Russian designer and fashion designer, creator and brand owner Denis Simachov, co-owner of the famous bar in the center of the capital, the owner of a patent for painting "under the Ukrainian".

Denis Nikolayevich Simachevborn in the summer of 1974 in Moscow, in the family of a military personnel and teacher of English and Russian languages. Almost all his relatives were professional military starting from the times of World War. Future Denis Simachevait was painted around the clock and minutes, but he categorically refused to study at the KGB school and serve in the army. Despite the fact that in the family he was called "the gap artist", Denis Simacheventered the fashion industry and overnight became famous.

Creative way of Denis Simacheva

Ten years of his life he dedicated to education - Denishe graduated from art school and college of arts and graphic design in Moscow. For two years, he studied at the Pivot Point Academy in Spain on a hairdresser's stylist and throughout the year was a student of the Faculty of advertising in the studio Yury Grymov. In 1994. Denis Simachev Entered the Moscow State Textile Academy and soon became a graduate specialist in the field of clothing design and shoes.

We still have an art education system, but the basis for designer of clothes, of course, is needed. So I am a professional applied artist, which he studied with eight to twenty-five years. In fact, my education is a gift and investing in me my parents, and therefore, in my current business, they also indirectly invested their strength and funds.

On the account Denis Simacheva Victory in countless contests of young designers and participation in the SMIRNOFF Fashion Award show, in which he presented his collection "Quasi-male eternity". In 1999, he received a reward of the international exhibition of MOSSHOES shoes in the "Avangard" nomination.

In 2001, the opening of the company Denis Simachov, and after a year later fans of the Fashion industry could observe the show from Denis Simachevaon Fusion Week Pret-A-Porter. The designer prefers her collections to demonstrate abroad, explaining this by the fact that the fashion industry in Russia is far from perfection. Every year, Denis SimacheV clothing can be observed at Fashion Week in Milan.

Milan is a 100% business city for the Fashion industry. In Paris, go to see the collections. As they say, fashion is born in London, then they see it in Paris, and sell in Milan. I just came to the place where you can make money.

In addition to the boutique in the tabletop alley, Denis Simachevhe opened the bar and created the Low Budget project, which includes a team of non-professional DJs. He patented his corporate sign - the painting "under the Ukrainian" and focuses on the Soviet symbolism absolutely in all its collections.

Denis Simachevit is also going to do the art of cinematography, collecting an international team for this. In his plans - Custom-service of cars, analogue of the famous American show "Write on pumping", and cooperation with snowboarding brands.

The designer painted under the "Khokhloma" refrigerators Rosenlew, furniture gallery Room, iPhone, cars and cameras Leica. Denis Simachevhe became the first international fabulous person, to those who declared that the Russians were fashionable.

I think I first for the first time for the first time forced people to think about patriotism - at the moment when it was very unlikely. "There is no prophet in his fatherland" - I didn't come up with this phrase. Russia does not like those from Russia, and with great love looks to the West.

The designer believes Vyacheslav Zaitseva and Valentina Yudashkin with significant people in the domestic fashion business:

About the feeling of lines and proportions, which demonstrated hares in the late 1960s, buzzed the whole world. It was a real breakthrough, the Zaitsev was not yet a masters, but was young, and besides fantastically hardworking. All these stories with the first legna exhibitions in 1968-1969 could strongly change the balance of forces in the world fashion industry, change the attitude towards the Russian and Soviet fashion. But something went wrong, did not hold down. He will endure his line to the end, we would live quite in another era.

It became known that the historian of Fashion Alexander Vasilyev left for a while he left the post of leading show "Fashion sentence" on the first channel, and took his place Denis Simachev. The programs with his participation could be seen from 22 to 26 August.

Personal life of Denis Simacheva

Denis Simachevprefers not to apply to the topic of the family, as calls the house to the place that allows him to escape from all and recharge the energy to continue to create further. His wife is called Natalia., and daughters Soneten years. The girl is already interested in fashion and draws sketches.

When I was told thirteen years ago that my daughter would be born, I already knew who I was waiting for - Sofia Simachev. I remember how the first time I took it on my arms and immediately almost left the hospital with her.

Our relations are built on a huge mutual interest since the time of diapers and sleepless nights. I always admired me in her feature: she perceived everything calmly from early childhood, without horror and without delight, as if she had already seen everything - swimming, he knew.

We went to the circus, I rejoiced like a child, and she showed coolness even to elephants in dance. I had a persistent feeling that this child constantly teaches something. I always came up with her and embarked out the outfits, I was even called "Simachev D." Due to corporate painting on clothes (Denis Simachev).

To my profession, a daughter's designer refers with sympathy: Well, yes, hard work, you have a fate, dad, not easy. Even the laughter of Symafon ruthlessly closed the cover with the image of the cartoons.

Still, Sonya is very creative, but completely another side of me. At the age of five came and said that it would be a director. And since then nothing has changed. We tell her: "Maybe you want to become an actress?", And she says its own: "If it helps me to become a director, let's give."

Sonya studies at school with an acting bias on Arbat, participates in the formulations of examination performances - last time she got a philosophical role of light forces, but she is interesting to be not on stage, but for her. Somehow we were on the "Mosfilm", she saw the director's chair. I say: let's buy. And then I first saw the children's delight on her face.

So it stands in our apartment - the Holy Art object is a reminder of Sony's grandiose plans to conquer the world film minister. We have a tradition - we go to the cinema, where we take a big bucket of popcorn. It seems to me that I have already visited all the cinemas of Moscow and looked at all the cartoons of the last decade.

Sonya is always engaged in the organization of our campaign: the choice of film and session in her power. Difficult discussions about the cinema are not yet folded: it all very briefly liked it or not. But the daughter is often wondering how everyone was removed? If she does not quit at the direction of the directory and wants to study in Los Angeles, I will have to agree with this choice.

I teach it to make decisions yourself and carry responsibility for them. Sonya does everything that wants, but it has a clear inner frame. If she once says that it goes to hang out in my bar, I will not prohibit, although this is not the most pleasant situation for me.

The daughter sometimes strikes me with his work rate - I didn't have the tenth part of what is in her: I will not sleep for anything until everything comes to sleep. In general, we are very similar to her - everyone is experiencing inside and it is difficult to pull out something. Sony began a transitional age, but the transformation in while it passes painlessly.

She told me in the summer that she likes the boy. I accepted this news with joy. I, on the contrary, worry, if someone does not pay attention to it. I suggest her: you are very beautiful and you are afraid of you, so the world is arranged. But she still lives in his.

Sonya is very good, which for today's children is a rarity - no one condemns, does not hold evil, does not participate in intrigues. I recently approached me and stuck asking me: "Dad, I never saw you evil and screaming, I want to know what you". With Sonya, in the thirteen years of her life, I never quarreled, I never raised my voice on her.

Cash designer Simachev under the mood drives the plates in its own bar. And the music writes the composer Vdovin to his music. Nothing conjuncture - only personal. An old acquaintance obliges. At the request of the magazine "Dog.Ru", two friends talked on topics, narrowing from music and fashion, and also touched on the problem of frustrations from lack of sleep and shadow steps towards glory.

Vdovin. In principle, I wanted to talk about art.
Simachev. And I wanted to flip for the business. We have a problem with two points in St. Petersburg - taking this opportunity, I wanted to solve.
Vdovin. Although, on the other hand, when everyone talks about art, it doesn't get better from it ... How do you feel about Peter?
Simachev. Negative. Thank God, here you are, Igor. Thanks to this circumstance, the city wins. Very beautiful city, if you compare with you.
Vdovin. Do you love Moscow?
Simachev. I also do not like. Downloaded city. Too much money, people, cars. Too Much. And I love to leave - and you know everyone, and everyone knows you.

Recipes of enlightenment

Vdovin. And what the jury, are you talking, was it?
Simachev. Yes, they laughed yesterday. "Admiralty needle." Competition of young designers. By the way, very cool not related to the city.
Vdovin. Naturals or homosexuals?
Simachev. Basically homosexuals. And women and men.
Vdovin. Girl homosexuals?!
Simachev. We will call them gays: "Homosexual" is some kind of criminal name. From what is happening, I got great pleasure, because before that did not sleep for two days. And, by looking at the one hundred and eighteenth collection, I realized that he was losing consciousness. And you need to look convincingly on the collection - unlikely, not folding in one story, it must be recorded, to give comments seen. If I fell asleep, it would look like, as if I did not respect the contest, nor the people who were invited. But I found the strength to watch to the end, fulfilled the mission - and, in my opinion, this is the most serious yesterday's breakthrough.
Vdovin. From the designers did anyone like you?
Simachev. Some names liked. I would like to ponder young guys. Black Label - I have a rigid association. "Clockwork Orange".
Vdovin. It seems that these names I have already heard somewhere.
Simachev. So they liked me. When I saw a name in an absolutely incomprehensible list, which I am at least somehow impressive and suggests me, I highlighted it, put good grades. Of course, this is not too professionally, but I did not remember any look. Here are the names facing your eyes. And a huge number of students. Another interesting thing: the jury was international, and my estimates were very different from "them." At some point realized: it seems that I do not understand something.
Vdovin. And what did you feel?
Simachev. Nothing to understand is one of the highest steps of Eastern religions. Although it would not say, which enlightened.
Vdovin. Do you like model?
Simachev. To be honest, I expected more from the models. One hundred and fifty people participated - according to the Milan scale, well, the trieuchka can be put, hard. Strange.

Diet Nietzsche

Simachev. And who do you know from Russian designers?
Vdovin. Besides you ... I know one more girl. Vika Gazinskaya. I got acquainted with her recently.
Simachev. Come call her !!!
Vdovin. Come on! (Dials the number.)
Simachev. I just know little people from the Russian Fashion Industry, which produce something that can be worn. Well, only Igor Vdovin, but I don't know anyone else.
Vdovin(explains): Does not remove the phone. Apparently, Vika is not necessary. It is less necessary for her than we.
Simachev. I think she doesn't need anything at all. Although I actively press her now. For example, we started together on the cover of one publication. I am a posterior plan, a shadow shareholder. With two small flags of Russia. Those who understand the Chinese painting will think about!
Vdovin. For the actions that you taught to become a star, is a shame?
Simachev. You, Igoranych, I can say: At the beginning, the career had a couple of swift moments. But they temper. Like steel. Nietzsche! And it's interesting, however, that he ate his shit before his death?
Vdovin. I think yes.
Simachev. Probably enlightened like me yesterday in the jury.
Vdovin. Do you remember about the draft clothes from shit? ..
Simachev. I remember. Good, by the way, was a project.

Denis Simachev
Designer, fashion designer. The owner of the Denis Simachev Bar, where the palanch of things is assembled and where he himself periodically gets up for the DJ remote under the name DJ Looser. It is shown abroad more often than in Russia, it knows what is a Russian topic. Loves intelligence with the share of Kitcha. This winter offers butterflies instead of ties, as well as bright political prints: "The boy said - the boy did" and "I love the OHG".

Igor Vdovin
Musician, composer. Author of the soundtracks for the films "Tin", "Garpastum", "Laundar", "Goddess: As I loved." Recorded Albums Light Music for Millions and Gamma. Also writes music for the flamethrower shows and for displaying Denis Simachev. At a minimum, he threw the Mussorgsky School. Engaged in eastern martial arts.

Denis Nikolayevich Simachev (June 12, Moscow, USSR) - Russian fashion designer, artist. Winner of Russian and international fashion competitions.


Denis Symachev was born on June 12, 1974 in Moscow, in the family of the military. Since 1988 he studied in college of art and graphic design in Moscow. In 1991, Denis enters the Pivot Point Academy in Spain. From 1994 to 1995, he studies in the studio of Yuri Grymov, where he receives a diploma specialist. In parallel, in 1994, Symachev enters the Moscow State Textile Academy, which ends in 1999 and receives a diploma in the specialty "Design of Clothing and Shoes".

In 1999, Denis receives his first awards as a fashion designer. He gets the first at the international exhibition "MOSSHOES". In the same year, Symachev ranks first at the competition of young designers "Step to Future," receives awards at the "Youth Podium" competition in Moscow and enters the final of the SMIRNOFF International Fashion Awards contest in Hong Kong, where he sets his collection "Quasibudesky Eternity".

In 2001, Denis opens his own company Denis SimachoV, and in 2002 the first display of the collection was already held within the framework of Fashion Week Pret-A-Porter.

In 2006, the first monobrald boutique "Denis SimachoV" in Moscow, in the tabletop alley opened.

In 2007, Denis cooperates with sports companies (in particular atom racing) and participates in the design for the ATOM DSS snowboard design.

In 2009, the first showing of the entire collection "Denis Simachov" in Moscow.

Denis Symachev for some time was the first channel of the first channel in the teleproject

Designer, owner of the most fashionable bar of Moscow and DJ, an athlete, an artist, and also, as it turned out, the wise and loving father of the adult daughter Denis Simachev told the "mother's daughter" about how he managed to combine all these hobbies and that for him everything -Taki is the main priority.

Tell about your childhood. Have you had strict parents? Have you been a hooligan or an exemplary son? What was fond of?

Childhood was difficult, parents were demanding, creative and concrete. Therefore, he was a hooligan, he was an excellent student, he was restless, hardworking - in general, everything that contradicts one thing was in my childhood.

And I was fond of drawing, sports (freestyle wrestling, boxing, rowing) and future inventions.

What was invented?

Fiction, if I were then wrote, it would be scripts of fantastic films. I spent all my free time on imaginary inventions and to predict the future. In adult life, children's hobbies helped me present the coming as already accomplished and, for example, to predict trends. It was like a daily children's training, which I was very useful in my life.

I read in your interview that you are from the Military Family. Parents have referred to you a similar career or gave complete freedom in choosing a profession?

Of course, Dad wanted me to become a military, continued to dynasty, but I strongly resisted and eventually left my head in creativity. In the 70-80s, all creative people are my surroundings, so to say Bohemia, artists, sculptors, illustrators were drunkards, because, first of all, the profession provoked, and, secondly, it was very difficult to combine material and creative success. . In the work, then there was no concept of "business", the artist could count exclusively on state money, that is, the state order was terribly boring, so the creative world of scuffed and did it selflessly. Of course, watching this, my parents were convinced that the artist is a non-serious profession. Dad and Mom supported my children's desire to become a painter, but rather as a cover or hobby to the main job. And I dreamed about how I finish art school, then the Academy, Introduction to the Union of Artists and I will have personal exhibitions in the CSH.

Parents perceived my dreams and plans, as fantasy distant from a reliable, secured future, and it seemed to me that something would come out of this - on this conflict, in fact, I grew up.

How did the "Textile Academy" appeared in your life? Why exactly the separation of shoes?

The Academy appeared by chance: were the 90s, then I went to the business with my head, got carried away by earning fast money, and I was not up to study, and my parents needed a diploma of higher education, so I had to find the time to pass exams University and go to learn. I entered the "Textile Academy" on the FPI, the department of "Ornamentics", for two years I realized that with the ornament I was all clear, I was moved to "modeling", during the year I also became understandable, I learned that there is a very difficult direction, Where do not want to go students (in the group there were only 3 people) - "shoes". Profession is not simple, with a bunch of formulas - solid mathematics. I was told: if you master shoes - a three-dimensional, not calculated shape, then you are in life all you want, you can even build and calculate the house. I really liked this challenge, I was transferred to this specialty and graduated from the Academy with the Diploma of the shoelaff. I really don't scare anything now, including without fear I am building at home and even whole villages.

Do you have your own shoe collection? Sonya on the shooting was in SIMACHEV shoes. I made the male and female collections of shoes, I still have a reverent attitude to it, I know how to make your shoes with beautiful and comfortable. Creating shoes in Naples and on Sicily with very old masters, I learned a lot. For example, collect handmade shoes. Therefore, girls walk in simachev shoes on nine centimeter heels as in ballet shoes.

Over the years, your bar remains an attraction location and for the secular elite from 30 to 50 years, and for young people from 16 and older, how do you manage it?

Baru is already 8 years old, and the secret is that my team does its work honestly and not for the sake of profit, but for friends and yourself are loved ones. Thank God of friends turned out to be more than 10 people and they like that they treat them with understanding and love.

Everything that is in the bar is done, first of all, for the near circle, and I don't want to deceive at all. This also applies to: drinks, food, music, choice of guests, so it's good here.

What age do you feel for yourself? Thirty, until I can not jump on forty, still run.

On Denis and Sona: Izba Rouge pajamas

What kind of activity do you now give the most time and enthusiasm?

Building a new brand of clothing - very necessary to our country, cheap and accessible to everyone. I will not tell anything else.

Among other things, you also have a DJ, what kind of music do you like and put?

Djeychie is a great joke: I created the Di-Jean community Low Budget Famili and went there for laughter, all participants have funny names: Lomur, Van Dollar, E. Baka, Eurohach, Hot Dog, and so on, but in the end Someone even made a name and career in this matter. We sometimes play, touring, but always performing under the slogan Expensive, But Not Professional - Everything so that life is not so boring, which it seems. For this, you have to invent new and new entertainment, the club on the tabletop too was first an entertainment. Ten years ago, there was nowhere to go to our company in Moscow, I had to make a bar for myself.

And in adolescence who was your musical idol? David Bowie and Deep Purple.

Did you make an interior in your home? What is he?

Designs in my homes, like me - different, contradictory, classic, freezed, eclectic, weathered similar to the one that in the bar - here, too, all our hands created. When they ask me, in what style a bar is made, I answer - how in which? In my! In chaos style.

Do you remember the moment when you learned that I would become a father? Did you have a shock or were you absolutely calm and was it planned pregnancy?

I was at that moment in Copenhagen in the design studio and invented new fur processing. I was called and told a mysterious voice: "... someone will soon be dad!" Therefore, I flew to Moscow with a feeling of entry into a new life. It was a very pleasant feeling, find out that you will have a child, and you will become a father.

The name of the daughter was invented for a long time?

I already do not remember how we chose it, but it turned out solid - Sophia Simacheva ...

Your favorite pastime together with my daughter?

Cinema We look, then analytics, disassemble it in the bones. Sonya is inspired by this topic and is going to enter the directorial in La. The film industry takes all her free time - books about the cinema, film director, film actors, movie screenwriters, and so on.

I heard that you have your surfclub in Dominican Republic - is it so? Do you take a daughter there?

With another Ruslana, ten years ago opened a Russian surf school and a club hotel in Dominican. I plan to somehow take Sonya there. All this time, she seemed small to me, and fighting the huge ocean waves - dangerous.

In your life there are things about which you would not want to tell your child?

There are all secrets, but I find compromises. I can say that we have a very trusting relationship with Sonya, we tell each other all that we think I need to tell.

Do you easily imagine an acquaintance with your daughter's boyfriend?

Yes, we are just discussing it now.

I would be very worried in his place.

Why worry, if you are a normal guy?

What is absolutely unacceptable for you in child behavior?

Unacceptably? How can something be unacceptable in child behavior? They are children - everything can be.

So you are not a strict father?

This is really a big problem - Sonya is experiencing that I'm not at all rigorous, she wants to periodically bring me to it, so that I then scribbled or something else, but for now she does not really work. I do not communicate.

And some similar behavior with the behavior of your parents as a child notice?

Of course, there is something similar, but I spend work on mistakes and try to be more democratic, liberal and calm or calm. The question is not that I was "clapped", but in the fact that I wanted more calm in my childhood. But the time then there was a mess, especially in my 14 years, as Sona now. The 90s, Komsomol canceled, the markets opened, the roses were sold ... Racket, bandits ... Cool was time. I'm not talking about my parents now, of course, told. So it sounds like a street raised me. I want Sonya to not fall out of family history so that she remains in contact with us.

Did she ever be at your parties?

Was on shows in Milan, at all parties after the shows. Studying from six years.

Did you fly somewhere to relax together with my daughter? What was this holiday?

If I get it to my journey, I am pleased to organize it. A month ago were in Thailand on the "pensioner" vacation in a house with a swimming pool. We just chose a couple of times to hang out somewhere, and all the rest we were swimming, sunbathe, watched movies. For several days we tried to catch the tuna boat on the fishing rod - terribly burned, we, of course, those still fishermen. From extreme examples: When the daughter was 6 years old, I flew to Greenland to Greenland to ride a snowboard. Everyone was asked when I dragged the child, and we got into a small plane and flew to the pole into a tough male expedition. There we lived at the polar station in the company of 7 harsh men, and Sonya diluted the situation with a children's sense of humor - she mixed up. Somewhere on the 10th day of our two-week expedition, when the station was lifted by the snow, we were sitting inside two days, and the men played cards and drank, Sonya said: "Everything, I want to back to Moscow." Men asked: "Sonya, why do you need to Moscow"? She thought and calmly replied: "And there is cleaner air." It became a joke of the whole trip to Greenland - the cleanest place on Earth. The daughter then, by the way, got on a snowboard for the first time. How she was released with me, I don't understand, now I may not be decided on such a journey, and then it seemed to me all right - I took the baby and went to ride.

Are you a good father? You do not have the feeling that you give a little time to the child because of your employment, or something you do not dare?

Of course have. I spend very little with her time, I have no time at all and not enough for a child all the time. She always knows that I am somewhere in a hurry that I have met her now and I already need to run away. Sonya says: "Let me give out now, are you late for a meeting?". I try to compensate for it with love.

Do you want more children?

Yes, it would be possible. Why not?

On Denis: Tom Ford costume, shirt, tie, shoes - all SIMACHEV, in Sona: Malib costume from Daniel Boutiqe, Simachev shoes

10 questions Sona Simacheva

1) Where do you study? What is your favorite subject?

I study at school 1234 with in-depth learning English, in grade 7. Favorite items are from and English, since he is the main, has already become beloved.

2) Are you proud of what your dad is a famous designer and the owner of the most fashionable place of Moscow?

Yes, proud of. And the achievements in different areas and, of course, the fact that he is my dad.

3) You never wanted to become a designer myself?

No, the designer did not want to be: at age 5 I wanted to be a doctor, and already with six exactly decided to become a director.

4) Your favorite director?

Spielberg! I like his films, I love his style and Spielberg himself.

5) How do you spend time together with dad?

We usually go to theaters, movies and in the park to walk.

6) Do you want to be the movie director? Theater does not attract you?

I also want to go to the movies, but I also like the theater. If anything, I could try both professions.

7) When you grow up, you will wear dadgets or is it not your style?

Yes, I will. I like what he is doing.

8) Who is stricter - Mom or Dad?

They are the same - both are raising me. Dad, True, all the time at work, we usually spend more time at the weekend, he raises me then.

9) Tell us about your most interesting journey with the whole family?

When I was 7 years old we went to Italy, this trip I was very remembered by a feeling of freedom, delicious pasta and the sun.

10) And where would you like to live - in Russia or abroad?

I do not know yet, but what is learning will go to America, we have already decided.