Arkhangelsk Pomors and Icelandic fishermen decorated their homes by hanging dried catfish heads from the ceiling, whose monstrous fanged faces attracted the admiring attention of guests.

Description of catfish

These huge snake-like fish are similar to moray eels and eels, but are not closely related to them.. Catfish (Anarhichadidae) live in temperate/cold waters northern hemisphere and belong to the family of ray-finned fish from the order Perciformes.


In catfish telling name– the first thing that catches your eye when meeting them is the terrible upper fangs, simply protruding from the mouth. The jaws of catfish, like those of most animals with a death grip, are noticeably shortened in front, and developed masticatory muscles act in the form of nodules. An adult catfish bites the handle of a shovel or a fishing hook without strain, but more often uses its teeth for their intended purpose - snapping shells and shells. It is no wonder that teeth quickly become unusable and fall out once a year (usually in winter), giving way to new ones that completely ossify after a month and a half.

All catfish have an elongated body, which bends strongly when moving. By the way, increased flexibility of the body, as well as an increase in length, became possible due to the loss of the ventral fins. The fact that distant ancestors did have pelvic fins is evidenced by those attached to shoulder girdle pelvic bones current catfish. All types of catfish have long unpaired fins, dorsal and anal, as well as large, fan-shaped, pectoral fins. The caudal fin (rounded or truncated, as in many slow-swimming fish) is separate from the other fins. Some specimens of catfish grow up to 2.5 m and weigh about 50 kg.

Character and lifestyle

“The skull is wrinkled and gray, like a rotten orange. The muzzle resembles a continuous ulcer, the entire width of which is spread out with huge swollen lips. Behind the lips you can see strong fangs and a bottomless mouth, which, it seems, is about to swallow you forever...” – this is how Canadian McDaniel, frightened by the monster at a 20-meter depth in the waters of British Columbia, spoke about his meeting with the Pacific catfish.

All catfish lead a bottom lifestyle: this is where they look for food, not disdaining almost any living creature. At dusk, the fish go hunting to return to their quiet caves at sunrise. The closer winter gets, the deeper the catfish go.

This is interesting! The growth rate of Atlantic catfish is directly proportional to the depths at which they live. At great depths, the White Sea catfish grows to an average of 37 cm in 7 years, the Barents Sea striped catfish - up to 54 cm, the spotted catfish - up to 63 cm, and the blue catfish - up to 92 cm.

Spotted catfish also swim higher in summer than in winter, but (unlike striped catfish) they move over long distances. The common catfish loves to rest in rocky crevices among algae, resembling them not only in color (transverse stripes on a gray-brown background), but also in the vibrations of its slowly wriggling body. At the depths where striped catfish tend to go in winter, the stripes fade and become almost invisible, and the overall color becomes slightly yellow.

It is no coincidence that the striped catfish is called the sea wolf (Anarhichas lupus): it, like other catfish, often uses powerful fangs, defending against aggressive relatives and external enemies. Experienced fishermen handle the caught fish carefully, as they fight hard and bite noticeably.

How long do catfish live?

It is believed that adult catfish that have happily escaped fishing gear can live to be 18–20 years old.

This is interesting! The catfish is a passive predator that attacks from ambush. To provoke a bite on a spinning rod, the fish are first teased. Eyewitnesses claim that the catfish is unbalanced by tapping the sinker on the stone. A name was invented for this technique - catching by knocking.

Sexual dimorphism

Female catfish are smaller than male ones and are somewhat darker in color. In addition, females do not have swelling around the eyes, their lips are not as swollen, and their chin is less pronounced.

Types of catfish

The family consists of 5 species, three of which (common, spotted and blue catfish) inhabit northern part Atlantic Ocean, and two (Far Eastern and eel) were chosen northern waters Pacific Ocean.

Striped or common catfish (Anarhichas lupus)

Representatives of the species are armed with developed tuberculate teeth, which distinguishes this catfish from the spotted and blue ones. On the lower jaw, the teeth are moved far back, which makes it possible to effectively crush shells that experience counter pressure from the upper jaw. Also, striped catfish are smaller than spotted and blue ones - the most outstanding specimens do not grow more than 1.25 m and weigh 21 kg.

Spotted catfish (Anarhichas minor)

Occupies an intermediate position between blue and striped catfish. The spotted catfish is usually larger than the striped catfish, but is smaller in size than the blue catfish, growing up to 1.45 m and weighing more than 30 kg. The tuberculate teeth of the spotted catfish are less developed than those of the striped catfish, and the vomer row is not displaced beyond the palatine rows. The fry of the spotted catfish are decorated with wide and black transverse stripes, which are divided into separate spots during the transition to bottom habitat. The spots are separated from each other, and, if they merge into stripes, they are less distinct than those of the striped catfish.

Blue catfish (Anarhichas latifrons)

Shows the weakest formation of tuberculate teeth, where the vomer row is much shorter than the palatine rows, while in other catfish it is longer. Adult blue catfish reach up to 1.4 meters and weigh 32 kg.

More impressive fish are also known, at least 2 meters long. The blue catfish is painted almost monochrome, in dark tones with indistinct spots, whose grouping into stripes is hardly indistinguishable.

Far Eastern catfish (Anarhichas orientalis)

Far Eastern catfish grows to at least 1.15 m. Distinguished among Atlantic catfish in larger numbers vertebrae (86–88) and rays in the anal fin (53–55). The tuberculate teeth are extremely strong, allowing the adult to crush very thick shells. The dark stripes of juveniles are located not across, but along the body: as the fish matures, they disperse into local spots, which later lose their clarity and disappear into a solid dark background.

Eel catfish (Anarhichthys ocellatus)

It is strikingly different from other catfish, which is why it is separated into a special genus. In the shape of the head and the structure of the teeth, the eel-like catfish resembles the Far Eastern catfish, but has a very long body with a large number (over 200) of vertebrae and rays in the dorsal/anal fins.

The eel-like catfish in adulthood often reaches up to 2.5 m. The juveniles of the species are entirely longitudinally striped, but later the stripes turn into spots that remain bright until the end of the fish’s life.

Range, habitats

Catfishes belong to sea ​​fish, inhabiting temperate and cold regions of the northern hemisphere. Catfish prefer the continental shelf and stay in its bottom layers at fairly large depths.

The range of the striped catfish covers:

  • western sector Baltic Sea and part of the North;
  • Faroe and Shetland Islands;
  • northern Kola Peninsula;
  • Norway, Iceland and Greenland;
  • Motovsky and Kola bays;
  • Bear Island;
  • western coast of Spitsbergen;
  • atlantic coast North America.

This species of catfish also lives in the Barents and White Seas. The movements of schools are limited to reaching the shores and moving to depths (up to 0.45 km).

This is interesting! Spotted catfish are caught in the same places as common catfish (with the exception of the Baltic Sea, where it does not enter at all), but in northern regions still more often than in the south. Off the coast of Iceland, for every 1 spotted catfish there are 20 striped ones.

It lives, like other catfish, on the continental shallows, but avoids the coast and algae, preferring to sit out at great depths, up to half a kilometer. The range of the blue catfish coincides with the range of the spotted catfish, but unlike other species, it moves more actively over long distances and lives at maximum depths, up to 1 km.

Far Eastern catfish are found in Norton Bay, near the Aleutian, Commander and Pribilof Islands, as well as off the coast from the island. Hokkaido (in the south) to the eastern shores of Kamchatka (in the north). The eel-like catfish is found near the Pacific coast of North America from California to Alaska (Kodiak Island).

Catfish diet

Divers find catfish from stacks of empty shells/shells stacked near underwater caves.. Catfish need powerful molars and formidable fangs to grind living creatures clad in calcified armor or chitin.

Favorite food of catfish:

  • crustaceans, including lobsters;
  • shellfish;
  • sea ​​urchins;
  • sea ​​stars;
  • snails;
  • jellyfish;
  • fish.

This is interesting! With its fangs, the catfish tears off echinoderms, mollusks and crustaceans clinging to it from the bottom, and with its teeth it tears/crushes their shells and shells. When changing teeth, fish starve or chew prey that is not covered by a shell.

Different types of catfish have their own gastronomic preferences: for example, striped catfish have little interest in fish, but love shellfish (which are considered the best bait when fishing with hooks). The tastes of the spotted catfish are similar to the tastes of the striped catfish, except that the former leans less on mollusks, and more on echinoderms ( starfish, brittle stars and sea urchins).

The Far Eastern catfish, living in coastal thickets, eats echinoderms, mollusks, fish and crustaceans. The feeding preferences of the blue catfish are limited to jellyfish, ctenophores and fish: other animals (crustaceans, echinoderms and especially mollusks) are very rare in its diet. Thanks to their delicate food, the teeth of blue catfish practically do not wear out, although they change every year.

The catfish easily bites through sea urchins and shells because it has strong jaws and teeth, and the teeth can fall out and grow back.

Striped catfish (Anarhichas lupus) takes pride of place on the list of the ugliest fish in the world. Due to the amazingly powerful jaws with large teeth protruding from the mouth and its general view Catfish is perceived as a dangerous and voracious fish. Actually this is not true. Observations from scuba divers exploring the bottom of fjords indicate that catfish have a gentle disposition. Most often, it hides in shelters at the bottom, sticking out only its head in anticipation of the appearance of prey. It feeds mainly on crabs, mollusks, sea urchins and fish. Powerful jaws and the teeth serve the catfish to crack the shell of its prey. That's why catfish are called the fish that crushes rocks. After being hooked, the catfish fights desperately, not wanting to lose freedom. Therefore, an angry fish, pulled out of a boat, in a state of passion, can bite the fisherman’s shoe, causing him injury. Experienced catchers of this sea ​​predator, which is also called the sea wolf, after being removed from the hook, it is advised to return the catfish to freedom as soon as possible by throwing it back into the water. If you want to take the fish, you can't let it thrash around in the boat.


Catfish is found along the coast of Scandinavia from the Barents to the North Seas, near the British Isles, off the coast of the eastern and northeastern islands of North America.

In fact, catfish lives in the Barents and White Seas. This is valuable commercial fish. Occasionally, catfish are caught in the Baltic Sea. In the north of the Atlantic Ocean and in the adjacent seas, there are three species of catfish: striped, motley and blue. All of them belong to the catfish family of the perciformes order. Most often you come across specimens measuring 50-80 cm and weighing 2-5 kg. The largest recorded specimens of catfish were about 150 cm long and weighed almost 25 kg. Catfish lives at depths of up to 500 m, most often staying on a rocky, sandy or muddy bottom.

The female lays eggs at the bottom and guards them, the male guards the young fry. Only during the spawning period do catfish gather in schools; usually adults live alone. Most often, this fish finds shelter in the folds of the rocky bottom on underwater flat areas and hills, where it hides its body, exposing only its head or waiting for prey.

Color grey-green, black or rusty brown. Striped catfish have 10 to 15 transverse dark stripes.

The head is stocky, the anterior mouth opening has characteristic powerful lips and teeth. Thick, short teeth protrude from the mouth opening, almost like those of a crocodile.

The dorsal fin of the catfish is very long: it begins at the height of the gills and ends at the very tail. Transverse stripes also extend to the dorsal fin. The caudal fin is small, the anal fin is half the size of the dorsal fin. The semicircular pectoral fins are as large as the dorsal fin.

The catfish's rather large eyes are located in the upper part of the body.


The catfish's terrifying teeth are used to chew sea urchins, hard mollusk shells, crab shells and other prey.

In Russia blue catfish It is found in the Barents Sea to Novaya Zemlya, but the main fishery is carried out in its western part, east of the Kaninskaya Bank. Striped catfish lives in the Barents Sea, Motovsky and Kola bays North Sea, as well as off the Karelian coast White Sea. In addition, fishing in the fjords is popular. The bait can be a jig or a very large twister with a heavy jig head. Good results are also obtained by fishing at the very bottom with a metal weight, which noisily taps the bottom, and there is a meat bait on the side leash on a very large hook. When fishing for catfish weighing more than 10 kg, you need to use a very strong line, a steel leader and large hooks. The jaws and teeth of this fish are so strong that there are known cases of breaking laces, leads and unbending hooks.

Catfish meat in many countries Western Europe considered a delicacy. Despite the frightening appearance, especially of the fish's mouth, many anglers have seen scenes that indicate the gentle disposition of these predators - for example, when a catfish eats prey, flounders gather around it and wait patiently, hoping to feast on the remains of its meal, and the catfish treats them quite well condescendingly.


Unlike cod and pollock, catfish leads a solitary lifestyle. Catfish bite on both natural and artificial baits.

In a shelter at a depth of 200 m

On a wavy rocky bottom, it is better to lure individual catfish by tapping the bottom with a sinker. There should be a piece of shellfish, shrimp or fish on the side leader on a strong hook and an even stronger leader.

In a shelter at a depth of 300 m

Adult catfish live alone, most often using shelters in rocks, sticking only their heads out and waiting for prey. Most often it becomes mollusks, sea urchins, snails, as well as small and large fish.

Shelter in the wreckage of a ship lying at the bottom

Saltwater fish such as cod, pollock and others like to swim and hunt near shipwrecks because small fish can be found there. Catfish also find shelters there, from which they look out for prey.

Underwater slide 200-300 m

The catfish's favorite place to stay may be underwater rocky slides, where there is a lot of food. It is better to look for such places using a sensitive echo sounder, which should be on the ship.

During spawning

Catfish spawn in shallow water in the fall. This is the only time when they can be found in flocks. Females lay eggs in large piles; during the first weeks they protect the eggs (and then the offspring) from other fish.

Water column

During pre- and post-spawning migrations, catfish can be found heading to deeper waters. At this time they can be caught with pilkers, similar topics, which are used to catch cod and pollock.

Catfish (lat. Anarhinchas) is also called “sea wolf” for impressive size and a wide mouth with large and strong teeth, with which she bites through sea shells. This large fish grows up to one and a half meters and sometimes weighs up to thirty kilograms. There are five species of catfish of the order Perch, which live in various seas and oceans of the world and swim mainly at a depth of 300-500 meters. Interestingly, this fish grows new teeth every year. And its skin is used for the production of handbags and book binding. In Greenland, it was used to make containers for collecting berries.

Catfish meat

The main advantage is that the pulp has virtually no bones. In addition, the meat of this monster is unexpectedly tender, very fatty, slightly sweet - in general, delicious! It is a source of various vitamins, amino acids, and microelements. There are no carbohydrates in it, and the ratio of fats and proteins is one to four.

Use in cooking

If you are thinking about how to cook catfish, don’t rack your brains in vain. A lot of different dishes are made from it. Fish stores sell frozen catfish steak, already cut into portions. It is good smoked, fried, boiled, stewed. Fish cutlets are also made from this meat. It is necessary to remember that the pulp of catfish is very loose, so you need to use various tricks so that it does not fall apart during cooking and does not “spread” over the pan when frying. For these purposes they use salt water, and batter. Well, now, actually, the recipes.


How to cook catfish? You can make very tender and sweet-tasting fish cutlets. We will need: catfish fillet - one kilogram, a couple of onions, two cloves of garlic, a teaspoon of potato starch, half a glass of milk, salt and pepper - to taste. We pass all the solid ingredients through a meat grinder, add starch and milk to the resulting mass, add salt and pepper. Mix until the raw material is homogeneous. Form cutlets (small, flat). Roll in breadcrumbs or flour. It is better to bake such cutlets at a temperature of 180-200 degrees. How to cook catfish in the oven? We place our semi-finished culinary products on a baking sheet, pre-greased with vegetable oil, and into the oven. Bake until done (usually 20-30 minutes, depending on the “character” of the oven). It is important that a golden crust forms on our cutlets. To flip or not? This process may cause the product to fall apart, so it's best not to. When the cutlets are ready, carefully, maintaining their shape, remove them from the oven with a spatula and serve with sour cream and mashed potatoes. This is one of the popular ways to cook catfish. The result is tender and flavorful meat in a tasty crust.


How to cook catfish? Can be done delicious casserole with vegetables and cheese. For this we will need: fish fillet - one kilogram, half a kilo of potatoes, half a kilo of onions, two or three small carrots, hard cheese - 200 grams, a couple of tablespoons of sour cream, a little vegetable oil, “fish spices” - to taste. Place pieces of fish fillet in a deep baking dish, greased with vegetable oil. Cut potatoes, carrots into cubes and place next layer(for those who like to grate vegetables using a grater). The third layer is onion. Sprinkle with spices and salt. Next is a layer of catfish. Again - vegetables and onions, spices. Spread sour cream on top. Three cheese on a coarse grater, sprinkle on top. Bake in the oven at a temperature of 180-200 degrees. After 20-30 minutes, the dish is usually ready to eat. Fast and tasty!

How to cook catfish steak

Now cut frozen catfish steaks have begun to appear in stores and supermarkets. They are relatively inexpensive. Plus they fry very quickly and are delicious. However, not all housewives prefer to deal with this fish: some people end up with catfish porridge instead of fried in a frying pan.


Now is the time to talk about some of the subtleties in preparing this wonderful fatty fish (meaning the frying process). How to cook delicious catfish? First, the catfish pieces need to be completely thawed. Secondly, for frying you need a good batter or a sufficient amount of flour to generously coat the pieces (by the way, they should also not be too large, but rather small). Third, fry this fish in a deep fryer in large quantities vegetable oil, almost brought to a boil. You can take a large frying pan with a thick bottom and edges, coated with Teflon or natural stone (the fish will not burn). And then the problem of how to cook catfish in a frying pan will be successfully solved by us.

Steamed with vegetables

This recipe is for lovers of steamers and multicookers, which are believed to retain most of the beneficial substances lost when frying or baking in the oven. It turns out to be an excellent dietary dish for those who are watching their weight. How to cook catfish? We will need: catfish fillet - half a kilogram, two or three medium potatoes, two onions, two carrots, cauliflower- 200 grams, juice of one lemon, salt and pepper to taste. First we make the marinade: lemon juice, pepper, salt. Marinate the fillet pieces for half an hour. At this time, prepare the vegetables: peel, wash, cut into large pieces. Cut the onion into half rings, also large. We wrap each piece of marinated fish in foil and place it on a steamer tray. Set it to “Steam” and cook for 15-20 minutes. Steam vegetables separately (20 minutes). Place vegetables on a plate. Unfold the foil. We take out the pieces of fish and pour the juice on top of the vegetables. Serve with fresh herbs.


From pieces of catfish fillet - 500 grams, a glass of rice, onions- 2 heads, 2 carrots, and spices you can prepare a very tasty fish pilaf. Cook in a large deep frying pan. We warm it up thoroughly. Chop the onions and carrots and fry them in a frying pan in vegetable oil. Wash the rice, dry it, pour it into a frying pan and lightly fry. Pour the fish on top, season with spices, and pour in about three glasses of water (ratio to rice: one to three). Let's not interfere! Cook over low heat for half an hour. After about fifteen minutes, the rice will swell, and then in the middle of the mass you can make a hole for the outflow of water: we should get pilaf - grain to grain, and not rice porridge. The pilaf is ready. Serve it hot. You can sprinkle fresh herbs on top.

In foil

We will need: catfish fillet - 500 grams, a glass of rice, half a kilo of tomatoes, 200 grams of sour cream, 200 grams of cheese, 200 grams of onions, spices and salt - to taste. This dish is portioned. First, boil the rice separately. It should turn out crumbly.

On double foil measuring approximately 20 by 20 centimeters, place a few spoons of rice, a couple of chopped onion rings, a couple of pieces of fillet, sprinkle with spices, and coat with sour cream. Cut the tomatoes into slices. The design is completed by a circle of tomato. Sprinkle grated cheese on top. We wrap the foil on all sides to make a kind of pot. We make several servings this way. Place in the oven preheated to 180 degrees for 15-20 minutes. Before cooking, open the foil on top to form a crust. Serve in portions, directly in foil, placed on plates. Bon appetit everyone!

The ocean occupies a huge part of our planet, it undersea world never ceases to amaze with its inhabitants, one of them is the catfish. For many scientific oceanologists, it still remains a mystery; it amazes and frightens with its unusualness and ability to adapt to life at depth. The article will talk in detail about the benefits and harms of this interesting fish when consumed as food, its effect on the human body.

Fish is rich in substances, vitamins and minerals necessary for people. Despite the fact that catfish has a certain list of contraindications, it is the most valuable representative sea ​​creatures, containing whole list useful substances.

Catfish is one of the subspecies predatory fish, it lives in places of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. It got its name because of its rather large jaw with sharp teeth. Appearance looks pretty scary: big eyes, slightly protruding forward and flattened belly.

Types of catfish

Residents European countries The catfish was nicknamed the “sea wolf.” It belongs to the genus of perciform fish and is completely different from perch. Scientists distinguish different types of this fish:

  • spotted catfish - found in seas with cool water, most often found in the Atlantic Ocean;
  • Far Eastern catfish, settled in places of the Pacific Ocean;
  • striped - found in the Atlantic seas;
  • eel - lives in the waters of the Pacific Ocean in places in North America;
  • blue - considered an endangered specimen that is found in the Atlantic Ocean region.

The size of the catfish is more than 150 centimeters, and the weight reaches 30 kilograms. There are larger individuals, the size and weight of which exceeds the average. Catfish doesn't count gourmet dish, so no one catches it; usually it unexpectedly ends up in fishermen’s nets.

Important! The sharp and large teeth of the fish became the reason for its name - catfish.

Composition of catfish

The presented fish is distinguished by a huge amount of useful substances included in it:

  • amino acids – designed to ensure stable and proper functioning of the heart muscle and blood vessels;
  • potassium – removes excess salt from the human body, preventing the occurrence of tissue edema;
  • phosphorus is an element with which all are enriched sea ​​inhabitants and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the endocrine system;


  • E – the source of youth of the body;
  • A – has a beneficial effect on the optic nerve, strengthens the immune system;
  • D – component responsible for stabilizing the functioning of the central nervous system;
  • PP – improves regeneration;
  • B- has a beneficial effect on the health of the human body;
  • C – stops inflammatory processes;
  • magnesium – participates in fat and protein processes;
  • water;
  • ash.

Where is it found?

The catfish lives at a depth of several hundred meters in the ocean. Most often it can be found in places of the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. The temperature at this level remains up to 14 degrees. Despite the fact that the fish is a carnivore, it does not have enormous speed to absorb it easily. For this reason, the main prey of the “sea wolf” are crustaceans, jellyfish, small fish and shellfish.

Catfish fish: photo

The benefits of catfish

The majority of nutritionists are convinced that the meat of this representative of the living environment is perfectly digestible and is saturated with a variety of positive substances.

Useful qualities of the product:

  • enrichment of cells with proteins involved in the structure of the body;
  • removal of excess salt and the body, fight against edema;
  • improving the immune system, increasing resistance to viruses and infectious diseases;
  • stabilization of the functioning of the nervous system;
  • correct functioning thyroid gland;
  • active cholesterol removal;
  • normalization of the cardiovascular system;
  • establishing pH balance;
  • memory improvement;
  • normalization of pressure; burning excess fat.

Harm to catfish

For the most part, this sea dweller brings only benefits to the body and cannot have a negative effect on health. Catfish, like other types of fish, is very simple to prepare. In many countries it is a favorite food for seafood connoisseurs.

Catfish calories and nutritional value

Fish meat cannot be called dietary, but it is worth noting that there is no fat in it. The calorie content of 100 grams of the product is 150. Catfish is often used to reduce body weight, as well as increase the level of protein in the body.

The use of fish in food maintains a certain level muscle mass body with a small amount of calories. In addition, it helps speed up metabolic processes. It is not recommended to replace all meat used in the diet with this type fish, but in some cases to reduce the content daily norm calories, this can be done.

During the fasting days Catfish is used quite often. Cooking recipes allow it to be consumed all day, along with any vegetables. Eating such fish allows you to reduce your average weekly calorie intake. Thanks to its use, you can save about 200-300 kilocalories.

How to choose fish

Product selection is one of the most important stages in cooking. Far Eastern catfish, like its other species, must be fresh.

Important! Only a fresh product will have a beneficial effect on the human body.

When choosing a product, you should pay attention to the eyes of the fish. Cloudy eyes indicate that the product for a long time lies on the counter. In this case, it is recommended to refuse the purchase.

Many people are convinced that they should not take frozen or fried fish, but this is also not entirely true. You should only purchase products that are not covered with a thick crust of ice. In this case, you can be sure of its benefits, this means that the fish has not been defrosted several times.

How to cook catfish without it falling apart

There are many tricks and recipes that help you prepare a tasty and simple dish from such fish.

How to cook catfish steak in the oven

To prepare this dish you will need: 4 fish steaks, parts of onions, lemon juice, foil for baking meat.

  1. It is recommended to start cooking by washing the meat. Next, it is recommended to remove the skin, scales and fins from it. Make several cuts, dip in spices, pour in lemon juice and wrap in foil.
  2. The dish should be baked for about half an hour at a temperature of 180 degrees in the oven; you can place the foil envelopes directly on a baking sheet.

Ask the chef!

Didn't manage to cook the dish? Don't be shy, ask me personally.

How to cook catfish steak in a frying pan

For this dish you will need following products: vegetable oil, steaks, flour, salt.

Cooking fried fish in a frying pan does not require much effort and time.

  • First you need to heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan. Afterwards, the steaks are dipped in flour and salt and the fish frying begins. The dish must be fried until the crust turns golden brown. After that you can try it.

Catfish in a slow cooker

To create a dish from such fish you will need the following components:

  • steak - 4 pieces, carrots - 3 pieces, onion - 1 piece, pepper, dried rosemary, rice, 1.5 cups of broth, vegetable oil.
  1. We clean the fish by removing the skin and removing the bones. Chop the vegetables and fry over low heat.
  2. Place the fish on top of the fried vegetables and cover with a layer of rice on top.
  3. Pour out the broth. The resulting mixture should be simmered for 50 minutes.

The exact time will depend on the brand of multicooker used.

Catfish soup

For cooking fish soup you will need:

  • potatoes - 4 pieces, fish - 1 piece, 1 carrot, spoon of foam or rolled oats, salt, ground pepper, bay leaf.
  1. At the first stage of preparing the dish, it is recommended to cut the fish into small pieces. Then slowly lower each piece into the pan. It should be cooked for about half an hour.
  2. Chop potatoes and carrots.
  3. Remove the fish from the resulting broth.
  4. Separate the meat from the bones, strain the broth, put the fillet in a pan, add rolled oats and prepared vegetables, add spices.
  5. Then cook the soup for about 15 minutes.
  6. We chop the greens and pour them before serving the dish so that they do not lose their freshness and aroma.

Catfish cutlets

To form the cutlets you will need the following ingredients:

  • fish - 700 grams, milk - 50 milliliters; onion - 1 piece, garlic - 1 clove, 3 tablespoons of starch.
  1. Cut the fillet into small pieces, add pre-chopped onion, finely grated garlic, add starch, pour in milk, pepper, salt and add spices. Mix the resulting mixture thoroughly.
  2. Using a spoon, form cutlets and fry on both sides until golden brown.
  3. The dish should be served with sour cream.


Catfish is quite a tasty and healthy food, suitable both for people on diets and for those who are gaining weight. The product contains many useful substances vital for the human body. Despite the fact that catfish has certain benefits and harms, it should be added to food, because it contains a colossal number of beneficial substances.

Many people wonder how much does catfish cost? The average price of one kilogram of fish is about 400 rubles. It is a fairly affordable product for anyone.

Every year the seafood market is replenished with various varieties of fish. These include the seemingly terrifying catfish, the benefits and harms of which are discussed by official and alternative medicine. Remotely, it resembles dangerous eels and moray eels. It is this unusual and bright fish that will be discussed in today’s material.


The catfish is a representative of perciformes, its main habitat is the northern waters of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, where the temperature does not reach 14 o C. Its appearance is quite frightening - sharp conical fangs protruding from the upper jaw, and a long body. That's where she got it unusual name. This marine predator is colloquially called the Catfish species, the benefits and harms (photo in the article) of which doctors have always been interested, is divided into five subspecies:

  • widow (blue catfish), swims in the Norwegian, Barents and Atlantic seas;
  • spotted - the habitat is similar to the previous species;
  • Far Eastern - inhabits the shores of Asia and Norton Bay;
  • eel - found in the northern waters of the Pacific Ocean;
  • striped - prefers the northern waters of the White, Norwegian, North, Barents and Baltic seas.

Cold-blooded individuals are not active predators; they cannot develop high speed, and they need large teeth to crush thick mollusk shells. It feeds on small fish, jellyfish, crustaceans and echinoderms. This species of perciformes reaches up to 30 kg in weight. Adult females are capable of laying up to 40 thousand eggs.

Today its population has decreased significantly, so many scientists are actively recreating the conditions for artificial breeding. Its nutritious and very tender meat is a real delicacy. It is most often supplied for sale in a frozen state without scales and head. By the way, small accessories are made from catfish skin.

Among the valuable active components it is worth highlighting significant amount antioxidants, minerals, trace elements and vitamins that have a beneficial effect on the quality of our skin, work internal organs and mood. The composition contains a large set of easily digestible protein, for this reason it is recommended for consumption by professional athletes.

In addition, catfish (photo can be seen in the material) is rich in a complex of useful amino acids (aspartic, glutamine, lysine), they are responsible for the normal functioning of the heart muscle and blood vessels. The presence of phosphorus, calcium and magnesium in the pulp determines its high usefulness. These trace elements form the basis of the human skeleton.

And magnesium is also involved in fat, protein and By consuming “sea wolf” at least once every two weeks, you get almost the entire set of vitamins, such as A, B, E, D, PP.

Energy value

The main features, in addition to the high protein content, include low calorie content. Catfish, the benefits and harms of which are well known to nutritionists, belongs to It has nourishing, tender, boneless and sweetish meat with a low calorie content. A 100-gram serving contains about 126 kcal, while there are completely no carbohydrates, and a low amount of fat predominates - 5 g.

Medicinal properties

Catfish is useful, the photo of which clearly shows it appearance, for people with thyroid disorders. Due to the content of Omega-3 fatty acids, it is recommended to be consumed by those who have a high risk of developing heart and vascular pathologies. Carnivore meat helps eliminate dangerous cholesterol and strengthens muscle tissue. ethnoscience and practicing doctors recommend it to patients during the rehabilitation period.

Due to the huge amount of potassium in its composition, fish can and should be consumed by people prone to swelling and high blood pressure. Many nutritionists advise including meat in your diet, especially during diets, when the body does not receive all the substances necessary for life. You will not only establish metabolic processes, but also normalize the water-salt balance, strengthen bone tissue and improve blood circulation.

Harmful effects

It is considered a strong allergen; even after heat treatment, the level of antigens does not decrease. In this regard, the consumption of “sea wolf” should be limited or removed from the menu for people suffering from allergies. Children in early age you shouldn't give it. It is not recommended for use by persons with pancreatic dysfunction. Official scientific sources report that it is also contraindicated during the gestation period of catfish.

The benefits and harms during pregnancy are still being studied. Clinical studies conducted American specialists, confirm bad influence meat of this individual nervous system baby. Therefore, to avoid side effects, it is advisable to exclude fish during pregnancy and lactation.

Choosing fish

Many people are well aware that seafood accumulates everything toxic substances. In order to avoid serious intoxication and contract botulism, you should take a responsible approach to its choice and know the basic rules. The first sign of freshness is a clear gaze. If cloudiness predominates before the eyes, this indicates that the spotted catfish is not fresh.

The benefits and harms of fish are equally recognized by many doctors. But to really get the maximum pleasure and benefit from using it, you should be vigilant. The meat of a fresh specimen is elastic and quickly regains its shape when pressed. Be sure to look at the color of the pulp. In unrotten fish it is light in color with a characteristic odor.

Experts do not advise purchasing a carcass that is lying on ice, this indicates re-freezing. This product is not of high quality and is often hazardous to health. It's better to take fresh catfish, cut it into portions and freeze. This will extend the shelf life by two months.

How to cook?

Catfish, the benefits of which are obvious to everyone, is very popular and in demand among gourmets. However, many housewives do not know how to cook it. As was previously said, the meat of this sea predator is very tender and juicy, which allows you to create various delicacies. The carcass is delicious fried, smoked, salted, baked and boiled. Meat can be steamed and grilled, added to salads, snacks, used as a filling for pies and served with any side dish.

Subtleties of cooking

  • When stewing or frying, the carcass should first be cut into medium pieces, then rolled in flour or batter. You can turn the fish over when the piece is well browned and a crust has formed. To prevent the meat from turning into porridge during cooking, never cover the pan with a lid.
  • Add a little salt to the steaks half an hour before cooking.
  • Boil in salted water for about 10-15 minutes, remembering to remove the foam.
  • Bake the carcass in foil with the addition of vegetables or cereals. To increase elasticity, you can add fresh tomatoes.

Catfish, the benefits and harms of which are often discussed by experts, will definitely turn out tasty and whole if you keep it in salty brine: dissolve a tablespoon of salt in 100 ml of water and leave for two hours. Finally, we will describe a simple but very tasty recipe.

Baked catfish

The benefits and harms of this dish are not equal. It is low in calories and filling at the same time. Necessary ingredients for a half-kilogram carcass: a little less than a glass rice cereal, two small tomatoes, one hundred grams of cheese and a spoonful of sour cream. Add salt and pepper to your own taste.

Place a layer of boiled rice on the foil, and a whole washed and gutted carcass (salt) on top of the cereal. Cover the fish with tomato slices, pour sour cream and sprinkle with grated cheese. Cover with foil and place in the oven for 20 minutes at 180 o C.