This actress has eminent relatives who are directly related to art. She could take advantage of their position and connections, and easily find herself at the top of Olympus. But Maria Golubkina is used to achieving everything in life on her own, therefore, despite all the difficulties that she had to overcome, she has become a successful actress today, who has already more than three dozen successful film projects.

Maria Golubkina very early appeared in the cinema, the girl was only 16. The first picture that brought her success was "Adam's Rib". Then there were many good and successful works, but it was in this film that she learned to work with the director and defend her point of view.

In the same 2017, she was invited by the host to her program "Secret to a Million". In it, the actress spoke frankly about her personal life with the father of her children, and revealed the secret of their stay in London.

In the summer of 2018, the movie "Garden Ring" was released, in which both A. Mironov's daughters, Maria Mironova and Maria Golubkina, were involved. The role of the main character went to Mironova, Golubkina in this series became Katya. A. Bely became the partners of the two half-sisters in the film.

Partner news

Selected filmography

  • 1990 - Adam's Rib
  • 1993 - Detective Bureau "Felix"
  • 2000 - Wedding
  • 2001 - Scam
  • 2004 - Personal number
  • 2005 - Brezhnev
  • 2005 - Yesenin
  • 2009 - Village Comedy
  • 2012 - Nightingale the Robber
  • 2016 - Garden Ring

Maria Golubkina is a popular Russian theater and film actress. Gained fame after the release of the films "Adam's Rib", "Scam", "Frenchman" and others.

Maria Golubkina was born in Moscow on September 22, 1973. The girl's mother was a famous actress who gained fame after the role of Shurochka Azarova in the film "Hussar Ballad", and she also gave her daughter her last name. The question of Mary's father is much more confusing. Officially, the blood dad of Maria Golubkina is Nikolai Shcherbinsky-Arseniev, a screenwriter with whom Larisa Golubkina lived in a civil marriage for some time.

However, Nikolai Shcherbinsky-Arseniev himself admitted in some interviews that the real father of Maria Golubkina is Vladimir Dostal, the former head of Mosfilm, with whom Larisa Ivanovna was married before the renewal of relations with Shcherbinsky-Arseniev. Golubkina Sr. claims that she became pregnant with her only daughter a year and a half after she divorced Dostal and returned to Shcherbinsky-Arsenyev.

Nevertheless, Maria Golubkina herself throughout her youth was sure that her father was, whom Larisa Ivanovna married when Maria was still very young. There really is some truth here, because Mironov, who at that time already had a daughter from his first marriage with, officially adopted the child of Larisa Golubkina.

The daughters of the famous actor did not communicate much in childhood and did not become close people in adulthood, although both Golubkina and his half-sister, as a result, chose an acting career for themselves. Andrei Mironov tried to be a good father to his stepdaughter, although due to constant employment at work he did not have too much free time. But Golubkina Jr.'s relationship with her mother is excellent: Larisa Ivanovna can always cheer up her overly serious daughter.

The girl did not even suspect that she was not the native daughter of the famous artist, until one day “kind” people shared this information with her. After what happened, Larisa Golubkina had to tell the truth. Nikolai never took part in raising his daughter. In an interview, the People's Artist admitted that once the relatives of Shcherbinsky-Arsenyev called her and offered help, but the woman refused.

Maria received her secondary education at the Moscow secondary school №18. Despite her acting genes, the girl did not always plan to continue the eminent acting dynasty. From the age of eleven, she was professionally interested in equestrian sports, won prizes in competitions and even defended the title of master of sports.


The creative streak still did not allow Maria Golubkina to devote herself to professional sports, and therefore, already in her teens, she began to visit the theater and participate in performances. And the film debut of the girl was the film "Adam's Rib", released in 1990.

The picture was popular in the USSR and dispelled Maria Andreevna's doubts that she could become a successful actress. Then, being a 16-year-old teenager, the girl could even argue with the director, which she does not allow herself today.

Not surprisingly, after completing her studies at school, the actress entered the Shchukin Theater School, which she graduated in 1995. In 1996, Maria Golubkina began working at the Moscow Theater of Satire, on the stage of which both the girl's mother Larisa Golubkina and her adoptive father Andrei Mironov performed. In the period from 2007 to 2010, Maria worked at the Moscow Drama Theater named after. Viewers could see the actress in the theatrical works "The Thunderstorm", "Man, Beast and Virtue."

In 2010, Golubkina Jr. left the troupe of the theater. Pushkin, and she did it simultaneously with (at that time - already her ex-husband). The reason for such a radical decision was the fact that the new artistic director of the theater was appointed almost immediately after the death of everyone's beloved Roman Kozak. The artists were very upset about the death of their mentor and considered such a decision not very ethical.

To date, Maria Golubkina is not a member of the official troupe of a particular theater and plays in an entreprise: she participates in performances in which artists from different theaters are invited. At the same time, the actress is sure that the theatrical art in modern Russia is going through a crisis, like cinema, and many other creative genres. Maria Andreevna calls the 80s the last heyday of the Russian theater.

Maria Golubkina in the movie "Scam"

Despite the far from retirement age, the actress has already managed to take part in a large number of film projects. Maria's track record includes both full-length films and series. Among the iconic roles, thanks to which Maria Andreevna became famous in her youth, it is worth noting the film "Wedding", which received the prize of the Cannes Film Festival "For Best Actor's Ensemble". After this picture, the whole country learned about Golubkina.

A year later, the actress starred in the movie "Scam". The film tells the story of a young man who corrected some scientific data so that an impressionable world community was frightened by an environmental disaster. Having achieved panic on the New York stock exchange, the guy intended to "hit the big jackpot." Maria in this picture got the role of a journalist. The film was popular in Russia and consolidated the success of the actress.

This was followed by other films, mostly melodramatic, and the popular TV series "Jackpot for Cinderella", "Revelations", "Crazy", "Pearls" and others. In addition, Golubkina starred in two biographical mini-series - about and. And in 2004, the girl even appeared in two action films: "Personal Number", filmed in Russia, and "Moscow Heat", filmed by the joint efforts of Russian and American specialists.

In the mid-2000s, Maria Golubkina was a member of the jury of the Higher League of KVN. In addition, in 2007 she was assigned to host a daytime show on the popular Mayak radio station. In 2014, the actress started working at this station again, broadcasting "Love and Doves" in the company.

Maria Golubkina in the program "Alone with everyone"

Since 2012, the actress has been broadcasting "Girls", broadcast on the Russia-1 TV channel, along with other popular actresses. In 2014, the fifth and last season of the program came out. In 2013, the actress became a guest of the "Alone with Everyone" program, and in 2015 she took part in the "Be a Poet!" Project. Maria was also invited to the program “Wife. Love story" .

In 2016, Golubkina appeared in the synchronized swimming miniseries Synchronists. According to the story, Yana Zakharova () and Olya Steblova () have been engaged in synchronized swimming since childhood. But on the eve of the World Cup, girls face a problem. Yana is going to get married and wants to take a break from her career, and Olya, on the contrary, is full of strength and energy to go to victory. To the horror of the coach, whose role went to Maria Golubkina, the star duet breaks up.

However, Yana's chosen one is not ready to marry his beloved, and Olya cannot do without a partner. But girls because of pride are not able to make peace. In addition, the synchronized swimmers are interested in what awaits them there, outside the pool.

Personal life

The first love of Maria Golubkina was, with whom the girl met when she was not yet 20 years old. The actor was passionately in love with the chosen one, introduced the actress into the family and was even going to propose to her, but the wedding did not take place.

The reason for this was the showman, musician and athlete Nikolai Fomenko, who took possession of the heart of a miniature actress (height 165 cm). Golubkina and Fomenko were married in the period from 1996 to 2008, during which time the couple had two children: daughter Anastasia and son Ivan. The official reason that the parents of Nastya and Vanya divorced, Maria herself calls the fact that her husband was unfaithful to her. Together with her husband, the actress appeared in the 147th issue of the newsreel "".

Soon after the divorce, Golubkina was repeatedly noticed in the company of a charming actor, but over time, rumors of a new stellar romance subsided. Since then, the press has regularly written how Maria Andreevna allegedly suffers from an unsuccessful personal life: either she drinks alone, or she recovered greatly due to stress. In reality, Golubkina feels quite well, devoting time to children and her favorite work. And her ex-husband helps her with the upbringing of her son and daughter.

Nevertheless, Maria herself is not averse to stirring up interest in her person with gossip about her personal life. As news travels at the speed of light today, including through social media in the spirit of Instagram, in 2013 the actress played a prank on her fans. She appeared on the red carpet of the Moscow Film Festival in a wedding dress and began to assure journalists that she was marrying a mysterious astronaut.

The effect was achieved: the publications began to vying with each other to report that Golubkina had married a second time. Someone congratulated Maria, someone said that she was a little crazy. But it soon became clear that all this was nothing more than a successful shocking joke. Will the actress marry again in reality, time will tell.

In June 2017, the actress openly admitted that she was dating and was going to marry her beloved man. Boris is the son of a famous artist. The couple met in their youth.

Livanov Jr. has a difficult fate. In 2009, the man was sentenced to 9 years in prison and sent to serve a sentence in a strict regime colony for premeditated murder. Boris was released early 5 years later.

The relationship between the lovers began after Livanov's release from prison. First, Maria and Boris corresponded on social networks, then they met. An affair began. In the program “Secret in a Million,” the actress shared that she no longer thought that she would meet a person who would speak the same language with her and whom she could love. The beloved lived together and even. However, at the end of 2017, the couple announced the end of the relationship.

Later, Maria admitted that no one was to blame for the break. Romance collided with everyday life, and the characters of both did not allow finding out who was the boss in the house.

During the period of the artists' romance, journalists talked to the ex-wife of the son of "Sherlock Holmes" - Catherine. The woman shared that Boris and Maria got along because they both allegedly drink. And it was after the banquet that the couple began a relationship. At the same time, it is known that Catherine herself was treated for alcoholism. But the fact that Boris's parents coded at the age of 18 was a revelation.

Today, the biography and work of Maria Golubkina is watched by thousands of fans on the social network "Instagram". There, the artist shares personal and work photos with subscribers.

Already at the beginning of 2018, information appeared that the actress had restored relations with Boris Livanov, although after the breakup he wrote on the Facebook page that there was an affair with the artist.

Maria Golubkina now

In early 2017, Maria appeared in the role of Irina Odintsova in the detective series "Cuba". In addition to her, others also starred in the multi-part tape.

In the same year, the artist became a guest of the "Secret for a Million" program with. There Maria shared the details of her personal life with Nikolai Fomenko and told why the children are in London today.

Maria Golubkina in the "Secret to a Million" program

The series premiered in June 2018. The main role of Vera Smolina was played by Golubkina's half-sister Maria Mironova. According to the plot, the girl's life is happy and cloudless. But everything changes when the son of Ilya disappears from the loving wife and mother. Then Vera begins her own investigation to understand what happened to Ilya. And here the frightening truth is revealed - the world that has surrounded Smolina all the years is not what it seems.

Maria played the role of Katya in the series. In addition to Golubkina and Mironova, others also starred in the tape.

The director's chair was taken by a young director Aleksey Smirnov, and he was one of the producers.


  • 1990 - Adam's Rib
  • 2000 - "Wedding"
  • 2001 - "Scam"
  • 2003 - French
  • 2004 - Jackpot for Cinderella
  • 2005 - Brezhnev
  • 2005 - Yesenin
  • 2007 - Leningrad
  • 2009 - "Village Comedy"
  • 2011 - Revelations
  • 2011 - "Crazy"
  • 2012 - "Nightingale the Robber"
  • 2013 - The Leader's Way
  • 2017 - Cuba
  • 2018 - Garden Ring


  • 2003 - The Apple Thief
  • 2003 - “A. - this is another "
  • 2006 - Piggy Bank
  • 2007 - The Thunderstorm
  • 2007 - "Man, Beast and Virtue"
  • 2018 - "Love and Doves"

For thirteen long years, Maria Golubkina and Nikolai Fomenko were one of the brightest married couples in Russian show business. Then the relationship of the star couple came to an end, but for the sake of two common children, the artists managed to maintain friendly relations. Now the eldest daughter of Golubkina and Fomenko Anastasia is 17 years old, and the youngest son Ivan is 12. Six years ago Nikolai had a child from his fourth marriage - his son Vasily. In addition, the showman has an adult daughter, Ekaterina.

It turns out that all Fomenko's children are friends with each other, and Maria Golubkina is only happy about this. “My children now communicate with Kolya’s wife, and with their brother, and with their older sister, quite calmly,” Golubkina says.

The actress talks about her ex-husband without a trace of resentment. By the tone of Mary, it becomes clear that after the divorce from Nikolai, they remained close people to each other, and the children also have healthy relationships with the new family of their father. “Kolya already has three grandchildren. And they all exist perfectly together. In general, we live in a slightly different time, now everything is simpler, ”says the star.

It is noteworthy that as a child, Golubkina herself knew that her half-sister Maria Mironova was growing side by side with her, but the girls did not communicate with each other. The closeness between the stars of cinema appeared only in adulthood, after joint filming in the film "Wedding". “It's a common thing that after the age of 30, brothers and sisters begin to communicate better. Because in youth, everyone is on his own. And Masha and I studied in parallel classes. The center is small, so we ended up in the same school, - Maria admits. - In childhood, they passed each other, except that they just said hello.

// Photo: Shot from the movie "Wedding"

Golubkina believes that out of jealousy, my mother was against her communication with her half-sister and her family. Andrei Mironov left his first wife, Ekaterina Gradova, when their daughter Masha was only three years old. However, according to the actress, her mother Larisa Golubkina, who became the second wife of the legendary artist, was aware that Andrei Mironov was seeing his daughter from his first marriage. The artist is forced to admit that the culture of upbringing in those days was not as high as it is now, so she probably did not know much about her sister. “Mom even used Masha Mironova as an example for me. So she said: "Here is Masha Mironova - she is a good fellow, she is a good girl, she studies with five marks and cleans the room." And Masha now says that she heard the same thing about me as a child, ”laughs Golubkina in an interview with“ 7 Days ”.

The mother of the actress Larisa spoke frankly about the reasons for her daughter's divorce from Nikolai Fomenko and her new marriage

39-year-old actress Maria Golubkina came to the opening of the Moscow Film Festival in a wedding dress. For more persuasiveness, she put on a white veil, forcing journalists to believe in a happy event in her life. However, after a couple of days on the American "Davidzone Radio" the adopted daughter of Andrei Mironov said that it was just shocking and a joke of humor. Express Gazeta decided to talk to Maria herself and her mother, actress Larisa Golubkina.

After the opening of the Moscow International Film Festival, the presenters of the American "Davidson Radio" asked Maria Golubkina comment on your trick. In the editorial office of Express Gazette there is a recording of this broadcast.
- I hope the Russian listeners will not find out about this, - said Golubkina, - and the New Yorkers have not lost their sense of humor. Everyone got the feeling of some kind of action. It was just shocking. I wanted to produce a safe shock. Everyone is interested in marriage, divorce, death and nothing else! I achieved my goal: I received a lot of printed materials. Even fellow actors began to ask me: "Are you married?" I just wanted red carpet photos in a white dress. But now, when I’m talking to you, I’m naked, sitting with my legs apart in the salon and doing epilation in the bikini area, ”Masha added in the end.
Maria answered all our questions on the phone clearly:
- Pay me money and I will tell you about the wedding. I have already agreed to talk to a glossy publication, however, without photographs and mentioning the name of my husband.
But even having received an impressive amount, Golubkina turned out to be laconic on the pages of the magazine: - Andrey is a pilot, but, Maybe, someday will fly into space. Now I should get the rank of lieutenant colonel. We are parishioners of the same church, so we met. Two months ago, I did not even think about the wedding. Once he gave me an interesting ring with a pearl, which became an engagement ring. My mother-in-law insisted on a white dress. She wanted everything, like people have - for the first time he is marrying a son. We performed a wedding ritual for all pilots and astronauts - to the monument Yuri Gagarin chamomile was laid in Star City. We live separately: my husband is in a service apartment, and I don’t want to leave my house. I come to him, he comes to me. Nikita Mikhalkov sent a basket of flowers - here are the most informative excerpts from the interview.

Fomenko cheated

But Maria could not fail to tell her mother about the wedding, so we decided to meet with Larisa Golubkina... Larisa Ivanovna had her own plans, so she invited Express Gazeta to ride with her in a red Mini Cooper. There was a note on the windshield of the car: "I will buy your car."

“Someone has good taste,” said Larisa Ivanovna. - I do not plan to sell it, I have only been traveling for a year. True, I went to issue a comprehensive insurance, and on the way a car crashed into my rear bumper. I never fixed it ...
In the shopping center where we stopped for gifts, the actress looked into a couple of shoe boutiques. Having measured the fashionable sneakers, Golubkina did not find the desired size 39 and decided to go further. It turned out to be not so easy to leave the parking lot: an incorrectly parked car blocked the road, and the People's Artist and I got into an accident, damaging the front bumper of the Mini Cooper. And while we were waiting for the police officers, we had time to talk about important things.

- Larisa Ivanovna, have you been to Masha's wedding?

- Yes, but everything was very modest - only the closest people.

- Are you satisfied with your daughter's husband?

- Stupid question. You have to ask her this. Our trouble, as Masha says, is this: "There are no men in our profession, a vicious circle." Not that Masha is some kind of seeker, but she is right - there are few men standing around. I am worried, of course, I want everything to work out for my daughter in a new relationship. After all, today the concept of "married" does not correspond to reality. I do everything myself: I buy jewelry for myself, and I also drive myself. I would like to hire a driver - yes, no funds.

- You have a son-in-law now!

- He's a busy man ...

- Do you communicate with the former son-in-law of Fomenko?

- My relationship with Nikolai is normal. He shouted that he would tear everyone up for me. In the end, you yourself know how it turned out. Kolya found another, and the daughter was alone for five years. In this, Masha and I are alike - both are one-woman with her. She was very worried about the divorce.

- And why did Masha still leave Nikolai: did he drink a lot?

- Fomenko went on a spree! I would have lived through this moment in her place. But it's easy to say when you're not in her shoes.

- By the way, Masha repeats your fate: your first husband is Nikolai, and her ...

- So the second marriage with Andrey! Wow, just now I realized ...

- And what about your personal life? There are women who get married even in old age ...

- I'm not one of those. Svetlana Svetlichnaya- a disgrace, talks about a young lover. This is from complete despair and something nervous ... There was a case: when I was over 50, a young man took care of me. I asked him once: "Why?" He replied: "I fell in love - I stopped drinking and smoking." And my soul does not lie - all the time I compare with Mironov.

Father - Shcherbinsky

It is not easy to understand the family secrets of the Golubkins - Mironovs. Masha, without batting an eye, calls the actor her father Andrey Mironov, although from birth she bears the surname - Golubkina. Her mother Larisa Golubkina, who became famous after the role of Shurochka Azarova in the film "Hussar Ballad", did not tell her daughter about her biological father for a long time. Economist Nikolay Shcherbinsky first gave an interview to our publication, saying, however, that Maria is not his daughter, since Larisa Ivanovna at that time was married to the director Vladimir Dostal(). Masha Golubkina, after reading her father's interview, got angry: she believes that the newspaper had no right to reveal the secret of her birth. And Larisa Ivanovna long denied the fact of marriage with Dostal. And only today, for the first time, she told Express Gazeta why she had been hiding the truth from her daughter for so long.

- I did not consider it necessary to tell Masha about Shcherbinsky and Dostal, - says Golubkina. “If she were the daughter of a plumber, she wouldn't know. But kind people told her: "Mironov is not your father." Then Masha, as they say, pressed me: "Inject!" Her real father Nikolai did not participate in our life in any way. Some of his relatives once called and offered help, but I refused. Of course, Masha is unpleasant that Shcherbinsky, the old man, is now talking nonsense, disowning his daughter. She has his hands, and she looks like. Probably, Nikolai forgot how, after the death of Andrei Mironov, he told me on the phone: "Now we can live together."
How stupid it is now, when I am 73 and he is 67, to reveal the secrets of the Madrid court. Young, stupid, I believed Shcherbinsky: it seemed to me that he was a talented person. I wrote poetry, I remember by heart dedicated to me:
Saint, in a casket of cypress
Who kept God's letters,
Light sounding "Larisa"
Gave names to the white bird.
Seeing a seagull between the waves,
In their Byzantine silence
Whispering with cold lips:
"Tse dove to us grede" ...

And like a cow, I followed him. Bribed by the fact that Nikolai Shcherbinsky was not an actor.

- Why such hostility to the actors?

- Father's influence - he was a military man, athlete danced well. Gorgeous man. My father, of course, was jealous of me: pretty, slender - from an ugly duckling to a swan. And he found me a designer by the name of Okunev, a handsome and humble man. Dad even prepared a house for him at our dacha. My father had his own ideas: he thought I needed a man, not a slob. And in 1963 I lived at the Astoria Hotel and met my nephew Nicholas II, he had his eye on me. I am just a girl, he is 18 years older. But I was immediately isolated from him ... Dad said about my suitors: “He doesn't look like that, he’s not smart.” One can understand a parent: three years ago I went to school, and after the "Hussar Ballad" I became a star. Such a metamorphosis was a drama for him ...
And years later, I learned that dad in Germany made a child from a German woman - daughter Dogmar. He sent them his cards - here, they say, is your dad. The father could have renounced paternity, but he did not, because he is a real man. Unfortunately, I did not communicate with my sister - because of my mother: I felt offended as a woman for her. And she doesn't know Russian either.

- Shcherbinsky denies the fact of Masha's paternity, saying that out of pure motives he let you live in his apartment when you were married to Dostal.

- Volodya Dostal is not guilty of anything. I married him and after six months I realized: the family does not work. I returned to Nikolai Shcherbinsky. I got pregnant a year and a half after my divorce from Dostal. Masha was born in 73, and I divorced in 71. I'm not an elephant - to carry a child for a year and a half.
Kolya thinks that Masha and I will demand an inheritance from him. Nobody will come to him and ask for anything. Let him not worry.

Didn't want to get married

- You understood that you loved Shcherbinsky. Why did you marry Dostal?

- Volodya Dostal made my first offer in 1961, when I was 21 years old. Then Shcherbinsky appeared, and I fell in love. Shcherbinsky and I could talk on the phone for hours. It was necessary to be wary: normal people do not speak for a long time. Kolya grew up with his grandmother and mother, who behaved terroristically towards him. I worked from morning till night, and Shcherbinsky was sitting at home: he wrote poetry, and he also wanted me to push through his scripts. But most importantly, he didn't want to marry me! Kolya got me so bad that I wanted to run away from him. And then Dostal again made an offer - and I nevertheless married Volodya. There was no wedding with Dostal as such - I didn't want that. Dostal was the strongest man of all and loved me very much. At that time, he worked as a second director for Sergey Bondarchuk in the painting "Waterloo". But Shcherbinsky did not leave my life, and Volodya commented on the situation in the following way: “ Suvorov endured, and I will endure Shcherbinsky. " Some of them - Kolya or Volodya - had to take the situation into their own hands and put an end to it. But neither one nor the other did this. Kolya asked me to return: I fainted, I got to the hospital - I pressed on compassion. And I got divorced. Which, by the way, I sometimes regret ... But Shcherbinsky again hid any talk about the wedding. I, a fool, decided: “I have to give birth to him. And then everything will work out. " When Masha was born, I dragged Shcherbinsky to the registry office under a stick. Then I got tired of being humiliated, and I left him ...
Nikolai envied me. I went abroad and brought beautiful things from there. Once Shcherbinsky trampled on my hat for not bringing a book to his relative. And I felt like a stuffed fool: his mother was lying in bed, scratching her belly, my grandmother was sick, and I was such a Cinderella, I looked after everyone. And enough of the “trampled hat” - I'm tired of these relationships ...
Indeed, many people envied me that I was invited to film festivals abroad. Only few people knew how difficult it was. Put the head of the theater up to date, take a description, take him to the political department. One general, on whom the decision depended, once said: "What are you wearing such wide pants?" Somehow in the local committee one such chief, Sergei Sergeevich, did not sign my petition. I say: “What does it matter to you? I will remember you with a kind word. " Kneel down, did not sign. You, he says, often travel abroad.
I also encountered the concept of envy in the theater. Once I slept through the afternoon performance, they started ten minutes later. The head of the troupe arranged a trial for me: the old people gathered. I saw how they hate me because they envy me. She got up at the trial and crossed herself: “Thank you for oversleeping. I saw how you treat me. " I took them apart to the bone, and we parted. And Kolya envied me ...

- Why is Shcherbinsky angry with you years later?

- I once called him to the transfer to Kira Proshutinskaya and added: "Kolya, forgive me if you offended something." For some reason, Kolya went berserk. I am amazed at his evil disposition. For 40 years I have not seen him, I have not received a penny from him! Long wondered why he behaves this way? Maybe if he had a family and children, he would be kinder.


- Larisa Ivanovna can shout that the earth is flat, - says the former common-law husband of Golubkina and Masha's father Nikolay Shcherbinsky... - Yes, I was not at Masha's wedding. But why should I be interested in her weddings? What kind of daughter is she? You never know what the f *** ing that says. Did Larisa Golubkina get anything else from me? Maybe some more gonorrhea? Masha's mother has been cunning all her life and was engaged in devil knows what: the oldest profession, snitching after trips abroad. She came to me with a belly that could be carried in a wheelbarrow. Dostal's daughter, you know, is not interesting to me. Larisa parted with him in 1972. The gestation period is not three days, therefore, if you count it, you will get Masha's date of birth. At first, she claimed that the father of her daughter was Mironov, then me. Do they hope with Masha to get something from the inheritance? But I have made my will, and these citizens are not there.

Natalia Murga

These two cute actresses of the same age are often confused. Their names are the same - Maria Mironova and Maria Golubkina. By the way, they have the same patronymic - both Andreevna. And even more precisely, we are talking about the same Andrei, everyone's beloved Mironov. The girls have similar eyes, there is something in common in facial expressions and gestures. Nevertheless, both - Maria Mironova and Maria Golubkina admit in chorus: “We are not sisters! And not even a single gram of total blood. "How so? Indeed, according to the documents, both are the daughters of the great Soviet theater and film artist, who died early from the life of Andrei Mironov. But why don't they consider themselves sisters and why do they have different surnames?

Masha and their parents

The first of them, Mironova, was born in the last days of May 1973. Her parents are an outstanding Soviet actor and his first wife, who also became famous for her role as radio operator Kat from 17 Moments of Spring. By the way, it was little Masha who was the very baby that the radio operator held in her arms. The girl was named after her grandmother, Andrei's mother, the famous actress Maria Mironova. As for the second Masha, she is not the biological daughter of Andrei Mironov. Maria Golubkina was adopted by him at the age of three, when he married her mother. Thus, her mother is the famous Russian-Soviet actress Larisa Golubkina, and who is the father? This question is not so easy to answer. At the time when Masha was born, her mother was not legally married, but lived with Nikolai Shcherbinsky-Arseniev. It is he who is considered the official father of the girl, although Golubkina chose to give her daughter her last name. However, in some interviews, Shcherbinsky says that he has nothing to do with the daughter of his common-law wife, and calls Vladimir Dostal, the director of Mosfilm, with whom Larisa was legally married, as Maria's father. However, Andrei Mironov became the real father for the girl, who married her mother when Maria was only 3 years old, and even adopted her. Thus, Andrei Mironov had two daughters of the same age - Maria Mironova and Maria Golubkina.


The first Masha lived with her father under the same roof until she was 3 years old. However, the love between Gradova and Mironov soon passed, disagreements arose, and Andrei was not indifferent to the actress Larisa Golubkina, and then the couple parted. Masha, naturally, stayed with her mother and moved with her to her parents - grandparents. On the contrary, his new wife and daughter, Maria Golubkina, moved to the artist. Andrei Mironov soon became very attached to the girl and decided to adopt her. But the new husband of Ekaterina Gradova (by the way, soon after the divorce, she moved away from the acting environment), physicist Igor Timofeev, was almost indifferent to his wife's daughter, probably, he understood that he had no chance of competing with the great artist. Since the divorce was quite intelligent, without squabbles and resentments, Catherine was not opposed to father and daughter dating.

Perhaps it is jealousy?

If Andrei Mironov and Maria Golubkina lived under the same roof, had breakfast and dinner together, spent evenings, all weekends, then Masha Mironova did not see her father very often. And nevertheless, everyone saw in her a lot in common with Andrei. She looked like him not only in appearance - the same blue eyes, the same mouth, the same shade of hair - but also in her manner, sophistication and sense of style. But, unlike him, she was very withdrawn and silent, immersed in herself. The girl did not even think about the profession of an actress, she dreamed of a career as a ballerina, although Gradova did not want to send her to a ballet school, and Masha was content with a dance circle. She, apparently, always felt abandoned by her father. Once Andrei introduced her to his half-sister, and the girls, to put it mildly, did not like each other. Until now, the relationship between Maria Mironova and Maria Golubkina cannot be called close and even more so sisterly.

New family, new dad

Andrei Mironov and Larisa Golubkina have been married for 13 years. The new spouse was the ideal wife, mother, mistress. Mironov was an excellent father to her daughter. Those who did not know the history of their family thought that Maria Golubkina was Mironov's own daughter. It was just that her last name aroused everyone's questions: why did Larisa give her daughter her last name, and not her father? The girl loved Andrei very much, they had secrets from their mother. Masha was engaged in equestrian sports, while she was a creative person, she often asked her father's advice on a particular issue, and her mother was the ideal woman for her and served as her example in everything.

Masha Mironova: coming into the profession

As already noted, Maria Mironova in childhood dreamed of the profession of a ballerina. When she was very small, she dressed up in a dress that looked like a tutu, put on a record with classical music and presented herself or Maya Plisetskaya. However, she failed to become a ballerina, her parents never sent her to a ballet school, but throughout her childhood she danced in various dance circles, and as she grew up, she honed her skills in clubs. Thanks to this, she had a very graceful gait, excellent plasticity of movements, a proud posture of a ballerina. At the age of 10, she first appeared in a movie (of course, not counting her debut in the series "17 Moments of Spring"). She played the role of the proud Becky Thatcher in the beloved children's film about Tom Sawyer. Many Soviet girls would dream of being in her place and being the partner of handsome Tom.


Apparently it was fate, but at the moment when Mironov had a stroke, which took his life, Masha was in the hall and saw everything with her own eyes. She was 14, and this, of course, was a great shock for her. The last time she saw her father awake was in the dressing room between the sections of the play, and he shared with her his plans for a trip to Holland. The next few days after the blow, which the artist spent in the hospital and was in a coma, the daughter did not leave his bed a step. It was then that the hospital learned that the artist had two daughters - his own - Maria Mironova and daughter Golubkina, also Masha. The second was also very worried about her father, but probably understood that the place by the bed of Andrei Mironov belongs to his own daughter.

Studying at the Boris Shchukin School

It seems to many that Masha Mironova, after the role, was already one hundred percent sure that she would become an actress. However, it is not. She thought about her future profession for a long time, and at the last moment she decided to enter the "Pike". By the way, she later starred in the film "Leading Roles" (2002) directed by Tigran Keosayan about this period of her life. In 1990, Masha became a student at the most prestigious theater school in the country. It was here that her father once studied. Her mentor and curator was Yuri Lyubimov. She soon realized that she liked to play on stage. So she became the continuer of the profession of her parents - Andrei Mironov and Ekaterina Gradova.

The beginning of a theatrical career

After “Pike” she studied at VGIK, and then she entered the service at the theater “Lenkom” and quickly became the favorite of Zakharov, who began to trust her with very good roles. In her first year, Maria had an affair with the son of Yuri Yakovlev. By the way, she never finished her studies at the Shchukin School, since as a first-year student she started an affair with businessman Igor Udalov, whom she had known since the age of 9. Then there was the wedding and the birth of a son, whom she named Andrei in honor of her famous grandfather. Looking ahead, we can say that the grandson and namesake of Andrei Mironov also continued the family tradition. After leaving school, he entered the same "Pike", and after graduation he became an actor in the Vakhtangov Theater.

Masha Golubkina: coming into the profession

Just like the actress Maria Mironova, Golubkina's daughter Masha did not dream of an acting career in her childhood. She thought that she would become an athlete, because from the age of 11 the girl was passionate about equestrian sports. However, when the decision came to her to become an actress, she decided to enter the Shukin School. Thus, both Andrei's daughters - Maria Mironova and Maria Golubkina - began to study at the same educational institution. Golubkina's daughter before entering "Pike" has already managed to star in a big movie - in the film "Adam's Rib". Unlike her sister, she graduated from college in 1995 and immediately got a job at the Theater of Satire - the same theater where she went on stage as a child, while earning money. Andrey and Larisa have worked here for many years. From 2007 to 2010, Maria Golubkina worked at the Pushkin Drama Theater (Moscow).


The very first role of Maria Mironova in the Lenkom theater was Franchette from The Marriage of Figaro. Further, her repertoire has expanded much and began to include many serious roles. We can say that in this regard, she succeeded more than her sister. As for the cinema, here Maria Mironova lost the palm. Actress Maria Golubkina, as already noted, first appeared at the age of 16, while still a 10th grade schoolgirl. Machine the first role after Becky Thatcher was in the film by Pavel Lungin "Wedding". It was she who became the leading role. By the way, the second Masha also appeared in this picture. Mironova herself chose her partner in the picture: it turned out to be Marat Basharov. The film turned out to be simply wonderful, in particular, because the director assembled a simply unique cast: Andrei Panin, Marat Basharov, Alexander Semchev, and two sisters, Maria Mironova and Maria Golubkina. The film won a prize What a success it was! However, Masha is most remembered in connection with the film "Oligarch", where she played the role of Platon Makovsky's friend. In the film "State Counselor" Nikita Mikhalkov and Konstantin Khabensky were her partners. Further, her list was replenished with roles in such famous films as "Night Watch", "The Fall of the Empire", "The Three Musketeers" and others.

Maria Mironova and Golubkina: sisters or not?

Despite the fact that they were of the same age and had known each other since childhood, the girls could not find much sympathy for each other. Today, everyone who knows them says that women treat each other in a civilized, friendly way, but this is by no means a sisterly relationship. By the way, in the opinion of many, they are in many ways similar since childhood: both are serious, not spoiled, erudite. And nevertheless, even as little girls who did not understand anything, they did not want to play together, closed in the presence of each other, Masha Mironova even began to clearly feel sad. Further, life again wished to connect them and arranged so that both chose an acting specialty. As we have already noted, they even had to play in the same pictures. Both became popular movie actresses, both love to experiment, although Mironova loves refined roles more, and Golubkina agrees to play any role, if only she would fit her perfectly. So, Masha agreed to star in the film "Scam", where she had to appear in the form of a journalist exposing a swindler-scientist, then there were the series "Jackpot for Cinderella", "Crazy", "Revelations", "Pearls" and others. Golubkina also starred in mini-series about Sergei Yesenin and the head of the Central Committee of the USSR Communist Party Leonid Brezhnev. In the mid-2000s, she appeared in action films, proving that she could do anything. By the way, "Moscow Heat" is a joint work of Russian and American filmmakers.

Two Maria Andreevna today

They are both in their forties now and both look great. Masha Mironova is a tall blonde, as in her youth, she is slender and elegant, while the second Masha is a brunette, although she often experiments with hair. Maria Golubkina, on the contrary, is inclined to be overweight, but tries to always be in shape. She is shorter in stature. Both have very beautiful blue eyes, which makes them look alike, and they also had the happiness of knowing Andrei Mironov better than anyone else in the world and being his beloved girls. Masha has a similar idea of ​​success: if you want to be successful, don't expect someone to bring it ready-made to you on a silver platter, go and take what you need from life!