In 1613, the sloth got his English name from a person who has never seen this animal in person. Samuel Pourhas, an English cleric, collected reports from sailors about their travels around the world. Although he never visited America, he was the first to describe the sloth, which is native to Central and South America, in his book Pilgrimage. The locals, he reported, called the animal "hay" because of the sound it made and, because it moved very slowly, the Portuguese called it "preguiça". It may mean "laziness", but being a cleric, the word "laziness" was one of the seven deadly sins. The name stuck.

During the early meetings of Europeans with the Leninists, they did not pay much attention to these creatures. They were described as animals with human faces, so artists depicted them as a kind of bear with an ape-like head. (Actually there are two different types sloths, two- and three-toed, which are less closely related than originally thought, but because they move slowly, they are grouped together even today). Back in the 19th century, one of the Books on natural history describes Leninists as "imperfect monsters, as remarkable in their hideous appearance as they were helpless."

Photo. Ancient image of a sloth

But in our time, the reputation of sloths has been rehabilitated. It may have peaked in 2012, when actress Kristen Bell shared a story on The Ellen Show about how excited she was when she met a real live sloth.

Since then, it has been widely believed that sloths are quite cute and amazing animals. In fact, there is an entire internet subculture dedicated to the love of sloths.

So who are they? Are sloths really imperfect and disgusting monsters? Or are they cute and harmless animals? Here we will look at both cases and give you the opportunity to answer this pressing question.

1. Sloths are cute and amazing
Baby sloths are incredibly cute
Okay, it's a bit of a cheat to start with the babies, since most animals have babies that are very cute. But sloth babies have a particularly adorable feature: during the first months of their lives, they cling to their mothers' bellies. Plus, look at that giant tongue!

Video. Baby sloth's tongue

They love hibiscus
As Michael Pollan advises, sloths eat mainly this plant. This is one of the reasons they are so slow: their diet is low in energy, so their metabolism is also sluggish. Their digestive system it may take an unusually long time to digest food, although there is still some debate about this. One of their favorite foods is reported to be hibiscus flowers, which have also become a popular ingredient in human food culture. Laziness is trending!

They sleep in the trees

Photo. The sloth got ready to sleep on the tree

Sloths spend most of their time high in the trees, and they also stay there to sleep. To make a comfortable rookery for themselves, they like to wrap their legs around a tree trunk, lean back on a well-sloping branch, and rest their chin on their chest. It looks incredibly comfortable - the perfect way to sleep in a tree if you're a sloth. This way they maintain balance.

They smell like trees
Sloths move slowly enough that they do not need sweat glands, and their body odor is minimal. IN wildlife they pick up the scent of their surroundings. Sam Trull of the Costa Rican Sloth Institute, who rescued the sloths and released them into the forest, said "they smell good" when they're in the forest. “Most likely this happens due to the fact that they lie on the trees and some sap falls on them when they sleep and move through the trees. And after that they smell like trees.”

They're screaming
Sloths make an extremely distinct sound that is similar to the cry of a human baby. Just look:

Video. Sloth cry

2. Sloths are disgusting

Photo. Sloth on a tree

They're covered in algae
Sloths are a whole ecosystem. They have developed a symbiotic relationship with algae and moths. Algae grows all over the body, in some cases turning the sloths into a green-hued slime, and moths live in the fur and lay eggs in their excrement. Sloths can even eat some algae that grows all over the place and absorb some nutrients through its skin. Yes, it's cool, but it's also disgusting!

They have extra vertebrae

Photo. Sloth Skeleton

Most mammals, no matter how long their necks, have seven cervical vertebrae. For example, the vertebrae in a giraffe's neck are much longer than ours. However, sloths have nine cervical vertebrae. This allows them to turn their heads almost 360 degrees, as in creepy movie horror. Additionally, additional vertebrae may have vestigial ribs that protrude.

Their claws are very long

Photo. Sloth claws

Sloths need their claws to grab and hang from trees. They are a bit like human fingernails that have been allowed to grow for a very long time and have never been cut.

They make sexy squeaks
Sloths are usually antisocial. They spend most of their lives alone. But when the time comes to mate, the female sloth must let the males of her species know that she is ready to mate. She does this with a loud and unpleasant squeak.

Video. Female sloth calling male

In 2001, a group of scientists working in the Peruvian Amazon noticed a sloth hanging from the wooden beams above their toilet. However, this sloth didn't just hang there. He ate from the toilet. “He plunged one hand into semi-liquid manure consisting of feces, urine and toilet paper, and then ate from his hand,” the scientists report.

Photo. The sloth and the baby came to rummage through human excrement

There wasn't just one pervert there. The team observed several sloths performing this behavior on 25 different occasions. Although for them it may have some nutritional value, but there is no definitive answer as to why sloths eat human feces. And remember how baby sloths cling to their mothers? It's hard to imagine, but the fact remains - the mother comes to the toilet together with her baby.

You decide
When Sloths Can Look Cute: Baby Sloths Have long tongues, sloths eat hibiscus flowers and other plants, they make incredible noises loud sounds, they sleep in the trees and they smell like the forest. When sloths are disgusting: They're covered in algae, they have extra creepy vertebrae and rough, long claws, they squeal to attract a mate, and they're willing to eat liquid human waste.

So do you think sloths are cute or disgusting animals?

Are sloths dangerous to humans?
While sloths appear sleepy and non-aggressive, they have 10cm long claws which they use for defense against predators. However, on the ground they can only move at about 1.5 meters per minute, making them easy to catch.

Although their claws are their primary means of defense, sloths have hard and sharp teeth, which they can use to bite or scare off predators. Their only natural predators are big cats and birds such as jaguars and eagles, although humans have been known to shoot and kill them. Although sloths rarely attack people, their claws often get stuck in tree branches even at the moment of death, preventing people from reaching them.

You should be more afraid of a bite with your teeth or a wound caused by your claws, as this can lead to infection and if left untreated, this will lead to serious consequences.

Sloths avoid predators by living in trees and come down to the ground to defecate or move to another tree. They drink drops of dew or from moistened tree leaves. The two-toed species are not strict herbivores, they will sometimes eat small reptiles, birds and insects, but not the other four species.

On the ground, sloths are almost defenseless. They dig into the ground with their claws and propel themselves forward on their bellies. Despite this, sloths do not suffer much from predators because they move too slowly without attracting attention and blend in well with their surroundings.

An animal called sloth, belongs to the order Incomplete teeth. Armadillos also asked to be their relatives, although they are completely different in appearance.

Another one like this animal, which would be outwardly looks like a sloth in nature, perhaps, does not exist. Even among their relatives of another species, there are no similar ones. There are only 5 species in the world, which consist of two families.

Features and habitat of the sloth

Distinctive feature The fingers serve as hooks: some have three, others have two. However, they have some similarities with each other. All animals are small in length from 50 to 60 cm and weigh a little - 4-6 kg. The fur is brownish-gray in color. Looking at photo of an animal, you can see that appearance sloth resembles the physique of an ordinary monkey.

This order has very long limbs but a tiny head. The tenacious fingers, unusual in the form of a hook, allow them to freely hang on tree branches of any configuration, but they cannot make sudden jumps or free oscillatory movements.

Due to the increased density and length of the coat, in some species only charming eyes and a black nose are visible from the shock of hair. And the tail is so small that it can barely be distinguished on the body.

Looking at the face, we will see a very friendly, happy with life animal. By giving everyone their smile, they create a great atmosphere of friendliness.

Although the first time they see a sloth, some will consider them an unpleasant animal. Perhaps some species are a little off-putting in their appearance, but they inner world and body structure can be very attractive. Even the structure of the sloth's internal organs is different from other mammals.

Here is one of unusual facts: Sloths’ teeth are rootless and there is no enamel on them, but they are equal in size. But even here there is an exception: two-toed sloths have two separate fangs and therefore they are classified as part of the order of Incomplete-dentates.

Nature has endowed them with an excellent sense of smell, but in other respects, unfortunately, they do not succeed. Brain from behind primitive image The lifespan of these animals is short. Sloths are very slow and therefore the arrangement of all organs is different from other mammals.

For example, the liver is located closer to the back, the spleen has moved to the right, and the stomach and intestines have exceeded all normal sizes. The mirror arrangement of the organs was due to constant hovering with the back down.

Amazing feature Sloths differ from other tree dwellers. If they need to defecate, they always come down from the trees. Given their slowness and clumsiness, this is a very labor-intensive process.

Moreover, they are also defenseless against any predators. Therefore, they do such descents from a height that is sometimes 40 meters or more very rarely. Oddly enough, colon cleansing occurs only once a week!

Maintaining cleanliness is one of the factors for which unusual animals can be praised. They act similarly, making a depression in the ground, carefully raking in their feces.

Seeing a sloth moving on the ground is a special sight. They look comical with their crawling movements on their stomachs. And all this is because of the long fingers with huge hooks. It seems that they are trying with all their might to overcome a small obstacle. Although, this is their usual state.

The photo shows a sloth on the ground

This species of mammal has the most low temperature body: it ranges from 30 to 33 degrees, and sometimes drops to 24 degrees, which is quite impressive. But they can be called champions in sleep - sloths sleep ten hours a day.

To everyone's surprise these animals excellent swimmers and they do it much faster than moving through trees. Swimming is good for them, since their fur is colored greenish by algae, which ultimately disguises them from ill-wishers.

Sloths animals thermophilic, live in warm tropics equatorial zone South America. They are very comfortable in the thicket of the forest, they nestle comfortably in the wide crowns of trees.

In the photo the sloth is swimming

The most extensive range of the sloth family in the Central and South America. They are also found in Honduras, as well as in northern Argentina. Sloths can be found even in the mountains at an altitude of up to 1100 meters.

Because an abundance of food is characteristic of these evergreen places. There is danger for sloths everywhere. The Indians use their tasty meat for their food.

Character and lifestyle of the sloth

These amazing animals love solitude very much, so it is rare to see at least two individuals at once. Thanks to peaceful nature animal , sloths never show aggression. They calmly feed and sleep next to each other. They can show their dissatisfaction by loud snoring, and sometimes you can hear the cry of “ah-ah”.

In general it is possible describe a sloth like slow motion animal, both outside and inside - flabby blood circulation, imperceptible breathing and slow movement.

They set a world record for the slowest bowel movement - removing undigested ballast from the intestines. This happens only once, less than three times a month. Although they do not differ in eye vigilance, they can enjoy color pictures amazing world nature.

Nature has deprived them of hearing and smell, so strong and very sharp claws are a sure weapon against an ill-wisher. But immobility and good camouflage to match the foliage saves these persons from enemies.

Drowning in an ocean of foliage and a variety of fruits that are located right next to their mouths, sloths do not need to “run” in search of food. And you can quite get your fill of water from juicy leaves and fruits.

They can quench their thirst by licking droplets of dew or rain from the leaves. Having been injured or mortally wounded, as well as poisoned, sloths will endure all these troubles very easily. They have good survivability. Like a frog, their heart, taken out of their chest, beats for a long time without dying.

Many people would like to have this animal at home, but buy a sloth Only wealthy people can afford it. You can buy it only in the nursery at a price of 50 thousand rubles.

Having become accustomed to a person, he can come down to you and crawl under the blanket, but he very rarely allows himself to be petted. Fortunately, the most favorite hobby for them it is water treatments.

Therefore, no special effort is required to bathe the animal to get rid of the specific smell from the owner. Thanks to their strong immunity, they practically do not get sick.

It all depends on maintenance and care, but don’t expect gratitude in return. Is it worth it at this rate? price acquire exotic animal, to hold sloth captive? Let everyone answer this question individually.

Sloth feeding

The main diet of the charming animals is eucalyptus leaves. Sloths eat this kind of food constantly, almost without stopping. Due to the fact that the leaves are a low-calorie product, in order to get enough, you have to eat them in huge quantities.

Since the paws hold the clumsy body suspended, it is necessary to tear off the succulent leaves with the lips or teeth. Digestion of food lasts about a month. Two-thirds of the animal's mass is food.

Their menu includes juicy vegetables and fruits, and they also love to feast on young shoots. Therefore, they can safely be called vegetarians. Surprisingly, sloths will not refuse a lizard or a small lizard that accidentally gets on their teeth. It is unlikely that you will find such unusual food to feed these individuals in captivity.

Reproduction and lifespan of a sloth

Reproduction of these unique animals takes place in each species in different time. So, three-toed sloths begin to mate in the spring - in March or April, while two-toed sloths prefer to do this all year round. The female carries the cub under her heart for six months, but can extend the term for another six months. Only one cub is born.

Birth occurs directly on the tree. Hooking on her front paws, the female firmly holds the free-hanging body vertically down and gives birth to a calf. As soon as he is born, he grabs onto his mother’s fur and quickly finds her breast.

Only after two years does he begin to gradually get used to solid food. The baby gains independence by nine months, and becomes an adult by two and a half years.

The male is not at all interested in the emerging child, so there is no need to wait for help from the female. Only the mother is attentive and tender. Young sloths are much more active than adults. Sloths have a long lifespan; in the wild they can live up to 40 years, but in captivity life cycle ends by the age of twenty.

The sloth belongs to the order of the Incomplete-toothed. This also includes anteaters and armadillos, although they do not share the same features in appearance.

No animal in nature is similar to the sloth. They are the only ones in the world and have no resemblance even to their relatives. Look at the photo of the sloth, how cute and harmless they are.

Sloth habitats and their features

The main feature of the animal is its fingers, like hooks; there can be two or three of them. The length of sloths is about 60 cm, and their weight is up to 6 kg. The squad is covered with brown fur with gray patches.

When you see a sloth, you immediately think of a monkey. The animals have a small head but long legs.

Unusual hook-like fingers allowed them to hang on tree branches without fear of falling, but they would not be able to jump or move freely.

Sloths have thick fur, they have barely noticeable cute eyes and a black nose. The tail under the fur coat is almost invisible on the body. The charming individual gives a smile to others, creating a friendly atmosphere.

Sloths are very charming, but the same cannot be said about their mental abilities. Animals' brains are not fully developed due to their lifestyle. They are generally slow and never in a hurry.

The internal organs are arranged in a mirror manner, constantly hanging with their backs down. Sloths are slow and clumsy, so it takes a long time to come down to the ground. They are unprotected from predators.

Descents occur rarely, and then in order to cleanse the intestines - once every 7 days. The animals are clean; feces are carefully hidden in dug holes.

It is impossible not to laugh when you see how the sloth moves. His movements are quite comical. Cute animals sleep lasts 10 hours. Everything swims perfectly, and movements occur faster than in the trees.

Where do sloths live?

Animals love warm areas and inhabit the tropics closer to South America. A large number of the family has been seen in the center and south of America.

Sloths are found in Honduras and northern Argentina. Even at an altitude of 1100 m, several individuals can be found in the mountains.

How sloths live

It is extremely rare to see two animals together; they like a solitary lifestyle. The character of sloths is peaceful, so it is difficult to notice aggression in them; they calmly stay close to their relatives. If the animal is dissatisfied, then it can let out a cry: “Ay-ay.”

For sloths, everything happens slowly: breathing, blood circulation and movement. Animals' hearing and sense of smell are poorly developed; their main weapon is their claws.

And thanks to their immobility and camouflage color, individuals ideally hide in the foliage, escaping from enemies.

To quench his thirst, the sloth licks the dew. They are tenacious and, having been injured, their body fights the disease perfectly.

What do sloths eat?

Let's find out what sloths eat. The main delicacy of animals is eucalyptus. They consume the leaves of the plant constantly, without stopping. The product contains few calories and therefore animals eat them in huge quantities.

Sloths tear off leaves with their lips or teeth, as their paws support their body. The food takes almost a month to digest.

In addition to eucalyptus, the menu includes vegetables, fruits and young shoots. They can eat a lizard or an insect if they accidentally come across one.

How do sloths reproduce and how long do they live?

Animals reproduce at different times; the mating period depends on the species. The female carries the baby for 6 months, but sometimes the process takes another six months.

She can give birth to only one cub. To the light small animal appears right on the tree. He grabs onto his mother's fur and immediately begins to suck the milk.

On breastfeeding The baby is 2 years old. He begins to move around on his own after 9 months, and after 2.5 years he matures.

The male does not show any interest in the birth of the baby; the female copes with the child herself. She treats her descendants very tenderly and attentively. Individuals live no more than 40 years.

The sloth animal in the photo looks very beautiful and kind. Look through the huge gallery of pictures and fall in love with the animal, what a cute face and attractive smile. Amazing - charming animals.

Photo of a sloth

Sloths are relict animals descended from megatheriums. The ancestors of sloths were larger than elephants. Modern sloths have shrunk considerably, and the largest individuals are comparable in size to the average dog. Their body length is 40-50 cm, weight rarely exceeds 5 kg. A unique feature of sloths is their amazing passivity. Most For days, the animals sleep peacefully, clinging to a branch with the powerful claws of all four paws.

Sloths are extremely reluctant to descend to the ground, as they become extremely vulnerable. They are not even capable of walking on their four thin legs. They use their paws like levers, dragging their body along the ground. But these animals swim excellently. The reason for the phlegmatic nature of animals is their meager diet. They feed on leaves, and on occasion they may snack on a beetle or butterfly. Such food provides little energy, so sloths have to spend it extremely sparingly.

Their whole life takes place in the crowns of trees - there they are born, live, look for food and reproduce. It has not yet been possible to collect complete information about how sloths reproduce. There is no specific breeding season for sloths; they mate all year round. Naturally, also very slowly. In a year, a female is able to bear offspring only once. As a rule, only one cub is born.

Sloth - reproduction:

Sloths become sexually mature at about two years of age. Pregnant females carry the baby for about six months. A small sloth is born, already covered with fur, with a full set of claws and the skills to cling - for starters, to the female’s fur. The female feeds the baby for about 4-5 weeks.

The cub spends the first 7-9 months with the female, and only then separates. That is, it moves to the next branch, and there, on its own territory, it begins an independent life. Sleeps, eats, occasionally crawling further away for a juicier bunch of leaves. Adult sloths prefer to live alone, and only in search of a partner can they gather in small groups. Breeding sloths in captivity is complicated by the fact that each of them has their own taste preferences.