It is interesting not only for its beaches and volcanoes, but also for its impressive, ancient temples and tropical forests. Here you can find real, paradises. There is a special atmosphere here that captivates the traveler as soon as he takes his first steps in the local, international.

Climatic conditions is the reason that there are two seasons - rainy and dry. Each of them has its own characteristics, so they must be considered separately. Read below about when is the best time to fly to Bali, what time of year and where is the best place to book a hotel.

Summer reigns here all year round, and winter is replaced by the rainy season. The average daytime temperature is +30.+34, and the night temperature is +23.+25. It is distributed unevenly throughout Bali. This is due to the mountainous terrain of the island. Water temperature - +28 degrees.

Precipitation also occurs in different sizes in Bali. In high mountain regions their number is higher, as the mountains prevent the passage of clouds. Rain falls in the south and west of the island 150 days a year, and in the north - from 50 to 80.

And if you decide to go to Cuba, be sure to check it out.

Dry season in Bali

If we talk about when is the best time to relax on the island, and tourist season to Bali, it’s better to come here from April to end of October. During this period there is no rain and humidity is low. You can go on an excursion or hike to one of the volcanoes with complete peace of mind. This is a good time to laze on the beach.

Bali Island.

This high season in Bali, so the hotels and beaches can be crowded with tourists. You should make hotel reservations in advance. That's why prices for tours are rising. If you have a modest budget, then it is better to choose months - May or June. This is the beginning of the season, so a holiday in Bali will not cost a very large amount.

Surf season is underway in Bali from July to August. Monsoons produce good waves, so it is great to practice this water sport during this time. These months are also ideal for diving or water skiing. Do you want to go to one of the volcanoes? In July or August can you do it.

Talking about when is the season for Bali? beach holiday month by month, we must not forget about September and October. A number of holidays on the island take place during these months. Surfing competitions take place in Kuta. They are also suitable for diving.

Rain season

In this section we will talk about the rainy season in Bali by month. It lasts all winter, early spring and late autumn. Most precipitation falls in winter.

The blowing monsoons cause storms at sea, and the rains will not allow you to fully enjoy sightseeing tours or hiking around the island.

Rainy season on the island. Bali.

This period has its advantages. One of them is that you won't see many tourists here, and the second is that the price of tours to Bali is much lower than during the tourist season.

One of the disadvantages of the rainy season is high humidity. Combined with the heat, it is very difficult to bear. In November it is not so unbearable, since it is transition period. It only rains for a couple of hours a day, so the rest of the time you can safely enjoy the bright sun on the beach.

From December to February The weather here is damp but warm. Professional surfers love to visit the island during these months, as the waves are quite high. In March locals celebrate their New Year, so it is interesting to come to Bali during this period.


When is the season to fly to Bali? From late spring to late autumn is a great period to enjoy a holiday on this island. The downside is that tours are expensive, so you need to book them 2-3 months before departure. The rainy season lasts in late autumn, winter and early spring, during which rain is very frequent. Its advantage is the cheap prices for accommodation and excursions in Bali.

As in many tropical and equatorial countries, in Bali there is a clear division into dry and rainy periods. The second is typical large quantity precipitation, but this does not mean that coming to the island at this time is not recommended. Let's consider the advantages and disadvantages of holidays in rainy time, which will allow you to dispel all myths and doubts, and choose the most optimal time for your future vacation.

Officially, the period from November to April in Bali is called the low season. All because the resort is starting to be affected westerly winds bringing more precipitation. At this time, humidity begins to rise, temperatures drop slightly, and waves on the sea become more common. Let's look at how the weather changes by month during the rainy season.


In November, the amount of rain begins to increase, but the flow of tourists does not change much. And all due to the fact that the bulk of the tropical showers pour out at night, and by the morning there is no trace left of the rain. Plus, all precipitation is short-term. The ocean continues to remain warm, allowing you to swim in it for hours. Storms are rare, but if this happens, you can diversify your vacation with some excursion program.


In December there is more precipitation, most of it falls in the southern part of the island. Because of strong winds It is not always possible to swim in the ocean, therefore, when planning a trip to a resort at this time, it is better to give preference to comfortable hotels with a swimming pool. The air temperature is more than +32 °C, but due to the growing humidity, staying on the island is not always comfortable. Despite such indicators, the flow of tourists increases towards the end of the month, because many strive to get here to meet new year holidays on an exotic island.


This is one of the most unpredictable months. If during its first half precipitation is typical in insignificant quantities, then towards the end the frequency of rains increases sharply, which affects beach holidays. Air humidity continues to rise, which is why weather-sensitive people are not recommended to come to Bali in January.


Last winter month It is also considered one of the rainiest, but high temperatures are observed, which affects humidity. Due to the fact that it rains regularly, a plus high level evaporation creates a feeling of a greenhouse effect.

January and February are considered one of the most unfavorable months for a holiday in Bali. There are frequent storms in the ocean, bringing algae and various sea ​​inhabitants, the water is cloudy.


Compared to winter months, March is more favorable for traveling to Bali. The rains are beginning to slow down and their intensity is much less. The ocean water is at a comfortable temperature for swimming, although it is still a bit cloudy. The waves become smaller. In March it is better to relax in Nusa Dua, as here are the best weather.


April is considered a transitional month. It seems like it is still raining, but the amount is insignificant. Due to the fact that precipitation falls mainly at night, you can enjoy relaxation during the day. It's still stuffy outside, but weather dependent people It will be more comfortable, plus climate adaptation is easier. The best places Nusa Dua and Sanur are considered holiday destinations.

Benefits of the rainy season

Among the advantages of holidaying in Bali during the rainy season are:

  • Reduced prices for housing and some tourism services. This trend especially begins to be observed after the New Year holidays, that is, in the second half of January. Plus, finding a comfortable hotel will not be difficult, since at this time supply exceeds demand. Price reductions also apply to air tickets, and often a one-way flight can cost half as much as in high season.
  • Half-empty beaches. This is also a kind of plus, since the vacation takes on a calmer and more measured character. Accordingly, fewer visitors will be observed while exploring the sights, which will allow you to examine them slowly and take brighter and more colorful photographs.
  • During the rainy season, waterfalls open in all their glory, vegetation begins to shine in completely different shades, and water flows become more powerful and full-flowing.

Disadvantages of the rainy season

The disadvantages include the following factors:

  • Unstable weather conditions. Tropical downpours are an unpredictable phenomenon; rain can appear out of nowhere, and after a few hours there will be no trace of it.
  • High humidity due to constant precipitation and strong evaporation. Greenhouse effect It is quite difficult to tolerate, especially for those tourists who have health problems.
  • Despite the fact that the water in the ocean remains warm, there is a lot of garbage on the beaches, which primarily affects their aesthetic appearance. Most often, no one cleans it, which makes the coast unsuitable even for sunbathing.
  • Because of strong waves and the turbidity of the water, it is not always possible to swim, therefore, when planning a trip to low season, choose a good hotel with a swimming pool on site.

Is it worth going to Bali during the rainy season?

It is most likely impossible to answer this question unambiguously. After all, everyone has their own idea of perfect holiday. If you are an experienced traveler and visiting the beach is not the best for you the main objective, then you can safely go to Bali.

During the rainy season, a special atmosphere is created on the island, which not everyone can understand. Some people like to sit in a cafe in Ubud during a tropical downpour over a cup of aromatic coffee, others want to climb a volcano for the best sunrise of their lives, and others come to conquer the next wave. All these entertainments (and not only these) are available during the low season on the island.

If you can’t stand the stuffiness and are going to a resort for snow-white beaches, then it’s better to choose a better time for your vacation. Because weather conditions can seriously spoil your plans.

In general, the rainy season is not as scary as it might seem at first glance. Many tourists manage to enjoy a good vacation if they set the right goals before the trip.

The first thing you need to know about Bali is that there are approximately same temperature water and air: 27-30 degrees Celsius. Real summer 365 days a year. This is why tourists come to Bali throughout the year and there is no clearly defined tourist seasonality. But at the same time, in the weather itself there is a big difference between, say, January and July. More about this below in the article.

By the way, the answers to many FAQ about Bali, as well as a guide to the island, are in the new Bali application for iphone and ipad. Read more at.

Climate in Bali

The climate in Bali is called equatorial monsoon. What does it mean? And the fact that Bali lies next to the equator, so there are no sharp temperature changes from season to season, here even the sun rises and sets almost always at the same time: it rises at 6 in the morning, and begins to set at 6 in the evening. During the day, the temperature also does not change much; at night, although it drops, you can still wear summer clothes even at night. There are not four seasons in Bali, as we are usually used to, but only two: dry season(April-October) and rain season(November-March).

By the way, see below for details about the weather in each month!


During the months when it is winter in Russia, it is the rainy season in Bali, its main peak (when it rains quite often) occurs in December and January. Yes, New Year in Bali often has to be celebrated in a raincoat :-) The dry season is from April-October, with the most pleasant weather in July-August; at this time in Bali it is not as hot and stuffy as in all other months.

What is the rainy season in Bali?

The rainy season in Bali is not as severe as in some other Asian countries. Although it rains often, it begins quickly and ends just as quickly; immediately after the rain the sun comes out and it becomes dry and pleasant again. Most often, it rains during the rainy season only at night, and by the morning everything has time to dry, sometimes it can rain during the day, usually it rains for an hour or two, and the rest of the time there is no rain.

But nature is an unpredictable thing, and for more than five years of living in Bali, I have come across relatively “light” rainy seasons, when there were a maximum of one or two rainy days a week, and extremely severe rainy seasons, when there are more rainy days than sunny days per month; and when it is cloudy almost all the time and it rains alternately all day. The rainy season in Bali is like a rainy autumn in St. Petersburg, when it’s better not to leave the house without an umbrella, although sometimes you carry an umbrella for weeks, and it’s not useful :-) In general, it’s difficult to predict whether your week will be rainy or dry, you can only hope for luck :-) Or come during the dry season, when it doesn’t rain much.

The rainiest months are usually January-February.

In addition to the rain and clouds in the sky, if there are a couple of minuses in the rainy season. The first disadvantage is the very high humidity, which makes the weather seem hotter than it is. Quite stuffy and hot, especially during the day and especially if there are no clouds in the sky. For those who do not tolerate heat well, the monsoon season may seem too hot. The second disadvantage of the rainy season is dirty beaches. The beach in Kuta is considered the dirtiest, and so are the beaches in Canggu. The cleanest beaches are in Nusa Dua and Sanur, as they are better cleaned there. But from plastic waste No one is safe in the ocean. :(I did about the dirty ocean during the rainy season video release, you can watch it to find out more.

The benefits of the rainy season are warm weather and the water is warm like fresh milk. It’s warm both day and night, you can walk around in summer clothes around the clock. Well, there’s one more minus: at this time there are slightly fewer tourists than, say, in July-August and there are more chances to book accommodation on the spot. But of course not on New Year’s or Catholic Christmas.

If you came to Bali on vacation and were caught in prolonged rains, then try to escape from them on - these are the islands neighboring Bali, they are far enough away for there to be completely different - usually very sunny - weather, but at the same time close enough for to get there by speedboat in a few hours.

The dry season in Bali is for those who do not like extreme heat.

The dry season begins around April, when rains become less and less common, humidity drops and a feeling of pleasant freshness appears, thanks to light breezes.

The peak of the dry season in Bali occurs in July-August and in the evenings it even gets a little cool, at least if you are going somewhere on a scooter late in the evening, you will need a sweater, and sometimes jeans, which you have already forgotten about during the season rains. And also in summer months The wind often blows during the day, so it often becomes fresh and pleasant and does not feel as hot as in winter. For those who do not like heat and stuffiness, BaliBlogger recommends coming to Bali during these months.

Among the disadvantages of the dry season: this is the time when there are the most tourists, especially in July-August, and housing prices often rise and good options you need to book well in advance. Another minus: the water is a little colder than in the rainy season, it drops to 26-27 degrees. Which is still warm, of course, but if you plan to surf, especially early in the morning or in the evening, and you are a cold person, then it is better to stock up on a 2mm wetsuit. A short one is enough.

Current weather forecast

I get endlessly asked questions like “what exactly is the weather like in Bali right now” :-)

I recommend using forecast sites, they usually show quite clearly for the next week how things will be with rain and cloudy days. In my experience, there are fairly clear forecasts (even hourly ones for the next 24 hours) on the WunderGround and AccuWeather sites. You can even download the application to your phone and watch the forecast for Bali. Ideally look at the area where you plan to stay (or the closest one), there are slight differences between different parts of Bali.

Click for weather forecast

What is the weather like in Bali in a certain month?


Air: 29-32°C | water: 28 °C

January is humid and rainy month, the probability of rain in Bali is greatest. If this is your first trip to southeast asia, then perhaps January is the best time for Bali. There is a chance to spoil the impression!

How often will it rain? At night (and sometimes in the morning) it will rain almost every day, plus a couple of days a week may be completely overcast and very rainy: when it rains all day with short breaks. On “lucky” days it will most likely rain for 2-3 hours a day. The rains in January are usually heavy, real downpours, when you get soaked to the skin in a minute. And although when there is no rain, everything is sunny and beautiful, but quite often there are cloudy days, even if it does not rain. Blue sky in January is not always :-)

Well, the main disadvantage: there is a lot of garbage in the ocean and on the beach, which is carried away by the rains. I made a separate video about garbage in the ocean, you can watch it. It’s especially bad on the beaches of Kuta, Seminyak, Canggu: (And during the rainy season it’s very hot and stuffy. It feels like a steam room and like 35 degrees of heat in the sun:-) The sun, by the way, is very harsh at this time, don’t forget to use it. You burn in Bali during the rainy season (and not only) even from riding a bike for half an hour with your shoulders or legs uncovered.

If you come for 2 weeks, then you may be lucky and it will rain only at night and maybe a very rainy day or two, or you may be unlucky and completely rainy days will fall on half of your vacation.


Air: 29-32°C | water: 28 °C

February according to the rules is last month rainy season. And usually it is not as severe as January, although on the contrary there were years when there was more rain in February. This is the weather and it is unpredictable :-)

Usually the number of days with rain is small, it rains at night or for an hour or two early in the morning (while you are still sleeping), and it is sunny during the day. In February, Bali is quite hot and the air is still humid. If there is no rain, then it is sunny and warm, as befits a tropical summer.

What does a “bad” rainy week in Bali in February look like? It can rain during the day, usually for an hour or two, and then everything dries up and the sun is bright. But the beaches (especially in Kuta) can still be dirty due to the trash that washes up from the ocean.

It is believed that in February there is a slight decline in tourists, so many choose this month. But there is a very high risk of rain, I usually advise coming to Bali starting from March-April if the prospect of rain scares you.


Air: 29-31°C | water: 29 °C

March in Bali is a border month in terms of weather. It seems that the rainy season is over, but the real “dry” season has not yet begun. The weather this month is very unpredictable. One year March is dry, another year it is slightly rainy. But rains are still rare and there are almost no prolonged rains, as in January-February. Usually for the whole of March there are no more than 5-7 very rainy days (when it rains almost all day long). On other days, sometimes it can rain for half an hour or an hour, and even then not in all areas of Bali, but it is sunny and hot, but still humid. This means that during the sunniest lunchtime it will fry and steam :-) Don’t forget to look for shade and use sunscreens, otherwise you will get burned.

It's so warm in March that nothing but... summer clothes you won’t need it – just like in almost all other months of the year. It's eternal summer in Bali :-)


Air: 28-30°C | water: 29 °C

April to October is supposedly the dry season in Bali. April in Bali is one of my favorite months. The high season and the bustle around the May holidays have not yet begun, but the rainy season has already ended and it is becoming noticeably drier. The temperature of water and air is almost the same, the water is like fresh milk, it is pleasant to swim and surf. At the same time, it is not as hot and stuffy as during the rainy season months - December, January and February.

The weather in April is very pleasant and if you are coming to Bali for the first time, then any month from April (to the end of October) is an excellent choice for a holiday in Bali. Plus, starting in April, the problem of dirty beaches and the ocean disappears when the garbage is washed away by rain. No rain - no garbage. Another reason in favor of going to Bali during the dry season.


Air: 28-30°C | water: 28 °C

May in Bali is a good time to travel to Bali. In May there is no longer any rain, the ocean is warm and pleasant, the air temperature is warm and summery. It is not as humid as the rainy season, so the heat is not as bad to bear. In May it is sunny almost every day, you can swim and sunbathe and truly enjoy the hot tropical weather.

It is thanks to the good weather in Bali in May that this is the high season for Russian tourists; many people come for the May holidays. If you want to avoid high season or more high prices in Bali, plan for the second half of May, it is even more pleasant in weather than the first half.


Air: 27-30°C | water: 27 °C

Starting from June, the real dry season begins in Bali. What does this mean for us? In June-August the most pleasant and the worst hot weather on Bali. Yes, this is still the tropics and here it is rarely less than 28 degrees – both air and water temperatures. But during this month, daytime breezes begin to kick in, making the hot afternoon weather a little more pleasant. There is no rain this month, it is sunny every day, blue sky almost no clouds and a pleasant warm ocean. The ocean in Bali, however, is warm all year round. At night the air temperature gets a little “cooler” - up to 25 degrees :-)

Towards the end of June, the highest season in Bali begins - July and August. So if you want to experience the dry season weather, but don't want to pay high season prices, then June is a great choice.

July August

Air: 26-28°C | water: 27 °C

July and August in Bali are the most visited months by tourists. Prices for air tickets and accommodation are jumping, but this does not reduce the number of tourists. This is understandable: in my opinion, these months are the most pleasant summer weather on Bali. There is no humidity and stuffiness like the months of the rainy season. The heat is greatly brightened up by the day's easy prizes. The ocean is pleasantly warm and refreshing like summer. In terms of clothes, take with you everything that is lightweight for summer.

IN general July and August is the peak of the dry season in Bali. If you are traveling to Bali for the first time and wondering when the best time is, then July and August are definitely the most pleasant “dry” months in Bali. Every day is sunny, but also the least hot of all other months in Bali.

By the way, if you surf, take a short hydric 1-2mm, many people do without it, but we living in Bali are especially cold in the mornings without a hydric, so it’s better to take it if you have one. In addition, if you ride a bike late at night or at dawn, it is better to have a shirt or a light sweatshirt with you, as it is a little cool. Although experience shows that for those who are in Asia for the first time, it is not cool in Bali even at night. Temperatures in the south of the island rarely fall below 25 degrees.


Air: 27-29°C | water: 27 °C

September in Bali is another good month in terms of weather and seasons. The crazy flow of tourists in July-August is already subsiding slightly, but the weather is still “dry” without rain and pleasant summer. There is no stifling heat, but there are no summer winds either, so it’s a real warm summer.

The good thing about Bali in September is that there are no longer inflated prices for accommodation and tickets, a little less tourists and more opportunities to explore the island without being stuck in traffic jams :-) I remember that my first trip to Bali was in the second half of September and I I really liked the weather. Compared to Russia, it certainly seemed hot, but subsequent experience of living in Bali proved that it was not the hottest, and not at all as stuffy as it can be during the rainy season in December or January.


Air: 27-29°C | water: 27 °C

October in Bali is similar to September, so you can just re-read everything I said above. October is still a dry season, although almost one of its last months.

But still, it is unlikely that there will be rain in October. And even if there are several rainy days in a month, then at most they will last a couple of hours at night or at dawn, and the rest of the time sunny weather and blue clear sky.

October is a great month for traveling to Bali; tickets are usually not so expensive, since it is a relative off-season (although there are enough tourists in Bali in all months).


Air: 29°C | water: 28 °C

In Bali, the rainy season begins to slowly begin in November. What does this mean? Although it is unlikely to expect rain exactly on November 1, most likely there will be the same clear and sunny weather as in the same November. But gradually it becomes hotter and more humid, because of this humidity the heat during the day is perceived as more stuffy. In November, the rains may be towards the end of the month, when there are rainy nights (but everything dries out by morning) or maybe another day will be cloudy.

But one of the advantages is that this is a real off-season, it’s worth catching. There are a little fewer tourists, but for heat lovers this is the best time. Like fresh milk the ocean, hot weather even at night. You can walk around in a T-shirt and shorts all day long.

But you still need to understand that November in Bali is a month on the border of the dry season and the rainy season. And in fact, this is one of the most unpredictable months for rain. One year it can be quite dry, and then the next, on the contrary, rainy and often cloudy or it's raining several times a week. But still, usually not every day and not all day.


Air: 29-20°C | water: 29 °C

And although December in Bali and the New Year holidays are another high season in Bali, I still think that this is the worst time to travel here. Besides the fact that everything is expensive and there are a lot of tourists, the weather is pretty stupid and unpredictable. December is the first month of the rainy season, which lasts until February. Don't expect the sun to shine and the sky to be blue your entire trip. There is a very high chance of rain in a day or two.

The rains during the wet season in Bali are not just small drizzles. These are real tropical showers. And although during the day they usually pass in half an hour to an hour, and then everything dries out instantly, during the rain itself you most likely do not want to be outside - the chance of getting wet to the skin in a couple of minutes is approximately 100%. :-)

You may be lucky in December and there will be few rainy days: for example, they will only fall at night or for an hour or two a day. But it can also be an unlucky December, when the sky is overcast all day and it rains alternately for days. On such days, I usually sit at home, have tea with lemon and don’t go out anywhere. But when you're a tourist, you don't really want to sit at home, right? Again, I don’t want to say that this will happen throughout your entire vacation, but there is a risk that there will be many such days. If this is your first trip to Southeast Asia, you may not want to spoil the experience by visiting during the rainy season. In addition, on New Year's Eve it is also incredibly expensive in Bali.

Another argument not to come to Bali during the rainy season (which means December). Every year in Bali it becomes... Five years ago, the only dirty beach during the rainy season was Kuta. Now these are even such clean and beautiful beaches as Nusa Dua or Bukit. And it seems to me that every year it will get even worse. If you want to spend every day on the beach, don't come during the rainy season. Otherwise you will hate Bali :-)

Seasons for

You can surf in Bali all year round, but be aware that depending on the season, some surf spots may not be suitable for surfing.

For example, during the rainy season (namely from December to March), surf spots in southwest Bali are not very suitable for surfing: Kuta, Seminyak, Canggu, Prerenan, Balangan, Uluwatu and so on. And Kuta itself at the peak of the rainy season (especially in January-February) is not the most best place for surfing: the beaches become quite dirty, as during the rainy season garbage from village rivers washes into the ocean. But during the rainy season, surf spots on the southeastern coast begin to “work”: from Nusa Dua and Greenball and further north - Serangan, Keramas and others.

In the dry season - more precisely from March to November - the most suitable spots for surfing are Kuta, Canggu, and the Bukit Peninsula: Jimbaran, Balangan, Dreamland, etc. - and all the spots on the southwest coast that did not work in winter - Canggu and so on.

The information above is more likely for independent and advanced surfers, since if you are just a learning surfer, sometimes it is better to go to poorly working and off-season spots: the waves there will not be ideal, but there will be an order of magnitude less people and it will be easier for you to surf, since no one will interfere.

The peak surfing season begins in May and lasts until the end of August - beginning of September. At this time they often come big waves, there are a lot of tourists in Bali, which also affects the situation on the water: most lineups become very crowded and in order to catch a lot of waves, you will need good skills. In this sense, the rainy season is also more suitable for training, since the size and quality of the waves are more suitable for training.

Surfing lessons in Bali are provided all year round; most often, beginners are taught at surf spots on the beach in Kuta, and “intermediate” surfers, depending on the season, are taken on surf trips (special surf trips for half a day or one day) to those places where this moment there are waves of the required size and quality - these are often Batu Bolong and Serangan.

In Bali, the water is quite warm all year round, but if you come in June-August and do not feel particularly hardened, BaliBlogger advises taking with you a light short wetsuit or a wetsuit (even a thin 2mm thick one is enough), since in the summer the water seems a little cool, if you spend 2 hours or more in it. However, many people continue to ride at this time without any wetsuits.

High season in Bali: when to expect the largest flow of tourists?

In Bali, there are two main peaks in the influx of tourists - the Christmas and New Year holidays (that is, the period from mid-December to mid-January) and July-August. At this time, ticket prices rise, prices for hotels/villas in Bali rise, and there are a lot of cars and scooters on the roads. In general, a real sell-out. And of course, we must not forget about the May holidays, when a large number of Russian tourists rushes to various resorts, including Bali.

Therefore, if you come to Bali during the high season, do not expect low prices for tickets and accommodation, and if you go, prepare for the fact that there will be many other students besides you.

If you don’t like noisy streams of tourists and prefer a slightly quieter time, then choose the off-season in Bali: March-April or October-November. These are very pleasant months in terms of weather and not so “crazy” in terms of crowds of tourists and prices for tourist services.

Video about the rainy season in Bali:

Tropical humid. There are two seasons: dry from late March to mid-November and wet from December to March. The air temperature is practically the same - during the day +28...+33, at night 4-6 degrees less. The water warms up to +26…+28 at any time of the year.

But the weather in Bali is very different with precipitation, which can occur every day from December to March, with the peak occurring at the end of December-February. The rest of the time they are unlikely; in summer the sun almost always shines.

The rainy season in Bali has some features peculiar to this island. Often the day goes like this: at sunrise there is not a cloud in the sky, by 10 am small clouds appear. By 13-14 o'clock they fill the entire sky and only by 15-16 o'clock it begins to pour. Either it is strong and short-lived (1-2 hours), or it is drizzling and lasts all evening and midnight. Often it is local, capturing not the entire island, but some small part of it.

In principle, the weather during the rainy season is unpredictable. There may be no precipitation for several days and the sky will simply be covered with clouds. And for the next few days it will drizzle for 24 hours with short breaks. But you can be sure that if you go at this time for 10-14 days, you will not see the sun every day, although there will be enough time to.

When is the best time to go to Bali?

You must choose the best time to relax in Bali yourself, based on the above. Most Russian tourists who visited Thailand and other Asian countries in December-March may not have seen a drop of precipitation. And, indeed, at this time there is a dry season.

From this they conclude that the weather on the island of Bali is exactly the same and come here for New Year and Christmas. But the island is located south of the equator and the seasons here are opposite to others Asian countries, i.e. when it’s dry there, it rains and vice versa, when it’s cooler there, it’s hotter.

In our opinion, it is better to go to Bali during the May holidays, as well as throughout the summer and autumn. In this case, you will see the sun every day and see almost no precipitation. A larger number of excursions are available, some are impossible in the low season due to insufficient number of people willing (the minivan will not go because of 1-2 people, this is not profitable for travel agencies).

On the other hand, summer and early autumn are the peak season and hotel prices are higher. Those that cost 80,000 rupees ($8) will be offered for 100,000. Therefore, thrifty tourists can go to Bali from December to March. Let us repeat that it rarely rains all day and often begins only in the evening, when you can hide from it in a restaurant for dinner.

Those wishing to travel to the most popular island in Indonesia will most likely be curious to know what time of year is safest to do so. independent travel on Bali.

In this article we will look at each season in Bali separately in order to understand when it is most convenient to fly to this paradise of our planet.

Climate Features

The equatorial-monsoon climate in Bali is very comfortable for living. The weather on the island is suitable for holidays 12 months a year. Daylight here lasts approximately 13 hours: sunrises occur at 6 am, and sunsets at approximately half past seven.

The water temperature in the sea and ocean remains consistently high all year round - about 27 degrees, and the air warms up in different parts islands in different ways. Average annual temperature here it is 30°C. There are only two seasons in Bali: dry season (April to October) and rainy season (November to March).

Two island seasons

During the rainy season in Bali, air humidity reaches 90-95%, but the rains mainly fall at night or late in the evening, without interfering with enjoying your holiday, but, on the contrary, bringing with it a refreshing coolness. And yet, when going for a walk at this time, it would be better to take an umbrella with you.

Precipitation here is distributed depending on the relief features: in mountainous area there are more of them, since the higher elevations hold back thunderclouds; in other places there is a little less rain. In particular, in the northeastern part of the island the number of “wet” days varies from 60 to 80 per year, and in the southwestern part the number of rainy days is twice as large - up to 150 days per year.

Temperatures range from 26 to 30°C, and the water remains comfortable for swimming almost all year round. By the way, this perfect time for surfing enthusiasts, who can be seen “cutting the wave” just from November to March.

However best time To visit the Island of the Gods, it is still considered a dry season: from April to September there is the least rain, and the water and air temperatures are incredibly comfortable. The obvious advantages will be favorable weather and excellent conditions for a vacation, but the only disadvantage is the large number of visitors from all over the world who prefer the cool, “dry” months.

Spring in Bali

Of the spring months in Bali, it is more comfortable to travel in April-May, when the weather is no longer so rainy and you can do active recreation. However, in March you can also have a good rest here, enjoying the underwater beauty Indian Ocean, exciting rafting experiences, as well as exciting excursions to the sights of the island, bright nightlife and tasting of local dishes.

In spring, the island will be more interesting for connoisseurs of cultural traditions and excursion holiday: In addition to tours around the area, it is worth taking part in the celebration of an exotic holiday - the Balinese New Year Nyepi, which is celebrated for 10 days in early April or late March.

Before Nyepi, all kinds of parades take place on the island with mass celebrations, dancing and masquerade, but on New Year's Day itself local residents they try to make a minimum of noise and almost never leave their houses, so as not to inadvertently awaken evil spirits.

IN spring months the price level in Bali is slightly lower than in summer season, although at the end of May there are already a lot of tourists here, especially Russians and Europeans.

Travel in summer

During the summer holidays, the cost of tourist services in Bali increases, and finding accommodation at an affordable price becomes quite difficult, so it is preferable to book a hotel or a private house in advance.

Summer in Bali means wonderful weather with hot days and cool evenings, fabulous beaches and exciting walks to “places of power”.

Autumn Bali

For those who were unable to fly to the island in summer, nature prepared a pleasant surprise in the form of velvet season in September and October, when the island still reigns comfortable weather and not much rainfall. In addition to the traditional beach holiday and shopping, in the fall you can go on a tour of the island’s attractions, explore local temples and museums, and visit bars and restaurants to get to know Asian cuisine better.