- one of the most powerful predators on the planet from the cat family. In size and weight it is second only to the tiger. A formidable predator lives in sub-Saharan Africa. It feels comfortable only in protected areas. In other places it is destroyed by the local population, which last decades has grown significantly. Today, no more than 50 thousand of these mighty cats live on the vast African continent. About 2 thousand more animals live in zoos around the world and perform in circuses. So the situation with the population is quite difficult.


These cats have highly developed sexual dimorphism. Males by appearance significantly different from females. They are not only larger, but also have luxurious manes, which the fair sex does not have. manes African lions long and curvy. The hair length reaches 40 cm. It grows on the head, neck, and chest. These are like separate manes, but connected together. The tail ends with a small hair brush. Its length does not exceed 5 cm. Inside the brush there is a small curved bone.

The color of the mighty beast is yellowish-gray. In individual individuals it differs in shades. On the head, the color of the mane usually matches the color of the rest of the skin, and on the shoulders there is a thick hairline It can be very dark and even black. The hair on the back and belly is short. Lionesses do not even have the semblance of a mane. But they can withstand the heat more easily and easily get through dense vegetation. It is much more difficult for males in this regard. This is probably why hunting is the privilege of females, and males are only engaged in protecting the territory.

The African lion is impressive in size. Males weigh on average 180 kg. This muscle mass and bones. Weight Limit reaches up to 250 kg. Average weight lionesses weigh 125 kg. The maximum reaches 180 kg. Moreover, the lions living in South Africa on average slightly larger than their eastern and western counterparts. The height at the withers of males reaches 120 cm. Females usually grow up to 90 cm, very rarely up to 1 meter. Body length in males reaches 2.5 meters, in females 1.8 meters. The tail is from 70 to 100 cm in length. Maximum weight, famous history, equaled 370 kg. A maximum length the body reached 3.6 meters.

Pride, reproduction, life expectancy

The African lion has the highest social organization among all cats. These live predatory cats in large groups which are called prides. Lionesses try to get pregnant at the same time so that the cubs are born at the same time. In this case, they are easier to feed and raise. Pregnancy lasts 110 days. During childbirth, the lioness leaves the pride and goes to a secluded place. It can be dense thickets bush or cave.

From 1 to 4 cubs are born. They weigh no more than 2 kg. The kids are blind and helpless. Their eyes open on the 10th day, newborns begin to walk on the 20th day. The lioness regularly goes hunting and leaves the cubs alone. Several times a month she changes the den so that other predators do not detect the lion cubs based on the accumulated smell.

The female and her offspring usually return to the pride 1.5-2 months after giving birth. Milk feeding lasts 6 months. Lioness treat their offspring differently. They love females more than males. If the father of the babies dies in a pride, then another lion destroys his offspring. Moreover, this applies only to male lion cubs. The mother may remain absolutely indifferent, but she does not give offense to the little females.

Upon reaching 2-3 years of age, young males are expelled from lion pack and begin to lead single life. They either create their own pride or join a pack. Some lions spend their entire lives alone or live in pairs. Females remain with their mothers for life. Therefore, in a pride, all lionesses are related by family ties. There are no strangers among them. The mortality rate among young lions is very high. Only 20% survive to 2 years. Therefore, out of every hundred, 80 lions die.

Puberty in males occurs at the age of 3 years. Lionesses give birth for the first time at the age of 4 years. The prime of life for this animal lasts from 4 to 10 years. Then old age gradually sets in. The African lion lives in the wild for no more than 15 years. In captivity, he lives up to 20-22 years.

Food and hunting

The main habitat of African lions is savannah. Many ungulates live next to predators. They are the main source of food for powerful animals. Lioness go hunting. Males defend the territory from other lions. Fights with strangers are not uncommon and often end in the death of one of the animals.

Hunting mainly takes place at dusk. This early morning and late evening. But sometimes lionesses hunt during the day. Small animals are eaten on the spot. Large prey is dragged into the pride. They all eat together. Sick and wounded animals receive their share on an equal basis with healthy and strong predators. If the prey is large, then the lions do not go hunting until they eat it all. During such periods of time, a whole herd of antelopes or zebras can calmly graze nearby, but the mighty cats do not pay any attention to it. Most of the time, lions indulge in idle rest.


The African lion constantly comes into conflict with the hyena. The diet of these animals is almost the same. Lionesses often take prey from hyenas. They sit at a distance and wait for the cats to have their fill. If there are few lionesses, then a pack of hyenas can take the meat from them. In a word, strength always wins. The same can be said about the relationship of lions with leopards and cheetahs.

The king of beasts always dominates here, since all other cats never live in packs. Lions kill spotted cubs mercilessly. After all, they are potential competitors in the hunt. Leopards hide their young high in the trees. But lionesses know how to climb trees, so they often get the kittens they hate there too.

Serious competition comes from the Nile crocodile. The mighty cats cannot do anything with him while the huge reptile is in the water. Great danger comes from a person. At the same time, he saves African lions from complete destruction, constantly creating closed reserves where the animals are completely safe.

Today there are a great many legends and stories about the life of the lion - the king of beasts. In order to understand what is a fairy tale and what is the truth, you need to carefully understand this. These animals differ from all others in their strength and power. The indescribable beauty of the mane and the evil roar give the lion a truly royal appearance. And even in the habits of this beast there are royal manners.

Severe predator

The description of the lion is predictable. It doesn’t matter where the king of animals lives - in freedom or in captivity - he always remains a lion. A large and strong predator with powerful body. Lions are very good runners. These cats have such strong jaws that they can easily hold even the largest animals in their mouths. Thanks to their powerful claws, they tear any of their prey to pieces. By the way, the tongue of the king of beasts is covered with small spines, which help him take care of himself. With the help of these thorns the animal easily removes insects from itself.

Naturally, the cat's lifestyle depends on where the lion lives. This predator mainly lives in Africa and Asia.

Animals live in prides - unique families. As a rule, a family consists of one or two males and several females with babies. In charge adult males includes protecting the family from single males who often encroach on someone else’s property. Females are engaged in obtaining food, hunting, and raising lion cubs. Little predators actively play, frolic and develop, preparing for adulthood.

On average, the pride composition is about 20 individuals. The territory of lion possessions reaches tens of kilometers. For a normal life, it is incredibly important that various ungulates live in this territory. This will allow the pride to eat well.

Asiatic lion

It’s easy to guess where Asian predators live thanks to their name. They live in the Indian Gir Forest. Asian predator goes by other names:

The Asiatic lion is, in principle, very similar to the African lion, but it is slightly smaller in size and weight. The color of their coat can be either brown or gray. Predators hunt in the forests and fields. It is not known for certain how long lions have lived in these territories. The bulk of these forests are increasingly being taken over by people. Cats have to leave and share their possessions with humans.

But the lion has to share its possessions not only with humans, but also with other animals. And many centuries ago they were the masters of lands right up to Greece. History knows of cases when a lion was met on the banks of the Don River.

It cost people superhuman efforts to preserve the population of Bengal tigers. Today, lion families are kept in specialized reserves and specialists fiercely fight for their lives.

African lion

This predator lives in Central Africa. They own savannah lands, which necessarily have a watering hole. Business card This beast is, of course, a luxurious mane, which covers the entire head and chest of the beast. R carcass of a male lion is 2.5 meters, and the weight of the lion is 240 kilograms. Females are always slightly smaller. The main coat of the animal is short, but very thick. The color is sandy or in yellow shades.

Hunting for lions became a very big problem. People are destroying the populations of these animals, and if two decades ago the population numbered more than 200 thousand individuals, then on this moment there are ten times less of them. And man is to blame. Due to the frequent attacks of the king of beasts on livestock, people fight them with poisons and baits.

How long does a lion live?

What is the life expectancy of the king of beasts? Is it different in the wild and in the wild? Of course yes! In fact, life cycle The lion, in comparison with other animals, is relatively small. Very rarely a lion wild, reaches the age of thirty. Upon reaching fifteen years of age, these predators, as a rule, weaken and even cease to dominate the pride. Lionesses live a little longer.

Often male lions die in battle with a crocodile, which is considered almost the only enemy of the king of beasts. They constantly fight, and if a lion can easily attack a crocodile on land, then the crocodile is much stronger in the water.


Naturally, like any other carnivorous animal, meat is the main source of nutrition. Behind calendar year One adult lion eats on average fifteen adult animals, weighing about one hundred kilograms.

As mentioned earlier, it is the females who are the huntresses in a pride. But the male who dominates the pride always starts the meal first. He always gets the best piece, and the kids and lionesses eat the rest.

Lions eat once every three to four days. Each member of the pride eats on average about twenty kilograms of meat at a time. Immediately after lunch the whole pride goes to the watering hole in unison. Then everyone rests and this rest can last up to twenty hours in a row.

It is interesting that hyenas and jackals always roam in the pride’s domains and eat up the lion’s prey, which usually do not interfere with this.


The most common victims of lion hunting are:

  • deer;
  • giraffes;
  • antelope;
  • zebras.

But this is an incomplete list. The lion also hunts other animals similar to those listed above.

During the day, all members of the pride rest and gain strength, and as soon as the first twilight appears, they go hunting. Typically, a pride of five individuals brings back one large animal from a hunt once a week.

During the hunt, lions distribute roles. One distracts the victim, the others hide in ambush and attack unnoticed. All the bloody work, as a rule, is carried out by the youngest lions. But still lionesses are the main hunters. They surround the victim and slowly approach it. At one moment, one of the females strikes the victim with lightning speed with her paw, it falls and then the lioness kills the animal, sinking her teeth into the throat.

As soon as the victim is caught, the older male immediately appears and is given the right to be the first to try the food.

Offspring and reproduction

The king of animals is very loving, which is why the process of reproduction occurs regardless of the season and time of year. Mate lions always leave away from the pride location. How many females can a king have? The African Beast can have up to seven lionesses.

When the female is 3.5 months pregnant, she leaves the pride and gives birth to lion cubs in a secluded place, which she first finds for herself.

Babies are born completely blind. The skin of newborns is covered with dark spots that fade after the lapse of for some time. On average, three to five lion cubs are born and only half of them survive to adulthood.

Lion cubs eat their mother's milk, and when they reach seven months old kids start eating meat. The babies enter the family when they are two months old. A predator is considered an adult when it reaches five years of age.

Powerful, strong, stately and fearless - we are talking about the lion - the king of beasts. Having a warlike appearance, strength, the ability to run quickly and always coordinated, thoughtful actions, these animals will never be afraid of anyone. Animals living next to lions are themselves afraid of their menacing gaze, strong body and powerful jaw. No wonder the lion was nicknamed the king of beasts.

The lion has always been the king of animals, even in ancient times this animal was idolized. For the ancient Egyptians, the lion acted as a sentry creature guarding the entrance to the other world. For the ancient Egyptians, the god of fertility Aker was depicted with lion's mane. IN modern world, on many state emblems the king of beasts is depicted. The coats of arms of Armenia, Belgium, Great Britain, Gambia, Senegal, Finland, Georgia, India, Canada, Congo, Luxembourg, Malawi, Morocco, Swaziland and many others depict the warlike king of beasts. African lion, according to International Convention, entered into the Red Book as an endangered species.

This is interesting!
African lions were first tamed by ancient people back in the eighth century BC.

Description of the African lion

Since childhood, we all know what a lion looks like, just from the mane alone. Small child can recognize the king of beasts. Therefore we decided to give short description this powerful beast. The lion is a powerful animal, but is only slightly more than two meters long. For example, it is much longer than a lion, reaching 3.8 meters in length. The usual weight of a male is one hundred eighty kilograms, rarely two hundred.

This is interesting!
Lions living or in natural history zones specially designated for them always weigh more than their counterparts living in the wild. They move little, eat too much, and their mane is always thicker and larger than that of wild lions. In natural history areas, lions are looked after, while wild cats in nature they look unkempt, with disheveled manes.

The head and body of lions are dense and powerful. Skin color varies depending on the subspecies. However, the main color for the kings of animals is cream, ocher, or yellow-sand. Asiatic lions are all white and gray in color.

Old lions have coarse hair that covers the head, shoulders and extends down to the lower abdomen. Adults have a black, thick mane or a dark, brown mane. But one of the subspecies of the African lion, the Masai, does not have such a lush mane. The hair does not fall on the shoulders, and there is none on the forehead.

All lions have rounded ears with a yellow spot in the middle. The spotted pattern remains on the skin of young lions until the lionesses give birth to cubs and the males reach sexual maturity. All representatives of lions have a tassel at the tip of their tail. This is where their vertebral section ends.


Once upon a time, lions lived in completely different territories than in the modern world. A subspecies of the African lion, the Asiatic, lived mainly in southern Europe, India or inhabited the Middle Eastern lands. Ancient lion lived throughout Africa, but never settled in the Sahara. The American subspecies of lion is therefore called American, as it lived in North American lands. Asiatic lions gradually began to become extinct or exterminated by humans, which is why they were. And African lions remained in small flocks only in the African tropics.

Nowadays, the African lion and its subspecies are found only on two continents - Asian and African. The Asian king of beasts live quietly in Indian Gujarat, where there is a dry, sandy climate, savannah and scrub forests. According to the latest data, all five hundred and twenty-three Asiatic lions have been recorded to date.

There will be more real African lions in Western countries African continent. In the country where the most better climate for lions, Burkina Faso, over a thousand lions. In addition, many of them live in the Congo, there are over eight hundred individuals there.

Wildlife no longer numbers as many lions as there were in the seventies of the last century. To date, they only thirty thousand left, and this is according to unofficial data. African lions have chosen the savannahs of their favorite continent, but even there they cannot be protected from hunters scurrying everywhere in search of easy money.

Hunting and feeding of the African lion

Leos do not like silence and living in silence. They prefer the open spaces of savannas, plenty of water, and settle mainly where their favorite food lives - artiodactyl mammals. It is not for nothing that they deservedly bear the title of “king of the savannas,” where this animal feels good and free, since he himself understands that he is the ruler. Yes. Male lions do just that, they only dominate, rest most life in the shade of bushes, while the females get food for themselves, him and the lion cubs.

Lions, just like our men, wait for the queen lioness to catch dinner for him and prepare it herself, presenting it “on a silver platter.” The king of animals must be the first to taste the prey brought to him by the female, and the lioness herself patiently waits for her male to eat and leave leftovers from the “royal table” for her and the lion cubs. Males rarely hunt, unless they do not have a female and they are very, very hungry. Despite this, lions will never give offense to their lionesses and cubs if other people's lions encroach on them.

The lion's main food is artiodactyl animals - llamas, wildebeests, zebras. If lions are very hungry, then they will not disdain even rhinoceroses and hippos if they can defeat them in the water. Also does not skimp on game and small rodents, mice and non-venomous snakes. To survive, a lion needs to eat a day over seven kilograms any meat. If, for example, 4 lions unite, then one successful hunt for all of them will bring the desired result. The problem is that among healthy lions there will be sick ones who are unable to hunt. Then they can even attack a person, since, as you know, for them “hunger is no big deal!”

Lion breeding

Unlike many mammals, lions are pack predators and mate at any time of the year, which is why you can often see an old lioness basking in the sun with cubs of different age categories. Despite the fact that females have nothing to worry about, they can calmly bear lion cubs and even walk side by side with other females; males, on the contrary, can seriously fight for a female, even to the point of their death. It is survival of the fittest, and only the strongest lion has the right to possess the female.

The female carries the cubs for 100-110 days, and mainly three or five cubs are born. Lion cubs live in large crevices or caves, which are located in places that are difficult for humans to reach. Lion cubs are born as thirty-centimeter babies. They have a beautiful, spotted color that persists until puberty, which usually occurs in the sixth year of the animal’s life.

In the wild, lions do not live long, on average 16 years, while in zoos lions can live for thirty years.

African lion species

Today, there are eight varieties of the African lion, which differ in color, mane color, length, weight and many other features. There are subspecies of lions that are very similar to each other, except that there are some details that are known only to scientists who have been studying the life and development of lions from the cat family for many years.

Classification of lions

  • Cape Lion. This lion has not been in the wild for a long time. He was killed in 1860. The lion differed from its brothers in that it had a blacker and overly thick mane, and there were black tassels on its ears. Cape lions lived in the southern African region, many of them chose the Cape of Good Hope.
  • Atlas lion. He was considered the largest and most powerful lion with a massive build and overly dark skin. Lived in Africa, lived in the Atlas Mountains. The Roman emperors loved to keep these lions as guards. It is a pity that the very last Atlas lion was shot dead by hunters in Morocco at the beginning of the 20th century. It is believed that descendants of this subspecies of lion live today, but scientists still argue about their authenticity.
  • Indian lion (Asian). They have a more squat body, their fur is not as splayed, and their mane is more sleek. Such lions weigh two hundred kilograms, females even less - only ninety. In the entire history of the existence of the Asiatic lion, one Indian lion was entered into the Guinness Book of Records, whose body length was 2 meters 92 centimeters. Asiatic lions live in Indian Gujarat, where a special reserve is reserved for them.
  • Katangese lion from Angola. They called him that because he lives in the province of Katanga. It has a lighter color than other subspecies. An adult Katangese lion reaches three meters in length, and a lioness - two and a half. This subspecies of the African lion has long been considered endangered, since there are very few of them left to live in the world.
  • West African lion from Senegal. It has also been on the verge of complete extinction for a long time. Males have a light mane, rather short. Some males may not have a mane. The physique of predators is not large, and the shape of the muzzle is also slightly different, less powerful than that of an ordinary lion. Lives south of Senegal, in Guinea, mainly in central Africa.
  • Masai lion. These animals differ from others in that they have longer limbs, and the mane is not tousled, like that of the Asiatic lion, but “neatly” combed back. Masai lions are very large; males can reach a length of over two meters and ninety centimeters. The height of the withers of both sexes is 100 cm. Weight reaches 150 kilograms and above. The habitat of the Masai lion is African southern countries, also live in Kenya, in reserves.
  • Congolese lion. Very reminiscent of its African counterparts. Only he lives mainly in the Congo. Just like the Asiatic lion, it is an endangered species.
  • Transvaal lion. Previously, it was classified as a Kalahari lion, since according to all external data it was reputed to be a very large animal and had the longest and longest dark mane. It is interesting that in some subspecies of the Transvaal or South African lion, significant changes were observed for a long time due to the fact that in the body of lions of this subspecies there were no melanocytes, which secrete a special pigment - melanin. They have white fur and pink skin color. In length, adult individuals reach 3.0 meters, and lionesses - 2.5. They live in the Kalahari Desert. Several lions of this species have been housed in the Kruger nature reserve.
  • White lions- Scientists believe that these lions are not a subspecies, but a genetic deviation. Animals that suffer from leukemia have light, white fur. There are very few such animals, and they live in captivity, in eastern reserve SOUTH AFRICA.

We would also like to mention the “Barbary lions” (Atlas lion), kept in captivity, whose ancestors lived in the wild and were not as large and powerful as the modern “Berberians”. However, in all other respects, these animals are very similar to modern ones, they have the same shapes and parameters as their relatives.

This is interesting!
There are no black lions at all. Such lions would not survive in the wild. Maybe somewhere they saw a black lion (people who traveled along the Okavango River write about this). It seems that they saw black lions there with their own eyes. Scientists believe that such lions are the result of crossbreeding between lions different colors or between relatives. In general, there is still no evidence of the existence of the black lion.

A lion - carnivorous mammal from the cat family. Leos are one of the most major representatives of this family. These very large cats are one of four representatives of the panther genus. Lions live mainly in savannas, but can sometimes be found in forests.

How much does a lion weigh in kilograms?

Lions are very large and strong animals. How much does an adult lion weigh? The average male weighs about 200 kilograms. Although there are also quite small individuals - weighing 150 kilograms, or giants weighing about 250 kilograms.

Female lions are lighter than males - they weigh about 150 kilograms. However, this is also a conditional figure. It may depend on several factors, including:

  • nutritional features;
  • accommodations;
  • variety and so on.

Largest recorded lion weight- 313 kilograms. It's about about a heavy man-eating lion that was exterminated in South Africa. If we talk about breeds, the largest of all lion species is the Barbary lion. But this indicator was registered in the conditions wildlife. And here's the most large lion, raised in captivity, weighs 375 kilograms - he lived in a zoo in the UK.

In addition to the fact that lions are very heavy animals, they are also quite tall. The height of the male is about 120 centimeters, and the female is 105-110 centimeters. Lions live from 10 to 14 years. But in the wild, it is quite problematic for a male lion to survive up to 10 years, since his main task is to defend himself and fight for territory for his pride.

Interestingly, lions are one of those predators that have truly pronounced sexual dimorphism. Not only are females much smaller than males, but they also do not have a mane. The reason is that lionesses act as hunters, but the mane interferes with such an important task.

How much does a lion cub weigh?

Compared to the formidable big lion The lion cub looks very cute and helpless. His behavior is more like that of a kitten. In the first months of its life, a lion cub can even find contact with a person and make friends with him, but do not forget that this is a predatory animal that is accustomed to living in the wild, despite the fact that many individuals are now raised in captivity.

Everyone treats lions differently. Some people consider them scary and dangerous, some are afraid of them, some admire this creation of nature, and some do not see anything unusual in it. However, the opinions of all people agree that this is the undisputed king of all animals. Many people believe that the lion is the most big cat. However, this is not quite true. The biggest cat is still a tiger. But the place of the lion in the hierarchy of all animals and in the imagination of people is still undeniable.

Where do lions live and what kind of animals are they?

Who are lions?

Lions belong to the cat family and, after the tiger, are its largest representatives. Lions do not live alone, but always in groups, or, as they are also called, prides. Each pride has its own peculiarity:

  1. mandatory presence of at least two adult females of reproductive age;
  2. the presence of its own territory, where there is no entry point for lions from another pride;
  3. hunting exclusively for females, who, in fact, feed the entire pride.

Leo has bright, memorable characteristics with which he attracts the love and attention of people. This is a mane, which, by the way, is found only in males and appears in full only at the 6th year of life. In general, in natural environment habitat, lions live no more than 15 years. This is due, to a greater extent, to the fact that natural selection very serious in their habitats. Constant feuds between other prides, serious illnesses and their extermination by humans lead to a constant decline in the lion population in wild environment a habitat.

Where do lions live in the wild?

Today, in their natural habitat, lions are found only in Africa (there, too) and India. And then, Africa accounts for 80 percent of all lions in the world. They live in savannas, mainly choosing places with large concentrations of a special type of acacia, which can protect them from the constantly scorching sun.

If you believe legends and chronicles, then lions existed in the past in many places in Europe. From North Africa, India and Pakistan, to Greece and Turkey. However, constant wars and the popularity of lion skin and mane did their job, exterminating lions completely. First they disappeared in Greece, then in Turkey, and most recently a lion was found in Iran in 1944, and then dead.

Now their habitat in Africa is almost the entire territory of the continent below the Sahara Desert. As for India, this is just a small region in the West of the country called the Gir Forest. There are still lions there, but not many. The government of lions protects these animals, which, by the way, are listed in the Red Book, as best it can. Along with the elephant and cow, the lion is practically a sacred animal in India.

Besides natural conditions habitats, lions are permanent inhabitants of all kinds of zoos, nature reserves, circuses and safari parks.

In captivity, lions live quite unpretentiously and reproduce with great ease. In fact, when keeping a lion in captivity, you need to follow only a few main rules, which are:

  • correct and good nutrition(one adult lion can eat up to 40 kilograms of meat per day);
  • absence of a subject of irritability (compliance with all conditions so that people do not disturb animals with their presence and, especially, with their behavior);
  • and, of course, security measures. Because if one adult lion or lioness gets free, there will be a lot of problems.

It is quite simple to comply with all these conditions, which is why a lion can be seen in absolutely every zoo, even in middle and arctic latitudes, despite the fact that this predator comes from hot Africa.

By the way, lions are not afraid of much cold, because the temperature in the savannahs where lions live is very high during the day and quite low at night. Therefore, the opinion that a lion is only a heat-loving animal is erroneous.

IN Lately, due to the constant decline in the population of lions in the wild, countries in Africa and India are coming up with special measures for the conservation of these cats. For example, in African countries, so-called natural reserve areas, which are places of natural habitat, are becoming more and more popular. large quantity wild animals of the savannah. The difference from wild nature is that the animals here are still protected and fed.

Is a lion dangerous for humans?

Leo is a super predator. This suggests that his instinct is aimed only at killing all living things that could pose a danger to him or his pride. Or, he kills everything that is potential food for him, so the lion must be feared (see). An encounter with lions in their natural habitat is fatal. There are some places in Africa where lions live, in which it is forbidden to move independently without a special gun and car, because cases of lion attacks in these places are very frequent and only end in the death of a person.

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