Processing of agricultural products

For our country, providing the population with agricultural products (fresh vegetables, canned food, pickles, marinades, etc.) is especially relevant, since most of its territory does not have favorable climatic conditions for growing vegetables. In this regard, the production of fruit and vegetable raw materials is traditionally concentrated in the southern and some central regions European part of the country. Transportation of fresh fruits and vegetables to remote regions is complicated by significant distances and often large product losses. Therefore, our fellow citizens either traditionally use vegetables from their gardens for canning or eat industrially processed fruits and vegetables throughout the year: dried, pickled, salted, frozen, in general, canned.

In the diet, especially of urban residents, the share of both fresh vegetables and their processed products is steadily increasing. The increase in vegetable consumption is due to the increasing desire of people for healthy eating, eating organic foods. For most, daily consumption of vegetables (whether fresh or processed) has simply become the norm, a necessary part of their diet. This ensures an ever-growing demand for vegetables, firstly, as a raw material, and secondly, as a finished food product.

In turn, entrepreneurs are also showing interest in processing agricultural products. Indeed, often the organization/modernization/expansion of such production is one of the few options labor activity working population and real possibility production of added value, both through the “self-sufficiency” of the region (sometimes they talk about import substitution), and through the production of goods (food, semi-finished food products and raw materials for further processing; raw materials and semi-finished products for light, leather, etc. industries) and attracting investment to the region.

Investments in efficient agricultural processing production are virtually protected from inflation and instability. In addition, the choice of processing plants is very wide, and it is always possible to find something that suits your needs and finances.

In most regions of Russia, vegetables are produced in a wide range, and its processing in industrial conditions can be profitable and profitable business even for those entrepreneurs who are not vegetable producers themselves. Constantly growing demand, available raw materials, not very complex technologies suggest that vegetable processing can be very attractive.

It is clear that, even after making an informed decision about organizing an enterprise, an entrepreneur faces a number of questions, the main ones of which are: what product to produce traditional or original, where to purchase equipment, how to set up production, how to solve the problems of developing recipes and interacting with government agencies.

However, within the framework of a short article, it is difficult to summarize new approaches, describe all the solutions that are proposed by experts today, and provide comprehensive information. Therefore, we invite all interested parties to use the information, materials and send questions, comments, suggestions, applications, reviews.

Main aspects of production organization . When thinking about how to select equipment for the production of a particular (most often traditional) product, you need to know what technological stages the production consists of. If you plan to produce an original product, it is best to contact professionals immediately. For example, the development of original documentation necessary for product certification requires high professionalism from the developer.

Considering the technological aspects of vegetable processing, we can distinguish the following main areas (operations): raw material warehouse, preparation of raw materials, heat treatment, main production area, packaging, finished product warehouse, which are characteristic of all processing methods (Table 1).

With a more detailed examination of individual types of production (whether drying, canning or freezing) in technological processes, only the main technological stage (production itself) will differ significantly.

Table 1.

General functional and technological scheme of vegetable processing

Production area



Raw materials warehouse

Storage and release,

Incoming control

Scales, equipment for receiving raw materials, racks, piles, containers, etc.

Preparation of raw materials



M. b. cleaning

Washing machines

Inspection conveyors

Cleaning machines

Mechanical processing and heat treatment

Cutting, shredding, rubbing

Heat treatment

Cutting machines

Wiping machines

Blancher, boilers

Main technological stages (production itself)

2. Canning

3. Freezing



Packaging, packing, group packaging (labeling possible)


Can-sealing and capping machines

Thermal tunnel

Stock finished products

Reception, storage, accounting, release

Freezers, pallets, racks

For such traditional production as making concentrated tomato products (tomato paste, tomato juice, ketchup, sauces) You need a pureed mass of tomatoes, which is boiled to a certain concentration. Tomato paste is produced with a dry matter content of 12, 15, 20%, and the recipe for sauces based on tomato paste has been known for many decades. Therefore, its production does not require complex equipment (Table 2).

Table 2.

Approximate composition of equipment for the production of tomato paste



Name of equipment


Automotive scales


Raw material reception bunker

Preparation of raw materials

Inspection conveyor

Washing machine

Tubular heater


Wiping machine

Making pasta

Vacuum cooker

Preservative dispenser

Plunger pump


Bag sealers (floor-mounted)


Trading scales

Medium temperature refrigeration chambers

The technical characteristics of the tomato paste production workshop are as follows: productivity by finished product- 5 t/shift; water consumption – 6 cubic meters/hour; occupied area – 200 cubic meters. m;

Dried vegetables and fruits are irreplaceable semi-finished products in catering, canning, food concentrate, fish and meat and dairy industries.

Drying is the removal of moisture from fresh fruits and vegetables under the influence of high temperatures. Vegetables are considered canned if the moisture content in them is brought to 12 - 14%, in fruits - up to 15 - 20%. One of the most important advantages of dried fruits and vegetables compared to fresh ones is the high cost of transportation. However, it should be borne in mind that during drying, significant changes in the composition of fruits and vegetables and a deterioration in organoleptic characteristics can occur. All types of fruits and vegetables can be used for drying, but mainly dried apples, pears, apricots, plums, grapes, potatoes, carrots, onions, cabbage, etc. are produced. Production of dried vegetables and fruits for last years significantly decreased, which is primarily due to the significant energy intensity of their production technology.

For example, for the production of dry mashed potatoes there are several lines produced in Russia and abroad. Equipment foreign production characterized by high cost and energy consumption. It is mainly focused on the production of a more expensive product - agglomerated mashed potatoes, the production technology of which is somewhat different from the production of traditional dry mashed potatoes.

A set of equipment for the production of dry mashed potatoes, offered by the TRADING COMPANY "DIALOG" , allows you to use Energy Saving Technologies , which reduces energy consumption and product costs.

Traditional technological process The production of dry mashed potatoes is very time-consuming and quite expensive. A set from the DIALOG TRADING COMPANY, characterized by low cost, energy intensity, high quality the resulting product is optimal for small enterprises, small peasant and farms. The equipment allows you to process surplus potatoes without resorting to high costs and get additional profit

The technology used for drying potatoes in this kit includes an additional operation - squeezing potato juice, as a result of which the amount of water in potatoes is reduced by an average of 5 times.

There is an opinion that the mechanical pressing operation can lead to a decrease in the quality of dry mashed potatoes, both as a result of damage to the cell membranes and due to the loss of a significant part of water-soluble proteins and vitamins.

Indeed, the first circumstance negatively affects the consistency of dry puree when used directly as a finished dish. Second, it leads to some reduction nutritional value product.

However, experience has shown that mechanical pressing practically does not lead to a deterioration in the consistency of the product compared to the puree obtained traditional way. This is explained by the fact that during spinning, it is mainly water-containing cells that are damaged, not starch-containing cells.

At the same time, it should be noted that the loss of proteins and vitamins (about 1% of dry weight) can be easily compensated with the help of various additives.

Conclusion. Currently, the organization of production for the production of processed vegetable products is very relevant. On the one hand, there is a fairly high demand for these products:

· the population at all times preferred to have canned food on their table; From time immemorial, vegetables have been an integral part of the Russian diet;

· Fresh frozen and dried vegetables make it easier to prepare a variety of dishes, from salads to soups, regardless of the time of year.

On the other hand, there is huge potential for organizing such production in our country:

· significant raw material base;

· an incompletely formed market where new commodity producers, under certain conditions, can find “their niche.”

There are several cases where organizing vegetable processing plants can be beneficial:

Firstly, this is the presence of a stable raw material base and guaranteed sales.

Organization of small industries at vegetable storage bases, where vegetables that are not suitable for sale are received for processing.

Organization of their own small industries by entrepreneurs who “own the market.” This happens when the owners retail outlets, having spent marketing research, identify a product that is in maximum demand, and begin to produce it under its own brand for sale in its trading network. Or they order its production from already functioning enterprises, thereby loading them production capacity.

When thinking about organizing/modernizing an enterprise, it is necessary to take into account that characteristic feature The vegetable processing industry is its seasonality (since it is completely dependent on agriculture). And the production capacity of the enterprise will be used unevenly throughout the year.

Increased demand for individual species canned fruits and vegetables, proximity to centers of its consumption, favorable economic conditions– starting points for creating promising, highly profitable enterprises. A successful activity and the payback period for investments largely depends on the formed team. Practical experience indicates the possibility of, with the right development strategy, the competence of managers and the professionalism of employees in short time to reach the forefront and become industry leaders.

The organization of processing of agricultural products, namely, post-harvest processing of grain on a threshing floor, involves the following operations:

  1. Primary cleaning;
  2. Temporary storage of wet raw materials;
  3. Drying grain;
  4. Secondary grain cleaning;
  5. Grain sorting.

Freshly harvested grain arriving at the grain conveyors is characterized high level humidity, the average of which can reach 25%, and in some wet years even higher. The moisture level of impurities in a grain heap can reach more than 45%. During the storage of such grain, a redistribution of the moisture level between the grain and impurities occurs in its composition, which as a result leads to a significant increase in the moisture level of the grain and, accordingly, provokes additional costs for its drying.

Depending on the type of raw materials, as well as the technology used and the resulting products, during the processing of fruits and vegetables, the amount of waste generated during their cleaning, cutting, pressing, rubbing and other operations can reach 50%. That is why, in order to achieve the most efficient use of raw materials, it is necessary to minimize the amount of waste. Despite the fact that it is impossible to completely avoid waste generation, since even the most efficient organization processing of agricultural products cannot exclude the formation of seed peels, seeds, marc and other things during the processing of fruits and vegetables. All of the above waste, along with the useful mass of fruits and vegetables, also contain valuable nutrients: vitamins, organic acids, sugar, proteins, pectin substances, etc.

Effective organization of processing of agricultural products in order to minimize production waste and increase the volume of finished products directly depends on the following factors:

  • Type of processed products;
  • Product processing methods;
  • Type of agricultural technology, etc.

Product processing technologies

Resource-saving technology provides for the preliminary selection of varieties intended for targeted processing, on which the quality and quantity of the finished product, as well as the consumption of raw materials, will ultimately depend. The main criterion for the level of waste is the form of processed products.

Thus, having a smooth surface, large spherical tomato fruits generate at least 3% less waste than their small counterparts with uneven surface. The best option For pickling, stumps with a shallow insertion and dense heads of cabbage are used on the basis that the larger the head, the less processing waste.

In the process of processing stone fruits, the main waste consists of seeds, the mass fraction of which from the mass fraction of the fruit can fluctuate in a very wide range. Examples include:

  • Apricots, in which, depending on the variety, the mass fraction of seeds can vary from 5 to 12%;
  • For peaches – from 6 to 12%;
  • For plums – from 4 to 7%.

When producing jam or jam, the main criterion is the level of pectin substances in the raw materials, as well as their gelling ability. In the event that in the source material low level pectin or gelling ability, pectin concentrate is added during the processing of this raw material.

The role of agricultural technology in the processing of agricultural products

Agricultural technology plays an important role in the process of minimizing the amount of processing waste, since in the case of incorrect or untimely treatment of vegetable gardens or orchards against diseases and pests, the fruits are deformed. As a result, this leads not only to a significant reduction in the amount of harvest, but also to a decrease in the level of quality and shelf life of raw materials and, subsequently, to an increase in the level of waste.

In addition, in the case of unqualified pruning of orchards, the size of the fruit is significantly reduced with a mandatory decrease in sugar levels and an increase in acidity levels, which also leads to additional expense sugar during raw material processing. The result of growing root crops on dense soils is deformation and excessive growth of the fruits, which subsequently significantly complicates the procedure for cleaning them and, accordingly, increases the amount of waste. Incorrect or untimely watering of cabbage leads to cracking of the cabbage heads, resulting in a sharp increase in the amount of waste when cleaning them. In addition, injury to fruits and vegetables that occurs during harvesting, transportation and storage also significantly increases the amount of waste when preparing raw materials for processing.

An essential role in the rational use of raw materials is played by the method of integrated processing, which ensures either the maximum minimization of the amount of waste or its complete elimination through the manufacture of several types of products from one raw material, with the subsequent use of the inevitably generated waste as pet food.

Methods for canning fruits and vegetables


The organization of processing of agricultural products, and in particular, the method of heat sterilization is determined by the temperature level and the duration of its effect on the raw materials, based on the fact that the higher the temperature level, the shorter the duration of the sterilization procedure. The main purpose of the sterilization procedure is to preserve the quality of certain types of canned food, for which the characteristics of the canned product should be taken into account and all modes of the sterilization procedure should be followed, and in particular, thorough washing of raw materials, blanching, treatment with antiseptics, etc.

These procedures help to soften sterilization regimes. An important factor in the effectiveness of the sterilization procedure is the sanitary and hygienic conditions in which it is carried out. The shelf life of canned food directly depends on the correctness and effectiveness of the sterilization procedure for raw materials.


The pasteurization procedure, which involves heating at a temperature level below +100 0 C, is in most cases used for products with a high level of natural or artificially created acidity through vinegar, in particular when pickling products.

For products with a low level of acidity, a sterilization method is used, which involves heating at a temperature of +100 0 C and above. The sterilization method provides that for each type of canned food in jars or bottles of different capacities, a certain duration and temperature of sterilization will be used. Since in case of insufficient sterilization or pasteurization, after several days, viable spores will begin to develop in the jars, from which new colonies of decomposing microbes will subsequently appear food products. This process is accompanied by the release of gases that form excessive pressure in the cans, causing them to swell and explode.

Canned food heating technology

In most cases, to heat canned food, you can use any metal container equipped with a lid: a saucepan, bucket, tank, etc., suitable for convenient placement of cans. To avoid local overheating of the glass, jars and subsequent cracking are placed on the bottom of the container. metal grill or in alternative piece of fabric. After that, water is poured into the container, heated to a temperature from +40 0 C to +700 0 C, depending on the temperature level in the jars being placed, and after that the jars are placed in the container on the basis that the water level should not exceed the hangers of the jar . Then the container is covered with a lid and the water is brought to a boil, taking into account that the moment of boiling is the beginning of the sterilization process, the duration of which directly depends on the type of canned product, the degree of its acidity and grinding, as well as the volume of the jar.

The duration of the sterilization process is indicated in the recipe for each specific type of product. Upon completion of the sterilization process, the jar is removed from the container using special clamps and the lid is hermetically sealed with a special seaming machine. The rolled up jars are left upside down until completely cooled, with the lids facing down, thereby not only additionally sterilizing the lids with hot brine, but also to detect a possible leak as a result of improperly rolling the lids.

Organization of processing of agricultural products

At the moment, the issue of organization is more than relevant waste-free production, and in particular, in the agricultural sector producing different kinds food products, as well as pet food and fertilizers.

The amount of product processing waste directly depends on the type of raw materials and the processing method used. Waste generation occurs during the process of trimming, cleaning, grinding and pressing of raw materials, and can reach 50%. The main criteria for maximally reducing the level of processing waste are:

  • Type of raw materials;
  • Applied agricultural technology;
  • Processing method;
  • Form;
  • Kochan;
  • Root vegetable.

The correct organization of processing of agricultural products is the main criterion for ensuring that the amount of waste from the process of processing raw materials is minimized and, accordingly, its most rational use.

Possibility of using waste

Sugar industry waste serves as the starting material for the production of many other products, in particular citric acid. And polysaccharide waste is used for the production of glycerin, carbohydrates, feed yeast, solvents and other products, the cost of which is often an order of magnitude higher than that of the original raw material.

Enterprise for processing agricultural products, video

Processing of agricultural products

For our country, providing the population with agricultural products (fresh vegetables, canned food, pickles, marinades, etc.) is especially important, since most of its territory does not have favorable climatic conditions for growing vegetables. In this regard, the production of fruit and vegetable raw materials is traditionally concentrated in the southern and some central regions of the European part of the country. Transportation of fresh fruits and vegetables to remote regions is complicated by significant distances and often large product losses. Therefore, our fellow citizens either traditionally use vegetables from their gardens for canning or eat industrially processed fruits and vegetables almost throughout the year: dried, pickled, salted, frozen, in general, canned.

In the diet, especially of urban residents, the share of both fresh vegetables and their processed products is steadily increasing. The increase in vegetable consumption is due to the increasing desire of people for a healthy diet and eating organic foods. For most, daily consumption of vegetables (whether fresh or processed) has simply become the norm, a necessary part of their diet. This ensures an ever-growing demand for vegetables, firstly, as a raw material, and secondly, as a finished food product.

In turn, entrepreneurs are also showing interest in processing agricultural products. Indeed, often the organization/modernization/expansion of such production is one of the few options for the working activity of the working population and the real possibility of producing added value, both through the “self-sufficiency” of the region (sometimes they talk about import substitution) and through the production of goods (food, semi-finished products and raw materials for further processing; raw materials and semi-finished products for light, leather, etc. industries) and attracting investment to the region.

Investments in efficient agricultural processing production are virtually protected from inflation and instability. In addition, the choice of processing plants is very wide, and it is always possible to find something that suits your needs and finances.

In most regions of Russia, vegetables are produced in a wide range, and its processing in industrial conditions can be a profitable and profitable business even for those entrepreneurs who are not vegetable producers themselves. Constantly growing demand, accessible raw materials, and not very complex technologies allow us to conclude that vegetable processing can be very attractive.

It is clear that, even after making an informed decision about organizing an enterprise, an entrepreneur faces a number of questions, the main ones of which are: what product to produce, traditional or original, where to purchase equipment, how to set up production, how to solve the problems of developing recipes and interacting with government agencies.

However, within the framework of a short article, it is difficult to summarize new approaches, describe all the solutions that are proposed by experts today, and provide comprehensive information. Therefore, we invite all interested parties to use the information, materials and send questions, comments, suggestions, applications, reviews.

Basic aspects of production organization. When thinking about how to select equipment for the production of a particular (most often traditional) product, you need to know what technological stages the production consists of. If you plan to produce an original product, it is best to contact professionals immediately. For example, the development of original documentation necessary for product certification requires high professionalism from the developer.

Considering the technological aspects of vegetable processing, we can distinguish the following main areas (operations): raw material warehouse, raw material preparation, heat treatment, main production area, packaging, finished product warehouse, which are typical for all processing methods (Table 1).

With a more detailed examination of individual types of production (whether drying, canning or freezing) in technological processes, only the main technological stage (production itself) will differ significantly.

Table 1.

General functional and technological scheme of vegetable processing

^ Production site



Raw materials warehouse

Storage and release,

Incoming control

Scales, equipment for receiving raw materials, racks, piles, containers, etc.

Preparation of raw materials



M.b. cleaning

Washing machines

Inspection conveyors

Cleaning machines

Mechanical processing and heat treatment

Cutting, shredding, rubbing

Heat treatment

Cutting machines

Wiping machines

Blancher, boilers

Main technological stages (production itself)





Packaging, packing, group packaging (labeling possible)


Can-sealing and capping machines

Thermal tunnel

Finished goods warehouse

Reception, storage, accounting, release

Freezers, pallets, racks

For such traditional production as the production of concentrated tomato products (tomato paste, tomato juice, ketchup, sauces), a pureed mass of tomatoes is required, which is boiled to a certain concentration. Tomato paste is produced with a dry matter content of 12, 15, 20%, and the recipe for sauces based on tomato paste has been known for many decades. Therefore, its production does not require complex equipment (Table 2).

Table 2.

Approximate composition of equipment for the production of tomato paste

Name of equipment


Automotive scales


Raw material reception bunker

Preparation of raw materials

Inspection conveyor

Washing machine

Tubular heater


Wiping machine

Making pasta

Vacuum cooker

Preservative dispenser

Plunger pump


Bag sealers (floor-mounted)


Trading scales

Medium temperature refrigeration chambers

The technical characteristics of the tomato paste production workshop are as follows: productivity for the finished product - 5 tons/shift; water consumption – 6 cubic meters/hour; occupied area – 200 cubic meters. m;

Dried vegetables and fruits are irreplaceable semi-finished products in the catering, canning, food concentrate, fish and meat and dairy industries.

Drying is the removal of moisture from fresh fruits and vegetables under high temperatures. Vegetables are considered canned if the moisture content in them is brought to 12 - 14%, in fruits - up to 15 - 20%. One of the most important advantages of dried fruits and vegetables compared to fresh ones is the high cost of transportation. However, it should be borne in mind that during drying, significant changes in the composition of fruits and vegetables and a deterioration in organoleptic characteristics can occur. All types of fruits and vegetables can be used for drying, but mainly dried apples, pears, apricots, plums, grapes, potatoes, carrots, onions, cabbage, etc. are produced. The production of dried vegetables and fruits has decreased significantly in recent years, which is caused by First of all, the significant energy intensity of their production technology.

For example, for the production of dry mashed potatoes there are several lines produced in Russia and abroad. Foreign-made equipment is characterized by high cost and energy consumption. It is mainly focused on the production of a more expensive product - agglomerated mashed potatoes, the production technology of which is somewhat different from the production of traditional dry mashed potatoes.

The set of equipment for the production of dry mashed potatoes, offered by the DIALOG TRADING COMPANY, allows the use of energy-saving technologies, which reduces energy consumption and the cost of products.

The traditional technological process for producing dry mashed potatoes is very long and quite expensive. The kit from the DIALOG TRADING COMPANY, characterized by low cost, energy intensity, and high quality of the resulting product, is optimal for small enterprises, small peasants and farms. The equipment allows you to process surplus potatoes without resorting to high costs and get additional profit

The technology used for drying potatoes in this kit includes an additional operation - squeezing potato juice, as a result of which the amount of water in potatoes is reduced by an average of 5 times.

There is an opinion that the mechanical pressing operation can lead to a decrease in the quality of dry mashed potatoes, both as a result of damage to the cell membranes and due to the loss of a significant part of water-soluble proteins and vitamins.

Indeed, the first circumstance negatively affects the consistency of dry puree when used directly as a finished dish. Secondly, it leads to a slight decrease in the nutritional value of the product.

However, experience has shown that mechanical pressing practically does not lead to a deterioration in the consistency of the product compared to purees obtained in the traditional way. This is explained by the fact that during spinning, it is mainly water-containing cells that are damaged, not starch-containing cells.

At the same time, it should be noted that the loss of proteins and vitamins (about 1% of dry weight) can be easily compensated with the help of various additives.

Conclusion. Currently, the organization of production for the production of processed vegetable products is very relevant. On the one hand, there is a fairly high demand for these products:

the population at all times preferred to have canned food on their table; From time immemorial, vegetables have been an integral part of the Russian diet;

Fresh frozen and dried vegetables make it easier to prepare a variety of dishes, from salads to soups, regardless of the time of year.

On the other hand, there is huge potential for organizing such production in our country:

significant raw material base;

an incompletely formed market where new commodity producers, under certain conditions, can find “their niche.”

There are several cases where organizing vegetable processing plants can be beneficial:

Firstly, it is the presence of a stable raw material base and guaranteed sales.

Organization of small industries at vegetable storage bases, where vegetables that are not suitable for sale are received for processing.

Organization of their own small industries by entrepreneurs who “own the market.” This happens in cases where the owners of retail outlets, after conducting marketing research, identify a product that is in maximum demand and begin to produce it under their own brand for sale in their retail chain. Or they order its production from already functioning enterprises, thereby loading their production capacities.

When thinking about organizing/modernizing an enterprise, it is necessary to take into account that a characteristic feature of the vegetable processing industry is its seasonality (since it completely depends on Agriculture). And the production capacity of the enterprise will be used unevenly throughout the year.

Increased demand for certain types of canned fruits and vegetables, proximity to centers of its consumption, favorable economic conditions are the starting points for creating promising, highly profitable enterprises. And successful activities and payback periods for investments largely depend on the formed team. Practical experience shows that with the right development strategy, the competence of managers and the professionalism of employees, it is possible to quickly reach the forefront and become industry leaders.

1. Pre-cleaning of grain.

Post-harvest grain processing consists of pre-cleaning, primary cleaning, temporary storage of wet grain, drying, secondary cleaning, and sorting.

Freshly harvested grain mass entering the grain conveyor is characterized high humidity. The average moisture content of the grain mass in the Republic of Tatarstan is 23-25%, and in some wet years even more.

The moisture content of impurities in a grain heap is 40-45%, and sometimes much more. When storing such grain, there is a redistribution of moisture between the impurity and the grain, which leads to an increase in the moisture content of the grain. These are additional costs for drying grain.

Moisture exchange between weeds and grain is completed mainly in the first day of storage, so pre-cleaning of grain should be carried out immediately as soon as the grain arrives at the current. To successfully cope with this work, the productivity of primary cleaning machines must be 1.5 times greater than the productivity of the combine harvester fleet.

Preliminary cleaning is carried out on machines ZD-10.000 and K-523, which are part of the KZS-20Sh complex and the Petkus line, as well as the self-moving heap cleaner OVP-20A, OVS-25.

Everything new is forgotten old. With the aging of grain cleaning equipment, the farms of the republic use grain consoles manufactured by the enterprises of OJSC Tatselkhoztekhnika for preliminary cleaning of grain.

During the preliminary cleaning of seeds, at least 50% of the weed impurity and all straw-like organic impurity should be released.

During the pre-cleaning process, the grain heap is divided into two fractions: purified grain and waste. The productivity of pre-cleaning machines is 20-25 t/hour. The operation of pre-cleaning machines is organized according to technical requirements for operation. Monitoring the quality of operation of pre-cleaning machines under steady-state conditions is carried out at least 2 times per shift. When reconfiguring machines due to a change in the crop being processed, a change in seed moisture, or contamination, it is necessary to immediately check the quality of work.

2. Theoretical foundations of storage.

Proper preparation of grain for storage ensures its reliable preservation. If grain preparation technology is not followed, good preservation cannot be ensured even in the most advanced storage facilities.

The task of storing grain and seeds on farms is to ensure complete safety of the quantity and quality of grain at minimum costs labor and money.

Particular attention on farms should be paid to the storage of seed grain. Freshly harvested seeds do not always have good sowing qualities, since they have not completed the post-harvest ripening period. The duration of the post-harvest ripening period varies for different crops, from 3 weeks to 5 months. Short period post-harvest ripening in winter crops. A long period characteristic of spring wheat varieties Moskovskaya 35, and durum varieties Kharkovskaya 46, Almaz, Svetlana.

Conditions that accelerate the period of post-harvest ripening are as follows: grain moisture 13-14%, temperature environment+20 +30 0 C, the presence of air oxygen in the intergranular space. If storage conditions turn out to be favorable, then the germination capacity and germination energy in the grain increases, i.e. the sowing quality of seeds improves. Some technological properties are also improved, the volumetric yield and quality of bread increases. As a result of research conducted by many scientists, it has been established that there is no noticeable increase in the amount of gluten, but the quality of gluten improves, it becomes more extensible and elastic.

Correctly carried out heat drying of seeds with high humidity or air-solar drying of grain with a moisture content of 16% helps to improve sowing qualities.

Grain storage and processing is critical integral part grain market infrastructure.

The primary market is the purchase of grain. Its stability depends on offers for the purchase of grain, but there is always a demand for grain.

The secondary grain market is determined by the demand for processed products (flour, cereals, animal feed).

Primary and secondary grain markets are impossible without a modern grain storage facility.

To ensure storage conditions, protect grain from environmental influences, and eliminate losses in weight and quality, grain storage should be organized in special storage facilities.

Granaries are constructed taking into account physical properties grain mass. Air humidity in granaries should be maintained at 60-75% throughout the entire storage period, which corresponds to an equilibrium humidity of 13-15% for all grain crops.

Granaries must be convenient for carrying out disinsection (disinfection) work against insect pests, birds and rodents.

Of particular importance are the means of mechanization of storage facilities, which reduce labor costs.

There are two types of grain storage facilities - warehouses and elevators. The capacity of warehouses is from 100 to 1000 tons. In small-capacity warehouses, as a rule, there is no mechanization.

Newly built warehouses are being built according to projects that provide for the mechanization of grain loading operations.

Warehouses, depending on the project, can be one-story with horizontal floors or bunker type. Bunker-type warehouses are made of metal various capacities for 15-50-200 tons. Bunker warehouses are equipped with facilities for loading and unloading grain. Metal bins protect the grain mass well from pests and moisture.

Warehouses are used for storing fodder and seed products. Seed grain is stored in bin-type warehouses, fodder grain is stored in bulk. Part of the seed grain is stored in containers, in bags. This is how the seeds of the “Elite” and the first reproduction, corn seeds, are stored.

The bulk of food grains are stored in elevators.

An elevator is a powerful industrial enterprise for receiving, processing, storing and dispensing grain. This is a factory for bringing grain to the required conditions, depending on the intended purpose.

Large elevators for 100 thousand tons of grain and more are economically profitable. Elevators are equipped centralized system control carried out by the dispatcher from the remote control.

3. Basics of processing fruits and vegetables.

When processing fruits and vegetables, depending on the type of raw materials, the technology used and the resulting products, waste can amount to up to 50%. They are formed during cleaning, cutting, rubbing, pressing and other operations. Therefore, the first way to rationally use raw materials is to reduce waste. However, it is impossible to completely reduce it. When processing fruits and vegetables, waste is inevitable in the form of peels, seeds, seed nests, seeds, marc, etc. They contain valuable nutrients: sugars, coloring, protein and pectin substances, organic acids, vitamins, etc.

Reducing waste and increasing the yield of finished products depends on the variety, agricultural technology, processing technology and other factors. Resource-saving technology begins with the selection of varieties for targeted processing, the quality of the finished product, its yield, and the consumption of materials depend on the variety. The amount of waste depends on the shape of the fruit, heads of cabbage, and root crops. Large spherical tomato fruits with a smooth surface produce 3% less waste than small ones with an uneven surface. The most suitable for pickling are dense heads of cabbage with a shallow stump insertion (only due to the size of the latter, waste increases by 4-6%). The larger the heads of cabbage, the less loss during cleaning.

When processing stone fruits, the waste consists of the stones. But their mass fraction of the fruit mass varies widely. So, depending on the variety, it is 5–12% for apricots, 6–12% for peaches, and 4–7% for plums. How smaller size seeds, the greater the yield of the final product.

When producing jam and marmalade, the content of pectin substances in the raw material and their gelling ability are of significant importance. If the amount of pectin in fruits and vegetables is small and the gelling ability is low, then when processing such raw materials I add pectin concentrate.

Agricultural technology plays an important role in waste reduction. If gardens and vegetable gardens are untimely or improperly treated against pests and diseases, the fruits become deformed, which not only reduces the yield, quality and shelf life of raw materials, but also increases waste. If gardens are poorly pruned, the size of the fruit decreases, the sugar content decreases, acidity increases, and as a result, sugar consumption increases. When grown on dense soils, roots become deformed and grow, which complicates their cleaning and increases their losses. If watered incorrectly, cabbage cracks, which causes a sharp increase in waste when cleaning heads of cabbage. Injury to fruits and vegetables during harvesting, transportation, and storage also increases losses during the preparation of raw materials for processing.

Great value in rational use raw material has it complex processing, in which waste is eliminated altogether or reduced to a minimum. At the same time, several types of products are made from one type of raw material, and the resulting inevitable waste is used to produce healthy products or fed to farm animals.

4. Canning fruits and vegetables by heat sterilization.

During heat sterilization, the modes are determined by the temperature and duration of its exposure. Elevated temperatures reduce the duration of sterilization. This helps preserve the quality of some types of canned food. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account such features of the properties of the canned product. Preliminary methods of processing raw materials, even simple ones such as washing, blanching, treatment with antiseptics, etc. can soften sterilization regimes. To a large extent, sterilization regimes depend on the sanitary and hygienic conditions in which canned food is produced. The stability of canned food during long-term storage depends on how correctly and effectively sterilization is carried out.

The most common entrance exams:

  • Russian language
  • Mathematics (basic level)
  • Biology - at the university's choice

Agricultural production is a branch of the economy that is aimed at meeting the population’s demands for food and raw materials for a number of industrial enterprises. This industry is one of the most important, and it is represented in every country.

Specialty 03/35/07 “Technology of production and processing of agricultural products” reflects labor processes that originated in ancient times.

After all, even, for example, when slaughtering livestock, it is necessary to do everything quickly and correctly, which becomes especially important in conditions of continuous production process. Modern demand often exceeds supply, so specialists in this field study all aspects of production and must be able to maintain interest in their products on the market.

Admission conditions

In order to begin training in this specialty, you need to familiarize yourself with the list of exams that you will need to pass. In total you need to pass three exams:

  • Russian language,
  • biology,
  • mathematics.

You need to find out exactly what subjects to take directly from the university. This is due to the fact that mathematics is often replaced by chemistry by decision of the educational institution.

Future profession

The Russian Federation is an agricultural country, so everything processing plants and farmer organizations need qualified personnel. University graduates in this area receive in-depth knowledge regarding:

  • agricultural crops;
  • soil, its suitability for planting seeds and growing crops;
  • technological processes of production, processing and storage of products of plant and animal origin.

After graduation, graduates can study as scientific activities, developing new unique production technologies, and holding various positions in public and private organizations.

Where to apply

Admission to this specialty The following universities in Moscow and other cities offer:

  • Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev;
  • Russian State Agrarian Correspondence University;
  • Orenburg State Agrarian University;
  • Russian University of Cooperation;
  • Astrakhan State University7

Total in Russian Federation there are more than 60 educational institutions, where training in this specialty is possible.

Duration of training

Depending on what form of education a school graduate enrolls in, he will receive education from 4 to 5 years.

Disciplines studied

During the learning process, the main disciplines studied will be:

  • morphology and physiology of farm animals;
  • agriculture, soil science and agrochemistry;
  • biochemistry of agricultural products;
  • production of products of animal origin;
  • production of products of plant origin;
  • standardization and certification of agricultural products;
  • plant physiology;
  • technology of production, processing and storage of products, etc.

Acquired skills

Upon completion of training, a qualified personnel will have all the necessary knowledge and skills that will allow him to become a sought-after specialist in the modern market labor. University graduates will be able to perform:

Also, qualified personnel can be involved in team management and business decision-making. The competence of specialists also includes developing business plans, conducting marketing activities and maintaining interest in the product on the market.

Job prospects by profession

In order to find out who to work after completing training in specialty 03.35.07 “Technology of production and processing of agricultural products”, you need to familiarize yourself with the list of possible positions:

  • procurer;
  • diagnostician;
  • private consultant;
  • laboratory assistant;
  • appraiser;
  • marketer;
  • agricultural production technologist;
  • quality specialist;
  • merchandiser, etc.

A university graduate can also open own production and go into private business. There is also the opportunity to get a job in a state-owned enterprise, or in private company. A bachelor's degree in this specialty is in demand both in the domestic and foreign labor markets.

The salary of a young specialist in Moscow starts from 30 thousand rubles. With increasing experience, the demand for a specialist in various enterprises increases, and the level of his salary increases.

Advantages of Master's Degree Studies

Often students, after completing a bachelor's degree, continue their studies in a master's degree. This gives them the opportunity to gain in-depth knowledge regarding agricultural production technology. The master's program also provides for practical training for students, which can be carried out both in domestic and foreign industries, depending on the current agreements of the university.

After completing the master's degree, qualified personnel are guaranteed employment in the plant protection service, environmental protection departments, landscaping farms, meat and dairy products processing organizations, etc. Often, after completing the master's degree, students enter graduate school and doctoral studies in order to devote themselves to science in the future.