Temperature is nothing more than a comfortable atmosphere in certain place for people or objects located there. The concept of “correct temperature” is often used when inspecting educational premises. There is a strictly established temperature standard for different institutions, but these are not the only places where this factor is monitored. They carefully monitor the air condition when storing food and growing plants, and this is done regularly by the relevant services. Particular care is taken to maintain the correct microclimate in rooms where children are located. This is mainly done because the health of the younger generation directly depends on compliance with these standards.

Concept of temperature

The correct air temperature in any place directly depends on how a person feels. This factor greatly depends on what we evaluate and what result we expect.

There are many different standards assessing the temperature state. For example, equipment operation. This standard is monitored in industries where correct work devices is directly related to the quality of products or operational safety. Or temperature conditions for storing various products. It's about work Food Industry, as well as problems of selling both perishable and non-perishable products.

Today we will not consider absolutely all modes. Let's look at some of them. First, let’s figure out what the concept of “temperature regime” actually means. So, speaking in simple words, these are the boundaries that should not be violated in certain conditions. There are different standards depending on what we are looking at and evaluating. This means that the air temperature in the school may differ from the norm at the factory, and this is absolutely normal, since in these places there are different conditions, and they perform different functions. In the article we will look at the maintenance standards that must be maintained in schools, kindergartens and manufacturing enterprises. At all these facilities, people come first, which means the temperature should be comfortable, first of all, for them.

Dependence of air on climate

Temperature estimation is highly dependent on climatic conditions where the enterprise is located. Depending on the region in which the school or office is located, air conditions need to be considered differently. To fully assess the condition of the room in terms of temperature, you need to find out not only the temperature parameters, but also measure the humidity and pressure. All of them together show the final result, and only after evaluating all indicators is a conclusion made about compliance.

It is worth noting here that all values ​​are strictly defined by sanitary standards for each region. These standards are spelled out in a special document, which many call “SanPiN”. Temperature conditions of all educational organizations is clearly defined and must be supported, otherwise the administration faces penalties.

It becomes clear to everyone that in the southern regions the temperature range differs from the parameters in the northern part of the country.

Room atmosphere

The atmosphere in the room should be such that a person feels comfortable being in it. The individual characteristics of each person influence his perception, so the modes depend on who is in the room. For example, scientists have found that a woman prefers more warm atmosphere than a man. And young children generally do not know how to regulate their condition and can suffer from overheating or hypothermia much faster than adults. It is these differences that are taken into account when the standard temperature in a particular place is established. Depending on the type of room, different requirements can be distinguished:

  • Bedroom. The ideal temperature is considered to be 18 o C. In such an atmosphere a person sleeps well and feels good and cheerful.
  • Bathroom. In order for this room to be comfortable and free of fungal formations, the optimal temperature is 25 o C.
  • Kitchen. Due to the fact that this room is constantly being worked household electrical appliances, best temperature considered 20 o C.

It is important to remember that, whatever the temperature in the apartment, the human body should not be subject to changes of more than 2 degrees. He does not like changes, as this leads to deterioration of health and wear and tear of the cardiac system.

Human health

Despite the fact that some people prefer non-standard living conditions, there are generally accepted standards that must be adhered to. It is especially important to do this during the period when weather lead to heating or, conversely, cooling of the premises. In this case, the indoor climate must be maintained using aids: in winter, heating devices operate, in summer period– cooling, for example, an air conditioner or a fan. If this is not done, then violation of the norms will lead to overheating or cooling of a person, and this is quite dangerous for health.

No overheating!

What is dangerous about overheating and when does it occur? On average, a temperature above 25 o C in a room is considered unacceptable. Overheating can lead to problems with the cardiovascular system. Another danger is the spread of pathogenic bacteria in such an atmosphere. Also when extreme heat your body quickly begins to lose moisture and dehydration may occur. To prevent this from happening, carefully monitor the condition of your body. Having noticed a violation in the area temperature regime, point out the administration's mistake.

Damage from hypothermia

In winter, the optimal temperature must be maintained to avoid hypothermia. In apartment conditions, the parameter should not be allowed to drop below 17 o C. Why is this so dangerous for the body? A decrease in temperature leads to colds and also negatively affects work nervous system. This situation is especially dangerous where there are newborn children. Of course, there are individual preferences, and some people like a cool climate in the room, but these are rare exceptions that cannot change the general rules.

Kindergarten and atmosphere

The temperature regime in a kindergarten is very important, since the health of young children depends entirely on how carefully sanitary standards are observed in the premises. The climate in the kindergarten does not depend on the wishes of the parents or the team, but strictly corresponds to the specified parameters:

  1. Playing area: 21–24 o C.
  2. Bedroom: 18–21 o N.

The kindergarten management must carefully monitor the climate, carry out regular measurements and adjust the heating or ventilation of the premises for an ideal atmosphere. At the same time, all actions to regulate the temperature must be carried out without risk to the health of the children.

School, children, climate

The temperature regime in the school is no less important, since, despite the fact that the children in this institution are in an older age category, they still remain children, and their health may suffer if the administration’s attitude towards maintaining the microclimate in the school is incorrect. There are different approaches to temperature control in different types premises:

  • Offices or classrooms, assembly halls, dining rooms, libraries, corridors - all these rooms should have a temperature of 18–24 o C. Also, a similar climate should be maintained in all rooms where children study, do laboratory works, undergo consultations, attend clubs.
  • Gyms, workshops and other premises where children perform physical exercise, have a temperature of 17–20 o C.
  • If there are shower rooms in the school building, then in them, as well as in the locker rooms, it is necessary to maintain 22–25 o C.
  • During the period when there are no classes at school and children are on vacation, you can reduce the temperature to 15 o C.

Compliance with all standards is monitored by the relevant authorities, who can impose a fine in case of violations, and even close institutions if it is not possible to quickly correct the situation and remove the violations.


The norm exists not only for educational institutions. Any enterprise, be it an office or a factory, has its own temperature standards. When opening any premises and putting it into operation, the owner is required to obtain permission from the sanitation station. It is this structure that specifies legal norms and monitors their compliance. There are different categories of rooms, and depending on the type, there are different requirements. The division is based on the type of activity of the enterprise and the intensity of work of employees.

Various categories

So, depending on the above factors, categories are distinguished:

  1. Category No. 1. It contains enterprises whose employees do not use physical labor. This applies mainly to office premises, workshops and other enterprises, where everyone works in a sitting position, and the body's energy consumption is kept to a minimum. In such rooms it is necessary to maintain a temperature of 21–28 o C. If the enterprise employees use some kind of physical force and energy costs rise, then the norm is reduced to 20 o C.
  2. Category No. 2. At such enterprises, employees do not work particularly physically, but there is still a minimum load (for example, lifting a load of up to one kilogram), you need to adhere to the norms of 18–27 o C. In the event that team members lift loads in the amount of up to 10 kilograms, then it is necessary to maintain the temperature up to 16 o C. An example of such a room is considered to be rolling, mechanized, forging, and others.
  3. Category No. 3. This includes enterprises where people constantly use physical labor in their work. Moreover, the mass of the product exceeds 10 kilograms. Even taking into account individual characteristics the temperature should correspond to the parameters 15–26 o C.


To properly monitor the climate in a particular room, you need to keep a temperature log. What should you write down in your journal? It contains all the readings that are inherent in a particular room or premises. This needs to be done constantly and regularly, depending on what type of enterprise we are considering. In order not to deviate from the norm, in winter it is recommended to comply with the maintenance standards not only for all premises, but also for auxiliary devices. High-quality thermal insulation also helps a lot to comply with regulations, so when winter comes, it’s better to seal the windows and check the vacuum seal of the doors. If the rules are violated, the enterprise administration will face punishment. IN Lately Temperature standards are violated more often. This largely depends on the quality of the thermal insulation. Carry out a thorough check of all heat-saving elements. This will help you comply with all legal requirements for ensuring the correct indoor climate.

Temperature, the main characteristic of thermal processes in the wine industry, the thermal state of wine materials, wines and the air of production premises. The temperature regime is set for individual technological operations and wine of each type in such a way as to ensure best conditions to form High Quality and typical properties of the product and its stability was achieved. Temperature technological processes winemaking is inextricably linked with the time regime, i.e. with the duration of exposure to increased or low temperature on the material being processed. In most cases, the lower the temperature during heat treatment, the longer its exposure is required. The optimal temperature regime is strictly observed during the heat treatment of grape bunches and pulp, and when processing wine materials with heat and cold (see. ), during aging and storage of wine materials, as well as thermal drying of grapes and secondary winemaking products. Optimal temperature processing grape bunches with heat when producing red table wines is created by exposing the berries to hot steam for 15-20 s. In this case, the temperature directly under the skin reaches 60-70°C, and in the pulp 35-40°C. Heat treatment of the pulp at a temperature of 70°C for 30 minutes ensures the production of a well-colored wort. The optimal temperature regime for fermentation of grape must for vintage white table wines and champagne wine materials is 14-18°C, fermentation on pulp when obtaining wine materials for red table wines is 28-30°C, because more low temperature does not provide sufficiently colored and extractive wine materials. For most wines, the production of which does not require additional technological conditions, the fermentation temperature of the wort should not exceed 20-22°C. The temperature regime for secondary fermentation is from 7 to 15°C, depending on the method of champagning the wine. Biological deoxygenation of champagne blends is carried out at a temperature not exceeding 12°C. The optimal temperature for aging and storing white table wines is 8-10°C, red table wines and some dessert wines (muscats, Tokay wines) are 15-16°C, strong wines (Madera, port) are 16-18°C, aging cognac spirits are 18 -20°C. Cold treatment of wine materials to stabilize them against crystalline turbidity is carried out by rapid cooling to -4-5°C and holding at this temperature for 2 days, followed by filtration. The temperature regime during short-term heat treatment of wine materials for the purpose of pasteurization is in the range of 50-75°C, depending on the type of wine; during hot bottling of wine - 43-55°C. Pasteurization of grape juices is carried out at a temperature of 82-85°C for 2-2.5 minutes. Short-term pasteurization at this temperature results in less precipitation than long-term pasteurization at a lower temperature. Pasteurization of juices in bottles and bottle pasteurization of juices is carried out at a temperature of 75-80°C for 30 minutes. Bekmes is produced by boiling wort in open boilers at temperatures above 100°C, while vacuum wort is produced under vacuum conditions at a temperature not exceeding 55°C. Long-term heat treatment of wine materials is carried out to intensify oxidatively- restorativeprocesses, carbonylamine reactions, esterification, etc., in the production of some strong wines (see. , ), in order to form their typical taste and aroma, as well as to accelerate the ripening of ordinary wines and increase the stability of wine products. In such cases, the optimal temperature regime is established depending on the technological conditions and ongoing biochemical and physicochemical processes. The approximate temperature regime can be found using the Gerasimov diagram, which makes it possible to determine the required duration of heating the wine depending on the temperature and oxygen regime. The duration of heat treatment for the formation of a particular type of wine depends on the adopted temperature regime. For example, the maderization process at a temperature of 70°C is completed within 1 month, and at a temperature of 40°C it takes about 7 months. For heat treatment of most ordinary fortified wines, the optimal temperature is 50-70°C for 5 days. A certain temperature regime for each type of wine is also observed during organoleptic evaluation and consumption of wines: table whites 13-15°C, red 15-18°C, strong and sweet - about 20°C.

Temperature affects all vital processes and, above all, the speed and nature of metabolic reactions in organisms. In most organisms, vital processes occur at temperatures from -4 o C to +40-45 o C, and the optimum temperature factor is 15-30 o C. However, some living organisms can withstand significant fluctuations from +50-60 o C in deserts to -70-80 o C in Antarctica. Certain types of bacteria and cyanide can exist in hot springs at a temperature of about +80 o C. Polar waters with temperatures from 0 to -2 o C are inhabited by a variety of representatives of the animal and plant world: invertebrates, fish, algae. The most stable temperature conditions remain in the ocean, while the most variable are characteristic of the land-air environment.

Temperature different environments life depends on the flow solar radiation and is subject to seasonal and daily fluctuations in different parts of the Earth. Some insects tolerate temperatures as low as -20.-45 o C; larch, which forms forests in the area of ​​Verkhoyansk, can withstand from -50 to -70 o C. There are organisms with unstable body temperature - poikilothermic and organisms with a constant body temperature - homeothermic. The life activity of poikilothermic organisms (microorganisms, plants, invertebrates, fish, amphibians, reptiles) depends largely on temperature values environment. Its increase beyond certain limits causes them to intensify their life processes and accelerate their development. In homeothermic animals (birds, mammals), heat is produced as a product of biochemical reactions and serves as a source of increasing their body temperature and stabilizing it at a constant level, regardless of the ambient temperature. Important role The following aromorphoses played a role in the intensification of metabolic processes in homeothermic organisms:

Four-chambered heart;

Complete isolation of arterial and venous blood;

The perfect respiratory organs are the lungs.

Maintaining and maintaining high body temperature in warm-blooded animals is achieved thanks to:

Intensive metabolism;

Perfect thermoregulation mechanisms:

1) chemical thermoregulation(increased heat generation when the temperature decreases and weakens when it increases);

2) physical thermoregulation(change in the level of heat transfer - at elevated temperatures, heat transfer increases, and at low temperatures it decreases);

3) behavioral thermoregulation(moving to more favorable conditions - bird migration, wintering in a den).

Good thermal insulation created by thick hairline, plumage or a layer of subcutaneous fat.

Adaptations of plant and animal organisms to temperature fluctuations include migration, torpor, suspended animation, etc.

Migration relocation to more favorable conditions(bird migrations, migrations of fish, insects, etc.).

Numbness a state of an animal characterized by cessation of nutrition and a decrease in all physiological functions. Some insects, fish, and amphibians fall into torpor at temperatures below +10 o C, while others only at temperatures close to zero. Frogs frozen into ice return to active life after thawing.

Hibernation a condition in animals characterized by a decreased metabolic rate. This state is maintained by energy reserves (fat) accumulated earlier.

When the temperature drops, mammals - bears, badgers, hedgehogs - can hibernate. Desert rodents, turtles and other animals hibernate for several summer months, which is mainly due to lack of water.

Cold resistance of many lower organisms due to the ability of cells to accumulate substances from cryoprotective(cold-protective) properties: salts, glycerin, sucrose, etc. and a decrease in the amount of water in them. In the hot season, physiological mechanisms are activated that prevent overheating: in plants, transpiration from the surface of the leaves increases; In animals, water evaporation also increases through skin and respiratory system.

Spore-forming bacteria



Seeds and spores


Hypobiosis -

Direct slowdown of metabolism under the influence of unfavorable factors with a quick return to active life (numbness of insects, decreased temperature, freezing of plants and animals into ice)

Cryptobiosis -

An integral part of the life cycle of organisms, genetically programmed (winter dormancy of plants, hibernation of animals, diapause - suspension of egg development). An organism cannot be removed from cryptobiosis immediately by a simple change in the environment.


Inability to function due to worsening environmental conditions

The ability to survive unfavorable changes in the environment, while saving energy costs for one’s existence




Development of such life cycles, in which the most vulnerable stages of development are completed during the most favorable periods of the year in terms of temperature and other conditions.

Active search for other habitat conditions.


Mobile animals capable of moving in space.


Reindeer migrations

Barn Swallow Migration

Migratory bird routes


All three ways of survival can be combined in representatives of the same species. Avoidance, avoidance of extreme temperatures or lack of moisture is characteristic of organisms to one degree or another during both active and passive adaptation to the environment. All three ways of adaptation are also characteristic of others. environmental factors environment. Most often, adaptation of a species to its environment is carried out by one or another combination of all three possible ways of adaptation.

Many plants and animals, with gradual preparation, successfully tolerate extremely low temperatures in a state of deep dormancy or suspended animation. Anabiosis - a state of living organisms in which all life processes are almost stopped or so reduced that there are no visible manifestations of life. In this state, the stability (resistance) of organisms to a number of unfavorable factors increases: lack of oxygen, moisture (most bacteria, protists, lower crustaceans), the action of toxic substances and ionizing radiation, etc.

Rice. Tardigrade is one of the species of animals that goes into suspended animation.

In the process of evolution, plants have developed the following adaptations:

a) to high temperatures:

Increased transpiration;

Shiny surface and dense pubescence of leaves;

Vertical position of leaves;

Reduction of leaf surface;

b) to low temperatures:

Leaf fall;

Dieback of ground parts;

Thickening of the cork layer;

High concentration of carbohydrates and other organic substances in the cytoplasm of cells;

Ability to bind significant amounts of water.

Kirov, Margarita Ivanovna M. For the first time we decided to grow tomatoes in a greenhouse. Can you tell me what temperature it should be?
The success of growing tomatoes is determined by many factors, and temperature is one of the most important for them. proper development. Find out what temperature is optimal for tomatoes when cultivating them in a greenhouse from this article.

Tomato temperature requirements in a greenhouse

The intensity of plant consumption of nutrients from the soil and air depends on the level of temperature in the greenhouse. Tomatoes are quite capricious plants; their successful cultivation requires a certain combination of heat and humidity, while the temperature requirements at different stages of development of tomato bushes differ:

  • germination of tomato seeds occurs at t° +20-25° C;
  • will prevent tomato seedlings from stretching, allowing them to form strong root system, decrease in temperature to +12-15° C during the day and +6-10° C at night for a period of 1 week;
  • good development of tomato bushes will be ensured by maintaining the temperature during the day at t° +20-26° C and at night at t° +16-18° C.

Attention! An increase in temperature to +25-28° C leads to intensive growth of tomato bushes, accelerated formation of flowers and ovaries, overcoming the temperature of t° +30° C causes the cessation of flowering and the fall of the ovary, and exceeding the temperature of +40° C leads to death of tomatoes.

For tomatoes grown in a greenhouse, the correct temperature is very important.

The temperature regime of the soil for the growth and development of tomatoes plays no less a role than the air temperature:

  • cooling the soil to +10° C slows down the absorption of moisture and nutrients;
  • cooling the soil to +5° C leads to withering of tomato bushes and their death;
  • overheating of the soil - t° above +28° C prevents the root system from absorbing moisture from the soil, also causing plants to wither.

Attention! The optimal indicator of soil temperature that promotes good development tomatoes is t° +18-23° C.

How to influence the temperature regime in a greenhouse

Since tomatoes are heat-loving, lowering the temperature in the greenhouse below +17 C° leads to a decrease in tomato yield, although it is not critical for their growth.

They are also negatively affected by an increase in temperature above +30 C°. Based on these conditions, it becomes clear how important it is to maintain a stable temperature regime that best meets the requirements of tomato cultivation. The following techniques are effective tool, allowing you to maintain the required temperature for tomatoes:

1. Equipping the greenhouse with portable heat sources. Their use will be relevant during periods of autumn-spring cold spells.

Attention! Dropping the temperature in the greenhouse below +6 C° is detrimental to tomato bushes.

2. The presence of a ventilation system consisting of vents helps prevent overheating of the greenhouse. If the vents do not provide sufficient ventilation, you should keep open doors greenhouses. At the same time, covering the doorway with spunbond or special nets will protect the tomatoes inside the greenhouse from drafts.

3. Air humidification allows you to regulate the temperature during periods of increase or decrease. To do this, during cold periods the greenhouse must have a supply of heated water.

The water used for watering tomatoes should not be colder than +20 C°.

If the temperature is below 17 degrees, this will affect the yield of tomatoes

4. The creation of additional film shelters allows you to endure short-term cold snaps without loss of yield. For this purpose, shelters can be used both outside and inside the greenhouse. When organizing a shelter inside a greenhouse, a frame is arranged over the bed with tomatoes, onto which the film is stretched. Such a shelter should not be used for a long time, as it can cause overheating of the plants.

5. Mulching greenhouse beds will allow you to maintain a stable soil temperature for a long time, protecting it from cooling.

Compliance with the temperature regime in the greenhouse necessary for cultivating tomatoes will contribute to abundant flowering and the formation of ovaries, which will be the key to a good harvest. The use of temperature sensors will facilitate the process of monitoring the temperature in the greenhouse.

Caring for tomatoes in a greenhouse - video

The temperature in production, in the office, or in any other work area should always be comfortable - this is required Labor Code, other regulations.

What should the room temperature be at work in winter?

When operating in winter, work in unheated rooms is allowed, and in various climatic zones. In such situations, the permissible microclimate in the workplace is determined local authorities.

If there are no such documents, then the employer himself has the right to establish the daily regime, but with representatives of Rostrud and Rospotrebnadzor. Xli workplace really is in an unheated room, then the person should be provided with additional breaks and a place to warm up. Moreover, the heating break is included in the work, that is, it must be paid for.

Outdoor operating temperature

The current Labor Code of the Russian Federation requires:

  • So that citizens working outside are provided with additional breaks to warm up. For which the employer equips special premises, in some cases it is allowed to make fires. The number of breaks depends on temperature, wind strength;
  • To the extent that standards for people working outdoors are set by local authorities, they depend on the climatic conditions of the area;
  • So that citizens who work outdoors in winter are provided with additional payments, the purpose of which is to compensate for potential harm to health;

If the thermometer readings are extremely low/high, the duration of activities should be reduced or stopped altogether. Extreme values ​​for regions of the Russian Federation are different. If the activity is suspended, the employer is still obliged to pay money - 2/3 of the rate.

Temperature standards for office work

Since it is quite easy to create optimal conditions in the office, this topic of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other documents is spelled out precisely.

The office temperature regime should be as follows:

  • It is optimal if the thermometer shows 23-25°C;
  • Deviations of 1-2 degrees are allowed;
  • During the day in the office, the temperature can fluctuate between 3-4°C. That is, in the morning 5°C, and in the afternoon 25 are not allowed.

The Labor Code, and all documents based on it, require protecting the health of workers, therefore, if the thermometer readings do not correspond to them, the working day in the office is shortened.

For example, at 19 degrees, people engaged in sedentary activities are required to work no more than 7 hours. If the temperature is below 13 degrees, then people are engaged in non-energy-consuming work and have the right to stop performing their duties.

The same applies to heat: if the temperature exceeds 32.5°C, then almost all activities must be stopped. The employer is required to maintain the required temperature for office work.

Working conditions in case of temperature violations

Our Labor Code indicates whole line measures required for low/high thermometer readings in the office or at work. So, the employer, having discovered that the standards have not been met, is obliged to convene a commission and draw up a report.

Then take the necessary measures in this situation, namely:

  • Shorten working hours;
  • Suspend the activities of the organization;
  • Install heating and ventilation devices in the office or other place;
  • Equip places for heating;
  • Provide people with paid warming breaks;
  • Make an additional payment.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation places responsibility for the implementation of all specified standards in the office or other place on the employer. If they are not observed, the activities of the organization are temporarily suspended.