Scientific classification

intermediate ranks

International scientific name

Platichthys flesus (Linnaeus, )

Security status

This fish breeds in the sea, however most spends its life in fresh or brackish water.


The body of flounder is flattened, up to 50 cm long, weighing up to 3 kg. Both eyes are placed on one, upper side of the body. Most flounders have eyes located on right side. The upper side of the body is better organized than the lower side - the skeleton is better developed here, there are fins, and a brighter color. Pectoral fins flounders are located on both sides of the body, one of them points upward and the other downward. The gills located behind the head are identical on both sides of the body, one gill cover opens upward and the other opens downward.


It lives off the coast of Scandinavia, Central Europe and the Mediterranean Sea from the high tide line to a depth of 55 m, as well as in river mouths and some lakes off the coast. River flounder is one of the most numerous types flounder, it also adapts better than other species to new environmental conditions. It is found from the Arctic coast of northern Norway to areas of shallow, sun-warmed water off the coast of North Africa. Can live both in sea and in fresh water. River flounder is often found in brackish waters of sea bays. The tidal waters lift the fish upstream where they find rich food sources.


River flounder is solitary, but at spawning grounds it gathers in large groups. Perfectly adapted to life in freshwater reservoirs and the sea. Typically, the fish "lies on its side" in sand or mud, exhaling water through gills located on the upper side of the body. Often uses its amazing gill structure to hide from the enemy: by taking in water and releasing it through the gill cover located below, the fish can quickly push off from the bottom.

The best protection for river flounder is the ability to change color and adapt to the surrounding world. Under normal conditions, the upper side of the flounder's body is brown, with yellow, brown or black speckles. The underside of the flounder's body is white, less often white with brown spots. If necessary, flounder changes color and can acquire the color of sand or bottom silt and even become covered with spots, becoming like pebbles. The color changes over the course of several days, so the fish buries itself in the sand to better camouflage itself. When a flounder swims, it makes an up and down wave-like motion with its flat body. The dorsal and pelvic fins may also be involved in movement.


Feeds on mollusks, crustaceans, Life cycle

  • Puberty: from 3-4 years.
  • Spawning: from February to May (depending on water temperature).
  • Caviar: up to 2 million eggs.
  • Incubation period: 11 days.

River flounder lives and feeds in fresh water, but it breeds in the sea. Spawning occurs at a depth of 25-40 m, and the eggs released into the water first float in the water column, and before metamorphosis they sink to the bottom; the fry hatched from the eggs remain at the surface, where they feed on small planktonic organisms. After hatching, the eyes of the flounder are still located on both sides of the head. Flounder larvae have the same symmetrical body structure as other fish. The grown fish lies on seabed on the side. Around this time, the flounder's left eye moves to the top side of its head. The upper side of the fish's body darkens, then the juveniles release air from the swim bladder and sink to the bottom. Late spring they find refuge in the river shallows.

Most of the flounder fall on left side bodies. However, sometimes there are “inverted” individuals lying on their right side.

  • Sometimes river flounder crosses with other species of fish from the flounder family. Such offspring develop features of both parents.
  • Adult river flounder often travel vast distances to get to their spawning grounds. During such a journey, they lose up to 10% of their mass.
  • We hear everywhere that fish is very good for health and a person should eat it at least twice a week. At the same time, sea researchers say that not all fish are suitable for cooking - many species accumulate in their bodies harmful substances. So what kind of fish should you choose to make it tasty and healthy? We offer flounder.

    general characteristics

    Flounder is a resident of salt waters and estuaries. It is impossible not to recognize her. Its flattened, asymmetrical carcass is only 32-35 cm in length, but can weigh about 6 kg. Although at the end of the twentieth century in Alaska, fishermen caught a 2-meter giant flounder weighing 105 kg. Flounder differs from other fish in the placement of its eyes - both are on the right side of the carcass. But it is worth noting that these fish are born, so to speak, normal - outwardly they practically do not differ from other fish. But over time, their body becomes deformed, and their eyes “slide” to one side.

    Body of unusual color - on both sides different colors. Top part flounder (where the eyes are) is dark brown, the bottom (the side without eyes) is white. Flounder loves muddy water and a sandy bottom where it spends most of its life. She lies on the sand and in this position moves along the seabed. Its peak activity occurs at night. During the day, she prefers to sleep peacefully, buried in the sand. Flounder feeds on insects, eggs of other fish, small crustaceans and mollusks. But with the onset of winter, it almost completely abandons food and migrates to deeper and saltier waters. Her native and favorite places are the coasts of Europe, White, Okhotsk, Barents, Black and Baltic Sea. This fish is found in the Mediterranean and Atlantic Ocean. Sea flounder is a very prolific fish. During the spring spawning period, she can lay 10 million eggs.

    Nutritional characteristics

    Flounder is a good source of those very foods that make nutritionists suggest we eat fish twice a week. In addition, flounder fillet also contains, in proportions useful for the human body, as well as E and A. This is moderate fatty fish(contains 1 to 4 percent fat) belongs to dietary products: 100 g contains no more than 100 kcal.

    The nutritional value per 100 g
    83 kcal
    16.5 g
    3 g
    58 mg
    92 mg
    332 mg
    27 mg
    200 mg
    2.4 mg
    0.4 mg
    0.5 mg
    0.05 mg
    0.04 mg
    9 IU
    0.36 mg
    0.22 mg
    0.21 mg
    3.4 mg

    The polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in fish fillets are important for reducing blood lipid levels, including cholesterol. They stabilize heart rate and blood pressure, and also prevent the formation of blood clots. Scientists have reason to believe that omega substances have anti-cancer properties - they suppress the growth of cancer cells and prevent the proliferation of tumors. For this reason, flounder and some other types of fish are considered a food that can prevent prostate, breast, lung and colon cancer. Regular consumption of flounder meat will minimize and also significantly improve the performance of... This product has anti-inflammatory and restorative properties.

    Flounder is a recommended product in the diet of pregnant women. Special chemical composition fish dishes have a beneficial effect not only on the pregnant body, but also on the fetus, mainly in terms of the formation nervous system and the brain of the unborn child.

    Flounder dishes also have a positive effect on vision, preventing eye diseases. And this is the merit of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin A. Flounder is useful for people engaged in mental work and students. The mineral and vitamin composition of fish has a beneficial effect on brain performance, enhances memory and cognitive abilities. By influencing human brain cells, this fish also prevents depression, calms and alleviates the effects of stressful situations.

    Thanks to vitamin E, which enjoys the reputation of a vitamin for eternal youth, flounder can prevent senile dementia and improve physical and mental health. For this reason, people over 60 years of age should regularly consume flounder and other fish containing vitamin E.

    All sea ​​fish, and flounder is no exception, is a good source that is necessary for healthy work thyroid gland And increased performance. Another traditional plus of all fish, be it, or, is the rich content of high-quality protein. Flounder meat is an almost complete set of essential foods for humans. For this reason, the product is indispensable in the diet of people who want to restore physical strength, build strength, and also for children during the period of active development. Being a source of phosphorus, flounder is useful for strengthening bones and tooth enamel.

    And some attribute aphrodisiac properties to flounder, calling it the fish of love.

    Gourmets advise choosing large specimens - from 20 cm and more. A fresh carcass always has a pink gill, the flesh quickly regains its shape after pressing with a finger, and the fish itself should not smell bad.

    Any fresh fish is a quickly perishable product. Raw flounder is stored in the refrigerator, covered with ice, for no more than two days. Deep freezing will preserve the carcass for another 4 months. Cooked fish should be eaten within 24 hours.

    There are many ways to cook fish, and each of them is suitable for flounder. Its white meat is juicy and tender, but with a specific smell. But it’s enough to peel the skin off the carcass for it to disappear. The fish is cleaned first from the light side, then the head is cut off and the giblets are removed, after which the skin on the dark side is sharply removed. And now little secret from the chefs: first the flounder is fried with dark side- it turns out tastier this way.

    How to cut a carcass

    Many fish lovers refuse to buy flounder because they do not know how to cut its flat carcass. And doing this is not as difficult as it might seem.

    Before cutting, it is important to wash the fish thoroughly and place it on a board. Make an incision along the line of the spine. Make the second cut perpendicular to the first (to the belly). Make another cut along the fin line. Inserting a knife under the flesh and pressing it against the bones, cut off the first segment of meat. Place the resulting fillet on cutting board skin side down and cut off the meat. Repeat similar steps with the remaining two pieces. Then turn the carcass over to the other side and do the same. Rinse the fillet again and you are ready to cook.

    Flounder with tomatoes and spinach

    In addition to the actual few flounder carcasses, fresh spinach and tomatoes (canned), you will need basil, ground pepper and olives. Add some chopped garlic and tomatoes to the heated oil. While they are simmering over low heat, make a paste from basil, olives and olive oil and rub it on each piece of flounder fillet. Then roll the fish into a roll and secure with a toothpick. Place the flounder in a baking dish and cover with tomato-garlic sauce. Bake at 180 degrees for about 15 minutes. Meanwhile, boil the spinach, which will serve as a side dish for the fish.

    Greek flounder

    Finely chop the garlic, cut the onion into rings and fry together in olive oil. Rub gutted, cleaned and filleted flounder with a mixture of black pepper and. Place one piece of fish in a baking dish, fried garlic and onion on top, then a layer of tomatoes and rings. Cover with the second piece of fillet. Sprinkle olive oil and bake for half an hour.

    Hazardous properties

    Flounder can become dangerous only in exceptional cases. This applies to individuals caught in polluted waters. It is known that fish carcasses easily absorb all toxins from water, including dangerous mercury. People with fish allergies and protein intolerance should not eat flounder. If the fish is intended for a child, it is very important to ensure the freshness of the product and the quality of its preparation.

    Flounder is an invaluable fish. Excellent taste qualities and nutritional characteristics make it one of the most popular fish in the world. Its white meat remains juicy and tender in any dish.

    It is most likely incorrect to talk about flounder as a specific fish, because this is the name given to several species of fish that have a flat body shape. Interesting fact: What we think of as the belly and back of a fish are actually its sides, one of which is colored and the other is not. On one of the flounder’s sides there are eyes that can look in different directions at once, which helps the fish detect danger, no matter from which direction it approaches. Flounder fishing has commercial value In addition, it is very popular among fishermen. The meat of this fish is white and tasty.

    Habitat and habits of flounder.

    Flounder can rightfully be classified as unique species fish This fish lives in almost all seas. In addition to its unusual flat body shape for fish, it has some other features that distinguish it from other fish. When flounder fry hatch from eggs, their eyes have the usual location, that is, like everyone else, on the right and left. During this period of life, it is at depth and its food consists of zooplankton. Later, the flounder sinks to the bottom. That's when one of her eyes begins to move to the side where the other eye is. At the same time, the fish’s bladder, with which it swam, disappears. From this moment on, the flounder lives on the bottom, that is, it leads the bottom Lifestyle.

    In addition, its unusualness lies in its method of movement. Flounder moves lying on its side from the moment it reaches sexual maturity.

    The movement of the fins of this fish resembles the flapping of the wings of birds, therefore, looking at it, it seems that it is not a fish swimming, but a bird flying. Again, the body movements of the flounder when moving it are different from other fish. Typically, the body of fish bends from side to side, and in flounder it bends from bottom to top and vice versa.

    Flounder can camouflage well by burying itself in the sand, with only the part of its head on which the eye is located remaining outside. The structure of the fish’s eyes is interesting: they can rotate in different directions, each in its own direction. This gives her the opportunity not only to observe the prey, but also to notice danger in a timely manner. Seeing an enemy, the fish stands on its edge, which helps to increase its speed of movement. If the flounder notices potential prey, it makes a sharp dash from cover.

    Another one interesting feature this fish - it can change color depending on the landscape around it and completely merge with it. If there is a lot of algae around, her skin color becomes greenish. This quality also helps flounder to hunt and hide from danger.

    Flounder feeds on small fish, crabs and small crustaceans, that is, it is a predatory fish. Based on their habitat, flounder is divided into two types: river and sea. It can be found in the seas and at the mouths of rivers, where they flow into the sea.

    There are three species of this fish in the Black Sea: the largest is the Black Sea Kalkan, which is commercially available, which does not prevent flounder lovers from hunting for it too. It is the Kalkan that is capable of mimicking, that is, changing color, masquerading as color environment. Some individuals of the Kalkan reach fifteen kilograms and have no scales.

    There are also two species of flounder living in the Black Sea: sole and glossa. These are not commercial fish, but are quite suitable for amateur fishermen. There is an opinion that glossa is found only in fresh water, but this is wrong. Glossa enters both rivers and estuaries, it can travel hundreds of kilometers and, nevertheless, it belongs to the sea fish. And to the family, the same as the halibut - the most big fish from flounder.

    The best fishing for flounder is considered to be in the area of ​​Cape Tarkhankut and in the Kerch Strait. And also at the mouth of the Dniester and Dnieper.

    There are also three types of flounder in the Sea of ​​Azov: kalkan, sole and glossa. Glossa is a river flounder. At night it bites much better than during the day, but this does not prevent you from catching flounder at other times of the day.

    Tackle for catching flounder.

    Since this is a bottom-living fish, the most common equipment for catching flounder is a bottom rod. The fishing line should have a cross-section from 0.5 to 0.7 mm, and a fishing line from 0.3 to 0.4 mm can be used on the leash. Such a large fishing line is chosen because among this type of fish there are quite large specimens that can break a thin fishing line, because flounder is quite strong fish. In addition, the fishing line must have a decent length, since when fishing from the shore, it will have to be cast far.

    Choose hooks no smaller than No. 6 or No. 7, with a long shank, since flounder swallows the bait deeply and it is difficult to remove the hook from it. For bait, you can take small fish: sprat or anchovy, or small mollusks, crabs. But the bait must be hooked so that the hook is not noticeable.

    Methods of catching flounder.

    The fish swallows the bait while lying down, and then begins to move away. This is where the alarm goes off, which means you need to make a cut. Flounder actively resists, so you shouldn’t fish it out too quickly. To weaken the fish, it is recommended to fish it out slowly and pull it out of the water closer to the shore. It should be noted that here the flounder resists especially strongly and you will need patience and endurance. Flounder being caught different ways: from the shore and from the boat.

    Catching flounder from the shore.

    This is the most widely used method of catching flounder. The best time for fishing is late autumn and winter. Since in cold weather the flounder comes to the shore, therefore it becomes easier to catch it this way. The following gear is used for fishing from the shore: the spinning rod should be from one and a half to five meters long, the test should be from 150 to 250 grams for short ones and from 100 to 180 grams for long ones. Feeders must be taken from hard river ones. The reel used is either power or marine, but it should not be less than forty. The fishing line is only marine, and one that can handle a load of more than ten kilograms; it must be at least 0.5 mm in cross-section in order to withstand a fairly heavy sinker (about two hundred grams) and the caught fish. If you are fishing for flounder in areas with a sandy bottom, then you will need an anchor sinker to prevent it from floating up. Two or three leashes are attached to the main line, which should have a cross-section of no more than 0.4 mm. The hooks used are number 6 and number 12.

    When catching this fish, try to cast as far as possible (50-70 meters from the shore), and keep the angle of the rod at seventy-five degrees to the shore. For bait, small fish or pieces of fish will do. If the shore is flat, then the flounder needs to be dragged out. Flounder is best caught in the early morning, although it is also quite possible to catch it at night. The fact that the fish has bitten is determined by the vibrating end of the rod. If the water is choppy, it is more difficult to detect a bite. If you catch a small flounder, it will not be difficult to pull it out, but if you catch an individual weighing more than five kilograms, then you will have to work hard, this is a strong opponent. Give the fish time to exhaust itself before pulling. Be careful when fishing for Kalkan, as it has a sharp spine that can cause serious injury. To do this, you need to have a knife with you to be able to remove the thorn.

    Do not forget to provide yourself with warm clothes for fishing in the cold season, as well as patience and endurance. You should also remember that flounder never moves in a school. Try to choose places on the shore where there are no stones, try throwing the tackle at different distances from the shore. The best place to catch flounder is on the sandy shore.

    Catching flounder from a boat.

    For this type of fishing you will need a short onboard spinning rod equipped with a fishing line with a cross-section of 0.5-0.6 mm or winter fishing rods, but a spinning rod is better. The leash should be made of fishing line no more than 0.35 mm, and the weight of the sinker should be from eighty to one hundred and twenty grams, and anchor sinkers are not needed here. If you are fishing for flounder at depth, then in this case, lower the tackle directly under the boat in a plumb line. If the depth is not too great, you can make a small cast, throw the bait to the bottom and slowly pull it up until the tackle is in a plumb position. Then you can repeat the cast on the other side. If the flounder bites poorly, then you can use combined method: throw a couple of spinning rods plumb along the sides, use the third one for casting.

    Flounder is a slow fish, so it can sometimes swallow all the hooks on your gear and only then begin active action, so its bite is initially expressed in the form of weak jerks and is difficult to notice. This fish has a fairly strong mouth, so it practically does not break loose.

    Don’t forget, when going flounder fishing, to take with you an extractor with which you will remove the swallowed hook, or just a knife. But, admit that cutting off the heads of almost the entire catch in order to get the hook out of the flounder is not very convenient, so stock up on hooks with a long shank. And when fishing from a boat or boat, you may need a hook.

    Also, do not forget that there is a very sharp spike on the abdomen of this fish; getting pricked with it is quite painful. With the help of this spine, the flounder protects itself from predators.

    Have a good catch and great impressions!

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    April 21, 2017 5:59 pm

    Flounder belongs to the family of ray-finned fish of the order Flounder. There are approximately 570 species of flounder in the world, of which only three live in fresh water. It is interesting that the flounder acquires its characteristic flat shape and the location of the eyes, shifted to one side, over time, and the young fish looks and swims normally. Adult flounders lie on the bottom, occasionally moving from place to place and looking for prey. Flounder – predatory fish and feed on small inhabitants of the seabed.

    Today on Russian market fish and seafood, you can find several types of flounder, which are of the greatest value in terms of nutritional value and taste.


    The turbot, large diamondback or sea pheasant lives in the Mediterranean, Baltic and Black Seas and the northeast Atlantic. Turbot is the widest and largest flounder. It reaches one meter in length. The marine and oceanic subspecies are somewhat different: oceanic flounder is larger and its nutritional value is higher. Turbot flounders are not covered with scales, their color is brownish-spotted, and it is almost impossible to see the turbot lying on the bottom. Turbot is one of the most valuable commercial species among flounder fish.


    Limandas are the most numerous genus of flounder, divided into several subspecies. Found in the Arctic, in the northeast Atlantic Ocean, in Okhotsk, Barents and Japanese seas. Limanda is a medium-sized flounder, its commercial sizes vary from 20 to 50 cm. Limandas are covered with small scales, the color of these flounders depends on the species - from yellow to brown with characteristic camouflage spots and stripes.

    Yellow-bellied flounder

    Yellow-bellied flounder is also called yellow sole or four-tube flounder. It lives in the cold and temperate waters of the Pacific Ocean, in the Bering, Okhotsk, White, as well as in the Black and Mediterranean seas. The yellow-bellied flounder is one of the largest flounders. It grows up to 60 cm in length, but specimens up to 40 cm in length go on sale. Yellow-bellied flounder can be distinguished from other representatives of the species by the bright yellow coloring of the blind side of the fish.

    White-bellied flounder

    White-bellied flounder is the second name for the two-lined flounder, divided into northern and southern. South white-bellied flounder found in the Sea of ​​Japan, northern - in the Bering and Okhotsk seas and off the coasts North America. It grows up to half a meter, the commercial size is usually 30-35 cm. White-bellied flounder is recognized by white color blind side and an unusual sharp bend in the lateral line.

    Flounder is highly prized in cooking. Flounder has white meat with a fresh sea aroma, without a pronounced fishy smell, there are practically no small bones, this fish can be cooked in any way. The calorie content of flounder does not exceed 100 kcal per 100 g, the protein content is about 20%, and the fat content is no more than 2-4%.

    Delicious flounder different types always available at EcoRyba! Buy flounder from us!

    Previous article

    Flounder is a marine fish that belongs to the flounder family. The strongly flattened body, as well as the eyes located on one side of the fish, are its two most important differences. The eyes are most often on the right side. The body of the flounder is asymmetrical with a double color: the side with the eyes is dark brown with an orange-yellowish spot, and the “blind” side is white, rough with dark spots. Flounder feeds on crustaceans and bottom fish. In commercial catches, its average length reaches 35-40 cm. The fertility of adult flounder is from hundreds of thousands to ten million eggs.

    How to choose

    When choosing flounder, pay attention to its smell; the fish should not have any foreign fragrance. The freshness of the flounder can also be determined by pressing your finger on the surface of the skin; if the fish is fresh, the hole will not form or will fill up soon. You can also rely on the color of the gills, which should be pink.

    How to store

    It is best not to store flounder, but to cook and eat it immediately after purchase. But if there is such a need, then place the fish on a dish filled with ice, also cover it with pieces of ice and place it in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf. So flounder can be stored for no more than two days. In the freezer, the shelf life will be up to four months.

    Flounder in cooking

    Dishes from this fish are indicated for inclusion in the diet. They enrich the body with nutrients and are easily digestible.

    In a therapeutic diet, flounder dishes will help the patient recover faster after long illness or in the postoperative period. Fish meat has a beneficial effect on the respiratory, digestive and cardiovascular systems of the body.

    Scientists have found that increased content Omega-3 acids in flounder accelerate the death of cancer cells.

    The meat of this fish is very juicy and tender. But during cooking, a specific odor may appear, the appearance of which can be prevented by removing the skin from the flounder. To make the procedure easier, first remove the scales from the light side, then cut off the head and remove the entrails. After this, cut off the tail and fins, and then, firmly grasping the dark skin near the cut of the tail, sharply remove it.

    Flounder recipes

    Flounder in batter. The recipe is very simple. Take a couple of eggs, beat them, salt and pepper, then add a little flour. The dough should have a liquid consistency. Dip the fish pieces into the dough and throw them into the hot oil. Fry until a crust appears.

    Flounder with shrimp. Lightly fry the flounder, pre-salt, pepper and sprinkle with lemon juice. Fry finely chopped onion and add shrimp to it. Place the resulting mass on the grill, sprinkle with cheese and bake in the oven for five minutes.

    Stewed flounder. Fry the flounder; frozen flounder can be fried without defrosting. Place and cover with sauce made from the juice of one lemon, 50 g of dry wine and herbs. Mix well and simmer over medium heat for one minute.

    Calorie content

    This type Fish contains a high amount of protein and a small amount of fat. 100 g of fresh flounder - 90 kcal. 100 g of boiled flounder contains 103 kcal, and energy value fried flounder - 223 kcal per 100 g. The fat content of flounder in this form increases significantly, and its excessive consumption increases the risk of developing obesity.

    Nutritional value per 100 grams:

    Useful properties of flounder

    Flounder is one of the components of almost all health diets and this fact undoubtedly proves that the fish has a huge reserve useful properties. Flounder meat contains a lot of useful and fully digestible protein, which is required daily by our body.

    It also contains a lot of Omega-3 fatty acids and phosphorus salts. Also contains: riboflavin, thiamine, pyridoxine, nicotinic and pantothenic acids. Flounder meat is very rich in B vitamins (especially B12); vitamins D, E and A, which are also present in this fish, also have a positive effect on health.

    Beneficial influence on the body of flounder is also proven by the content of amino acids in it: threonine, glycine, aspartic and glutamic acids. Amino acids are very necessary for humans and they are ways to lower cholesterol levels in the blood.

    The potassium, sodium, iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus and other minerals, micro- and macroelements contained in flounder are extremely beneficial for humans, which:

    • regulate water-salt metabolism;
    • help convert glucose into energy;
    • are good building material for teeth, bones;
    • participate in the formation of hemoglobin in the blood;
    • ensure the functioning of enzymes;
    • improve muscle and mental activity.

    Bondage meat is also rich in iodine, which in turn improves performance and immunity.

    Flounder has one more interesting property- increase sexual desire, all thanks to the presence of aphrodisiacs in the composition. This property is inherent only in some species of fish.

    Eating flounder meat promotes excellent strengthening of nails and hair, thanks to vitamins, minerals and polyunsaturated acids. It also speeds up the wound healing process.

    Entering the body as food, flounder meat increases skin elasticity and promotes good rejuvenation of the body.

    For people who control their weight and lead an active lifestyle, flounder is very healthy, especially if you cook it outdoors on a grill. After all, the balanced composition of fish will help keep your figure in shape.