Who will take care of our health if not ourselves? The body of each of us is a multifunctional complex mechanism that is capable of informing us about its malfunctions. Distress signals - symptoms sent during the development of any disease, are vitally important and necessary, because it is thanks to their appearance that it is possible to promptly suspect and treat the disease.

There are symptoms such as headache or elevated temperature, the appearance of which does not cause much concern in humans. Your head may hurt from fatigue, and heat talk about a common cold. But why the tongue goes numb is a question that requires due attention.

Paresthesia is one of the variants of sensitivity disorder, in which a feeling of numbness, crawling and slight tingling appears.

Why does my tongue go numb after going to the dentist?

It often happens that after anesthesia during the removal of a tooth in the lower jaw, for some reason the tongue becomes numb. However, unpleasant sensations may persist even several days after dental procedures. As a rule, this is due to partial damage to the nerve endings of the tongue located near the root of the extracted tooth.

What to do?

If you are sure that the reason why your tongue is numb is directly related to a trip to the dentist, you don’t need to do anything. Within a few weeks, the sensitivity of the tongue will be completely restored.

Why does the tip of the tongue and left hand go numb?

In people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, numbness of the tongue may be accompanied by paresthesia in another part of the body, for example, an upper limb. In this case, the appearance of such sensations may be associated with an increase blood pressure and indicate development cerebral circulation. The most life-threatening conditions in which the tongue can become numb are cerebral stroke and myocardial infarction.

What to do?

The presence of cardiovascular pathology significantly increases the risk of stroke. To avoid serious complications, if you experience tingling or numbness in your tongue, you should immediately report it to your doctor.

Why does my tongue go numb after brushing my teeth?

A crawling sensation or a feeling of numbness in the tongue area often occurs after brushing your teeth. Toothpaste contains components that can cause an allergic reaction.

What to do?

Use your usual toothpastes. Don't be influenced by advertising when experimenting with different cleansing pastes. oral cavity. Try to buy toothpaste, having previously studied its composition.

Other reasons why the tongue goes numb.

A symptom such as numbness of the tongue may indicate the development of many unrelated diseases. The most common reasons why the tongue begins to go numb include:

Osteochondrosis in the cervical spine: paresthesia of the tongue develops against the background of an exacerbation of the disease, when the pinched vertebrae compress the main vessels, causing a disruption of the blood supply;

Long-term use of antibiotics;

Metabolic disorder ( diabetes);

Tumor-like formation in the brain;

Pregnancy: lack of vitamin B12, iron deficiency anemia can also provoke the development of paresthesia in the tongue;

Smoking: Cigarettes contain nicotine, which has a vasoconstrictor effect. For heavy smokers, tongue numbness is a common symptom;

Poisoning by poisons, effects radioactive radiation, alcohol poisoning;

Hormonal disorders (thyroid pathology);

Stress, hard work, emotional overstrain: in this case, numbness of the tongue is one of many neurological symptoms, which may include fear of eating solid food, speech impairment, dizziness, etc.;

The presence of vegetative-vascular dystonia (VSD).

Why does my tongue go numb? Action plan for eliminating paresthesia.

The first step if numbness occurs in the tip of the tongue or the entire organ should be a visit to the doctor. First, consulting a specialist will help rule out some of the diseases that cause paresthesia. Secondly, the doctor will draw up an examination plan. The local therapist can handle this task quite easily, so you should not disturb the endocrinologist or neurologist unnecessarily.

What examinations need to be done if the tongue is numb?

If you suspect you have diabetes mellitus, it is enough to take a test general analysis blood to determine glucose levels. For people suffering from hypertension, electrocardiography (ECG) and ultrasonography heart (ultrasound). As for cases where, in addition to numbness of the tongue, there is dizziness, lack of coordination, incoherence of speech, etc., a more thorough and expensive examination will be needed, which includes magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography of the brain (MRI, CT).

Tongue numbness may be temporary or a symptom of a serious illness.

Modern medicine can cure many diseases of varying complexity, but there is no clear answer to the question of why the tongue goes numb. A similar symptom may be caused for various reasons, starting from allergic reaction, ending with a stroke. And in the latter case, every second counts. Doctors also call this symptom paresthesia.

Main symptoms of tongue numbness

  • Oddly enough, there are several varieties of how the tongue becomes numb:
  • “goosebumps” begin to crawl over him;
  • there is numbness in the tip of the tongue;
  • a person completely ceases to feel the organ of the oral cavity;
  • The lips also lose sensitivity.

Paresthesia of the tongue is most often felt at the tip

As a rule, these symptoms do not cause a person any particular inconvenience, but there are also situations when paresthesia of the tongue is simply impossible to tolerate. In such situations, it is better not to delay consulting a doctor.

Causes of tongue numbness

Exists a large number of various reasons, which can cause numbness of the tongue, the most common of them are the following:

Quite often, a numb tongue is observed in people who have just left the dentist's office.

This condition is associated with the action of an anesthetic drug. This reason is not dangerous to human health and, in the worst case, numbness tongue will pass in two days.

Smokers often have a numb tongue

Other reasons

  • Burn due to eating very hot food.
  • An allergic reaction to eating foods containing various food additives.
  • Age. During menopause, the fair half of humanity experiences depletion of the mucous membrane and the process of epithelial renewal significantly slows down, and this can lead to a problem such as numbness of the tip of the tongue.
  • Stressful situations, overexertion, insomnia. These symptoms in in rare cases can also cause numbness in the tongue. As a rule, this condition is accompanied by migraines and dizziness.
  • Pregnancy in the 3rd month. Thus, the female body reacts to increased pressure; swelling of the muscular organ, covered with a mucous membrane, is quite often observed.
  • Injuries to the face and neck area also lead to numbness and colitis in the oral cavity.

Numbness from an injection during dental procedures goes away within a few hours

Also, the causes of numbness of the tongue include diseases:

  • Diabetes. Due to the fact that this disease affects the endocrine system, there may be a disruption in the functioning of various metabolic substances, and this can even lead to numbness of the tongue.
  • Cervical osteochondrosis. A condition that can lead to a feeling of numbness. This disease is also accompanied by a change in voice, it becomes rougher.
  • Glossalgia. This disease is one of the main reasons why the tip of the tongue goes numb, accompanied by burning of the tongue and pain.
  • Anemia or anemia. This is a disease caused by a lack of required quantity vitamin B12 and iron. Symptoms of anemia include numbness of the tongue, numbness of the toes and fingers, and dizziness.
  • Multiple sclerosis is a disease that is associated with memory impairment and is accompanied by symptoms such as numbness of the tongue. Quite often other parts of the body also become numb.
  • Bell's palsy is a condition in which the facial nerves are unable to function properly. The disease begins to manifest itself in the form of tingling on the tip of the tongue, and sometimes the organ of the oral cavity may be swollen.
  • Oral thrush. This condition must be treated immediately as it causes swelling of the tongue and difficulty chewing food.
  • Brain cancer. In this case, tongue tingling and numbness are not the main symptoms, but are quite often present.

Glossalgia of the tongue causes burning and numbness

In addition, pinching and pricking the root of the tongue may occur in the presence of ailments such as alcoholism and migraine with aura.

How to get rid of tongue numbness

As a result of the information received, it is quite clear that the causes and treatment of this condition are different, some of them require prompt action. But a large number of people do not take numbness of the root or the entire tongue seriously and simply prefer to do nothing.

If you experience stiffness in a muscle organ or it stings, and this has nothing to do with going to the dentist, then you should immediately throw thoughts of self-medication out of your head.

Stupid tongue is not a separate disease - it is a symptom of other, most often internal, ailments.

Diagnosis of paresthesia - consultation with a dentist

If you notice these symptoms, the first thing you need to do is contact your doctor. As a result, you will be sent to undergo the necessary tests (a blood test is required in order to immediately exclude anemia from the list of ailments) and to see other doctors. You should not worry if the list of doctors includes a psychiatrist, dentist, neurologist or endocrinologist, since these are the doctors who are associated with these kinds of symptoms.

You are required to undergo a full-fledged medical commission.

The commission will also include the following types examinations:

  • cardiogram;
  • blood test to detect anemia or diabetes;
  • brain tomography - prescribed in very rare cases, mainly if the patient has previously had a serious head injury.

Treatment for tongue paresthesia includes an iron-rich diet

Only after all the tests have been completed will the doctors prescribe a course of treatment for you.

In parallel with passing the commission, use any means traditional medicine strictly prohibited. Such negligence is especially dangerous in the case of anemia.

Having analyzed all the above information, it can be noted that a swollen tongue can be either a symptom of a serious illness, or simply a reaction to medications after a visit to the dentist. But, whatever the reason, it is best to play it safe and see a doctor. With brain cancer, every minute counts.

The tongue is an unpaired muscular organ located in the oral cavity. It performs several important functions - the process of chewing and swallowing. On the mucous surface of the tongue there is great amount receptors that allow a person to distinguish the taste of food. Its individual sections are responsible for specific taste buds. Many people want to know why the tongue goes numb and what reasons influence the occurrence of such an unpleasant symptom.

Numbness of the tongue is one of the types of paresthesia. As this pathological condition progresses, a person feels a slight tingling sensation. This is due to sensory impairment. Such a disorder is not an independent disease, so you need to consult a doctor and look for the disease that led to such a symptom.

Causes of tongue numbness

There are several main reasons that lead to numbness of the tongue:

Numbness of the tongue and lips may indicate the progression of such serious diseases:

Most often, heavy smokers and people undergoing chemotherapy procedures complain of numbness in the tip of the tongue. But also this symptom occurs when lack of vitamin B12, damage to the glossopharyngeal nerve, as a side effect after taking medications, heavy metal poisoning and abuse of alcoholic beverages.

Particular attention should be paid to people who have an excess or deficiency of minerals in the body, chronic depression, glossalgia and hypoglycemia. In most cases, numbness of the tongue is observed along with the lips. This is due to sensory impairment. Such symptoms are not the main problem, but arise as a result of the progression of the disease. Without consulting a doctor and comprehensive diagnostics, it is impossible to determine the disease.

Unilateral numbness and soreness in the tongue

If there is numbness in at least one part of the tongue, then this indicates damage to the lingual nerve. This is a large branch of the mandibular nerve that innervates the anterior part of the tongue. If a person notices any disturbances and loss of sensitivity, it is necessary to pay attention and back. The glossopharyngeal nerve is responsible for its normal functioning.

In most cases, patients come to the doctor with complaints of complete or partial loss of taste. In this case, the second half of the tongue and the mucous membrane of the oral cavity function normally. To make a correct diagnosis, it is necessary to determine whether there is a loss of sensation in the tongue and whether it is associated with other parts of the oral cavity.

Another one of the most probable causesthis is iatrogenic damage. The symptom occurs when the second or third molar is removed. The nerve is often damaged after osteotomy or similar surgical procedures. Some patients seek help from a doctor after making an incision for a sublittoral abscess.

The tip of the tongue may lose sensitivity due to a limited inflammatory or neoplastic process in the lateral part of the oral cavity. As such pathological processes progress, the entire nerve is damaged due to excessive compression or negative impact toxic substances. Provoking factors are tumors and other neoplasms in the body.

Bilateral numbness

The most common and widespread factor of bilateral numbness is this is psychogenic pain. The patient experiences loss of tongue sensitivity and preservation of taste sensations. When the pathological process is symmetrically localized in the oral cavity or the corner of the lower jaw, the person experiences similar symptoms. Their sense of taste is reduced or lost.

A patient with various shapes psychogenic disorder there is no depressed mood. Most often, they do not admit their problems and show sufficient emotional activity. Typical signs are a decrease in sensations while eating; patients experience an anxious-hypochondriacal state due to a disorder of the digestive system.

As primary therapy Such people are prescribed the use of antidepressants and antipsychotic drugs. Improvement comes after passing full course psychotherapy from a qualified specialist.

Carcinoma of the upper larynx and related conditions

Numbness occurs due to the progression of a serious pathology. This could be throat cancer, carcinoma of the larynx, which is located in its upper part. Most common reasons have not yet been fully studied by scientists. But, as statistics show, the disease more often appears in people with a long history of smoking, alcohol addiction working or living in poor environmental conditions.

Along with numbness of the tongue, the following unpleasant symptoms occur: like aching pain in the larynx and difficulty swallowing. Patients experience hoarseness and a feeling foreign body in the throat. The pain may radiate into the ear. A tumor or other growth in the neck can cause the tip of the tongue to become numb. To make a correct diagnosis, patients are prescribed a magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography. As an additional examination, it is advisable to undergo endoscopy.

Carcinoma can only be cured with surgical intervention and x-ray irradiation. It will allow you to carry out the most gentle treatment and not damage the basic functions of the larynx.

Pernicious anemia

Pernicious anemia also called Addison-Biermer disease. This is a malignant pathology that develops when blood supply is impaired (lack of vitamin B12 in the body). With such a deficiency, tissues are most often endangered nervous system and bone marrow.

Not only does the tongue go numb, but external symptoms also appear. Its surface becomes shiny or acquires a bright red tint. Patients feel excessive weakness, quickly get tired, shortness of breath, severe dizziness, and heart rate increases.

Numbness of the tongue is not an independent symptom , but a consequence of a serious illness. That is why you need to undergo a comprehensive examination by a doctor who will make the correct diagnosis and treatment. A timely visit to a doctor will help solve the problem and prevent total loss taste sensations.

Numbness is one of the types of paresthesia - impaired sensitivity of a part of the body with a tingling or crawling sensation. The mechanism of the process lies in temporary damage to any area along the transmission path of a nerve impulse from the surface of the skin or mucous membrane to the brain. For many people, a similar sensation in the arm or leg is common when the limb for a long time was compressed, but numbness of the tongue or part of it can lead to some confusion. It is important to understand the reasons for changes in sensitivity, since some of them require medical attention.

Non-hazardous causes of tongue numbness

The tongue is an extremely sensitive organ, and this applies not only to taste zones, but also to a pronounced reaction to tactile sensations. Numbness of the organ is immediately noted by the person. In most cases, if the phenomenon is temporary and does not recur with a certain frequency, its cause is not dangerous. Possible non-pathological sources of numbness include:

Numbness (paresthesia) of the tongue due to diseases

If numbness of the tongue is not an isolated case, but a frequent problem that causes significant discomfort, then most likely the cause of this condition is more serious than just taking pills or exposure to temperature.


Diabetes mellitus is an endocrinological disease and involves disruptions in the process of glucose absorption and metabolic disorders in the body as a whole. Numbness in these patients often occurs in the arms, legs, and tongue. Paresthesia of the tongue is formed under the influence of one of the manifestations of the disease:

  • swelling and increased dryness of the mucous membrane. One of the main symptoms of diabetes is increased dryness of the mucous membranes in the oral cavity, which is associated with destructive changes salivary glands. Against this background, the tongue is one of the first to suffer - it becomes rough, injured, dries out, and this directly affects its sensitivity. Episodes of numbness in this case usually affect the entire organ, are described by a feeling of tingling and crawling, and are temporary, albeit recurring;
  • disorders of the nervous system against the background higher level blood sugar. Changes in the reactions of the lingual nerve can cause partial or complete loss of sensation, which persists for a long time or on a permanent basis. The paroxysmal form of the problem is often common; episodes occur in the morning or late in the evening;
  • a sharp decrease in blood sugar levels, hypoglycemia. In addition to numbness and tingling of the tongue, when a crisis occurs, strong feeling hunger, general weakness, outbursts of aggression, increased blood pressure, dizziness, confusion.

Numbness of the tongue in the case of diabetes mellitus is not treated separately, but goes away as the main problem - elevated glucose levels - is neutralized. For patients with the first type of the disease (insulin-dependent), lifelong constant injections of insulin are required, and treatment of type 2 diabetes (non-insulin-dependent) involves hormonal therapy. Additionally, all patients are prescribed a diet excluding indigestible fats, sugar and baked goods. If there is any suspicion of the onset of a hypoglycemic crisis, emergency medical assistance, and in cases with dry mucous membranes and destructive changes in nerve sensitivity, you can contact an endocrinologist, if possible, to adjust the basic therapy. Usually, if the treatment is chosen correctly, unpleasant symptoms such as numbness of the tongue or limbs do not occur.


The term “glossalgia” refers to a complex of sensations (burning, tingling, itching) that are not accompanied by visual changes in the tongue. The sensations can arise gradually (almost imperceptible at first, but gradually intensify) or abruptly. In most cases, it all starts with the tongue, but then spreads further - to the cheeks, palate, lips, etc. Sources of sensitivity disorders can be:

With problems of the nervous system, the localization of sensations becomes more important:

  • if the root of the tongue becomes numb, then first of all the glossopharyngeal nerve is checked;
  • if there is a change in sensitivity on the sides or at the tip of the organ, the lingual nerve is suspected.

All described conditions require correction. When contacting a neurologist, a set of examinations will be prescribed to identify the real reason changes in tongue sensitivity:

  • examination and sanitation (health improvement) of the oral cavity;
  • visiting a gastroenterologist, endocrinologist;
  • magnetic resonance imaging of the brain, etc.

If nerve function disorders are detected, injections of B vitamins (Milgamma, Neurobion), anticonvulsants (Finlepsin, Difenin) and iron supplements can be prescribed. Additionally, physiotherapy methods are used, in particular ultrasound therapy, medicinal electrophoresis and laser puncture.

Cervical osteochondrosis

A disease of the musculoskeletal system, implying dystrophic changes in cartilaginous elements, including the spinal column. The discs between the vertebrae are compressed and destroyed, thereby limiting the functionality of the department and causing a number of unpleasant symptoms (pain, burning, tingling). With the development of a degenerative process in the cervical spine, the symptoms expand, since in this area there is a large number blood vessels and nerves. When they are compressed, the following may be observed:

  • headache;
  • violation of movement coordination;
  • deterioration of hearing and vision;
  • changes in the sensitivity of the soft tissues of the face.

Numbness of the tongue is a signal of compression of the branches of the radicular nerve, and the sensation will not have a specific localization on the organ. With this problem, sensitivity may further worsen and disappear on the scalp, lips, ears, and sometimes numbness spreads to the entire head.

With osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, due to the destruction of intervertebral discs, compression of nerves and blood vessels occurs, which impairs the sensitivity of the head and tongue in particular

Regardless of the scale of the problem, it is dangerous, since prolonged compression of nerves and blood vessels leads to their traumatization, and this can make the symptoms chronic and lead to serious complications, for example, the development of a stroke. Diagnosing the problem involves:

  • examination by a neurologist. The specialist listens to complaints, palpates the neck area to identify muscle tension and pain;
  • X-ray of the cervical spine to visualize the condition of the spinal column.

Numbness of the tongue due to osteochondrosis cannot be treated separately; the symptom goes away on its own when its cause is eliminated. As part of therapy, the following are prescribed:

  • massage of the collar area;
  • reflexology (acupuncture);
  • therapeutic exercises for neck muscles.

All this helps strengthen the muscle corset, relieve excess tension, and improve blood circulation. To neutralize pain and improve tissue nutrition, medications can be prescribed (painkillers Oxadol, Analgin, Tramal, chondroprotectors Rumalon, Chondroxide).

Video: therapeutic exercises for cervical osteochondrosis


Stroke as a disease of the cardiovascular system implies an acute disruption of the blood supply to the brain with the appearance of neurological symptoms. In addition to changes in sensitivity and numbness of the tongue combined with slurred speech, symptoms of the disease are:

  • numbness on one side of the face with drooping of the corner of the eye and lip (a crooked smile is formed);
  • numbness or paralysis of one side of the body;
  • impaired coordination;
  • depression of consciousness and inability to answer simple questions.

With a stroke, there is a loss of sensitivity on one side of the face with drooping of the edge of the lip, eye, and numbness of the tongue.

A stroke is a critical condition that requires immediate medical attention. The cause of the circulatory disorder is eliminated (this may require surgery), after which maintenance therapy and rehabilitation are carried out to restore sensitivity and coordination in the body (a course of neuroprotectors, anticoagulants is prescribed to prevent the formation of new blood clots, nootropics to stimulate metabolic processes).

Other causes of paresthesia of the tongue

In addition to those already listed, other reasons can cause numbness of the tongue:

  • stress and psychological illnesses (in particular depression). Increased anxiety, excessive worries, lack of proper sleep - all this negatively affects the nervous system, overloading it, therefore, against the background of dizziness, headaches, increased sweating, rapid heartbeat and weakness and numbness of the tongue appears on a temporary or permanent basis. For treatment, it is necessary to visit a psychotherapist and take the antidepressants prescribed by him (Fluoxetine, Clomipramine, Bethol, etc.);

    Treatment of depression is a long process, so quick result It's not worth calculating. Average duration depressive episode - 6–8 months, while taking medications is continued for another 10–12 months after recovery. A visit to a psychotherapist is mandatory throughout the course.

  • allergic reaction. In some cases, the immune response to the allergen affects the deeper layers skin and mucous membranes, causing tingling and loss of sensitivity, swelling of the tongue and larynx, forming dangerous condition Quincke's edema. When such a diagnosis is established, the doctor prescribes complex treatment with antihistamines, anti-inflammatory, diuretics and hormonal drugs - all this helps to neutralize the allergen, relieve swelling and prevent the development of asphyxia;
  • injuries in the face, jaw, neck. If these areas are mechanically damaged, the nerves responsible for the sensitivity of the tongue can be affected and injured, which can become a permanent problem. Treatment is carried out by doctors by restoring tissue integrity. In case of fractures, a period of rehabilitation with special gymnastics may be required to restore mobility and sensitivity;
  • pernicious anemia, or malignant anemia (impaired hematopoiesis due to a lack of vitamin B12). Such a deficiency negatively affects the state of the nervous system, and one of the first symptoms is numbness of the tongue. It also changes appearance- it becomes smooth and shiny. Other symptoms: increased fatigue, dizziness, shortness of breath, increased heart rate, pale skin, pain in the tongue and difficulty swallowing. This problem is most often eliminated by correcting the diet with additional intravenous administration of the missing vitamin;
  • Bell's palsy, or idiopathic neuropathy facial nerve. Numbness of the tongue is combined with loss of sensitivity in half of the face and is usually a consequence of a viral infection (flu, herpes). The prognosis for treatment is favorable; in addition to antiviral therapy, special exercises are performed to normalize facial sensitivity; Bell's palsy is a facial nerve disorder that causes sudden weakness or paralysis of the muscles on one side of the face.

Why does my tongue go numb? What is the reason for this unpleasant feeling? This alarming symptom may be accompanied by a number of endocrine and somatic diseases, such as anemia, diabetes, stroke and diseases such as laryngeal carcinoma.

If you have done local anesthesia When treating a tooth, you will definitely lose the sensitivity of your tongue for 1.5-2 hours. Osteochondrosis affecting the upper spine, as well as antihistamines prescribed by a doctor, can cause numbness in your tongue. If you do not suffer from the diseases listed above and have not visited a dentist, then with a high degree of probability you can be diagnosed with glossalgia.

Glossalgia(or in other words, paresthesia) is a set of symptoms associated with unpleasant and painful sensations in the field of language. Glossalgia affects middle-aged and older people age group, and women suffer from it 5 times more often than men. Nowadays, the disease has become “younger”; it is diagnosed even among women a little over 30 years old. The causes and pathogenesis of the disease are not fully understood, however, there is a relationship with mental and emotional stress, as well as with somatic diseases.

Etiology of glossalgia

Factors contributing to the occurrence of paresthesia include:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract ( peptic ulcer, gastritis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, hepatitis A, etc.),
  • vitamin deficiency (lack of vitamin B12),
  • hormonal disorders (menopause in women),
  • central nervous system disorders,
  • psychogenic factors,
  • unsatisfactory condition of the oral cavity and dental system (presence of metal dentures and crowns, malocclusion, etc.),
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system (atherosclerosis),
  • inflammation of the sinuses (sinusitis, sinusitis),
  • various infections,
  • allergic reactions (to metals, drugs),
  • injuries of the facial part of the skull and surgical interventions.

In 3% of patients, the causes of glossalgia remain unidentified.

Development of glossalgia

Thanks to modern methods research confirms the psychosomatic nature of the disease. Prolonged stressful situations most often become trigger in the occurrence of paresthesia. Doctors believe that the development of this disease is triggered by a chain of successive pathological processes in the human body.

Pathogenesis of tongue paresthesia doctors explain the anatomical and physiological ability of the maxillofacial part and the oral cavity to reflect the emotional states of the psyche not only by external manifestations (facial expressions, redness of the skin), but also by metabolic transformation at the tissue level (changes in vascular tone and blood circulation).

Clinical manifestations of glossalgia

Features and causes of occurrence, duration of glossalgia, as well as symptoms are strictly individual for the patient. Patients often associate the onset of the disease with recent dental prosthetics, with exacerbation of chronic diseases, with surgical interventions in the oral cavity, with biting the tongue with sharp edges of teeth, or with strong emotional experiences.

In some cases, it is difficult for the patient to determine the exact onset of the disease and it is not clear why the tongue becomes numb; the symptoms develop gradually, and the sick do not seek help. medical care until the intensity of numbness increases sharply.

Symptoms of tongue numbness are characterized by disorders of the nervous system. The susceptibility of the oral mucosa to irritants, taste perception and tongue mobility changes. Unpleasant sensations most often form on the tip and side of the tongue. Moreover, paresthesia usually develops without the influence of traumatic factors. What sensations may patients experience? This is a strong burning sensation of the tongue, as if from pepper, a feeling of being burned by boiling water, goosebumps, rawness, tingling, a feeling of cold.

Sometimes the intensity of paresthesia is characterized by severe pain that passes during meals and after sleep, but becomes stronger in the evening, during a long conversation and with strong excitement. In some cases, numbness may extend to the upper and lower palate, as well as the esophagus. There may be cases of damage to the lips, cheeks and facial skin.

We list the main symptoms of glossalgia:

  • discomfort associated with numbness,
  • coated tongue,
  • decreased salivation, dry mouth (especially in the morning) that does not make it difficult to eat,
  • hypogeusia – decreased or distorted taste perception,
  • violation of microcirculation of oral tissues,
  • increase in size and swelling of the tongue (teeth marks appear on it),
  • fatigue of the tongue when speaking,
  • heaviness in the tongue at the end of the day,
  • involuntary twitching, trembling and tremor of the tongue,
  • pale facial skin, expressionless facial expressions, face “like a mask.”

If you do not consult a doctor in a timely manner and do not eliminate the causes, paresthesia of the tongue can last for years. Symptoms may temporarily disappear during vacation, when changing place of residence, or after spa treatment. Self-recovery is extremely rare.


The course of treatment for glossalgia includes psychotherapeutic assistance, therapy for underlying diseases, restorative measures (vitamins, diets, physiotherapy), and sanatorium treatment. There is no need for surgical treatment. Patients remain able to work. Observation by a neurologist and other specialized specialists is necessary. The further prognosis is favorable.

In order to prevent the occurrence of tongue paresthesia, it is necessary to timely eliminate foci of infection in the oral cavity, competent dental prosthetics, hygiene, as well as therapy for chronic diseases of the body.

In this article, we tried to provide detailed information about why the tip of the tongue goes numb, examined the important symptoms of this disease, and told what you should pay attention to if such sensations appear in the tongue area.