Leo Antonovich Bokeria was born $ 22 $ December 1939 $ year in the small town of Ochamchira in Abkhazia.

As a student at the first medical school, Leo Bokeria showed great promise. His main teachers were Kovanov and Burakovsky. In $ 1965, Leo Bokeria received a medical degree and entered postgraduate studies at the Department of Topographic Anatomy and Operative Surgeons. After graduating in $ 1968, he got a job at the Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery. Bakulev as a researcher.

In $ 1970 $, thanks to the initiative of Bockeria, the first baro-operational room was created in Russia.

A little later, in $ 1974, after defending his Ph.D. thesis, he was appointed head of the laboratory of hyperbaric oxygenation. After receiving the title of professor $ 1977, he took the position of deputy director for science, where he worked for about twenty years, and head of the department of surgical treatment of arrhythmias. After that, in the $ 1990s, he was appointed director of the N.N. Bakuleva.

Now Leo Bokeria has many titles, including he is the chief cardiac surgeon in Russia, academician and member of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, a full member of a large number international associations surgeons, President of the All-Russian public organization"League of the nation's health".

Contribution to medicine

Bockeria always did a lot scientific activities... He set up many experiments, including on animals in a laboratory. He modeled various heart defects and studied the issues of changes in hemodynamics before and after treatment. He still operates on a huge number of patients with congenital and acquired defects of the heart and heart valves.

The large area introduced in Russia for the first time by Leo Antonovich includes treatment with hyperbaric oxygenation, not only in intensive care unit but also with transplants. He personally performed more than $ 200 of interventions in a baroperative setting.

Among the techniques that were proposed and tested by Bockeria for the first time in Russia: operations for remote control; cryoablation; photoablation with a laser, implantation of an artificial ventricle of the heart and cardioverter-defibrillators. One of his most significant achievements was the surgical treatment of cardiac arrhythmias, in particular, denervation of the heart in congenital lengthening syndrome. Q-T interval... In addition, Bockeria proposed new methods of treating coronary heart disease.

Remark 1

It should be noted that Leo Antonovich has always moved forward not just cardiac surgery, but also pediatric cardiac surgery. His patients are often newborn babies for whom the operation is vital. For the first time in the world, Bockeria used many surgical methods of treatment in children.

Bockeria, in her position in the cardiology center, not only performs up to $ 6-8 $ operations per day, but also tries to improve the quality of the center's work and patient care. So, on his initiative, a common database was developed for the entire medical institution, where medical histories and the necessary information about all incoming patients are entered, which facilitates the work of doctors and other medical staff.

In addition to the duties of the chief physician and simply a cardiac surgeon, Bokeria is also engaged in teaching. He laid the foundation for the Russian school of cardiac surgery, for a long time heads the departments of cardiovascular surgery of three Moscow educational institutions at once.

Leo Antonovich is the editor of several medical journals: "Creative Cardiology", "Children's Heart and Vascular Diseases", " Cardiovascular diseases" other.

Remark 2

On the this moment Bockeria has more than $ 2,000 in open heart surgery. During his practice, he received a considerable number of awards and orders. The most significant, he considers the Lenin Prize, received by him in $ 36 years, for research in the field of hyperbaric oxygenation and treatment in a pressure chamber.

leading cardiac surgeon, renowned scientist and organizer of medical science. Born on December 22, 1939 in the city of Ochamchira of the Abkhaz ASSR. In 1965, L.A. Bokeria graduated from the 1st Moscow Medical Institute named after I.M.Sechenov of the USSR Ministry of Health and entered the postgraduate course at the Department of Topographic Anatomy and Operative Surgery under the Academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences V.V.Kovanov. In 1968, after completing his postgraduate studies, Leo Antonovich was assigned as a senior researcher to the A.N.Bakulev Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery, with which he forever linked his life. In 1968 he defended his candidate's dissertation, in 1973 - his doctoral dissertation. 1974 to 1977 headed the laboratory of hyperbaric oxygenation. 1977 to 1993 worked as Deputy Director for Science, Head of the Department of Surgical Treatment of Heart Rhythm Disorders. In February 1994 he was elected a full member Russian Academy medical sciences... Since September 1994, Leo Antonovich Bokeria was acting, and since November 1994 - director of the N.N. A. N. Bakuleva RAMS. Since 1994, Leo Antonovich Bokeria is the Chairman of the Academic Council and the Chairman of the Dissertation Council of the N.N. A. N. Bakuleva RAMN International recognition of the works of Leo Antonovich Bokeria is his election as a full member of the American Association of Thoracic Surgeons (1991), a member of the European Society of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeons and the International Cardiothoracic Center of Monaco (1992), a member of the Serbian Academy of Sciences (1997) ), a member of the Faculties of a number of regular international conferences in France, Italy, Switzerland, a member of the editorial boards of journals in the USA, Great Britain. Leo Antonovich Bokeria repeatedly traveled abroad to perform demonstration operations and performed the first successful operations for tachyarrhythmias in Italy and Poland. Of particular note is the election of L.A. Bockeria in 1998 as an Honorary Member of the American College of Surgeons - the highest title in the surgical hierarchy. Since 2003, Leo Antonovich is a member of the Presidium (consul) of the European Society of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeons. Leo Antonovich Bokeria is the President of the Russian scientific society cardiovascular surgeons. since 1995. In this capacity, he achieved the holding of regular congresses with the wide participation of nursing personnel, young specialists in them, and attracted leading foreign surgeons to deliver lectures and demonstration operations. Leo Antonovich Bokeria - during 1993-1998. He was the chairman of the Committee of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences on antiarrhythmic implantable devices and electrophysiology, and since 1998 - director of the Center for Surgical and Interventional Arrhythmology of the Russian Federation of the Ministry of Health. In this capacity, he contributed to the creation of the most important normative documents, the creation of new types of electrostimulators, the formation of regional centers. Leo Antonovich Bokeria - Chief Editor a number of journals: Annals of Surgery, Children's Heart and Vascular Diseases, Bulletin of the N.N. A. N. Bakuleva RAMS ”,“ Cardiovascular Diseases ”,“ Creative Cardiology ”,“ Annals of Arrhythmology ”,“ Clinical Physiology of Blood Circulation ”,“ Bulletin of Lymphology ”, information collection“ Cardiovascular Surgery ”. Together with the Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.S.Saveliev L.A. Bockeria is the editor-in-chief of the journal "Breast and Cardiovascular Surgery". Also Leo Antonovich was the initiator of the creation of the popular science publication "Doctor". In June 2003, Leo Bokeria was elected President of the All-Russian public organization "League of the Health of the Nation", in the creation of which prominent scientists, literary and artistic figures, athletes, politicians, businessmen participated. The goal of the League is to achieve the creation of a model of self-development of medicine, to develop "sports for all", to strengthen the family, to disseminate the experience of a healthy and active lifestyle, to create conditions for spiritual and physical development personality, revival of national cultural traditions... Since 2003, Leo Bokeria has been a member of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences; In 2005, Leo Antonovich was elected a member Public Chamber Russian Federation under the President of Russia. From 2006 to 2009 - he was the Chairman of the Commission of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation on the formation of a healthy lifestyle. In 2010 he was elected a foreign full member - academician National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, in 2011 - Honorary Professor of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov. In 2011 he was elected an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Leo Bokeria is a famous Russian cardiac surgeon, academician. During his medical practice, he performed many heart surgeries, thus prolonging the life of patients. His views on hypertension and treatments are noteworthy.

Hypertension is a massive disease. In the initial stage, it is difficult to recognize, which aggravates the disease. According to statistics, almost 30% of the adult population suffers from hypertension. Among people of advanced age - 60%.

Leo Bokeria notes the danger of hiding the disease under the usual ailments ( headache, tinnitus, numbness of the limbs). About 67% of people with hypertension do not recognize the disease.

This is usually attributed to overwork, magnetic storms, bad dream... Most patients go to the doctor at a stage that is dangerous to their health, complicating the treatment.

According to the country's leading cardiac surgeon Leo Bokeria, in many cases, people are aware of the disease while on the operating table.

Hypertensive disease proceeds slowly, but a heart attack occurs unexpectedly. For the prevention of hypertension, it is important to take care of the blood vessels.

  • Describe the daily routine, clearly indicating the hours of rest and work.
  • Communicate more.
  • Enjoy your work.
  • The place of residence should be comfortable.
  • Thinking positively, it has a beneficial effect on the health of the body.

Leo Bokeria on cholesterol

The main cause of death in Russia is cardiovascular disease. Atherosclerosis of blood vessels and elevated level cholesterol is gradually caused bad state of health... In many cases, this leads to disability, heart attack, stroke, lethal outcome... Leo Bokeria notes that with a normal ratio of cholesterol, a person has energy, he is in a good mood.

Cholesterol is good and bad. A healthy human body contains 80% free cholesterol (produced by the body) and 20% bound (comes from food).

When this proportion is violated, cardiovascular diseases, hypertension develop, plaques form in the vessels, which inhibit blood flow. We must not forget about the genetic predisposition.

The doctor explains that if the organ does not receive required amount blood, it ceases to fulfill its function. As a result, there is an imbalance in the work of the whole organism.

Atherosclerosis affects the vessels of the heart and brain. According to Leo Bokeria, this can begin in childhood, and as a person grows up, it can progress.

Cholesterol produces vitamin D, steroid, sex hormones, protects against cancer.

With this problem, it is imperative to consult with your doctor, nutritionist. They will write down the rules of nutrition. According to Leo Boqueria, this is only half the battle. Mobility is important. Adhering to one diet, it is not easy to stop the development of atherosclerosis and arterial hypertension.

L. Bokeria focuses on physical activity, as best method prevention of blood pressure.

Risk group

People with bad habits are the first to be at risk. Alcohol and smoking are not all indicators. There are other risk factors:

  • food culture;
  • passivity of life;
  • mental and nervous reboots.

All of these points have a negative effect on the condition of the heart and blood vessels. It's important to pay attention to age. The older a person gets, the less active he is. As a result, blood circulation worsens, blood vessels age, which leads to hypertension.

It is difficult to cure hypertensive diseases. One method of dealing with hypertension is health care, the second - healthy image the patient's life. It is important to monitor your health from a young age.


A smoker with a long experience cannot be completely healed. But people need to understand that the sooner they stop smoking, the longer their life will be. Leo Bokeria says that a person is not alone in quitting smoking, but by his example he will stop another 5-6 smokers.

A heart attack occurs from vascular atherosclerosis. Blood oxygenates all organs and the brain.

Atherosclerosis, on the other hand, interferes with the circulation of blood through the vessels. The plaque formed in the vessels covers about 70% of the lumen. If there is a nervous or physical strain, there is a lack of oxygen during breathing. Many organs cease to function normally. A heart attack develops.

When smoking, the human body feels a lack of oxygen, because nicotine is inhaled. Blood circulation is impaired, leading to hypertension and cardiovascular disease.

This is not noticed at first. But later, hypertension develops, atherosclerosis progresses, the functioning of all organs is disrupted. They say that you need to stop smoking gradually. Leo Bokeria claims that this is absolute nonsense. You can quit smoking at any time. After a few days, the heavy smoker will feel better.

Leo Bokeria smoked for 20 years. He felt the difference in physical condition after smoking on himself.


In the treatment of hypertension, proper nutrition is the most important component. The initial stage of the disease is treated without the use of medications. It is enough to make adjustments to your lifestyle. If there is obesity, be sure to fight it.

Leo Boqueria prefers the diet of American astronauts. Its principles are as follows:

  • Eliminate sweets.
  • Limit the diet of bread, salt.
  • The main food is boiled meat and fish, which helps to remove fat, the food is easy to digest.
  • Give preference to fresh vegetables rather than side dishes.
  • Eat protein that will saturate the body and reduce the need for sweets.
  • Eat often, but little by little.
  • Exclude sausages, offal, lard, high-fat dairy products.
  • Drink plenty of water, sugar-free fruit juices, herbal teas.
  • Eat foods high in calcium, magnesium, potassium, vitamins A, C, E, group B, P. These substances are found in nuts, seafood, soybeans, dried fruits, bananas, apricots, buckwheat, oatmeal, carrots, parsley, eggplant, cabbage ...

Physical exercise

Physical activity is essential for human health. The mobility of young people should be high. Those who have not been friends with sports, at first, ordinary exercises of general physical fitness are suitable, but only after consulting a doctor. Strong loads are unacceptable, otherwise the body will get overwork and heart rhythm failure.

The best prevention method for hypertensive patients is walking. The vessels will be normal if you walk for at least 30 minutes. in a day.

Recommendations for the use of medications from Dr. Bokeria

For a long time, patients were recommended medications that did not help, but reduced the pressure on short period... Addiction occurs, which leads to discomfort, material costs, and a reduction in life. Science does not stand still. Scientists have developed drugs that affect the cause of the formation of hypertension. What does Leo Bokeria recommend?

Lion heart

This drug, in the form of drops, consistently demonstrates its effectiveness. It normalizes blood pressure, improves the condition of blood vessels, heart, lowers cholesterol. Interestingly, one course is enough to completely restore the cardiovascular system. IN difficult situations, it is recommended to drink 2-3 courses. Lion heart is also used for prophylaxis. As Leo Bokeria emphasizes: "Prevention is an integral part of treatment." For prophylaxis and after treatment, it is advisable to take the medicine at least once a year.

The drug has been researched and its effectiveness is known.

In 2015, Lion heart was tested on 300 volunteers. Throughout the year, they took drops. We got the following results:

  • 70% of people felt the absence of hypertension attacks on the third day of taking the drops.
  • 29% - after 30 days of admission.
  • 1% - after 6 months of admission.

An effective drug.

HERZ drops do not cause irritation or pressure surges. The pressure decreases gradually, angina pectoris, arrhythmia, neuroses go away. HERZ drops improve memory, restore speech, mobility after a stroke.

Herbal preparation, clinically tested, without side effects.


Do you know this drug? Giperuum appeared in Russia not so long ago.

This revolutionary remedy strengthens the cardiovascular system and lowers cholesterol levels. Giperium is able to restore blood vessels within 1-2 months. It was developed by the Russian professor Viktor Sukhanov.

Dr. Bokeria claims that there are no analogues in the world for this tool. Giperium has no side effects and will help prolong the life of many patients. Its action is directed at the cause of the disease. Symptoms go away within six hours. It is possible to restore vascular tone in one course of admission. The drug helps the body to cope with all stages of hypertension.

L. Bokeria says that Giperium is 12 times more effective than similar drugs. It was examined according to all medical standards, which confirmed its effectiveness.

Leo Bokeria took part in the program "Actually", where the participants are connected to a lie detector. He admitted that Viktor Sukhanov was fired from his job. Effective remedies are not profitable for pharmaceuticals. The ether was called scandalous. After this scandal, national movement Russia "Healthy population" is interested in drops of Giperium. Having teamed up with the manufacturer (SG Sukhanov Center for Cardiovascular Surgery), they began to disseminate information about the effectiveness of the drug.

For patients, the truth about hypertension and its treatments will help speed up their recovery.

Cardiac surgeon Bokeria Leo Antonovich speaks of hypertension as a symptom that is deeply embedded in the processes of the body.

During hypertension, the main thing is to stop the increase in blood pressure. Medicines will help with this, but the disease will not disappear. It is important to deal with the cause, with the factors provoking an increase in blood pressure. And here, a lot depends on a person's lifestyle and his attitude to health.

Hypertension is not a verdict, therefore, it is necessary to fight using every opportunity to improve the situation.

A world-renowned doctor, a cardiac surgeon-inventor, an organizer of medicine as a science, a teacher, academician Leo Bokeria, everyone in our country knows. He can be ranked among the narrowest circle of cardiac surgeons in the world, which uses the arsenal of heart surgeries known to all today, considering a wide variety of pathologies. Many of the operations performed by Leo Bokeria have no analogues in the world. He never completely went into administrative work, although for this the great doctor also has remarkable talent. And a great many patients who were considered inoperable by many and happy years thank Dr. Leo Bokeria.


The famous doctor was born in December 1939 in the Abkhazian city of Ochamchira. In 1965 he graduated from the best medical university in the country - the First Moscow Institute named after Sechenov and immediately entered graduate school (Department of Operative Surgery and Topographic Anatomy). In 1968, Leo Bokeria was sent to the Bakulev Institute (cardiovascular surgery), where he worked as a senior researcher.

In 1974 he took over the laboratory of hyperbaric oxygenation, in 1977 he was appointed deputy director for science and headed the department of surgery for cardiac arrhythmias. To this day, since 1994, cardiac surgeon Leo Bokeria has been the director of the Scientific Center for Cardiovascular Surgery named after Bakulev at the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.

The science

The scientific activity of the talented surgeon developed in the direction of the surgical treatment of various heart diseases, where the newest methods of diagnosis and treatment were invented and applied. More than two hundred heart surgeries in baroperative conditions were performed personally by Bokeria Leo Antonovich. His biography was entirely connected with helping people suffering from cardiac arrhythmias and coronary heart disease.

From his light hand the possibilities of cardiac surgery have significantly expanded, the possibility of treating patients who were previously considered inoperable has appeared. All his life he was a devotee in a new direction - minimally invasive surgery. A special merit is the implantation of artificial heart ventricles and cardioverter defibrillators. For the first time in the world, the Leo Bokeria clinic began performing such operations on children.


Leo Antonovich not only actively, but also successfully used the experimental method during his medical activity... They were tested in an experiment, and then introduced into the clinic techniques and operations in huge number... Now they are widely used in Russia and abroad. Personal experience Leo Bokeria is unique: he has performed many thousands of heart surgeries in his life, having performed them several times while abroad, which is significant.

On his initiative, new clinical subdivisions with enormous therapeutic and diagnostic potential were created in his native SCSS. His operational activities were extremely intense, but nevertheless he managed to do a great job as a director. In addition, he is an active teacher who created the country's largest cardiac surgery school, being the head of the department at the alma mater, the Sechenov Moscow Medical Institute, has brought up many generations of doctors who approve the methods of Leo Bokeria in practice. The photo shows us this connection between generations.


Bockeria is an academician and a member of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, a full member of various associations of surgeons abroad, President of the "League of Nation's Health", a member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, chief cardiac surgeon of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, doctor of medical sciences, professor. He has patented more than one hundred and fifty inventions, rationalization proposals and utility models, he has published much more than a thousand articles, including more than a hundred - abroad.

He wrote whole line problematic monographs, as well as the only guide to heart surgery in the country. Leo Bokeria is the editor-in-chief of two medical journals and the founder of two more. He is a laureate of the Lenin Prize, the State Prize. Honored Scientist, awarded with many orders, medals, state awards and international.

Recognition abroad

Leo Bockeria was elected in 1991 as a full member of the American Association of Thoracic Surgeons, a year later in the European Society of Cardiovascular Surgeons, in the International Cardiothoracic Center of the State of Monaco, a member of the Academy of Sciences of Serbia.

Regularly attends international conferences in Switzerland, Italy, France, is a member of the editorial boards of medical journals in England and the USA. Since 1998, Boqueria has been an honorary member of the American College of Surgeons - the highest title in the hierarchy. Since 2003, he has been a member of the presidium, that is, consul of the European Society of Cardiovascular Surgery.

Nation Health League

As president of this public organization, where prominent scientists, artists and literary figures, politicians and athletes, businessmen and best teachers Leo Bokeria was engaged in the creation of a model of self-developing medicine, the development of sports for all, the strengthening of the family, the dissemination of the experience of a healthy, active lifestyle. The main objectives of the League are to create conditions for the physical and spiritual development of the individual, the revival of cultural and national traditions.

How is the son of the engineer Anton Ivanovich, who died back in 1943, and the teacher primary grades Olga Ivanovna from a distant Abkhaz town could become like this outstanding personality- Leo Bokeria? Nationality, of course, played a role, Georgia - the movement itself, dance, flight. It is these wonderful qualities that are trying to instill Russian society an outstanding physician. "Walking with a doctor" at the All-Russian Exhibition Center, in which Muscovites participate weekly, promote a healthy lifestyle.

Optimism and movement

A person who wants to stay healthy must take at least ten thousand steps every day, and this is forty minutes of walking without a break. Not running, no. Just a walk, even at the slowest pace. Leo Bokeria is convinced that this undertaking will become a tradition. At the All-Russian Exhibition Center, strolling Muscovites are measured their blood pressure and pulse, whoever wishes it. This way you can even out the heart rate and breathing, this is how the vessels and muscles are trained.

Every health-minded person's morning should start with a smile. From here comes the correct state that accompanies the whole day. It is not so important who you smile at: loved ones, relatives or your reflection in the mirror. Leo Bokeria raised both his wife and two daughters in this vein. By the way, they all also chose medicine as their profession. Even grandchildren are trained to be optimistic from an early age. Then life gets longer.

Leo Boqueria's diet

A witty, purely Georgian, never aging doctor told reporters how he once misled his colleagues by accidentally finding his suit at home fifty years ago, which looked very decent. Leo Antonovich came to work in it. And no one noticed the extraordinary, except for the strange cut. In a healthy person, weight is approximately the same throughout life, and the size of clothing does not change, which has been demonstrated.

Food should be varied, but moderate, then you will definitely be able to keep yourself in good shape, and most importantly, your heart will be very grateful for this. In addition, the recommendation of Leo Bokeria: "Give breakfast to the enemy", although in folk proverb it says quite the opposite. In the morning, a person is not tired yet, he does not need to replenish his strength, so a better piece of advice is "eat dinner yourself."

Astronauts from America

The carbohydrate-free diet used by American astronauts and recommended by Leo Bockeria is considered an effective method of losing weight. Gradually, this diet "went to the people", and now the widest masses of the population of many countries restrict flour, sweet, salty, as well as legumes, cereals and vegetables.

it efficient system nutrition, because after a week of strict adherence to its rules, it allows you to lose more than three kilograms of weight. Carbohydrates are abruptly eliminated from the menu: potatoes, starchy foods, sweets, rice, bread, fruits. But there is a lot of protein in the diet: meat, fish and poultry, as well as skim milk and vegetables that do not contain starch. The level of carbohydrate content is taken as a basis. The products are carefully marked in a special table, and each gram of carbohydrates is calculated before meals.


This weight loss technique is only for healthy people. It is categorically impossible to use it for people with diseases of the heart, intestines, blood vessels, digestive organs, especially kidneys. Even completely healthy, it makes sense to negotiate this diet with your doctor. It is also not recommended for pregnant and lactating women.

Only those who live his life can eat like the famous doctor does. Although the so-called Kremlin diet itself has gained the greatest popularity in the country. True, many nutritionists argue that using it for more than a month is harmful. Boqueria has lived like this for a quarter of a century. Although - he has absolutely impossible for an ordinary person diet.

To live long

In the first place among the dangers to human life, hypertension, in the second - atherosclerosis. And the third place is confidently taken by physical inactivity with excess weight. Smoking is also harmful, according to the doctor Bokeria, who smoked himself for more than twenty years. But alcohol should beautify life - of course, good alcohol, of high quality. But even for them it is unacceptable to get drunk in the trash, - warns Leo Antonovich. Because intoxication, that is, a hangover, is real threat life. It is not cured by anything, it is just that life ends forty years earlier.

Of course, everything is God's will. Many are very healthy people leave quickly and unexpectedly - from oncology or injuries in old age. For most, only proper nutrition and moderate physical exercise... No miraculous pills, herbs, lotions, poultices are needed. Only walks and food restrictions. Leo Bokeria detailed his recommendations in many media mass media... It is his job to promote a healthy lifestyle.

Delicious food should be rare!

At six-thirty, the doctor is already on his feet - every day, always. For breakfast, he eats quite a bit of cottage cheese without sugar, but with natural yogurt. Operations begin at eight in the morning and last at least until sixteen, eighteen hours. Already evening! During all this time, not a crumb fell to Leo Antonovich. But even now there will be no dinner. Yogut again. And a glass mineral water... Then the work continues - the most varied, requiring the exertion of will, mind, memory. Leo returns home at night. Then already lunch in the form big piece fish or meat with vegetables, most often with tomatoes, which he eats every day (or rather, night).

Bokeria refused first courses - soups and other cabbage soup-borscht very many years ago. And, contrary to the opinion of nutritionists, nothing bad happened to his stomach. Rarely can he eat candy or cookies, no more than once a week. Fruit - two to three times a month: pears, tangerines, bananas, peaches. Even less often - honey instead of sugar. It's all. I would like to add that the human body is not only unique, it is also individual. Very few people could exploit their bodies with impunity the way Leo Bokeria does.

There are specialists without whom it is simply impossible to imagine modern Russian medicine, and the country's chief cardiac surgeon, Leo Antonovich Bokeria, is undoubtedly such an outstanding person. Over the years of his successful and fruitful work, he not only managed to bring domestic cardiac surgery to a fundamentally new level, but also to achieve world recognition with their scientific works and achievements.

Cardiovascular diseases have become one of the most important problems XXI century. The number of deaths from heart disease is increasing every year, and average age patients is reduced. This is influenced by poor ecology, low activity, difficult, exhausting rhythm of life of most people, bad habits, heredity and many other factors. So it is obvious that it is extremely important to develop areas of medicine that can help people with their many heart problems, and Leo Bokeria understood this many years ago.

Carier start

The talented doctor, inventor and researcher himself was born in 1939 and since early childhood showed a craving for medicine. He studied excellently and already at school decided to receive medical education... Excellent academic performance allowed him to enter the Sechenov Medical Institute, from which he graduated in 1965, enrolling in graduate school of the same educational institution... Already at this time, in addition to gaining important practical knowledge, Leo Bokeria began to conduct his own research and propose to try out new, original methods of treatment.

In 1968, the doctor went to work at the Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery and began to work under the guidance of the most talented specialist A.N. Bakulev, who is still considered one of the most outstanding medical specialists of our time. Here, the young surgeon not only gains valuable both practical and theoretical knowledge, but actually gets to the forefront of the fight against cardiovascular diseases. Soviet cardiac surgery was deservedly considered one of the best, and the institute where Leo Bokeria worked was the leading one in the country. Here he, with his supervisor and other specialists, faced the most difficult cases and situations. A huge amount of practice over time allowed him to become a first-class surgeon, but even this was not the most important thing. Here a young specialist, an adherent of the experimental method and the most modern, innovative approaches, could implement all his many ideas.

Successful research

It was Leo Bokeria who was the first in the country to become interested in the possibilities and prospects of hyperbolic oxygenation. In 1972, according to his drawings, the world's first experimental baro-operative room was created, in which the pressure was increased. In this room, Leo Bokeria and his team spent the most complex operations on the hearts of patients with congenital heart defects. In his own words, all this was one large and complex experiment, which was based on a huge theoretical work.

Experts could not predict the consequences for sure, because they were the first in the world to use artificial blood circulation in a baro-operative room. The complexity of the work was also in the fact that after each operation, the doctors themselves had to carry out the decompression procedure so as not to provoke the development of decompression sickness, because for the human body being in a pressure chamber is tantamount to diving to a depth of 25 meters.

Nevertheless, Leo Bokeria and his team successfully performed more than 200 operations in such conditions, and the results of the work were so outstanding that in 1976, together with his colleagues, he received the Lenin Prize for his research. Also thanks to this work a little earlier, in 1973, he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic "Hyperbolic oxygenation in cardiac surgery."

Development of modern medicine

In addition, the professor conducted a variety of studies in the field of heart rhythm disturbances. It was he who first in the country created the department of tachyarrhythmias in 1980, and formed completely new methods for diagnosing this disease. Detailed studies have made it possible to achieve excellent results and significantly increased the percentage of positive surgeries when working with people with heart defects, especially as in in practical terms Leo Bokeria has made a lot of improvements.

To work with difficult patients, and primarily for high-quality diagnostics, the professor was one of the first to use the very modern equipment, over time applied computer modeling and other technologies to achieve a deeper understanding of the problem itself and the possibilities of its solution.

In addition, Professor Bockeria is the most famous inventor, and at the moment he owns more than 150 different patents. His inventions are actively used not only in domestic, but also in world medicine.

Since 1994, Leo Bokeria became the director of the A.N. Bakulev Scientific Center for Cardiovascular Surgery, having steadfastly withstood all the difficulties associated with the lack of funding in the 90s. Largely thanks to his influence and work, modern Russian cardiac surgery is in such a developed state. According to Leo Bokeria himself, at the moment Russia has everything necessary equipment needed to cope with any cardiovascular disease. However, the professor is not going to stop at this, and is actively developing the direction, overseeing the construction and organization of new research centers, continues to perform complex operations and happily share his inexhaustible energy with all those around him, patients and colleagues.

Over the years, Leo Bokeria has performed thousands of successful operations and saved great amount lives, however, he himself claims that there is still a lot of unknown in the heart, and modern medicine there is still a lot to be done in order to finally deal with all the features of this most important organ.