Rainier Louis Henri Maxance Bertrand Grimaldi, Count Polignac, was born on May 31, 1923 in Monaco. In his generic line were French, Mexicans, Spaniards, Germans, Scots, British, Danes and Italians. The only son of Charlotte Monk and Prince Pierre de Polynignak first went to school Summerfields in England, and then to the prestigious English public school in Buckinghamshire. Further, the noble son was found at the Institute Le Rosey in Rolle and Gstaad (University of Montpellier) in France, where he received a bachelor's degree, and finally graduated from the Paris Institute of Political Studies.

On May 9, 1949, Rainier became Prince of Monaco after the death of his grandfather, Prince Louis II, when the formal heiress of the title, Charlotte Monkskaya, refused the throne in favor of the Son in 1944.

In the 1940s and 1950s, the Prince openly lived with French Pascal's French movie star. According to reports, the couple broke up when the doctor declared her about her infertility. In fact, the actress later married and gave birth to a child. After a year, Caring for the owner of Oscar, the American actress Grace Kelly, Rainier III married her in April 1956. The spouses were born three children - Princess Carolina Louise Margarita (born 1957), Crown Prince Albert (born 1958) and Princess Stefania Maria Elizabeth (born 1965).

Kelly tragically died in the automotive accident in 1982, and her daughter Stefania, who was driving on one of the versions and became obeyed in the death of the mother, received severe injured. Widovers twisted the novel with the princess Ira von Fürstenberg, who left the film industry and was served in jewelry designers.

After the squeezing on the throne, when the Treasury of Monaco was practically empty, Renia worked on to return the former financial brilliance of the principality, and in 1966 he bought a pack of shares of the Society of Marine Bathing from the Greek Multimillioner. Becoming a majority shareholder, he strengthened his control over the Gaming Business Monaco.

Thanks to the efforts of Rainier, the principality, for a long time, the "Tax Paradise" reputation was crossed out from the "black lists" of countries that did not cooperate with the International Financial Action Group FATF in the fight against revenue laundering.

In 1962, he became the author of the new constitution of the Principality, which significantly reduced the power of the sovereign. Rainier received the nickname "Prince-Builder", as it paid a lot of attention to the development of transport networks and housing construction, including a new station built and reconstructed the port.

Back in the 1990s, the Reni moved the operation of the Aorticoronal shunting, and the part of the lung was removed. The health of the prince has deteriorated from year to year. On March 7, 2005, he was hospitalized with a pulmonary infection, and on March 23, it was announced that Rainier III was translated into artificial ventilation of the lungs, suffering from renal and heart failure.

Best days

Revelation of a balding girl
Visputated: 218.
Pepper eating champion

Monuments Grace Kelly and Prince Rainier III NOVEMBER 21ST, 2015

"" My parents did more for the principality than all the predecessors of the Father in the history of Monaco. They just achieved together. They strongly raised the prestige of the principality. It is difficult for me to express it with words, but look around, and you will see how everything has changed here. Previously, it was a sleepy place on the seashore, living exclusively at the expense of tourists. Now this is a small, but a lively thriving city, and not just a regular stop in the tourist route. "
Albert in "Princess Monaco" Jeffrey Robinson

Rainier III - the 33rd ruler of Monaco and the representative of the oldest ruling dynasty in Europe. Although in the all-knowing Wikipedia it is written so - " thirteenth Prince Monaco from 1949 to 2005 from the Grimaldi Dynasty"For the princely throne, he joined after May 9, 1949 his grandfather passed away, Prince Louis II. Formally the title is the mother of Rainier, Princess Charlotte, but she refused the throne in favor of her son.
Died - April 6, 2005 at the age of 81. 55 years old he was "at the helm" of his little principality.

Monument to the prince Rainier III near the Princely Palace is a bronze figure of a prince in full growth, which holds a hat in his hands.

About Grace Kelly in Wikipedia - "10th Princess Monaco, mother of the ruling prince Albera II. On her account a little more than 10 films, but there is one" Oscar "(" Rustic Girl "in the nomination" Best Actress of the Year "), and Glory to the regulatory actress of his time. "
In 1956, Grace Kelly marries Rainier III and becomes the princess of Monaco (before that, the American actress even knew about the existence of this principality-state, so even her parents confused first Monaco and Morocco).
In 1982, she died in a car accident. She was buried on September 18 in the family-run Gamaldi in the Cathedral of St. Nicholas in Monaco. Prince survived his spouse for more than twenty years, and now they rest next to ...

And nearby, between the plates, their wedding portrait ...

Monument Grace Kelly on the Naberezhnya Monaco ...

Another sculpture of the work of Kis Verkada is located in the rosary of Grace Kelly on the territory of the Family Gardens.
Rosary was opened on June 18, 1984 with the participation of Prince Rainier III.

(Photo from the Internet)

There are even a few varieties of roses who loved Grace Kelly, who are dedicated to her ...
In honor of the wedding of Prince Rainier and Grace Kelly in 1956, the leading World Firm for the Production and Selection of Roses House Meyan (Meilland) dedicated to Princess Monaco Rose "Grace De Monaco".

(Photo from the Internet)

Later, when opening a flower exhibition in 1981, Grace Kelly called this variety the best of all the roses represented. In Meyyan, they immediately announced that from now on the rose will be called "Princess Monaco". The variety has several synonyms - "Princess Grace", "Princesse Grace De Monaco", "Grace Kelly".

But not only roses loved Grace. All flowers as a true woman.
The breeders of the whole world, knowing about the extraordinary love Grace Kelly to flowers, called their novelties with her name. So the alstroemeria "Princessse Monaco" appeared ...

(Photo from the Internet)


(Photo from the Internet)

Iris "Mogambo", named after the film of the same name with the participation of the actress Grace Kelly.

(Photo from the Internet)

However, not only sculptures remind us of the heroes of this post, but also numerous photos of past years ...
Here, near the entrance to the Japanese Garden, photo Grace puts the tree ...

It is no coincidence that it is located on Princess Princess Avenue.

Here Theater Princess Grace Next to the port ...

Once, in 1931, the opening of the cinema took place. The theater hall for 378 seats was opened on February 1, 1932. On his scene, Edith Piaf, Elvira Popescu and many other stars of 30-40s appeared.
In the late 70s, the princess of Grace The interior of the hall was completely changed. On December 17, 1981, the solemn opening of the theater, who received the princess after the tragic death of her name.

Here is the exotic Garden of Monaco (Jardin Exotique de Monaco) and again a family archival photo at the entrance ...

Its name is named after the hospital and library monaco.

Surprisingly, the monument to both - "weddings of the century" (the author of the monument is Andrei Kovalchuk) - was not installed in Monaco, but near the registry office on the embankment "Bruges" in Yoshkar-Ola (Republic of Mari El, Russia). Only where Monaco and where Mari El ...

The opening of such a monument here was explained like this: "Grace Kelly and Prince Monaco Rainier III is a sample of a married couple. In life it is necessary to be equal to someone, take an example."
Sometimes adults need fairy tales to be equal.
For patriots, I will say that

Rainier III (Fr. Rainier III, full name - Rainier Louis Henri Maxence Bertrand Grimaldi; May 31, 1923 - April 6, 2005) - The Twelfth Prince of Monaco, Rule in 1949-2005.


Before joining the princely throne

Born on May 31, 1923 and the Louis-Henri-Maxense Burtrant Grimaldi was named Baptism. Parents Charlotte Monaccia, Duchess Valentina and Prince Pierre de Polynyak.

Education The future ruler of the Principality received in the UK, Switzerland (Private School Institut Le Rosey) and France, where he graduated, in particular, the prestigious "Xianss-software" - the highest school of political sciences in Paris.

In September 1944, Prince Rainier received an officer to serve in the French army and participated in a military campaign against Nazi Germany in Alsace.

Prince and family

He entered the princely throne after his grandfather passed away on May 9, 1949, Prince Louis II. Formally the title heirement was the mother of Rainier, Princess Charlotte, but she refused the throne in favor of her son.

In 1956, Prince Rainier played a wedding with Hollywood film actresant Grace Kelly. In 1982, the spouse of Prince died in a car accident.

Three children appeared on the spouses: Princess Carolina, born in 1957, Crown Prince Alber (1958) and Princess Stefania (1965).

In 1982, as a result of the car accident, Princess Stefania, who was with the deceased mother in the car, received heavy injuries. As the then the boulevard press wrote, it was Stefania who was driving and became the guilt of the catastrophe, but this version officially did not receive confirmation.

Currently, Carolina and Stephania, whose stormy personal life over the years has been the subject of constant attention from the photographers-paparazzi, married, and Stephenia - already in the fourth time. The daughters presented the prince of seven grandchildren and granddaughters.

The Crown Prince Alber II was previously considered one of the most enviable grooms of Europe. On March 31, 2005, in connection with the disease of the Father, Regent functions were assigned to it, and on April 6, after the death of Rainier III, he became the ruling prince. On July 1, 2011, Albert married Charlin Linnet Whitstock.

Contribution to Filateli

Prince Rainier III was a philatelist in the world. During the years of his reign, he was personally involved in one way or another aspects associated with the preparation of drawings and the exit of the final philatelic products of Monaco. Since 1948, when he joined the Monk Throne, the significance of the philatelic issues of this microstation increased significantly. The prince is considered the author of the statement that postage stamps are the "best ambassador of the country." The philatelic collection of Rainier III served as the basis for the Museum of Postage Stamps and Monaco Coins ( Musée des Timbres Et Des Monnaies De Monaco). Portrait of Rainier III has repeatedly appeared on Monaco's postage stamps.

In 1996, the princess was awarded the award of the World Association of Publishers of Philatelic Catalogs, Albums and Journal (ASSA) "Grand Prix 1996". From November 1997, he was an honorary member of the European Academy of Philately; He received this title during the International Filatelicual Exhibition in Monaco.

In February 1999, "Monte Carlo Club" was formed under the aegid of Prince ( Club de Monte-Carlo; full title - Club de Monte-Carlo de L'Elite de la Philatélie) - The World Filatelicotic Elite Club, which has more than a hundred members.

6 chose

She consciously made a choice in favor of the family, sacrificing the career.

He was ready to correspond with her, in the end to understand what she loves her.

They were considered one of the most beautiful couples of the twentieth century ...

She is…

She grew up in the family of a large industrialist and the former Olympic champion in academic rowing. Her first role was the role of the Virgin Mary in the theatrical Christmas presentation in Rinshill Religious College. Grace was only 6 years old.

She dreamed of becoming an actress, but instead of roles on Broadway, she was covered with contracts for shooting in advertising (from cigarette to vacuum cleaners). But 1949 broke the situation ...

Despite the small number of films with its participation, in the asset Grace there is one "Oscar" and two "golden globes".

Initially, she wanted to tie her fate with the fashion designer Oleg Cassini, but the age and numerous divorces of the latter forced her parents to convince her daughter in the opposite. In addition, Grace has always been picky in the grooms and once even refused to Shah Iran, Mohammed Reza Pekhlevie.

But she had long dreamed of becoming his wife and mother ...


His full name given with baptism, Louis-Henri-Maxans-Bertrand Grimaldi.

He climbed the throne due to his mother, who, after the death of Prince Louis II, at the first opportunity, renounced the title in favor of his son.

He graduated from the Higher School of Political Sciences in Paris, passing a brilliant education in the universities of Great Britain and Switzerland.

Before joining the post, the future prince consisted of the service of the French army and participated in a military campaign against Nazi Germany in Alsace.

They are…

They met on the set of the film Alfred Hitchkok to catch the thief, the action of which occurred in the French Riviera.

Their meeting can not be called long novel. Rather, the correspondence romance: after the actress and European monarch organized by the Paris Match magazine, their relationships continued in a long correspondence ... which continued half a year. After that, Rainie went to Philadelphia to ask for the hands of Grace.

She said "yes!", Despite the fact that it meant the end of her cinema career.

Their wedding, whose civil ceremony took place on April 18, 1956, and the solemn wedding - April 19, is still considered one of the most luxurious secular events of the XX century. They say that day on the streets of Monaco gathered almost 20 thousand fans of Grace talent.

Among the 600 honored guests, of course, there were stars of Hollywood of the time: Ava Gardner, Gloria Svenson, Konrad Hilton ... An interesting fact: the British Queen of Elizabeth II, embarrassed by "too much movie stars", was forced to politely refuse to participate in the celebration ...

January 5, 2010, 14:35

Was it love at first sight or at the heart of the connection of Prince Rainier III and the movie star Grace Kelly lay a subtle political calculation? The principality of Monaco was needed by the heir: according to the terms of the Franco-Monk Agreement, as soon as the Grimalidi dynasty, the ruling Monaco since 1297, will interrupt, the principality is deprived of state sovereignty and turns into French Province. In independence and prosperity of Monaco, the owners of gambling business were interested, at the expense of which the principality traditionally existed. However, after World War II, the gambling business was in full decline, and the only "property" of the principality was debts. The best way to attract the attention of the world to Monaco and solve problems of the genus Grimaldi could become a spectacular marriage. Thus, the Greek billionaire Aristotle Ortassis, the owner of the tanker fleet in Monaco and the real estate, which in the area was a third of the territory of the principality, was interested in the profitability of his investments and personally looked for the bride prince. There were rumors that, as one of the candidates, Oressis considered Merilin Monroe. Monroe, although he did not know where Monaco is, it was ready to seduce the "African" prince: "Leave me alone with him for two days, and he marries me." But Rainier was not destined to learn about the plans of Ossis - in 1955 he met Grace Kelly. The actress, removed in 11 films that received two "Golden Globes" and "Oscar" for a major role in the film "Rustic Girl", invited to head the American delegation at the Cannes Festival. Paris Match magazine organized a joint photo session of one of the most beautiful girls of America and the European monarch. Their short meeting continued lasting reservoir. Six months later, the prince of Rainier came to Philadelphia to ask Grace's hands. Even the parents of Grace could not resist such a proposal, the approval of which before this could not receive any applicant for the role of the son-in-law. Grace itself, who has long dreamed of becoming his wife and mother, nevertheless was the pickup in the grooms and once refused even Shah Iran Mohammed Reza Pekhlevie. This time, she truly fell in love with the Prince's sentence, "Yes", despite the fact that this marriage meant the end of her brilliant career. The engagement took place in December 1955 at the Motherland Grace in Philadelphia. In the sign of devotion, Rainier gave a beloved ring, decorated with diamonds and rubies, because a real gift is a diamond ring at twelve carats with emerald inlay - was not ready. News of the upcoming wedding of Prince Monaco Rainier III and the movie star Grace Kelly were glad not only the inhabitants of the little principality, but also all of America. Probably, although Alfred Hichkoku did not like this marriage: after the wedding, at the insistence of her husband, Kelly stopped being removed, and Hichkok lost his favorite actress. Moreover, subsequently Renia banned the showing of films with the participation of Grace Kelly on the territory of Monaco. "Wedding of the Century" long-awaited marriage took place in April 1956 in Monaco. The wedding took place in two days. On April 18, a civil ceremony was held in the throne hall of Grimalidi, which was attended by only the next relatives and friends of the bride and groom. After the ceremony, the newlyweds briefly went to the balcony to greet the people gathered before the palace. On the same day, Rainier and Kelly staged a solemn reception for 3000 inhabitants of Monaco, and everyone could shake the bride and the bride (kissing the bride was forbidden). The evening ended with a festive fireworks in honor of the newlyweds. The next day, all the beauty and luxury of the old Europe embodied in the wedding rite, held in the Cathedral of Monaco, decorated with lilac and white lilies. Under the solemn sounds of the authority, families were included in the church. They followed seven bride girlfriends in yellow and six children - four girls in white dresses and two boys in white breeches. Then the Grace appeared, which his father led to the altar - at the altar she had to wait for the future husband. Prince and Kinosovezdu wedged Montinor Marella, the papal legate from Paris. Among the six hundred invited were diplomats, heads of states, movie star, famous businessmen. The ceremony carefully followed 30 million viewers - a record figure for that time. The exclusive right to shoot a wedding was received by the company "Metro-Golden-Mayer" - as compensation for a terminated contract with Grace Kelly. The cherished dream of a television report was embodied on the black and white frames: a 26-year-old actress, a girl not royal blood, became a real princess. After the wedding of the newlyweds, the princess in the cream-black "Rolls Royce" with a folding riding - a gift of residents of Monaco. Cutting the six-Russian cake with a sword, the couple went on a journey through the Mediterranean Sea on the Yacht "Deo Juvante II", which the prince presented Grace Kelly as a wedding gift. When the yacht sailed from the sky, thousands of red and white carnations sprinkled from the hydrosapolt of the Aristotle of Ossis. The wedding, called the "Wedding of the Century", was so bright and memorable that even inimitable Madonna, going to marry, wanted to be like a princess of Monaco, and she had a diamond Tiara for the head of Grace Kelly. The revival of Monaco The image of a married couple, sincerely enjoying his love, entrenched a series of happy events: The birth of Karolina Princess in 1957, the heir to Alber in 1958 and, finally, the princess Stefania in 1965. Arriving solemn techniques, Princess Grace performed his duties flawlessly, returning the world the image of the ideal mistress of the country, and Monaco became a symbol of happiness, where all the trouble seemed to be expelled. A lot of time Grace Kelly paid a charity. With her appearance in the palace, it was a tradition to hold Christmas trees for all children Monaco. The Red Cross of Monaco under her leadership became one of the most famous in the world to assist victims of military conflicts and natural disasters from Peru to Pakistan. She visited the nursing home, orphans, opened the hospital and kindergarten to help working mothers. All the elegance and charm of the actress invested in the main role of his life - the role of Prinja, his wife and mother. And the world drew attention to it. The business of Monaco went to the way. The tiny state was one of the most attractive places in the Mediterranean, where the cream of society came. Here it was possible to meet millionaires from America, and adventurers-travelers from Australia, and high-ranking statesmen from Russia. On the territory of less than two square kilometers with 8 thousand inhabitants of the principality, with a passport of a citizen of Monaco, 25 thousand emigrants are adjacent. Every year the principality visits 4 million tourists. The Grand Prix of Monaco becomes the most prestigious of all the Formula 1 races. The gambling business is reborn again: adventures from casino in one evening are 4% of the riches of the principality. The well-being of Monaco is soon reinforced by the offshore status of the principality. The personal state of Rainier by the end of the 20th century exceeds one and a half billion dollars. The world's wrong loss on September 14, 1982, the world found out about the death of Grace Kelly. She died from the consequences of a car catastrophe. For many, this year was the year of mourning. Princess and younger daughter returned from Turbus in Monaco. At one of the turns of the serpentine, the stripped "Rover" of Grace could not slow down and flew into the abyss of a depth of about 45 meters. Stefania miraculously remained alive, damaging only the cervical vertebrae. Grace was taken to hospital in a coma. Her condition was so hopeless that the doctors recommended to turn off the artificial respiratory unit - the Grace family agreed. Grace Kelly is buried in the family crypt of Grimaldi in the Cathedral of Monaco. Her grave is the only one, where there are always live flowers. Rainier III no longer married. "He never recovered after the death of his wife. It was the wrong loss, "said Philip Delorm, French Biographer Rainier. Prince's tiny princess filled with countless reminders of a woman who loved: Avenue Princess Grace, Grace Kelly library, Grace Kelly Theater. On the 20-year-old anniversary of the death of the princess, the royal publishing house released an illustrated book dedicated to the princely couple. Rainier personally wrote the preface in which Grace praised the fact that she with perfection fulfilled the role of his wife and mother. Residents of Monaco still stored in the hearts of Grace. "I can't explain it, but the princess Grace is still here," says Natalie Pansenard, 40-year-old primary school teacher. "Her warmth, generosity, humanity ... She was just a wizard." Hall people with tenderness remember how Princess Grace, along with children, rode a bike on the Mediterranean coast and shylyly said "Bonjour" in response to the greetings of passersby. Even the secular chronicle admires this American, which, "not embarrassed, filmed shoes in the Royal Garden."