Flora and fauna of the Chuvash Republic.


8th grade students

Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 35

Shchukin Dmitry

Shmullin Roma

Checked by the teacher


Tonysheva O.V.

Vegetable world.

Before settlement began, the territory of Chuvashia was covered with forests of spruce taiga, pine forests, multi-tiered oaks, and floodplain meadows. Only in the southeastern part and in Zasurye there were steppe areas.

Currently, forests have been preserved in less than one third of the republic, but in certain areas (Sumerlinsky, Ibresinsky, Alatyrsky) forests occupy more than 50% of the territory, and 1/3 of them are oak forests.


Oak has a very durable wood with beautiful design in the section. He's on different economic needs was cut down from the moment the territory was settled, so the remaining oak forests of Chuvashia belong to the category of especially valuable forests. Linden, maple, elm, ash, forest apple, and rowan grow in the oak groves of Prisurye. And in damp places black alder grows. Larch, cedar and even Amur velvet are cultivated here. The shrubs of oak forests include black currant, viburnum, euonymus, hazel, etc.

Animal world.

The forests feature numerous species birds, reptiles, amphibians. Of the large wild animals and beasts, the most commercially important is the elk, whose weight reaches up to 400 kg. Behind last years Due to the ban on shooting, the number of moose has increased significantly. Their number exceeds 1000 heads. In the republic they live mainly in the Prisursky forests. Also in recent years, there has been a noticeable increase in the number of wild boars; badgers, erms, European minks, polecats, martens, raccoon dogs, foxes, hares and squirrels live here. The beaver was brought to Chuvashia. The Sura basin is home to the muskrat and the otter. Rivers are home to valuable commercial fish. Among the fish in the lakes and rivers of the republic, bream, shuk, sterlet, and subfish predominate; crucian carp and tench are also found. The number of many species depends on the quality of water, chemical composition bottom of the reservoir

At the border of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, special conditions are created in which amphibians live: frogs, newts, semi-aquatic animals (beaver, muskrat, mink), semi-aquatic birds (sea swallow, herons, gulls, terns, ducks, waders, etc.). It should be especially noted that the most ancient of Chuvashia’s mammals, the Russian muskrat, lives in the floodplain of the Sura River.

In the fields and meadows there are foxes, wolves, brown hare, polecat, gophers, hamsters and some other species, and among birds - lark, quail, lapwing and many others. Flycatchers, bullfinch, goldfinch, nightingale, blackbirds, magpies, rooks, jackdaws, crows, sparrows, pigeons, tits, etc. live in populated areas, parks and gardens.

Generally about the animal world.

  1. 1. Red Book Chuvash Republic
  2. 2.
  3. 3. Endangered species Black stork The beak and legs are long. Wing length 52-58 cm, weight about 3 kg. The color of the dorsal side and neck is black with greenish and copper-red metallic tints, the ventral side is white, the beak and legs are red. In Chuvashia it is noted in the old forest areas, not far from open shores rivers, lakes or swamps. Prefers secluded places and cannot tolerate human presence.
  4. 4. Endangered white-tailed eagle species Body length 70-100 cm, weight 3-6.5 kg, wingspan 2-2.4 m. Females are larger than males. Adult birds are generally brown, with a yellow beak and a wedge-shaped snow-white tail. Juveniles have a dark tail. It feeds on fish: pike (up to 3 kg), bream, carp, perch, cod, etc. It never dives for fish (like an osprey), but grabs it at the surface of the water. Often picks up dead or dead fish. It catches a lot of water birds (coots, ducks, gulls, young herons)
  5. 5. Endangered species Golden Eagle Body length 80-90 cm or more, wingspan about 2 m, weight 3-4 kg. The color is dark brown with slight variations. The beak is black, the paws are yellow. Marked on passage
  6. 6. Endangered snake-eater species Body length is about 70 cm, wing length is slightly more than 50 cm. The color of the dorsal side is brown, the ventral side is white, with brown transverse streaks. The beak and paws are gray. Feeds on small reptiles and rodents large insects etc. On the territory of Chuvashia, only one specimen was found near the city of Cheboksary.
  7. 7. Endangered species Osprey Body length about 60 cm, wingspan about 160 cm, weight - 1.5-2 cm, weight -1.5-2 kg. The color of the dorsal side is brown, the abdominal side is white, the beak is black, the legs are greenish-gray. In Chuvashia it is found along the beds of the Volga and Sura. It settles only near rivers and lakes rich in fish.
  8. 8. Endangered Peregrine falcon species Length 21-66 cm, females are larger than males. The wings are long, pointed, providing fast flight. They nest on the ground, rocks or tall buildings, the trees are occupied by the nests of other birds.
  9. 9. Endangered species Saker Falcon Length up to 60 cm; weight 800-1300 g. The color of the plumage always contains reddish or brown tones; A faint mustache is visible on the sides of the head. The main prey of saker falcons is gophers. They also hunt other rodents, hares and birds. They willingly occupy other people's nests. They often settle in colonies of rooks, small falcons, and herons. Highly valued as a bird of prey; It is considered the most productive in the steppes and deserts.
  10. 10. Endangered speciesEagle owl Length up to 80 cm. On the sides of the head there are tufts of feathers (“ears”). Inhabits remote places in forests, steppes, deserts; feeds on various animals; voice - “hooting” and “laughter”; rare everywhere. The main food is hares, mouse-like rodents, and birds. Lives in dense forests
  11. 11. Rare species Swan Body length 155-170 cm, weight 7-10 kg, wingspan 2.2-2.5 m. Color snow-white, the main part of the beak yellow or yellow-orange. Prefers large bodies of water, heavily overgrown with amphibious vegetation along the banks. On the Cheboksary Reservoir it is found mainly in the area from Kukshum to Parat, in the Alatyr region along the lakes of the Sura floodplain.
  12. 12. Rare species Gray crane The tallest bird on the territory of Chuvashia. wingspan 2.3 m, weight from 3 to 7 kg. The color is gray, with the exception of black and brown colors on the wings, head and neck. The beak is greenish-brown. Widely distributed in the Alatyr and Sumerlinsky regions. It nests in forest swamps overgrown with sedges and grasses. In autumn, cranes gather in flocks and fly out to the fields to feed.
  13. 13. Rare species of Heron Large bird, weighs 1.5 kg. There is a wide black stripe above the eye, a small crest of black feathers on the head, and three rows of longitudinal black spots along the ventral side of the neck from the throat to the crop. Legs greenish-yellow. Nest on tall trees. The only colony of herons is located near the village of Shomikovo, Morgaushsky district. Heron in flight
  14. 14. Owl Rare species, or scops owl A small bird the size of a starling, migratory. Arrives at the end of April. It lives most often in open forests and feeds exclusively on large insects.
  15. 15. Rare species Passerine owl Typical inhabitant of old coniferous forests. It brings great benefits to forestry and agriculture, because exterminates a large number of harmful mouse-like rodents and gophers, as well as harmful insects.
  16. 16. Rare species Common kestrel Length 31-38 cm. They tried to use the kestrel as a bird of prey in falconry, but it turned out to be useless for this, “empty” (hence the name). They exterminate harmful rodents (voles, mice, rats), as well as locusts. It lives everywhere - in the floodplains of the Volga, Sura and Tsivil rivers.
  17. 17. Rare species Gray partridge The back is gray-brown, the crop is gray, a black spot on the belly. Inhabits bushes, ravines, and floodplains. It feeds on weed grains, cereal carrion, berries, green parts of plants... summer period eats a lot of insects.
  18. 18. Rare species Quail The smallest bird of the chicken family. Weight does not exceed 130 grams. Inhabits fields, meadows, forest edges, and bushes. In summer it eats many insects and their larvae. It nests in grain fields, meadows and dense grass. Currently domesticated, there are quail farms.
  19. 19. They need to be saved  Plants  Birds  Animals
  20. 20. Endangered species Muskrat Body length up to 22 cm, tail up to 20 cm, weight 300-400 g. Leads a semi-aquatic lifestyle. It feeds on insects, leeches, mollusks, and occasionally fish. Fur is very valuable. In Chuvashia he lives within the Alatyr, Poretsky and Shumerlinsky districts.
  21. 21. Endangered species Jerboa Body length up to 26 cm; the ears are also long, the tail is longer than the body and ends in a large white tassel. The front legs are very short, the hind legs are disproportionately long. They live in unplowed areas, near roads.
  22. 22. Endangered species Marmot Body length up to 60 cm, tail less than 1/2 body length. The color is yellowish-brown, sometimes with black and white spots. The belly is usually lighter than the back. The head is large in relation to the body. The legs are short. They live alone in deep holes, but they always see their neighbors and, apparently, talk to each other (in any case, their whistle is far from just an alarm signal). They feed on cereals and herbs. Special burrows are made for feeding and supplies. On the territory of Chuvashia they are preserved on the banks of the Bula River, near the village of Akhperdino. This colony is part of the marmot reserve
  23. 23. Rare species Ermine Body length up to 32 cm, tail up to 10 cm. Fur color in summer on the back and sides is brown, belly is white. In winter, everything is white, only the tip of the tail is black. Inhabits river floodplains, near swamps and bushes. Destroys harmful rodents. Fur trade object.
  24. 24. Rare species of Otter. Semi-aquatic animal. Body length is about 70 cm, tail 45 cm, weight – up to 6-10 kg. They live near fresh water bodies. They swim and dive well. They feed mainly on fish, amphibians, as well as water voles and partly birds. Valuable fur-bearing animal.
  25. 25. Rare species Light polecat Body length up to 48 cm, tail up to 16 cm. The fur is shiny, black-brown. Lives in forests, fields, and along the shores of lakes. The main food source is small rodents, especially gray voles, hamsters, sometimes frogs. He has a calm, non-aggressive disposition. They live 5-6 years. There are more than 3 thousand pieces in Chuvashia.
  26. 26. Rare species Flying squirrels Body length up to 60 cm, tail up to 40 cm. On the sides of the body and between the limbs there is a leathery membrane that serves for gliding jumps up to 130-450 m long. They spend their entire lives in the trees, only occasionally descending to the ground and ending up here much less agile and dexterous than among the branches. They feed on buds, leaves, nuts, fruits, and often eat small insects.
  27. 27. Rare species Chipmunk Body length up to 17 cm, tail up to 12 cm (about double less squirrels), body weight is about 100 g, there are 5 longitudinal black or dark brown stripes on the back. The ears are small, slightly pubescent. The fur is short and harsh. In nature, it leads a terrestrial lifestyle, but in moments of danger it perfectly climbs trees. It feeds on pine and other nuts, seeds, berries, often insects, and green herbs and shrubs. Lives in burrows and hollows of fallen trees. He sleeps at night and is active during the day. Trusting people even in natural conditions, extremely curious.
  28. 28. They need to be saved  Plants  Birds  Animals
  29. 29. Endangered species Small water capsule Perennial herbaceous aquatic plant. The flowers are 2-3 cm in diameter. The stigma is convex, with a serrated edge and 8-10 rays. The sepals are green on the outside, the petals are orange. Often form thickets in standing and slow flowing waters. In the Chuvash Republic, it was noted during a survey of lakes and other reservoirs in the Krasnochetaisky region.
  30. 30. Endangered species Tall larkspur Perennial herbaceous plant up to 2 m. Stems are erect, bare. The leaves are heart-shaped. The flowers are blue, in a loose racemose simple or used as medicinal plant In the Chuvash Republic it is rare in the floodplains of the Tsivil, Anish, and Vyla rivers.
  31. 31. Endangered species Small-fruited cranberry Creeping shrub. Leaves are 3 mm long. The flowers are reddish-pink, 1-2 at the ends of the branches. The berry is ovoid, no more than 6 mm in diameter. On the territory of Chuvashia it is found occasionally in the Volga region
  32. 32. Endangered speciesLily saranka Perennial bulbous plant up to 1 meter or more in height. The flowers are large (3 cm or more), 3-10 per plant. In the Chuvash Republic it was observed in the Kozlovsky, Yalchiksky and Shemurshinsky districts. Protected in the reserve and national park"Chavash varmane."
  33. Endangered species White water lily The leaves are submerged and floating, the leaf blades are almost equal-sided. The flowers are white, large, solitary, on long round stalks. Habitats: floodplain and forest standing reservoirs (swamps) with clean water. Protected on lakes Bolshoye and Maloye Lebedinoye (Zavolzhye Park)
  34. 36. Rare Water lily pure white appearance aquatic plant with large leaves and flowers. The flowers are solitary, white, opening on the surface of the water. In the Chuvash Republic it grows in lakes of the Sura and Volga rivers, in the Cheboksary reservoir, Trans-Volga region. Collection is prohibited.
  35. 37. RareSwimsuit European look Perennial plant 20-70 cm tall. The stem is thick and erect. The flowers are solitary, pale yellow, large, spherical. The fruit is multi-leafed. Lives in damp meadows, among bushes, edges of deciduous and mixed forests. It is protected in the Alatyrsky section of the Prisursky nature reserve, the Chavash Varmane national park, and the Zavolzhye park. Collection prohibited.
  36. 38. They need to be saved  Plants  Birds  Animals

A rare animal was discovered in Chuvashia, which is protected in international level. The Russian desman was spotted on a reservoir by Moscow scientists who came to our republic on an expedition.

Delegation from the Moscow Institute came to Chuvashia on an expedition and discovered a rare animal. The Russian desman was found at the end of September on one of the reservoirs located in the environmental protection zone. This was reported by the director of the Prisursky Nature Reserve, Evgeny Osmelkin.

This event is important because the number of muskrats is rapidly falling and the halo habitat can also be seen infrequently. IN last time she was seen in the Shumerlinsky district in 2001, reports Evgeniy Vitalievich. - Soon we will try to count the number of these animals on the territory of Chuvashia, I think we're talking about not about a hundred copies. For this, we may need underwater cameras, since the muskrat lives in bodies of water.

According to information free encyclopedia, youThe khukhol, or Russian muskrat, or khokhulya is a mammal of the mole family (order insectivores). The body is 18-22 centimeters long, the tail is the same, weight up to 520 grams. The muskrat leads a semi-aquatic lifestyle. Closed floodplain waters are the most favorable for muskrat habitat.em.

The desman is a rare endemic species listed in the Red Book of Russia with category 2: declining in numbers and rare relict species. Such factors as the deforestation of floodplain forests, pollution of water bodies where animals live, and drainage of floodplain lands have led to such a deplorable situation for the muskrat in Russia, the encyclopedia reports.

With the arrival of autumn Security inspectors have more work to do. The fact is that it is in the fall that state-protected animals can suffer from hunters. The reserve reminds that hunting is prohibited in the protected zone and the surrounding area. Employees constantly inspect the territory, record indicators in a log and, if poachers are detected, draw up protocols.

The territory of the reserve is inspected along certain routes, all observations are recorded in a special diary, and if this happens, inspectors draw up protocols that become the basis for administrative proceedings or are transferred to the police department to initiate administrative and criminal proceedings, reserve employees report.

By the way, October 14, in Chuvashia, as throughout Russia, the Day of Conservation Workers is celebrated in Russia. It appeared in the country in October 1999. Today workers of the Chuvash nature reserve "Prisursky" will celebrate their professional holiday After a working day, tea and cake.

How else can you save the muskrat from extinction and increase its numbers? Write in the comments under the news.

Thanks to 20 years of work The Prisursky Nature Reserve managed to restore the numbers and protect from extinction moose, bears, lynxes, wild boars, foxes, wolves, martens and other protected animals.

On the right bank of the Volga, in the delta of Sura and Sviyaga, there is a picturesque region - Chuvashia. Just imagine, 2,356 rivers and rivulets flow through an area of ​​18,300 km2. In addition, there are about 600 floodplain, 154 caste and interdune lakes. This aquatic diversity in combination with a temperate continental climate is favorable environment habitat for many plants and animals. The nature of Chuvashia is unique in its kind and is famous for its endless expanses. Only a third of the region is inhabited by forests. The abundance of beautiful corners and health resorts make Chuvashia attractive in the eyes of numerous tourists.

Climate of Chuvashia

As mentioned above, Chuvashia is located in, with distinct 4 seasons. average temperature In summer it fluctuates around +200C, in winter the thermometer rarely drops below - 130C. Such a gentle environment combined with mineral springs, clean air And species diversity and has long attracted people who want to significantly improve their health and enjoy the beauty.

Vegetable world

The flora of Chuvashia has undergone significant changes as a result of the global flora, which previously covered almost the entire territory of the region. Now they occupy only 33%, the rest is allocated for agricultural land. Despite the global nature of the situation, vegetable world Chuvashia pleases the eye and excites the imagination with a variety of colors.

The remaining forests are dominated by deciduous tree species, such as oak, birch, linden, maple, and ash. Coniferous trees include larch and cedar. Rose hips, viburnum, wood sorrel, blueberries and other shrubs have adapted to the undergrowth. There are a lot of mushrooms in the forests, which are collected on an industrial scale.

Chuvashia seem to be made for herbs! There are an incredible variety of them here! However, more often than others you can find feather grass, thickets of sage, bluegrass and fescue. One cannot ignore the plants that live in and near numerous bodies of water. The most beautiful inhabitants are yellow water lily and white water lily. Reeds, cattails, horsetails, sedges, foxtails and arrowheads cannot be called unattractive, their value is simply inversely proportional to their numbers.

Animal world

The fauna of Chuvashia has changed significantly under the influence of the same anthropogenic factor. Some species were completely destroyed, others were introduced artificially. And yet, nature prevailed with its versatility. Let's start from the heights and smoothly plunge into the aquatic environment.

Kites, hawks and swifts soar in the skies. Magpies, cuckoos, jays and owls nest on tree branches. A variety of small birds settle in - partridges, quails, larks. However, hunters are attracted more by grouse, hazel grouse, capercaillie and woodcock.

The forests are inhabited by wolves, foxes, hares, badgers, and martens. The creation of nature reserves and the ban on hunting allowed the population to increase brown bears, lynxes, wild boars and moose.

The steppe plains are inhabited by hedgehogs, jerboas, gophers, marmots, moles, hamsters, and other small rodents.

The reservoirs are inhabited by beavers, muskrats, otters, etc. The abundance of fish attracts ducks, herons, gulls and swallows.

Careful attitude towards wildlife— everyone’s feasible contribution to its revival.