To get rid of Alena Gavrilova, a billionaire Rustam Tariko threw her in her handbag handicap of diamonds

Persons, normal human persons, not to buy for any money. This thought came into my head when I was lying on the field of the Agalarov Estate Golf Club near Moscow and watched the life of insects. Cute fussy bugs were again between the champagne drowned by me, but did not drink for the newlyweds, although the wedding of the richest singer in Russia, 38-year-old Emin Agalarova, and 30-year-old Miss Mordovia-2004 Alena Gavrilova walked just 20 meters from us.

Well, from the dessert you will definitely do not refuse, - having thrown out among the creatures of God, I'm crapped in the direction of the trembling lights of the holiday on the wild Gregory Lepsa, Every promise to go to live in London, but also continuing to smoke the Russian sky.

The road brooded me a barrel-shaped body Stephen Sigala. A bright representative of the breed of fat men, with a girl's tail instead of hairstyles, fished the delicacies at once with two hands. But at the same time, for a minute he did not leave the role of Eastern sage and looked at all with such eyes, for sure he was here one who knew the meaning of life.

And I'll tell you that, "I said, although I was not going to talk at all.

Proudly ending opposite the overseas overalls with a glass of red in his right hand and a white glass in the left, I salvo dried up both vessels and repeated the operation twice.

Yes, it was not easy for me to compete in the international arena, but my asymmetrical answer made the right effect, and a piece of sushi with eel stuck in the throat of a representative of the American film industry.

You can stand something? - Spearly jumped his short surgeon nose into my personal life Kristina Orbakayte.

Having dropped to the shovel, I finally reviewed the guests. Actually nothing special. Complete representatives of show business. Approximately the same composition, this team comes to the opening of some glamorous chebure or boutique of lace panties.

Here, of course, the personality of the groom played his role. Emin Agalarov -the guy, undoubtedly, charming and cute, here, in general, and all of his merit. Son from scratching his state of a brilliant businessman ARAS AGALAROVA Could be president of Azerbaijan, and became an ordinary singer. Ordinary and in the degree of talent, and in terms of project implementation. Well, you know: all our artists earn mainly on corporate enterprises, and Emin cannot afford it. Just imagine how he is the son of a billionaire - will sing for $ 10 thousand at the birthday of any beggar millioneries from Mukhosranska? This is nonsense!

Emin, of course, is nominated by the nominal director and the president of several dadget companies, but the main project of the family, he failed with a crash.

In 2006, he was married to sweet, like Pakhlava, the beloved daughter of the President of Azerbaijan Leyla Alieva. Of course, they rummed that young people joined their destinies at the request of the parents, but it was all the most rainbow prospects that had thrown union. Gorgeous beauty Leila gave birth to her husband two sons, but after nine years old marriage followed the divorce.

It is necessary to give each other a chance for personal happiness. It can be both for us only under the condition of absolute freedom, "Emin admitted then.

And here on the Blue Horizon there was an elderberry bride Alena Gavrilova. The life experience of this woman has more than many times superior to the height of cristel coast, among whom Emin from birth sailed over the dairy river with a silver spoon in the mouth.

Many mistakenly consider Gavrilov just a screen to cover the intimate adventure of the singer. In fact, it is a stone wall, behind which Agalarov-Sr. guessed to hide her son and family condition. The bride in our case is headed above the bridegroom, and this is not just obviously a banal anthropometry, but a stubborn fact.

Gavrilova and Tariko. Image: © ITAR-TASS

Vodka Queen

Born in Saransk, Gavrilova, barely interfered with, immediately found her promnet and turned a piece of female happiness from his liver. I mean "vodka king" Rustam Tariko. But he, naturally, was not the first narrowing a bouquet of pleasures on her glade.

In Saransk, they say that it is this beauty that caused a family quarrel of two sons of the then governor Nikolai Merkushkin. Alexander and Alexey, as well as all Saransk, they say, still can not forget the unpleasant episodes of rivalry for the favor of this young person. Wise Nikolai Ivanovich provided it with Miss Saransk title, together with Miss Mordovia and sent an apple to contention to Moscow to the All-Russian Beauty Competition. He made everything that Alain no longer returned to his native Mordovia, who still became her like a old school dress.

As Miss Mordovia, 17-year-old Alena participated in the Miss Russia-2004 competition, where one of the general sponsors was a banker and alcoholic magnate Rustam Tariko. Although another participant in the competition was recognized as the most beautiful girl of the country, the main prize grabbed Gavrilov.

Tariko at that time was on the verge of a divorce with Tatyana Osipovawho gave him two twin daughters - Anna and Eve. There were rumors that he had previously changed his wife, however, the last straw in the pastness of the woman was the young charms of Alena.

I remember, as in that 2004, Tatiana cried, sitting in the Rotan Chair of the Villa "Minerva", which Rustam on the occasion bought from Veronica Lario, wives of the then Prime Minister of Italy Silvio Berlusconi. "Minerva" went to him with all furniture, linen, spoons, forks and beloved Piano Berlusconi, on which he was musitis during a thought. Osipova said goodbye to all this economy, did not even have time to enjoy them. It really hurt to tears, especially then on Sardinia, the golden years of Russian parties came in Sardinia, during which the traffic jams from champagne arrived at Portofino.

Nobody noticed the fun in the incessant fugure, as in 2007, Alena presented the Tariko son Rustam. Through the years of secular life, I could not remember who I told me how the same year at the Sardinian party Billionaire Imperia Party Gavrilova made an indelible impression when he tried to explain Alexander Mamut. The origin of the word "Mordva". They say, it appeared after arriving in those edges PeterI.. The peoples of Moksha and Eriz lived then in the dugouts and did not want to move into normal five-rank. So the king commanded them to starve with some caress of rubbing so that they came out. For this, two barrels were delivered, on which they wrote "More 1" and "Mor 2". The nastiness from the second barrel acted more efficiently, which is why this name was fixed. A stupid joke girl gave up for a historical fact, which, by the way, none of those present at the party did not understand.

Before parting with Emine Leyla, even people did not hold back the tears (the photo was made in the same golf club)

Tariko bald Gavrilov as he could. In 2008, he was not enough, buying on a charity ball Natalia Vodyanova For $ 320 thousand the right to name the orchid of Alana's recently discovered in Madagascar.

However, the tale lasted long. A year later, the billionaire twisted the novel with even more young beautiful - Sofia Rudevawho received the title "Miss Russia 2009".

Already passing through a heavy divorce with Osipova and not wanting to re-conquer my nerves, Tariko developed a very elegant planning plan with a boning companion.

In 2010, Alane was detained at Sheremetyevo airport. In the handbag, banker's companions were undeclared jewels - four boxes with diamonds. She did not know who did not know where the pebbles came from. Many nerves were spent, but everything went without the initiation of a criminal case. Tariko appeared in the most difficult moment of the relationship between law enforcement agencies and his girl. He explained to all participants of the events that diamonds are a farewell gift. Alena then had to choose from two angry: sit alone in the SIZO or stay alone, but with diamonds.

Dominant female

Living under the wing at the billionaire, Alyona did not become a gallery or designer, like many of those similar to it. After parting with him, she did not spend time on Lochov's venture such as a fitness blog or culinary courses. The girl was engaged in a real business - I was looking for a decent man. And I found and even, as they say, flew. Under the bride's white dress, certain outlines were really guessed.

And you do not know where our young dove meets? - Construction Maximum as possible, I turned to the singer Zare.

You better go to the air, "the woman made from steel and alloys.

It is necessary what character. When deputy Leonid Slutsky I touched a couple of journalists, they immediately screamed about this misunderstanding for the entire light, and Zara so tolerate, silent.

By the way, and Gavrilov from the same breed of dominant females. I recently found myself in the zoo and listened to a lecture on this burning topic. Unlike alpha male, such a female does not have a harem from males or indiscriminate sexual intercourse. It is not interesting for her, but quality: choose as optimal genotype as possible, which can be transferred to her children. Therefore, the dominant female itself chooses the male. This is not necessarily alpha male, but he is her choice.

Here I remembered that I promised to bring a piece of cake to bugs, and drinking again for the health of the young, made an invalid step in the future morning.

... I woke up on the same golf course wrapped in a tablecloth from the festive table. In the middle of a varnish white canvas Alelo beautiful wine stain. Next was my faithful companion - a devastated Bordeaux bottle. Still, it's nice that I always first, and sometimes even the only one.

Emin Agalarov is one of those who cause envy in many young people. And it is not surprising! The young man is rich, possesses a cute appearance, well sings, has connections in the highest echelons of the authorities of several countries and enjoys the attention of women. Moreover, he has a huge army of fans who are interested in everything that is connected with their cumier. After a divorce with Leyla Aliyeva, everyone was curious who would become his girl. Finally, in the summer of 2016, there were reports that Emin Agalarov and Alena Gavrilov - a couple appeared in the media. About the personal life of lovers before dating each other and how their novel developed, this article will tell.

Who is Emin Agalarov

The name of the singer has long been at all hearing. Emineu 37 years old, and he released his first album in 2006. All professional singer awards are difficult to list. Among the most significant can be noted the Golden Gramophone Prize, the Song of the Year, Fashion People Awards, etc.

In addition, Emin is a successful businessman and son of one of the richest people in Russia - Aras Agalary. He holds the post of First Vice-President of the Group of Companies of his Father - Crocus Group.

The biography of Emin Agalarova, personal life and creativity are constantly in the center of attention of thousands of fans, both in his homeland (in Azerbaijan) and in Russia, and in neighboring countries.

who is and what does

And Emin Agalarov, and his new girl early learned what glory is. However, if the young man's parents became the success of his parents to the success of a young man, then in the case of the girl dad and mom awarded it with model external data.

In general, about the youth of the current girlfriend of Emin Agalary - Alena Gavrilova, at the moment there are practically nothing known.

The girl was born in the capital of Mordovia, Saransk in 1987. She ended the most ordinary high school when he decided to take part in the beauty contest. Suddenly, Alena received the title "Miss Saransk" and the right to take part in republican competitions. After a long preparation, which he had learned on stage behavior, work with choreographer, etc., a long-awaited performance was held on the main stage of the capital of Mordovia. The joy of friends and loved ones Alena was recognized as the most beautiful girl of the republic. Now she was waiting for the All-Russian competition and a trip to Moscow.

Life in the capital

Although the countries were recognized as another participant in the Miss Russia-2004 contest, Alena Gavrilova fell into the number of 10 finalist. A charming girl noted representatives of the model business. After the contest, Alena received a proposal from several well-known agencies and remained working in the capital.

Although it was not possible to get to the number of famous top models of Russia, Gavrilova failed, she regularly starred for glossy magazines and demonstrated to the podium toilets from famous Russian designers. In particular, the girl has repeatedly participated in the shows of the collections of Valentina Yudashkin.

Personal life (civil marriage)

During the All-Russian Beauty Competition, Alena Gavrilov noted not only representatives of modeling agencies. The owner of the Russian standard holding Rustam Tariko, the state of which at that time was estimated by 5 billion US dollars at that time was calculated. At that time he was on the verge of a divorce with Tatiana Osipova, who gave him two daughters - Anna and Eve.

It was rumored that Tariko and previously changed his wife, however, the last straw in the woman's patience was the connection of her husband with Alena Gavrilova. Whatever it was, the businessman divorced and began to live with a beautiful model, which was not embarrassed by the fact that a man's older man for as many as 25 years. True, Tariko was not going to marry Alena. At least for the whole time, while they were together, Rustam never made her suggestions.

Birth of a child

In 2007, the girl presented the Tariko Son Ruslan. For him, as for Muslim, the birth of a boy was a great joy, and he literally guarded the baby.

In addition, the businessman indulged Gavrilov, as he could. In 2008, he made a beautiful wide gesture, buying at the Charitable Ball of Natalia Vodyanova for $ 320,000. The right to name the orchid of Alana's recently discovered in Madagascar.

However, the tale lasted long. In 2009, the media appeared a message about the rupture of Tariko and Gavrilov relations. The way Alena came with Osipova, returned to her boomerang. It became known to journalists that the businessman twisted the novel with an even more young beauty - Sofia Rudeva, who received the title "Miss Russia-2009". The most interesting thing was that Gavrilov, thanks to Tariko Protection, herself participated in organizing this beauty contest.

Personal life of Emin Agalary

While Alena Gavrilova built relations with Rustam Tariko, the singer was also not alone. In 2006, he married this marriage was an union of equal, as both families did not give each other with a wealth or influence. Of course, they rummed that young people joined their destinies at the request of the parents, but on the wedding photos and the bride, and the bride glowed from happiness. Leila gave emines of two sons. However, the appearance of kids did not strengthen this union. The spouse moved with the boys in London, and Emineina was very tired of living in two countries. When Leila and Emin understood that they were better than them with each other than together - the marriage broke up. However, the singer and his former spouse remained friends, often encounter and together raising children.

Beginning of a new novel

The first reports that Alena Gavrilova and the Emin Agalarov together appeared in the summer of 2016. However, later young people reported that they were found from spring.

On the severity of the relationship of Alena and Emin Agalar, the biography and personal life of which are constantly discussed in the press, may indicate the fact that the young man introduced a girl with his father and sons. He went to her rest in the Saint-Tropez, where his relatives were. There in the private atmosphere of Agalarov celebrated the birthday of Alena, which simply glowed from happiness.

Good love

In April 2017, Emin Agalarov and Alena Gavrilov appeared in front of the audience in the new clip of the singer. The song on which he was removed, was called Good Love. The shooting of the clip, the director of whom he performed was carried out on several villas in Beverly Hills. In the course of the work there was a curious case. A police arrived caused by neighbors. They were scared by noise, informing from the villa, where all the time someone "trees" in the pool.

Anniversary in lilac colors

The new love of Emin Agalarova - Alena Gavrilova - Mallated on August 7, 2017. The party was organized with a big sweep. For this event, 3 dresses were ordered. At first Alena dazzled all the chic gentle-lilac toilet. In it, she posed against the background of the stand, completely swept roses and decorated with initials AG. Then the girl went to the guests in the Golden, a short dress. Emin Agalarov and Alena Gavrilova danced slow dance. At the same time, the singer repeatedly kissed his girlfriend in front of the invited. Photo with Emine, gently embracing Alane, was published in "Instagram" and very pleased fans of the artist and those who like his new girl. They became in need of making assumptions about how soon Emin will make Alena offer. However, the year is already ends, and the information that young people are going to get married still have not appeared.

Now you know what relationship is associated with Alain Gavrilov and Emina model. How long will their relationship last and whether they will grow into something more - unknown. In the meantime, young people are happy and they are good together.

Married 30-year-old lover Alena Gavrilova. The celebration passed in the suburbs in a country golf club owned by the family of the groom. Only native couples and the closest star friends were invited to the celebration, who shared the first personnel with marriage.

The ceremony, which was held on the territory of "Agalarov Estate" in the open air, entrusted to lead Andrei Malakhov. To the altar of the bride's answer Father. The holiday turned out to be chamber, but luxurious: Emin and Alena brought each other an oath under the arch of white roses and peonies. On the day of the wedding, the singer put on a black tuxedo, and the model chose the fitted, flowing white dress and the classic veil.

Timati, Anastasia Ryetov, Valery Meladze, Bakhtiyar Aliyev and Grigory Leps were invited to the holiday. Also attended the celebration Denis Klyaver With his wife, shared by the first personnel and congratulated each other in his microblog in Instagram (ORFography and punctuation of authors here and further are given unchanged. - Approx. ed.) : "Gorky! Hooray!!! Council Yes Love You, @eminofficial & @ agavrilova777 Remember this moment forever! ". Later, the newlyweds were also congratulated by the invitation, but did not manage to attend Valery's wedding and Joseph Prigogin. "Dear Emin and Alyona! Congratulations on your grandiose event - the wedding day. You are beautiful in all respects. You found each other, and we are happy for you, as for yourself! Let love never fade away, but only feeds your creative energy! " - Wrote Valery. "Dear @eminofficial and Alena! We sincerely congratulate you on this significant date. Be happy all your life! With love and joy, always your @valeriya and me, "the spouse joined the singer.

After the official part of the ceremony, guests together with Emineu and Alena were invited to a golf club, where tables and ready-made equipment were already covered for performing star guests. Last night, Timati, Grigory Leps and Valery Meladze rose on the scene. The bride at the end of the evening replaced the white dress on a less official flowing outfit of gentle blue. The celebration of the hex cake tasting and fireworks ended.

The first personnel from the wedding of Emin Agalary and Alena Gavrilova appeared

Recall that about the novel of Emin Agalar and Alena Gavrilova, for the first time they spoke two years ago, when the lovers were first published together. Then the singer introduced the selection with his family, children and friends, and in June of this year made a proposal model. For an artist, this is not the first marriage: Emin was married to the daughter of the President of Azerbaijan Leyla Alievawho gave him the sons Ali and Mikaila. Alena has also had a serious relationship with billionaire Rustam TarikoWith which she gave birth to a son, but the relationship of the pair did not weaken.

The first personnel from the wedding of Emin Agalary and Alena Gavrilova appeared

The first personnel from the wedding of Emin Agalary and Alena Gavrilova appeared

The first personnel from the wedding of Emin Agalary and Alena Gavrilova appeared

The first personnel from the wedding of Emin Agalary and Alena Gavrilova appeared

Although, many fans of celebrity and pleased the news of the wedding of lovers, but there were those who hurried to criticize the second wife of the singer.

The disappointment of millions of girls, enviable bachelor Emin Agalarov last Saturday went to the status of a married man.

The 30-year-old Alyona Gavrilova, who was once "Miss Mordovia-2004", with which a popular singer met 2 years old, became a happy chief of the businessman.

Newlyweds posing with bride's girlfriends. In the photo - the first image on the wedding day of Alena

The celebration took place in the Elite Golf Club of Agalarov Estate, located in the Moscow region and the ownership of the family of the groom.

Wedding video Emin Agalarova and Alena Gavrilova

The holiday in his club did not mean the desire of the singer to save, on the contrary, the wedding was very magnificent and beautiful - oaths at the chic flower arch, expensive outfits, treats and popular showman Andrei Malakhov as a lead.

The main girl of this wonderful day was in a snow-white-bustle-bustier of direct style with a slightly slaughtered from his knees. Her hairstyle and makeup were in favor of the outfit elegant and without unnecessary personality - natural makeup, a low bundle with a veil and long earrings.

On this day, the bride changed two wedding dresses. In the photo - Gavrilov in the second dress (left) next to the girlfriend (right)

To congratulate the newlyweds, their relatives with friends and a lot of colleagues of Emin on show business were arrived, among whom were a former tea salist, Denis Klyaver with his wife, Zara, Valery Meladze, Timatova with Anastasia Reshetova and others.

One of the guests on the marriage of Agalar and Gavrilova was a singer Zara

The latter, as always, decided to stand out, having come in a white dress in tightness, which is sadly forbidden for guests, because only the bride can be in this color, attracting attention to himself.

The main impairler of the wedding dress-code of Agalarov - Anastasia Ryttov, despite media reports on parting with rapper, came from Timati

In addition, there was no violation of the dress code of other confusion, and the wedding took place in a romantic atmosphere with the happy eyes of Alena and the charming smile of her groom.

Romantic, yes?

But, the Musician fans in the comments to the beautiful photos that newlyweds published on their pages in Instagram, they wrote not only words of congratulations, but also critical comments to the bride, comparing her with the previous wife of Agalairov - the daughter of President of Azerbaijan Leyla Aliyeva, with which a man lived In marriage 9 years, giving birth to two sons.

In 2006, Emin married Leila, and in 2015 a couple divorced

Basically, Follovers did not like how the bride responds to the arms and kisses of the groom:

The girl who is hunted from Emin always! In all the videos, she seems to do not want him to hug her and kissed. But, I hope I'm mistaken ...

Followers of celebrities noticed that the bride, even tried to remove the groom during his kisses and hugs

Others emphasized that Agalar's eyes did not glow from happiness, as it was during a wedding with Leila:

In Leila, he fell in love with first glance, and he loved her very much and now loves! And at the wedding, Leila was the most beautiful daughter-in-law. And he was truly loved and then he had burned out 100 rubles sincerely than now. You will never take place Leila!

There was still a light in the eyes of the singer, but maybe this is a consequence of a boilers of wine

And also without ceremonies, compared Gavrilov and Aliyev (Krauzer will not publish all comments, because many of them are evil and without evidence, take only one thing):

Tale about Cinderella in our day. This collective farmer, she and Misinza Leila is not worth it! Leila - the daughter and granddaughter of the president, educated, provided. I hope he made a marriage contract when he married such as you.

Fans express their opinion about the model Alena Gavrilova

krauzer, hopes that all this criticism is only conjectures of ill-wishers and wishes newlyweds of happiness and harmony in marriage.