
  • Division: Basidiomycota (Basidiomycetes)
  • Subdivision: Agaricomycotina (Agaricomycetes)
  • Class: Agaricomycetes (Agaricomycetes)
  • Subclass: Agaricomycetidae (Agaricomycetes)
  • Order: Agaricales (Agaric or Lamellar)
  • Family: Coprinaceae
  • Genus: Coprinus (Dung beetle or Koprinus)
  • View: Coprinus comatus (White dung beetle)
    Other names for the mushroom:

Ink mushroom

(lat. Coprinus comatus) - a mushroom of the genus Dungweed (lat. Coprinus) of the Dungweed family.

Height 5-12 cm, shaggy, white, first fusiform, then bell-shaped, practically does not straighten out. There is usually a darker bump in the center of the cap, which, like the captain, is the last to disappear when the mushroom cap goes into ink. The smell and taste are pleasant.


Frequent, free, white, turn pink with age, then turn black and turn into “ink”, which is typical for almost everyone.

Spore powder:

Length up to 15 cm, thickness 1-2 cm, white, hollow, fibrous, relatively thin, with a white movable ring (not always clearly visible).

The white dung beetle is found from May to autumn, sometimes in enchanting quantities, in fields, vegetable gardens, orchards, lawns, in garbage dumps, landfills, manure heaps, and also along roads. Occasionally found in the forest.

Similar species:
The white dung beetle (Coprinus comatus) is almost impossible to confuse with anything else.

Great mushroom. It should, however, be remembered that you can only collect mushrooms that have not yet begun to fulfill their Great Mission - to self-digest, to turn into ink. The plates must be white. True, nowhere is it said what will happen if you eat (eat, as they say in special publications) a dung beetle that has already started the autolysis process. However, there are hardly anyone willing to do so. It is believed that the white dung beetle is edible only in at a young age, before the start of staining the plates, no later than two days after it emerged from the soil. It is necessary to process it no later than 1-2 hours after collection, since the autolysis reaction continues even in frozen mushrooms. It is recommended to pre-boil it as conditionally edible, although there are claims that the mushroom is edible even in its raw form. It is also not recommended to mix dung beetles with other mushrooms.

It is also necessary to note that, according to scientific data, cesspool saprophytes like dung beetles with particular enthusiasm pull all sorts of harmful products from the soil human activity. Therefore, dung beetles cannot be collected in the city, as well as near highways.

By the way, it was previously believed that Coprinus comatus contains substances that are incompatible with alcohol, and therefore is in some sense poisonous (although, for that matter, it is the alcohol itself that is poisonous, not the mushroom). It is now quite obvious that this is not so, although sometimes this old misconception pops up in the literature. Behind healthy image life is advocated by many other dung beetles, for example, or, although this is not certain. But the White Dung Beetle, fortunately or unfortunately, lacks this property. That's for sure.

I have many childhood memories associated with the dung beetle. In the second grade, in the fall, I somehow unexpectedly became a great enthusiast of “urban mushrooms”, spending whole days in search of dung beetles and. I knew all the yards in my neighborhood, I had many volunteer helpers. Of course, they laughed at me, but for some reason they willingly helped me.

At home my inclinations found full support. Oddly enough, in terms of mushrooms they completely trusted me even then, and every autumn for several years in a row dung beetles and, less often, champignons appeared on our table. Dung beetles stewed in sour cream and cheese on top - it’s impossible to forget. I absolutely don’t remember how I started collecting them and why I stopped, but dung beetles in sour cream...

White dung beetle is a mushroom belonging to the dung beetle family. These mushrooms are also called shaggy dung mushrooms and inky porcini mushrooms.

The Latin name for this mushroom is Coprinus comatus.

White dung beetles are edible only at a young age, while their plates are not yet colored.

Description of the white dung beetle

The diameter of the cap of the white dung beetle ranges from 5 to 10 centimeters. hat white, shaggy, its shape is spindle-shaped at first, but over time it becomes bell-shaped. In the central part of the cap there is a darker tubercle.

The plates are often white; with age they turn pink, then completely disappear and turn into “ink,” which happens in almost all dung beetles. The pulp is white, the taste of the pulp is pleasant, without any special taste. The consistency of the pulp is delicate. The spores are ellipsoidal in shape. Black spore powder.

The length of the leg reaches 15 centimeters, and the thickness is 1-2 centimeters. The leg is hollow, white, rather thin with a fibrous structure. There is a white movable ring on the leg, which may not always be clearly visible.

White dung beetle habitats

The harvest season is from summer to autumn. Sometimes they can be found in huge quantities. White dung beetles can be found in fields, orchards, orchards, along roads and in landfills. These mushrooms are rarely found in the forest.

Similarities of the inky porcini mushroom

White dung beetle is almost impossible to confuse with any other mushroom.

Edibility of the shaggy dung beetle

This is an excellent edible mushroom, but only specimens that have not yet begun to self-digest, that is, turn into ink, are suitable for collecting. To do this, pay attention to the plates - they must be white.

The literature does not indicate what can happen if you eat a dung beetle in which the autolysis process has already begun, but it is unlikely that there will be such people willing to do so. Dung beetles that emerge from the soil no later than 2 days later are collected. Mushrooms should be processed 1-2 hours after collection. Even when mushrooms are frozen, the autolysis process continues.

It is worth knowing that dung beetles attract various harmful products from the soil, so you cannot collect mushrooms in cities and near roads.

Similar species useful for alcoholism

Gray dung beetles are a related species of white dung beetle. They have long been used against alcoholism, widely used in folk medicine. The substance coprine was isolated from these mushrooms, and synthetic analogues were obtained from it, used for the manufacture of anti-alcohol drugs. Coprin helps stop the process of decomposition of ethyl alcohol to water and carbon dioxide. If a person drinks alcohol after using the drug, severe intoxication occurs. This condition is accompanied by severe pain, nausea, flushing of the face, weakness, tachycardia, and decreased blood pressure.

As a result, a person develops a conditioned reflex reaction to the taste of alcohol. The effect of coprine-based tablets lasts 48 hours. These drugs can be used in the form of implants, which create a constant concentration of this substance in the body.

Young dung beetles are white and mature mushrooms that have undergone autolysis have a black cap.

In addition, polysaccharides are isolated from gray dung beetle, which have high antitumor activity and can suppress the development of sarcoma. And the extract from the fruiting bodies of the mushroom has an antifungal effect.

The dung beetle mushroom (coprinus) is a genus of mushrooms of the champignon family. It has been known since the 18th century, although it was identified as an independent genus only at the beginning of the 20th century. Currently, dung beetle is a mushroom that has about 25 species. Most of them are inedible due to the practically absent pulp; other types of coprinus are poisonous.

Cut at a young age edible species are a wonderful delicacy. It is worth noting that culinary specialists in some countries (Czech Republic, France, Finland) consider dung beetle to be a delicacy. It is necessary to first study the features and properties before trying to cook it yourself.

In addition, the dung mushroom is used in folk medicine for alcoholism; reviews about this can be read below. It is unacceptable to drink strong drinks along with it - such a combination can result in severe food poisoning.


Belongs to the cap-footed species. Moreover, they have an elongated central leg. The hat has a convex bell-shaped shape; it almost never opens flat. The surface of the cap is smooth, bare, covered with a coating in the form of flakes or scales. The pulp is so thin that, due to its absence, most types of mushroom are considered inedible.

Dung beetle is a mushroom with an elongated, cylindrical stalk. It is often hollow and smooth with fibrous flesh. Wide, frequent and thin plates in early age they then turn pink (yellow), while in older mushrooms they turn black or brown.

The fruiting season for Coprinus is May-October.

White dung beetle

The second name is shaggy dung beetle. It is distinguished by its attractiveness due to its “fringe” - the abundant snow-white scales covering its cap. Its shape is bell-shaped, it can reach a height of 15 cm with a diameter of 10 cm. Its color is white, then takes on brownish or gray shades with a brownish dark middle. The surface of the cap feels silky to the touch until fully ripe, after which it turns into a black paste with spores protruding from it.

White dung beetle is a mushroom whose flesh is tender and white, it has no taste or smell, and does not secrete juice. It is also worth noting that its stem can reach a height of 35 cm. The remains of the mushroom’s covering are interesting: it is a white, filmy and incredibly delicate ring.

Gray dung beetle

Other names: dung beetle mushroom. It differs from its white relative external color, as well as the absence of lace veils: its cap is gray with a compacted brown tint, up to 10 cm in diameter, ovoid at the beginning of growth and bell-shaped in a mature individual. The cap is covered with scales of the same gray color.

The gray dung beetle is a mushroom that has wide plates (they are white in a young individual and black in a mature one). The leg reaches 20 cm in height with a thickness of 2 cm, it is white, smooth, and sometimes bends as it grows. In a young mushroom you can see a small centric white ring that disappears as it grows. The gray dung beetle has white flesh and a pleasantly sweet taste. The spores are ellipsoidal in shape, the spore powder is black. Ink mushroom grows in groups on humus-rich and moist soils in parks, squares, in compost and garbage heaps or in vegetable gardens, in addition, on rotting wood in clearings, in forests, etc.

Common dung beetle

Visually, it is very different from its gray and white relatives: its cap reaches 3 cm in diameter, at first has a shaggy surface and a cylindrical shape, then becomes broadly bell-shaped, with ribbing or “wrinkling” (cracks or folds emanating from the center), covered with white flakes . When ripe, the cap bends, turning black, and then decomposes.

Common dung beetle is a mushroom whose plates are initially white, then darken to black. It is worth noting that the leg reaches a length of 10 cm with a width of up to 0.5 cm. It is smooth, hollow, with a small thickening at the base.


The dung beetle, the photo of which is presented in this article, can be eaten at a young age. The main indicator of individuals suitable for collection is the milky-white hue of their plates. If they have even the slightest tint (ocher or pinkish), the mushroom is no longer edible.

They must be thermally treated within an hour after collection, since even cut dung beetles continue the aging process and can self-dissolve, turning into a dark pulp as a result of autolysis.

Interestingly, drying dung beetles is more reminiscent of frying: the mushrooms are placed in a frying pan and fried over low heat until all the liquid has evaporated, only after which you can start cooking them.

Mushroom pulp is suitable for any cooking method: frying, boiling, drying or pickling. The pulp of dung beetles remaining after drying must be ground in a coffee grinder. The resulting powder can be added to food, with the recommended dose being 2 grams every 2 days. It is not recommended to mix coprinuses with other mushrooms.

Dung beetle from alcohol

Coprinus is a very effective and powerful remedy against alcoholism. Our great-grandmothers once used it. Currently, medicine has officially recognized that the dung mushroom helps to get rid of alcoholism. Today it is the basis of some treatments for this addiction.

To cook this effective remedy, they collect young mushrooms that have not yet fully blossomed. Next, they need to be cooked as quickly as possible, since freshly picked mushrooms appearance they lose very quickly, becoming an inky-colored mush.

How to cook?

Dung beetle for alcoholism is prepared in 2 ways: for immediate use and for future use.

First recipe

Coprinus has a very subtle and pleasant taste and, when cooked, is a bit like champignons. People who do not plan to drink alcohol can eat mushrooms without any fear and in unlimited quantities.

Second recipe

  1. Place the pulp of finely chopped mushrooms in a large shallow frying pan.
  2. Fry over low heat until the water evaporates, stirring all the time.
  3. Dry the finished mass, then grind it into powder in a coffee grinder.

This powder is added to the drink or food of a person who drinks alcoholic beverages.

How does it work?

Its action is due to the toxic substance contained in it, which oxidizes the alcohol that enters the body. The substance, dissolving in alcohol, penetrates the blood, then the liver, thereby causing signs of serious poisoning.

The mushroom is absolutely harmless without combining it with alcohol. But if you eat mushrooms and drink alcohol after a while, serious consequences will appear:

  • the main part of the body is covered with purple spots;
  • the face turns very red (even turns purple);
  • earlobes and the tip of the nose turn pale;
  • fever appears;
  • the pulse quickens and the heart starts beating;
  • there is a very strong thirst;
  • vision is impaired;
  • vomiting appears;
  • speech worsens.

Of course, these symptoms disappear without a trace after a while, but if you drink the glass again, they will return with new strength. At the same time, the alcoholic attributes such terrible consequences to the action of alcohol, and this forever discourages his craving for drinking.

It is worth noting that the dung beetle mushroom acts against alcoholism for several days after its use, therefore, an alcoholic is unlikely to associate it with his current state. But in order to completely lull his vigilance, they mainly use the mushroom in powder, adding it to food.


The dung mushroom, a photo of which is presented in this article, is used in the fight against drunkenness according to 2 schemes: regular (2 weeks) and long-term (3 months), if the drinking experience is very long. Most often, treatment is carried out unnoticed by the patient so that he does not suspect something is wrong.

The mushroom is added to the food of an alcoholic once every 2 days, 2 g each. At the same time, the drinker cannot be denied drinking alcohol; rather, on the contrary, offer him a glass voluntarily.

If the required effect is absent, it is necessary to increase the dosage of the powder to 5 g. After a couple of weeks, mortally frightened by his reactions to vodka, the alcoholic completely refuses to use it.

At complete passage course, a person will feel unpleasant symptoms every time he tries alcohol, even without the use of mushrooms.

Dung mushroom: reviews

Every second resident of our country has encountered such a phenomenon as a drinking relative. And, to be honest, this brings joy to few people. Therefore, people use different ways deliver a person from this addiction. Today you can find many reviews about the use of dung beetle to combat alcoholism. Many people are happy to say that a drinker loses his craving for alcohol, because he immediately experiences very unpleasant consequences from this. From negative reviews It can be noted that mushrooms are very difficult to prepare - they require instant cooking, otherwise they simply disappear.

The dung beetle is one of the edible mushrooms which should not be ignored. It is tasty, nutritious and can wean you off bad tendencies. The dung beetle has only one drawback: this mushroom is very similar to a toadstool.

These are amazing mushrooms and dung beetles. They can grow in the most unexpected places: in vegetable gardens, lawns near houses, in pastures, barnyards, garbage heaps, in city squares and near multi-story buildings. The land would be manured and fertile. Landscapers do not like them - dung beetles spoil flower beds and lawns. The janitors don't like these mushrooms either. Due to autolysis. This is when the fungal cells decompose on their own. There was a mushroom, someone kicked it onto the sidewalk, and soon all that was left of the “ink” mushroom was a disgusting black pile. The public is not happy with dung beetles either. You look at these mushrooms and you don’t want to pick them up. Even strong young mushrooms with a white or gray ovoid bell-shaped cap, decorated with scales or flakes. There are no old mushrooms, since the life of dung beetles is short. The white scales turned pink, turned black and spread into a sticky liquid. There are even dung beetles that live only one day.

White dung beetle

The white dung beetle is more common than other dung beetles. Usually in groups, in August - October, less often in mid-summer. Perhaps he has the most pleasant appearance among dung beetles. This species is also called the shaggy dung beetle. Its light cap, which is first ovoid in shape and then becomes bell-like up to 10 cm in diameter, is covered with peeling scales. This is a lamellar mushroom. The plates are white at first, pinkish along the lower edge. Then they turn very pink and black. The long (10 - 20 cm) thin (1.5 - 2.5 cm) hollow leg has a thickened base with a movable ring. In adult mushrooms it disappears. The pulp of white dung beetle smells pleasant. Some gourmets find the taste of this mushroom wonderful, although according to official data, the “ink” (“tar”) mushroom only belongs to the 4th category. The white dung beetle is edible when it is young.

The white dung beetle can be confused with the young motley dung beetle. The adult motley dung beetle has brown and dark brown spots all over its cap. This mushroom has an unpleasant smell, and it most often grows under beech trees.

Gray dung beetle

The cap of the newly emerged gray dung beetle is ovoid, then it opens and takes the shape of a bell with a diameter of 5 - 10 cm. It is gray with small brown scales. The plates are white, then quickly turn pink, and then turn black. The hollow white leg (5 - 15 cm high) has a thickened cushion at the bottom. This mushroom is edible only a few hours from the moment of collection. Long-term storage he can't stand it. People who have taken alcohol should not even try dishes with gray dung beetle, otherwise they will experience all the signs of serious poisoning: nausea and vomiting. Gray dung beetle (to a lesser extent and other dung beetles) for the sober public only. This type is popular in some European countries. Its taste is pleasant, although the smell is weaker than that of white dung beetle. More common in September - October.

Dung beetle flickering

The shimmering dung beetle (mica) has beautiful name and the appearance of a typical toadstool. It has a small (1 - 4 cm) gray-brown silky hat in the shape of a skirt with an uneven edge. Small scales turned into plaque. The leg (2 - 8 cm high and 0.5 - 1 cm wide) does not have a ring. IN Western Europe This species is considered a delicacy, but some reference books indicate that it is inedible. Fruits from May to September.

How to cook dung beetle?

The dung mushroom is edible only at the white plate stage. At room temperature This mushroom does not last long, so it needs to be kept in the refrigerator. Dung beetles are boiled, fried and stewed with sour cream. There is no need to add water, as the mushrooms release a lot of juice. Soup made from white dung beetles is as clear as boletus soup. Not long ago, studies were conducted confirming that dung beetles are beneficial for diabetics, as they lower blood sugar levels. Mushrooms can be prepared for future use: pickled, salted, dried and frozen. Dry them in the oven with the door ajar at an air temperature of about 45 - 50°. All attempts to dry dung beetles in the air end with the mushrooms turning into an unpleasant black mass. Frozen mushrooms are not defrosted before cooking to prevent self-dissolution.

The dung mushroom gets its name from its growing environment, where it appears in large colonies (land well fertilized with manure). Coprinus, another name for it, is conditionally edible lamellar mushroom, belongs to the Champignon family. The dung mushroom has been used for alcoholism for many centuries, proving its effectiveness. The photo shows what Coprinus looks like.

Today you can find the powder of this mushroom in almost any pharmacy chain. The price of such a drug allows anyone to purchase it. However, you should buy it only after consultation with a specialist who will help you choose the dosage and prescribe the appropriate course of treatment.

There are several types of mushroom:

  1. The white or shaggy coprinus is a bell-shaped cap with fringe. At the very beginning it is white, which over time becomes brown or gray, the middle is brown. The pulp is white, tasteless and odorless, and not juicy.
  2. Gray dung beetle (also called ink mushroom) is a gray cap with scales. The young mushroom has white plates, the old mushroom has black plates. The leg can be up to 20 cm long. The flesh is also white, but has a sweetish taste.
  3. The common coprinus has a cylinder-shaped cap that becomes bell-shaped as it matures. Then it gradually turns black and decomposes, the leg is up to 10 cm in length.

The effect of the mushroom on an alcoholic

Traditional healers have used Coprinus for many centuries as a powerful drug against cravings for alcohol. The thing is that dung mushroom and alcohol are incompatible. This allows you to achieve a lasting effect during patient therapy.

At the same time, medicine prepared from Coprinus can be given to the patient without even notifying him about it. Many people deny the problem and do not want to resort to therapy, so this point is very important. Available online and on various forums great amount positive opinions and stories about the experience of using the product in question.

Coprinus helps to overcome the craving for alcoholic drinks, and the alcoholic, in the future, always feels aversion to alcoholic products. This can be done even without his consent, simply by mixing medicinal product for him to eat.

Coprinus powder does not give any aftertaste and does not change the color or texture of food.

The dung beetle has the following effects on the body of a person addicted to the bottle:

  • reduces craving for alcoholic drinks;
  • eliminates human alcohol addiction;
  • able to stop binge drinking;
  • causes aversion to alcohol-containing products.

The mushroom is harmless to humans as long as alcohol does not enter the stomach with it. Then the substances contained in the dung beetle oxidize the alcohol component alcoholic drink, turning it into toxic substance- acetaldehyde.
Acetaldehyde formula

Serious intoxication of the body occurs and the alcohol addict experiences the following symptoms:

  • there is a feeling of heat, the face turns red (hyperemia);
  • heartbeat accelerates;
  • there is severe dizziness;
  • the patient is thirsty;
  • temporary disturbances or loss of vision occur;
  • the patient's speech becomes sluggish and incoherent;
  • signs of nausea and vomiting appear, as well as severe heartburn;
  • sometimes the patient experiences indigestion and loose stools.

If you give an alcoholic a mushroom, then, over time, he will develop a persistent aversion to alcohol due to regularly recurring painful symptoms of the disorder. The effectiveness of the course depends on the duration alcohol addiction. Sometimes, for complete failure from alcohol, the patient has to undergo an intensive course lasting several months or repeat several courses.

Collection method

The mushroom, which will help overcome drunkenness, grows on well-fertilized soil, hence the name. Before collecting it, you need to study its appearance and structure so as not to run into a toadstool, which can lead to serious poisoning and death.

First, a small white ball of earth appears, which on the second day turns into a ball large diameter, and then stretches out into a tall bell-shaped mushroom. The dung beetle leg can grow up to 35 cm. These mushrooms are distant relatives of champignons and taste a little like them. The taste is very delicate and pleasant, goes well with various products in dishes. Life cycle it is very short, so mushroom pickers, as a rule, do not collect it.

It is necessary to collect gray dung beetle, which will effectively help against alcoholism, as soon as it has grown, before the cap unfurls.

Important! On the 5th day, the mushroom cap opens, and the scales turn from gray to pink. This indicates that the mushroom has already outgrown, gained toxic substances and poses a danger to life.

It ages quickly, the plates and ring film become inky and spread into an unpleasant black puddle of spores.

Upon arrival home, the basket of mushrooms should also be sorted out. They deteriorate very quickly and if more than 2 hours have passed since collection, then it is quite possible that some of them will have to be thrown away.

Features of search

  • Need to check inner part mushroom caps, if pink is present, they will need to be thrown away.
  • Mushrooms covered with black mucus must also be destroyed.
  • The remaining ones are removed from the film and the leg is thoroughly cleaned before cooking.
  • You can grow the mushroom yourself on your own plot of land. It always appears in well-fertilized areas, so you should look for it near a manure pile or silage pit. They grow in groups of several and are often found in groups in varying degrees of growth.

Cooking methods

Among the folk recipes, there are two ways to prepare dung mushroom. In the reviews those who tried this folk method talk about good result, about preserving it for many years.

Important! Preparing a mushroom is quite simple, but it is important to start as quickly as possible after cutting the mushroom, preferably within 2-3 hours, since the product spoils very quickly.

Fried mushrooms

To prepare the dung mushroom, simply simmer the delicious caps in a hot frying pan, greased with oil, after salting them. The mushrooms are juicy, so you don’t have to add liquid to the pan. Extinguishing will take no more than 30-40 minutes and mushroom dish ready. They are served as an independent dish, fried in sour cream, and can also be used as an additive in soups, stews and other dishes.

Anyone can consume this mushroom product; it has a pleasant delicate taste, reminiscent of champignons. The dish is only incompatible with alcoholic beverages. When consumed simultaneously with alcohol, it will cause the unpleasant and painful reactions of the body described earlier.

Dried mushrooms

The second recipe against alcoholism involves drying Coprinus to obtain powder from it. Drying this mushroom is radically different from drying other mushroom crops, due to its special structure. An attempt to repeat this procedure will result in loss of product.

  • The product will take a little longer to prepare.
  • The mushrooms are finely chopped and placed in a saucepan without oil or salt. Do not remove from heat until the liquid from the mushrooms has evaporated.
  • It is important to mix the mushrooms thoroughly, repeating this action as often as possible.
  • Then the mushroom mass is allowed to cool and ground into powder.
  • The powdered composition is added, if possible, to dishes that are eaten by a person addicted to alcohol.

The powder does not change the taste and color of food and drinks, so it will be invisible to the patient whose treatment is being carried out without his knowledge.

Treatment and dosage

For the safety of the patient, the treatment schedule and the required dose should be checked with the doctor. Inconsistency and uncontrolled use of the powder can threaten the patient’s life.

There are two ways to take Coprinus:

  1. the usual course of 2 weeks;
  2. intensive course, for a period of 3 months (for people suffering from alcoholism for a long time).

It is good if a person himself is aware of his addiction and is ready to accept treatment. But, in the absence of desire, doctors still allow treatment without the knowledge of the patient. Although, of course, in the beginning it is advised to seek help from a psychotherapist.

The mushroom is taken in a dosage of 2-3 g per day (taken every two days).

After the course of treatment, the patient himself will refuse to drink alcohol, as he will not want to repeat it. negative consequences. Adverse reactions from the simultaneous use of Coprinus with alcohol are so unpleasant and even painful that the patient develops a persistent aversion to alcohol. And when symptoms recur regularly, dependence on alcohol gradually fades away.

Today, Coprinus powder can be found openly sold in almost any pharmacy. Anyone can buy dung beetle mushroom for alcoholism at a very reasonable and affordable price (about 300 rubles per pack). The finished powder should be taken similarly to the above regimen.

During treatment, the patient should not limit his consumption of alcohol. On the contrary, you can even offer the alcoholic a drink so that the effect of the drug taken comes faster.

If the medicine does not have the expected effect, the dose can be increased to 5 grams at a time. But do not exceed this maximum dosage. An overdose of the drug causes serious intoxication of the body and can lead to the death of the patient.


The Coprinus mushroom can be a good alternative to hospital treatment and expensive procedures. However, it is important to consult a doctor before use, so as not to harm the already weakened body of an alcoholic.