Economical energy consumption in the heating system can be achieved if certain requirements are met. One option is to have a temperature diagram, which reflects the ratio of the temperature emanating from the heating source to the external environment. The values ​​of the values ​​make it possible to optimally distribute heat and hot water to the consumer.

High-rise buildings are mainly connected to central heating. The sources that transmit thermal energy are boiler houses or thermal power plants. Water is used as a coolant. It is heated to a given temperature.

Having passed full cycle According to the system, the coolant, already cooled, returns to the source and reheating occurs. Sources are connected to consumers by heating networks. Since the environment changes temperature, thermal energy should be adjusted so that the consumer receives the required volume.

Heat regulation from central system can be done in two ways:

  1. Quantitative. In this form, the water flow changes, but its temperature remains constant.
  2. Qualitative. The temperature of the liquid changes, but its flow does not change.

In our systems, the second regulation option is used, that is, qualitative. Z Here there is a direct relationship between two temperatures: coolant and environment. And the calculation is carried out in such a way as to ensure the heat in the room is 18 degrees and above.

Hence, we can say that the temperature graph of the source is a broken curve. The change in its directions depends on temperature differences (coolant and outside air).

The dependency schedule may vary.

A specific diagram has a dependency on:

  1. Technical and economic indicators.
  2. CHP or boiler room equipment.
  3. Climate.

High coolant values ​​provide the consumer with great thermal energy.

Below is an example of a diagram, where T1 is the coolant temperature, Tnv is the outside air:

A diagram of the returned coolant is also used. A boiler house or thermal power plant can estimate the efficiency of the source using this scheme. It is considered high when the returned liquid arrives chilled.

The stability of the scheme depends on the design values ​​of fluid flow of high-rise buildings. If the flow through the heating circuit increases, the water will return uncooled, as the flow rate will increase. Conversely, with minimal flow, the return water will be sufficiently cooled.

The supplier's interest, of course, is in the supply of return water in a cooled state. But there are certain limits for reducing consumption, since a decrease leads to loss of heat. The consumer’s internal temperature in the apartment will begin to drop, which will lead to a violation building codes and the discomfort of ordinary people.

What does it depend on?

The temperature curve depends on two quantities: outside air and coolant. Frosty weather leads to an increase in coolant temperature. When designing a central source, the size of the equipment, building and pipe size are taken into account.

The temperature leaving the boiler room is 90 degrees, so that at minus 23°C, the apartments are warm and have a value of 22°C. Then the return water returns to 70 degrees. Such standards correspond to normal and comfortable living in the house.

Analysis and adjustment of operating modes is carried out using a temperature diagram. For example, the return of liquid with an elevated temperature will indicate high coolant costs. Underestimated data will be considered a consumption deficit.

Previously, for 10-story buildings, a scheme with calculated data of 95-70°C was introduced. The buildings above had their own chart of 105-70°C. Modern new buildings may have a different layout, at the discretion of the designer. More often, there are diagrams of 90-70°C, and maybe 80-60°C.

Temperature chart 95-70:

Temperature chart 95-70

How is it calculated?

A control method is selected, then a calculation is made. The calculated winter and reverse order of water supply, the amount of outside air, and the order at the break point of the diagram are taken into account. There are two diagrams: one of them considers only heating, the second considers heating with hot water consumption.

For an example of calculation, we will use the methodological development of Roskommunenergo.

The input data for the heat generating station will be:

  1. Tnv– the amount of outside air.
  2. TVN- indoor air.
  3. T1– coolant from the source.
  4. T2– reverse flow of water.
  5. T3- entrance to the building.

We will look at several heat supply options with values ​​of 150, 130 and 115 degrees.

At the same time, at the exit they will have 70°C.

The results obtained are compiled into a single table for subsequent construction of the curve:

So, we have three different schemes that can be used as a basis. It would be more correct to calculate the diagram individually for each system. Here we looked at the recommended values, excluding climatic features region and building characteristics.

To reduce energy consumption, just select a low temperature setting of 70 degrees and uniform heat distribution throughout the heating circuit will be ensured. The boiler should be taken with a power reserve so that the system load does not affect the quality operation of the unit.


Heating regulator

Automatic control is provided by the heating regulator.

It includes the following parts:

  1. Computing and matching panel.
  2. Actuator on the water supply section.
  3. Actuator, which performs the function of mixing liquid from the returned liquid (return).
  4. Boost pump and a sensor on the water supply line.
  5. Three sensors (on the return line, on the street, inside the building). There may be several of them in the room.

The regulator closes the liquid supply, thereby increasing the value between return and supply to the value specified by the sensors.

To increase the flow, there is a boost pump and a corresponding command from the regulator. The incoming flow is controlled by a "cold bypass". That is, the temperature decreases. Some of the liquid that has circulated along the circuit is sent to the supply.

Sensors collect information and transmit it to control units, resulting in a redistribution of flows that provide a rigid temperature scheme for the heating system.

Sometimes, a computing device is used that combines hot water and heating regulators.

The hot water regulator has a simpler control scheme. The hot water sensor regulates the flow of water with a stable value of 50°C.

Advantages of the regulator:

  1. The temperature scheme is strictly maintained.
  2. Elimination of overheating of the liquid.
  3. Fuel efficiency and energy.
  4. The consumer, regardless of the distance, receives heat equally.

Table with temperature graph

The operating mode of boilers depends on the environmental weather.

If we take various objects, for example, a factory premises, multi-storey and a private house, all will have an individual thermal diagram.

In the table we show the temperature diagram of the dependence of residential buildings on outside air:

Outdoor temperature Temperature of network water in the supply pipeline Return water temperature
+10 70 55
+9 70 54
+8 70 53
+7 70 52
+6 70 51
+5 70 50
+4 70 49
+3 70 48
+2 70 47
+1 70 46
0 70 45
-1 72 46
-2 74 47
-3 76 48
-4 79 49
-5 81 50
-6 84 51
-7 86 52
-8 89 53
-9 91 54
-10 93 55
-11 96 56
-12 98 57
-13 100 58
-14 103 59
-15 105 60
-16 107 61
-17 110 62
-18 112 63
-19 114 64
-20 116 65
-21 119 66
-22 121 66
-23 123 67
-24 126 68
-25 128 69
-26 130 70


There are certain standards that must be observed in the creation of projects for heating networks and the transportation of hot water to the consumer, where the supply of water steam must be carried out at 400°C, at a pressure of 6.3 Bar. It is recommended that the heat supply from the source be released to the consumer with values ​​of 90/70 °C or 115/70 °C.

Regulatory requirements must be met in compliance with the approved documentation with mandatory approval from the Ministry of Construction of the country.

The correct microclimate of the basement is one of key points successful preservation of the crop throughout the winter. For support optimal temperature The underground storage facility must be insulated, and the humidity level and room heating must be monitored throughout the cold season.

From this article you will learn what temperature should be in the cellar in summer and winter, and what means to use to stabilize this indicator. In addition, we will tell you about the appropriate mode for storing vegetables, and photos and videos will help you set up a quality basement for your harvest.

Owners of household plots and summer cottages prefer to store harvested and all kinds of preparations in special storage facilities - cellars. A properly constructed basement is a guarantee that the products stored in it will remain unchanged for a long time. It is also important to maintain the storage heating mode at a stable level throughout the year.

Note: Optimal for underground storage, regardless of climatic conditions specific area, the temperature is +2+4 degrees with a slight fluctuation of up to +5+7 degrees in the hot season (Figure 1).

In this case, air heating depends on many various factors, such as the thermal conductivity of the soil, the balance of temperature and humidity, the presence of devices for microclimate control, etc. Therefore, when building a cellar, it is necessary to immediately take everything necessary measures for its proper arrangement.

Figure 1. Optimal temperature conditions for the basement

Thermal conductivity of soil

Temperature and humidity air masses in the underground cellar are in accordance with the indicators external environment, that is, the soil in which the storage facility is built. You should know that the denser the soil, the faster it gives off heat. That is, in dense soil there is a risk of food freezing in winter and overheating in summer.

Therefore, if the basement is built in clay soil, which has good thermal conductivity, its arrangement will require the use of modern thermal insulation materials, since clay is a difficult soil to warm up. But sandy and dry soils are warm and easily warm up.

Balance of temperature and humidity

The microclimate depends on the ratio of air heating and humidity levels. These indicators are interdependent, that is, a violation of one of them leads to a distortion of the other. In this case, the room becomes unsuitable for storing food.

Since indicators can fluctuate depending on the time of year, it is necessary to provide the ability to regulate temperature and humidity regardless of environmental conditions. Thus, natural ventilation may not be enough in winter, which will lead to an increase in the air temperature inside the storage facility. For this reason, it is recommended that during construction it be possible to forced ventilation.

If the basement has a significant area, it is worth thinking about modern technological devices, which will help maintain optimal conditions and the required level of humidity.

Modern microclimate systems

To maintain a stable air temperature and humidity level of the air masses inside the cellar, various microclimate systems are increasingly being used in practice, for example, split systems, thermosiphons and air conditioners. These devices are especially relevant for cellars that occupy large area(Figure 2).

Figure 2. Types of installations and devices for microclimate regulation

The choice of microclimate system depends on the goal and financial capabilities of the owner. For example, using thermosyphons you can both warm up a room and cool it down by changing the level of air humidity. But modern cooling modules will help reduce the ambient temperature without affecting its humidity. Unfortunately, such microclimate systems have enough high price, therefore, in most cases, summer residents resort to folk remedies, proven by many years of experience.

What temperature should the cellar be in winter?

It is known that the optimal mode for the cellar, which ensures the safety of stored vegetables and preparations, is +2 +4 degrees with minor fluctuations of 1 degree. However, it happens that in winter some underground rooms freeze. This is especially true for those storage facilities that are dug in clay soil.

In this case, you will have to insulate parts of the walls that are at the level of soil freezing, if such work was not carried out during construction, and also take care of forced ventilation of the room. Examples of arranging basements for winter storage vegetables and preparations are shown in Figure 3.

Optimal mode

The optimal temperature for underground food storage is considered to be a refrigerator temperature, that is, from +2 to +4-5 degrees. It is in such conditions that vegetables stored for the winter will retain their taste qualities And appearance until spring, and a variety of preserves will be suitable for consumption.

Figure 3. Schemes for arranging a cellar to maintain optimal temperature in winter

Therefore, it is so important during construction to provide in advance all measures aimed at maintaining a stable regime inside it: thermal insulation, forced and natural ventilation, the possibility of using heating devices if necessary. Only in this case can we guarantee uninterrupted and effective work home cellar.

What to do if the cellar freezes

In order to protect the room from freezing, during the construction stage it should be arranged at a depth where the soil has stable indicators throughout the year. At the same time, you should know that clay soils are more prone to freezing and overheating, since they have high thermal conductivity, but sandy and sandy loam soils, on the contrary, conduct heat poorly, so cellars in such soils are not deepened too much.

If for some reason it is impossible to lay a storage facility at the required depth, its surfaces should be thermally insulated, which will help compensate for the thermal conductivity of the soil. This can be done using sheets of expanded polystyrene, which are attached using polyurethane foam or special glue on those surfaces (walls) that are at the level of soil freezing. Schemes for insulation against freezing are shown in Figure 4.

Ways to regulate the microclimate in winter

What should you do if you find that the air temperature drops below zero? If your home cellar is located separately from other buildings, you can fill its hatch with a thick layer of snow (if any), thus creating a thermal insulation barrier. Of course, after this it will be impossible to use the reserves until the storage microclimate returns to normal.

Figure 4. External and internal insulation to maintain temperature in the basement in winter

As an option for emergency insulation, it is possible to install heating devices in the storage area. However, their use requires mandatory ventilation. And since in winter natural ventilation is quite weak, the cellar must be equipped with a forced ventilation system. Special thermosiphons and split systems will also help to warm up the room, but the cost of such equipment is so high that its use is justified only in large areas.

Temperature in the cellar in summer

The temperature in the cellar in summer should be the same as in winter, that is, within the range from +2 to +4 degrees Celsius possible increase up to +5 +7 on particularly hot days (+25+30).

Exceeding these parameters leads to spoilage of products, as well as to the development of various fungi and pathogens in conditions of high humidity.

Optimal performance

Recommended indicators in summer and winter time practically no different. So, with a stable summer ambient temperature of +25+30 degrees, the optimal values ​​for an underground cellar will be +5+7 degrees.

That is, it is natural that when the temperature outside the storage facility rises, the air inside it also heats up. The same applies to storage facilities located under residential buildings. Along with heating the house, the air in the cellar warms up.

What to do if the cellar is too warm

It is undeniable that all thermal insulation work and adjustment of operation should be carried out at the construction stage ventilation system. However, it happens that the basement has already been built, and you need to accept emergency measures, aimed at reducing indicators within it.

In this case, you can use both natural and artificial methods. For example, it is recommended to create a draft by opening doors (hatch) and vents; For quick cooling, you can resort to using a fan or air conditioner. The so-called glaciers - containers filled with snow or ice and located on the floor or under it - will also help with cooling.

The video schematically shows what actions should be taken if humidity increases in the basement in the summer.

Ways to regulate temperature in summer

have long been known traditional methods temperature adjustment in summer. We are talking about glaciers - containers, filled with ice or snow. Their volume depended on what level of cooling was required. Such devices were installed on the basement floor.

Today we can reduce heating using conventional plastic bottles filled with ice. Of course, this method is only suitable for small underground storage facilities. The same bottles filled with snow mixed with table salt, can be buried in the spring in a small hole at the bottom, thus providing the necessary regime in the summer. To cool large underground storage facilities, you can use modern split systems or double-block air conditioners, thermosiphons and special cooling modules.

What is the temperature in the cellar for storing potatoes and similar vegetables?

The most acceptable mode for storing vegetables is considered to be at the lower end of the plus scale, that is, from +2 to +8 degrees. At the same time different vegetable crops have their own preferences. For example, potatoes are best stored at +2+4, so it is not recommended to place containers with them on the floor of the basement (Figure 5). You should also avoid contacting them with walls or other containers.

Figure 5. Optimal indicators for storing potatoes and other vegetables

For a safe wintering of carrots, you will also need an indicator of at least +1 degrees. In this case, root vegetables should be additionally immersed in dry sand, pine sawdust or chalk solution, or stored in open plastic bags. Beets and cabbage also like cool weather. Heads of cabbage also feel good at -1, hanging or on a lattice metal shelf. But onions and garlic cannot be stored in the cellar, as they will quickly deteriorate from moisture.

From the video you will learn how to properly store potatoes so that they remain fresh throughout the winter.

For supporting comfortable temperature In the house during the heating season, it is necessary to control the temperature of the coolant in the pipes of the heating networks. Workers of the residential central heating system are developing special temperature chart, which depends on weather indicators and climatic characteristics of the region. Temperature graph may vary in different populated areas, it may also change when upgrading heating networks.

A schedule is drawn up in the heating network according to a simple principle - the lower the temperature outside, the higher it should be for the coolant.

This ratio is important basis for work enterprises that provide the city with heat.

For the calculation, an indicator was used, which is based on average daily temperature five coldest days of the year.

ATTENTION! Compliance temperature regime is important not only for maintaining heat in an apartment building. It also allows you to make energy consumption in the heating system economical and rational.

A graph that indicates the temperature of the coolant depending on the outside temperature allows for the most optimal distribution between consumers apartment building not only heat, but also hot water.

How is heat regulated in a heating system?

Heat regulation in an apartment building during the heating season can be carried out using two methods:

  • By changing the flow of water at a certain constant temperature. This is a quantitative method.
  • Changing the temperature of the coolant at a constant volume of flow. This is a qualitative method.

It is economical and practical second option, in which the temperature in the room is maintained regardless of the weather. The supply of sufficient heat to an apartment building will be stable, even if there is a sharp change in temperature outside.

ATTENTION!. The norm is considered to be a temperature of 20-22 degrees in the apartment. If temperature schedules are observed, this norm is maintained throughout the heating period, regardless of weather conditions, wind direction.

When the temperature outside decreases, data is transmitted to the boiler room and the coolant temperature automatically increases.

The specific table of the relationship between outdoor temperature and coolant depends on factors such as climate, boiler room equipment, technical and economic indicators.

Reasons to use a temperature graph

The basis for the operation of each boiler house serving residential, administrative and other buildings during the heating season is the temperature schedule, which indicates the standards for coolant indicators depending on what the actual outside temperature is.

  • Drawing up a schedule makes it possible to prepare the heating for a drop in outside temperature.
  • It also saves energy resources.

ATTENTION! In order to control the coolant temperature and have the right to recalculation due to non-compliance thermal regime, the heat sensor must be installed in the central heating system. Metering devices must undergo annual inspection.

Modern construction companies can increase the cost of housing through the use of expensive energy-saving technologies in the construction of multi-apartment buildings.

Despite changes in construction technologies, the use of new materials for insulating walls and other surfaces of a building, compliance with the normal coolant temperature in the heating system is the best way to maintain comfortable living conditions.

Features of calculating internal temperature in different rooms

The rules provide for maintaining the temperature for living quarters at 18˚С, but there are some nuances in this matter.

  • For angular rooms of a residential building coolant should provide a temperature of 20˚C.
  • Optimal temperature indicator for the bathroom - 25˚С.
  • It is important to know how many degrees there should be according to standards in rooms intended for children. Indicator set from 18˚С to 23˚С. If this is a children's pool, you need to maintain the temperature at 30˚C.
  • Minimum temperature allowed in schools - 21˚С.
  • In establishments where cultural events take place, the standards support Maximum temperature 21˚С, but the indicator should not fall below 16˚С.

To increase the temperature in the premises during sudden cold snaps or strong north winds, boiler room workers increase the degree of energy supply for heating networks.

The heat transfer of batteries is affected by the outside temperature, the type of heating system, the direction of coolant flow, the state of utility networks, and the type of heating device, the role of which can be played by either a radiator or a convector.

ATTENTION! The temperature delta between the radiator supply and return should not be significant. Otherwise it will feel a big difference coolant in different rooms and even apartments of a multi-story building.

The main factor, however, is the weather., which is why measuring the outside air to maintain a temperature schedule is a top priority.

If the temperature outside is down to 20˚C, the coolant in the radiator should be 67-77˚C, while the return rate is 70˚C.

If the street temperature is zero, the norm for the coolant is 40-45˚С, and for the return – 35-38˚С. It is worth noting that the temperature difference between supply and return is not large.

Why does the consumer need to know the coolant supply standards?

Payment for utilities in the heating column should depend on the temperature in the apartment provided by the supplier.

The temperature chart table, according to which the boiler should operate optimally, shows at what ambient temperature and by how much the boiler room should increase the energy level for heat sources in the house.

IMPORTANT! If the parameters of the temperature schedule are not met, the consumer may request a recalculation for utilities.

To measure the coolant value, you need to drain some water from the radiator and check its heat level. Also successfully used thermal sensors, heat meters that can be installed at home.

The sensor is mandatory equipment for both city boiler houses and ITPs (individual heating points).

Without such devices it is impossible to make the heating system work economically and productively. The coolant is also measured in DHW systems.

Useful video

Classification of goods by thermal state and requirements for optimal temperature conditions

Thermal state of goods Temperature range Product groups
Frozen -10…-12 -18…-20 -23…-25 -28…-30 Meat, fish, butter, animal fats, frozen egg products Meat, fish, fruits and vegetables, butter, egg products, ice cream Meat, fish, fruits and vegetables The same
Supercooled -7…-10 -2…-5 Salted fish, raw smoked sausages, animal fats, certain cold-resistant species and varieties of fruits and vegetables, cooked smoked sausages, margarine
Chilled -1…-1 0…4 0…6 Certain types and varieties of fruits and vegetables, pickled vegetables, eggs Dairy products, chilled meat and fish Cakes and pastries with cream and fruit finishing
Moderate no higher than 10...12 Alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, except vodka and beer (not lower than 2 o C)
Wide temperature range -30…30 Bakery products, dry groceries (flour, cereals, sugar, pasta, crackers), alcohol, vodka (not below freezing temperature), most non-food products
Wide range of positive temperatures 0…25 0…18 Canned food, liquid perfumes and cosmetics, wine, liqueurs, preserves, jams, marmalades Vegetable oils, most confectionery products

The optimum temperature ranges given in Table 14 are approximate. For each assortment group of goods, limit temperatures are established (not higher or lower), which are indicated in regulatory documents on products or in sanitary regulations.

SanPiNs regulate the conditions (including temperature and relative humidity) and storage periods for particularly perishable goods.

The temperature regime during the transportation of goods is established by the relevant rules (codes or charters) of transport authorities. The transportation temperature is most specifically indicated in the rules for the transportation of perishable goods by rail. At the same time, for a number of food products, there is a discrepancy between the temperature conditions of storage during transportation and in stationary storage facilities provided for in GOSTs and the above Rules, which requires harmonization of the requirements for temperature conditions in these regulatory documents.

Relative humidity air (AOV) - an indicator characterizing the degree of saturation of air with water vapor.

RHV is defined as the ratio of the actual content of water vapor in a certain volume of air to the amount that is necessary to saturate the same volume of air at the same temperature.

THS indirectly indicates a deficiency of water vapor in the environment or its reduced partial pressure. Since the most stable is equilibrium state, and if there is a lack of water vapor, a stable state is created, then water evaporates from more humid objects (goods, containers, etc.) As a result, near the surface of wet objects the partial pressure water vapor, and then they diffuse into the environment (into the space free from cargo.)

Evaporation of water from goods leads to quantitative and qualitative losses, in particular to natural loss due to shrinkage and withering (shrinkage), resulting in increased waste.

The higher the humidity of goods and the lower the RHV, the greater their losses. Therefore, goods with high humidity It is recommended to store at high RHV.

However, such a humidity regime is unsuitable for dry goods, since they can absorb water vapor, become moistened and are subject to microbiological spoilage.

The choice of humidity conditions for storage is also influenced by the ambient temperature and the presence of protective, moisture-proof shells in the product.

RHV is related to temperature inverse relationship. As the temperature rises, the moisture capacity of the air increases and, consequently, the RHV decreases. At the same time, it increases absolute humidity(the actual content of water vapor in the air).

At temperatures below the dew point, absolute humidity is higher than the water vapor content required for saturation. As a result, excess vapor falls out in the form of condensation on containers, goods, as well as the walls and ceiling of storage facilities. When droplet liquid water appears on the surface of the goods, it accelerates microbiological deterioration, as well as corrosion of metal surfaces.

Protective shells - hermetic packaging, paint and varnish coatings, shrink films, wax, paraffin - prevent drying or moistening of goods. At the same time, condensation on the surface of these shells can lead to their gradual destruction. The least stable in this regard are metal containers (except aluminum), which are subject to corrosion (rusting) and then depressurization. Considered the most stable glass containers, but due to the metal covers it is not absolutely durable.

Thus, the choice of optimal HVAC is determined primarily chemical composition goods, their hygroscopicity, storage temperature and the presence of protective shells. Depending on the requirements for optimal humidity conditions, all consumer goods can be divided into four groups (Table 15).

HHV, like temperature, is the most significant indicator of the storage regime and is regulated by GOSTs and SanPiNs. However, for some groups of goods the standards do not indicate specific values HVAC, but only the need for storage in dry, ventilated warehouses. For many food products The HVA range is set depending on the storage temperature conditions.

Along with real values RHV and temperature important For the preservation of goods, there is a stability of temperature and humidity conditions, which is characterized by the absence of sharp jumps in regime indicators. Such changes have a stronger bad influence on the shelf life of many goods than a slight increase in temperature.

Stability of temperature and humidity conditions can be ensured through optimal air exchange.

Optimal microclimate indicators in the workplace are the key to high productivity and health of personnel. Creation favorable conditions for the performance of duties by employees is undoubtedly beneficial to employers. However, not all managers strive to follow the requirements of sanitary and hygienic standards. There are various explanations for this. On the one hand, the temperature regime must be regulated with expensive equipment, on the other hand, the concept of a favorable microclimate is considered by many to be subjective. For example, there are situations when one part of the team feels cold, while the other, on the contrary, complains about excessive high temperature. At the same time, the legislation provides for clear indicators of the microclimate in work premises, optimal for ensuring working conditions. These standards provide for different indicators depending on the category of work premises.

Requirements for premises of the first category

To begin with, it is worth noting that the first two categories provide for division into subgroups “a” and “b”. The differences in them are due to the nature of the actions performed. For example, group “a” is objects where work is carried out in a sitting position and is associated with minor loads. Subcategory “a” includes premises in which the intensity of energy consumption is expected to be no more than 139 W. In particular, these could be enterprises in the instrument and automotive industries, sewing and watch production. In this case, the optimal temperature regime is 21-28 °C. The indicators that should be followed in regulating the microclimate in premises of subcategory “b” are slightly different. The intensity of energy consumption in this case can reach 174 W, and the lower limit of the temperature regime is 20 °C.

Requirements for premises of the second category

This group is distinguished not only by a higher intensity of energy consumption (232 W), but also by the very nature of performing work actions. Already subgroup “a” assumes that employees move or move small loads (up to 1 kg) in a sitting or standing position. The permissible temperature range for this category is 18-27 °C. If the employee’s work involves moving heavy objects (up to 10 kg), and the intensity of energy consumption reaches 290 W, then we're talking about about group “b” and the lower limit will be lowered to 16 °C. As a rule, air temperature conditions in such ranges are established at forging, mechanized, thermal and rolling enterprises. Work may involve maintaining assembly shops, conveyors, and production lines.

Requirements for premises of the third category

If the intensity of energy consumption exceeds the level of 290 W, then the third category should be considered. These are the most demanding premises in terms of establishing microclimate parameters. Employees at such enterprises exert great physical effort, walking and moving loads of more than 10 kg. Favorable temperature conditions relative to the premises of this group vary from 15 to 26 °C. Usually these are workshops and production workshops, in which workers perform manual operations. This could be metal processing, preparation of building structures, installation operations, etc.

Seasonality factor

General indicators of optimal temperature for different categories of industrial premises can be adjusted to suit the season. Typically the deviation is 3-4 °C. When calculating this difference, the average daily temperature is taken into account. For example, in summer it is 10 °C and above, and in winter, on the contrary, 10 °C and below. Of course, in matters of what temperature regime will be optimal for a particular workplace, it is determined by many factors, and following the standards does not always contribute to comfort. Therefore, it is also worthwhile to be guided by the individual characteristics of the employee’s body, taking into account its functionality.

Temperature recording

Fulfilling the requirements for establishing an optimal microclimate in the workplace is impossible without measuring devices. Moreover, traditional thermometers are not suitable for this. At a minimum, we need similar devices designed for use in offices and factories. In addition, it is necessary to follow special approaches to determining values. For example, in the warm season, taking into account the temperature regime involves measuring on days when there is a deviation from the thermometer readings from similar data of the hottest month by less than 5 °C.

The frequency of such measurements depends on several factors, including the stability of work processes and the characteristics of sanitary facilities. When choosing the time and areas for measurements, you should also focus on the stages technological processes, operation of ventilation and heating systems, etc. Typically, such activities are carried out at least three times per shift.

How is the temperature regulated?

First of all, enterprises must take the necessary measures for thermal insulation, heating and ventilation. Control and compliance with temperature conditions also provide means of air cooling. For this purpose, air conditioners and air shower systems are installed. The presence of such equipment allows you to regulate the volume of air injection, its speed and the overall format of work.

If the installation of such systems is impossible for technical reasons, then the manager must organize comfortable conditions for relaxation in a separate room. In some industries it is mandatory to provide drinking water. Especially in hot weather, employees should consume at least 3 liters of fluid per day.

Alternative ways to comply with regulations

The inability to meet the conditions for ensuring a comfortable microclimate is quite common. One way out of this situation may be the already mentioned break room, but such premises cannot be organized at all enterprises. It is possible to bring the temperature in the workplace to optimal levels by reducing the duration of work shifts. The more hours a person works, the stricter the microclimate requirements.

In this way, the time slots for shifts can be varied, thereby satisfying regulatory requirements. In addition, the practice is to introduce regulated breaks, which allow employees to leave their workplaces for a certain time. If possible, it is worth organizing a differentiated scheme for organizing work processes, in which workers can change places.

What are the consequences of non-compliance with the temperature regime?

Complaints from company employees on this issue are no longer uncommon. But before this, it is necessary to notify the authorities in writing that the requirements of sanitary standards are not met and appropriate measures must be taken. If there is no response to this request and the temperature remains the same, then the employee has the right to demand compensation for the harm caused. In addition, administrative punishment may follow for the manager. Today, fines for non-compliance with microclimate regulation rules are quite high and reach tens of thousands of rubles. Also, as a punishment, a ban on the operation of the enterprise for up to three months may be imposed.


Security comfortable conditions labor is especially important, since the activities of employees of various enterprises are themselves associated with certain loads. However, you should not think that the situation is easier when it comes to office workers. Physical exercise They give some tone to the body, so the temperature regime is not so noticeable. However, sedentary and monotonous work associated with high responsibility involves serious psychological stress. In hot conditions, against this background, they often develop cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, the issue of ensuring an optimal microclimate involves not only creating comfort, but also directly aims to exclude harmful effects on the health of workers. Also, do not forget about the benefits for the companies and organizations themselves, the effectiveness of which is directly related to the functionality of their employees.