Astrologer Vasilisa Volodina is familiar to many from the TV show "Let's Get Married", in which she makes up the horoscopes of couples. However, the celebrity also has several of his own Internet resources, television projects and copyrighted books. In addition, the astrologer provides paid consultations on drawing up a personal horoscope.


Today everyone knows the famous astrologer. However, according to the passport, Vasilisa has a completely different name. The presenter does not hide that Vasilisa is a pseudonym, but does not give her name. According to various sources, the celebrity's name is Oksana, Svetlana or Elena. The host explains the change of name by "good form" in astrological circles, where it is customary to take pseudonyms.

Vasilisa's date of birth is April 16, 1974. According to the horoscope she is Aries, was born in the year of the Tiger. The astrologer knows for sure that these dates of the eastern calendar endowed her with such character traits as perseverance and dedication, hard work and discernment. These qualities helped her to achieve success in the professional field at an early age.

Vasilisa Volodina is 170 cm tall and weighs 56 kg. Russian nationality. She owes her Slavic appearance to her mother. Like her mother, Vasilisa loves feminine outfits with bright ornaments. She always has colorful jewelry on her neck.

Biography of Vasilisa Volodina

The personal biography of Vasilisa Volodina contains little information, since the star does not like to talk about her life in public. The future celebrity was born in Moscow in the family of the military man Vladimir Naumov. From childhood, the girl was brought up in severity. Parents loaded their daughter with studies, took her to different circles and sections. Vasilisa was good at playing music, but most of all she loved to look at the stars in the hope of seeing a flying saucer.

As a child, her telescope replaced her father's binoculars. It was impossible to see cosmic phenomena in it, the girl did not see the UFO, but in this way the future astrologer studied the map of the heavenly bodies well. She read many books on astrology, and later became interested in card fortune telling and palmistry.

Parents did not take her hobby seriously. When Vasilisa graduated from school with a gold medal, she entered the Faculty of Economics at the Moscow Academy of Management. However, Vasilisa could not imagine her personal life without stars, therefore, in parallel, the student attended courses at the Moscow Academy of Astrology. After graduating from both institutions, Vasilisa Volodina became a certified specialist in two areas at once.

Vasilisa chose astrology and natal charting as her main profession. But her hobby is also collecting tarot cards, which she reads to her friends.

Family of Vasilisa Volodina

The astrologer calls himself "a hopelessly married woman." Vasilisa Volodina's husband and children adore her as much as she does them, although professional activity takes away from a celebrity almost all the time. Therefore, the presenter prefers to spend any free minute with her family, avoiding public events.


About when the children will be born, the astrologer also calculated by the stars. Daughter Victoria was born in 2001. Vasilisa and Sergey had known each other for 3 years, but they were in no hurry to formalize the relationship. After the birth of their first child, the lovers got married.

The presenter's fans and most of her acquaintances did not even know that Vasilisa Volodina was pregnant again. The astrologer was already 40 years old at that time. However, the celebrity knew that at this age, fate would present her with a gift in the form of a second pregnancy. She read about this in her personal horoscope. In 2015, the presenter gave birth to her second child, a son, whom she named Vyacheslav.

The astrologer decided to take maternity leave to devote all her time to the newborn. However, the decree did not last long, as the presenter's fans asked her to return to television. Vasilisa Volodina for the first time showed the face of her three-year-old son to journalists, protecting family happiness from the press. She also rarely displays her daughter in public.


The celebrity has been married to Sergei Volodin for 20 years. Their history of acquaintance was also "astrological". Acquaintances Vasilisa asked to draw up a horoscope for one young man. While working, the astrologer was surprised how much in common she had with this person.

The astrologer met her future husband at the birthday of a mutual friend. The man who so attracted the attention of the young specialist turned out to be the young man for whom she made the horoscope. It was not difficult for Vasilisa to conquer the man, since he was also fascinated by the girl.

Sergey became a reliable support for his wife. Vasilisa Volodina's husband worked in a logistics company, but took on a large hour of household duties. And when fame came to Vasilisa and her client base expanded, Sergei left his job and became the director of his wife. The presenter admits that she and her husband understand each other well, so she cannot find a better partner for her family and work.

Professional activity

Before the program Let's Get Married, Vasilisa Volodina was already a celebrity not only in astrological circles, but also on television. She began to practice palmistry, card fortune-telling and drawing up astral horoscopes as a student. The first clients of the novice tarologist and astrologer were friends and acquaintances. However, after receiving the diploma, the young specialist has already begun to draw up horoscopes for businessmen.

Business forecasts were so accurate that the name of the young astrologer quickly became recognizable in the business community. In the 90s, Vasilisa had many clients, as her business in Russia was actively developing. In addition to business forecasts, the astrologer also made personal horoscopes based on the date and time of birth. Soon, interviews with Vasilisa Volodina began to appear on television. And in 2006, the program "Starry Night with Vasilisa Volodina" started on the Moscow channel.

All-Russian popularity of the astrologer was brought by the marriage show "Let's Get Married", released in 2008. Vasilisa Volodina was in the composition from the very beginning, interrupting her professional activities on television only for the period of maternity leave. In 2012, the presenter took part in the creation of several episodes of the Zodiac Signs program for the TNT channel.

Fulfilled forecasts and predictions

Everyone who has consulted an astrologer claims that predictions from Vasilisa Volodina almost always come true. The celebrity herself says that prophecy is a painstaking work of several days, and sometimes weeks or even months. Although Vasilisa is engaged in the preparation of personal predictions, sometimes she is asked to comment on the future of the country and residents. However, in this case, Vasilisa notes that there is no universal detailed forecast for everyone, there are only general trends.

In newspapers and magazines, you can often find predictions for the signs of the zodiac from the astrologer Volodina. They are accurate, although they contain general information. Increasingly, Vasilisa is asked to speak out about state and social changes in the country. So far, she cannot give positive forecasts on these issues. Previously, she predicted a prolonged decline in the Russian economy after the 2008 crisis, a deterioration in the geopolitical situation, and the instability of the ruble exchange rate, which came true later.

In the coming 2018, the astrologer predicted the strong discontent of the people with the activities of the authorities. This prediction came true in the form of rallies and protests against the pension reform. In addition, Vasilisa saw signs in the starry sky indicating a possible change in the leader of the Russian state.

Astrologer Vasilisa Volodina is one of the most popular specialists in the CIS countries. In order to get to her appointment, you should be patient, because the queues are formed for several months in advance. Hosting Volodina's TV program Let's Get Married has built her a reputation as an expert who knows how to give the right advice during the broadcast or using social networks. An open soul and constant help to viewers are what Vasilisa Volodina gives people free of charge.

About how Vasilisa Volodina developed, biography, personal life of a celebrity, how old the TV presenter will now tell our article further.

Astrologer Vasilisa Volodina is one of the most popular specialists in the CIS countries

Biography of Vasilisa Volodina: from small years to the present

The date of birth of Vasilisa Volodina falls on April 16, 1974. The nationality of the astrologer is a Russian woman, the girl was born in Moscow.

The name we all know is a pseudonym for mediality, which, according to her, suits her based on astrological forecasts. Vasilisa is silent about the real name of the celebrity, but the most acceptable option is Oksana. The maiden name of the astrologer is Naumova.

A short summary of a celebrity.

  • Age - 42 years old.
  • Zodiac sign - Aries.
  • Eastern horoscope sign is tiger.
  • Weight - 56 kg.
  • Height - 170 cm.

The girl was brought up in a tough discipline: this was facilitated by her father's military education. From an early age, Vasilisa developed such qualities as hard work, diligence, and decency.

While studying at school, the child was engaged in musical education, attending various circles. Thanks to her upbringing, Vasilisa achieved tremendous academic success. In addition, the girl managed to help her mother with household chores.

Parents brought up the personality of Vasilisa with high moral foundations, which became the basis of the hard working pace of life of the future astrologer. Passion for astrology began to appear in school years: the girl constantly watched paranormal programs, absorbing all the information she heard. As Vasilisa herself says, she could devote whole evenings to stargazing through her father's binoculars. Even if she did not find a UFO there, she remembered the location of the stars.

An ardent passion for astrology led to the reading of the first specialized books. They influenced the young astrologer so much that the knowledge of the stars' ability to predict the future was formed clearly and forever. She began to study palmistry as a teenager, when the girl first saw her future fame and popularity in the palm of her hand.

Graduating from school with honors led the girl to the Academy of Management. Sergo Ordzhonikidze, where she studied economics. The qualities instilled by her parents formed a diligent student in Vasilisa, but she understood that she was not on her way with a diploma in cybernetics economist. Therefore, in her free time, she drew knowledge of unknown astrology. The acquired information gave the student the opportunity to conduct consultations for ordinary people, and then for businessmen. The relevance of astrology in the early 90s was increased.

Vasilisa Vladimirovna came to success in astrology at the beginning of 2000

Formation of the professional activity of an astrologer

Vasilisa Vladimirovna came to success in astrology at the beginning of 2000. As strange as it may sound, her naive youthful predictions began to come true. Thanks to the compiled accurate business horoscopes, the Moscow elite accepted her into their circle, which made the girl popular.

Since 2006, Vasilisa has worked with the following programs on Russian television:

  • Starry Night with Vasilisa Volodina;
  • "Capital";
  • "Let's get married".

The last TV show brought Vasilisa popularity throughout the country. According to many viewers, Vasilisa is the most charming host of the program.

Acquaintance with my husband. A family

Vasilisa Volodina met her husband in the dashing 90s. Then a friend came to the still unknown astrological expert with a request to draw up a personal horoscope for his colleague. The unknown colleague turned out to be Sergei Volodin. It was then that she first learned about the incredible compatibility of their souls, but did not attach any importance to this. By the dictates of fate, the meeting of future lovers happened by chance at a party. Feelings flared up spontaneously and do not subside until now.

After living for several years in a civil marriage, the couple gave birth to their first child - Victoria. After the birth of their daughter (2001), the lovers decided to get married without fuss and unnecessary social events. Vasilisa's official husband left his own career as a logistician for her sake, taking up the business schedule of his wife.

Vasilisa decided to give birth to her second child only after a thorough study of her own horoscope, where she clearly saw the appearance of her son in her 40s. And, as it was assumed, it was at this time that the son of Vasilisa Volodina was born. The baby's birthday fell on 01/03/2015. The choice of parents fell on the name Vyacheslav.

Children in the life of an astrologer did not interfere with the development of the presenter's career. So, she stayed on maternity leave for a while, and reappeared on television in 2015.

According to Volodina, the early return was influenced by the desire to help and answer letters from viewers.

Media life is not the only area of ​​Vasilisa's development. The leading astrological expert is also engaged in the publication of books and articles. Her notable publications are:

  • "Astrology of Seduction", where recommendations are given to women who want to attract the attention of men;
  • "Love astrological forecast for 2015", where any sign of the zodiac can find a private forecast, learn about all the necessary astrological information.

Vasilisa Volodina tries to help all people, doing it in various forms. So, you can find her personal blog, which gives advice on all areas of life. The popularity of the site once again proves the sincerity and purity of the presenter's soul. With the help of the stars, Vasilisa solves not only the problems of her family, which she openly shares with fans, but also answers the questions of Russians.

We hope that the personality of Vasilisa Volodina, the biography of the TV presenter has become interesting information for you. And, if you have any questions, and you know for sure what exactly she can help you - why not try your luck and try to make an appointment with her.

The biography of Vasilisa Volodina is a story of success and a confident path to conquering heights and achieving goals. Today this woman is a popular astrologer, TV presenter, happy wife, mother of beautiful children and one of the most famous personalities in the field of astrology and numerology.

Natalia Naumova (this is the real name of Vasilisa Volodina) was born in Moscow in April 1974. The girl's father was a military man, so the upbringing of children in the family was strict in a military manner.

Little Natasha always studied "excellently" and in addition to school managed to attend several circles at once, and in her free time she also helped her mother around the house. The girl grew up as an intelligent, intelligent child, and she had difficult hobbies.

Since the mid-1980s, television talked about the paranormal a lot. Natasha was seriously interested in this, and she, looking through her father's binoculars from the balcony of a high-rise building, was looking for a UFO in her city.

She never saw the "plates" with green men, but then she learned the starry sky and the constellations very well. In addition, after a while, the girl became interested in the lines on her palm and their meaning - this is how she learned about the existence of palmistry and since then predicted their future to everyone she knew.

After graduating from school, Natalya enters the Faculty of Economics. But the chosen profession does not bring her pleasure, her soul strives for the stars. In parallel with her studies at the main university, the girl enters the Moscow Academy of Astrology. Both educations will help her build a successful career in the future and, moreover, find happiness in her personal life.

In the late 90s, at the age of 25, Natalya takes the pseudonym Vasilisa Volodin and begins to make business forecasts for many famous personalities. Thanks to this, she becomes famous and popular among the circles of the Moscow elite.

In 2007, the astrologer was offered to try his hand at television, and soon Volodina became the host of the astrological program on the Stolitsa TV channel. Almost immediately, she becomes a favorite of viewers - not only because of accurate predictions, but also because of her sweet, kind and sophisticated appearance.

In 2009, she switched to Channel One in the Let's Get Married program and became a leading astrologer, working together with well-known TV personalities.

A family

At the beginning of her career, a young astrologer received an order to compose a horoscope for a guy named Sergei Volodin. Having prepared a detailed forecast for a young man, the girl discovered his ideal compatibility with herself. And soon Vasilisa Volodina personally met her future husband Sergei at a friendly party.

Since 1998, the couple begins to live together, after 3 years their daughter Victoria is born. Immediately after that, young parents decide to legalize their relationship without a magnificent celebration. Vasilisa Volodina's husband soon abandons the career of a logistician and becomes the personal director of his wife.

Before the birth of her second child, the famous astrologer seriously studied her star chart and calculated that he should be born only when Vasilisa herself was 40 years old. And so it happened. In 2015, an heir appeared in the Volodin family, whom they decided to call Vyacheslav.

Astrologer Vasilisa Volodina today successfully realizes herself in other areas. She has published several books and a huge number of articles on the "star" topic.

Astrologer's books:

  • “Astrology of seduction. Keys to a man's heart ”(2012).
  • "Love Astro Forecast" (2015).
  • "Lunar calendar for 2016".

Vasilisa Volodina has a personal blog in which she shares with people advice on different areas of life. Vasilisa helps to solve problems for star families, in addition, she answers questions of concern to Russians about the future of the country and the world.

Today, the biography of Vasilisa Volodina is associated with successful work and happiness in her personal life. She is a favorite of viewers, an example of femininity for many fans, and at the same time a happy mother and wife of a loving husband. Author: Anastasia Kaikova

Today we will talk about the famous TV presenter, astropsychologist Oksana Vladimirovna Naumova, better known as Vasilisa Volodina. She took a pseudonym, because she believes that by the stars, Vasilisa suits her more. The TV presenter was born in Moscow in 1974. She is Aries by her zodiac sign.

Height, weight, age. How old is Vasilisa Volodina

Vasilisa Volodina has always been graceful and fragile. Although she gave birth to two children, one of whom was born just two years ago, her forms can only be envied. That is why fans of the TV presenter are often interested in what her weight, height, age is. How old is Vasilisa Volodina - no less popular question on the network, because she looks stunning.

So, Vasilisa Volodina is 43 years old. She weighs 56 kg with a height of 170 cm. Many people are interested in the secret of the famous astrologer of the country, everything turned out to be very simple. Vasilisa is practically not inclined to be overweight, which means that sometimes she takes liberties without harming her figure. Of course, the main thing is to know when to stop. In maintaining harmony, the astrologer naturally has stellar calculations and customs that she keeps secret.

Biography of Vasilisa Volodina (TV presenter, astrologer)

Vasilisa grew up in a military family, which means that she learned the severity of upbringing, and was also instilled in order and hard work.

Vasilisa simultaneously went to receive secondary and musical education. Still, she was a regular at various circles. It was this strict upbringing that became the impetus for a successful future and good working capacity.

Vasilisa began to show interest in her future profession during her school years. During this period, for the first time on television, they started talking about unidentified flying objects that the girl was looking for in the sky from the balcony, looking through binoculars. She did not see any UFOs, but very carefully examined the stars and their location. At that moment, the girl became seriously interested in astrology, having read several books.

At the age of 14, Vasilisa became interested in palmistry literature and read about her famous life in her palm.

Vasilisa receives secondary education, then receives a diploma in higher economic education in Moscow. But, the profession did not attract the girl, then, she decides to enter the Moscow Academy of Astrology. From that moment on, the biography of Vasilisa Volodina began to be filled with more and more vivid events, both of a personal and professional nature.

The first clients of the astrologer Vasilisa were her classmates. Having received special education and skills, the girl made predictions not only for students, but also for more influential and wealthy people. Her work became in demand due to the high percentage of predictions that came true. Thanks to her high professionalism, Vasilisa made useful contacts and began to gain popularity among the capital's elite.

Officially, Vasilisa began working as a psychoatrologist in the early 90s. More and more influential people, stars, and other bigwigs are turning to her. To get to the famous astrologer of Moscow, it was necessary to defend a considerable queue.

Since 2006, Vasilisa begins to work as a TV presenter of the Starry Night with Vasilisa Volodina program on one of the domestic channels.

Already in 2008, the popular astrologer was invited to work for one of the leading channels in Russia, the TV presenter of the program Let's Get Married. Her task is to tell how the stars will favor this or that couple on the program. Together with Vasilisa, the program is being hosted by Roza Syabitova and Larisa Guzeeva. She becomes a very popular TV show, multiplying Volodina's fans and making her the idol of many fellow citizens.

Personal life of Vasilisa Volodina

The personal life of Vasilisa Volodina is quite interesting, but not as diverse as that of many famous Russian celebrities. In the 90s, an individual astrological forecast for one man was ordered from Vasilisa. Later, Vasilisa was very surprised how much the person for whom she made a forecast was suitable for her. According to Volodina, their compatibility was perfect.

Sergei Volodin and Vasilisa did not immediately become a couple, but only after some time. The meeting took place quite by accident, at a party of mutual friends Sergei and Vasilisa. After marriage, the girl took the creative pseudonym and surname of her husband.

The relationship was gaining momentum, but there was still no marriage, only after Sergei and Vasilisa had their first-born - they tied the knot. When the couple met, Sergey worked as a logistician, and during the career of his wife, he decided to quit his job and help his wife. Two years ago, the couple had another child. Vasilisa is happy, and she thanks the stars and her skills for this.

Children of Vasilisa Volodina

Daughter Victoria and son Vyacheslav are the children of Vasilisa Volodina and her husband. Vika was born in 2001, and Slava - in 2015. The astrologer was ready for the appearance of her children, because she had calculated the dates of their birth in advance.

Many were surprised by the news of Volodina's pregnancy with her second child, because at that time she was 40. But, the astrologer herself was not at all frightened, but on the contrary. Both husband and eldest daughter Vika wanted replenishment. Although, Vasilisa, focused more on the state of health and what the stars say. She admitted that women often turn to her for help, wishing to have successful or talented children, children of a certain gender. Vasilisa was always surprised by this, because many expectant mothers forget about the most important thing - the baby's health. And how successful the child will become depends on genetics and upbringing.

The son of Vasilisa Volodina - Vyacheslav

The second child, the son of Vasilisa Volodina, is Vyacheslav, who was born in 2015. It was the expected child, planned. The family was preparing for the birth of the baby in advance. The husband expressed a desire to be present at the birth of the child, and the daughter helped her mother in every possible way, as she was happy in anticipation of the appearance of her brother. Today Slava is 2 years old, he grows up in a happy and friendly family. Vasilisa tries to devote all her free time to children, although there is quite a bit of it. Many are surprised why the spouses wanted a second child so late, but Vasilisa herself admitted that they were waiting for the right moment.

Daughter of Vasilisa Volodina - Victoria

The first child of the couple is the daughter of Vasilisa Volodina - Victoria. The popular astrologer admitted that the pregnancy was difficult due to health problems. Today her daughter is already 16, she is finishing school. The girl studies English in depth, and goes to the UK for courses. But, Vika plans to work and live in her homeland, and not abroad. The daughter of the famous TV presenter Vasilisa Volodina loves school, especially, she is attracted by exact sciences (mathematics).

As for her future profession, Victoria would like to have her own business, sell watches or jewelry. In any case, as Vasilisa's daughter said in an interview, she counts on the help and support of her parents.

Vika also has a hobby, she loves to learn English, in which she is already fluent, and also plays basketball. The girl trains three times a week. She is madly in love with this sport.

Vicki's friends often ask her mother to make an astrological forecast, but some still managed to get it. As for the fans, they certainly are, but so far they do not really care for Victoria. The girl is not going to get married early, dreaming of building a career and making money for a comfortable future.

Vasilisa Volodina's husband - Sergey Volodin

Sergey and Vasilisa met each other at a party with mutual friends. But, Vasilisa literally learned this person even before they met, thanks to the individual astrognosis, which one acquaintance had previously asked her to compose. Then, Vasilisa was surprised, because they fit each other 100%, as the stars talked about. The lovers lived in a civil marriage for 7 years, and when Vasilisa became pregnant, they decided to legalize the relationship, but without lavish celebrations.

The couple have been married for over 16 years (officially), and together since 1995. Vasilisa Volodina's husband, Sergey Volodin, worked in the field of logistics, and was very successful. But, when his wife began to gain more and more popularity, he decided to become her director, helping both at home and with business. Indeed, in addition to filming on television, Vasilisa still continues to provide the services of an astrologer and there are many who wish. Sergey monitors her schedule, helps with phone calls. It is noticeable to the naked eye that the couple is happily married.

Naked Vasilisa Volodina

The popular TV presenter and astrologer Vasilisa Volodina is a very attractive woman who always looks after her figure and beauty. She is already 43, but the number of requests on the Naked Vasilisa Volodina network is not decreasing. The strange thing is that Vasilisa was not noticed, not only in frank photo sessions, but also in an indecent form. Her outfits are always feminine and elegant, makeup is always in theme and in moderation. Yes, she is a public person, blonde, graceful and beautiful, but she gave no reason for dirty rumors. A woman has two children, a husband and a profession far from dirty intrigues and indecency. Perhaps someone's wild fantasy sparked controversial comments online that quickly became popular.

Instagram and Wikipedia Vasilisa Volodina

The popularity of the astrologer Vasilisa Volodina rolls over and the further, the more. Her busy schedule does not allow her to relax. Along with other well-known celebrities of the domestic show business, Instagram and Wikipedia Vasilisa Volodina are also on the network.

She has more than 300 thousand subscribers on the Instagram social network. Vasilisa talked about the fact that many of her acquaintances only call her friends, and they put on them just freeloaders who dream of getting a free consultation from a leading Russian astrologer. Vasilisa works for a fee, as there is also information on Instagram. There is a lot of interesting information about her, a lot of articles about her personal life, children. She often shares fresh photos from work and not only. In addition to the usual biographical data, there is other information that is not very pleasant (nude photos, etc.).

The Volodin family is happy, as if they just got married yesterday. Respect, hard work and honesty reign in their family. The astrologer associates the fact that they have found each other with the stars. Vasilisa Volodina is also involved in charity work. Mom does not forget about the children - Vika and Slavka. Today the couple are raising two wonderful children.

4 minutes reading

Television is an integral part of human life. People flickering on the screen are gradually becoming dearer to us. Actors' popularity largely depends on the ratings of the films and programs in which they participate. The more popular a person becomes, the more closely the audience begins to follow him.


Vasilisa Volodina, who is familiar to all of us thanks to the popular TV show "Let's Get Married!" on Channel One. She was born, as it became known, on April 16, 1974 in the city of Moscow. While still a schoolgirl, Vasilisa felt a craving for astrology, card fortune-telling and numerology. As a teenager (from the age of fourteen), she began to practice palmistry and card predictions for the serious. This was the start for her current profession. Having adopted simple arithmetic, it is easy to calculate her experience in this area. And it will be at least a quarter of a century! She received her first education with a degree in Mathematics and Economics. But her vocation is to be an astropsychologist, and she is finishing her second education at the Moscow Academy of Astrology. No one, except the closest people, knows her real name. Vasilisa is her astrological name, a pseudonym. Rumor has it that in the circle of relatives her name is Svetlana. Volodina herself in an interview says that her husband calls her Vasya. But it is known for sure that her surname is reliable and inherited from her husband. Being an Aries by horoscope, the famous TV presenter has such characteristics as enthusiasm, perseverance, activity and gambling. As a professional astrologer, she started working in 1992 providing individual and business consultations, publishing astrological forecasts for newspapers and magazines. For the most part, Vasilisa Volodina is engaged in business consulting (in particular, financial forecasting), firmly occupying her niche in the astrological business. Prominent political and public figures, businessmen, come to her for consultation. Astrological forecasts from Volodina are famous for their high accuracy, are wildly successful and are never criticized. And this is an indicator of her high professionalism.

Huge queues line up to receive consultations. Perhaps because of this, the rates for her services are quite expensive. A recognized astrologer, well versed in the trends of technological fashion, actively uses high technologies not only for personal purposes, but also in his work activities. So, she conducts online consultations. Note, without helpers, she herself answers every question asked to her. Again, thanks to the special feature of her astrological sign - innovation - Vasilisa Volodina is actively developing new ideas for the development of her stormy and fruitful activity. So, she has developed an astrological forecast program "Star of the Day", a very interesting in its essence calendar "Lord of Time", thanks to which, you can find out when to make appointments, negotiations, and so on. She first appeared on TV screens in 1996 as the author and host of the Starry Night with Vasilisa Volodina program. But her real success was ensured by the show "Let's Get Married!" on Channel One, where she is a co-host and astrologer-consultant. The viewers really liked this beautiful, effective and young woman.

Personal life of Vasilisa

Her acquaintance with her husband and further marriage is completely mystical. When she compiled a horoscope for her future husband at the request of his friend, she saw that their horoscopes are very compatible and have a lot in common. And after a while, a meeting took place at a party of mutual friends, and as a result, a wedding. Now the couple are raising their daughter Victoria. For the sake of his wife's career, Vasilisa's husband left his job and now works with her and helps to run business. But, even with a very busy schedule and leading a rich social and social life, Volodina always carries a powerful charge of positiveness and gives peace of mind with her kind smile. Wanting to help the weak half of humanity to find family happiness, Volodina publishes the book Astrology of Seduction, a kind of guide to the hearts of men. Every woman is simply obliged to read it. In this book, Volodina teaches modern women to read the horoscope of their soulmate. Teaches you to wisely apply the advice of an astrologer to achieve a full-fledged family life and mutual understanding between spouses, I take into account the individuality of my men, since all people are different. By following the advice from the book, you can become the “ideal” woman for your partner. But most importantly, you can understand not only your half, but yourself. And to all the fair sex who dream of getting married as soon as possible, Vasilisa Volodina gives one simple advice: the decision to marry her chosen one is best made after twelve months have passed since the beginning of their acquaintance. Thus, the risk of an unhappy family life is significantly reduced.