Look at the violin mushroom in the photo. You will find a detailed description below in the article.

In the photo there is a violin mushroom

Violin - mushroom, which belongs to the fourth category of edibility and in its useful qualities. Its other name is creaking, spurge.

The description of the violin suggests that it has a characteristic appearance, which easily sets it apart from others. All the main parts of the skreak are bright milky in color.

But inexperienced mushroom pickers often external signs they may confuse it or classify it as a group of mushrooms. But this is not entirely correct. The violin has quite a lot distinctive features, by which it can be easily identified.

Pay attention to the comparative description of the violin mushroom with milk mushroom:

  • lack of fringe on the bottom;
  • the lamellar part of the cap is darker than that of the milk mushroom;
  • the plates are denser and thicker, and are spaced sparsely.

In addition, the milky juice that appears on the scrap of a squeak does not change its color immediately upon contact with air. When it dries, it takes on a reddish tint. In milk mushrooms this happens quite quickly.

The size of the upper part of the mushroom can reach 24 cm. It is smooth and has a small depression inward in the center. The leg is not large – up to 7 cm. Look at the violin mushroom in the photo:

Where and when does violin grow?

Sripitsa can be found from late summer to mid-autumn. If autumn is characterized by warm and rainy days, then fruiting can last until the first frost in November. In Belarus, for example, they can be found from August to October.

You can find mushrooms of this type in sunny clearings in forests of both coniferous and mixed types middle zone Russia, Belarus. They grow in groups in which mushrooms of different ages can be found. In this case, choose land that is covered with moss and a layer of foliage.

Most of all it loves the soil under birch and aspen. Therefore, in clearings with such trees it can be found quite often.

Using the violin mushroom

It’s hard to say that milk mushrooms and violin taste similar. They are rather radically different. Regular breast milk is considered more valuable in terms of healthiness and taste.

In addition, the violin needs long-term culinary processing. Collected mushrooms used in cooking only after preliminary soaking in one of two ways:

  • in cold water for 5 days, periodically changing it to fresh water;
  • in hot water, draining it and replacing it with a new one every 4 hours.

The hot soaking method helps to reduce the time at the preparatory stage, since the mushroom will be ready for further use after just 3 days.

Both methods are aimed at removing the unkempt bitter taste from the mushroom pulp. But even after this they are only suitable for pickling. They can be eaten immediately or stored in jars for the winter. The ideal temperature for storage is +15 degrees.

When seeing squeaky mushrooms for the first time, many people simply don’t know how to salt and cook them. But, unlike milk mushrooms, creaks are classified as conditionally edible mushrooms. This means that they require a long period of processing before they gain any gastronomic value. It is best to pickle such mushrooms. This process is multi-stage and lengthy, so you need to understand in detail how to pickle squeaky mushrooms.

Skripuny differ from milk mushrooms in that they are conditionally edible and need to be soaked for a long time before cooking.

Amazing mushrooms

First, let's tell you what kind of mushrooms these are. Some may mistakenly confuse them with toadstools, and therefore will not deign them with their attention. Other novice mushroom pickers may confuse squeaky mushrooms with white milk mushrooms - they are very similar. But the creaks are harder than milk mushrooms, and they don’t have a fringe on their caps.

The violin hat seems almost plastic compared to the cap white milk mushroom.

The plates of the milk mushroom are whiter than those of the creaking fish. If you look at the breakdown of the mushroom, then on the milk mushroom it will begin to darken in the air, but on the violin it will not. You can find creaking birds by visiting a birch or aspen forest. You can also find them under lonely birch or aspen trees.

In different areas these mushrooms are called differently:

  • creaks;
  • violin;
  • creaks;
  • felt milk mushrooms;
  • Milk milk mushrooms.

Last name explained characteristic feature mushroom: it secretes a juice similar to that secreted by a torn milkweed stem.

It is poisonous in the flower, but the juice gives the mushroom a bitter or even burning taste. Such juice is clearly not healthy, so before pickling mushrooms for the winter, they are subjected to processing - removing the juice.

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Preliminary processing

Any mushrooms brought from the forest must be sorted out, because they often have sticky leaves, pine needles or blades of grass. This excess must be removed. The mushrooms need to be washed off the soil and carefully checked to see if there are any worms in them, although for some reason these representatives of the fauna do not like violins. Like all conditionally edible mushrooms, the creaks are soaking. Even at this stage, cooking recipes vary. Here are some of them.

The skripuns are soaked in cold water for 5 days. This is usually done before dry salting. To prevent the water from becoming sour, it must be changed. After this procedure, the mushrooms become suitable for further pickling. Others claim that 3-4 days are enough. However, it is known for sure that you can speed up the process if you soak the mushrooms hot. To do this, you will have to fill them with boiling water each time. If you plan to carry out the salting itself using a hot method, then you can pre-soak the creaks in cold water for only 2 days, but you need to change the water three times during this period. In any case, when soaking the mushrooms, pressure is placed on them so that the bitterness comes out of them more effectively.

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Cold pickling

For one kilogram of squeaky fish you will need 30-40 grams of salt.

The cold method is the same as dry salting, that is, without brine. The amount of salt can be determined by weighing the mushrooms. For every kilogram of soaked squeaks you need to take from 30 to 40 g table salt. Mushrooms should be tightly packed into prepared jars, turning the caps down and sprinkling each layer with salt. You can add spices to your taste - bay leaf and cloves. Those who like to add garlic to mushrooms will have to change their habit this time: the garlic squeaks, surprisingly, can turn sour.

Since the squeaks have spent several days in the water, they will release liquid when packed tightly into the jar. If it covers the mushrooms, that's good. An experienced housewife always covers the pickles or covers them with something that prevents mold from appearing on top of the brine. You need to salt the mushrooms in the same way. In the case of creaks, currant leaves help - a well-known ingredient that enriches the taste of pickled cucumbers and tomatoes. It allows the violin to stand without damage throughout the long salting process, which lasts about 1.5 months. This duration is explained by the fact that only during this period of time do the creaks part with their bitterness. All this time the jars should remain in the refrigerator. If you find that there is not enough liquid in the jars, then you need to add a saline solution prepared in a proportion of 20 g per 1 liter of water.

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Hot salting

Surprisingly, even with the hot salting method, the violin is subject to dry salting at the stage of placing it in jars. But before this, the mushrooms are soaked for 2 days in 3 waters. After this, they are sent for blanching in an enamel pan with lightly salted boiling water, where, removing the foam, they must be cooked for about 20 minutes. Large creaks can be blanched for half an hour. Next, the mushrooms are drained in a colander or sieve.

After the temperature of the mushrooms becomes such that they can be easily picked up by hand, the mushrooms can be placed in jars with their caps down. As with the cold method, the violins must be sprinkled with salt. It is taken at the rate of 25-30 g per 1 kg of mushrooms.

Jars prepared for creaks should be lined with currant leaves, mushrooms should be placed in them with their caps down, pressing them down and sprinkling them with salt. The top of each jar must be covered with currant leaves. The jars of pickles need to be refrigerated for about a month or a month and a half.

(Lactarius vellereus) The violin mushroom belongs to the genus of laticifers. Therefore, the second name of the mushroom is Milky. Due to its similarity to milk mushrooms, the following simple technique is used to identify the squeaky mushroom: cut the mushroom a little and look at the milky juice. If it acquires a reddish tint after drying, then it is a violin. WITH reverse side hat plates are rare, unlike milk mushrooms.

Description of the mushroom


The violin mushroom or squeaky mushroom is widespread on the Eurasian continent. It is found in most cases under birch trees and in mixed forests from July to September, often in large groups. IN favorable years gives large yields.


The diameter of the cap is from 8 to 24 cm. The color of the entire mushroom is milky white, slightly yellowing. The cap is up to 20 cm in diameter, very fleshy, dense, at a young age flat, then funnel-shaped, slightly pubescent, with yellow spots. The pulp has a very bitter taste. The milky sap is abundant, caustic, and slowly turns yellow in air. The plates descend along the stalk, white or cream, infrequent. Spore powder is white. The spores are almost round, with small spines.


The leg is short - up to 6 cm in length and up to 3.5 cm in thickness, dense.


Squeaky mushroom or spurge mushroom conditionally edible. Consumed salty. Before salting these mushrooms, they must be soaked in water for 3-5 days, draining it periodically. Or pour boiling water and change the water about 4 times a day. Then the process will take up to 3 days.

A mushroom called violin is often placed in a basket, considering it to be a type of white milk mushroom. However, this is not at all true. It is much inferior to milk mushrooms taste qualities. And yet, you can collect these white “funnels” and eat them. After looking at the photographs, detailed description And the right way preparation, it is quite possible to get a delicious dish.

Description of the mushroom

  • Skripitsa is a representative of the milkmen. It earned its name due to the characteristic creaking sound produced when running a fingernail or some sharp object across the cap.
  • It is considered a conditionally edible mushroom.
  • The cap is dense, quite large (up to 25 cm in diameter), fleshy. The bottom is covered with white or beige plates. In young mushrooms it is flat with the edge turned down. With age, the shape changes to funnel-shaped.

The violin mushroom looks similar to a milk mushroom

  • The initially milky white cap gradually acquires a yellow tint or becomes covered with ocher spots. Its edges often crack.

Attention! The main difference between a violin and a milk mushroom is the absence of fringe along the rim of the cap.

  • The mushroom is dry on top, covered with fluff, and feels like felt. Hence its other name - felt milk mushroom.
  • The leg is about 5 cm high. It is dense and smooth. Expands slightly from the base.
  • The flesh of the mushroom is white and quite hard. On a cut or break of the mushroom, a milky, that is, milky-colored juice appears, which turns brown when it dries. The milky juice of the squeaky mushroom (also called the mushroom) does not darken immediately, but after a few hours.

Where and at what time is the violin assembled?

Violins can be found in mixed and deciduous forests, located in the open spaces from Western Europe before Far East. The mushroom especially “loves” well-lit places next to birch and aspen. The fruiting bodies of the squealer appear on the surface from mid-summer and continue to grow until October, so their collection season is quite long. They most often grow in large groups on layers of moss.

Processing before cooking

Skripuns are prepared for the winter in pickled and salted form. Like all laticifers, they require pre-treatment, which consists of the following:

  • cleaning the surface of mushrooms from large debris (grass, leaves, etc.);
  • trimming the stem to fit the cap;

Violins can be salted

  • soaking for 3 days in cold water, which must be changed 2 times a day;
  • Boil for 15 minutes (time is counted after boiling).

Attention! Mushrooms must be soaked for a long time. This way the milky juice is washed out.

How to salt violinists

Although squeaky mushrooms cannot be compared with milk mushrooms, when salted they acquire an appetizing crunch and a rich mushroom aroma. They are very easy to prepare.

  1. Prepare the necessary set of greens for pickles. You can use dill, parsley, tarragon, currant or grape leaves, etc. All this is well washed and cut. Garlic is cleared of scales.
  2. Select an enamel, wooden or glass container of suitable size. Aluminum and stainless steel utensils should not be used for pickling mushrooms.
  3. The bottom of the container is completely covered with a layer of greenery.
  4. Lay out the violins in one layer so that the records are on top.
  5. Sprinkle mushrooms well with coarse salt.
  6. A second layer of violins is laid on top. Salted. This continues until all the mushrooms are gone.
  7. Chives of garlic are periodically placed between the layers, given that a large amount of it inhibits the fermentation process. For one layer, a large slice, cut lengthwise into 2-3 parts, is enough.
  8. The last layer of mushrooms is covered with greens.
  9. Place a wooden circle or ceramic plate on top in accordance with the diameter of the container.
  10. A load is placed on top.
  11. Cover with a piece of clean cloth.
  12. Place in the cellar or refrigerator.

Attention! The temperature during salting of mushrooms should be no more than 10°C. Otherwise, the product may go rotten.

You can pickle mushrooms gradually, that is, after one trip to the forest, fill some part of the container, then collect more and add it there. This is done before filling the dishes. It is necessary to take into account that the violins will be ready for use no earlier than a month after laying the last layer.

Violin can be an excellent addition to the winter diet

How to determine the correct salting

After a week, you can determine the correctness of the process of salting the violins. To do this, take out several mushrooms, smell them and taste them. During normal salting, the smell should be sour and pleasant. The taste is moderately salty.

If there is not enough salt, then it can be added in the form of a solution of 1.5-2 tbsp. l. for 1 l cold water. The same should be done if there is insufficient amount of liquid formed above the top layer of mushrooms. Normally, it should protrude by 1-2 cm.

A musty smell can also indicate under-salting. Another reason could be a violation temperature regime. Salted violins should be stored in a cellar or refrigerator.

Squeaky mushrooms are not as tasty and popular as their relatives, milk mushrooms. However, provided they are prepared correctly, they can easily diversify the winter-spring diet.

Pickling violin mushrooms: video

In autumn, the time begins to collect mushrooms and pickle them for the winter, as well as search for various recipes. How to squeak milk mushrooms hot and cold for the winter in jars, what spices to add and many other questions are asked by housewives in search perfect recipe marinating.

Many mushroom pickers mistakenly consider violins to be a type of white milk mushroom. But actually it is not. Mushrooms are much inferior in taste to white milk mushrooms, but proper preparation You can get a very tasty pickle with a pleasant aroma. It is also called spurge mushroom.

Before collecting mushrooms, you need to be completely sure of what the violin looks like.

Required ingredients:

  • Creakies;
  • 1 liter of filtered water;
  • 1 bunch of fresh dill;
  • 1 sprig of tarragon;
  • 4 currant leaves;
  • Black pepper (peas);
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • 5 tablespoons of table salt.

Method for salting a violin:

The spurge mushroom must be sorted out, cleaned of leaves and needles, and wormy mushrooms must be thrown out. Then rinse everything thoroughly. The greens also need to be washed.

Salting is possible only in a glass, enamel or wooden container. It is not advisable to take utensils made of aluminum or stainless steel.

Place greens and peppercorns on the bottom. Then you need to lay out one layer of creaks and one clove of garlic, add plenty of salt. Alternate layers until the container is completely filled. Place another layer of greenery on top. After this, place a wooden circle or ceramic plate and place a weight. The cup is covered with a cloth and sent to the cellar or basement.

You can eat spurge mushroom one month after pickling.

Hot salting of milk mushrooms with currant leaves

How to salt creaks using a hot method? The hot canning recipe is very simple. Many people complain that the taste of salted violin is very bitter, but with proper preparation this can be avoided.

Required ingredients:

  • Gruzdi violin;
  • 30 grams of table salt (per 1 kg of mushrooms);
  • Fresh currant leaves;
  • Filtered water;

How to prepare squeaky milk mushrooms for the winter:

Clean and rinse the milk mushrooms. Soak in water for two days. The water for mushrooms needs to be changed three times. After two days, the creaks are blanched in an enamel pan for 20 minutes, constantly skimming off the foam. The water should be salted before doing this. After this time, they are thrown into a colander.

After the squeaks have cooled, they should be placed in jars with their caps down, having first placed the currant leaves on the bottom. Each layer should be sprinkled with table salt. When the jars are full, add currant leaves again.

Salted violins should be put in the refrigerator for a month and a half. Previously, it is not recommended to eat it in pickled form. It is after a month and a half that they will give up all the bitterness and will be ready for consumption.

Cold canning mushrooms for the winter

This method is very similar to previous method marinating. The cold method of pickling milk mushrooms is also called dry, since brine is not used here. If preserved improperly, creaks become very bitter and will be impossible to eat. How to salt milk mushrooms?

Required ingredients:

  • Euphorbia mushroom;
  • Filtered water;
  • Carnation;
  • Garlic cloves;
  • Table salt (30 g per 1 kg of mushrooms);
  • Bay leaf.

How to prepare cold pickling for the winter:

Clean the milk mushrooms from leaves, check for worms, and then rinse under running water. The violin should be soaked in filtered water for two days. After two days, place them, caps down, in a wooden bowl, periodically adding cloves, bay leaves and garlic. Sleep with coarse salt. Cover with a ceramic plate or wooden circle on top, and then place a heavy weight.

Due to the fact that the mushrooms spent two days in water when packed tightly in the container, they will secrete a large number of liquids. It should completely cover the creaks. If there is not enough liquid, then you need to regularly add a saline solution (20 grams of table salt should be diluted in 1 liter of warm water).