The most favorite among mushroom pickers among all types of mushrooms is undoubtedly the porcini mushroom. Every mushroom season large quantity people go into the forest in search of him. What can you say about growing on your own summer cottage porcini mushrooms? This has long ceased to be a myth, but has become reality. In order to grow the king of mushrooms in your summer cottage, you need to know some of the subtleties of this process, because it requires special care. In this article we will look at growing porcini mushrooms in a summer cottage in two ways. The first method is cultivation using mycelium. The second way is to use fresh mushroom caps.

Growing porcini mushrooms using mycelium

  • approximately 8-10 year old growing trees. Not only deciduous, but also coniferous species are suitable.
  • branches and fallen leaves;
  • moss and compost

The most best time The period from May to September is suitable for planting porcini mushroom mycelium. Having purchased and collected everything we need, we begin to prepare a place for planting mushrooms. Near the tree trunk, use a shovel to remove the top layer of soil. The thickness of such a layer should be 10-20 centimeters. The diameter of the removed layer with wood inside should be 1-1.5 meters. Having received a bare piece of land, we lay compost.

You can use soil, but with a high peat content. The thickness of the compost layer is approximately 1-2 centimeters. Place pieces of mycelium on this layer. We lay out these pieces in a checkerboard pattern. The distance between the pieces should be approximately 25-30 centimeters. Approximately one package of porcini mushroom mycelium is needed per tree. Cover it all with the previously removed layer of soil and water it. We use 2-3 buckets of water per tree. We pour water carefully, preferably through a sprayer, so as not to wash away the soil.

Experts recommend covering the area where we planted the porcini mushroom with straw. The thickness of the straw layer is from 20 to 40 centimeters. We lay straw to maintain moisture in the soil. It should be approximately 40 percent. To maintain the required soil moisture, we periodically water the place where the porcini mushroom mycelium is planted. It would be a good idea to add microorganisms to the water (one of these is Baikal EM-1). By adding them, we increase the likelihood of mushroom shoots.

To protect future seedlings from frost, cover the finished mycelium with fallen leaves or moss or straw. The radius of our flooring should be approximately 2 meters. With the onset of spring, when the frosts go away, the flooring is removed.

We will be able to harvest the first harvest of porcini mushrooms in a year, when the mycelium we planted has taken root. Mycelium planted once will delight us with porcini mushrooms for 3-4 years. If you regularly water the mycelium with water using the above microorganisms, then we can harvest the crop for up to 7 years.

Growing porcini mushrooms using fresh mushroom caps

With the second method of growing porcini mushrooms, as in the first case, we will need trees (8-10 years old, deciduous or pine, it makes no difference). Next we go into the forest to pick mushrooms (seed material). Our goal is to collect at least 5-10 mushrooms. The diameter of each cap should be from 10 to 20 centimeters. The flesh of the cap, when broken, should have a slightly greenish tint. Even if the mushrooms are somewhat infected with insect larvae, it’s not a problem. Now we begin to prepare our seed. Place the collected mushrooms in an amount of 5-10 pieces in a bucket of water. It is advisable to use rainwater. They should lie in the water for a day.

After this time, mash the mushrooms directly in the bucket. Knead them until smooth. Having received a kind of solution, filter it through a fine sieve (you can use gauze or other fabric with rare pores). By straining, we get not only a solution with spores, but also mushroom tissue. We prepare the place in the same way as the first method. The difference is the sowing process itself. The solution we obtained is poured onto the roots of the tree in the bare area. About 2 liters of solution is poured onto one such area.

Next, we take the mushroom tissue and lay it on the roots, cover the planting site with the previously removed soil and water it with water. One tree needs 4-5 buckets of water. We take care of our site in the same way as when planting porcini mushroom mycelium. We water it, insulate it for the winter, and remove the insulation material in the spring. Watering is carried out once a week, but no more than 4-5 buckets per tree.

If you live in an area where it rains quite often, the number of waterings can be reduced. If the mycelium has taken root, then after one or two years we will be able to collect our first harvest of porcini mushrooms in the country. We will be able to collect the harvest, as when planting porcini mushroom mycelium, for 3-4 years.

Many amateur gardeners are interested in growing porcini mushrooms. After all, the porcini mushroom, or boletus, as it is also called, is rightfully considered a real delicacy. Porcini mushrooms are highly valued by gourmets not only for their excellent taste qualities, but also for the abundance of possibilities for their preparation. Cep mushrooms are not cultivated on an industrial scale for objective reasons.

Porcini There are many ways to prepare it.

Where to start growing?

In order for porcini mushrooms to actively grow and produce a good harvest, they need to create certain conditions that are as similar as possible to the natural environment. This requires trees of coniferous (pine, spruce) or some deciduous (birch, beech, oak) species. The optimal age of trees is from 8 to 10 years. Porcini mushrooms growing in the forest form a close symbiosis with such trees through mycorrhiza. That is, the mushroom root closely interacts during the growth process with the root system of the tree.

Therefore, if at the dacha or personal plot Only garden trees grow; first you will need to plant a pine or birch tree. The main thing is to remember that if planting material for growing boletus mushrooms was found near a birch tree, it is unlikely to take root under a pine tree.

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Preparation of planting material

Planting material is prepared from the lower part of the stem, if the mushroom was dug up by the roots and not cut, or from the caps of porcini mushrooms. Even worm-eaten hats are good. The main thing is that the mushrooms are fully ripe and formed, and the diameter of the caps is at least 10-20 cm. The flesh of a broken cap of a ripe mushroom has a pale greenish tint. By separating the mushroom caps from the stems, the latter can be boiled, fried, marinated, or used as a filling for a pie, pancakes, or pies.

Potassium permanganate is necessary when preparing planting material.

The prepared caps (about 10 pieces) are placed in a bucket and filled with cold water. It is better to use rainwater or settled tap water, adding 1 g of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) to it. Mushroom caps must be kept in a bucket of water for at least 2-3 hours so that they are well soaked. You can even leave it for a whole day.

Mushroom caps should be soaked immediately. Collected mushrooms decompose quickly, so seed material should be prepared from them as quickly as possible: soak for 9-10 hours after collection and plant within 24 hours. Frozen mushrooms are no longer suitable for planting.

200 mg of sugar is added to the water with porcini mushroom caps. Sweetened water is a necessary nutrient medium in which fungal spores multiply well. In addition to sugar, you can add 3 or 4 tablespoons of alcohol to a bucket of water. This will speed up the germination of spores. You need to add alcohol before immersing the mushroom caps in water.

Now the caps need to be properly crushed, kneading and breaking them with your hands to obtain a homogeneous mass. Subsequent infusion will make it possible to obtain seed liquid with high concentration mushroom spores.

Fungal spores are a special type of cell with a dense shell. With the help of spores, fungi reproduce by forming a new mycelium, i.e. mycelium.

The more spores the seed liquid contains, the higher the likelihood of the formation of healthy fruiting mycelium.

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Preparing a site for planting porcini mushrooms

Microscopic fungal spores are the seed material of fungi.

Now you can start preparing the landing site. Around the selected tree, it is necessary to remove the top layer of soil 10-15 cm thick within a radius of 50 cm. This must be done very carefully so as not to damage root system tree. The roots can be exposed a little.

Before planting, the area with the top layer of soil removed must be treated with a special disinfectant solution. Such solutions are prepared from natural substances and do not destroy ecological system treated areas. You can prepare these solutions yourself from oak bark or black tea.

Oak bark is boiled in water (30 grams per 1 liter) for an hour. As the boiling water boils, it is topped up to the original volume. Black tea just needs to be brewed with boiling water (50-100 grams per 1 liter). After cooling, you can water the seeded area with the solutions; 2-3 liters are enough for one tree.

The prepared seed liquid must be evenly distributed over the entire area of ​​the prepared area. After this, the top layer of soil returns to its original place. The planting area is watered abundantly with water at the rate of 30 liters, evenly distributed over its entire area.

The soil for mushrooms needs to be well moistened.

Mushrooms are very sensitive to moisture, so the mycelium needs to be watered regularly, especially in regions with arid climates. The main thing when watering is not to get carried away. Otherwise, due to excess moisture, the mycelium will begin to rot and gradually die.

Before the onset of cold weather, areas sown with mushrooms must be insulated with fallen leaves and other organic materials before the warmer months begin.

The time for planting porcini mushrooms depends on the climate in the region. In the south of Russia, it is better to plant boletus mushrooms in late May - early June. In the northwest and in middle lane In Russia they are planted in August-September. The main guideline for determining the time of planting porcini mushrooms at home is their ripening period in natural environment.

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Growing porcini mushrooms at home or in the country from compost mycelium

First way.

Ready-made compost mycelium makes growing porcini mushrooms at home much less labor-intensive. To grow porcini mushrooms this way, you need to prepare:

  • packaging of finished compost mycelium;
  • ready-made compost soil for indoor plants, saturated with peat;
  • shovel;
  • a tree around which mushrooms will be planted.

To plant mushrooms, you need soil fertilized with peat.

Around suitable tree you need to mark a rounded area with a diameter of 100-150 cm. Remove the top layer of soil 10-20 cm thick. After this, compost soil is laid out on the prepared area in a layer 1-2 cm thick. Small pieces of compost mycelium are laid out in a checkerboard pattern on top of the soil compost. The packaging is evenly distributed over the area around one tree.

After this, the area is covered with the soil removed initially and watered abundantly with 20-30 liters of water. Water must be carefully poured through a sprayer or moistened with it on the tree trunk, through which the water will gradually flow onto the planted area. This is necessary to maintain the integrity of the soil. For better engraftment of the mycelium, sugar (50 grams per 10 l) and special microorganisms are added to the water for irrigation.

The area must be watered periodically so that soil moisture does not fall below 40%. In summer, the sown area is covered with straw to maintain the necessary soil moisture. In winter, the landing site is insulated with spruce branches, branches, and fallen leaves. With the onset of spring warmth, the insulating layer must be removed.

Second way.

Mushrooms can also be grown from compost mycelium in other ways. First, the one protected from sunlight piece of land. You need to dig a hole 20-30 cm deep and fill it with a nutrient mixture.

Fallen leaves are a component of a nutrient mixture for mushrooms.

The composition of this mixture usually includes various organic elements:

  • grass, dust and other small forest debris;
  • tree bark;
  • fallen leaves;
  • food waste.

Compost or soil taken from under the trees is carefully distributed over a layer of nutrient mixture 8-10 cm thick. Compost mycelium or mushroom seeds are evenly distributed along the bottom of the pit and covered with a layer of nutrient mixture 3-5 cm thick. The amount of planting material per 1 square. m of soil is usually indicated on the package.

Watering is done by drip method. In hot and dry weather, the sown area should be watered a little more often than rainy summer. This method of planting allows you to get the first harvest in about 1-1.5 months. Further, with proper care, porcini mushrooms will ripen every 10-12 days.

This method is suitable for growing boletus mushrooms in a greenhouse. Containers with porcini mushroom seeds planted in them are placed in a room protected from direct sunlight. To ensure that the air in the greenhouse is sufficiently humid, buckets or basins filled with water are placed next to the containers, which must be changed periodically.

The room must be regularly ventilated. In this case, a sharp drop in temperature must be avoided. It is permissible to turn on weak electric light for no more than 4 hours a day.

Porcini mushroom is an exquisite delicacy. This healthy and low-calorie food product, grown on one’s own plot, can become a stable and profitable business for every Russian.

A little more about porcini mushrooms

Amazing taste, special aroma, the existence of many recipes for cooking - this and much more have helped increase the popularity of porcini mushrooms. With a very low calorie content, they contain many useful substances. And the name “white” is given for the unchanged color during thermal treatment of the porcini mushroom.

It has another name - boletus, due to its large size and fleshy leg, similar to a barrel.

The mushroom can reach a height of 25 cm, diameter brown hats– 30-40 cm. There are several varieties of boletus: steppe, oak, pine (spruce), boletus and spikelet. Myceliums in nature are located near trees that correspond to their name.

Boletus likes: dry drainage soil, moderate temperature and humidity, plenty of sunshine, short thunderstorms. It enjoys constant popularity among those who decide to grow porcini mushrooms at home. Fortunately, this process is quite simple and not very painstaking.

Our business assessment:

Starting investment - 2,000,000 rubles.

Market saturation is low.

The difficulty of starting a business is 6/10.

Methods for growing porcini mushrooms

Today, growing porcini mushrooms at home involves two techniques: extensive (amateur mushroom growers grow them in forest areas - in their natural habitat, caring for artificially propagated myceliums) and intensive (artificial conditions are created, greenhouses and other special premises and equipment are used). The second technology is acceptable for commercial mushroom growing and will be more interesting to those who are determined to follow with us all the organizational and practical aspects of starting their own business.

As for the methods of growing mushrooms, there are three of them:

  1. Growing mushrooms from spores. Take the caps of 10-15 large mushrooms, put them in water (150-200 grams per liter), add 3-4 tablespoons of sugar or alcohol per 10 liters of water and leave for 24 hours in a warm and humid room. By grinding the caps to a homogeneous mass, activated porcini mushroom spores are obtained. . They are then sown on the prepared plot. Around trees (oaks, spruce, pine or birch), carefully loosen the ground, remove the top layer of soil (10-20 cm), trying not to damage the roots. Water the mushrooms with the infusion with spores and cover them with the soil that was removed. Water periodically, without changing the time intervals and amount of water between waterings.
  2. Growing mushrooms from mycelium. Form an area around the trees by removing the top layer of soil, lay peat soil or a 5th layer of special compost. The substrate of the acquired mycelium is laid out at a distance of 5-10 cm from each other and covered with soil removed from the site. Watering - as it dries, its norm is 20-30 liters near one tree. To maintain moisture well and cold period The area is covered with a half-meter layer of straw.
  3. The mycelium of porcini mushrooms is also suitable for growing this delicacy. To do this, it is removed from one place and moved to a personal plot. It is important to study the soil structure under the trees where it grew in the forest. It won’t hurt to collect soil from this place and then add it to the site during the process of planting the mycelium. Pour it into loose soil fertilized with manure and loosen it again. Having made depressions in the prepared soil, we lay out fragments of the mycelium, sprinkling them on top with a mixture of forest soil, sawdust, sunflower husks, straw and lightly moisten them. The place where boletus mushrooms are grown must be constantly, but moderately, moistened.

In the southern latitudes of Russia, porcini mushrooms are planted from May to June, in the northwestern latitudes - the most favorable time is the period from August to September. And the plots bear fruit in the second year.

Boletus mushrooms: we grow them ourselves at home

By creating the soil of the correct composition, you can successfully master the cultivation of porcini mushrooms in your garden plot. For example, amateur mushroom grower M. Lavrentiev grew porcini mushrooms on his plantation (area 12 m2). His harvest reached up to 50-60 pieces per square meter. The composition of the soil for sowing is known. On a layer of fresh horse manure (12-15 cm), he laid a mixture containing 40% turf, 30% rotten leaves, 20% rotten wood, 10% clay.

Many beginners are interested in how to grow porcini mushrooms in the country. To do this, you need to prepare a bed. Buy seed material. Having chosen a dark place under the crown of deciduous trees, we fertilize the bed, level the ground and add planting material to the prepared soil using one of the indicated methods.

You can grow porcini mushrooms (by populating them with mycelium) on logs (any logs except white acacia and black walnut, not contaminated with other mushrooms). By the way, they are the most delicious. The log is buried a little in the ground, sprinkled with fertilized soil and, after sowing (introducing “mushroom dowels”), watered abundantly, sprinkled with chopped straw on top. Reproduction for the next year - from a few mushrooms to the appearance of mushroom families, and a year later - a whole mushroom plantation. Of course it fits this method for amateur mushroom growers and novice businessmen to test technologies.

Today, scientists have developed special varieties of boletus mushrooms, which have made it possible to grow porcini mushrooms in a film or glass greenhouse. The main requirement is minimal illumination and protection from direct solar radiation, maintaining high humidity. To do this, place small containers of water (with regularly turned on sprayers) for irrigation at a distance of up to two meters. Sawdust is good for retaining moisture.

The porcini mushroom is grown on a specific substrate. To prepare it, you should purchase soil, mix it with sawdust, manure, compost and organic fertilizers. The resulting mixture is infused for a week and folded into wooden boxes. It is better to grow boletus from purchased mycelium. After cooling the bag with mycelium, it is crushed, trying not to break the integrity of the bag. The substrate is mixed with mycelium in a box and sprinkled with a layer of soil not exceeding 7 centimeters. All that remains is to maintain the humidity, light and temperature of the room.

Some novice mushroom growers grow boletus mushrooms in an apartment and on a glassed-in loggia. The main thing is to maintain a constant temperature and high humidity 80-90%, there was little lighting and planting material (mycelium) of proper quality.

Now let's look at how to grow porcini mushrooms in the basement of a house, sheds, hangars and other premises using intensive technology. Mix the substrate and mycelium, the latter should be up to 5% in the mixture. Having put it in bags (although boxes are better suited for boletus), the mixture is compacted, and the bags are placed vertically on the shelves, making cuts on one side for the growth of mushrooms. Next, it is important to regularly ventilate the room and water the crops.

Where to buy mycelium for growing boletus mushrooms

Where to buy porcini mushroom mycelium? This question worries all beginners. There are many specialized agricultural companies that grow it on compost, grain substrates (wheat, millet, buckwheat), peat, straw, sawdust and sticks, forest or turf soil with an admixture of humus. They are in Moscow and St. Petersburg, Perm and Novosibirsk, Ekaterinburg, Rostov and Chelyabinsk regions. Some are packaged in plastic containers, others in bags, the main thing is that the sub-zero temperature of storage and transportation is maintained.

It depends on the variety whether the mushrooms will bear fruit in the first year or only in the second. The purchased mycelium should have a mushroom smell, but by no means ammonia, characteristic of non-viable planting material. The bags weigh 10, 15, 20 grams, and must be purchased based on a seeding rate of 0.5 kg/m2. The price of porcini mushroom mycelium from various manufacturers ranges from 60 to 100 rubles per 10 grams.

Industrial technologies for breeding porcini mushrooms

Many countries around the world are considering industrial cultivation porcini mushrooms as a business - profitable and profitable, which brings regular and good income. Among the arguments in favor of the feasibility of this type of entrepreneurship, it is worth noting:

  • mushroom picking season is fleeting, but delicacy boletus, homegrown, available all year round;
  • environmental pollution contributes to the fact that mushrooms collected in the forest are hazardous to health;
  • a small start-up enterprise, with growth in the future working capital– will be able to develop;
  • The technology for growing porcini mushrooms on an industrial scale does not require much daily effort; this activity is easy to combine with various types of activities.

Mushrooms are grown on ridges (ridges), in bags, in special containers (common in Canada, America and Australia), on blocks (briquettes), which are located in empty poultry houses, sheds and vegetable stores. There is another system - on the shelves. The shelf system for growing porcini mushrooms from mycelium - a Dutch technology - is best suited to industrial scale cultivation.

Scientists in Holland have developed a boletus variety that is most resistant to propagation in an artificial environment. There, high-quality mycelium (mushroom seedlings) can be easily purchased in specialty stores. The fact is that using seed from a wild mushroom is risky; there may not be any germination.

A set of equipment for maximum mechanization has been developed and patented in this country technological process mushroom production - for loading and unloading compost from shelves, applying cover soil, loosening it, and watering devices. In accordance with Dutch technology, boxes with seeded material are conveniently placed on shelves, at some distance from one another. In rooms with myceliums, sterile cleanliness is maintained, and before mushroom cultivation begins, it is treated with a disinfectant. All work with mushrooms is done with gloves.

The incubation period of the fungus takes place in the dark, at a temperature of +23-25 ​​degrees; during this period the area does not need to be ventilated. But the emerging fruits need light 5 hours a day. Natural and artificial lighting (for example, low-power fluorescent lamps) is suitable.

When the mushroom caps appear, the temperature is lowered to +10, the room is ventilated, since the porcini mushroom needs oxygen. Water the mycelium twice a day warm water, spraying through a spray bottle or through a fine-drip irrigation system. After 20-25 days the harvest is harvested.

Economic feasibility of mushroom growing in Russia

If someone has a business idea to start growing mushrooms, then they need to calculate all the costs and future income. Let's consider the economic side of the question: is it profitable to grow porcini mushrooms in a greenhouse? There will be costs to pay land plot with an area of, say, 500 m2 – 600 thousand rubles; construction of the building will cost 500 thousand rubles; approximately the same amount – 480 thousand rubles – is the cost of purchasing equipment. And if you add up the amounts of salaries, payments for utilities and transport services, administrative and marketing expenses, you will accumulate 240 thousand rubles. And you also need to buy porcini mushroom seeds. We add the cost of mycelium (it varies among different manufacturers) - the total initial costs for the business are approaching 2 million rubles.

The income from the greenhouse after harvesting will be at least 400 thousand rubles. But you can pick mushrooms two, three or more times per season (it all depends on the mycelium). The investment will pay off in just a few years, and mushroom farm will begin to bring stable profits to its owners.

You can sell fresh boletus mushrooms through markets, supermarkets and restaurants, process them (drying and freezing, salting and pickling) for catering and sale through retail chains.

Eco-friendly estate. Growing porcini mushrooms on an estate is not a myth, but a reality. The main thing is to know some of the features and then growing porcini mushrooms will be effective

Growing porcini mushrooms on the estate - uhit is not a myth, but a reality.

The main thing is to know some of the features and then growing porcini mushrooms will be effective (it would be surprising if this king of mushrooms did not have its own requirements for caring for it). There are two ways to grow porcini mushrooms. The first method is cultivation using mycelium, the second is using fresh mushroom caps.

A little about the mushroom itself.

The porcini mushroom is rightfully considered the most valuable among edible mushrooms. It has a fleshy large cap and a thick swollen white leg. It is tastier and more aromatic than other mushrooms. And it is called white because it does not darken during preparation and cooking. Wonderful aromatic light sauces, broths and soups, as well as many other dishes, are prepared with this mushroom.

All these qualities make it possible to call the porcini mushroom the most desirable in a mushroom picker’s basket. And if it grows in your own garden, then that’s even better.

Growing porcini mushrooms from mycelium

This is the first growing method in case you don’t have time to look for mushrooms in the forest. To grow this way, firstly, you need to purchase porcini mushroom mycelium. The Internet will help you find sellers.

In addition to mycelium you will need:

  • growing deciduous trees or coniferous species, better not very old (about 8-14 years old, mainly oaks, pine and birch);
  • branches, moss, fallen leaves;
  • compost.

From May to September– is the best time to plant porcini mushroom mycelium.

So - everything is prepared, the season is right, we begin planting:

1. Let's prepare a landing site. To do this, near the tree trunk you need to remove the top layer of earth (10-20 cm thick) with a shovel so as to obtain an approximately round bare area from 1 to 1.5 m in diameter with the tree in the center.

2. Place either compost or soil with a high peat content 1 to 2 cm thick on the bare area, and place pieces of porcini mushroom mycelium on top. Place the mycelium in a checkerboard pattern every 25-30 cm. One package of mycelium should be enough for one tree.

3. Cover everything with the layer of soil that was removed at the very beginning. Now water the planting site. Water must be poured carefully through a sprayer so as not to wash away the soil. One tree needs 2 to 3 buckets of water.

4. I recommend covering the area for planting porcini mushrooms with a 20-40 centimeter layer of straw to maintain soil moisture at 40%. The mycelium should not dry out. The area will need to be watered from time to time to maintain the required humidity. It is recommended to add effective microorganisms to the water when watering (for example, Baikal EM-1). This increases the likelihood of germination.

5. To protect from frost, cover the area with mycelium with straw, moss, fallen leaves or spruce branches. Covering radius is about 2m. In the spring, when the probability of return severe frosts will no longer be there, remove the “cover”.

The first mushrooms will appear a year after the mycelium takes root. And so the porcini mushrooms on the estate will delight you for about 3-4 years. If you water the soil with mycelium from time to time with water containing effective microorganisms (EM), you can harvest the crop longer – sometimes even up to 7 years.

As you can see, the technology for growing porcini mushrooms from mycelium is not very complicated.

Growing Porcini Mushrooms Using Fresh Mushroom Caps

As in the first option, you need coniferous or deciduous trees between 8 and 12 years old.

And now it’s time to go to the forest for mushrooms, that is, for the so-called “seed material”. Such material is the fruiting bodies of porcini mushrooms and, of course, the caps. Your goal is more mature mushrooms (at least 5-10 pieces) with caps 10-20 cm in diameter. When broken, the pulp should have a slight greenish tint. If the mushrooms are infected with insect larvae, it’s not scary.

Now let's get down to the planting process itself.

Growing porcini mushrooms using caps is in some ways similar to growing the previous method, but it also has its own characteristics. To grow this way we need:

And now about this in more detail:

How to prepare the “seed material” of porcini mushrooms?

Place the porcini mushrooms collected for sowing (5-10 pcs.) in a bucket of water (preferably rainwater) and leave them to soak for a day. After steeping, mash the mushrooms with your hands directly in the bucket. You should get a homogeneous mass. Now strain this solution through a sieve or finely pore cloth. Do not throw away any remaining pulp. She will also need to be planted. Thus, you received a solution with spores and the mushroom tissue itself.

Preparing the place for sowing and the “sowing” of porcini mushrooms

The place for sowing is prepared in the same way as in previous method landings. But the sowing process is different.

With this method of planting on a bare piece of land, it is necessary to pour a strained solution onto the roots of the tree (about 2 liters per one square meter). After watering, place the mushroom tissue that remains after straining on top of the roots. After this, cover everything with the earth that was previously removed near this tree and water it with water. As with the previous planting method, water very carefully. The amount of water per tree is 4-5 buckets.

Take care of the area as in the case of planting porcini mushrooms using mycelium. That is, keep the soil moist (especially in summer), and in winter (and especially before the first winter after planting) cover the soil around the tree. In spring, remove the covering material.

It is enough to water once a week with 4-5 buckets of water for each tree. Although it all depends on the area where you live. If it rains often, then, of course, you can reduce watering.

After a year or two, if the mycelium has taken root, you will collect your porcini mushrooms. They can be from 2 to 5 kg.

By the way, if you “sow” mushrooms in August, and the mushrooms appear the following fall, then parts of the porcini mushroom caps have taken root. Well, if mushrooms appear after 2 years, then the spores have taken root.

As with the mycelium growing method, you will be collecting mushrooms for about 3-4 years. So if you enjoy picking your own porcini mushrooms, plant them again using the same method in a few years.

What do you need to know to increase the chances of mycelium taking root?

Mushrooms may do better if you use the following tips (some of them will work for both growing methods).

When looking for mushrooms for further planting, choose mushrooms that grow near the same tree species that you are planning to plant near. That is, if an oak tree grows on your site, then look for porcini mushrooms also near the oak tree. If you have different trees on the site, then also collect “seed material” near different trees, but preferably in different bags or baskets. The trees themselves must be healthy.

After picking the mushrooms, they need to be soaked immediately (maximum 10 hours after picking) and sowed the next day. Before soaking, mushrooms cannot be stored for longer than 10 hours. They decompose quickly. You won't grow anything from frozen mushrooms, so don't even try to freeze them to plant later.

When soaking mushrooms (when preparing seed), you can add sugar or alcohol to the water. This will help the mycelium take root better. You just need to remember that alcohol is added first, mixed with water, and only then the caps are placed for soaking. The amount of alcohol is 3-4 tbsp. spoons per 10 liters of water. If you use sugar, it should only be granulated sugar. Refined sugar cannot be used. You need 50 g of sugar per 10 liters of water.

2-3 hours before planting mushrooms, the bare area of ​​soil should be watered with a special solution for disinfection. But don't be afraid, these are all natural substances and your eco-garden will not suffer. But pathogenic fungi and bacteria will partially lose their hyperactivity and will not be able to harm your porcini mushrooms.

A solution of tannins is used to disinfect the area. One tree needs 2-3 liters of this solution. It can be prepared either from black tea or from oak bark. You can water the area only with a cooled solution.

You can prepare a tanning solution from:

  • from black tea

To prepare 1 liter of the finished solution, you need to pour 50-100 g of low-grade tea with one liter of boiling water and wait for it to cool.

  • from oak bark

For 1 liter of water, take 30 g of oak bark. Boil for an hour. During the boiling process, add water to the original volume.
The deadline for planting mushrooms is until mid-September. Later they will take root less well or will not take root at all. 1-1.5 months before frost, the mycelium can take root and grow. This will ensure her better wintering.

The best time to plant porcini mushrooms is August to mid-September.

And again: monitor the humidity in the area of ​​the planted mushrooms. In hot summers, water the area with mushrooms with 3-4 buckets of water once a week.

Well, now you know how to grow porcini mushrooms. It will take a little work, but this is the king of mushrooms and it’s worth it. And imagine how you watch the growth of mushrooms, without fear that someone else will pick them, because they grow on your territory...

Growing porcini mushrooms on the estate will provide you with a personal “forest” harvest. I wish you good harvests and may you succeed in growing porcini mushrooms the first time. published