And for Have a good mood for the weekend - check out this post - another photo journey from a wonderful photographer, expert on Far Eastern nature and storyteller, whose magazine I recommend to all of you

Original taken from dimorfant to the Bastak Nature Reserve. Monsoon forests of the Far East.

Liana broadleaf forest.

In the middle of summer, a hot and stuffy summer sets in in the Amur region with high humidity and temperatures below thirty degrees, with heavy rains brought from the south by the summer monsoon. Day and night air temperatures at this time hardly differ; when you go to bed, you hope in vain for the coolness of the night. Clouds of various vile things, with disgusting humming and buzzing, further darken the life of the traveler.

Amur maakia blooms profusely.

Through the gaps in the crowns you can see the green canopy above.

Far Eastern toads are often found on forest paths during rain.

Low mountains from the foothills to the tops of the ridges are covered with multi-tiered broad-leaved and coniferous-deciduous forests. After just a couple of days, you want to escape from this saturated with thick, forest-infused vapors, green world. It is only during the rains that a noticeable change occurs in our forests. The air becomes cleaner, mosquitoes and other blood-sucking evil spirits, especially vicious before the rain, instantly disappear and do not appear until it ends. Oddly enough, such days become a holiday, with the condition that the rain does not fall for a week without a break, as happened to us at the end of July on the slopes of Mount Chernukha in the Bastak nature reserve.

Young pale thrush.

Carved yellow maple leaves.

The fruits of Actinidia kolomikta will ripen only in August.

The abundance of summer heat and moisture contributes to rapid development greenery The trunks of oaks, lindens, elms, ash trees, overgrown with the “wool” of green mosses, pierce the forest layer in tall columns, forming with their spreading crowns a dense leafy tent. Smaller trees and wildly overgrown shrubs create a unique appearance of the forest thicket, and vines of actinidia, grapes, and lemongrass, entwining all available surfaces, turn it into real wilds.

Actinidia vines sometimes form impenetrable thickets.

The fog thickens on the slopes of Mount Chernukha. Eleutherococcus blooms.

Actinidia are found everywhere, young stems climb along old vines, intertwining into bizarre strands.

When it rains, everything here is saturated with moisture: mosses, lichens, slippery trunks of giants defeated by time. Every leaf, every blade of grass, every twig is studded with myriads of drops that, just touch them, pour over them from head to toe. Less than half an hour of walking, and not a single dry thread remains. A shirt that sticks and gets wet under the warm streams does not cool your back. Gradually, the boots begin to squelch - the moisture from the wet clothes rushes down to the ground, and ends up in the boots. Then it’s time to sit down on the dead wood, wring out the footcloths, and pour out the accumulated water.

Growing yellow birch trees stand out with their elegant trunks among the general gray-green background.

Coniferous-deciduous forest in foggy weather.

When meeting a young hazel grouse, it is in no hurry to fly away and stretches its neck with interest.

As the rain subsides, it turns into drizzle, which in turn dissolves into fog, enveloping the entire surrounding area. Low, dense clouds spread along the low spurs of the Bureinsky ridge, spread as a heavy fog between the trees and the forest turns into amazing country with your fairy tale characters.

Far Eastern wilds.

Study with Eleutherococcus.

The green world of cedar-broadleaf forest.

When you return, how nice it is to take off your wet clothes and take a steam bath in a hot bathhouse. Having warmed up, go outside under the streams of rain, sit in the gathering twilight, listening to the heavy drops of the dying typhoon rustling through the leaves, which reached us with tropical latitudes South-East Asia. Wash off the sticky moisture, wipe off the dirt from the bitten body. Hang your rinsed clothes out overnight so that you can put on completely dry ones in the morning... And get wet again, waiting for the end of the prolonged rain.

At the "39th kilometer" cordon. The rain drums on the hives.

Warm summers with heavy rainfall affect the nature of the vegetation cover. Coniferous-deciduous and broadleaf forests, dominating the territory of the zone, have a southern appearance. Compared to the coniferous-deciduous and broad-leaved forests of the Russian Plain, they differ great variety tree and shrub species, multi-tiered, an abundance of vines and epiphyte mosses attached to the trunks. Richly represented in forests Far East ferns, a well-developed herbaceous layer, which, after clearing forests, easily turns into stable meadow groups.

From conifers to mixed forests the main role belongs to the Korean cedar (Pinus koraiensis); Whole-leaved fir (Abies holophylla), Ayan spruce (Picea jezoensis), and whitebark fir (Abies nephrolepis) are also found. The composition is even more diverse in mixed forests. hardwood. The first place among them is occupied by Mongolian oak (Quercus mongolica). Common species here are linden (Tilia taqueti), yellow birch (Betula costata), small-leaf maple (Acer mono), and Amur linden (Tilia amurensis). The tree trunks are entwined with Amur grape (Vitis amurensis), lemongrass (Schizandra chinensis), actinidia (Actinidia kolomicta) and some other vines.

Pure broad-leaved forests are represented mainly by oak forests. Modern pure oak trees often grow on the site of coniferous deciduous forests. They arose as a result of cutting down coniferous trees. In the past, pure oak forests were widespread in the lowlands, which are now artificially deforested and partially plowed. Instead of virgin forests, low-growing trees and shrubs are scattered in the lowlands and foothills, constituting “a characteristic element of the landscape of many regions of the south of the Soviet Far East.”

Meadow vegetation is better preserved on the plains. Low wet places covered with reed grass, reed grass-forbs and reed grass-sedge meadows, turning into lowland marshes. With deeper groundwater, steppe meadows develop. Occasionally, and always in small areas, typical steppe groups are found with the participation of Baikal and Siberian feather grass (Stipa baicalensis, St. sibirica), tonkopod, Arundinella anomala and Siberian tansy (Tanacetum sibiricum).

There are two points of view regarding the treelessness and steppe formation of the Zeya-Bureya and Prikhankai plains. According to the first of them, the plains were covered with forests before human intervention, and the meadow-steppe groups now found are of secondary, anthropogenic origin (K.D. Glinka, V.L. Komarov, M.F. Korotky). Supporters of the second point of view consider the weak forest cover of the plains to be a natural phenomenon, and the landscape itself to be forest-steppe (B.P. Kolesnikov, Yu.A. Liverovsky). Most likely, part of the Zeya-Bureya and Prikhankai plains is a humid, Far Eastern analogue of the northern forest-steppe of the Russian Plain. As is known, almost continuous forest cover in the past and weak steppe formation – common feature subzones of the northern forest-steppe.

Liana broadleaf forest.

In the middle of summer, the Amur region experiences a hot and stuffy summer with high humidity and temperatures of up to thirty degrees, with heavy rains brought from the south by the summer monsoon. Day and night air temperatures at this time hardly differ; when you go to bed, you hope in vain for the coolness of the night. Clouds of various vile things, with disgusting humming and buzzing, further darken the life of the traveler.

Amur maakia blooms profusely.

Through the gaps in the crowns you can see the green canopy above.

Far Eastern toads are often found on forest paths during rain.

Low mountains from the foothills to the tops of the ridges are covered with multi-tiered broad-leaved and coniferous-deciduous forests. After just a couple of days, you want to escape from this green world, saturated with thick, forest-infused vapors. It is only during the rains that a noticeable change occurs in our forests. The air becomes cleaner, mosquitoes and other blood-sucking evil spirits, especially vicious before the rain, instantly disappear and do not appear until it ends. Oddly enough, such days become a holiday, with the condition that the rain does not fall for a week without a break, as happened to us at the end of July on the slopes of Mount Chernukha in the Bastak nature reserve.

Young pale thrush.

Carved yellow maple leaves.

The fruits of Actinidia kolomikta will ripen only in August.

The abundance of summer heat and moisture contributes to the rapid development of greenery. The trunks of oaks, lindens, elms, ash trees, overgrown with the “wool” of green mosses, pierce the forest layer in tall columns, forming with their spreading crowns a dense leafy tent. Smaller trees and wildly overgrown shrubs create the unique appearance of the forest thicket, and the vines of actinidia, grapes, and lemongrass, entwining all available surfaces, turn it into real wilds.

Actinidia vines sometimes form impenetrable thickets.

The fog thickens on the slopes of Mount Chernukha. Eleutherococcus blooms.

Actinidia are found everywhere, young stems climb along old vines, intertwining into bizarre strands.

When it rains, everything here is saturated with moisture: mosses, lichens, slippery trunks of giants defeated by time. Every leaf, every blade of grass, every twig is studded with myriads of drops that, just touch them, pour over them from head to toe. Less than half an hour of walking, and not a single dry thread remains. A shirt that sticks and gets wet under the warm streams does not cool your back. Gradually, the boots begin to squelch - the moisture from the wet clothes rushes down to the ground, and ends up in the boots. Then it’s time to sit down on the dead wood, wring out the footcloths, and pour out the accumulated water.

Growing yellow birch trees stand out with their elegant trunks among the general gray-green background.

Coniferous-deciduous forest in foggy weather.

When meeting a young hazel grouse, it is in no hurry to fly away and stretches its neck with interest.

As the rain subsides, it turns into drizzle, which in turn dissolves into fog, enveloping the entire surrounding area. Low, dense clouds spread along the low spurs of the Bureinsky ridge, spread as a heavy fog between the trees and the forest turns into an amazing country with its own fairy-tale characters.

Far Eastern wilds.

Study with Eleutherococcus.

The green world of cedar-broadleaf forest.

When you return, how nice it is to take off your wet clothes and take a steam bath in a hot bathhouse. Having warmed up, go outside under the stream of rain, sit in the gathering twilight, listening to the heavy drops of a dying typhoon rustling through the leaves, having reached us from the tropical latitudes of Southeast Asia. Wash off the sticky moisture, wipe off the dirt from the bitten body. Hang your rinsed clothes out overnight so that you can put on completely dry ones in the morning... And get wet again, waiting for the end of the prolonged rain.

At the "39th kilometer" cordon. The rain drums on the hives.

“Flora and fauna” - Climate Groundwater Soil Human activity Relief (altitudinal zone). Animal world. Find on the vegetation map areas occupied by deserts, tundras, forests and steppes. Steppes of the Forest. Deserts. Birds. Diversity flora. Herbivorous animals. Vegetable and animal world Russia.

“The influence of animals” - Cats brighten up loneliness, calm, reduce arterial pressure. Canistherapy is a type of animal-assisted therapy using dogs. Felinotherapy is the therapeutic effect of cats. Kinds. Now such centers have appeared in Russia in the majority major cities. The teenagers worked with dogs at risk of being euthanized at two shelters.

"Russian Livestock" - Experts. Invited to participate in the event: Ivan Dunin, Director of the Federal State Scientific Institution VNIIplem. The number of cows fell by 2.5% to 8.8 million heads. Vodka with milk. Heavy load of the USSR Ministry of Agriculture. Financing structure, areas of responsibility, certification, marketing. What needs to be changed? Date, time, venue. Management crisis Herd management and personnel shortage.

“Animals of Kazakhstan” - Eagle. Did you know that there is a sparrow that lives in deep holes? According to the World Conservation Union, quite numerous species. It lives in small flocks that... It nests, spends the night and hides in abandoned rodent burrows. Also found in cultivated landscapes in orchards and vineyards.

"Fauna of Russia" - Food chains: sable, cedar, elk, squirrel, lynx. Forest zone. Fauna of Russia. Squirrel. Steppes. Desert. Economical use of water; Hibernation in summer; Burrows. Natural communities– the relationship between flora and fauna. Features of the animal world: Animal world: Protective coloring; Thick fur; Many migratory birds.

“Animal World” - Amur Badger Deer Mole. Squirrel. Black grouse. "Fauna of Russia." People learned to protect nature back in ancient times. One of the oldest Russian reserves, Priazovsky, is located in Krasnodar region. The first nature reserves in Russia were created back in late XIX century. Mink. Ferret. Loaf. Red is the color of danger.

There are a total of 22 presentations in the topic

The Far East occupies the extreme position of the northeast of Eurasia and the east of Russia, washed by the waters of two oceans: the Arctic and the Pacific. Due to its vast territory, the natural areas of the Far East are distinguished by the diversity and uniqueness of landscapes, flora and fauna.

Features of the nature of the Far East

The unique nature of the Far East is due to its location and the direct influence of the surrounding oceans and seas. Features associated with the coastal location of the Far Eastern region maritime climate in the north and monsoon climate in the south, which resulted from the interaction between the land North Asia and the Pacific Ocean.

As a result of its large extent from north to south, the natural zones of the Russian Far East are distinguished by great diversity. The mountainous terrain alternates with endless meadow plains. This region experiences active seismicity and volcanism. The following zones are presented here:

  • arctic deserts;
  • tundra and forest-tundra;
  • taiga;
  • broad-leaved forests.

Natural complexes of the Far East

In the Far East largest area occupy coniferous forests, and the smallest – Arctic deserts.

  • Arctic deserts

To this harsh natural area includes two islands: Gerald and Wrangel. They are characterized by mountainous terrain, with poor landscapes, in some places covered with patches of mosses and lichens. Even at the height of summer, the air temperature here does not rise above 5-10C. Winters are very harsh, with little snow.

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Rice. 1. Polar bears on Wrangel Island

  • Tundra

The tundra zone extends south from the coast of the Northern Arctic Ocean. Most of it is reserved for mountainous landscape. The climate of the tundra is damp and cold, as a result of which the vegetation of this region is not very diverse: not all plants are able to survive on wet, frozen soils with a low humus content. Poor evaporation of moisture caused the formation of swampy areas.

  • Taiga

Taiga or zone coniferous forests is the most extensive in the Far East and is distinguished by a wide variety of landscapes. Thanks to the climate in the taiga, which is milder than the tundra zone, coniferous trees. Due to the peculiarities of their structure, they are able to withstand cold winters without loss. Pine, larch, fir, spruce are typical representatives of the taiga.

Rice. 2. Rich taiga forests of the Far East

The fauna of the taiga is very diverse. Moose, bears, foxes, wolves, and squirrels live here.

  • Mixed and broad-leaved forests

This zone is located on the lower altitude zone mountains of the southern part of the Far East. It is characterized by moderate monsoon climate with warm humid summers and cold winter. It is distinguished by a wide variety of flora and fauna.

A characteristic feature of the Far Eastern nature in the zone of mixed and deciduous forests is the phenomenon of gigantism among animals and plants. Thus, trees about 40 meters high, grass as tall as a man, and water lilies with a diameter of more than a meter are not uncommon here. The animal world is also rich in giants. Ussurian tiger, Amur snake, Ussuri relict longhorned beetle, Maaka swallowtail butterfly, king crab, the Far Eastern oyster are real giants among their relatives.

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