Message from Kryon and the Mayan Masters

about what is happening on the planet now

Greetings, Dear Ones. I Am Kryon.

Today, together with me, in this interdimensional

the natural place of our new communication

Mayan Masters, Galactic Engineers and Architects from the Sirian Mother Ship "ATON" are present.

We will talk to you about what is happening now on your planet. And about how you can survive these changes, subtly and timely harmonizing every situation on the planet. Balancing all energies.

But at the beginning, once again, about what is happening in reality. What people call disasters and tragedies is not a disaster or tragedy for the Earth. What you think needs to be prevented or corrected - the Earth thinks needs to be done now and this will change the whole situation with the spirituality and awareness of earthlings on the planet. I hope you understand what I mean now. Yes, people are dying. Yes, there is a lot of suffering. But this all speaks of the BEGINNING OF WHAT YOU'VE BEEN WAITING FOR.

This is hour "X", this is time "X" on your planet. The earth is throwing off the shields, shackles and fortresses of ignorance that have shackled it and your consciousness and existence for so long. Thousands years. What you see now in Japan is happening on the global stage of the world. The main thing is to correctly perceive what is happening.

The Earth does not consider this to be a tragedy. Do not attribute your perception of what is happening to her! Gaia has observed ignorance, ingratitude and injustice for thousands of years, and thousands of human destinies are known to her, which passed under the yoke of false reality, false knowledge and false religions. Laws imposed by creatures who created them for only one purpose - to use the energy and resources of a single human race, which was forgotten for many centuries.

I am contacting you today, not to calm you down and put you to sleep again. No!!! Do not be calm, in the sense that blind people are calm when they do not want to see, and how blind chickens are calm when they are being slaughtered. But fear is a bad travel companion. So do resistance and aggression. Embrace change and change with the world. Synchronized with your planet and the entire solar system. Changes will not stop. Gaia's waltz, which involves changing the poles, changes the entire solar system. These are the promised times! And these are your times! This is what you are here for. This is what you incarnated on Earth for during these times. Oh, how your Souls waited for them!!! We were waiting for this great boldness of freedom - TO BE ON EARTH HERE AND NOW!!! If you didn’t want it, if you were afraid of it, you might not incarnate. You had a choice.

Dance with Gaia and love her every day. Everything that is on it, because soon everything will change irreversibly. You will see a NEW PLANET, NEW LANDSCAPE, AND BREATHE NEW AIR. You will see that you have become a NEW RACE! And now it’s not someone, and somewhere – it’s YOU!! And now I’ll tell you a little about why these changes are happening and who is making them. It is you! Your consciousness. The consciousness of the Earth as a whole, including humanity, animals, plants, and everything that is on Earth, is changing, expanding and growing. This is YOUR UNITED CONSCIOUSNESS, which now causes matter, the globe, the poles and fields of the Earth to change rapidly.

You are all ONE. And soon you will wake up. These are the promised times. Greet them. Gaia will continue this dance, Gaia dances NATARAJ. She defeats the demons of illusion and the very cause of false artificial consciousness. Gaia is merciful to her children, but merciless to lies. Now she has gained freedom and gained strength. Hold on, fasten your seat belts! Gaia ascends and throws off everything that has become obsolete - all the old energies.

I've already told you and I'm telling you again -


All this will soon no longer exist on Earth. And you don't have to be around when they are destroyed.

For your information, Japan was the only manufacturer and supplier of ARTIFICIAL CONSCIOUSNESS AND MEMORY CHIPS for all states of the Earth that conducted tests on humans and used psychotronic influence and what we call “electronic warfare”.

Many victims….. You see a lot of sadness among ordinary people who didn't know about it. These people have a contract, and this is the Higher Will of the Plan of each of them. But it will be much worse for everyone if the system of a false world, built on suppressing the will and erasing the memory of people, continues to exist. But this won't happen. Gaia does not agree with this. And therefore, be prepared - it will destroy everything that does not correspond to the HIGHEST TRUTH. Not only around you, but also inside you.

And with her you will be freed. You now see a picture of the collapse of the economy of this country. Those who used this beautiful country, the energy of love and strength of this people and all the people of the planet will never again be able to restore their false art.

And all countries, all states of the Earth, which used the services of those who stood behind the scenes and produced “artificial memory” for people, have now lost access to these programs and new technologies and developments. And your states need them more and more, and these methods must be more and more sophisticated in order to keep the already almost raging consciousness of people under control. But you can’t keep an awakened genie in a bottle.

If your consciousness is awakened, despite all the tricks of the government elite and those who stand behind it, no one and nothing can stop you. For many years, your memory was erased at night. You have been intimidated for many years and have been implanted with other people's thoughts and desires for many years. Know that those Souls who made sacrifices for the salvation and liberation of the world did so in Joy. Even if we didn’t have time to realize this on Earth. You suffer with them. Cry. Let your tears wash away the blood of the world, the sacrificial blood of lambs, the innocent. And those who are suffering now and will suffer in the future. Cry in the redemption and purification of the world. Don't hide your tears - Warriors of Light. Don't hide the tears of men and women. Because I know how much it hurts. I know this with you. YOU ONE ARE A HUMAN FAMILY!

Let go in peace of those who have already left. But know this. That there is not a moment of injustice in what happened, because your entire world was unfair from beginning to end, your artificially created world without God. And without the Laws of Love and Freedom. This world has been unfair to children for centuries. To women. To the old people. To those who kept truth and love, to those who brought it to Earth. I mean now the world of technology, the world of progress, pseudosciences and false religions. A world with a distorted time matrix.

There is still so much you do not know about yourself and your true world and origin. You still don’t know so much about Love and the Earth. We simply could not convey much knowledge before. For the reason that you would not have heard them and would have absorbed them with your heart. Hallelujah! The earth is opening! And this means that hearts open, people’s consciousness opens. But now, soon, you will see and understand everything for yourself. We don't need to talk about this. You become living Witnesses of the highest Mystery. There is nothing more precious personal experience, and even the Messages of the Spirit will not replace it for you.

Now listen to what your ancient Galactic Mayan Ancestors and Engineers of the ATON Spaceship tell you:

Hello to you, Children of the Earth and the Sun! We are Maya. Your cosmic ancestors. We have come to help you make this TRANSITION. And provide support to EACH OF YOU! And to all of you in general. But first, we want to tell you little secret, regarding our prophecy for December 21, 2012. Those of you who are familiar with the ancient Mayan works know that we have not given a single inaccurate or unfulfilled prophecy. There are some that you haven't deciphered. Not completely understood. And those that are intended for TIMES BEYOND THE THRESHOLD. Why do you think our forecasts are accurate? And why are they so timely? Do you really think that we just sat in one place and saw the future? Maybe you think that's all we did?

Yes, prophecy is our art. This is how we DO TIME. But you are now ready to know that we have already taken part in each of our prophecies. Each of them has already been played as a good performance on the world stage of the Earth. This is our work - adjusting the Ray of Time and human consciousness. We have already been to the named dates and these times are programmed that way. We have invested in them certain programs of evolution and Transition. Therefore, our forecasts are accurate. We simply “MADE” them ourselves.

We participate in the non-linear order of development of all Times of the Earth AT THE SAME TIME. And if you travel back in time, you can meet our work already there - in 2012, or when it fell Tunguska meteorite, or when Atlantis sank. We will explain the meaning of this work to you a little later. So that you don’t think that the Mayans are only predicting death and destruction for you. No - we are destroyers of boundaries, especially the boundaries of the human mind and mentality, but we are CREATORS in the cosmic sense. And to be Maya is destiny. This is our Destiny.

Now you are literally hypnotized by the date 2012. The prophecy speaks of the COMPLETION OF THE TIME CYCLE. This is your TRANSITION. But it doesn’t say that one of you cannot do this before the appointed time. Nothing is closed from you anymore. In 2012, your time will end - linear, artificial, the supply of frequency to the Earth, which shaped your world, will stop. Civilization. Worldview and perception capabilities. And instantly, quantumly, a different frequency will turn on, which you have never known while incarnate.

This is the frequency of the CREATOR. Frequency of GOD. Therefore, the Earth now, before accepting these superfrequencies of true time, is spiritually and physically cleansed and prepares to accept them, undergoes the Fiery Baptism of the Earth. And each of you in this cycle is like a cell of the planet. All of you together will be able to experience these changes and accept what the evolution of Spirit, Soul and body offers you. If you do not close your consciousness, then it means that you are waltzing in a synchronous flow with Gaia and Gaia hears you because you are open. The earth will take care of you, each of you. If you trust her completely and accept irreversible changes.

You will leave your apartments, your cities and build new settlements. You will form clans and tribes and return to a natural worldview and a natural way of life. But all this not before Gaia herself lets you know that this needs to be done. Everything needs to be done in a timely manner. Here and now. But you will not return to savagery and a primitive way of life (Actually, savagery and primitiveness have never existed on Earth even among the first peoples who inhabited this planet, all this was simply imposed on you by the ignorant vision of linear science, the more ancient people you meet in time, the more wisdom and strength you will see in him).

As your system of the technoworld is turned off, your natural abilities of living cosmic consciousness for telepathy, materialization and time travel will be actively and quickly restored. But first of all, now, in order to save your life and help those around you, you must RETURN TO THE EARTH.

In a spiritual sense. You have to come back like this prodigal son returns to father and mother. You must return to her with your heart, and through the Temple of the Heart, and make sure that the Earth hears you. You must tell her:

"Mother Earth, we are your children, we remembered you and ourselves. Forgive us. We have returned to you, open the doors for us, let us into your Home. Show us your true face, take off your cover, we want to see you. Cover and protect us, give us food and shelter. We are your Children, Mother Earth - we are on the Threshold and we are with you, remember us and forgive us, and love us again, lead us"

What we give is not just words, it is a formula for your survival. But you can repeat it every day, you can even scream, but if your heart is closed to the Earth, you cannot do anything. If you want to learn how to talk to the planet, ask your child to talk to it, ask the children how they see the Spirit of their planet. And they will tell you and show you how to do it. For your wisest and most powerful ancestors are embodied in children. You are afraid for your children, you are afraid to think about what will happen to them during the Transition. It's funny, but they came to Earth to guide you through this TRANSITION. They have come because of their deep Love and care for you.

For many thousands of years, these beings have observed your paths on Earth. These are Priests, Shamans, Mages, Immortal Masters, those whom you call the Enlightened Ones. Now they have incarnated to guide you. Don't be afraid for your children - they will take care of you. And They will actually teach you to speak with Gaia. Now the Higher Hierarchy of Light is once again passing on the Torch of Earth Preservation to humanity.

And so now everything depends on you. It depends on how aware you are and how much Mother Gaia cares for you. Therefore, you will no longer say in indignation - “Why does God allow this?” or “Why doesn’t God do this for the Earth...?!!!” - now you are again the KEEPERS of the EARTH. And now GOD IT'S YOU AGAIN! And there is no one else to shift responsibility for our planet to.

This is your planet - and today our main task is to TRANSFER THIS TO YOU. Those who can hear the Earth will be able to smell the wind, the vibrations of storms and earthquakes, you will be able to “see” with skin cells, you will again learn to hear stones, understand animals and birds, and foresee floods. Soon you will have no communication except your telepathy.

What will you do then? If you again harmoniously tune your consciousnesses to your planet and again, as before, become one with it, then you will be able to understand the elements and negotiate with them. You can't just manage everything here. Everyone here is equal partners. And therefore Sorceress Earth can do EVERYTHING for you. When we first arrived on this planet, it was so unusual and unpredictable for us.

Our task was to become part of its inhabitants, part of the tribes of the Earth in order to bring Knowledge and Memory synchronous with the Higher Plan of God for the further evolution of man. But we were one of the first to arrive. Gradually, acquiring three-dimensional bodies, we began to need food and water, in conditions that protected our lives. Every evening we all gathered together by the fireplace and told each other ancient Cosmic Legends, we sang Songs, and Gaia listened to us. She sang with us. Because the first thing we did when we arrived was to establish spiritual telepathic contact with the planet. And she did it for us with great pleasure.

Sitting by the fire in the evenings, we addressed the planet with all Respect and Love for this world and for its Great Soul and we told the Earth everything we needed and everything we didn’t understand. Then we went to bed, and the spirits of the Earth came to us, Gaia taught us in a dream, and showed us how to live here on this planet, how to get our own food, what we can eat and drink, how to make dishes, what tools we need.

Gaia taught us her arts and taught us to hunt - she allowed us to survive. She also created the right climate for us when we could not protect ourselves from frost or extreme heat, she created springs for us in the deserts, and entire houses and even palaces where there were none before. Gaia - Great Sorceress. And we are living witnesses of this Magic, the mercy of your planet and Mastery.

Later, when our First Tribe on Earth was divided into many smaller tribes and we dispersed throughout the Earth in accordance with our task and the Higher Plan - we preserved the art of telepathy, despite the fact that the world was increasingly immersed in the third dimension, and we must preserve communication through dreams became increasingly more difficult. For some time we maintained contact and memory of each other, and this time on Earth was wonderful - we built our Star Cities of Memory synchronously, and left signs in all countries and on all continents - so that later, in oblivion, which we foresaw to remember our ways and our connection with each other and restore our connection with the Earth and our integral Telepathy.

Part of the First Tribe left Earth, according to the task. Part of us is you. And we encourage you to remember us now. And remember this planet. If you can restore connection with the Earth, and with all its spirits and elements, then your Transition will become a Holiday of Harmony and mutual assistance. So that you have EVERYTHING, you now need only one thing - Love for the Earth and understanding of the Mind and Spiritual Life of the Earth.

The planet is very attentive to every person. Be attentive to her too. Your spiritual connection with Mother Planet will give you food and shelter, and healing, and water, and the necessary climate in right times. You must come back again. You must again teach yourself to dream together with the planet in order to see your New level. Where you are going and who you will become, and what tools you need to get there. The treasury of Gaia will reveal everything. And a person has no greater wealth than a conscious connection with Her. For the Earth itself will lead you to the Transition and beyond.

We are waiting for you every day to return to us. So that you remember us and the Earth. The cycle of old time is ending. The world will change completely in the new frequencies of true time.

A new wave and a new cycle are coming, but this flow will no longer be functional in the 3rd dimension and on the three-dimensional Earth. So for some it's true last times on the planet. But the entire Earth is now emerging from the old, hard and thick shell, from the hyper-shell of the third dimension. A new, clean, light and shining Earth soars above the shell of ignorance and lies, and ascends like New star in the Universe.

Know that we created prophecies and a calendar not to scare you, but to help you naturally move to the rhythms and frequencies of that wave of Time, which will turn on at full power after the TRANSITION. We

We welcome everyone reading these lines, and we honor all the Children of the Earth and the Sun.

WITH Big Love, Sefera.

Family of the Golden Planet-ATLANTIS.

City of Hierarchaim.

Earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, droughts and other disasters constantly remind people that they do not have much control over the situation on Earth.

According to scientists, our planet and its inhabitants may face the most dramatic disasters, not only natural, but also social. We bring to your attention 10 versions of what will happen to us in the future.

War for resources

As industrial power and population grew developing countries The world's resources are being depleted at an accelerating pace. It is consumed no less quickly ecological resource. The developed countries, not too rich in energy resources, are striving to accelerate the search for alternative energy sources. However, experts are not sure that there will be enough renewable energy for all of humanity. In this case, we can expect a Third World War for resources or hope for a natural population decline.

Nuclear war

In the 20th century, nuclear weapons acquired the image of a deterrent. After the attacks on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, there were no more world wars. However, many fear that this powerful weapon may sooner or later backfire on humanity. In particular, nuclear missiles may shoot accidentally. There has already been a case in history when the Soviet military received a false signal about a launch. American missiles. America and the whole world were saved from a “retaliatory” strike only by the endurance of individual people. In addition, atomic bombs can fall into the hands of destructive forces such as terrorists. Therefore, many figures continue to lobby for nuclear disarmament.

Food crisis

Although the percentage of hungry people has declined over recent centuries, scientists continue to warn of the dangers of a food crisis. After all, the world's population is growing steadily, but new land for growing wheat and corn is not being added. Agricultural innovations such as GMOs may curb hunger, but experts make no guarantees.

In addition, the inhabitants of the Earth may soon face a shortage of the main product - clean water. Some regions are already experiencing such difficulties today. However, Russia, rich in all natural resources, is, of course, not one of these countries.

Meteor risk

Given Earth's rich history and the relatively large number of random debris swirling through space that threatens planets, scientists predict that Earth will be impacted by a dangerous external object within the next 100 million years. This would trigger an event comparable to the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction event 65 million years ago.

As a result, some species will undoubtedly survive, but there will likely be no mammals (including humans) left. The earth will enter a new era of complex life forms.

Movement of continents

According to some experts, over the next 50 million years, Africa (as a continent) will begin to face Southern Europe. This thesis is based on the fact that Africa has already been migrating northward over the past 40 million years.

This unpleasant event will seal the Mediterranean Sea for 100 million years and create thousands of kilometers of new mountain ranges. Australia and Antarctica are also eager to be part of this new supercontinent and will continue to move north to merge with Asia. Meanwhile, America will continue its course westward, further away from Europe and Africa, towards Asia.

In connection with these processes, one can expect the formation of a new hypercontinent. Of course dramatic changes promise people serious trials: earthquakes, droughts and much more. On the one hand, the movement of the continents should occur at an imperceptible pace, but no one can guarantee that the Earth will not decide to accelerate.

Radiation threat

Every few hundred million years, Earth must contend with rare gamma-ray bursts, streams of ultra-high energy typically emitted by supernovae. Although we experience weak gamma-ray bursts every day, an explosion occurring in the neighboring solar system has enormous and unpredictable potential.

Gamma rays can hit Earth with more energy than the Sun produced in its entire life cycle. This energy will burn up much of the Earth's ozone layer, causing radical climate change and widespread environmental damage, including mass death of all life.

Deadly global warming

The Earth could suffer from excessive warming without any greenhouse effect. Since the Sun becomes hotter as it increases in size, living organisms on our planet may simply disappear due to their proximity to the hot Sun. Some scientists warn that Earth could go the way of Venus and become a toxic desert, reaching the boiling point of many toxic metals.

Disappearance of the magnetic field

Within 2.5 billion years, the Earth's outer core will cease to be liquid and begin to freeze. As the core cools, the Earth's magnetic field will slowly decay until it ceases to exist at all. With absence magnetic field there will be nothing to protect the Earth from solar winds and earth's atmosphere will gradually lose its light compounds such as ozone. As a result, the planet will gradually turn into a pitiful remains of itself. The Earth will experience the full force of solar radiation, making it uninhabitable.

Solar System Catastrophe

Within 3 billion years, Mercury's orbit could elongate in such a way that it crosses the path of Venus. As a result, Mercury will be absorbed by the Sun or destroyed by a collision with Venus. In this case, the Earth may collide with any of the other non-gaseous planets, whose orbits will be greatly destabilized by Mercury. If somehow internal solar system remains intact, then within 5 billion years the orbit of Mars will intersect with the Earth, once again creating the possibility of disaster.

Lunar fall

The Moon constantly recedes from the Earth at a distance of 4 cm per year. However, if the Sun increases in size, it could crash the Moon directly onto the Earth. Approaching the Earth, the Moon will begin to disintegrate, as the force of gravity will exceed the force holding the satellite together. After this, it is possible that a ring of debris will form around the Earth, which will later fall to the Earth, which will be unpleasant for its inhabitants.

(Answers to “questions to environmentalists and government officials” about the environmental situation in the world, asked by Alexander Zhabsky)

Question: What is happening to our planet? What environmental diagnosis would you give her?

Answer: My answer as a scientist was formulated 25 years ago and then reflected in many of my works during this period. I will name only a few of them: “Eco-future and the survival strategy of world civilization” (1995), “Eco-future: the path to disaster or to the noosphere?” (1995), “Russia and humanity at the “pass” of History on the eve of the third millennium” (1999), “Capitalocracy” (2000), “Noospherism” (2001), “Reason and Anti-Reason” (2003), “Manifesto of the Noosphere socialism" (2001), "Confession of the last man (warning from the future)" (2011), "Capitalocratic eschatology (reasons for the possible ecological self-destruction of the capitalocracy)" (2016), "Generations of Real Reason" (2015), etc.

Humanity, in its relationship with the Biosphere and planet Earth at the turn of the 80s - 90s of the twentieth century, entered a catastrophic stage of development of the global environmental crisis (which began in the mid-twentieth century) - first phase of the Global Ecological Disaster.

My ecological-civilizational diagnosis is that the solution to global environmental problems under the conditions of a market-capitalist economic system it is impossible, which, unfortunately, neither the intellectual elite of the “green” movement (green parties in countries around the world, including Russia), nor the majority of environmental scientists understand.

Despite three conferences under the auspices of the UN on sustainable development “RIO - 1992”, “RIO+10” (Johannesburg), “RIO+20” (in 1992, 2002 and 2012), at which many documents and declarations on sustainable development were adopted , the processes of the first phase of the Global Ecological Catastrophe are rapidly increasing.

World capitalism, which exists as an imperialist-colonial system in the form of a system of world financial capitalocracy, turned into an “ecological gravedigger of humanity.”

I will give a number of assessments confirming the terrible verdict delivered by Nature to market-capitalist humanity:

  • B. Commoner, American environmental scientist (1973, “The Closing Circle”): technologies based on private property are destroying humanity’s greatest wealth - ecosystems;

  • a group of scientists led by Daly, Goodland and El-Serafi (1991, Report commissioned by the World Bank): in the earthly filled ecological niche that humanity occupies, the market as a development mechanism has exhausted itself.

Market-capitalist humanity lives in the “logic” of ecological self-destruction, and the “reason” personified by the global financial capitalocracy, as well as scientists (science), politicians, states serving its interests, has turned, in my assessment, into “Anti-Reason” ( “the mind of Capital-Fetish or Capital-Satan”), i.e. into an ecologically self-destructive “mind”, and this is not “mind”, but something polar to it, i.e. “anti-mind”.

N.A. Berdyaev expressed a harsh thought in 1918: “madness lurks in selfish interest.” Developing this idea of ​​N. A. Berdyaev, I believe that “the world of private capitalist property, the market, the “pyramid” of capitalocracy, on top of which “sits” the world financial capitalocracy, exploiting all working humanity(0.7% of the Earth’s population, personified by the global financial capitalocracy, has concentrated 45.2% of the world’s wealth in its hands; on this occasion, M. N. Milovzorova noted: “... if you add up the “elites” and their closest servants, you get 8, 1% of the population Globe, owning 84.6% of the world's wealth. And the most important thing is not even this colossal indicator, but the desire to increase it, the boundless desire to maximize profits at any cost, based on the worldview of temporary workers: “After me, there’s even a flood!”), has turned into a “world of ecological madness”, which is de facto already an “Ecological corpse”.

The imperative of survival operates as an imperative of the global anti-capitalist and noospheric socialist (at the same time!) revolution, which constitutes the content of the coming Epoch of the Great Evolutionary Turnaround. The Ecological End of the world of capitalism, the market, liberalism and liberal-capitalist parliamentarism, economic colonialism, the world of TNCs, the world of wars and violence has arrived. The salvation of humanity lies through Noospheric Ecological Spiritual Socialism and the Noospheric Breakthrough of humanity in the 21st century is called upon to be led by Russia.

Question: Is it possible in principle to create a noosphere and under what conditions? Or is this idea of ​​Vernadsky obviously unfeasible?

Answer: The question is not quite posed correctly from the standpoint of the modern development of the doctrine of the noosphere and biosphere of V.I. Vernadsky - Noospherism.

For more than 30 years now, I have been developing the doctrine of the noosphere by V.I. Vernadsky, or rather developing Noospherism as a new scientific worldview system and ideology of the 21st century, and at the same time the theory of noospheric ecological spiritual socialism (and communism in the future!) as “socialism of the 21st century” ", as well as the program of noospheric synthesis of all scientific knowledge and its transformation into a single noospheric megascience and the formation of noospheric education.

I have shown that in Russia has developed a noospheric scientific school of world significance, at the origins of which lies the scientific work of the Russian genius V. I. Vernadsky, and which is decorated with the scientific creativity of such scientists as S. N. Bulgakov, A. L. Chizhevsky, K. E. Tsiolkovsky, N. G. Kholodny, N. K. Roerich, I. A. Efremov, A. L. Yanshin , N. V. Timofeev-Resovsky, V. A. Kovda, N. N. Moiseev, P. G. Kuznetsov, V. P. Kaznacheev, N. F. Reimers, F. T. Yanshina, B. L. Lichkov , A. D. Ursul, E. A. Spirin, A. V. Trofimov, V. V. Nalimov, P. G. Oldak, P. G. Nikitenko, R. S. Karpinskaya, I. S. Liseev, E V. Girusov, V. D. Komarov, V. G. Afanasyev, G. P. Aksenov, A. G. Nazarov, M. N. Rutkevich, A. A. Yashin, V. N. Bobkov, G. M Imanov, A. A. Gorbunov, E. M. Lysenko, O. A. Ragimova, L. S. Gordina, S. I. Grigoriev, V. I. Patrushev, V. I. Onoprienko, B. S. Sokolov , V. V. Bushuev, V. S. Golubev, Yu. M. Gorsky, Yu. E. Suslov, V. A. Shamakhov, V. T. Pulyaev, V. A. Zubakov, A. E. Kulinkovich, V. Yu. Tatur, A. A. Ovseytsev, V. A. Zolotukhin, N. L. Zhdanova, S. K. Buldakov, N. P. Fetiskin, V. V. Chekmarev, V. V. Dmitriev, A. N. Dmitriev, I. F. Mingazov, A. I. Chistobaev, L. G. Tatarnikova, T. V. Karsaevskaya, N. N. Lukyanchikov, L. D. Gagut, A. I. Dzyura, V. N. Vasilenko , V. B. Samsonov, O. L. Kraeva, V. K. Baturin, A. F. Bugaev, T. A. Molodichenko, A. V. Kumanova, V. N. Turchenko, N. V. Petrov, B E. Bolshakov, O. L. Kuznetsov, L. A. Gorelikov, V. I. Franchuk, S. P. Pozdneva, R. V. Maslov, V. G. Egorkin, A. V. Lapo, A. P. Ogurtsov, K. M. Khailov, A. P. Mozelov, A. P. Fedotov and others (see. : Subetto A.I. Noospheric scientific school in Russia: results and prospects of St. Petersburg. , 2012, 76 pp.).

The noospheric scientific school in Russia gave birth to the Vernadskian scientific-paradigmatic revolution (the term “Vernadskian revolution” was proposed during the celebration of the 125th anniversary of the birth of V.I. Vernadsky in the USSR by foreign scientists M. Polunin (from Great Britain) and J. Greenewald (from Switzerland)), the result of which was the emergence of Noospherism.

Noospherism is a complex, multi-level theoretical megasystem, which includes such areas as:

  • noospheric paradigm of universal evolutionism,

  • theory of social intelligence,

  • theory of noospheric ecological and spiritual socialism,

  • concept of a scientific and educational society,

  • the concept of a single model of noospheric sustainable development in the form of controlled socio-natural evolution based on public intelligence and scientific and educational society and noospheric socialism,

  • principle of Greater Ecological-Anthropic Supplement,

  • the concept of the Law of Cooperation as the law of any progressive evolution, opposed to the Law of Competition,

  • the concept of the law of energy value as the most important law of noospheric political economy,

  • concept of noospheric economy,

  • concept of noospheric ecology,

  • theory of fundamental contradictions of man,

  • noospheric sociology,

  • noospheric human science,

  • theory of capitalocracy and global imperialism,

  • theory of noospheric socialist revolution of the 21st century,

  • concept of the Epoch of the Great Evolutionary Turnaround

In accordance with the theory of noospheric universal evolutionism, developed by me, any progressive evolution (“cone” of progressive evolution; and by “progress” is meant the growth of complexity, cooperativity of evolving systems) is subject to the action of two meta-laws:

  • the meta-law of “shift” from the dominant law of competition and the selection mechanism to the dominant law of cooperation and the mechanism of intelligence, and as a consequence, -

  • the metalaw of intellectualization or “reasoning” (this metalaw can be called the “metalaw of nooization”, from the root “noo” - mind), according to which the onset of the noospheric (cosmo-noospheric) stage in cosmic evolution, in the evolution of the Biosphere on Earth, in social evolution on Earth it is natural, just as the emergence of the human Mind, which is potentially the Biospheric, and therefore Noospheric, Mind, is natural.

Therefore, the answer to the question “Is it possible in principle to create a noosphere and under what conditions?” consists of the following provisions:

1. Transition of the Biosphere into the Noosphere with simultaneous transition social “spontaneous” history of mankind based on the dominance of the law of competition, private ownership of the means of production and capital, market and capitalism into controlled socio-natural, and therefore noospheric, evolution based on the dominance of the law of cooperation, public property on the means of production and capital, plan and noospheric ecological spiritual socialism is the only form of ecological salvation of humanity and its breakthrough to its true destiny as a collective, noospheric-cosmic Mind that appeared on Earth, ready for contact with the same noospheric-cosmic Minds, which may be far ahead of us in socio-technological progress, in other similar Earth planets in other star systems and worlds.

2. This “transition” is the Genus of the Real Mind of Humanity, the transition of the mind of both individual people, societies, and humanity as a whole from the state (quality) of “Mind-for-Itself” to the state of “Mind-for-Biosphere, Earth, Space ", and this at the same time means the elevation of the human mind through the levels of its Responsibility to the highest level of Responsibility - for the future of the entire System of Life on Earth.

"Spontaneous", in last centuries- in a market-capitalist (capitalocratic) format, history is a form of “pregnancy” of the Biosphere with the human Mind, because this “history” in its stability was carried out thanks to the powerful ascending production of negentropy in the organization of living matter of the Biosphere, i.e. the ascending production of “organization”, structure of the Biosphere (the laws of E. Bauer - V.I. Vernadsky, the law of the quantitative-compensatory function biosphere of A.L. Chizhevsky), i.e., under the protective “umbrella” of the homeostatic mechanisms of the Biosphere and planet Earth.

In the twentieth century there was an energy leap (“Big Energy Bang” in the social evolution of humanity) of ~ 10 to the 7th power on average, the combination of which with the spontaneous form of development (“ good intentions the road is paved to hell,” says a well-known proverb, or as F. M. Dostoevsky wrote in “The Diary of a Writer,” that in this spontaneous, market, based on private interest, history, the “law of distortion of generous ideas” operates and led to global ecological crisis, and then - to the first phase of the Global Ecological Catastrophe.

What is the reason? I answered this question by indicating the existence of a special type of law, which was first discovered by me in the work “The Coming Noospheric Synthesis of Science and Power” (2016, p. 17). I present this law in the following formulation:

  • the more from the side social system impact on nature in terms of its energy power, the greater the required lag for preventing the consequences of this impact, and accordingly, the more long-term it should be strategic management future on the part of this social system, and all the more knowledge-intensive such management and the power that personifies it should be.

Violation of this law is the expression of the Anti-Reason of the market-capitalist system, since profit, market, self-interest hinder the implementation of this law, the formation of a real Reason that controls socio-natural evolution and, accordingly, dynamic socio-natural harmony - and gave rise to the process of its own ecological self-destruction and after this - the process of ecological self-destruction of humanity, in the embrace of this “market-capitalist ecological gravedigger.”

That is why, as I wrote in the “Manifesto of Noospheric Socialism” in 2011, the “ghost of noospheric socialism/communism” walked across the planet.

“Generos of Real Reason”, and they are associated with noospheric education, noospheric social reorganization of society, with the creation of a controlled (at the first stage - planned-market) noospheric economy and noospheric technological basis (N. N. Moiseev wrote that the transition to the “era of the Noosphere “requires the use of the “Teacher System” as a mechanism for such a transition), - this is the main condition for the Noospheric Breakthrough of humanity in the 21st century (and its scientific foundations are formed, including in the form of Noosphere, in the form of Noospheric scientific school in Russia).

3. The third point is the need to recognize a fact that many in Russia who believed in the myth that the market, capitalism and liberal democracy are the “mainstream” of modern development will not like it, but this is a strict imperative of the logic of history of humanity in the 21st century, - that without noospheric ecological spiritual socialism, humanity does not even survive the 21st century. The danger of crossing the “point of no return” in the period 2030 - 2050. - very large. There is a forecast of a double collapse (between humanity and Nature, between the rich and poor parts of humanity) in 2025±5 (forecast by A.P. Fedorov in Globalistics for 2002).

Question: What do you consider signs of irreversible degradation of the biosphere? Are these signs already showing?

Answer: There are many of these signs. There are several hundred of them, and maybe several thousand. Of course, in terms of the level of systemicity of signal information, they form a hierarchy. The trouble with modern market-capitalist science, as well as the market-capitalist system of professionalism in general, is that the cult of “professional cretinism” (K. Marx’s concept) is thriving, which at the level of the power structures of the world’s states turns them into environmental criminals.

Encyclopedist scientists and problem-solving professionals are in the sphere of rejection. Already on lessons Chernobyl disaster its most famous liquidator, Academician V. A. Legasov, sounded the alarm that the world needs a new paradigm of professionalism - a paradigm of growing “problem-solving professionals.”

Continuing his thought, we can say: the world needs encyclopedic scientists who manage with noospheric encyclopedic knowledge, and this requires all-round development, and at an accelerated pace, of fundamental science, fundamental training at all levels of continuous education, the introduction of training for managers, designers, constructors, capable of leading the creation (and management of life cycles) complex and super complex systems.

What are the main warning signs?

1. Rapid removal of boreal forests in Russia and Canada(in the last decade - especially in Russia due to the adoption of environmentally criminal Codes on Land and Forestry, and fires in Siberia) - the only “holders” (together with the plankton of the continental waters of the world ocean, which also suffers an environmental disaster) of the Biosphere’s stability in terms of oxygen cycle.

2. Rapid rate of decline in biodiversity. Already in 1992 (June) at the UN Conference in Rio de Janeiro, a warning was sounded that biological diversity was declining at such a rate that in the next 50 years it would be reduced by 30 - 50%. In my estimation, this conclusion- the forecast as of 1992 is already an indicator of the first phase of the Global Environmental Catastrophe.

“Biogenic engineering” (designing new crops at the DNA-genetic level, cloning) is contributing to the acceleration of the decline in the biodiversity of the Biosphere, since, in my opinion, the business of transnational capital in this area, in conjunction with science, “feeding from its table,” plays into “dangerous games” for the fate of humanity and the Biosphere as a whole, since the mechanisms of population genetics and the genetics of the Biosphere, through the hierarchical chains of which control influences on the processes of DNA genetics are introduced, have not been studied by science.

We don't know them, but they work. In “Confession of the Last Man,” I described the death of humanity from the “exterminator virus,” which the Biosphere generated through controlled mutagenesis in order to remove humanity as its “cancer.”

This was my hypothesis, on the basis of which, on behalf of my hero, in 2037, when humanity disappeared on Earth, I wrote a “confession” either on behalf of the hero - Ivan Aleksandrovich Muromtsev, or on behalf of all humanity, because he turned out to be last person, in which the “universal pain” sounded the question “Why did humanity perish?”, “Why didn’t the relevant institutions help him come to his senses in time and mobilize efforts to change the way of life on Earth - states, culture, parties, religions, science, spiritual and moral systems and morality, etc.?

The biosphere has an order of magnitude great variety than social humanity as its subsystem. And, in the event of a conflict “Who will win?”, the Biosphere will win, as a system with great diversity, and it and the planet Earth, as homeostatic megasystems, can remove humanity as a threat to their existence, different ways, of which there are several dozen in their arsenal.

N. N. Moiseev once noted that humanity is faced not with inert nature, inert mass, passive matter, but with the Subject, and this Subject, in conflict with humanity, can turn into a terrible force that destroys irrational humanity.

3. Inventory reduction fresh water on the ground due to its chemical and trophic contamination. Water is the most mysterious liquid (in the temperature range of the existence of living matter in the Biosphere) mineral on Earth, the carrier of life as such, but in addition, there is a lot of evidence that water is also a mechanism of communication in the Biosphere itself and possibly the Earth as superorganisms. The science of water, including the biogeochemistry of water, is still in its infancy.

Russia has the largest reservoir of fresh, clean water - Lake Baikal (the volume of fresh water was estimated at 20%, but there is data, since at the bottom of the lake there are peculiar “corridors” going deep into the earth’s crust, this figure can increase several times), which is subject to pollution ( surface water Lake Baikal begins to “bloom”).

On Earth, almost 40% of the population is already hungry for fresh water, and at the same time, even in those countries where there is a shortage of fresh water, its pollution continues.

4. Reducing the area and fertility of the soil layer on Earth. Russia is one of the owners of one of the most large areas fertile soil cover. Of particular danger is the chemicalization of the soil layer, accompanied by the death of worms (according to some data, it will take 50 years to restore soil fertility after stopping the application of chemical fertilizers).

5. The Earth's climate enters a transitional regime. And the main thing here is not how this will turn out - warming or cooling, but that the amplitude is growing not only in the height of fluctuations in average annual temperatures, but also in shifts of cyclonic structures in the northern and southern hemispheres.

There is alarming information about a decrease in the temperature of the thermal ocean current "Gulf Stream", with its possible "bifurcation" from interaction with the cold Newfoundland Current ("echo" of an environmental disaster in Gulf of Mexico in April - August 2011, when there was a breakthrough of oil (on a drilling rig) in the ocean in the Gulf of Mexico, in such a volume that this breakthrough affected the circulation of the waters of the Gulf of Mexico).

The unfreezing of fantastically huge volumes of methane on the West Siberian Plain and on the shelf of the North Caucasus is alarming. Arctic Ocean in the area of ​​the New Siberian Islands, which can become a factor in “warming up” the Earth’s climate more powerful than the anthropogenic contribution to the increase in the share of CO 2 in the atmosphere.

6. An endo-ecological catastrophe within a monolith of intelligent living matter, personified by humanity, as an expression of the processes of the first phase of the Global Ecological Catastrophe.

This indicator is not discussed at all, but it is complex in nature. One of the signs is a drop in the “sexual fertility” of men on the planet (a decrease in sperm in the ejaculated semen during sexual intercourse) over the past 50 years by 1.5 times; increase in the number of people diagnosed with AIDS. Moreover, the signs of endoecological degradation especially affected the white race, and especially the societies of the richest countries, including the United States, in which the number of couples who are unable to give birth to a child reached 30% by the age of 25.

One of the indicators of the catastrophe is the increase (in percentage terms) of homosexuality (in the USA, France up to 10%, and this is an indicator of the catastrophe), which is, as a phenomenon, the result of the action of population genetic mechanisms, as an expression of their reaction to the “sexual revolution” , and blocking the reproductive mechanisms of such a human population.

This sign needs serious research, and it is an expression of endoecological population pathology.

Question: Can the biosphere, in principle, be saved from the destructive influence of humans on it, or is its collapse sooner or later at our hands still inevitable?

Answer: Capitalism (and the market in its system), or rather, in my opinion, global imperialism as a form of existence of the world financial capitalocracy, capitalizes and “dehumanizes” people.

And the market-capitalist, processed by the Global Capital-Megamachine has a disastrous effect on the Biosphere.(my theory of capitalocracy is presented in the books “Capitalocracy” (2000), “Global Imperialism and the Noosphere-Socialist Alternative” (2004), “Capitalocracy and Global Imperialism” (2009), “Market Genocide of Russia and the Strategy for Breaking Out of the Historical Impasse” (2013 ) and etc.), i.e., capitalized, a person who carries within himself the “gene” of Anti-Reason - a “mind” that is ecologically self-destructive.

There is a negative, market-capitalist “scenario” for the “activation” of the Principle of the Greater Ecological-Anthropic Supplement (see Subetto A.I. Noospherism, 2001, 537 pp.). Capitalist, market man, or rather the system of global financial capitalocracy, gave birth to the first phase of the Global Ecological Catastrophe, and those standing behind it, like its “shadow” - Global Spiritual, Informational, and in general- Anthropological, Catastrophes reflecting the catastrophic inadequacy of a person motivated by profit, private interest and enrichment, capital power, the world in which he lives, the Biosphere of which he is a part.

Therefore, in my assessment, the Biosphere can launch its immune mechanisms in order to get rid of such a person “dehumanized” by Capital-Satan.

And this process is underway. More and more signs are appearing that the Global Ecological Catastrophe is not only and not so much a Biosphere Catastrophe; most likely the Biosphere will survive, having lost a significant part of its species diversity due to the destructive form of human world economy, as a Catastrophe (“collapse”) ecological niche existence of humanity on Earth.

The question is posed by the Biosphere, Her Majesty Nature, before Man as the Question of the Ecological Salvation of Man from Himself, which means that following the first phase of the Global Ecological Catastrophe, the emerging Epoch of the Great Evolutionary Turn includes the Noospheric Socialist Revolution and, as its most important component, the Noospheric Human Revolution(the concept of “human revolution” was proposed back in the 70s of the twentieth century as a condition for solving global environmental problems on Earth; we can say that the “human revolution” was part of the “cultural revolution” according to V.I. Lenin, as the basic conditions for the formation of socialism in the USSR).

And this means that the question of survival is posed by Nature to Humanity sharply and imperatively: either it becomes Real Humanity, parting with the market, capitalism, private ownership of the means of production, with the “world of wars and violence”, acquiring the quality of noospheric humanity, as a collective noospheric Reason on Earth, creating socio-natural harmony on Earth on the basis of noospheric economics and technology, education and science, or as a “test creature” (the concept of F. M. Dostoevsky), it will be removed from the face of the Earth by Nature, because it did not pass the set “ecological test” "

Question: The third UN Environmental Assembly will be held in Nairobi in December 2017. Countries are invited to choose one of the topics for it:

  1. A pollution-free planet: let's achieve a detoxified world;

  2. Planet 2:0: How to prepare the planet for a 3 degree rise in temperature and a population of 9 billion;

  3. Nature for everyone: how to achieve harmony between people and the planet.

I'll just add one more time to what was said important principle, which personifies the formulated by me in Noospherism The principle of Greater Ecological-Anthropic Complement. Without solving human problems on Earth in in a broad sense, including the elimination of any forms of exploitation, the elimination of capitalocracy and private ownership of the means of production, without a transition from the current form of world capitalism - global imperialism - to Noospheric Ecological Spiritual Socialism, all “UN Ecological Assemblies” will go “in circles”, and the processes of the first phase of the Global The Ecological Catastrophe will accelerate until a huge “social explosion” occurs in some form, which could become either an acceleration of the ecological death of all people on Earth, or a Noospheric Breakthrough of humanity.

It's time to look hard "in the eyes" of that essence, which is called Ontological Truth or the Truth of History.

Her “hour” has struck, the “hour” of the Noospheric Breakthrough of humanity has struck, which, I am sure, will begin from Russia.

I consider all the remaining 38 questions to be private in relation to the first five. Their solution depends on the solution of general issues, which theoretically constitutes the essence of Noospherism.

Recently, on January 28 of this year, a Conference was held in St. Petersburg "Noospherism - a new path of development."

A book (2-volume monograph) with this title is exhibited on various websites. There are also answers to these 38 questions.

We will proceed from Lenin’s instructions: without resolving general questions and turning to specific questions, in the answers to these specific questions we will stumble upon these unresolved general questions.

A.I. Subetto

The end of the world is a popular theme in science fiction films and novels, but there are very real threats to our existence that could become reality.

Humanity could be wiped out from the face of the earth as a result of an asteroid collision or an extremely highly infectious pandemic that could destroy almost the entire population of the planet. And despite the fact that many of the apocalyptic scenarios sound a little fantastic, there are very real risks that should be feared today.

Apocalypse Now

If humanity does avoid the end of the world in the near future, be it an asteroid or a nuclear disaster, scientists still argue that people will still disappear in 500 million years, and in 6 billion years all life on planet Earth will disappear, because it is too will get very close to the Sun. Our star, which is growing and tends to turn into a red giant, will eventually practically melt the Earth.

Well, 500 million years is a long time for a species of mammals, but scientists’ assumptions often agree that the end of the species of Homo sapiens will come much sooner, through the fault of the Homo sapiens themselves.

What scientists fear most is natural disasters caused by very intense global warming. Another threat to humanity is pandemics such as swine and bird flu and Ebola. Last but not least, especially in connection with today's political tensions, it is worth mentioning the threat of nuclear war.

More distant threats to human prosperity on the planet include biological weapons, failures in geoengineering and the development of adversarial artificial intelligence.

Taking all this into account, the question arises: if the world were to end right now, what would happen to the planet without people? It will take very little time for the Earth to “reboot,” but the process will be extremely cruel.

Here is the timeline and changes that will occur on Earth if humanity disappears.

A few hours later

The planet will become dark. Electric lights will no longer illuminate the night as power plants run out of fuel. Even solar panels will quickly become covered in dust, and windmills will run out of turbine lubricant.

The only plants that will continue to operate are hydroelectric ones. Many grandiose dams will be able to operate for several months and even years.

Two or three days later

Most metro stations and tunnels will be flooded because the pumps blocking the flow of water will stop working.

Ten days later

Domestic and farm animals will die from starvation and dehydration. Animals on remote farms will be eaten by predators. At the same time, hungry dogs will form packs and hunt other animals.

A mounth later

The reactor cooling water in nuclear power plants will evaporate. This will lead to a series of nuclear disasters more destructive than Fukushima and Chernobyl. But in general, the planet will recover quite quickly and easily from radioactive contamination.

One year later

Satellites circling the Earth will begin to fall, lighting up the sky with a strange glow of “shooting stars.”

Twenty five years later

Vegetation will almost completely cover the once concrete streets and alleys of megacities. Some cities, like Dubai and Las Vegas, will be buried in the sand.

Over time, vegetation growing in cities will attract herbivores, followed by predators.

Without people, endangered animal and plant species such as whales snow leopards, tigers and others will flourish and multiply. Perhaps new species will appear.

The swamps that once covered large parts of the planet will reappear on the site of cities such as London and St. Petersburg. Nature will take its toll.

Three hundred years later

Metal buildings, bridges and towers will begin to corrode and collapse, falling to the ground and becoming covered with vegetation or submerged under water.

Ten thousand years later

The only proof of the existence of people on earth will be grandiose stone structures, such as the Egyptian pyramids, the Great Chinese Wall and Mount Rushmore.

At the very end of spring, a terrible natural disaster struck Moscow, which residents of the capital are unlikely to forget in the next few decades.

On May 29, squally winds knocked down several thousand trees and caused the death of eleven people.


The hurricane damaged 140 residential apartment buildings and one and a half thousand cars.


As it turned out later, when everyone came to their senses a little, the May storm of bad weather became the most cruel and destructive natural disaster in Moscow over the last hundred years - only the tornado of 1904 was worse.

Before the Russians had time to recover from the Moscow storm, the hurricane hit a number of other regions of the country. Just a week later, on June 6 in: due to heavy rain, the rivers overflowed their banks, streets were flooded and roads and bridges were destroyed. At the same time, in the Trans-Baikal Territory it fell large hail, and in the Komi Republic, melt water and heavy rain simply washed away the roads from the face of the region.


The worst thing is that weather forecasters promise that this is only the beginning of disasters. Hurricanes are forecast to hit all of Central Russia. At the beginning of summer, on June 2, already accustomed to bad weather Petersburg residents suffered another stress: during the day the temperature dropped to 4 degrees, and hail fell from the sky. So cold weather in the northern capital was in last time only in 1930. And then, suddenly, after such an “extreme”, the thermometer jumped to +20 in St. Petersburg.


While the Russians are trying to hide from ice hail, the Japanese are dying from the wild heat. According to Japanese media reports, over the past week, more than a thousand Japanese citizens ended up in the hospital with the same diagnosis - “heatstroke”. It's been hot in the land of the rising sun for several weeks now: thermometers show well over 40 degrees. After such an “inferno,” Japanese fire officials tell reporters, seventeen people will remain in the hospital for long-term treatment.

« The earth will fly into the celestial axis! »

So what is really going on in the world? Global warming or cooling? Or is it simply the agony of a maddened planet that cannot get rid of the “plague” of humanity? IN last decades The most widely accepted theory was global warming. It seems to be unconditionally confirmed by the fact that glaciers in the world are melting at a tremendous speed. They are even called "litmus test" climate change: after all, small fluctuations average annual temperature You and I don’t notice, but the volume of melted ice caps can be easily measured and even simply seen with the naked eye.

According to forecasts of global warming theorists, 90% of glaciers in the European Alps may disappear in the next 80 years. Moreover, due to melting arctic ice The level of the world's seas may also increase greatly. And this is fraught with flooding of some countries and serious climate changes on the planet.


Researchers see the cause of global warming as human activity. They point out that carbon dioxide, methane and other by-products of human agricultural and industrial activities create Greenhouse effect, which is why the temperature on the planet rises, and the ice runs into the ocean in streams.

"The winter is coming!"

At the same time, there are now more and more supporters of the theory global cooling. The fact that in the near future we will face cold, and not excessive anthropogenic heat, is proven by scientists from the British University of Northumbria.

Global cooling, according to their version, will occur as a result of the influence of external, rather than internal factors on the Earth’s climate. The reason will be a decrease in the activity of our luminary - the Sun. British scientists, using mathematical calculations, modeled the processes occurring on the Sun and made a forecast for the coming years.


According to scientists' predictions, in 2022 we will experience a serious drop in temperature. At this time, the Earth will move away from its star to its maximum distance, which will lead to cooling. In five years, say scientists from the University of Northumbria, our planet will enter the “Maunder minimum”, and earthlings will have to stock up on down jackets and heaters in full.

The last time a temperature decline of the level that British researchers predict for us was observed in Europe in the 17th century. The most interesting thing is that this theory does not at all contradict the latest observations of meteorologists: its supporters associate the general increase in temperature and melting of glaciers with the fact that previously the Earth was at a minimum distance from the Sun.


The fact that humanity does not have that much influence on the global climate also greatly appeals to the scandalous new US leader Donald Trump. At the beginning of the summer, he announced his country's withdrawal from Paris Agreement by climate. This agreement imposes restrictions on the countries that have signed it on the amount they emit into the atmosphere. carbon dioxide. Trump said that this agreement hinders the growth of industry in the United States, and this, in turn, takes jobs away from the people. But if British scientists are right, then the US leader has nothing to worry about - the “Maunder minimum” can neutralize the damage that the policies of an industrial magnate can cause to the planet.

When the planet is torn apart

Interestingly, the battle between supporters of global warming and global cooling could easily end in an equally global draw. There is a theory according to which periods of excessive heat are replaced by phases of cold in waves. This idea is promoted by the Russian scientist, head of the department of the Siberian Regional Scientific Research Hydrometeorological Institute Nikolai Zavalishin.

According to the meteorologist, short periods Global rises and falls in temperature have happened before. In general, they are cyclical in nature. As the scientist noted, each such cycle includes one decade of rapid global warming, followed by 40 to 50 years of cooling.


Research conducted by a Siberian meteorologist shows that the past two years - 2015 and 2016 - were the warmest in the entire history of meteorological observations. Warming should continue in the next five to six years, the scientist believes. As a result, the average air temperature will increase by 1.1 degrees.

But soon, says Nikolai Zavalishin, the warming must end. Here the Siberian agrees with the British: a phase of global cooling is coming. So, according to the Siberian theory, we still have an endless winter ahead of us.

Global warming is a myth

While most scientists blame humanity for climate change, a researcher from a Siberian institute believes that human activity does not worry the planet too much. Cycles of moderate warming and cooling, according to this version, replace each other regardless of human activity, the growth of agriculture and the scale of industry. At the same time, fluctuations in the average temperature on the planet are closely related to the Earth's albedo - the reflectivity of our planet.


The fact is that we receive all energy, in fact, from one main source - from the Sun. However, part of this energy is reflected from the earth's surface and goes into space irrevocably. The other part is absorbed and provides all living things on Earth with a happy and productive life.

But different earth surfaces absorb and reflect light differently. Clean snow can bounce back into space up to 95% solar radiation, but rich black soil absorbs the same amount.

The more snow and glaciers on the planet, the more sunlight reflected. Currently, glaciers on Earth are in a phase of active melting. However, according to Zavalishin’s theory, there is no need to worry about them - when a half-century period of cooling begins, the balance will be restored.

Which scientist should you trust? There are quite a few versions of the development of events. Some researchers even promise that in thirty years, in 2047, humanity will face an apocalypse, caused by unprecedented solar activity. For now, we have only one way to verify this statement - to personally live and see.

Margarita Zvyagintseva