How do children of famous parents live? Sometimes they try to follow in the footsteps of their ancestors, sometimes I choose my own path. , the son of pop star Joseph Kobzon, tried to make music, and very successfully, but the basis of his activity was still business.

Andrey Iosifovich Kobzon born in 1974, his mother was the singer’s third wife, Ninel (Nelly) Mikhailovna. Two years later, sister Natalya was born. Since school, the guy was actively involved in music, but did not want to sing on principle - so as not to be compared with his father. Andrey became a good drummer and at one time was the head of the Giusto club (in the 1990s), and worked as part of the Resurrection group. However, after some time, Kobzon Jr. fell into restaurateurism, becoming the author of several restaurant projects on Novy Arbat (Zhiguli, Gazgolder), on Bolshoi Tolmachevsky Lane (a Japanese restaurant), co-owner of the Paris-Moscow establishment Maxim, or rather , its branch in Moscow. IN Lately began to show interest in the real estate industry.

The guy's relationship with his father was always strained. Several times he “quarreled to pieces,” not accepting interference either in his personal life or in his business. Today the relationship is more or less stable, but Andrei tries to avoid discussing his personal life and work in the family circle. Another “stumbling block,” according to the man, is his hairstyle, or rather, its complete absence - his father just can’t get used to it and “has a terrible complex.” Andrey also tries to keep this topic closed for discussion.

Personal life

Andrey has already been married twice. His first wife was Ekaterina Polyanskaya, a model that later became popular fashion designer. They met in the mid-1990s and lived in civil marriage- this was precisely the period when Andrei was in a very strained relationship with his famous father. They subsequently reconciled, and the whole family attended a magnificent wedding, held in Russian traditions. Ekaterina took her husband’s last name for the sake of her children, who were born in 1999 (Polina) and 2001 (Anita). However, the marriage lasted only until 2006 - Andrei’s eternal busyness played a role. The children remained with their mother, who returned maiden name, and began, according to her, to see her father even more often than before.

Andrei Kobzon with his ex-wife, daughters (two girls on the right) and relatives (father, uncle, sister Natalya with children)

And in 2007 Kobzon Jr. met the actress Anastasia Tsoi. He told his family about her only a year later, when their child was about to be born - he was afraid of the reaction strict father, because the girl was Korean by origin. Then they played quiet wedding, and at the beginning of 2008, Joseph Davydovich rejoiced at his next grandson, Mikhail, even if he had inherited a specific appearance from his mother.

Everything went as usual, and the public was simply dumbfounded by the news of Andrei Kobzon’s new divorce. It passed very quietly in 2011, and the event became known only recently, when Anastasia began to go out with her new boyfriend. Until now, the family maintains secrecy, and, according to now ex-daughter-in-law Kobzona, her seven-year-old son does not even realize that his parents are divorced. Mostly Misha lives in the country, where he goes when he is busy with work. ex-spouses They come on weekends and holidays.

Andrei Kobzon admits that he was never a fan of marriage, but got married every time due to pressure from his parents. Nevertheless, he loves all his children and tries to devote maximum time to each of them, especially since everyone often visits the Kobzonov family estate in the Moscow region.

The death of the Honored Artist of the USSR, Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Iosif Davydovich Kobzon shocked the public. The noble baritone of the Russian stage is in his 81st year of life from cancer, which he fought for 18 years.

The childhood of Joseph Kobzon

Joseph Kobzon was born in 1937 in the town of Chasov Yar. During the Great Patriotic War, the family moved to Uzbekistan, and the singer’s father went to the front. In 1944, Kobzon’s family returned to Ukraine and settled in the city of Kramatorsk. There, the future baritone of Russia went to first grade. Already from childhood, the boy began to demonstrate extraordinary vocal abilities and at the age of 9 he received his first award, winning at a Donetsk talent competition, and later at a higher-ranking competition. This is how his first debut happened in the Kremlin in front of Joseph Stalin himself.

Way to success

In 1956, Kobzon was drafted into the army, where he joined the song ensemble of the Transcaucasian military district.

The move to Moscow was marked by admission to the State University pedagogical institute named after the Gnessins. Fame came to Joseph Kobzon after performing the song “And in our yard,” written by Ostrovsky.

The manner of performance, poetic intonation and attention to words allowed Kobzon to take a place among the ranks of honorary performers and win the love of listeners. In 1964, Kobzon received the title of Honored Artist of the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. A year later, he took part in the international competition "Friendship" and won first place in Budapest, Warsaw and Berlin.

© Sputnik / Lev Nosov

The titles of the annual finalist of "Song of the Year", the highest paid performer of the Union, an active fighter for world peace, part of international delegations, and a performance for the troops of Afghanistan - all this made Joseph Kobzon called " godfather"Russian stage.

Political life

Start political career Kobzon started in 1990. He became a Deputy Supreme Council THE USSR. In the 90s he acted as a peacemaker, and later negotiated with the famous Barayev gang and the invaders of the theater on Dubrovka.

© Sputnik / Alexander Polyakov

Joseph Kobzon was a State Duma deputy and a member of the party " United Russia" and was deputy chairman for culture. Membership on the board of the Federation of Jewish Squads and the Presidium of the League of National Health are also among the artist’s merits.

Personal life of Kobzon

Kobzon's first marriage lasted only two years. His wife was Veronica Kruglova, a soloist of the Lundstrem Orchestra. She left the orchestra due to pregnancy. Kobzon was supposed to become a father, but the child was born dead.

Kobzon entered into a second marriage with actress Lyudmila Gurchenko. Bright Lyudmila struck him at first sight. Kobzon broke up his first marriage and began to live with the actress and her daughter Maria. However, at that time, Gurchenko’s career stagnated and a period of long depression began. The couple broke up and could not even maintain a good relationship.

Kobzon’s third wife Nelly Drizina gave birth to the singer two children: son Andrei and daughter Natalya. He has ten grandchildren.

Death of Joseph Kobzon

For recent years rumors about the death of Joseph Kobzon appeared in the yellow press constantly. However, information about the artist’s death that appeared in the media on August 30 turned out to be true. The artist's assistant confirmed this sad news. Kobzon's life was taken by cancer.

Joseph Davydovich Kobzon - Russian folk singer, Honored Variety Artist, social and political figure, deputy State Duma, winner of numerous national and international awards. He has been involved in charity work for decades: he sponsored orphanages and financed the restoration of churches.


Joseph was born in the sparsely populated town of Chasov Yar, located on the territory of the Donetsk Region in Ukraine in September 1937. In addition to him, two more children grew up in the family, both boys - Isaac and Immanuel, who loved football. Before the onset of the Great Patriotic War, a large family has to leave the city. Soon, father David Kunovich, who worked as the head of the personnel department, went to the front as a political leader, the rest of the family was evacuated to Uzbekistan. After several years of war, David Kunovich was shell-shocked. Demobilized, he decides not to return to his wife Ida and children, finds someone else, legitimizes the relationship and settles down in Moscow.

In 1944, the boy’s family came back to Ukraine. In Kramatorsk little Yosya is going to 1st grade. Meanwhile, Kobzon's mother, Ida Isaevna, marries Moses Rappoport, a former military man. Joseph gets a half-sister and brothers. Mom, who youth had to work based on the results life circumstances, played important role in the life of a performer, she guided, helped with advice, and was a guide of morality. She received a legal education, a Komsomol member.

The family of the future vocalist constantly changed their place of residence. The next relocation point was Dnepropetrovsk.

First successes

Kobzon, while in middle school, was an excellent student. Here, in Dnepropetrovsk, I entered the local mining technical school. He takes a responsible approach to his studies and takes advantage of frequent opportunities to speak in public. Winning in school amateur performances native land, sang in front of Stalin. At that time, love and extraordinary abilities for sports manifested themselves - Joseph Kobzon won at the Ukrainian Boxing Championship. The star's boxing career includes 4 losses and 18 victories.

During army service the guy was invited to a vocal ensemble. In the knowledge of vocal mastery, an important role in the great artist was played by Leonid Tereshchenko, choir director and artistic figure of Ukraine. Kobzon makes a decision: vocals will become his profession.

Soon Joseph leaves for Moscow and enters the conservatory.

The guy's career as a singer begins to develop. While working in the circus, the guy performed a song "Cuba - my love". Then he sang on the radio, recorded his first compositions, and performed at State Concerts and Moscow Concerts in the Kremlin. Having achieved success, he begins to tour frequently. The singer sang lyrics and songs of a patriotic nature. Nationwide love Joseph Kobzon gained popularity in the Soviet Union by performing a song by Arkady Ostrovsky.

In a vocal and song competition "Friendship" wearing international status and taking place in 6 countries, the singer won in three cities.

In 1963 Joseph Kobzon graduates from the Academy named after Gnessins, where in the eighties he began teaching the art of pop vocals.

Finest hour

Joseph Davydovich’s repertoire, numbering over 3,000 works and fifty records, is full of songs on the themes of patriotism, labor and dedicated to the Great Patriotic War. He performed folk songs and arias from operas.
The singer's voice is described as a memorable and easily recognizable baritone with a soft velvety timbre. The manner of performance is bel canto with expression and drama.

Once this hardworking, talented man performed twelve concerts in one day.

The musicians who worked with him in the team said that the singer remembers song lyrics by heart. Famous composers composed songs especially for him.

Joseph Kobzon struggled with the dishonesty of performers. He hates lip-syncing and has tried to take action to protect consumers from deception.

Joseph was awarded titles Hero of Labor of the Russian Federation and Hero of the DPR. Received wide recognition in Russia, Ukraine, Hungary, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Armenia and other parts of the world.

Winner of national and world awards in the fields of culture and art, Soviet and pop songs, political and social activities, spiritual development of the Russian Federation.

Created a tradition of celebrating birthdays by performing on stage.

In the fall of 2007, in honor of his seventieth anniversary, he gives a series of anniversary performances. In 2012 Joseph Kobzon ends a long and successful career path concert in Moscow, which began at seven in the evening and lasted ten hours until the morning.

The artist was awarded the titles of honorary citizen of Moscow, Anapa, Donetsk, Dnepropetrovsk Slavyansk, Kramatorsk, Bishkek, Krasnodar and twenty-one other cities; several regions and republics. Titles are given for the results of work invested in culture, education, preservation and development of patriotism, social activities and charity.
Winner of a list of one hundred and fifty medals, orders, certificates of honor, and badges. An incredible number of titles was the reason the vocalist entered the Book of Records. Streets and a small planet are named after Kobzon, and a museum has been opened. A bust and a monument have been erected.

Political life

Joseph Davydovich - statesman. In the late eighties and early nineties - People's Deputy of the USSR. He often performed at Komsomol shock construction sites. Participated in foreign delegations. During hot actions in Afghanistan, Chechnya, he gave a large number of charity concerts for military personnel in Kabul, Herat and others populated areas. He gave speeches to the liquidators of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Helped in suppressing Chechen armed separatist movements and maintaining negotiations with the head of a terrorist separatist group. He showed himself during the terrorist attack on the theater on Dubrovka Street, thanks to Joseph Kobzon, four people were rescued from capture.

Since 2003 he joined the party " United Russia".

He ran for the State Duma more than once and was elected as a deputy. He has done work to improve the quality of life of citizens in the areas of education, economics, and culture. Being a Jew by nationality, he helped the Jewish people. Financially supports orphanages, trying to make the lives of orphans more beautiful.

Joseph Davydovich spoke positively about the voluntary peaceful reunification of Crimea with Russian Federation . Ukraine and Latvia were regarded as the politician’s assistance in undermining the integrity of the territory of Ukraine. Kobzon was banned from entering those two countries, as well as the United States of America. European Union. But the deputy and artist visits the Donbass and Lugansk region to provide assistance to the victims. He gives concerts there.

A number of Ukrainian cities are depriving Joseph Kobzon of his title "Honorable Sir" . In the spring of 2018, Petro Poroshenko deprived Ukraine of honorary titles and awards.

Personal life

The artist managed to be in 3 legal relationships

From 1965 to 1967 Joseph Kobzon was married to Veronica Kruglova- a popular Soviet pop singer. Sometimes he performed on stage with his wife. For Kruglova, this is the second bond of marriage, unhappy - difficult relationships with her husband, housing difficulties, negative treatment from her mother-in-law, quarrels, scandals and stress from the loss of a child.

The vocalist's second union lasted from 1967 to 1970. New party became actress Lyudmila Gurchenko. The relationship was difficult and scandalous. Gurchenko wanted to develop a personal career, but the woman remained a shadow of her husband and began to drink. Joseph Kobzon got along with his stepdaughter and thought about his own children, but Lyudmila remained against it. She was jealous of her husband’s many fans. The couple broke up ugly; both tried to avoid meeting each other for decades.

With Lyudmila Gurchenko

Third marriage brought happiness to Joseph Kobzon. The couple met in early spring 1971, at a Moscow party. Having decided that he does not want a relationship with famous women, looking for family comfort. Ninel Drizina was then twenty years old, the soloist was thirteen years older than a simple girl of a “non-star” profession.

Having met, the girl did not recognize him, but she liked the handsome man. For a couple of days he made appointments with Ninel, promised to come for the holidays, then the girl went home to Leningrad. Kobzon kept his promise, arriving and giving luxurious bouquet pink carnations. In August, the couple made a joint trip to the Sochi resort, where Ninel agreed to the marriage proposal.

Initially, the husband and wife settled in a small Moscow apartment with relatives and mother. Ninel got along with her mother-in-law, Ida Isaevna liked her daughter-in-law.

With his wife Ninel

The performer dreamed of children. Ninel gave two. 1974 brought a new addition to the family - he was born son Andrey. Graduated from the following educational institutions: Gnessin Academy and Hollywood Institute. Andrey is involved in music, business, and real estate. Owner of Moscow restaurants. In terms of running a business, he rejects his father’s help and tries to achieve his goals on his own. At times, the relationship with my father became difficult and conflictual. The guy was playing music group drummer.

Married twice. The first chosen one was Ekaterina Polyanskaya, famous model and designer. She loves their children together - Polina and Anita.

For the second time, the guy's object of affection turned out to be korean actress and fashion model Anastasia Tsoi. The girl gave birth to a child.
The Kobzonov couple had a daughter a couple of years after the birth of their son. Natasha married Australian lawyer Yuri Rappoport. Live in European countries: now England, now Spain, now France. Sometimes they stop in Moscow. The marriage is almost twenty years old. Married couple The girl's parents helped her find her. Natalya named her daughter Idel in honor of Ida’s grandmother.

IN 1999 Joseph Kobzon became a grandfather for the first time. The deputy has ten grandchildren.

The relationship with Ninel is strong - the couple has been together for more than forty years. The wife toured with Joseph, selected suitable suits, and supported her husband after difficult surgical interventions.


Joseph Kobzon is a prominent and bright figure in the world of show business and politics. Creative, cheerful, full of principles, able to work - these qualities describe talented person and a deputy. The actions of the politician are aimed at improving the lives of the people. He tries to actively support his fellow countrymen, is responsible for helping the orphaned, and sponsors theaters. He repeatedly gave charity performances to people in zones of armed conflict. He runs a business and owns companies that process petroleum products and sugar. He persistently fights health complications, is constantly monitored by oncologists and, if necessary, is operated on by surgeons.

Date of Birth 11/09/1937

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Biography, life story of Kobzon Joseph Davydovich

Kobzon Joseph Davydovich is a Soviet and Russian singer.


Joseph was born on September 11, 1937 in small town Chasov Yar (Donetsk region). Shortly before the start of the war, the entire family, Joseph’s parents David Kunovich and Ida Isaevna, along with the whole family moved to Lvov. Soon after the move, David Kunovich went to the front, the rest of the family had to move to the town of Yanigul (Tashkent region). In 1943, David Kunovich was demobilized due to shell shock, but he did not return home. Another woman appeared in his life, for whom he decided to leave his family.

In 1994, Joseph and his mother, grandmother, brothers and sister returned to Ukraine. The family settled in the city of Kramatorsk. Two years later, Ida Isaevna married Moses Rappoport, a former front-line soldier, father of two sons.

Since childhood, he has been singing in school amateur performances, and was the winner of school regional and republican Olympiads.


In 1956 he graduated from the Dnepropetrovsk Mining College. During his studies, he continued to practice singing and... boxing. Joseph was a good athlete, he won the Dnepropetrovsk championship and the Ukrainian championship, but after one single knockout he decided to give up boxing once and for all. Despite his many hobbies, which require a lot of time, Kobzon did well in technical school and received a decent scholarship. However, he never had problems with his studies - he graduated from school with an excellent grade.

In the same year he was drafted into the ranks Soviet army. In the first year of service he was a battery singer, and later - an artist of the Song and Dance Ensemble of the Transcaucasian Military District.

After demobilization in 1958, I. Kobzon entered the Gnessin State Musical and Pedagogical Institute in the vocal department in the class of Lyubov Vladimirovna Kotelnikova. He combined his studies at the institute with work in the circus as a vocalist.

Creative path

After meeting with Arkady Ostrovsky, Kobzon began singing on the stage. At first he performed in a duet with V. Kokhno, and then worked independently with composers V. Muradeli, A. Novikov, A. Babajanyan, M. Fradkin, S. Tulikov, Y. Frenkel, E. Kolmanovsky, O. Feltsman and others. Painstaking work on new songs with composers and poets L. Oshanin, M. Matusovsky, E. Dolmatovsky, R. Gamzatov, and others helped I. Kobzon delve deeper into the content of the works.


In 1962, the first album of songs by A. Ostrovsky and performed by Joseph Kobzon was released. In the same year, the singer went on a creative trip to Hungary for the first time with E. Kolmanovsky and K. Vanshenkin. At this time, Kobzon began to work independently with solo concerts, and traveled a lot to remote cities of the country and to construction sites.

In 1964 Kobzon performed at the International Competition in Sopot (Poland) and became its laureate. In 1965 he took part in an international competition that took place in six socialist countries, and won first places in Warsaw, Berlin and Budapest. In 1966 - laureate of the All-Union Competition of Soviet Song Performers. In 1968 - laureate international competition. Participant in many World Festivals of Youth and Students.

The artist repeatedly went with concerts to many important Komsomol construction sites and to village workers. He was actively involved in patronage work in units of the Soviet Army. Awarded badges for military patronage work and for patronage work for agricultural workers.

Joseph Kobzon – member of the presidium of the National Olympic Committee, member of the presidium of the board of the Central House of Arts Workers of the USSR, deputy chairman and member of the presidium of the All-Union Musical Society.

Since 1980, the singer has given concerts to internationalist soldiers in Afghanistan six times. In June 1986 Kobzon performed in the city of Chernobyl. He has repeatedly given concerts in socialist countries, as well as in the USA, Spain, Sweden, Israel, Greece, Finland, Congo, Zaire, Angola, Nigeria, Costa Rica, Panama, Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, Argentina, Portugal and other countries.

Since 1984 he has been teaching pop vocals at the Gnessin State Musical and Pedagogical Institute (now Russian Academy music).

A planet is named after him, registered in the international catalog of planets under number 3399. People's Artist of the USSR (1987), State Prize of the USSR (1984). On November 25, 1996, for public activities in the field of culture and art, he was awarded the title of Academician of the Humanities.

On September 11, 1997, Joseph Davydovich gave a magnificent anniversary concert, which lasted more than ten hours. Then many fans of Kobzon’s work were sure that their idol was leaving the stage once and for all and thus saying goodbye to the public. However, exactly ten years later, the same fans applauded their hero at a concert in honor of his 70th birthday.

Kobzon spoke about ending his musical career in 2012. The singer said that on his 75th birthday he will give a final concert at the Kremlin Palace.

Joseph Kobzon is the owner of a huge number of different awards, prizes, orders and medals.

Health status

In the summer of 2002, after a surgical intervention designed to improve the pop artist’s health, which had deteriorated due to cancer, Kobzon was diagnosed with general blood poisoning. On June 15 of that year, Joseph Davydovich fell into a fifteen-day coma.

In 2005, in one of the clinics in Germany, Kobzon had a tumor removed, but, unfortunately, the operation was unsuccessful - because of it, Kobzon’s immunity level decreased significantly, a blood clot formed in the pulmonary vessels, and the tissue in the kidneys and lungs became inflamed. Four years later, Kobzon was operated on again - this time the surgical intervention did not entail any complications.

In the fall of 2010, during the World Spiritual Culture Form (the event took place in Astana), Joseph Davydovich fainted twice. Doctors had to save the artist right on stage in front of the amazed audience. As doctors later stated, the cause of the illness was anemia, which appeared against the background of a cancerous tumor.


In 1965, Joseph Davydovich married Veronica Petrovna Kruglova, a Soviet pop singer. Their marriage lasted only 2 years, after which a new love appeared in Kobzon’s life - inimitable. Kobzon and were together for 3 years.

In 1971, the singer married Drizina Ninel Mikhailovna, a woman related to culture, but not a busy and in-demand singer. In 1974, the couple had a son, Andrei, and a daughter, Natalya, in 1976.

News from Kobzon Joseph Davydovich

Friends, relatives and fans of his great talent gathered 40 days after the singer’s death. People carry armfuls of flowers to his grave to once again pay tribute to his memory and honor his name. Joseph Kobzon died after continue...

Joseph Davydovich Kobzon is a legendary singer of Russia, who is known to more than one generation of our time. His voice captivates from the first sounds of his songs, from which it is impossible to tear yourself away. This man with capital letters, a respected personality and authority for many, manifested himself in many life situations as a worthy and brave person.

Joseph Kobzon is also a discussed personality about his stormy romances in his youth and his established personal life. Being a prisoner of women and married twice, Joseph Davydovich for forty years now chose Ninel Mikhailovna, who won his heart forever.

Joseph Kobzon is a Soviet and Russian performer with a beautiful voice and great popularity. In addition, now he is not only a singer, but also a socio-political figure whose opinion is respected and whose words are listened to. Joseph Davydovich tries to help ordinary people, even if his own life may be in danger.

This is truly a Man with a capital P. You rarely see people like this these days. As well as a deputy of the Russian State Duma, so active and not indifferent to the people. Among other things, he actively advocates spreading the dispute among younger generation, and he himself leads exclusively healthy image life.

Like anyone else popular person fans want to know everything about their idol, and even such details as height, weight, age. How old Joseph Kobzon is has never been a secret; he is an elderly man. Born on September 11, 1937, he will turn 81 this year.

With a height of 176 cm, Joseph Kobzon weighs 89 kg. Although the singer’s photos in his youth and now are visually different, Kobzon has not lost his stateliness and masculinity with age. The way he presents himself and the way he looks, one can only envy it.

This singer has fans dating back to Soviet times, who still don’t know what their idol’s height, weight, and age are. It is easy to find out how old Joseph Kobzon is if you specify at least the year of his birth.

So, the singer was born in September 1937, which means that this year he will turn 81. As for his height and weight, these parameters are at 176 cm and 67 kg, respectively. Looking at photos of Joseph Kobzon in his youth and now, we can say that he was a handsome young man with gorgeous hair. But even years later, this famous performer has not lost his charisma.

Biography of Joseph Kobzon

The biography of Joseph Kobzon is the life of a man who showed that even in hard times You can achieve a lot with your talent and desire. The boy was born in the Ukrainian city of Chasov Yar, his mother, Ida Isaevna Shoikhet-Kobzon, was a people's judge who was always an authority for Joseph. The son always loved his mother very much and listened to her advice. Father - David Kunovich Kobzon was a front-line soldier, who, after being wounded, was nursed by a woman with whom he became involved future life. The mother got married a second time, because she would not have raised her children on her feet alone. The family changed their place of residence very often. Joseph was a diligent student at school, got straight A's, and after graduation the guy entered the Dnepropetrovsk Mining College, where in his free time he was engaged in creativity.

Kobzon's childhood was difficult because it coincided with the Great Patriotic War. His dad, David Kobzon, went to the front and did not return, having found himself in one of the hospitals new love. Mom - Ida Kobzon - held the position of people's judge. Joseph has a stepfather - Moses Rappoport - a trade worker, brothers - Isaac, Lev and Moses, and stepsister- Gelena.

Joseph loved and cared for his brothers and sister, often helping his mother. I did quite well at school.

After Joseph’s army, fate brought him together with Leonid Tereshchenko, his first teacher who saw unique talent as a young man, but I never thought that Joseph would achieve such heights. Kobzon worked for four years as a soloist at the All-Union Radio, where his career began. He studies vocals closely, participated in various music festivals, where he took first places, and already in 1986 he became People's Artist THE USSR. His repertoire includes about three thousand songs that his fans know and sing with him.

Iosif Kobzon is also involved in political activity, he started as a deputy in 1990, who has always remained a person with an active and fair position in life.

Many paparazzi dream of capturing what Joseph Davydovich Kobzon looks like without a wig. The photo appears more and more often on the Internet to interest the public. However, it is immediately clear that this is a photoshop, since Kobzon wore a raven wig more than forty years ago and always appears only in it.

The biography and personal life of Joseph Kobzon received a new development when, during his military service, the guy was called to sing in a military ensemble. Later he was advised to try his hand at the Odessa Conservatory.

After moving to Moscow, the future star began by performing on the All-Union Radio, and later at the Mosconcert. He was often nominated for various prestigious awards.

Since the early nineties, Kobzon has been elected more than once as a deputy of the Supreme Council and the State Duma.

Personal life of Joseph Kobzon

The personal life of Joseph Kobzon was very stormy and eventful, because he was young, handsome guy, in which the blood was seething. He had many affairs, and even marriages did not stop him. Either he did not appreciate the women with whom he lived, or it was his age, when every woman fascinated with her beauty.

Joseph Kobzon was married three times, the first two marriages were unsuccessful. But the singer’s third marriage with Ninel Mikhailovna is already conscious, strong and reliable. There was a woman who managed to turn Kobzon into an exemplary family man and faithful husband.

The personal life of Joseph Kobzon can hardly be called quiet. He always had many fans, he tied the knot three times. But even during his family life, various rumors were often spread about the singer.

Family of Joseph Kobzon

Joseph Kobzon's family was large and close-knit, and although they did not live richly, Joseph remembers warm atmosphere in their family. His biological father went to fight in the war, but did not return because he met and fell in love with another woman. Kobzon’s mother got married and from the age of nine Joseph was raised by his stepfather, a former front-line soldier.

Joseph's parents lived in Ukraine during the war years, first in Lvov, and then moved to Dnepropetrovsk, where they rented a small room. Kobzon recalls that at that time they learned to survive and appreciate what they currently have.

As a child, Joseph had to endure not only the Great Patriotic War, but also betrayal loved one– his father did not return from the front. But not because he was killed. But because he found another woman and left his first wife alone, with two children in her arms. His stepfather became a real father for him - he treated Joseph well and often gave advice. Their stepbrothers and the future Soviet pop star also loved his sister very much.

Joseph Kobzon had his own family and children almost in his declining years. They were given to the singer by his third wife. Kobzon's son and daughter have grown up successful people and gave their star father many grandchildren.

Children of Joseph Kobzon

The children of Joseph Kobzon are a son - Andrei Kobzon and Natalya Kobzon (by her husband Rappoport), who were born only in the singer’s third marriage to Ninel Mikhailovna. Joseph Davydovich has ten grandchildren, and although he doesn’t get to see them often, he loves and misses them.

Andrey on given time is engaged in business, he is the owner of a chain of restaurants, and Natalya is a housewife who is raising her children in marriage. Joseph Davydovich has a very warm relations with her son and daughter and always supports them, helps and gives wise advice.

Son of Joseph Kobzon - Andrey Iosifovich Kobzon

The first-born of the famous singer, the son of Joseph Kobzon - Andrei Kobzon - was born in his third and last marriage, in 74. We can say that the boy from the very early childhood took over his father's talent for music. And even more. He became a successful graduate of a music university in Hollywood, and after that he became a co-owner of a nightclub called Giusto.

Andrei Kobzon, no less famous than his father, was married twice. His first wife was model Ekaterina Polyanskaya, and his second was film actress Anastasia Tsoi. Now Kobzon Jr. has three children - two daughters and a son - but he himself has been divorced for a long time.

The son of Joseph Kobzon, Andrei Iosifovich Kobzon, was born in the marriage of Joseph Davydovich to Ninel Mikhailovna in 1974. While still at school, the boy studied music, but never dreamed of becoming a singer, so as not to be compared with his father.

Andrei was married twice, but admits that marriage was never something important to him. He only got married under pressure from his parents, but he understood that this happiness was not for him. He tries not to discuss his personal life with his family, but his parents hope that Andrei will still find his other half.

Daughter of Joseph Kobzon - Natalya Iosifovna Rappoport (Natalya Kobzon)

The daughter of Joseph Kobzon, Natalya Iosifovna Rappoport, is married to Yuri Rappoport, an Australian citizen who lived in the Soviet Union until he was seven years old. The girl met her future husband when she was twenty years old and he was thirty. The wedding was luxurious and rich, with about a thousand guests.

The couple is raising four children and has recently been living in Russia, although the first years of their marriage they lived in Paris, Spain and Israel. Natalya is very good wife And loving mother who really values ​​and loves her family.

The daughter of Joseph Kobzon, Natalya Kobzon, became second and last child Soviet pop stars. She was born by the same third wife of Joseph, but little Natasha was born a couple of years later than her brother.

At school the girl was an excellent student. Among her list of achievements is that she speaks several foreign languages ​​fluently.

The girl worked on staff for a long time famous fashion designer Valentina Yudashkina was his representative for the press. But later she married a lawyer named Yuri and moved to live with him in Australia. Now the woman is raising four children - three daughters and a son.

The ex-wife of Joseph Kobzon - Veronika Petrovna Kruglova

The ex-wife of Joseph Kobzon is Veronika Petrovna Kruglova, a Soviet pop singer. According to the woman’s recollections, marriage to the singer was the most unpleasant moment in her life. Kobzon’s mother always interfered in personal relationships with Joseph; she did not love her son’s chosen one, since she was not Jewish.

Even when pregnant famous singer, he forced Veronica to have an abortion, after which the woman developed sepsis. Kruglova was on the verge of death, but she was saved. The couple lived together for three years, after which there was a scandalous divorce.

The ex-wife of Joseph Kobzon, Veronica Kruglova, like her husband, belonged to the musical field. In the sixties she was a very popular performer.

The lovers got married in 1965, even despite the fact that Joseph Davydovich’s mother was against her future daughter-in-law. And in some ways she was right. The newlyweds lived a short and not very happy life life together. They often quarreled. And the main reason was the difference in schedules and the fact that they met too rarely at home. Their union lasted only a couple of years.

Later, Veronica got married and went to live in America. A family life with her first husband is not the most pleasant memory for her.

The ex-wife of Joseph Kobzon - Gurchenko Lyudmila Markovna

The ex-wife of Joseph Kobzon - Gurchenko Lyudmila Markovna famous actress and a singer who was married for only two years. Joseph Davydovich said that Lucy was a very emotional woman, with whom disputes reached the point of scandal. She could not remain silent at the right moment and always the last word remained hers. But this is not very good for a woman.

The couple divorced because of Kobzon’s infidelity, although the singer did not admit his guilt. “Young, hot, as if without it,” shares Joseph Davydovich. Gurchenko did not tolerate this, and the newlyweds separated.

Second ex-wife Joseph Kobzon - Lyudmila Gurchenko - appeared in the life of the performer in the same year 67, shortly after his divorce from Veronica Kruglova. Fascinated by this strong and charismatic woman, Joseph Davydovich decided to get married again, although his mother was again against it.

My mother's instincts did not disappoint me this time either. As was the case with their first marriage, the newlyweds could not be together for long. The reason for the quarrels, scandals and subsequent breakup turned out to be the same - they did not see each other for too long due to the strong difference in schedules. And this was inevitably followed by betrayal.

This marriage lasted only a year longer than the previous one.

Joseph Kobzon's wife - Kobzon Ninel Mikhailovna

The wife of Joseph Kobzon - Kobzon Ninel Mikhailovna has already long years lives with the legendary singer and is happily married. Immediately after the wedding, Joseph, due to his experience, immediately set the condition that the couple would go on tour together, so as not to provoke each other.

Ninel Mikhailovna became faithful wife, devoted friend and wise woman, exactly the one that Kobzon lacked so much. They have two children, a son, Andrei, and a daughter, Natalya, but Ninel Mikhailovna very much regrets that she has not given birth yet. After all big family- this is happiness.

Third and last wife Joseph Kobzon - Ninel Drizin - became the only one who could make this man happy. Despite the stereotypical opinion about Jews, to which she belonged, she was an intelligent and decent woman, although she was thirteen years younger than her husband.

Perhaps, given past experience, their secret happy marriage is that Ninel is a housewife without any special ambitions and has absolutely nothing to do with show business. Before marriage, the woman worked in the field of culture and was awarded by the president as an honored worker in this field.

Surprisingly, Ninel immediately liked her future mother-in-law. She has been married to Kobzon for almost forty years, and during this time she gave her husband two beautiful children.

Joseph Kobzon. Health status. Last news

All fans of different generations are very worried when information appears in sources about how Joseph Kobzon is feeling. Health status - last news, in which you can find out what problems the singer himself is experiencing.

Not long ago, Kobzon became ill and almost lost consciousness. When he was taken to the hospital, doctors diagnosed a heart disease in which the heart rhythm was abnormal. Joseph Davydovich was left for a thorough examination, and so far the doctors say that his condition is satisfactory.

The singer's health is currently causing many concerns among fans and others. It has long been known that the singer’s health is rather poor. In 2005, Kobzon was made major surgery– a malignant tumor was removed. It developed after the explosion at the nuclear power plant in Chernobyl, where the man came to perform. Star Soviet scene fell into a coma immediately after the onset of sepsis.

Four years later, the disease returned again, and a secondary operation was carried out in Germany. Less than a week had passed after the procedure, and Joseph Davydovich was already singing at a concert in Jurmala.