The dung beetle mushroom (coprinus) is a genus of mushrooms of the champignon family. It has been known since the 18th century, although it was identified as an independent genus only at the beginning of the 20th century. Currently, dung beetle is a mushroom that has about 25 species. Most of them are inedible due to the practically absent pulp; other types of coprinus are poisonous.

Cut into at a young age edible species are a wonderful delicacy. It is worth noting that culinary specialists in some countries (Czech Republic, France, Finland) consider dung beetle to be a delicacy. It is necessary to first study the features and properties before trying to cook it yourself.

Besides, in folk medicine The dung beetle mushroom is used for alcoholism; reviews about this can be read below. It is unacceptable to drink strong drinks along with it - such a combination can result in severe food poisoning.


Belongs to the cap-footed species. Moreover, they have an elongated central leg. The hat has a convex bell-shaped shape; it almost never opens flat. The surface of the cap is smooth, bare, covered with a coating in the form of flakes or scales. The pulp is so thin that, due to its absence, most types of mushroom are considered inedible.

Dung beetle is a mushroom with an elongated, cylindrical stalk. It is often hollow and smooth with fibrous flesh. Wide, frequent and thin plates in early age they then turn pink (yellow), while in older mushrooms they turn black or brown.

The fruiting season for Coprinus is May-October.

White dung beetle

The second name is shaggy dung beetle. It is distinguished by its attractiveness due to its “fringe” - the abundant snow-white scales covering its cap. Its shape is bell-shaped, it can reach a height of 15 cm with a diameter of 10 cm. Its color is white, then takes on brownish or gray shades with a brownish dark middle. The surface of the cap feels silky to the touch until fully ripe, after which it turns into a black paste with spores protruding from it.

White dung beetle is a mushroom whose flesh is tender and white, it has no taste or smell, and does not secrete juice. It is also worth noting that its stem can reach a height of 35 cm. The remains of the mushroom’s covering are interesting: it is a white, filmy and incredibly delicate ring.

Gray dung beetle

Other names: dung beetle mushroom. He is from his relative white is different external color, as well as the absence of lace veils: its cap is gray with a compacted brown tint, up to 10 cm in diameter, ovoid at the beginning of growth and bell-shaped in a mature individual. The cap is covered with scales of the same gray color.

The gray dung beetle is a mushroom that has wide plates (they are white in a young individual and black in a mature one). The leg reaches 20 cm in height with a thickness of 2 cm, it is white, smooth, and sometimes bends as it grows. In a young mushroom you can see a small centric white ring that disappears as it grows. The gray dung beetle has white flesh and a pleasantly sweet taste. The spores are ellipsoidal in shape, the spore powder is black. Ink mushroom grows in groups on humus-rich and moist soils in parks, squares, in compost and garbage heaps or in vegetable gardens, in addition, on rotting wood in clearings, in forests, etc.

Common dung beetle

Visually, it is very different from its gray and white relatives: its cap reaches 3 cm in diameter, at first has a shaggy surface and a cylindrical shape, then becomes broadly bell-shaped, with ribbing or “wrinkling” (cracks or folds emanating from the center), covered with white flakes . When ripe, the cap bends, turning black, and then decomposes.

Common dung beetle is a mushroom whose plates are initially white, then darken to black. It is worth noting that the leg reaches a length of 10 cm with a width of up to 0.5 cm. It is smooth, hollow, with a small thickening at the base.


The dung beetle, the photo of which is presented in this article, can be eaten at a young age. The main indicator of individuals suitable for collection is the milky-white hue of their plates. If they have even the slightest tint (ocher or pinkish), the mushroom is no longer edible.

They must be thermally treated within an hour after collection, since even cut dung beetles continue the aging process and can self-dissolve, turning into a dark pulp as a result of autolysis.

Interestingly, drying dung beetles is more reminiscent of frying: the mushrooms are placed in a frying pan and fried over low heat until all the liquid has evaporated, only after which you can start cooking them.

Mushroom pulp is suitable for any cooking method: frying, boiling, drying or pickling. The pulp of dung beetles remaining after drying must be ground in a coffee grinder. The resulting powder can be added to food, with the recommended dose being 2 grams every 2 days. It is not recommended to mix coprinuses with other mushrooms.

Dung beetle from alcohol

Coprinus is a very effective and powerful remedy against alcoholism. Our great-grandmothers once used it. Currently, medicine has officially recognized that the dung mushroom helps to get rid of alcoholism. Today it is the basis of some treatments for this addiction.

To cook this effective remedy, they collect young mushrooms that have not yet fully blossomed. Next, they need to be cooked as quickly as possible, since freshly picked mushrooms appearance they lose very quickly, becoming an inky-colored mush.

How to cook?

Dung beetle for alcoholism is prepared in 2 ways: for immediate use and for future use.

First recipe

Coprinus has a very subtle and pleasant taste and, when cooked, is a bit like champignons. People who do not plan to drink alcohol can eat mushrooms without any fear and in unlimited quantities.

Second recipe

  1. Place the pulp of finely chopped mushrooms in a large shallow frying pan.
  2. Fry over low heat until the water evaporates, stirring all the time.
  3. Dry the finished mass, then grind it into powder in a coffee grinder.

This powder is added to the drink or food of a person who drinks alcoholic beverages.

How does it work?

Its action is associated with toxic substance, located in it, which oxidizes the alcohol entering the body. The substance, dissolving in alcohol, penetrates the blood, then the liver, thereby causing signs of serious poisoning.

The mushroom is absolutely harmless without combining it with alcohol. But if you eat mushrooms and drink alcohol after a while, serious consequences will appear:

  • the main part of the body is covered with purple spots;
  • the face turns very red (even turns purple);
  • earlobes and the tip of the nose turn pale;
  • fever appears;
  • the pulse quickens and the heart starts beating;
  • there is a very strong thirst;
  • vision is impaired;
  • vomiting appears;
  • speech worsens.

Of course, these symptoms disappear without a trace after a while, but if you drink the glass again, they will return with new strength. At the same time, the alcoholic attributes such terrible consequences to the action of alcohol, and this forever discourages his craving for drinking.

It is worth noting that the dung beetle mushroom acts against alcoholism for several days after its use, therefore, an alcoholic is unlikely to associate it with his current state. But in order to completely lull his vigilance, they mainly use the mushroom in powder, adding it to food.


The dung mushroom, a photo of which is presented in this article, is used in the fight against drunkenness according to 2 schemes: regular (2 weeks) and long-term (3 months), if the drinking experience is very long. Most often, treatment is carried out unnoticed by the patient so that he does not suspect something is wrong.

The mushroom is added to the food of an alcoholic once every 2 days, 2 g each. At the same time, the drinker cannot be denied drinking alcohol; rather, on the contrary, offer him a glass voluntarily.

If the required effect is absent, it is necessary to increase the dosage of the powder to 5 g. After a couple of weeks, mortally frightened by his reactions to vodka, the alcoholic completely refuses to use it.

At complete passage course, a person will feel unpleasant symptoms every time he tries alcohol, even without the use of mushrooms.

Dung mushroom: reviews

Every second resident of our country has encountered such a phenomenon as a drinking relative. And, to be honest, this brings joy to few people. Therefore, people use different ways deliver a person from this addiction. Today you can find many reviews about the use of dung beetle to combat alcoholism. Many people are happy to say that a drinker loses his craving for alcohol, because he immediately experiences very unpleasant consequences from this. From negative reviews It can be noted that mushrooms are very difficult to prepare - they require instant cooking, otherwise they simply disappear.

Most mushroom pickers prefer to avoid this representative of the kingdom of wildlife. The reason for this is both the dubious name - dung beetle, and the habitat - compost heaps. In addition to this, few people know that the dung beetle, or coprinus, edible mushroom. But in fact, about this representative of eukaryotic organisms knowledgeable people speak only in laudatory tones. What's the secret here? Let's figure out why the dung mushroom is so good, recipes and properties of this mushroom.

Coprinus growth stages

The rumor that the dung beetle is inedible did not arise by chance. The fact is that this is a quick-ripening mushroom, which means it is edible only a few hours from the moment it hatches. To understand this, you need to look at the growth stages of the dung beetle. So, at the first stage, a small white ball hatches from the ground. At the second stage, the mushroom sharply stretches upward, it has a thin long leg and a bell-shaped cap, dotted with small scales on top. At the third stage, the mushroom cap rapidly darkens and falls off, taking on the appearance of a pulp. The dung beetle becomes inedible. That is, the mushroom is suitable for eating only in the first two stages. Moreover, after harvesting these mushrooms, they need to be very quickly peeled, washed and boiled, because coprinus very quickly loses its appearance, turning into mush. These mushrooms are eaten boiled, fried or pickled. This mushroom grows from spring until the coldest weather, but the dung beetle bears fruit most abundantly in the fall.

Beneficial properties of dung beetle

Probably most mushroom pickers would not pay attention to this unsightly-looking mushroom, if not for one circumstance. The fact is that from time immemorial coprinus has been a person’s assistant in the fight against such a common disease as drunkenness. And even modern doctors note the powerful and even cruel effect of this mushroom. The dung beetle is officially recognized by medicine and is often the basis of medications designed to combat alcohol addiction.

It is known that overcoming the addiction to the “green snake” is very difficult, and sometimes impossible, because in addition to physical addiction, an alcoholic also has a stronger one – psychological. Therefore, there is no hope that a person addicted to alcohol will give up his addiction once and for all. In this case, the dung mushroom comes to the rescue, the action of which is based on the powerful toxic substance. This substance oxidizes the alcohol in the blood, causing symptoms. According to knowledgeable people, healthy person the dung beetle will not cause harm. But if you eat a mushroom and drink alcohol after some time, the person will experience the most unpleasant consequences: his face turns red, his body becomes covered with purple spots, a fever appears and his heartbeat quickens. The person begins to suffer from severe thirst, nausea appears, turning into vomiting, speech deteriorates and vision problems appear. After some time, these symptoms will disappear, but for many alcoholics they completely discourage the desire to touch a glass.

Recipe for making the product

Finely chopped mushroom pulp is sent to a frying pan and fried in own juice until the liquid has completely evaporated, stirring constantly. As soon as the water has evaporated, the mushroom mass must be dried and then ground into powder in a coffee grinder.

You need to fight alcoholism with coprinus in the following way. The powder is added to the drinker’s food every other day, 2–4 grams. At the same time, you should not inform an alcoholic about treatment, just as you should not prohibit drinking alcohol. After spending literally a few days with such unpleasant symptoms, the person himself will begin to avoid alcoholic beverages. Usually the duration of treatment is 14 days, but can be extended up to 3 months.

For consumption, mushrooms are prepared as usual: soup is boiled, fried with potatoes and onions, stewed with sour cream or pickled. Only combine tasty dish Not even with low alcohol drinks.

Having learned what the dung mushroom is, the recipes and properties of this mushroom, you are unlikely to ignore it when you meet it. Good health to you!


  • Division: Basidiomycota (Basidiomycetes)
  • Subdivision: Agaricomycotina (Agaricomycetes)
  • Class: Agaricomycetes (Agaricomycetes)
  • Subclass: Agaricomycetidae (Agaricomycetes)
  • Order: Agaricales (Agaric or Lamellar)
  • Family: Coprinaceae
  • Genus: Coprinus (Dung beetle or Koprinus)
  • View: Coprinus comatus (White dung beetle)
    Other names for the mushroom:

Ink mushroom

(lat. Coprinus comatus) - a mushroom of the genus Dungweed (lat. Coprinus) of the Dungweed family.

Height 5-12 cm, shaggy, white, first fusiform, then bell-shaped, practically does not straighten out. There is usually a darker bump in the center of the cap, which, like the captain, is the last to disappear when the mushroom cap goes into ink. The smell and taste are pleasant.


Frequent, free, white, turn pink with age, then turn black and turn into “ink”, which is typical for almost everyone.

Spore powder:

Length up to 15 cm, thickness 1-2 cm, white, hollow, fibrous, relatively thin, with a white movable ring (not always clearly visible).

The white dung beetle is found from May to autumn, sometimes in enchanting quantities, in fields, vegetable gardens, orchards, lawns, in garbage dumps, landfills, manure heaps, and also along roads. Occasionally found in the forest.

Similar species:
The white dung beetle (Coprinus comatus) is almost impossible to confuse with anything else.

Great mushroom. It should, however, be remembered that you can only collect mushrooms that have not yet begun to fulfill their Great Mission - to self-digest, to turn into ink. The plates must be white. True, nowhere is it said what will happen if you eat (eat, as they say in special publications) a dung beetle that has already started the autolysis process. However, there are hardly anyone willing to do so. It is believed that the white dung beetle is edible only at a young age, before the plates begin to color, no later than two days after it emerges from the soil. It is necessary to process it no later than 1-2 hours after collection, since the autolysis reaction continues even in frozen mushrooms. It is recommended to pre-boil it as conditionally edible, although there are claims that the mushroom is edible even in its raw form. It is also not recommended to mix dung beetles with other mushrooms.

It is also necessary to note that, according to scientific data, cesspool saprophytes like dung beetles with particular enthusiasm pull all sorts of harmful products from the soil human activity. Therefore, dung beetles cannot be collected in the city, as well as near highways.

By the way, it was previously believed that Coprinus comatus contains substances that are incompatible with alcohol, and therefore is in some sense poisonous (although, for that matter, it is the alcohol itself that is poisonous, not the mushroom). It is now quite obvious that this is not so, although sometimes this old misconception pops up in the literature. Behind healthy image life is advocated by many other dung beetles, for example, or, although this is not certain. But the White Dung Beetle, fortunately or unfortunately, lacks this property. That's for sure.

I have many childhood memories associated with the dung beetle. In the second grade, in the fall, I somehow unexpectedly became a great enthusiast of “urban mushrooms”, spending whole days in search of dung beetles and. I knew all the yards in my neighborhood, I had many volunteer helpers. Of course, they laughed at me, but for some reason they willingly helped me.

At home my inclinations found full support. Oddly enough, in terms of mushrooms they completely trusted me even then, and every autumn for several years in a row dung beetles and, less often, champignons appeared on our table. Dung beetles stewed in sour cream and cheese on top - it’s impossible to forget. I absolutely don’t remember how I started collecting them and why I stopped, but dung beetles in sour cream...

Using traditional traditional methods– using herbal remedies – you can reliably discourage a person’s desire for alcohol, and without his knowledge.

But with one caveat: treatment must still be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. Therefore, if you decide to grant freedom from alcohol addiction secretly from the sufferer himself, enlist the support of a physician, and let the object of your care visit a specialist under any pretext.

The dung mushroom, or coprinus, is a very “cool” remedy for forgetting about drinking once and for all. The largest of our dung beetles is white, or shaggy. The young mushroom is extremely beautiful. Outwardly, it resembles an airy white cake on a stick, covered with large scales with an ocher tint. But not even two days will pass before this ephemeral beauty begins to darken, and then completely dissolves into a black liquid. Therefore, in order to use these mushrooms, they must be dried correctly - and most importantly, on time.

Cooking method

Drying dung beetles is more of a frying process, since it is impossible to dry them (like all other “normal” mushrooms) due to autolysis (self-dissolution). For example, during normal drying, coprinus literally leaves a wet spot. Therefore, the mushrooms are placed in a large shallow frying pan, placed on low heat and fried, stirring constantly, until the water has completely evaporated. The resulting mass is ground into powder in a coffee grinder.
The pulp of raw coprinus is sweet, tender and white, has a very pleasant taste, and when boiled or fried, the mushrooms taste like champignons. But all this only if they are not consumed together with alcohol.

What's happening

If you feast on these mushrooms and then drink alcohol, then something will happen to someone who has dared to undertake such a feat, which, frankly, you wouldn’t wish on your enemy: After half an hour (in some cases after two hours), the person’s face turns very red, and then turns purple and even turns purple most of bodies. But the tip of the nose and earlobes remain pale. The picture turns out impressive! At the same time, fever, palpitations, severe thirst, vomiting, and diarrhea appear. The pulse quickens, speech becomes difficult, and vision is impaired. That is why it is necessary to discuss the health status of the “object” with the doctor in advance so that no complications occur.
After a few hours, all these symptoms disappear without a trace, but appear again if the next day the disobedient person again decides to take a drink. The effect of mushrooms lasts for several days. And after this, many, in fear for their life and health, renounce alcohol for a long time (and sometimes forever!), deciding that they have drunk themselves to hell.

Mechanism of action

All these “magical” transformations are caused by hydroxycyclopropylglutamine contained in mushrooms, conventionally called coprine. Dissolving in alcohol, it penetrates the blood and then the liver. Of course, dung beetle is a toxic product, but fatal poisoning doesn't call. It is worth considering that alcohol itself is a much more dangerous and destructive poison for the liver, leading to its irreversible decay.

special instructions

You need to take coprinus powder every 2 days, 2-3 g for 10 days. In secret from the drinker, you can add crushed mushrooms to food (in the specified dosage). And then suddenly change the usual anger to unexpected mercy and, to the delight of the drinker, voluntarily pour him 100-150 g of vodka. After which the above symptoms will invariably appear. If the desired effect is not achieved, the dosage of mushrooms can be increased by one and a half to two times. With successful treatment, as soon as a person drinks vodka (even without mushrooms), all the symptoms will immediately appear with the same force.
Only young dung beetles should be collected. For collecting these mushrooms, it is not a basket that is more suitable, but plastic bag. Once you have collected the dung beetles, quickly take them home and dry them: in a few hours they will turn into an inky liquid.

Dung mushrooms appear soon after rain, often on the same day, and grow very quickly, some within an hour. However, after a few hours the mushrooms die, turning into a black mushy mass. According to Czech and French mycologists, dung beetle is a good anti-alcohol agent. After drinking it, drinking alcohol for quite a long time causes poisoning, the symptoms of which soon disappear.
The dung beetle is white (shaggy). It grows on heavily manured and humus-rich soil, in garbage areas near houses, in vegetable gardens, in squares and parks, often found in September - October, sometimes found earlier. The cap of the young mushroom is elongated-ovate, later bell-shaped, fibrous-scaly with a diameter of up to 10 cm, white, buffy at the top. The plates are initially white, but when ripe they quickly darken and become black. The pulp is tender, white, and does not exude juice. The leg is up to 16 cm long, straight, thickened at the base, white, hollow inside, with a membranous ring at the top (in the picture). The mushroom is used for fresh food (boiled and fried) only at a very young age, while the plates are still white. Cut dung mushrooms cannot withstand storage, even short-term storage.
The dung beetle is gray. This mushroom is sometimes called ink mushroom. It grows on moist and humus-rich soils, in fields, vegetable gardens, gardens, landfills, and is found from May to October. The cap is gray, darker in the center, 5-10 cm in diameter; in a young mushroom it is ovoid, then broadly bell-shaped with a cracking edge. There are small darkish scales on the surface of the cap. The pulp is light, quickly darkens, tastes sweetish, pleasant. The plates are loose, wide, white in young mushrooms, then dark brown, black in old mushrooms. The leg is white, slightly brownish at the base, smooth, cylindrical, up to 20 cm high, 1-2.5 cm in diameter, with a white, quickly disappearing ring. The mushroom can be eaten only when very young, within 2-3 hours from the moment it appears.


Alcoholism is a serious disease that affects the person himself and the people around him. Terrible behavior, sudden attacks of aggression, inability to control oneself - all these signs arise spontaneously and bring continuous problems to others. The harmful effects of ethyl alcohol breakdown products on the body lead to the development of pathologies that will be impossible to cope with. But alcoholism can be cured if the patient’s condition is not allowed to become extremely serious.

It is simply impossible to overcome the disease on your own. Narcologists use various treatment methods. It is often practiced to insert different torpedoes into the subcutaneous layer, effective tablets and solutions, . But there are also folk remedies, some of which are very effective.

Coprinus is a dung mushroom. This is the popular name it received. Many believe that this mushroom is a truly miraculous remedy that helps fight alcoholism.

And this is not far from the truth, because in fact, coprinus turns out to be much more effective than a variety of medications that can only be taken under the supervision of a doctor. All kinds of tablets have many contraindications, unlike the dung mushroom.

This folk remedy helps:

  • Reduced craving for alcohol.
  • Relieving alcohol addiction.
  • Stopping prolonged drinking and binges.
  • The emergence of a persistent aversion to alcohol-containing drinks.

Coprinus can be considered a completely safe mushroom. The only thing is that it is prohibited to use it in combination with alcoholic drinks. Then the reaction can be extremely negative. Dung mushrooms are quite tasty and nutritious. Simply eating it will definitely not cause any harm. There are many varieties of coprinus.

The effective action of this folk remedy observed due to the fact that the dung mushroom contains a component that causes aversion to alcoholic drinks. This substance called coprine leads to the oxidation of alcohol in the human body. As a result, acetaldehyde is formed, which is a toxic substance.

Acetaldehyde leads to:

  • Increased heart rate.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • The occurrence of severe dizziness.
  • Speech inhibition.
  • Temporary visual impairment.
  • Heartburn, nausea and vomiting.
  • Disturbances in the digestive system.

If an alcoholic eats dung mushrooms for some time, acetaldehyde will accumulate in his body, causing an aversion to alcoholic beverages.

This effect of coprinus in most cases leads to a positive result - the person stops drinking.

The more alcohol a person drinks, the more sensitive the body becomes to it. If drinking alcohol in excessive quantities continues for a long time, a person becomes an alcoholic. In this case, it will no longer be possible to avoid addiction to alcohol.

Many medical experts believe that it is methyl salsolinol, which appears in the body due to the consumption of alcoholic beverages, that leads to alcohol dependence. This means that treating such a disease is quite possible.

When using dung mushroom, a person will be able to give up alcohol after a while. You won’t be able to get rid of the bad habit right away, but the effect of coprinus will gradually have an increasingly greater effect on the body, causing an aversion to alcohol. The person will think that it is alcohol that is to blame for such a difficult state of health and will gradually give up drinking.

The course of treatment with dung fungus can last from one to three months. It all depends on:

  • The severity of the disease.
  • Individual physiological characteristics of the sick person’s body.

Treatment must necessarily proceed anonymously - this is precisely its whole point. An alcoholic should not realize that coprinus is being added to his food.

Some people grind their own mushrooms, while others buy them at the pharmacy. The dosage should not be less than two grams per day. If within a few days it is not noticeable positive result, you will need to increase the dosage.

During treatment with coprinus, it is not recommended to scold the patient for drinking. It doesn't hurt to even offer the alcoholic a drink. Within one or two weeks, the patient himself will give up alcohol, as he will be extremely frightened by such a negative reaction of the body and terrible health.

But this is not a reason to stop adding dung mushroom. If you interrupt the course of treatment, after some time the person will take up the bottle again. If the treatment is continued, he will again experience the unpleasant sensations of alcohol and stop drinking.

Nowadays, it is not difficult to purchase dung mushroom at a regular pharmacy. It is sold already crushed. But such a powder will be less effective than fresh mushrooms collected independently or purchased.

To treat alcoholism, you should choose one of four types of dung mushroom. For example, gray coprinus is the most effective. It causes speech and vision disturbances, severe dizziness, nausea and vomiting.

A person will not have such a violent reaction to eating other varieties of dung beetles. But they can also be used to treat alcoholism.

It is recommended to begin preparation almost immediately after collection. medicine. Fresh mushrooms should not sit for more than three hours. The fresher the coprinus, the more expressive its effect. This mushroom has a very negative appearance, but this does not affect its taste in any way. It is quite suitable for food. Coprinus is a nutritious and useful product. You can safely eat it without fear of harm to the body. But the mushroom does not combine at all with alcohol.

There are two main methods for preparing dung mushroom. It all depends on when you plan to eat it. It’s better to prepare more coprinus in advance for future use so you don’t have to do it every day. But there are times when a small amount of this mushroom is urgently needed. Then you should use the recipe for immediate preparation.

Instant recipe

Dung beetle is nutritious mushroom, having magnificent taste qualities. It is somewhat reminiscent of champignons, so preparing coprinus quickly will not be difficult.

It is necessary to heat the frying pan thoroughly and put a few tablespoons of butter or vegetable oil on it. Mushrooms should be washed and the caps separated from the stems. Then the caps need to be thrown into the frying pan, salted and simmered over low heat. There is no need to add water, since the dung beetles themselves are very juicy. They will stew in their own juices. In about forty minutes the dish will be ready. These gentle and delicious mushrooms can be eaten hot with sour cream or served with soups, stews and other dishes.

To prepare the medicinal potion, you will need to carefully grind the coprinus pulp and fry it in a shallow frying pan. Simply drying them will not work due to the unusual structure of the mushroom.

During the frying process, it is necessary to constantly stir the pulp. Cooking may take a little longer as you need to wait until the liquid has completely evaporated. Then the resulting mass will need to be cooled and ground into powder. After this, the drug is put into a dark glass jar and closed with a lid.

You can add a small amount of the medicine to the food or drink of a person suffering from alcohol dependence. He will not even feel any taste and will not guess about the anonymous treatment.