The robin bird got its name due to the specific coloring. It seems that the birdie was too carried away with eating raspberries, as a result, part of the head around the beak and the chest were splashed with raspberry juice. These red-breasted birds are also called robins, and not only because they sing beautifully at dawn. Looking at the morning bird, one gets the impression that it has been singing for so long, admiring rising sun that turned into dawn colors.

The robin bird got its name for the specific coloring

Main species characteristics of the robin

The robin taxonomically belongs to the phylum Chordata, order Passeriformes, family Flycatchers, genus Robin.

The body parameters of this bird are as follows:

  1. The plumage is small, soft and loose. On the wings, the first flight feather is underdeveloped; it extends only half of its length beyond the covert brush.
  2. Body length for males ranges from 12.2 to 16 cm, for females - from 14 to 16 cm. On average, these birds grow to about 15 cm, if, of course, you count the tail.
  3. The wingspan of males ranges from 21 to 25 cm, females - from 22 to 25 cm, on average, the distance from the edge of one wing to the edge of the other in an extended state is about 23 cm.
  4. The length of an individual wing in males ranges from 6 to 7 cm; in females the wings are almost the same, but usually a few millimeters longer.
  5. The average length of the tail in males and females is about 7 cm. The beak of any adult measures about 1.5 cm.
  6. The weight of these birds is measured in very small quantities. There is practically no difference in it between males and females. The entire range ranges from 17 to 19 g.


Type: chordates

Class: birds

Squad: passerines

Family: flycatchers

Genus: robins

View: robin

Size: length reaches 14-16 cm. Wingspan up to 22 cm

Weight: from 16 to 22 g

Lifespan: on average up to 5 years

The robin is also popularly called the robin. This is a small bird, which is not so difficult to meet. Although she prefers to settle in forests, she quite often appears in gardens, vegetable gardens, and parks.

The bird is very fast, practically does not sit still, flutters through the dense foliage in search of insects on which it feeds. Watching her is extremely interesting, because you can learn a lot of unusual things about the life of the red-breasted singer.

Robin close up


Robins are widespread in Russia. They can be seen in the northern regions, and in the central part of the country, among, and even in Siberia.

Robins are found in Africa and Asia, but, for example, they do not live in Australia and America. Once upon a time they even tried to bring them there on purpose, but the birds did not take root.

In the 20th century, attempts to spread the birds were repeated. This time the states of Oregon and British Columbia were chosen as the home for the robins, but even then the attempt was not successful.

For a bird colony to thrive and grow, it needs a mixed or deciduous forest with very dense undergrowth. If a robin settles in gardens or parks, it chooses only those with a lot of bushes. In their branches the bird breeds offspring.

Interesting! There is an opinion that the “robin” got its name not only because characteristic color breasts, but also for love to build nests in raspberry thickets (it is not surprising, but, like robins, they also deliberately build nests near berry bushes). It is there that summer residents most often find egg laying. They called it the robin because, having started singing at dawn, it continues until dusk. And, having rested a little, he greets the new day together with the blackbirds.

IN different regions these birds lead different lifestyles. In the south they are sedentary and do not make long flights in the winter. In the northern ones, they wander, like , but in the spring they return among the very first.

Interesting! Robins, which are native to northern regions, are noticeably larger in size than their southern counterparts. In addition, their plumage is brighter.

Birds never nest in areas foreign to them. Even when making fairly long flights in more warm regions, they don't care in early spring they always return to where they were born to raise their chicks.

Interesting! Since the 60s of the 20th century, the robin bird has been recognized (albeit unofficially) as the national bird of Great Britain. In this country, the bird is associated with the coming of Christmas. To this day, the robin can be seen on traditional postcards.

An adult robin prepares to fly


Small but graceful birds are distinguished by their bright red or orange breast and a gray-green or gray back with an admixture of blue on the sides. The dimensions are small - the body length is no more than 14-16 cm.

The length of the wings and tail reaches about 7 cm. And the weight of the robin ranges from 16 to 22 grams.

In the photo, the robin looks very alive and active, and it is the same in life. The bird moves in short leaps, often even in flights.

Prefers to hide among thick grass and bushes. She is constantly on the move: catching flies, looking for material for a nest, exploring space.

Robins are not at all afraid of people, or rather, they do not pay any attention to them. You can often see the following picture at a dacha: gardeners are digging in the ground, and a red-breasted bird is scurrying nearby, waiting for a tasty worm to appear.

Robin with prey - the larva of a click beetle (wireworm)

Birds are active mainly during the day, but they begin to sing early in the morning before it gets hot or in the evening until it gets dark. The robin's song is considered one of the most beautiful: very melodic, with whistles and trills.

As with most birds, the male is the skilled singer, although females also participate in concerts. However, their variety of sounds is poorer.

Male robins are extremely aggressive. They jealously guard not only the female, but also their own territory.

Fights are common among male robins, including fights with fatal one of the rivals. This is why birds stay apart from each other and live in families and not in colonies.

This is interesting! Due to pronounced aggressiveness towards each other and frequent fights, up to 10% of male robins die at sexual maturity (of the total number of young animals in a certain territory).

In total, 8 subspecies of robins are known, which differ in darker or lighter color of their feathers. But the most common robin is the common and Japanese robin. The latter is distinguished by a reddish-brown color on the upper body.

A male robin chases a blue tit away from a feeder

Some birds can settle in parks, like, or even in forest belts of large cities, very close to high-rise buildings. This puts a certain shade on their behavior.

Robins are easily confused by city robins lighting, in particular street lights and apartment windows where the lamps are turned on. In such cases, robins continue their songs long after midnight, focusing on the light sources that do not go out.


To remember what a robin looks like, you only need to see it once: an elegant small body with a bright spot, fairly long legs and a small dark gray or black beak. Paws are brown.

Interesting! The physique of a robin is very similar, with the exception of the tail - in robins it is straight, and in nightingales it is rounded.

The robin is a small bird that can easily fit in two palms, not only of an adult, but even of a child. In the photo of the robin, its bright, unusual coloring is clearly visible.

If you do detailed description appearance, then it will be as follows. The plumage of the upper part of the head, back and wings is greenish-gray, invisible in the dense foliage. But in front, from the forehead to the chest and along the cheeks, the feathers are painted in a bright, red-crimson color, which gave the name to the species. The abdomen is white.

A robin with everything clearly visible characteristics plumage

Like most other birds, the colors of the male's plumage look brighter and more saturated, while the females are more faded. But both of them are equally long-legged, move across the grass and ground with quick jumps, and sing beautifully, although the females are not so skilled in chirping.

Birds have a small, short, sharp beak. This is an ideal tool for catching various small insects and even snails, which are also included in the extensive diet of feathered predators.

The paws have long claws; robins use them when they need to grab onto and hold firmly on a branch. The tail is flat and medium in size. The whole structure, in general, is proportional and harmonious.

The color of these birds does not depend on gender: both females and males have the same bright spot on the chest of orange or reddish color and approximately the same color scheme of the back and wings. The only difference between a female and a male is size: females are slightly smaller.

Key Features

Robins are much easier to see in photos than in real life. And the point is not that she leads a secretive lifestyle (although there is some truth here), but that she is extremely active.

The very first description of this species belongs to the pen of Linnaeus. Back in the 17th century, in his work “System of Nature,” famous among biologists, the scientist classified the robin, considering all its habits.

This is interesting! The scientific name is Motacilla rubecula, which includes the species name and the generic epithet (rubecula), which roughly translates into Russian as “little red.”

Birds live on average about 5 years, although they can live up to 12. But among young birds, mortality is very high, primarily due to aggression towards each other. In general, there is an opinion among ornithologists that if a robin chick survives its first year, then it has a high chance of dying at the ripe old age of 10 (or older).

No description would be complete without a story about how this bird sings. Listening to a robin is a pleasure; it is not for nothing that it is considered almost the most skillful songster! The bird begins to trill with the onset of dawn, during the day it is silent, and at sunset it again joins the general choir.

The song immediately stands out for its incredible purity of sound, skillfully alternating high-pitched whistles and melodic chirping.

In early spring, characteristic sounds can be heard almost all day long, but closer to summer, robins delight lovers of their trills only in the evening and in the morning.

Male Robin sings a song


The robin is a bird, first of all, an insectivorous, because it eats various flies, midges, worms, centipedes, beetles, and sometimes even mollusks.

The main diet of these birds consists of insects and fruits. There have often been cases where robins watch over farmers and gardeners and, after they begin to dig or loosen the ground, pull out food right from under his feet.

Among insects, birds prefer:

  • Zhukov;
  • bedbugs;
  • ground beetles;
  • larvae;
  • small shellfish;
  • spiders;
  • centipedes;
  • worms

Important! If you want to attract a robin, it is best to place the grains not in hanging feeders, but on the ground. These birds are not used to feeding at feeders, but will happily pick up food from the ground.

Birds choose elderberry, rowan, blackberry and currant from the berries. Although there are often cases when robins do not disdain fruits, seeds and grains.

In spring and winter time birds willingly feed from human hands without fear or fear. Also, they will not refuse those mixtures that people pour into feeders: seeds, millet, bread, etc.

Robin takes food from human hands

This is interesting! Robins never refuse fresh berries, which sometimes even damage the garden harvest. They especially love blackberries, currants, rowan and elderberry. Already closer to autumn months, animal food in the diet of birds gives way to plant food.

But still, red-breasted birds are not considered pests Agriculture if only because they very willingly eat numerous caterpillars and snails, which are so dangerous for young plants.

But most importantly, favorite treat Robins, like robins, are delicious ant eggs. Only one family of these birds settled on summer cottage, maybe for summer season destroy all ants. This is why experienced gardeners try to attract robins by feeding them.

In winter, rowan berries become the main food for robins.

Behavior, reproduction

In those regions where the robin is a migratory bird, it turns out to be one of the very first spring guests. These birds are very faithful to their home: they always return from warm regions to where they were born.

Even in winter, closer to Christmas, you can hear these birds singing

The males arrive first. Their task is to find a convenient place for nesting and conquer the territory in which the family will live and hunt.

As mentioned above, this is a very serious task, often ending sadly for the weaker opponent. The females return a little later, and together the pair begins to build a nest.

Robins prefer to live in grass, in low bushes, closer to the ground. Very often, their small nests are found in piles of boards, even in woodpiles.

Currant bushes, gooseberries, raspberries - all this favorite places at the robins. The main building material is last year's grass; it is intertwined with moss and dry leaves.

For insulation and as soft bedding, birds can use tow, fluff, and sometimes even cotton wool. The nest is small in size: about 5 cm in height, 7-8 cm in diameter.

The robin's nest is very neat

After building the nest, the female lays approximately 5-7 eggs. Robin eggs are small, about one and a half centimeters in length. The color is yellowish, with red specks scattered throughout the shell.

The chicks are born after half a month. Absolutely helpless, with black bare skin and constantly open mouths, they do not at all look like the handsome men they will become later.

Robin chicks stay in the nest for 15 days, then fly out. But they are in no hurry to move away from their parents, asking them for food every now and then. By the way, kids are very gluttonous. In the first weeks of life, they can easily eat about 4m of worms per day.

This is interesting. Often it is robins who become foster parents for chicks. , which also affects their numbers.

Robin chicks, just a few days old

During the summer season, robins can hatch chicks twice, and with a successful combination of circumstances, three times. The fledglings (fledglings) do not at all look like adult birds: their plumage is motley, without the characteristic red tint.

Robin chicks prefer to live in the grass, although they already fly quite well. Parents are constantly nearby to warn their offspring in case of danger.

The whole point is that in early age Robins are extremely trusting, they are interested in everything, and they are not yet experienced enough to be afraid of anything. Often the chicks even tag along with people who come to the forest to pick mushrooms or berries.

Most tough year for chicks - the first. It is during this period that the mortality rate among children is highest, including due to constant fights. But if they survive, they may live to old age and natural death.

A young robin that has not yet acquired adult coloration. The chicks are not as brightly colored as their parents. This is a kind of certain camouflage that easily hides offspring among branches and thickets

Relationship with people

Robins are not at all afraid of people. In winter they can easily fly in and take food from your hand. They always accompany summer residents while cultivating the land in order to have time to intercept dug up worms or larvae.

Care is simple, but has some features. For example, robins love bathing and constantly splash around in a special bath, so they are recommended to change the water at least twice a day.

The bird will not only happily bathe, but also preen itself, cleaning each of its feathers. This procedure is very interesting to watch.

Interesting! In the first days after the bird is caught, its behavior in the cage will be restless. To calm it down a little, it is recommended to cover the cage with a dark cloth.

Robin is a very friendly bird

In addition, it is necessary to monitor the correct composition of the food the robin receives. Otherwise, such an unusual pet may get sick, stop singing, or even die.

It is important to remember that the main component of nutrition is live insects, so ornithologists advise adding various worms, beetles, etc. This is especially necessary during the spring singing season.

When given the right food in sufficient quantities, the robin will happily chirp, even in captivity. By the way, adult birds caught in the wild also become accustomed quite easily.

Important! You should not put several males of these birds in one cage. They will start fights until she dies from them. Best option contents - in pairs.

In general, the robin is quite unpretentious to the conditions of its detention. A medium-sized cage will suit her as a house.

The robin itself is very interesting, amazing bird with unique habits. She is loved by gardeners for invaluable benefits in the fight against harmful insects.

Fans of bird singing respect the robin for its unique, melodic trills and beautiful chirping. Many people are attracted by its bright colors and cheerful, trusting disposition.

Probably, thanks to all these qualities, the red-breasted feathered beauty always becomes a welcome guest, meeting whom is especially pleasant!

Robin: A bright red speck in the forest tones

The robin can be found in the forest in summer, and sometimes in gardens. It attracts with its bright colors and beautiful, melodic chirping. The robin is not afraid of humans, but still its habits are not known to everyone.

One autumn, my relative called me with the words: “And a tame bird appeared in my garden. Doesn’t fly away from me, sits at arm’s length and waits for something.” I have the same bird. And many other gardeners. This is a cute little bird, the robin, which is also called a robin. More often, a gullible first-year “attaches” to a person, who looks more mature thanks to the habit of fluffing up his plumage. He has not yet learned all the dangers that await curious birds. Carefully watches a person, follows on his heels. Often in late summer and early autumn, I was forced to drive away a robin sitting nearby, so as not to accidentally injure it with a shovel or rake.

Robin - a migratory bird

The robin is well known in Western Europe and in the British Isles. There are not only local robins there, but also robins that arrive for the winter. These birds fly away even more southern countries. The robin is one of the first to return to its home. In the Moscow region you can hear her beautiful and sonorous songs already in March, when the first thawed patches appear. Not only the male sings, but also the female. Their ringing song, which alternates short whistles and long melodies, falls silent for some time in the middle of the day and late at night. At dawn, the singing of robins drowns out the voices of other birds. Is this where the name of the bird comes from? Each melody ends with a trill, reminiscent of the ringing of bells. These melodies will sound until mid-July, then they will be replaced by quieter singing, which can be heard until the fall.

What does a robin look like?

Robins are easily recognized by their bright orange chest and part of the head. The top of the head, neck (back), back and wings are gray-olive in color. There is a grayish-white part of soft plumage on the abdomen. Old birds have a bright red spot on their throat. Young ones are not so intensely colored. Their abdomen is yellowish-ochre with dark speckles. The robin needs in proportion long legs, because most From time to time she jumps on the ground, grass and jumps from branch to branch in the bushes. The wings of this migratory bird are short, only 7 cm long, and not very strong. The size of a robin is slightly smaller than a sparrow: body length is 14 - 16 cm, and weight is 16 - 18 g. Robins live on average about 5 years.

Family life of a robin

The robin has a reputation as an individualist bird. You rarely see her in the company of her relatives. The male usually arrives at the nesting site first. And he begins to defend his territory. He does not allow other males to approach her and fights them to the death. It often hits females who are mistaken for males.

Nest construction is the responsibility of the female. It takes about a week to build. By mid-May, the cup-shaped or slightly oval nest of robins is ready. Often it fits between the roots of old stumps or at the base of bushes. The clutch contains 5 - 7 light pink eggs with brown specks, from which naked chicks hatch after 13 - 14 days of incubation. Their parents feed them for two weeks. The chicks, who have grown up but have not yet learned to fly well, leave the nest. At first, they live on the territory of their parents, who continue to feed the brood. Adult birds look after the chicks, warning them of danger with a drawn-out “shh...”. The chicks run and jump deftly in the tall grass, freezing at any danger. Very little time will pass, and the parent robins will be preparing for the second clutch. They do not drive the chicks away from their territory yet, since the young birds have not yet developed orange plumage on their chests. For a male robin, this is an identification mark of a rival. As soon as the plumage of the grown chicks becomes bright, they will be prohibited from being in the “house” of their parents.

What does the Robin eat?

The robin eats what it can find in lower tier forests. She jumps on the ground and forest floor, looking for beetles, their larvae, caterpillars, flies, forest bugs, spiders, centipedes, land snails and worms. Numerous garden pests are also included in the diet of robins. These birds guard gardeners with a shovel in their hands. They know that they can find something tasty in the newly dug soil. At the end of summer and autumn, the robin happily pecks seeds and berries. It is not uncommon for robins to appear near feeders. But it is easier for them to find food on the ground than in special structures for feeding birds.

Robin in captivity

Robins are kept in cages as active songbirds. They quickly get used to the person who cares for them. They are not afraid of him, they take food from his hands. And sing their songs all year round, with a short break for summer molting. But even here the individualism of this bird is manifested. Males who find themselves in the same cage fight so zealously that they can seriously injure each other. The diet of robins living in the house includes berries (it is worth adding elderberries), insects and special mixtures of seeds and grains. The merry robin delights with its singing even in winter.

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Known for its friendly nature and colorful coloration. This little bird is not at all afraid of people, while males can be very hostile towards each other. The Robin's lifestyle and habits cannot be called ordinary - they are noticeably different from the usual city birds.

Description and features

Robin is a breed from the flycatcher family, belonging to the passerine order. Questions often arise about correct name birds - “Zoryanka” or “Robin”. The last option is correct, which comes from the word “dawn” - the distinctive feature of the pichuga is its orange color.

The length of an adult reaches 14 cm, weight does not exceed 16-22 g. The wingspan is in the range from 20 to 22 cm, the legs are long. This allows her to move by jumping, which is why from afar she can be mistaken for. Males are somewhat larger than females, the feathers have a loose structure - the impression of roundness of the bird is created.

Male robins are slightly larger than females and look rounder

Robins are easy to spot even among the dense foliage of trees. The young have white and brown plumage, with rare orange spots. The color of an adult bird is motley:

  • Top part from the head to the end of the tail it is brown-green in color;
  • The belly is white, the border of the breast is the same color;
  • The forehead, sides, throat and chest are red.

The color is the same in both sexes; in females it is less intense. Older individuals can be distinguished by their bright colors. The beak is black, the limbs are brown. eyes robin birds big, black.

Attitude towards people and singing of the robin

Distinctive feature these birds are singing. The morning “concerts” are sung by the males, entering after the black redstart, at the same time as the black one. They can continue chirping even late in the evening - they can be heard in parks at twilight. Males have a more varied “set of notes” than females, especially during the breeding season. Their song is considered one of the most beautiful; in winter, robins of both sexes sing.

The musical bird is with man good relations– can even be hand-fed. Often these birds stop at places where the earth is being dug up - in the loose soil they can find treats in the form of beetles. In winter, they can even fly into people's homes in search of warmth. They can bask near unnatural light sources, providing an opportunity to admire their unusual plumage.

Despite such friendliness, it is not often possible to meet them at dachas outside the city. Well-groomed places are not suitable for them to lay eggs; they are lovers of natural “trash” - in woodlands you can see colorful birds, they love moss-covered stumps and undergrowth. And in clean and abundantly lit deciduous forests This bird will not settle under any circumstances.

Lifestyle and habitat

The robin's habitat is extensive - the coast North Sea, Morocco and even Northwestern. To the north it lives as far as Finland and Scandinavia, including Western Eurasia. In Russia to hear robin singing possible in middle lane, and not only in forests.

This bird chooses dense forests - it especially likes thickets of hazel and alder. They can also be seen in overgrown groves of parks, with pine plantations filled sunlight, she tries to avoid.

Robins are not afraid of people and can settle near houses

They are not afraid of people, so they even settle in gardens if they like them. They prefer places with high humidity– close proximity to bodies of water, for example.

With other birds Robin lives together badly, often staging battles for a good place. Males can fight among themselves for land, and the death rate in them is high - up to 10%. Adults prefer single image life after dividing the territory, they rarely get along even with their own species. After migrating south they return to old places.

The robin prefers daytime activity and can sometimes be found at night near artificial light sources. Despite some similarities with other representatives of its family, this bird is distinguished by its habits: it moves with jerky movements, often leans forward. It prefers to perch on lower branches, unlike many small birds.

At the end of the 19th century, attempts were made to artificially breed this species in several countries - New Zealand, Australia and America. However, the robin did not take root in new places, possible reason There has become a need for annual migration, because the robin is a bird.

Flights are made in late autumn and are among the first to return in spring - thick plumage allows birds to comfortably carry low temperatures. Returning to their native lands in late March - early April, the males immediately begin singing, opening the breeding season. The chirping reaches its apogee by the middle of the second month of spring, because the first chicks appear already in May.


The basis of nutrition is insects; their larvae are also suitable. Robins also enjoy feasting on spiders, worms and even small mollusks (snails). By mid-summer, when the berries are ripe, they include this “dessert” in the diet: in August they eat blueberries and buckthorn, and in the fall they switch to rowan, spruce seeds and elderberry.

In the spring, when plant food is inaccessible, the central place in nutrition is occupied by animal food - beetles, ants and other invertebrates. As follows from robin descriptions, she prefers not to fly too high, so she looks for food in the soil and the lower tier of trees. There are a huge variety of species consumed by these birds; they are not picky in this matter.

Late autumn They often fly up to feeders near people’s homes and can start fights near the “buffet.” They are unpretentious in this matter and take well to feed mixtures. Soft food is their absolute priority; they like to eat plenty and often.

However, this method of feeding is not always convenient for them - their paws are not designed to cling to the edges of feeders. Wide windows or free pallets in the structure are perfect for them. You can also simply sprinkle the food on an open surface.

If you train a robin to eat near your house, in the morning you can enjoy its quiet but very melodic singing. Especially contact individuals may even allow themselves to be stroked, happily basking in the hands of a person.

In the summer they often fly up to gardeners and gardeners, looking for seeds, earthworms and others unnecessary when sowing insects. Thus, it even slightly helps to increase productivity. These birds are very popular in England, where, according to some sources, it is considered the national bird. Thanks to its bright color, it was also awarded the title of Christmas symbol.

Reproduction and lifespan

Males do not participate in raising chicks, but fly to nesting sites earlier than females - in early spring. The females return closer to May, immediately starting to build nests. The place is chosen closer to the ground, in dense undergrowth or old stumps.

They try to lay eggs in a place inaccessible to prying eyes. This explains their dislike of bright open areas. Cracked wide tree trunks and thickets of shrubs work well. Usually the height of the nest does not exceed 5 cm, and the width is 7-9 cm.

Above robin's nest tries to cover it up, and covers the inside with blades of grass and leaves. The plant substrate is loosely dense, but quite warm and soft. The outer side consists of last year's foliage, and the inner layer contains a lot of different building material:

  • Roots and stems
  • Wool, hair and feathers,
  • Dry foliage (if a hollow of too large a size is chosen as the location for creating the nest).

One clutch can contain 5-7 eggs (4 or 8 are considered rare), such big number associated with high mortality among chicks. Shell light color with rusty and brown spots. Duration incubation period does not exceed 14 days, only the female incubates, the partner can sometimes bring her food.

Young robin chicks have motley, dull plumage.

After the chicks are born, the parents begin intensive feeding - up to 14 times per hour for food. It is most active in the early morning, at noon and towards night. At the end of 2 weeks, the chicks, having not yet learned to fly, leave the nest, hiding in dense vegetation.

If necessary, the father feeds them additionally, while the female begins to build a new nest - these birds usually make two clutches per year. The first is at the end of spring, and the second is closer to July. By the end of 3 weeks of life Robin chicks They master flight and become covered in feathers, beginning an independent life. The second brood completes its maturation cycle by early August.

Despite the high mortality rate among chicks, the life expectancy of this bird is long and can reach 10 years. The recorded record is 19 years. However, the average life length, including losses at an early age, is considered to be 2-3 years. The most difficult task Chicks survive until they reach 1 year of age.

Robins are beautiful and musical birds that are not at all afraid to interact with humans. They are distinguished by their bright plumage and large beady eyes, which give the bird an inquisitive appearance.

Their singing is also famous, which can be heard at any time of the day, except in the middle of the day. They can be observed not only in purely living nature, but also in populated areas– Robins often settle in park areas.

The robin or robin is a beautiful small bird, once seen in early spring, it will be very easy to remember. She is unusual and special. The robin's singing is unique, and its appearance mesmerizing. The robin is a member of the thrush family and lives throughout the region. Russian Federation, as well as in Europe and Africa. She usually lives in the forest. The bird sings its songs especially beautifully at dawn, for which it bears another name - the Robin bird.

The size of the bird is small, only about 14 centimeters, the bird's wingspan reaches 20 centimeters. The weight of the robin is from 15 to 22 grams. Females, as usual, are slightly smaller than males.

If we talk about feather color, it has no connection with the sex of the individual. The top of the body is a red-olive shade, the bottom is white. The bird's neck is framed on the sides with bluish feathers. A distinctive feature of the robin is the contrasting orange patch on the breast.

Without a story about the songs of the Robin, the description of the bird will not be complete enough. Her songs are extraordinary and pure. She's loud chirps and whistles almost non-stop. Trills can be heard early in the morning; she is one of the first to sing. The concert ends at dawn, and sometimes even at night. It’s not for nothing that the author of the famous song dedicated the words to this particular singing: “The robins heard a voice...”

Character and behavior

The bird appears in early spring, even before buds appear on the trees. She immediately reminds of herself with her trills. Songs are heard all day long from sunrise to sunset. As time passes, when the first leaves appear on the tree branches, the robin will sing only in the morning and evening.

This bird is friends with man and is not afraid of him at all, very Robins often live right next to a residential building and when cold weather sets in they can even fly inside. As for the proximity of the bird to its fellows, the situation is different. The Robin is a solitary bird that fiercely defends its nest. The male can be incredibly aggressive towards relatives. When fighting to protect their home, birds can fight so fiercely that up to ten percent of birds die in the conflict.

Gallery: bird robin or robin (25 photos)

Robin feeding

The robin's diet mainly consists of insects, worms and centipedes. She finds food on the ground, tearing leaves and grass. The robin moves quite quickly, mainly by jumping on the ground. Also the bird can eat the berries:

  • currant;
  • blackberry;
  • elder;
  • Rowan.

In autumn, berries form the basis of the robin's diet.


The robin appears here only in the spring, like everyone else migratory birds. As soon as a robin flies to our region, it immediately begins building its nest. As a rule, the male is looking for a site for future housing. He arrives in advance, and, having decided on a place, protects it from other males until his female arrives.

The female builds a small nest, about seven centimeters in diameter. The female robin lays about seven eggs, which are covered with rusty dots. Birds hatch their eggs for about two weeks. They both do this, alternately changing.

When the eggs hatch, the chicks are naked and black. Newborn cubs sit in the nest for another fifteen days from birth. Parents constantly feed the chicks. Feeding occurs about three hundred times a day.

When grown-up chicks leave the nest, they live close to their parents for a couple of weeks and in most cases they only run around on the ground. When danger appears, adult birds signal to the babies, who immediately run to a secluded place. Robin chicks are very naive and inquisitive. They can easily follow a person walking through the forest.

Robin or robin lays eggs 2-3 times per season. But despite this, the offspring often die. The most important task for chicks is survival in the first year, then a stronger and experienced bird will live for a sufficient time. But it is worth saying that on average the life expectancy of a bird does not exceed two years.

Keeping a robin at home as a pet

This bird very easy to tame. This naive bird has no fear of humans and can fly up to him at very high speeds. close quarters. Therefore, it has become fashionable to keep this beautiful songbird at home.

The robin quickly masters itself, but still requires special attention and care. This little bird loves water procedures, so you need to install a small container of water in the cage, which needs to be changed very often. Poultry sings no worse than wild birds. If the owner wants to hear trills earlier, he must add insects to the bird’s diet.

In nature, the robin performs a very necessary mission to destroy clouds of insects that devour crops, spoil trees, etc.

Proper care and creation necessary conditions will help the robin's owner rejoice at the purchase, and the bird itself will respond with gratitude and a beautiful song.

Interesting facts about the robin or robin

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