ethnoscience– this is not only the use of flora representatives for independent treatment, but also fauna objects or their components. The benefits of seafood and fish for human body is huge, many facts have been said and proven about them. But there are controversial cases, such as eating catfish, which can bring enormous benefits but also poses a health threat.

Content of valuable components in catfish, nutritional benefits and energy value of fish

Catfish is a type of predatory fish whose distribution range is the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. It got its name because of its huge, terrifying jaw with conical teeth.

The protein-rich composition of catfish is very attractive to athletes. All the beneficial substances in fish are antioxidants, vitamins, trace elements and minerals. Their complex has a beneficial effect on the condition internal organs person, appearance and health of skin, hair, tone and mood. More detailed composition of the fish:

Amino acids are substances responsible for the stable and normal functioning of the heart and the healthy state of blood vessels;

Potassium is an element that helps remove excess salts from the body; its presence helps prevent tissue swelling;

Phosphorus is a macronutrient that seafood is rich in. in a positive way affects the functioning of the endocrine system;

Vitamin E is responsible for maintaining the youth of the body;

Vitamin A or carotene improves vision, prevents the occurrence of eye diseases, strengthens the immune system and significantly increases the body's defenses;

Vitamin D is the main component for normalizing the functioning of the central nervous system; it is also responsible for maintaining the integrity and strength of bone tissue;

Vitamin PP - helps the body recover faster, which is especially important in postoperative periods, thanks to the regenerating and restorative effects the body quickly returns to its normal state after illness;

B vitamins support the health of the whole body, help everyone stay in good shape internal systems and organs;

Vitamin C is a natural antibiotic that can independently stop internal inflammatory processes in the body and improve immunity;

Magnesium is an element that takes part in fat, protein and energy processes in the body;

In no large quantities the composition also contains minerals such as cobalt, selenium, zinc, fluorine, iron, copper;

There are unsaturated fatty acids in the composition - these are Omega 3 and Omega 6;

Water and ash.

Per 100 g of product there are 19.6 g of protein, 5.3 g of fat, 80 mg of cholesterol and minimal carbohydrate content. The calorie content in the raw product is 96 kcal per 100 g. Catfish is a low-calorie type of fish, although during the cooking process energy value it increases: boiled fish– 114 kcal, baked – 137 kcal, fried – 220 kcal.

Eating catfish and the beneficial properties of fish

Catfish is a type of commercial fish that is highly valued for its excellent, delicious meat and delicious caviar. Sea wolf skin and teeth are also used in the production of accessories, jewelry, and souvenirs.

Most of specialists and nutritionists are confident in invaluable benefits fish meat for the human body, because it is perfectly digestible, full of useful substances, antioxidants, and vitamins. Low-calorie, but nutritious dishes are recommended for consumption by athletes and people in the recovery stage of life after operations or serious illnesses. The most beneficial for the body will be the delicacy of boiled catfish.

What are catfish like? beneficial features:

1. Saturation of the body's cells with protein necessary for their restoration and structure.

2. Removing excess salts from the body and getting rid of swelling, for example, in the morning.

3. Increased immunity and body resistance to viral and infectious diseases.

4. Normalization of the functioning of the nervous system, improvement of the condition skeletal system.

5. Strengthening effect on the thyroid gland.

6. Removing harmful cholesterol from the body.

7. Establishing the activity of the cardiovascular system.

8. Bringing the pH balance in the body to the required value.

9. Restoration of metabolic processes in the body.

10. Improving memory and the processes of memorizing materials by saturating the brain with useful components.

11. Lowering blood pressure and preventing atherosclerosis.

12. Effective fat burning - catfish is suitable for inclusion in a diet for weight loss, and will also help remove toxins from the body.

Like most other representatives of the oceanic and marine fauna, catfish is an easily digestible and healthy low-calorie product.

Can catfish be harmful: a list of main contraindications

There has been debate among nutritionists and scientists for a long time about the benefits and harms of catfish. Its composition, rich in valuable substances and low calorie content, undoubtedly add advantages to the product and prove that it cannot pose a health hazard. However, contraindications for catfish are not excluded. The main ones:

1. Pacific fish meat is full of allergens that are so strong that even after heat treatment their strength does not decrease. Because of this, meat can cause Negative consequences as allergic reaction or even poisoning.

2. People with a known intolerance to seafood should not eat fish.

4. During pregnancy and lactation period, catfish should also be avoided due to negative impact on the developing nervous system of the child.

5. Young children should not be given catfish for the same reasons, at least until they are 4 years old.

It should be remembered that when existing contraindications Catfish can cause harm to the body only in significant quantities. Small portions of fish will cause minimal or no damage, but it’s better not to take any unnecessary risks.

How to choose the right catfish - the benefits of purchased fish

When purchasing catfish fish for home consumption, health improvement and prevention, you need to know the basic rules of choice. They will help you buy tasty, healthy, and most importantly, healthy fish.

1. You should immediately pay attention to the eyes - the look should be clean, bright, and in no case cloudy, because this indicates that the fish is not fresh.

2. Fish meat is another indicator of freshness. It is worth buying fish with elastic, light and bright meat.

3. Frozen fish is not the best option. Most likely, it was re-frozen many times and lost its taste and beneficial properties.

4. Fresh fish can be stored in the refrigerator, useful qualities will be stored for exactly one day.

It is best to freeze fish yourself. This way you will be sure that the fish was fresh when you purchased it. But it can be stored in this way for no more than a couple of months.

Man is not satisfied with meat alone. Sometimes the body requires fish. There is such a variety on the shelves now that it’s dizzying. Among all the variety you can also find catfish. Is it worth attention and how to prepare it correctly? Let’s look at it in this article.

What kind of fish

Catfish- large predatory fish cold northern seas. They grow to a length of more than 2 m and a weight of about 30 kg. There are four types:

Did you know?These fish got their name for a reason. Large, fearsome, dog-like teeth allow them to effortlessly chew through shellfish shells.

The meat of this fish white, soft and tender, very juicy, there are few bones in it, they are large and easy to remove.

Studying the composition

Catfish meat is extremely healthy because it contains a lot of potassium, phosphorus, as well as vitamins and saturated acids.



Meat is very rich (per 100 g) in such elements as:

  • - 180 mg;
  • - 335 mg;
  • - 100 mg;
  • - 165 mg;
  • - 35 mg;
  • - 30 mg.

Nutritional value and calorie content

The calorie content of meat is 126 kcal per 100 g, of which proteins are approximately 78 kcal, fats are 48 kcal.

Is catfish healthy?

Catfish meat is definitely a healthy product for the body.. It is rich in easily digestible protein, so it can be consumed during a diet, and is also suitable for athletes. Contains many essential fatty acids that are difficult to obtain from other foods.

Very good effect on functioning thyroid gland, therefore, if you have problems in this regard, include this fish in your diet without fail. This product also has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, immunity and human bones.

Did you know? The catfish constantly eats the hard-shelled inhabitants of the waters. And in order not to suffer from teeth wear, she completely changes them every year.

How to choose the right fresh product

To avoid buying rotten meat, you should pay attention to the following signs:

  • eyes- should not be cloudy. Natural color is deep blue-gray;
  • meat- elastic. If you press a little with your finger, it quickly restores its shape;
  • if you take frozen fish (in an ice crust), pay attention to the ice. Too transparent is a sign of re-freezing, which means improper storage. Also, impurities of blood or other substances (spots, dots, stains in the ice layer) are unacceptable. This kind of fish is not worth taking.

After purchase, you should also follow the storage rules:

  • frozen fish should be promptly sent to the freezer (it can stay there for a couple of months);
  • fresh - store on the coldest (bottom) shelf of the refrigerator (no more than 1-2 days).

Defrost gradually, in a container with cold water. Microwave defrosting will significantly speed up the process, but will ruin the structure of the meat.

How to cook delicious catfish

Catfish is good as a separate dish, and in combination with vegetables (especially potatoes), herbs and cereals. You can use it to prepare meatballs, cutlets, fish soup (you will get a slightly sweet soup), use it as a filling for pies, and an ingredient for salads. Catfish is smoked, salted, fried, boiled, stewed, steamed. Any type of heat treatment suits it perfectly and reveals special facets of taste. Let's give a couple of examples of fairly simple, but at the same time very successful recipes.

Important! Catfish meat tends to fall apart when cooked. To prevent this from happening, it should be slightly boiled in salted water before frying. Also, you should not fry the fillet without batter.

Fried fish recipe

You will need the following ingredients:

  • about 1 kg of fish;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice;
  • fish seasoning;
  • 0.5 tbsp. flour;
  • the same amount of breadcrumbs;
  • vegetable oil.

When you have everything you need, you can start preparing:

  • Break one egg into a bowl, add a pinch of salt, beat with a whisk;
  • We cut the fish into steaks (or take ready-made ones) - cut the gutted carcass lengthwise into equal pieces, wash them thoroughly;
  • then we cut each piece into four equal parts (if you have not one large fish, but several small ones, then you don’t have to cut it);
  • treat the resulting pieces with lemon juice;
  • pour the fish into a bowl with the egg, mix thoroughly so that the egg completely envelops the meat;
  • add seasoning, mix again, leave to infuse for half an hour;
  • then beat the second egg in a separate bowl;
  • drain excess marinade from the bowl with fish;
  • flour and crackers should be poured into separate plates;
  • Using tongs, roll each piece of catfish first in flour, then in egg, then in breadcrumbs;
  • place the boned pieces on the board;
  • prepare the frying pan - pour 0.5 cm of oil and put it on the fire, wait until it heats up well;
  • lay out the fish, fry over medium heat, on both sides, until golden brown;
  • Place the finished pieces on paper/napkins to drain excess fat.
Can be served.

Oven baked recipe

You will need a set of the following products:

  • about 700 g catfish;
  • half a lemon;
  • 1 tbsp. l. soy sauce;
  • 2 onions;
  • 1 tomato;
  • 1 carrot;
  • half a chili pepper;
  • vegetable oil;
  • ground black pepper;
  • 100 g sour cream;
  • parsley (or other greens).
We also need some food foil.

The cooking sequence is as follows:

  • pour cleaned and cut into pieces fish with lemon juice and soy sauce;
  • cut the onion and tomato into half rings;
  • three carrots on a grater;
  • cut the chili pepper into rings, remove the grains from it;
  • cover a baking sheet with foil;
  • grease the bottom with vegetable oil;
  • pour onions and carrots in even layers;
  • lay out the fish;
  • pour a small amount of soy sauce on top;
  • pepper;
  • place tomatoes and chili peppers on top;
  • grease with sour cream;
  • put in the oven - at a temperature of +180° C, for half an hour.
Serve with lemon wedges, parsley or chives.

Important! Tomatoes are needed so that the catfish meat remains elastic and does not spread. If the recipe does not provide for them, you can pre-soak the meat in water with salt (a tablespoon of salt is enough for four glasses of water).

Is there any harm: who should not eat catfish?

The main reason to avoid catfish is- allergy to fish, especially sea fish. It is also not recommended to eat it a lot and often, since the high content of minerals can lead to an overdose in the body.

Another nuance to consider is salinity. People prone to edema, as well as those with kidney problems, should eat catfish with caution.

More useful fish

Species edible fish so many. For variety, you can try something new. Or experiment with recipes. In any case, do not pass by the following candidates.

crucian carp

A very common fish lives in lowland lakes and rivers; in winter it can hibernate. Popular among amateur fishermen, since catching crucian carp does not require special bait or gear. The meat is tasty, tender, but very bony (many small bones).

Chum salmon

red fish, living in Pacific Ocean, but spawning in rivers. It lives up to six years, grows to a maximum of one meter, lays very large eggs, and dies after spawning. Chum salmon meat is very tasty and contains a lot of fluoride.

The fish is very common It is found in rivers and lakes, and is also readily bred on special fish farms. Carp meat is bony, but not too high in calories.

As we see, even from inexpensive fish can be cooked very delicious dishes, therefore, if there is no salmon or sturgeon on the table, there is no need to be upset. Buy catfish and cook delicious, and most importantly, healthy dishes from it!

Catfish- sea perch fish. Lives mainly in the Arctic seas, as well as northern regions Pacific and Atlantic oceans, at a depth of 600 meters. There are four types: blue, spotted, striped, Far Eastern, and all of them are edible.

It can reach length one meter and weigh up to 30 kg. She has powerful, concave teeth, big eyes and blotchy skin. Because of her “formidable” appearance, she was popularly nicknamed “sea wolf.” This name can be found in many old cookbooks and among the rural population.

Dietary properties of catfish

Refers to dietary fish species. There are practically no carbohydrates in it. This mainly affects its value in dietary nutrition.

Nutritionists advise people who want to lose weight to include catfish in their diet, since during the diet the body is weakened and experiences special need in nutrients and substances. Vitamins, minerals, amino acids and trace elements so necessary for the body are contained in abundance in this type of fish.

Its special feature is that everything healthy vitamins and microelements are quickly absorbed by the body. Dishes made from it turn out to be light, especially if you steam them, and are quickly digested.

Therefore it is included in therapeutic diets for such diseases:

  • gastritis varying degrees and types, pancreatitis, mild form of gastric ulcer;
  • hypertension;
  • diabetes;
  • heart diseases.

Ingredients: vitamins and minerals

Has a rich chemical composition:

  • 100 g contains 19.6 g protein, 5.3 g fat, 80 mg cholesterol;
  • phosphorus– 180 mg, sodium – 100 mg, iodine – 0.05 mg, iron – 0.5 mg, molybdenum – 0.04 mg, calcium – 30 mg, potassium – 335 mg, magnesium – 35 mg, fluorine – 0.043 mg, zinc – 0.6 mg, cobalt – 0.02 mg, chromium – 0.055 mg, chlorine – 165 mg, sulfur – 190 mg per 100 g of product;
  • vitamins A – 0.06 mg, B1 – 0.24 mg, B2 – 0.04 mg, B6 – 0.3 mg, E – 0.4 mg, D – 0.025 mg, PP- 2.5 mg, C- 1 .4 mg per 100 g of product;
  • unsaturated Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids;
  • glutamine, lysine, aspartic, pantothenic, nicotinic acids;
  • water, ash.

Calorie content

Refers to low-calorie varieties of fish. 100 g contains only 95 kcal. Of course, the calorie content is greatly influenced by the cooking method. Boiled meat contains the fewest calories - only 114 per 100 g. Baked fish contains 137, and fried fish 209 kcal.

Benefits for the body

The rich composition determines all its beneficial properties. Its use has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, internal organs, as well as nervous system and general emotional state.

  1. Primarily useful for people with cardiovascular problems. Due to the presence of large amounts of potassium, magnesium, omega-3 and 6, harmful cholesterol is removed from the body, reducing the risk of atherosclerosis and clogging of veins.
    Potassium in the composition reduces swelling and stabilizes arterial pressure. Thanks to it, excess salt is removed from the body. And since it is excess salt that provokes some diseases of the joints, kidneys and blood vessels, this also has a beneficial effect on them.
    People with ischemia and arterial hypertension, doctors prescribe its mandatory use. It is also useful for blood clotting problems.
  2. During recovery After serious illnesses and fractures, doctors strongly recommend including catfish in the diet. A large number of nutrients and vitamins allows you to reduce rehabilitation time and return to a full life earlier.
  3. Iodine included helps with thyroid problems.
  4. This type of fish often recommended for depressed people. Eating it for breakfast can significantly improve your mood for the whole day.
  5. Protein found in fish, much more useful than that, which is found in meat and even poultry, it is absorbed faster, has a more positive effect on cells and muscle mass. Athletes and patients during recovery include it in their diet precisely because of its positive effects on the body.
  6. Eating everything A serving of catfish twice a month can provide the body with vitamins A, B, E, D, PP.
  7. Abundance of vitamins and microelements not only allows you to cope with many diseases, but also improves immunity.
  8. Regular consumption of fish stimulates brain activity, muscles are strengthened, the elasticity of the skin and tissues increases.

Harm to catfish

For long period The catfish were unaware of the harm. Chemical composition, low calorie content of meat indicated that meat is healthy. And only after some time, scientists began to study it in more detail, identifying some of its harmful properties and even contraindications.

Therefore, before eating it, you should consult a doctor or at least pay close attention to its selection, preparation and consumption itself.

  • The greatest harm of use brings it to people who are contraindicated to eat it, but more on that below.
  • Rotten, old, not the first the freshness of fish, which is often sold in markets and on passages, can cause poisoning. The degree of poisoning directly depends on the condition of the fish and the type of preparation.

    Fresh fish always has clean, not cloudy eyes. The meat should have a rich color, be pressed when pressed and immediately return to normal.

    It is better not to buy frozen fish, unless it is from a trusted manufacturer. If the fish is on ice, it means that it has already been frozen several times. Therefore, it is best to buy fresh catfish, cut it into portions at home and hide it in the freezer.

Important to remember Golden Rule – only uncontrolled consumption of the product can cause harm. A small amount of it, if there are no contraindications, will only be beneficial.


In some cases, catfish should not be eaten at all, even in small doses.

  • Like any other sea fish, it is a strong allergen. Freezing and heat treatment have no effect on this. If a person is already allergic to some type of fish or seafood, it is worth conducting tests before consumption or eating a very small piece (although this can also be dangerous).
  • Pregnant, nursing mothers and small children under 6 years of age. Part of the reason is the same possibility of allergies. After a series of clinical trials, American scientists have proven that eating catfish has a negative impact on the child’s nervous system.
  • For pancreatic problems glands fish can provoke worsening of the disease.

Cooking recipes

You can cook more than just meat, but also catfish caviar. Most often it is used in preparing delicacies, but also for everyday dishes she fits perfectly. Cut up meat can be boiled, stewed, baked and fried, salted and even smoked.

Fresh fish is never infected with helminths, unlike river fish. This significantly expands the possibilities of preparing her dietary meat.

In many cultures, catfish is eaten raw, although this is a rather exotic method of preparation, but it is often practiced.

Of course, in order to avoid harmful microorganisms and diseases that may be contained in it from entering the body, the fish is prematurely pickled or salted to make it spicy. The principle of use is the same as in sushi, where wasabi acts as a “killer” of everything harmful that may be contained in fish.

Catfish in batter


  • Catfish fillet;
  • 1-2 eggs;
  • Flour or breadcrumbs;
  • Salt and spices.


  1. The catfish is cut into medium-thick slices.
  2. The eggs are beaten separately, they need to be salted, peppered and seasoned to taste with your favorite seasonings.
  3. Separately prepare a plate with flour or breadcrumbs.
  4. Frying pan with sunflower or olive oil warms up.
  5. Then take a piece of meat, dip it in an egg, then in flour and place it in a frying pan. The fish cooks very quickly, so it is important to ensure that it does not burn.
  6. To remove all excess fat, place the finished fish on a plate lined with kitchen paper towels.
  7. Rice, pearl barley, and vegetables are best served as a side dish.

Catfish baked with vegetables



  1. Steaks are rubbed with salt, spices, pour over lemon juice and leave for 30 minutes to marinate.
  2. Made from foil small ramekins (baskets with sides) the size of the steaks.
  3. Onions and potatoes are chopped rings, carrots and cheese are grated on a coarse grater.
  4. Added to sour cream finely chopped greens and mix.
  5. In a foil pan a layer of salted potatoes, carrots, onions, again potatoes is placed and all this is poured with the sour cream sauce made earlier.
  6. Steak is laid out on the sauce catfish and surrounded with onion rings. Everything is topped with cheese.
  7. With the rest of the molds the same thing is done.
  8. The forms are placed on a lined line the baking sheet with foil and cover it completely with foil so that there are no holes.
  9. The baking sheet is placed in the oven, heated to a temperature of 180 degrees for 20 minutes.
  10. Then the dish comes out, remove the foil and put the pan back in the oven for another 15 minutes.

Catfish with steamed vegetables in a slow cooker


  • Catfish – 1 steak;
  • Broccoli – 30 g;
  • Carrots – 1 piece;
  • Spices and salt.


  1. Water is poured into the multicooker bowl and a sieve is placed on top for steaming.
  2. The fish is defrosted (if it was frozen) or a fresh steak is taken, rubbed with spices and salt and placed on a sieve.
  3. The carrots are cut into medium circles and also placed on a sieve, next to the catfish along with the broccoli; they need to be slightly salted.
  4. Then the multicooker needs to be closed and set to “steam” mode for 30 minutes.

Catfish is very healthy fish. A large amount of nutrients and vitamins makes it indispensable for diets, as well as in the diet of athletes and during recovery from serious illnesses and bone fractures.

If you choose it correctly and prepare it, it will only bring benefits to the body, especially since its market price is quite low, but we must not forget about contraindications. Even in small doses it can cause harm to people intolerant to this product.

The blue catfish belongs to the family Catfish and the order Perciformes.

Names of blue catfish

Blue sea-eat (English); AVasserkatze (German); blaasteinbit, hakjerring steinbit (Norwegian). Due to the external similarity of the shape of the blue catfish’s head with the face of a cat, English fishermen nicknamed it “ sea ​​cat" The nickname widow appeared among the Pomors who fished in the Barents Sea, where only immature females are found, hence the name of the blue catfish - widow.

External signs of blue catfish

This fish is not called catfish by chance. She has fairly large teeth, which are located on the vomer and palate, which allows her to bite through the shells of crabs and mollusk shells without any problems.

Such an impressive dental apparatus is replaced every year, although the teeth practically do not wear down. During the period when the water in the catfish habitat becomes cold, all the old teeth fall out, and new ones grow on the still soft bases. At this time, catfish grab food without a chitinous hard shell, or do not feed at all. After a month and a half, the bases ossify, and in their bases the embryos of teeth appear again, which grow inside the bases that have merged with each other, gradually destroying the dental apparatus until a new change occurs.

The maximum dimensions of the blue catfish are 1.4 m – 1.8 m, and the weight reaches 32 kg. The fish is colored a dark gray-blue interspersed with fuzzy spots.

Sometimes you come across dark chocolate-colored specimens. The body of the fish is elongated, covered with small scales, with a massive head and a rounded front end. The head and tail have a laterally compressed shape. The length of the caudal fin is less than a tenth of the length of the body without the head and caudal fin. Pointed teeth; the palatal rows of teeth extend further back than the vomer teeth; the tuberculate teeth are poorly developed. In long dorsal fin usually have 76 - 81 soft rays. The caudal fin is rounded. The pectoral fins are small, rounded, and there are no pelvic fins. The jaw of the blue catfish is shortened, and fangs protrude from the mouth.

Distribution of blue catfish

The blue catfish fish lives mainly in the northern waters of the Atlantic Ocean and in Arctic Ocean. This type of fish can be found in the White, Barents, North, Norwegian, and Baltic seas. Blue catfish appears off the coast of Labrador, Newfoundland, Spitsbergen, Scotland, Greenland, Iceland, and near Novaya Zemlya. A dead blue catfish was found on the shores of Prince Patrick Island, located far west of famous places habitat of Atlantic catfish.

Blue Catfish Habitats

Blue catfish are found in cold seas, preferring to swim underwater at a depth of 100 to 1700 meters at water temperatures above 0°C; selects silty soils.

Blue catfish feeding

Blue catfish - sea ​​predator. It feeds on ctenophores, jellyfish, brittle stars, echinoderms, crustaceans and fish. Catfish extract mollusks, crustaceans and echinoderms using fangs, lifting prey from the seabed. During the change of teeth, the blue catfish swallows food whole, preferring fish and jellyfish.

Peculiarities of blue catfish reproduction

Blue catfish reach sexual maturity at the age of five years, and spawning occurs in early April and lasts until the end of October. Information about the spawning of blue catfish is rather scarce; it is known that the fertility of sea catfish is 25-28.4 thousand eggs. They are bottom-dwelling, the diameter of mature eggs is 0.7-0.8 cm, and are hatched in spring, summer or autumn. A male blue catfish guards the laid eggs from predators.

No one has yet found a clutch of blue catfish eggs. Only 2 specimens of juvenile catfish are known, caught in May over the mainland break between Bear Island and the Lofoten Islands. The transition of young individuals to a bottom lifestyle is very protracted: blue catfish usually appear in trawl catches having reached a length of 60-70 cm. Blue catfish live for about 14 years.

Features of behavior of blue catfish

The blue catfish lives up to its name. When you first look at a sea fish, you immediately notice the developed fangs. They are not at all harmless for a person who wants to look at the caught fish. When pulled onto land, a catfish can bite a curious and careless fisherman. She is capable of biting through a boot with a powerful dental apparatus, in addition to injuring the body. Blue catfish are not tied to one place; they move throughout a large area of ​​water.

In the muscles sea ​​fish there is a lot of vitamin A, perhaps this is due to its rapid growth. In the process of development of sea catfish, the following pattern is observed: than more depth, on which Atlantic catfish prefer to stay, the faster they grow.

Commercial value of blue catfish

Blue catfish for a long time was not considered a game fish. The meat of sea fish was not prepared; it was thrown overboard the ship or cut into pieces for bait when fishing for halibut. Its muscle structure is not as dense as that of the spotted catfish, and at the same time it is more watery, even somewhat jelly-like. But, nevertheless, in Lately gourmets recognized it as quite suitable for consumption.

The blue catfish is a fish that lives mainly in the Barents Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean, at a depth of 75-850 m. It belongs to the family of North Atlantic catfish, a group of perciformes. The second name is widow.
The color of the blue catfish is dark, of one tone, with fuzzy and dim spots. They are grouped into stripes, but this is almost imperceptible. The body of the fish is long, flattened on the sides. The mouth is large, the teeth are strong and cone-shaped. Adults measure about 1-1.5 m in length and weigh 20-32 kg. Lives on average 12 years.
Features of existence
This species is not an active predator because it cannot swim at high speeds. Such large teeth are designed to be able to tear mollusk shells from stones and crush them. The diet of fish includes crustaceans, sea ​​stars, jellyfish, small fish and others.
Catfish prefer to live separately, without creating large flocks. During the spawning period (winter or spring), they can unite with other individuals of their species. They lay up to 40,000 eggs, which are glued into one ball. Initially, the female guards the clutch.
Culinary value
Previously, blue catfish were not caught specifically for Food Industry. The meat of this fish is watery, so during cooking it evaporates and remains about 30% of the original mass. But, nevertheless, the fillet is very tender, juicy and tasty. Almost no seeds. The color of the meat is white, the taste is sweetish. The consistency is dense. Prepare this product different ways: You can bake, boil fish soup, fry, cook in a double boiler. It is worth considering that fish can easily turn into a mushy mass during cooking, so initial preparation is necessary.

Best cooking methods:

  • grilling;
  • baking in the oven;
  • steaming, with or without vegetables;
  • deep frying, but always in batter. Or you can pre-cook it in salted water;
  • 5 preparation of minced meat. Cutlets from it will turn out tasty and healthy.

Blue catfish served with zucchini, cauliflower, potatoes, broccoli and other vegetables. In some countries, the liver and salted caviar of this fish are a delicacy. The product can be salted, and smoked meat makes an excellent snack.
Composition and nutrients
100 g of catfish fillet contains about 19.6 g of protein and 5.5 g of fat. But this amount contains those fatty acids that are essential for the body. Fish contains many vitamins (A1, B1, B6, B12, D, E, PP and others), minerals (potassium, iron, magnesium, calcium, sodium, zinc, iodine, chromium, phosphorus and others), amino acids (lysine, glutamine, aspartic). This entire complex has a positive effect on the body and maintains its healthy state.

Especially this fish useful:

  • Athletes – due to the high protein content, which is easily digested;
  • People with thyroid diseases;
  • People with diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Contraindication for use
They may be allergic to seafood. You should not eat blue catfish in large quantities, as this can lead to poisoning.