Brown trout or another way kemzha– a freshwater, migratory fish belonging to the Salmon family. There are many varieties of trout fish, which are very different from each other in both appearance and size. Brown trout is considered a large fish; its size can vary from 30 to 70 centimeters with a weight ranging from 1-5 kilograms. There are also particularly large fish that reach a length of 110 centimeters and weigh more than 20 kilograms.

Trout fish is an ecologically flexible species and due to this fact, its habitat is very large: the basin of the Barents Sea and the Pechora River; Caspian, Aral, Baltic and Mediterranean seas and even lakes of Dagestan. Roughly speaking, brown trout are trout that live in the ocean, not in the river. There are known cases of brown trout fry turning into ordinary trout when the former are introduced into small rivers.

general information

Brown trout

Externally different types brown trout are very different from each other; they are confused not only by amateur fishermen, but also by specialists involved in the production of fish products. For example, brown trout are called trout, and this is true: some of its subspecies that live in streams and fresh lakes really belong to trout, but there are many species and subspecies of trout in the world.

There are several subspecies of trout, these are:

  • Aral
  • Caspian
  • Black Sea
  • pre-Caucasian
  • Eisenam (living exclusively in Lake Eisenam between Dagestan and Chechnya).

All these salmon have a characteristic torpedo-shaped body with small scales, a head with a wide mouth and various spots on the body. Unlike salmon, there are spots below the lateral line. Red, black, orange, round or x-shaped, each type of brown trout has its own. Some may have no spots. Since this species is very variable, the “characteristic torpedo shape” is quite relative.


The body is elongated, covered with dense scales. IN dorsal fin III 8-11 rays, anal II-III 8-9. There are 13-18 gill rakers on the 1st arch, usually 14-16 (usually 18 in Baltic ones), the first and last ones are tuberculate. The upper jaw extends noticeably beyond the vertical of the posterior edge of the eye; the mouth is large and oblique. The minimum body height is usually no more than twice the length of the caudal peduncle. There are 10-12 gill rays. Pyloric appendages 40-66. The head of the opener is triangular in shape and has 3-4 teeth on the rear edge; On the body, its teeth are in 1-2 rows and are preserved longer than those of salmon. There is an adipose fin located between the dorsal and caudal fin. Mature males have jaws that curve, but much less than those of salmon.

The body of adult fish is covered with numerous black spots and below the lateral line, there are round spots on the sides of the head and on the dorsal fin. In sexually mature individuals (especially males), numerous pink spots appear on the sides of the body. The young ones are colored like brook trout. In large lakes it has a predominant silver color. The length is usually 30-70 cm and weight 1-5 kg, but trout up to a meter or more, weighing 8-12 kg, are found in the Baltic Sea.

Describe appearance and the characteristics of trout fish are quite complex. This fish, which most ichthyologists classify as a species of noble salmon, exhibits so-called ecological plasticity - it is constantly changing, evolving, mutating, etc. Brown trout have many first and second cousins ​​in different seas and oceans, but they also live well in fresh water– this is where this fish spawns.

Salmo trutta: brown trout - lake and brook trout

Externally, different types of trout are very different from each other: they are confused not only by amateur fishermen, but also by specialists involved in the production of fish products. For example, brown trout is called trout, and this is true: some of its subspecies living in streams and fresh lakes really belong to trout, but there are many species and subspecies of trout in the world.

Freshwater trout from the passage brown trout, living in the seas and oceans, is smaller in size, but in some cold lakes located in the mountains, it can gain up to 10 kg of weight. Scientists sometimes classify such fish as separate species, and again confusion arises.

But on the American continent brown trout it didn’t exist before: people brought it there, and it acclimatized perfectly and multiplied, forming more than 30 species, which, in turn, also changed and continue to change - scientists even call these fish “trout-trout”. For example, freshwater trout can turn into anadromous fish, and vice versa - and this process does not end.

In Russia, many people call trout salmon-taimen, and its “relatives” are considered to be lenok, chum salmon, chinook salmon, sockeye salmon, etc.

This fish is not found in the east of the country - it is common in European seas, from Spain to our Pechora River.

Brown trout - features and character

Like many salmon, brown trout have many small dark spots on their bodies, and they feed on crustaceans and small fish. There are also brown trout in the Black, Aral and Caspian Seas - in the latter case it can grow up to huge size, and weigh about 50 kg. Brown trout are considered valuable commercial fish, and it is constantly bred and resettled - these human actions also make a significant contribution to changing its types and forms.

Trout is a fish with its own character. It differs from the salmon we know in that it can spawn not just once, but several times. It is known that almost all species of salmon die after spawning, but after spawning, they return to the sea and continue to live. By the way, in the river, rising to the spawning grounds, brown trout continue to actively feed - this also distinguishes them from other salmon, for which the days before spawning become last days life.

Returning to the sea, the fish completely recovers, and in subsequent years can produce offspring 3 or 4 more times. And brown trout live for quite a long time - up to 18-20 years. And here fishermen and fishermen need to be more careful: there is no need to catch brown trout when they return to the sea in a weakened state. Even if these fish are accidentally caught in nets, they should be released: after a couple of months, their weight will double or triple and they will be able to reproduce again in the future.

For now, unfortunately, try this one delicious fish Not all residents of Russia can, and this is due to irrational mining. In the 2nd half of the 20th century, the brown trout population declined greatly: forests were cut down, logs were floated down rivers, dams were built, lands in water protection zones were plowed up, etc. Today, the number of brown trout has begun to increase, and the ban on catching it has played a significant role - one can hope that in the near future there will be much more of this fish.

Composition and nutritional value of brown trout

Adult brown trout large sizes usually do not grow: on average they are 30-70 cm long and weigh 1-5 kg. Of course, thanks to our beneficial properties and taste, brown trout is highly revered in cooking. Some indicators of it nutritional value so high that experts place it above meat, and besides, it is absorbed by the body much easier and faster - this is an important advantage. Between the muscles of the brown trout's body different parts There are delicate layers of fat, although this fish cannot be called fatty: for example, salmon is fattier, but trout is almost as good in taste.

100 g of trout contain approximately 100-105 kcal– this is the average if we consider all types of this fish in its raw form. Trout is rich in protein and healthy fats; vitamins – A, PP and group B (6 vitamins); minerals - potassium, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, calcium. Other minerals: iron, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium.

How to cook trout deliciously

Cooking trout different ways like any fish. Light and medium salted trout is considered an incredibly tasty delicacy.

Salting trout is easy. The fish must be washed, cleaned and gutted, it is advisable to separate large bones; rinse the carcass again cold water and rub the inside with a 2:1 mixture of coarse salt and sugar. You can add bay leaves, herbs, allspice, etc. The same mixture is sprinkled on top of the fish - you can sprinkle the carcass with a little lemon juice - wrapped in a clean linen napkin, placed in a convenient non-metallic container, closed and put in the refrigerator. You can add more salt: trout cannot be over-salted - it will not take too much.

In about two days, the fish will be evenly saturated with fat and will be completely cooked. Many fans eat it within a day, garnished with herbs and lemon slices, although it can be eaten in any way you like - for example, like regular herring, with onions, vegetable oil and vinegar. Salted trout can be added to various salads and snacks - it is an excellent ingredient.

Boiled trout is even easier to prepare. It's better to choose big fish, and fattier pieces: equal-sized pieces are poured with salted water and placed on low heat. You can put chopped carrots and onions, a piece of leek and pepper to taste in the water. After 30-40 minutes of cooking over low heat, the fish will be ready - it will turn out unusually tender and tasty. When serving, you can sprinkle it with finely chopped parsley or dill. Boiled trout is delicious hot or cold, with baked potatoes or green salad, with fried mushrooms, grated horseradish and lemon juice.

Trout on a spit is a gourmet dish. They eat it with fresh feathers green onions - an excellent combination. The prepared fish carcass is cut into identical, fairly large pieces, sprinkled with salt and ground black or allspice, skewered and fried over hot coals or in the oven, periodically pouring melted butter over them.

Fried trout is often served with potatoes, boiled in their jackets, with fresh cucumbers and tomatoes. The sauce for potatoes is prepared simply: in a frying pan in any vegetable oil, fry the chopped onion, add black pepper, salt, lemon juice and mix. Pour the sauce over peeled and sliced ​​potatoes, and sprinkle with chopped dill on top. Cucumbers and tomatoes are cut into a separate dish.

At the same time, pre-chopped trout, salted and sprinkled with lemon juice, are fried in a hot frying pan in oil. This recipe is simple, does not require large expenditures and almost complies with the rules of a healthy diet.

Brown trout are widespread in the Loukhi region and live in all large lakes and rivers. All watersheds of large lakes and rivers serve as habitat for a dwarf form of brown trout called brook trout. Depending on environmental conditions, the size of brown trout varies significantly. The largest individuals are found in lakes Pyaozero, Panayarvi, Tiksha, Kukas, Notozero, and the Knyazhegubskoe reservoir. Here you can find brown trout 75-80 cm long and weighing up to 6-7 kg. At the same time, trout 15-18 cm long and weighing 40-60 g with mature reproductive products live in streams. There is especially a lot of it in the streams and rivers flowing into the Chupinskaya Bay of the White Sea and the Sonostrovskaya Salma. The average size of brown trout is 42-44 cm and weight is from 1.5 to 1.8 kg. The color of brown trout is quite variable. A typical lake trout has a dark, almost black back, white belly and silvery sides with dark x-shaped spots scattered over the entire surface of the body. When the spawning season begins, brown trout develop a nuptial plumage characteristic of the genus Salrno. The color of the brown trout changes from silvery to dark yellow, sometimes almost brown, a cartilaginous process appears at the end of the lower jaw, and thickens skin covering and the scales partially grow into the epithelium. To spawn, brown trout rise or slide down from lakes into rivers. Most large rivers, serving as a spawning site for brown trout - Vincha, Olanga, Keret. Brook trout make a significant contribution to the replenishment of the lake trout population. Some brook trout individuals migrating to lakes for the winter remain here and easily pass into lake trout. Therefore, almost all small rivers and streams can be considered as red salmon. Trout spawning takes place from late August to end of October, in rivers in areas with pebble-sandy soil at a water temperature of 2-6°C. In some cases, brown trout may spawn in the headwaters of streams flowing from mountain lakes. Brown trout fertility different forms and populations range from 150-1200 eggs in brook trout and up to 8 thousand eggs in large lake forms. Young trout spend in the river from 2 to 4 years, sometimes more. After moving into the lake and switching to predation, the growth rate of brown trout increases significantly, by about 1.5 (Galkin, 1966). Brown trout are very demanding on water quality and are the most sensitive indicator of industrial pollution. Negative influence Trout stocks are affected by poaching and recreational fishing. The specificity of fish spawning migrations is such that the use of nets during the spawning period can reduce brown trout stocks to the limit or destroy the population altogether.

How to catch sea trout.

If you catch trout on the sea coast, you should always have a landing net with you. In April and May, brown trout weighing from 4 to 7 kg are regularly caught. In autumn, and even winter, you can also count on such giants. When spin fishing offshore, your chances of success increase when you use a large wading net.
On the sea coast, trout are most often caught on spoons. Elongated, narrow oscillating spoons that imitate gerbils work very well. The gerbil is the favorite prey of brown trout. Small “shore” wobblers are very catchy. Spoons and wobblers lead slowly. When reeling in the fishing line, you should pause from time to time. For long casts, a 0.25 mm monofilament or 0.12 mm braided line on a medium spinning reel is combined with a powerful spinning rod with a test weight of 20-50 g and a length of 3-3.30 m.

When brown trout return to the sea after a tedious spawning period, they are often in very poor condition. Thin and exhausted, she begins to feed intensively and after a few weeks doubles or triples her weight. Give these fish the opportunity to regain their strength and, in any case, release exhausted fish back. At this time, their meat completely loses its taste. The same can be said about the brownish brown trout that rises to spawn in rivers.
A hooked trout is a far from being a caught fish. Often the silver torpedo comes off during fishing. Particularly dangerous is the characteristic rotation of small fish when they are brought to the surface. There will be fewer slippages if you place a second winding ring between the spoon and the tee, which will compensate for the frantic rotations of the trout.
The second winding ring between the spoon and the tee reliably holds the trout, which spins wildly when reaching the surface.

In the sea or lake, salmon and brown trout feed exclusively on fish: smelt, herring, sand lance, vendace, stickleback, bleak and other, sometimes large, crustaceans. They feed in the water column, often near the surface. Fishermen take advantage of this feature when they set out multi-kilometer long lines (nets) for salmon and trout: this way they only catch feeding fish. In the sea, brown trout and salmon have a shiny silver color, their back is dark, their belly is bright white, and their fins are gray. There are black, small spots on the body, the number and size of which vary: there are fish with a very small number of spots and there are fish literally dotted with them, they are especially numerous on the front part of the body. As a rule, lake fish the spots are slightly larger than those of marine ones.

Fish enter rivers at different times, and each river is characterized by its own time of mass entry of salmon or trout into them. Fish go into many rivers almost all year round, although there are peaks in the spring, summer or autumn cycle. Salmon and trout, like lampreys and some other fish, are either “spring” or “winter” fish. The former are called so because they enter rivers in the summer or autumn with eggs and milt that have already begun to develop and will spawn soon in the autumn of the same year. Winter crops rise into rivers in the same fall, winter or early spring, but with completely undeveloped reproductive products and, after spending many months in the river, and sometimes over a year, they spawn in the fall of the next year, if they entered in the fall and early winter or in the year of winter and spring approach
Salmon enter the rivers in a light silvery outfit. Soon they begin to acquire a dark color, become olive-green or yellow-brown, the black spots on the body increase, and a reddish rim often forms around them, the belly becomes yellowish-gray. In males, the jaws become larger; a hook develops at the end of the lower jaw, which fits into the recess of the upper one. The height of the fish increases, the rays of the fins thicken, and the previously easily falling scales sink into the skin. This change in the appearance of the fish is called “sucking”, and large males are called “suckers”. Spawned fish lose a lot of weight, become emaciated (the previously orange or red colored trunk muscles become lighter) and lose their former taste. Some of the fish die, but some, called “valchaks,” spend the winter in quiet, deep sections of the river, and in the spring, during the spring flood, they slide back into the sea or lake.
Natural enemies There are few adult salmon and trout. In the river, they sometimes become prey for the otter, which especially loves to settle near rivers rich in trout, and with amazing dexterity hunts these strong and agile fish.
The number of these fish is currently small. There are many reasons for this: unsustainable fishing in post-war years; the construction of dams on small rivers, practiced in the 50s, which completely cut off the main spawning grounds and feeding areas of rivers for juveniles; moth rafting of timber on most salmon rivers, bad influence which will continue to be felt for a long time even after its cessation; deforestation, non-compliance with water protection zones along river banks, including plowing fields almost to the water's edge, reducing the water content of river sources, and others. Most of these negative factors have now been eliminated.

On the one hand, brown trout is one of the most common salmon fish. On the other hand, its appearance, size and even habits can differ so much in different places that even professional biologists often reach a dead end. This fish is found almost everywhere in northern Europe, there is a lot of it in Karelia and the Baltic, as well as on the Kola Peninsula.

Interestingly, this one can exist both in marine (anadromous) form and in freshwater (lacustrine). Moreover, it is obvious that many thousands of years ago, during a period of geological cataclysms, lake trout replaced the sea.

It's very beautiful and strong fish. However, it is appreciated not only by fishermen, but also by gourmets, since its soft orange meat has truly magnificent taste qualities. It is perhaps difficult to think of something more appetizing than a fatty, transparent and literally melting in your mouth slice of lightly salted or lightly smoked trout.

Biological description

Brown trout is one of the most typical and widespread representatives of the salmon family, and among fishermen and in the literature there is often confusion about the names of this fish. The fact is that this salmon comes in two types: migratory and freshwater, and the latter is often called trout. In addition, in nature there are quite a few forms of brown trout, which differ from each other both in appearance and in habits. There are five main subspecies, and ichthyologists generally believe that five migratory and one lake variety of brown trout live on our territory.

The most curious thing is that the exact taxonomy of brown trout is generally devoid of practical meaning: this fish completely denies Linnaeus’ theory and, under certain conditions, one form spontaneously transforms into another. This fact is not a hypothesis, but reliable information confirmed by the experience of acclimatization and breeding of brown trout in artificial conditions. That is why trout and brown trout have ceased to be considered separate fish species, and now the fact of the transformation of anadromous brown trout and freshwater lake trout into each other.

The color of brown trout, its size and shape, as well as other biological indicators vary greatly depending on the habitat of the fish. You can find an almost black specimen, and a very light one, with a short body, and a very elongated one, etc. The sides are most often covered with numerous red spots and black spots with a light halo. The sizes most of all depend on the size of the reservoir itself. Thus, in small rivers, brown trout, which is more often called trout here, rarely grows more than 25 cm, but in large lakes fish can reach a meter and weigh more than 10 kg. Even larger are the walk-through forms, the dimensions of which can reach one and a half meters.


Trout is a very common fish. Only on site former USSR The following main types are found:

  • migratory brown trout and freshwater trout, which large quantities lives in the basins of the Baltic, White, Barents and other rivers northern seas;
  • Caspian trout, which, as the name suggests, is found in the Caspian Sea. The fish go to the river to spawn. Kuru, and part of it remains there, turning into freshwater trout;
  • Black Sea salmon living in the basins of the Black and Azov Seas.

This list is not exhaustive, and many more forms can be added to it, for example, the Eisenam trout living in Dagestan, which lives in the lake of the same name, etc.


Usually, brown trout are classified as predators, but this is not entirely accurate, and it is more correct to consider it a fish with wide range nutrition. Any fisherman will tell you that in her stomach you can find anything - from fry to larvae and beetles. However, the passion for hunting generally determines its way of life, and most of the time the brown trout loiters in the water column, mainly preferring the upper layers, where there are a lot of young smelt, vendace, herring, etc.

However, this behavior is not a dogma and it happens that versatility in nutrition leads to a change in shape. An interesting example is Lake Ohrid, which is located on the border of Macedonia and Albania, where two forms of lake trout are found at once. One of them is large and predatory, reaching 10 kilograms in weight, the other is a small silver fish that feeds on crustaceans and plankton. These fish are so different from each other that they are considered as different kinds. But, nevertheless, this is the same breed!

Most often, brown trout are migratory fish that live in salt water, but go to rivers to spawn, much like Atlantic salmon do. Depending on the specific habitat, spawning occurs between September and February. Females spawn eggs in shallow and rapids areas of rivers, where there are suitable stones or coarse sand, where orange eggs sometimes burrow. There are few of them, on average from 7 to 12 thousand, but the sizes can reach 6 millimeters in diameter.

Each female spawns eggs from 4 to 11 times in her life, and if she has come to the spawning ground, this does not mean that she is ready to spawn, since the condition of the eggs may be such that she will spawn them only the next year. During spawning, brown trout, unlike some other salmon fish, does not stop feeding. The hatched fry grow in the river where the spawning took place until they are 7-10 years old, after which the matured fry slide back into the sea.

  • Once upon a time, brook trout was brought to New Zealand rivers for the purpose of acclimatization. Very little time passed, and a significant part of the trout that had adapted to local conditions rolled into the lower reaches of the rivers and the sea, after which they turned into anadromous brown trout;
  • The largest trout is the Caspian trout. There is reliable information about the caught fish, whose weight was 51 kg. Alas, most likely such monsters are already relegated to the category of legends, and catching a fish over 10 kilograms is considered great luck;
  • the Baltic trout does not belong to large slaves, and its usual dimensions do not exceed half a meter with a weight of 5 kg, although there is evidence of the capture of a specimen that weighed 23.6 kg;
  • among scientists for a long time there was one misconception. Due to its enormous size and external resemblance to salmon, ichthyologists considered the Caspian trout to be its special subspecies. Clarity was brought only in the 80s of the last century, when chromosome analysis showed that, on the contrary, salmon is a form of brown trout that has changed greatly in the process of evolution;
  • where migratory and residential forms of brown trout exist, they form a single herd that spawns together. The fact is that in the population of migratory trout there are more females, and in order to compensate for the lack of males, it is necessary to “borrow” them from freshwater species, where there is a clear excess of those;
  • in 1936-1939 catches of Caspian trout reached 620 tons, and in 1970 its catch did not exceed 5 tons. The sharp decline in the population is mainly due to violation of conditions natural reproduction as a result of hydraulic construction and unsustainable fishing.

Such fish of the salmon family can be found in the seas and rivers from the Iberian Peninsula to Pechora.

In Russia it can be found in the following seas:

  • Baltic;
  • Black;
  • White;
  • Barentsevo;
  • Azovskoe;
  • Aral.

Brown trout is listed in the Red Book of Russia, but thanks artificial breeding Almost 50 centners of this fish can be caught in one year.

What kind of fish is brown trout?

In particular, brown trout vary in appearance depending on subspecies, but most specimens have characteristics such as:

  • Length ranges from 30 to 70 centimeters;
  • Powerful tail;
  • Small fin on the back;
  • Spots all over the body.

The weight of brown trout ranges from 10 to 20 kilograms, but in the history of fishing it is recorded that it was possible to catch a fish weighing 51 kilograms.

For breeding, brown trout look for shallow places saturated with stones. Thus, the eggs can either hide under stones or bury themselves in the sand. Even at the time of spawning, this fish continues to hunt mollusks, smelt, herring, crustaceans and small fish living in salt water. Some anglers classify this spotted fish as a predator.

Currently, trout fishing is not considered a profitable business, as it was in the last century. Everything suggests that its population has decreased, and hydraulic construction has resumed in its habitat.

They catch trout using fly fishing or spinning, and the bite should be sharp. Experienced fishermen advise not to hook it right away, as it can easily fall off the hook. When catching this fish, it is worth tiring, although this process is difficult even for professionals.

The taste of fish meat is considered tender and is easily digestible even by children.


There are currently 5 known subspecies of brown trout:

  1. Ordinary. It can be migratory or sedentary. Can be found in the Baltic and Barents Seas;
  2. Caspian. Habitat: Caspian Sea;
  3. Pre-Caucasian. It is located in the Caspian Sea, but compared to the Baltic brown trout, this subspecies of fish goes to spawn in nearby rivers and lakes;
  4. Black Sea. You can find it in the Azov and Black Seas;
  5. Eisenamskaya. It is found in Dagestan and leads a sedentary freshwater lifestyle.

To avoid confusionbrown troutwith salmon, there are a number of indicators:

  • From the lateral line, the body above and below is covered with black spots.
  • Red spots alternate on the sides.
  • In rivers, the color of brown trout is light brown, and in lakes it is silvery-white.
  • During the spawning season, she has a large appetite.

The closest relative of brown trout is lake trout. It reaches a weight of up to 40 kilograms and is found in clean water supplied with oxygen.

It can be found in the following countries:

  • Finland;
  • Norway;
  • Sweden.

Trout can be found in the northern part Atlantic Ocean, on the White Sea and Barents coasts.

In addition to the Black, White, Azov and other nearby seas, where brown trout are found, it can also be found in the following rivers:

  • Neva;
  • Narva Bay;
  • Luga Bay;
  • The Gulf of Finland.

Fishermen noted the appearance of a migratory form of brown trout in the following areas:

  • Pskovskaya;
  • Novgorodskaya;
  • Kaliningradskaya;
  • Tverskaya;
  • Ulyanovskaya;
  • Vologda;
  • Orenburgskaya.

This fish can also be found in other areas. Even on the Volga and Ural, fishermen are not averse to catching such tasty and nutritious fish.

When fishing, it is important to pay attention to thickets and shallows, where brown trout most often live. It mainly lives in shallow water, and before going to catch it in the depths, you should first cast the fishing rod from the shore several times - what if the main catch is there?

The habitat of this fish is clean river or a mountainous area, as well as flat reservoirs where the water temperature will not exceed 20 degrees Celsius.

No brown trout were seen in America, but they were also found in Europe:

  • France;
  • Greece;
  • Italy;
  • Sardinia and others

Brown trout live in one place for 2-3 years, but can return there after a year. The lifespan of this fish is 19 years, if the conditions and ecology of the habitat allow the population to be preserved.

What does brown trout fish eat?

Brown trout prefers to stay both in shallow water and at a depth of 3 meters next to big stones in places fast current and calm water. This fish searches for food more often in shallow areas of rivers or lakes where it lives. It feeds, as a rule, on small fish. Adult brown trout eat crustaceans that live in river thickets or on rocks.

There are a number of small fish that brown trout do not shy away from:

  • Herring;
  • Char;
  • Minnow;
  • Gerbil;
  • Smelt;
  • Frogs on rare occasions.

How to catch more fish?

I have been active fishing for quite some time and have found many ways to improve the bite. And here are the most effective:

  1. . Attracts fish in cold and warm water with the help of pheromones included in the composition and stimulates her appetite. It’s a pity that Rosprirodnadzor wants to impose a ban on its sale.
  2. More sensitive gear. Reviews and instructions for other types of gear can be found on the pages of my website.
  3. Lures using pheromones.
You can get the rest of the secrets of successful fishing for free by reading my other materials on the site.

What and where to catch trout?

You can catch brown trout in rivers, lakes and nearby coasts.

Fishermen catch it on:

  • spinning;
  • float tackle;
  • fly fishing

Now about each fishing method:

  1. It is best to catch trout using a spinning rod in the morning.. However, in any weather, brown trout have their own preferences for baits, and you should experiment with them.
  2. To catch fish using float tackle, use a fishing rod no longer than 5 meters. Brown trout swim around the thickets; it will be uncomfortable with a very long fishing rod. The bait chosen is maggot or worm. It is worth looking for this fish at different depths, and it is best to cast the fishing rod with the current.
  3. Fly fishing is practiced by both athletes and fishing, and by amateurs. This method is used to catch fish from early summer to September. Dry flies are used as bait.

For fishing to be successful, it is important to choose the right fishing spot.

What do you need to do to choose a good place for fishing?

  • Study carefully coastline and mark all protruding areas, since trout most often find their food there.
  • Pay attention to shallows and thickets of aquatic vegetation.
  • Fish all the potential spots, and if not many fish have been spotted, it’s worth casting the rod at a different angle and going through the same spots in case that spotted fish didn’t notice the bait right away at first.

Should you cast your fishing rod far?

Brown trout are such voracious fish that they eat even after spawning.. Even well-fed fish are still interested in bait. When catching it on a spinning rod, it is necessary to make movements to provoke the fish or to slightly tug the tip of the rod and attract it to the hook.

In the fall, it is best to catch trout using wobblers and making slow retrieves. A caught fish likes to offer strong resistance and it is not so easy to fish it out.

Some fishermen prefer to catch trout with an electric fishing rod, but this method leads to the fact that the fish loses its ability to reproduce and kills young trout, as well as its eggs.

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The most effective baits for fishing are:

  • maggots;
  • bees;
  • fireflies;
  • bloodworm;
  • flies;
  • midges;
  • mosquitoes;
  • shrimps;
  • grasshoppers;
  • worms

If an angler prefers to catch trout with live bait, then the following bait is suitable for this purpose:

  • bleak;
  • minnow;
  • gudgeon.

For those who choose plant baits for fishing, the following are suitable:

  • corn;
  • bread;
  • pearl barley.

The best artificial baits for trout fishing are:

  1. Spinning spoons in gold, silver and spotted colors.
  2. Oscillating wobblers from 4 to 10 centimeters. They imitate live bait and are even used on great depth.

Depending on the characteristics of baits and lures, choose the following:

  • use acid-colored wobblers for better review fish;
  • For daytime fishing for trout, black wobblers with red reflective spots are suitable;
  • at great depths, sinking wobblers are used;
  • For summer fishing professionals advise choosing short wobblers for hard-to-reach areas of reservoirs;
  • Closer to autumn, brown trout actively bite on any bait, as they feel the approach of winter and hunger.

Fishing technique

The most important step in fishing for trout is choosing a fishing spot. It is important to find out where it is allowed to catch this fish, and where there is a ban on it.

After the ice begins to melt, brown trout can already become active.

What do you need to know about fishing techniques?

  • The float rod is equipped with a fishing line with a diameter of 0.25 mm with a leash of up to 1 meter. Place one hook number 6 or 8. The sinkers are attached 10 centimeters from the hook, and a spherical plug can serve as a float.

More often, trout are caught from the bottom or using a slowly sinking bait. The fish prefers to take a more mobile bait. You should fish in an arc from the closest distances. You need to hook from the very beginning of the float's descent.

This method of fishing is characterized by the fact that the float with bait goes with the flow for the length of the fishing line and rod. The fisherman releases the bait in his line of sight and then reels it in. This method is successful in estuaries.

  • At the beginning of the fishing season, it is worth fishing with a spinning rod with a rotating spoon. The retrieve should be slow and near the bottom. The chances of catching trout in the spring using a spinning rod increase, especially when it gets warmer.

It is important not to forget that you first need to study the place where the fish live, and also take a closer look at its behavior. Only then can you catch a large trout.

Spinning allows you to explore larger areas of rivers than, for example, fly fishing. But in the summer, when there is greater insect activity, you can catch more fish with fly fishing than with spinning.

  • Casting with a steamer is carried out against the flow of the river. The steamer is allowed to float calmly through the water, and after leaving the arc, it is slowly pulled towards itself. You can also play with the steamer by raising and lowering the tip of the rod. They can even get through hard-to-reach places, and this increases the chance of catching larger fish.

To summarize, we can say that there is a lot of information about fishing for brown trout, but it is also important to determine a special approach to it. Such fishing, of course, will attract professionals rather than amateur beginners. But the family will appreciate brown trout meat, as well as its beneficial properties.

Happy fishing everyone!

How long has it been since you had a really BIG CATCH?

When last time Have you caught dozens of HUGE pike/carp/bream?

We always want to get results from fishing - to catch not three perch, but ten kilogram pikes - what a catch! Each of us dreams of this, but not everyone can do it.

A good catch can be achieved (and we know this) thanks to good bait.

It can be prepared at home or bought in fishing stores. But stores are expensive, and to prepare bait at home, you need to spend a lot of time, and, to be fair, homemade bait does not always work well.

You know that disappointment when you buy bait or prepare it at home and only catch three or four bass?

So maybe it’s time to use a truly working product, the effectiveness of which has been proven both scientifically and in practice on the rivers and ponds of Russia?

It gives the same result that we cannot achieve on our own, especially since it is cheap, which distinguishes it from other means and there is no need to spend time on production - you order it, it’s delivered and you’re good to go!

Of course, it is better to try once than to hear a thousand times. Moreover, now is the season! This is a great bonus when ordering!

Find out more about the bait!