downpours. And their duration is quite difficult to predict. The disaster can last from several hours to a week. But, this is just a “probability”. In a word, you can fly to the islands at this time “at your own peril and risk.”

    So, when is the best time to go to the Maldives? AND local residents, And seasoned tourists, it is definitely recommended to do this during the dry season. At this time you can enjoy both diving and the beach. The “wet period” ends at the end of November. It was from this moment that drought reigned in the Maldives. It usually lasts until the end of March. weather in the Velvet season, amazing: the water temperature never drops below 25 degrees, and sunlight caresses with its warmth for 8 hours a day. A great alternative to our frosts, isn't it?

    Before planning holiday in the Maldives, you should take into account the nuance. It's quite difficult to book a hotel room during the Christmas holidays, New Year's holidays, as well as in August. In addition, the cost of a trip during a given period of time will be much higher than during the rest of the time.

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