MOTTO: “Take care of your planet, because there is no other planet!”

Prepared and conducted by Semykina Natalya Grigorievna

Goals and objectives:

  • formation of ideas and basic knowledge about ecology;
  • analysis of positive experience in interaction with the environment;
  • development individual abilities students;
  • upbringing careful attitude to nature;
  • formation of cognitive interests during extracurricular hours.

Planned student achievements:

Assimilate, that ecology is a science that teaches us to be careful about the world around us.
Understand that people are to blame for the disappearance of birds and animals in forests.
Learn to protect Natural resources.
Develop individuality through creative and intellectual tasks.

Equipment: multimedia presentation on the topic “Traveling around ecological trail”, rules of behavior in nature (eco-signs on the head), a poster of a model of the Earth (plant trees, populate with butterflies, birds), a globe, flowers for a flower bed.

Progress of the event.
Teacher: Hello guys! ( Psychological attitude)
Look at each other, smile, give each other smiles. Look back and greet our guests with a smile.
I came to class - don’t frown,
Stay active until the end.
Don't be shy, don't break down,
Obey all laws.
Teacher: Guys, you love holidays.
We have guests, which means we are celebrating. There are many holidays in the month of April. Who remembers the names of those that have already passed? ( April Fool's Day, Cosmonautics Day, Easter). What other holiday is celebrated in April, that is, today?
On April 22, the national holiday “Earth Day” is celebrated. And it is no coincidence that Deputy Director Ts.Ch. has been invited to visit us. Biosphere Reserve named after. Professor Alekhina, senior researcher, head of the environmental center Valentina Petrovna Soshnina. Let's listen to V.P. about a holiday that is celebrated today all over the world.
She will also invite us on a very interesting correspondence trip to the protected places of our region, but a little later.
Teacher: Guys, what do we know about this holiday?
Scene on environmental theme for Earth Day.
(and now we’ll show and tell) (see Appendix 1)
We will take care every day
To be more beautiful, cleaner common Home!
And our common home is our planet Earth, on which we all live. We walk on the Earth, rivers flow through it. What else is there on our planet? ( Fields, forests, seas, meadows.) Guys, what is nature?
(children's answers) This is all that surrounds us.
(earth, flowers, grass, animals, birds, forests).
Problematic question: why do we all need nature?
(admire, rejoice, relax, breathe).
And we must love, protect and decorate our common home.
Teacher: Guys, on your tables there are pictures with riddles that depict trees in our area ( work in pairs).
Turn over the picture, read the riddle, guess - and you will find out the name of the tree. Then we will plant these trees in our forest. RIDDLES (Appendix No. 4).
(children go to the board to the model of the Earth and plant trees in pairs).
So new beautiful trees have grown in our forest!
Who else is missing in our forest?
(Children's answers) Birds, animals and various insects. Let's populate the forest (butterflies, dragonflies, birds, etc.).
Teacher: It has become so beautiful in our forest!
And we all need to take care of this beauty!
Do you know the basic rules of behavior in the forest? First: Don't litter! Second: Don't make noise! Third: Don't destroy!
Let's take care of nature
There is no other like it in the world,
Let's scatter clouds and smoke over it
We won’t let anyone offend her.
Let's decorate the whole earth with gardens and flowers

Love and take care of nature! (we'll check now).
Teacher: We will conduct a physical education session - the game “Yes, No” (see Appendix No. 2).
To save nature, we must respect simple rules, which we will now recall.
Guys, today you came to the holiday in beautiful hats. It's all part of living nature.
And we all need to preserve and protect this. Put on your hat and listen rules of conduct in the forest(Appendix No. 5).
Today we worked hard, planted trees (guys, be sure to plant any tree near your house with your parents. It’s spring now. Let it bring joy and decorate your small corner of your homeland).
We're talking about
That the whole earth is our common home
Our good home, spacious house –
We all live in it from birth.
And we all live in a very famous place. Next to us Central Black Earth State Natural biosphere reserve named after Professor V.V. Alekhina(there are a lot of interesting things there). We won’t be able to go into every forest without permission, because you and I live in a protected area, which is under the protection of reserve workers. They study and protect our common home. THEY ARE ENVIRONMENTALISTS. Ecology is the science of home and Earth.
In our reserved region we can only go with a guide. And we have many more interesting excursions ahead.
Let's go with the elder research fellow Head of the Environmental Center Soshnina Valentina Petrovna ( presentation 10 min).
(Correspondence trip to protected areas with a presentation. Presentation of gifts in memory of protected areas– booklets, postcards, calendars and magnets depicting beautiful protected places).
Teacher: Our excursion has come to an end. I think that you have learned a lot today and will take care of and protect nature. This exhibition of books “Nature is your home” will interest nature lovers. In the library you will always find books about plants, animals and birds. Protect the environment!
Yes, guys, nature conservation is the business of the entire people. You are small citizens of our country, but you can make your small contribution to the cause of nature. “After all, protecting nature means protecting the Motherland” (M. Prishvin)
Let's try to live in such a way that the earth remains generous and beautiful, so that clean streams gurgle on it, flowers bloom, and birds sing.
Reflection ( finish the sentence)
For this I... ( I will not pick wild flowers, destroy nests, etc.)
Teacher: Love our land, our small homeland, keep it and be proud that we are Kursk residents!


We have prepared a small festive concert,
dedicated to Earth Day.
Appendix No. 1
1. A skit on an environmental theme for Earth Day.
The guys went out for a walk in the yard,
And this is what the conversation happened:
1 student:
Today is Earth Day, I know for sure
And we have to come up with something urgently!
2 student:
We are on this spring day, warm, bright,
Let us present our gifts to the earth.
1 student:
Well, I came up with it!
We are still children!
And children - everyone in the world knows this -
They grow first themselves, and then
They do useful work.
3 student:
That's right!
That's when I grow up
I will fulfill my main dream:
I will plant a beautiful garden here,
And everyone will be happy to relax here!
4 student:
I will build special buildings
Where the breathing air is cleaned.
5 student:
And I will assemble a huge car,
To collect trash in the morning.
While the guys were arguing about
What gift should I give them later?
Kirill was putting away the candy papers,
He tied up a broken branch near the tree,
He planted bright flowers in the flowerbed
And painted the fence for beauty.
1 student:
Here you go! Again he is busy with trifles,
When we share our dreams with you!
2 student:
Kirill! Don't you have anything to do?
The whole day has passed and evening is coming.
3 student:
We argued and shouted! You were silent!
And he didn’t say anything about his gift!
I will tell you:
The earth is our common home!
And who will take care of him?
So that all animals, people and flowers
Did they live there according to the laws of beauty?
We ourselves!
Who's with me, friends?
1 student: I!
2 student: I!
3 student: I!
4 student: I!
1 student:
I understand! We will take care every day
May the common home be more beautiful and cleaner!
This is how everyone was able to agree,
What better gift for the Earth!

2. Poem:
I found out that I have a huge family
And the path, and the forest, every spikelet in the field!
The river, the blue sky - this is all mine, dear!
This is my homeland! I love everyone in the world!

3. Poem:
Our home is our home, our common home
The land where you and I live!

4. Poem:
We're talking about
That the whole Earth is our common home
Our good home, spacious home
We all live in it from birth!

5. Scene “Butterfly” “Butterfly” runs into the hall:
I look like a flower myself
My wings are like petals.
I'm flying on a nice day
And over the field and by the river.
Leading: Have you been flying all day? And you're not tired at all? Tell me, how do you live? What do you eat, what do you drink?

Butterfly: The gentle light of the sun illuminates my roof,
For me food and drink are the scents of flowers,
But I don't live long -
Just three days.
I beg you, don’t ruin me!

6. Poem:
And in our native land, birch trees are dearer
And fragrant lilacs, greener than poplars.
There are many places on Earth, only in our Russia,
Everyone can find a corner after their heart...

7. Poem:
Let's save nature
There is no other like it in the world
Let's scatter clouds and smoke over it
We won’t let anyone offend her
Let's decorate the whole earth with gardens of flowers
We all need such a planet!

Appendix No. 2
Physical education lesson - game “Yes, No”
Rules of the game: if you agree with the statement, then clap your hands above your head, if not, then sit down.

In space the planets are circling,
Let the children of the whole earth be friends - Yes!

Flowers, trees, animals, birds -
I can’t sit at home in the summer - Yes!

I'll go hiking with my friends
I'll make a huge fire - No!

There are coals left - nonsense!
The fire itself will always go out - No!

Is it embarrassing to drag trash from the forest?
So hide it in the grass, because you can’t see it there! – No!

Narva a large bouquet of flowers,
there are many of them, and there is no harm in that. – No!

I am a completely cultured person,
I only throw trash in trash cans. – Yes!

We won't find a better planet.
Earth's favorite common home! – Yes!

Appendix No. 3
8. Poem “GLOBE”:
I look at the globe.
And suddenly he sighed as if alive.
And the continents whisper to me:
“Take care of us, take care of us.”
Groves and forests are in alarm
Dew on the grass is like a tear.
And the springs quietly ask:
“Take care of us, take care of us.”
The deep river is sad
Losing our shores.
And I hear the voice of the river:
“Take care of us, take care of us.”
The deer stopped his run:
“Be a Man, man.
We believe in you - don't lie,
Take care of us, take care of us"
I look at the globe, the globe of the earth,
So beautiful and dear.
And the lips whisper: “I won’t lie.
I will save you, I will save you..."

9. Poem:
Tree, grass, flower and bird
They don't always know how to defend themselves
If they are destroyed
We will be alone on the planet

10 . Poem “About everyone in the world.” B. Zakhoder.
Everyone, everyone in the world, in the world is needed!
And midges are no less needed than elephants...
You can't do without ridiculous monsters
And even without evil and ferocious predators!
We need everything in the world! We need everything -
Who makes honey and who makes poison.
Bad things for a cat without a mouse,
A mouse without a cat can do no better.
Yes, if we are not very friendly with someone -
We still really need each other.
And if someone seems superfluous to us,
This, of course, will turn out to be a mistake.

The song "Don't tease the dogs" or any song about nature.

Appendix No. 4. Puzzles.
Alena is standing,
Green scarf,
Slim figure
White sundress. ( birch)

What kind of girl is this?
Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman,
She doesn’t sew anything herself,
And in needles all year round. (spruce)

I have longer needles
Than the Christmas tree.
I'm growing very straight
In height.
If I'm not on the edge,
The branches are only on the top of the head. ( pine)

I crawled out of the little barrel,
Sent roots and grew up,
I have become tall and mighty,
I'm not afraid of thunderstorms or clouds.
I feed pigs and squirrels -
It’s okay that my fruit is small. ( oak)

In haymaking it’s bitter,
And in the cold it’s sweet.
What kind of berry? ( Rowan).

Appendix No. 5.

1. In the forest, you should try to walk along paths so as not to trample down the grass and soil - this kills many plants and insects.
2. Don't go close to bird nests.
3. Do not touch the nest, otherwise the parent birds may leave it.
4. Don't make noise in the forest. Noise scares away animals and disturbs them.
5. Don't destroy birds' nests.
6. Don’t pick flowers in the forest! Remember that bouquets can only be made from plants that are grown by humans.
7. Do not break branches of trees and bushes.
8. Don't catch wild animals and take them home.

Goal: education of environmentally literate, socially active schoolchildren, responsible for the environment caring for the riches of nature.


  • Teach children to be responsible for their actions.
  • Form a culture of behavior in nature.
  • Enrich your understanding of the world around you.
  • Develop children's creative imagination and cognitive abilities.
  • Fostering respect for the environment is necessary
  • treat the components of inanimate nature rationally.
  • Instill a love for nature, a desire to take care of it, and take care of your health.


  • multimedia projector,
  • Red Book,
  • warning sign posters,
  • pictures of animals,
  • task cards,
  • medicinal herbal tea,
  • messages studying,
  • poster "Rules of Hygiene".

Progress of the event

Guys, what is a globe?


Holding a globe in his hand, the student tells

The most beautiful, dear,
Colorful, cheerful, lively,
You are like a mother to us, the only one in the world,
We are your caring children.

But sometimes, under our hands
Your beauty disappears without a trace.
The oceans are choked with mud,
Animals, birds, grasses die.

Wherever we live on the planet,
We are all responsible for your fate.
We are your helpers, friends,
We, the Earth, are one family with you.

I'm glad to hear from you and it's a shame.

Guys, our Earth heard us, but somehow its voice is sad. What's happened?

It was a long time ago. I woke up every morning and was happy. Was I ever able to rejoice, could I love? But she loved, loved the whole world, everything around: the sun, the sky, the grass, the murmur of rivers, the singing of birds. I loved created nature, like a caring mother loves her child.

How beautiful I was at that time!

The first man was born. At first he felt like a part of nature, but the mind that I put into his brain turned out to be aimed not only at creation, but at destruction. He began to enslave me, plants, animals. He tears my bowels into pieces and takes out my insides, fills my clear blood poisons, he blocks my veins with dams, suffocates me with harmful gases, wounds atomic explosions. What has the once beautiful Earth become? Have I really created and nurtured my own destroyer! You still have a little time to save me and yourself. I believe in your strength, in your mind and kind hearts.

Guys, what happened to our planet? Why is she complaining?

(A disaster has happened to our planet; its health is in danger).


This is the topic of our lesson: "The planet is in danger."

Man inflicts large and small wounds on nature. And today we will talk about these alarming signals of nature, and also travel through the stations and work in groups

What tasks will we set for ourselves to solve the problem of the disease of our planet?

And what threatens our planet Earth?

You can answer all these questions yourself.

Today you will find yourself in the role of specialist scientists: botanists, zoologists, geographers who will help save the planet. What are they studying?

Tasks for groups.

1. Botanists will tell you what threatens “the lungs of our planet” - plants.

2. Zoologists will talk about the condition of “our little brothers” - animals.

3. Geographers will talk about what threatens “blood”, i.e. soil, water and air.

(Students read, then a representative from each group speaks with a report)

Botanists speaking

There are 18 thousand species of herbaceous plants in our country. And how many of them are listed in the Red Book: bells, snowdrops, a number of species of tulips and peonies, St. John's wort.

Altai anemone! They reduce the content of dust in the air by 3 times, and gases and smoke by 2 times. And over the past 100 years, people have threatened the extinction of 25 thousand species higher plants. And the forest area is decreasing by 20 hectares every minute.

Zoologists speaking

Hello, birds: nightingales, owls, sparrows and pigeons!

Hello, animals: tigers, lions, elephants, wolves!

If a person said hello every day like this not only to his family and friends, but also to all living things that surround him, perhaps all those animals and plants that we will never see again would still live on earth - people destroyed them.

The destruction continues today. The goals are different: someone wants to get more money for the sale of a rare animal or its fur. Some people want to hunt for their own pleasure, while others, without thinking, uproot flowers, kill a frog with a stick, throw a stone at a bird - they have fun. Sometimes you hear: “Man is the king of nature!”

But who put man above nature? The man himself! And who is a person without nature?

It is impossible to imagine this... without air, water, birdsong, the aromas of meadows, the rustling of leaves. Nature generously gives us all this, and in return asks only for careful, kind treatment. Unfortunately, neither plants nor animals can speak.

Geographers speak

Neither animals, nor birds, nor people can live without water. Water works at hydroelectric power stations - it produces electricity. And water washes everyone too. Water is also the widest and most comfortable road; ships sail along it and carry heavy cargo and passengers. But almost all water contains a significant amount of salts, which makes it unsuitable for consumption.

fresh water there is very little.
Therefore, water must be conserved.
Man, remember forever:
The symbol of life on Earth is water!
Save it and take care -
We are not alone on the planet!


Signs of dire trouble.

1. Deforestation. Botanists

2. Death of animals. Zoologists

3. Water pollution. Geographers

4. Air pollution.

5. Garbage accumulation.

6. Soil poisoning.


Who is to blame for all the causes of the planet's illness? (Human)

Apparently, people have forgotten that we are forever responsible for everyone we have tamed. for those animals and plants that live next to us, for the river that runs in our village, for the planet on which we are lucky enough to live.

After all, each of us has only one planet. We cannot choose another for ourselves, just as the Earth cannot choose another humanity for itself. And A. Exupery was right when he warned: “We are all passengers of a large ship called “Earth,” which means there is simply nowhere to transfer from it.

Consequently, the disease of the planet threatens the health and life of man himself. How can we achieve harmony between man and his planet?

I think that we should listen and adhere to this rule: “Get up in the morning, wash your face, put yourself in order - and immediately put your planet in order.”

I am sure that you follow the first three points of this rule.

I wonder how you get yourself in order?

Before we take care of the health of the planet, we ourselves must be healthy and strong.

Let's remember the rules of health hygiene.

What nature conservation measures do you know in our country?

(Reserves, sanctuaries, national parks, Red Book)

So, let's go on a journey.

1. Station "Lesnaya Pochta"

Each group is given a task.

This station often receives letters from animals and plants asking you for advice. You need to read them carefully and answer some of them verbally and help them.

Letter No. 1

For Katya's birthday she was given a puppy. Finally her dream came true. She had been asking her parents to buy her a puppy for so long. And now she has new friend. Katya played with him every minute, fed him, and walked him. And then they gave her a talking doll, Katya remembered the puppy less and less, and when he got sick, she told her mother: “A sick dog has no place in the house, let him live on the street.”

Did the girl do the right thing?

Letter No. 2

Oleg stood at flower bed and hit the flower heads with a twig.

“What are you doing?” asked the grandmother. I drive away the bees; they sting the flowers.

The grandmother smiled and, calling her grandson to her, told him something. After that, Oleg threw away the twig, shrugging his shoulders in surprise.

And I didn’t even know about it.

What did the grandmother say to her grandson?

Letter No. 3

Seryozha, walking with his dad in the forest, lit a fire and baked potatoes. Then dad lit the fire from the stream so that there would be no fire, and buried the cans and bags.

How to convince Seryozha's dad that it is forbidden to light a fire in the forest?

Answer: A fire pit in the forest does not become overgrown for 5-7 years, but until it completely decomposes tin can it takes 90 years: a plastic bag takes 200 years.

Our nature is rich in medicinal plants that are used to treat people and animals.


2. Station "Forest Pharmacy" in the service of man.

Good doctor, experienced doctor
He can barely hear a groan and cry
In the early hours and midnight
He will hurry to help.

Which group will write more medicinal plants? (Student tells)

Tree, flower and bird
They don't always know how to defend themselves.
If they are destroyed,
We will be alone on the planet.



Game "It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!"

Who is perky and cheerful,
Loyalty keeping the rules,
Protects our nature
From insidious fire?

Who set fire to the grass near the house,
I set fire to unnecessary rubbish,
A friend's garage burned down
And a construction fence?

Which of you swam in the river?
And sunbathed on the beach?
And when I got ready to go home
Did you clean up the trash after yourself?

At a rest stop in the forest
Did you burn dried pine?
And then he was in such a hurry
Why didn't the fire go out?

Who, walking in the meadow,
There's no point in trampling the grass there,
Don't catch insects
And he doesn’t pick flowers at all?

Who loves animals and birds?
Who makes the feeders?
Who protects nature?
Who keeps order?


3. Station "Little secrets of nature"

Does a lizard, grabbed by the tail, always throw it away? (No, only in response to pain, even mild).

Why do nettles “burn” so much? (The hairs of its leaves contain formic acid; when you touch the skin, the tip of the hair breaks, the juice is released into the wound, causing a burning sensation).

What animal on earth is the cleanest? (Badger. It’s clean near the hole, the toilet is a deep hole located a few meters from the hole, it cleans the fur).

Why bright ladybug the birds don't peck? (It secretes a caustic liquid; once it has tasted it, the bird remembers the bright bug).

Name the most voracious predator on the planet (Dragonfly, it eats several times more food per day than it weighs itself).

Where do frogs and toads go in winter? (Sleeping).

You rubbed your foot on the way, how to relieve the pain? (Attach a plantain leaf).

If you happen to catch a cold, a cough appears, and a fever rises. Move the mug towards you, in which a slightly bitter, fragrant infusion is smoking. (Chamomile)

Reading will take on the poster!


4. Station "Musical Kaleidoscope".

Our scientists will remember the song: zoologists - songs that are sung about animals

  • Botanists - about flowers, plants,
  • Geographers - about weather, water, air

Sing a line, or maybe 1 verse, songs.

("Nature has no bad weather"; "What is snow to me, what is heat to me"; "The snow is spinning, flying, flying"; "The frost was wrapped in snow, look, don't freeze"; "A smile in the sky will wake up a rainbow"

SLIDE No. 8 *

5. Station "Natural weather forecasters".

Signs are written on pre-cut pieces of paper. We need to “collect” them. For speed - 1 point, for correctness - 2 points.

  • In January / in the evening / it gets warmer - there will be precipitation. (3 sheets)
  • In February, the wind increased in the evening - leading to precipitation.
  • In January, the frost intensified in the evening - clear weather.

Ecology is a science that studies how plants, animals and humans interact with each other and with the inanimate nature that surrounds them.

A game " Finish your speech on an environmental topic."

Yat-yat-yat - Nature needs to be protected.
La-la-la - We will save you, Earth.
Wait, wait, wait - We don't need acid rain.
I-I-I - Science ecology.

Lesson summary

  • What threatens our planet?
  • How to solve the problem with the disease of our planet?
  • How should you care for nature? (about birds, about cleanliness, on the river there is garbage, broken glass)
  • Which ecological disasters do you see in our village? (asphalt plant)
  • How can they be eliminated?

I am sure that you will already begin to take care of your planet.


Earth is our home

(3 students recite poems)

I'm talking about
That the whole Earth is our common home, -
Our good home, spacious home, -
We all live in it from birth.
The earth does not sleep every day
Looks into the eyes of his children.
Looks you and me in the eyes,
And you and I cannot remain silent.
I'm also talking about this,
That we must save our home.
And we will prove that it’s not in vain
The Earth hopes for us.
Did you guys like the event?
Let's decorate our planet with flowers!
You did a good job, thank you!

We treat you to tea and wish everyone good health! (Herbal tea)

Target: fostering a caring, humane attitude towards native nature, feelings of love and responsibility for it.

Equipment: exhibition of drawings on the theme “Nature of our region”; saying posters outstanding people about nature; costumes; musical accompaniment.

Progress of the event

The presenter comes out to the music of J. Light “The Lonely Shepherd”.


There is just a temple

There is a temple of science

And there is also a temple of nature -

With scaffolding reaching out

Towards the sun and winds.

He is holy at any time of the day.

Open to us in hot and cold weather.

Come in here

Be a little hearty

Do not desecrate his shrines.

Leading. Look around: how beautiful, amazing world We are surrounded by forests, fields, rivers, seas, oceans, mountains, sky, sun, animals, birds. This is nature. Our Russian nature, full of poetry and charm, touches and excites every person who loves his Motherland, has beneficial influence on his soul. The beauty of simple and unsophisticated Russian nature is an inexhaustible source of inspiration for poets, artists and composers. Many poems, paintings, musical works born out of love for her.

The song “Our Land” is played (music by D. Kabalevsky, lyrics by A. Alien).

Presenter. Our life is inseparable from nature. Nature feeds, waters, clothes, heals us. She is generous and selfless. She gives us everything for life, but also requires us to take care of ourselves. All of us living today are responsible for our nature to our descendants.

However, sometimes both adults and children behave carelessly and wastefully towards her. This brings great trouble.

Scene “Conversation of Flowers”.

Presenter. Early morning. The sun rose, its warm, gentle rays illuminated the meadow and forest. Ant grass grows in the meadow. I hear some noise. Yes, someone is talking! Who is this?

Chamomile. Good morning, dear Lily of the Valley!

Lily of the valley. Good morning, if it is good. Just yesterday some guys came to our forest for an excursion. And when they saw me and my brothers, they attacked us. I don’t even know how I stayed alive. The rest were gathered into huge heaps and carried away.

Chamomile. What a horror! And I just now noticed that your house is in a deplorable state. And you yourself don’t look any better.

Lily of the valley. But for some reason I don’t hear the Bell... Haven’t you seen him, Romashka?

Bell. Oh, who remembered this about me? A, Dear friends, Hello!

Lily of the valley. Greetings, dear Bell!

Chamomile. What's new?

Bell. My news is not good. Yesterday, during the evening chime of bells, I heard an alarm signal. The boys swam in the lake, laughed, rejoiced, and then for some reason they picked white water lily flowers. So the water lilies cried.

Lily of the valley. I feel sorry for them. These flowers are very beautiful on the water. And when you pick them, the beauty disappears, they quickly wither,

Chamomile. Since ancient times, the white water lily has been called overpowering grass.

Bell. What are we going to do now?

Lily of the valley. I heard that there is some kind of Red Book that protects animals and plants.

Chamomile. So let's quickly go to the Red Book. Maybe she will protect us.

Flowers run away.

Presenter. Many plants and animals that were once common have now become rare. They are included in the Red Book. This book is called that because the color red is a danger signal. Plants and animals listed in the Red Book are in danger. They may disappear forever from the face of the Earth, as many species have already disappeared. The flowers whose conversation we overheard are also included in the Red Book of our region.

Reader 1.

Flowers disappear on the ground.

This is becoming more noticeable every year.

Less joy and beauty

Leaves it to us every summer.

Revelation of meadow flowers

We hardly understood.

We trampled them carelessly

And thoughtlessly, mercilessly tore.

Reader 2.

The master’s “Stop!” was silent within us,

It seemed to us that everything was small and small.

And then in the city crowd

We dragged armfuls of them tiredly.

Reader 3.

And they didn’t see how from under their feet,

Silently, barely breathing,

The cornflower looked doomedly,

The carnations looked hopeless.

E. Karasev

Reader 4.

I'm ready to argue with the whole world,

I'm ready to swear on my head

The fact that all colors have eyes,

And they look at you and me.

In the hour of our thoughts and worries,

In the bitter hour of trouble and failure

I saw: flowers, like people, cry

And the dew is dropped on the sand.

R. Gamzatov

Reader 5.

If I pick a flower,

If you pick a flower,

If everything: both you and me, -

If we pick flowers,

All the meadows will be empty and there will be no beauty.

T. Sobakin

The Russian folk song “There was a birch tree standing in the field” sounds. Birch appears.

Birch. Hello guys! I came to visit you from the forest. Forests are the lungs of our planet. If a person can live without food for more than a month, without water - 5 days, then without oxygen - no more than 3 minutes. The forest helps retain moisture in the soil; without it, rivers and lakes would dry up, fields and gardens would not produce crops. Mushrooms, berries, medicinal herbs grow in the forest, animals and birds live. People make many things from wood: houses, furniture, paper, pencils, fabrics. This is why forests are so important to humanity. That is why it must be protected and preserved. Do all people take good care of the forest? Come to the forest and you will see traces of a barbaric attitude towards it.

Reader 1.

Everything is so wounded in the forest,

Like after the days of war.

There's no survivor to be found here

Neither spruce nor pine.

Stabbed a birch tree with a knife

Some kind of crook.

It seems to me from under the bark

My tears are flowing.

From human callousness

My soul hurts.

Under the crippled oak tree

It’s not the wind that’s moaning, it’s me.

The anthill is set on fire

With a blasphemous hand.

It seems to me that he is not on fire.

My hell is burning.

The earth is burnt and scarred

Like in the days of great trouble

Traces of intoxicated bravado.

Traces of carelessness.

They left, having offended beauty,

Confused by the forest comfort.

Without hearing what's behind you

All the leaves are shedding tears.

Birch. Guys, each of you was in the forest. Let's now remember what rules we must follow when getting into the forest.

The children come out and take turns calling out the rules.

Do not cut down trees in the forest, do not break branches and bushes. Remember that the air in the forest contains 300 times less bacteria than in the city.

Do not pick forest and wildflowers. Remember: the lily of the valley blooms in the 6th year, and the lady's slipper - in the 18th year.

Don't destroy anthills. Know that 3-4 anthills reliably protect 1 hectare of forest from pests.

Be careful with fire in the forest. Remember: 97% of fires are caused by humans.

Do not turn on radios or tape recorders loudly in the forest, as this disturbs birds and animals.

Don't leave uncollected trash. Remember that abandoned paper will rot in 2 years, broken glass will last 30 years, and polyethylene will last several decades.

Do not leave inscriptions on trees and stones. They will only cause disappointment and regret to those who come after you.

Birch. Dear Guys! I would really like you all to remember these rules of behavior in nature and demand that your acquaintances and friends follow them. Now, guys, help me guess the secrets of the forest.

- It cheers in the spring, cools in the summer, nourishes in the fall, warms in the winter. (Forest)

—What tree is called musical? Is it used to make pianos, guitars and other musical instruments? (Spruce)

— Which firewood produces the most heat? (Oak and birch)

— What kind of wood are matches made from? (From aspen)

- Which tree, like birch, gives sweet sap? (Maple)

- Why does a hare gnaw aspen in winter, because it is bitter? (Aspen bark contains 10% fat)

Thank you guys for helping me understand the secrets of the forest.

Presenter. Our smaller brothers live in the forest: birds and animals. Among them are many of our faithful friends. Birds are protectors of forests, fields, and gardens. They preserve the harvest, destroy great amount harmful insects. Birds of prey catch rodents in the fields. Birds decorate our land. Listen to their unique voices.

Reader 2.

We are immensely rich

In our gardens and groves

So many different birds,

You're just amazed.

But ask someone else

What does he know about birds?

Let him answer sensibly -

And, look, you will be surprised.

What about the fauna, they say.

What about our wealth?

In the fields, in the copses.

So to speak, the bird kingdom.

Bird kingdom. But only.

Well, blackbirds, well, titmice.

Where can you remember all the nicknames?

Just birds and that's it.

And, of course, it’s alarming

That sometimes we are godless

We don't keep what we have

We do not spare, we do not regret.

Not responsible for anything.

Like just a little

To us on this planet

All that remains is to live and rule.

Not like the owners,

This is how we destroy our property.

And we are proud of nature

And we love the fatherland.

Leading. Birds and animals very often need human help. It's not easy for birds in winter.

Scene “Conversation of birds in a forest clearing.”

Glade. Crow appears on the stage, looking back in fear, and sits down on a tree stump.

Crow. Kar-rr, kar-rr... Hooligans! Oh, it’s hard for us crows to live. Everyone has to be afraid, especially children. As soon as they see me, they try to hit me with snow, and at any moment they will cripple me.

Tit appears on the stage.

Tit. Brrr, what a frost! Hello, Auntie Vorona! And I hear someone talking here. Let me see, I think. And here you are. Who are you talking to?

Crow. Karrrr... I barely made it out of the city right now. I still can’t catch my breath. Hooliganism (threatens his “wing” towards an imaginary city). I sat on the fence, looking for something to profit from, and the guys threw snowballs at me (sighs)...

Tit. And for us tits, life is no easier in winter. You fly and fly, looking to find a crumb of bread or a piece of lard. Sometimes you won’t find anything all day and you fall asleep hungry. Do you know, Aunt Vorona, that out of ten tits, only nine survive the winter... My poor sisters!

Crow. What can I say, in winter all birds and animals feel bad. Yesterday I met Sparrow in a clearing, he also complained of hunger, saying that he didn’t know how to survive the winter.

Tit. And I recently heard the news. The magpie was chattering throughout the forest about how things would be easier for the birds this winter. They say that there are schoolchildren who have hung feeders all over the city. And they contain different food: seeds, bread crumbs, lard...

Crow. What kind of feeders are these?

Tit(points into the distance). Yes, look!

Crow. Carrrr! Indeed! Last year I saw the same feeder at one house. I was flying around the city once. I haven’t eaten anything for three days, I sat on a branch, I have no strength. Well, I think that's it - the end has come. It's smooth, and on the tree hangs the same feeder. I looked into it, and there were seeds... That’s how I survived that winter.

Tit. And I felt bad that winter. And sometimes you fly up to the feeder, and there’s nothing there, the guys forgot to pour in the food. So you will remain hungry.

Crow. Do you think Magpie told the truth about the feeders?

Tit. Don't know. It’s hard to trust a magpie; she’s always spreading all sorts of tall tales through the forest.

Crow. How cool it would be with feeders! How many birds would the boys save from starvation?

Tit. Auntie Vorona, let’s ask the guys to hang up the feeders and don’t forget to put food in them. And then no winter will be scary for us birds.

Presenter. Guys, protect the birds in winter, feed them, hang feeders and don’t forget to pour food into them.

The song “Don't tease the dogs” is performed (music by E. Ptichkin, lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky).

Leading. Nature reserves have been created for birds and animals, but despite this, they die from poachers.

Reader 3.

The wounded bird was not given into the hands,

A wounded bird remained a bird.

I still dream about this old dream,

A bird flinched on the bloody grass.

Birds, fish, animals

They look into people's souls.

You feel sorry for them, people,

Don't kill in vain

After all, the sky without birds is not heaven!

And a sea without fish is not a sea!

And a land without animals is not a land!

Presenter. Many animal species have already disappeared, some are on the verge of extinction. A young man came to us for the holiday with the book “Memory of the Dead,” and now he will introduce you to it.

Yunnat. Whoever left their signatures in this book: elephants and tigers, beavers and roe deer. Everyone complains about human injustice! Even wolves. The wolf complains that he good name scare children. Meanwhile, he is smart and not so harmful. “The time will come, and people will still regret that they exterminated wolves so mercilessly,” he wrote in conclusion. And here are the statements of fish included in the complaint book. In one of the difficult moments of their lives, they came together and made a speech to the people. “Dear humanity! - they write. “You catch us with hooks and nets.” We submit: you are stronger and smarter than us. Dear people! Be reasonable. For your own benefit! Do not forget that a fish is a neat, clean creature. Why do you pollute ponds, rivers, lakes? Why are you destroying us and our children? What good does it do you?” Yes, many animals have disappeared from the face of the Earth. There is no steppe wild horse left at all - the torpan, which was hunted 100 years ago because delicious meat. The tours are extinct. Wolves were previously subjected to mass extermination. But it turned out that the wolf, like the hawk, is a forest orderly. Today this animal is listed in the Red Book. A person should never be cruel, he must always act wisely. Remember this!

Leading. Thank you, young man! The guys and I will try to treat every living thing with care. Thanks for the good advice. We would really like you to remember our holiday. Dancing for you... (last name, first name of the performer).


Presenter. And now, guys, let's see how smart and savvy you are, how well you know animal world. Answer my questions.

- Name an animal that can cut down trees. It has been taken under guard. (Beaver)

— This bird becomes deaf during mating. Hence its name. (Caercaillie)

— There are rumors about this bird that it brings children. (Stork)

“The image of this large animal can be put on a medal for success in the reproduction of wild animals. They are protected in the reserve " Belovezhskaya Pushcha" (Bison)

Reader 1.

Nature has three treasures:

Water, earth and air are its three foundations.

No matter what trouble comes,

If they are intact, everything will be reborn again.

Reader 2.

Mother Nature, no rivers or seas

Doesn't hide from your eyes.

No dewy grass, no blue skies...

Appreciate her trust

And enter the dark forest,

Like in a temple, under marble vaults.

S. Vikulov

Reader 3.

Oh, how tolerant and kind Mother Nature is,

But so that her dashing fate does not befall her,

Let's save:

There is sturgeon on the rods,

Orca - in the sky,

In the taiga wilds - a tiger.

Reader 4.

If we are destined to breathe the same air,

Let's all unite forever,

Let's save our souls

Then we ourselves will survive on earth!

Reader 1.

Human! Spare the animals and birds,

Trees and flowers.

After all, these are all words,

What a king of nature you are!

Let the chicks

And to little animals

It's good to live next to us.

Reader 2.

Tree, grass, flowers and birds

They don't always know how to defend themselves.

If they are destroyed,

We will be alone on the planet.

Leading. Guys, we must preserve the nature of our Motherland for us and our descendants. Nature conservation is a sacred duty and responsibility of everyone. Have a sacred attitude towards all living things. Take care of every tree, twig, every flower, do not cut down trees unnecessarily, do not break them. Pick up trash after yourself in forest clearings. Avoid fires in the forest. Do not pollute rivers, lakes and do not allow your friends to do so. Don't destroy birds' nests, don't kill animals.

Extra-curricular environmental activities must be carried out at school. After all, this great way, through which teachers can exert an educational influence on schoolchildren in a form that is interesting to them. Why is it important to address the environment? Because it is the science of the relationships between living beings and nature. And since a person occupies an important place in this system, the topic cannot be ignored.

Federal State Educational Standard

I would like to say a few words about the standards in accordance with which environmental measures were included in the mandatory program primary school. According to the Federal State Educational Standard, one of the tasks educational system lies in the formation of a spiritual and moral personality. And education in this regard is very multifaceted in content. It includes instilling in children pride in their people, teaching them about different values, and conveying to children the essence that they are an integral part of this world.

Therefore, the goal is to form a culture among schoolchildren, which will subsequently manifest itself in their attitude towards health, the environment, as well as in compliance with moral standards in the system of value orientations. Because they are all future members of society. And only people with the right worldview regarding our nature are able to lead the planet out of the catastrophic situation in which it now finds itself.

This is why environmental activities at school are so important. The names reflect their very essence: lessons in kindness and thinking, eco-excursions, a club for nature researchers, a laboratory for a young ecologist. In fact, there are plenty of ways to get children interested in nature. And some of them can now be discussed.

Conversation with primary school students

When conducting environmental events at school for children, it is very important to pay attention to the topic. The teacher must present it competently and clearly to the children so that they understand the significance of the conversation. In this case, it is necessary to achieve the following goals, which are:

  • Formation of basic knowledge and ideas about ecology.
  • Analysis of positive experience in interaction with the environment.
  • Fostering a caring attitude towards nature.
  • Development of individual abilities of schoolchildren.

At the end of the class hour, children will have to learn that ecology is a science that teaches respect for the environment. It is also important to convey to them that the disappearance of animals and birds, as well as the deteriorating flora, is the fault of people. And therefore it is very important to protect natural resources, to protect them. After all, we came to this world, which initially, without human intervention, was even more beautiful.


An environmental extracurricular activity in elementary school should be interesting. And since you can’t captivate kids with a lecture, you’ll need something that can add variety to the lesson.

There is a great idea - an imaginary journey along an ecological trail. The teacher will need to prepare a demonstration presentation in advance. You don't need many frames - 15-20 is enough. At the same time, as a thematic soundtrack, you will need to include soft singing forest birds to create an immersive experience. And before starting the presentation, the teacher will have to bring the kids up to date - what they will talk about and why.

After this, you can begin the story. The first few frames should be shown to children beautiful forest, bright birds and funny animals living in it. At the same time, the teacher seems to be telling a fairy tale: “Once upon a time there was a forest. And cheerful, perky birds lived in it. Animals also lived there. They hunted and frolicked in the clearings. Let's get to know them! Who do you recognize?" - in this case, you need to switch slides with images of different animals so that the children shout out their names (raccoon, hedgehog, bear, fox, deer, wolf, etc.).

The next frame should depict a person. The teacher continues: “But one day a man came to the forest. And he built houses, roads and factories nearby. However, this was not enough for him. He began to cut down the forests, which destroyed this beautiful little ecosystem. Factories dumped their waste into lakes and rivers, which polluted all the water bodies in the area. And the smoke from the chimneys of the factories poisoned the air. Vacationers started lighting fires and forgetting to take out their trash. Animals and birds have nowhere to live. And the forest turned into a dreary and scary place.”

At the same time, after each phrase, you need to show the corresponding slide - with the cutting down of trees, lighting fires and subsequent fires, dirty reservoirs, littered surroundings. Visualization is very important, since only through visualization will children be able to understand the state of the modern ecosystem and what human carelessness can lead to.

Questions and tasks for kids

Environmental education activities at school should be instructive and effective. Therefore, interaction between the teacher and students is mandatory. Otherwise, without interaction, it will not be possible to understand whether the children have mastered the topic or not.

Upon completion of the fairy tale-presentation given in the example above, the teacher will have to involve the students in a discussion. Children must answer why no one lives in the forest now. The answer is simple - because man destroyed it. If the schoolchildren have mastered this, then they can begin the task - the “mission” to imagine restoring the forest ecosystem.

Children will need to be given cards with pictures of the trees that they will “plant”, and on back side cards - riddles. Students need to guess them to find out the name. For example:

  • A Russian beauty is standing in a clearing, wearing a green blouse and a white sundress! (Answer: birch).
  • I saw a beautiful berry in the forest! The basket is heavy, good... (answer: rowan).
  • He is tall and mighty! The acorn, its fruit, is rough. The leaves rustle among the clouds... in the wind (answer: oak).

Having guessed the riddles, the children, having previously divided into groups, must prepare short message about the type of tree they fell, using reference books and books available on the table. Then you can complete exactly the same task, but related to birds and animals.

Class hour for the senior group

For students high school it is necessary to draw up a more serious scenario for an environmental event. Its goal is to form in children a negative moral assessment of human violations observed in the sphere of nature, as well as to develop a negative attitude towards the irresponsible and thoughtless attitude experienced by people towards our environment. The tasks are as follows:

  • Expand children's understanding of environmental laws.
  • Increase interest in nature.
  • Foster a humane attitude towards the environment.
  • Create a desire to participate
  • Promote environmental ideas.

Before organizing a class hour, you will need to conduct preliminary preparations in which all children will take part. It is recommended to give them the following tasks:

  • Prepare an appeal on behalf of Nature to a person (each individual).
  • Make a video with the whole class, interviewing other students on the topic of protecting the ecosystem.
  • Write poems.

Then, when the day of class comes, the children can start it with preparations.

Laws of ecology

During class time, it wouldn’t hurt to tell children about them as well. In accessible language, of course, and preferably with examples. It might look like this:

  • Law No. 1: “Everything is connected to everything.” To protect the partridge population in Norway, thousands of birds of prey were destroyed. It did not help. Soon the partridges were overwhelmed by an epidemic and they all died. It is not surprising, because owls and hawks played the role of orderlies, eating sick birds. This prevented epidemics.
  • Law No. 2: “Everything has to go somewhere.” Burning or burying garbage does not mean getting rid of it. One substance decomposes into another, and the air is poisoned, which leads to climate change and human diseases.
  • Law No. 3: “Nothing comes for free.” Between 1958 and 1962, two billion (!) sparrows were destroyed in China, as they were considered agricultural pests. But in the end, a lot of insects developed that actually caused damage to the crops. As a result, China began to purchase sparrows from other countries. I had to pay for my actions.
  • Law #4: “Nature knows best.” Many people arrogantly want to “improve” the ecosystem, which usually violates natural processes. There is no waste in nature. For each organic matter there is a separate enzyme that acts on decomposition. But man creates those substances that do not decompose anything, but only accumulate in the ecosystem. And they pollute it.

If you include such an informational and educational block in the scenario of an environmental event, you will be able to make the class hour more visual and productive.

High school tournament

Environmental activities at school for adult students (grades 9-11) should be more complex and meaningful. The quiz-type tournament will be excellent option. It is better to conduct it among parallels so that there are more participants. By the way, such events are usually included in ecological week schools.

The tournament begins with the introduction of teams. For this, points are awarded (using a 5-point system). The name and motto of the team must correspond to the environmental theme.

Then the tour begins. Each team is given four clues in turn. If they answer first, they will receive 4 points. If they guess from the second clue, they will be awarded 3 points. If they give the answer from the third, they will receive 2 points. If all four clues are used, then one point is awarded. For example:

1) It lives up to 2,000 years.

2) The trunk does not rot in water - it only grows stronger and turns black.

3) Furniture, parquet and barrels are made from it.

4) In one of Pushkin’s poems a mermaid sat on this.

The answer to this selection is oak. You can offer the following hints to the other team:

1) It releases phytoncides that kill harmful bacteria.

2) It makes the best firewood.

3) Its bark is used to make useful things, decoctions, and medicines.

4) This is a Russian tree.

We are talking, of course, about birch. You need a lot of such collections to make an environmental event at school for high school students interesting, intellectual and useful.

Nature as a universal value

A seminar with this title can also become good event environmental orientation at school. Its goal is to determine what exactly the true value of nature is, as well as what its components are. In addition, it is important to develop in students the ability to notice the beauty around them and to instill in them personal responsibility for the preservation of the ecosystem.

You can start such a seminar with a group assignment. Give everyone cards with descriptions. natural areas and landscape forms. Students need to identify their names and provide several appropriate epithets that could characterize them. Example card: “They are not in Antarctica, North America and Europe. There are about thirty of them on the entire planet. And they occupy about 11% of the Earth.” We are talking about the desert, and this would be the correct answer.

After completing this task, it will be possible to invite students to familiarize themselves with the cost of biosphere services. IN last time such studies were conducted by the University of California in 1994. And it turned out that:

  • The average cost of biosphere services is ~33.27 trillion dollars per year.
  • Rivers and lakes - $1.7 trillion.
  • Marine ecosystems- $21 trillion.
  • Rainforests- $3.8 trillion.
  • Land ecosystems - $12.3 trillion.

This is what the scientists reported. In fact, you can come up with a lot of interesting tasks for environmental activities at school. The most important thing is that they are informative and practical.

About the negative impact

You can also organize environmental events for high school students. This topic is just right for teenagers. It will be useful for them to know about the acceptable level negative impact anthropogenic and natural factors environmental hazards to humans and the environment.

They should also be familiarized with the regulation of environmental impacts and quality control natural ingredients and sources of impact on them, as well as monitoring environmental risks. As part of the discussion of such a topic, some may develop a special interest in pursuing this at a professional level. During such events, some people decide on their further activities in adulthood.

Earth Day

This is a big environmental holiday, the date of which is April 22. Therefore, school events dedicated to nature are usually held during the week that includes this day. And in addition to educational lectures, classes and tournaments, it is now customary to organize truly useful events that can bear fruit. One of them is called “Let's decorate the world around us.”

This promotion involves the school purchasing flower seedlings, shrub and tree seedlings. Then when the date comes ecological holiday, children together with teachers plant them in plots and flower beds. Then, responsibilities for caring for the plants are distributed among the students. Thus, you will not only be able to contribute to the ecosystem by slightly enriching it, but you will be able to demonstrate to children in practice how difficult it is to get flowers, trees and bushes to take root, not to mention growing them yourself. Students will gain some environmental experience and will begin to be more respectful of nature and its resources.

Man throughout his entire existence is in close interaction with surrounding nature. But his attitude towards her is not always positive. First of all, man and his activities are the main source of pollution, disasters, deterioration environmental situation. This leads to the need to carry out educational work among the younger generation.

The school is given important role in this process. Children must comprehend the laws of nature, master the norms of environmental behavior, and understand what the unreasonable activities of people lead to. An option for teachers is to convey this information to younger generation There will be a class hour on the topics: “Ecology” and “Environmental Protection”. The material will be interesting and relevant for schoolchildren in grades 5-7. The problem of protecting nature has special meaning, since about 70% of the world's population breathe air that is harmful to health, and due to Bad quality water kills more than 25 thousand people every year.

Goals and objectives of environmental class hour

It should be noted that the class hour on the topic of nature conservation has the goal of developing a culture of respect for the environment.

Children should be introduced to the terms: environmental safety, endangered species of plants and animals, the Red Book, and talk about the main sources of pollution.

The younger generation must know how vulnerable nature is and how harmful society's impact on it can be. And of course, children, as members of society, must learn to lead an ecological lifestyle, not leave garbage, and take care of animals.

Associated dates

Every year on June 5, World Environment Day is celebrated all over the world, which is designed to draw people's attention to existing problems. It is accompanied by campaigns and events for nature conservation. Environmental Safety becomes the number one topic of the day. By the way, the founder of the concept of “ecology” is the German biologist Ernst Haeckel, who proposed this name in 1866 in his famous work “General Morphology of Organisms.” Where he outlined the theory of the relationship of living organisms between themselves and the environment. Also important dates are World Water Day (March 22), Forest Day (September 20), Animal Protection Day (October 4).

Means of visual presentation of material

Visualization plays an important role in mastering any material. It contributes to a successful learning process and improves the perception of information. Films are characterized by high visibility.

Films for class on ecology

  • "Secrets Pacific Ocean. Fragile Paradise";
  • "Energy of water and wind";
  • “Tomorrow never dies. Carefully! Air";
  • "Under the dome";
  • "Textile cities in the shadow of pollution"
  • and etc.

These films show well how our planet is suffering and how urgent it is to take timely measures to protect it.

School office decoration

The teacher should take care of the classroom design. You can give homework Ask children to find and bring photographs, pictures, newspaper and magazine clippings on the topic of the environment, poor ecology, and pollution. You can place a stand in your office, for example, call it “Our Planet”. And imagine on it images of destructive human activity and the disastrous state of nature.

Since the problem under consideration is universal, the most optimal shape there will be a class hour round table. Several children can be asked to prepare reports at home on various aspects of the topic, for example: “Soil pollution”, “The problem of shortage clean air”, “Animals in danger”, etc. And then discuss the material reviewed with the whole class and offer your own ways to solve problems. Another option would be to divide students into groups. Each group will receive a task with a specific environmental problem. Then the children discuss it together and one student from each group talks about their topic and ways to improve the environmental situation.

Environmental education schoolchildren is the primary task of adults and, above all, teachers. It is necessary to carry out regularly cool watch, educational activities, cleanup days, visits to factories and other industrial excursions.