Habitat depth from 4 to 160 meters
Record specimen: length 0.4 m; weight 2 kg

Usually found near reefs.
Habitat depth from 1 to 300 meters
Record copy on sea ​​fishing in the Red Sea: length 2.13 m; weight 265 kg

Usually found near reefs.
Habitat depth from 0 to 150 meters
Record specimen during sea fishing in the Red Sea: length 2.34 m; weight 150 kg

Usually found near reefs.
Habitat depth from 80 to 370 meters
Record specimen during sea fishing in the Red Sea: length 0.9 m; weight 6.7 kg

Usually found near reefs.
Habitat depth from 10 to 150 meters
Record specimen during sea fishing in the Red Sea: length 2 m; weight 110 kg

Usually found near reefs.
Habitat depth from 1 to 80 meters
Record specimen during sea fishing in the Red Sea: length 0.65 m

Usually found near reefs.
Habitat depth from 1 to 60 meters
Record specimen: length 0.6 m


Grouper, locus, dakar is a group of fish of the serranaceae family, distributed in the waters of the Mediterranean (7 species) and Red (19 species) seas, the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans. Has bright and varied colors - on dark background a large number of bright spots, stripes, dots, and the color of the grouper changes depending on its mood.

Predator. His upper lip attached to the head by ligaments and skin folds, and when the fish lowers its lower jaw, the mouth takes the form of a tube that sucks in prey. Feeds on small sharks, fish, lobsters, rays, young sea ​​turtles.

The length and weight of the fish range from 20 cm 100 grams to more than 2.5 meters and weighing more than 450 kg. The giant grouper Epinephelus lanceolatus, 270 cm long and weighing 400 kg, lives in the tropical waters of the Indian and Pacific oceans. In the western part Pacific Ocean The grouper Epinephelus itajara is found, 250 cm long and weighing 455 kg.

Large specimens are not edible, and those that have not reached 50 kg are considered an expensive delicacy. In many countries they are grown under artificial conditions.

The giant grouper (guasa, merou, meru, Latin. Epinephelus lanceolatus), sometimes also called rock bass, is the most big fish from the order Perciformes of the subfamily Serranidae or rock perches.

The fish is up to 3.6 m long and weighs up to 400 kg. Found in the Pacific and Indian Oceans, often near large stones, caves and sunken ships.

A predator that feeds on smaller fish, it usually lies in wait for its prey in ambush: a rock crevice, among stones, in thickets of algae or corals.

Groupers actively defend their territory and can cause serious injury to humans.

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Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

Grouper fish ( Epinephelus) belongs to the rock perch family and forms a large genus of fish of the same name. To date, ichthyologists have studied and described about 90 species of grouper fish. This type of fish has several other names, such as blackfish and merrow.

The habitat of most grouper fish species includes the Red and Mediterranean Seas, and some representatives of the genus are found in the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Oceans.

Merow fish stand out from other species of the rock perch family due to their varied and bright colors - the dark body of the fish is decorated with a large number of bright spots, dots or stripes. The color of the grouper fish (merow) is variable and changes under the influence of various situations And environment.

The grouper is a predator, which explains the characteristic structure of the fish. It has a massive jaw that can extend strongly and take the shape of a tube when opening its mouth. This biological structure The mouth helps the grouper fish to suck in caught prey with tremendous force. The fish prefers to feed on smaller representatives of sea waters. The main diet of the grouper consists of small sharks, rays, fish, as well as young sea turtles.

Varieties of grouper fish differ from each other, not only in habitat and appearance, but also in size. IN sea ​​waters there are both small and very major representatives of this kind. The length of different individuals varies from 20 centimeters to several meters. For example, an adult of a species called giant grouper or Epinephelus lanceolatus living in the waters Indian Ocean, reaches 3 meters in length with a body weight of 400-450 kg. The same huge size another representative of the giant grouper reaches - Epinephelus itajara, which lives in the Pacific Ocean. It is important to note that adult and large grouper fish are not edible. Although fish meat weighing no more than 50 kg is a delicacy recognized by many chefs.

Calorie content of grouper (merow)

The calorie content of grouper, amounting to only 118 kcal per 100 grams of product, allows the fish to be classified as a low-calorie product.

Composition of grouper (merow)

Grouper fish meat, like many other types of fish, contains a large amount of easily digestible protein, micro- and macro-compounds beneficial for humans, and is low in calories. Grouper fish has a rich biochemical composition, which includes the following compounds: and also. All of the above substantiates the fact that grouper fish is a useful and dietary products nutrition.

Beneficial properties of grouper (merow)

Eating this type Eating fish at least once a week can reduce cholesterol levels, strengthen blood vessels and nerve tissues, and avoid memory problems in old age.

Properties of grouper fish (merow)

How much does grouper (merou) fish cost (average price per 1 kg)?

Moscow and Moscow region.

Often this type of fish such as grouper or Epinephelus is called nothing more than merow, and also black. Grouper fish (merow) is a fairly numerous genus of fish classified according to scientific classification to the rock perch family. Currently, scientists have descriptions of about 90 species of grouper fish (merow).

The largest number of subspecies of grouper fish (merou) lives in the waters of the Mediterranean and Red Seas. In addition, grouper fish (merou) are common in the Indian, Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Grouper fish differ from other members of the family in their original coloring. Typically, the dark body of the grouper fish is decorated with various bright spots or stripes, as well as other patterns.

What is noteworthy is that the color of grouper fish can vary depending on various conditions, including under the influence of the environment. By its biological essence and characteristic structure Grouper fish are predators. Therefore, the grouper fish has a massive and pronounced jaw. Moreover, the upper jaw is larger in size than the lower part.

This feature gives the fish the ability to suck in its prey with greater force. The diet of grouper fish is based on smaller creatures. depths of the sea. Grouper fish feed on dwarf sharks, fish, as well as young sea turtles and lobsters. Different kinds Grouper fish are distinguished not only by their appearance and habitat, but also by their size.

The researchers noted that in nature there are grouper fish of various sizes, the length of which varied from 20 cm to several meters. It is worth noting that the weight of massive grouper fish can reach 450 kg. For example, in the waters of the Indian Ocean there is a type of grouper fish called Epinephelus lanceolatus or giant grouper.

The average size of such a fish is 270 cm in length and weight is 400-450 kg. In addition, another giant grouper or Epinephelus itajara lives in the Pacific Ocean. Remarkably, large grouper fish are considered unsuitable for consumption. On the contrary, the meat of grouper fish, which does not weigh more than 50 kg, is considered an unsurpassed delicacy.

Like other types of marine fish, grouper is different low level calorie content, as well as its rich content of compounds beneficial to the human body. Chemical composition Grouper fish is enriched with a fairly large amount of selenium, sodium, phosphorus, as well as potassium and calcium. Average level The calorie content of 100 grams of grouper fish fillet is 118 kcal. These data give grounds to classify grouper fish as dietary and useful products nutrition.

Calorie content of grouper fish (merow) 118 kcal

Energy value of grouper fish (merow) (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - bju):

: 24.84 g (~99 kcal)
: 1.3 g (~12 kcal)
: 0 g (~0 kcal)

Sea fish Under the name grouper, it is known almost throughout the world as the most important commercial product. IN different countries it is also called merou, brown-striped black, sea pike perch, and in Israel - locus. It is generally accepted that the concept comes from the Portuguese word - garoupa, which in translation sounds like "sea bass".

The fish belongs to a large order of perciformes and is prominent representative of the serran family or, as it is also called, rock perch. Her gigantic size and the amazing color cannot but cause admiration. Different types and subspecies of these fish can have different colors. Basically it depends on aquatic environment, in which they live. But the colors of fish can change dramatically depending on their emotional state, which is the reason for calling them sea “chameleons”. The body of groupers (it is usually dark or brown in color) is decorated with bright stripes, dots or large spots of the most intricate shapes. This peculiar coloring is characteristic of fish species that live among sea rocks, stones and coral reefs.

History and geography of the product

All fish of the serran family are, by their natural biological essence, voracious predators. Typically, the grouper lies in wait for future prey in rock crevices, near stones or coral thickets, that is, where it is perfectly camouflaged due to its special coloring. The fish has massive, pronounced jaws, which allow it to literally suck in the caught “catch” with greater force. Grouper mainly feeds on small inhabitants of the deep sea - small fish, dwarf sharks, young turtles and crustaceans.

The largest populations of grouper are found in the Red Sea; its species are somewhat less widespread in the Mediterranean Sea. Some varieties sea ​​predators They live in the eastern waters of the Pacific Ocean and the coral zones of the Indian Ocean. Grouper is also found offshore North America. From there, its range extends up to the island of Greenland and the western part of Scandinavia, and is limited to the Patagonian shelf in the south. Grouper can rarely be found near the coast of South West Africa.

For a long time, grouper was exclusively a local delicacy of the Florida Keys in the southeastern United States. But in the 80s of the last century, this product began to appear on the menus of many other countries. The fish captivated us with its exceptional taste and the possibility of year-round fishing, which became the reason for its artificial large-scale cultivation.

Currently, grouper has become a very popular product in European countries. It can be found everywhere in specialized stores, where the fish is presented in the form of whole carcasses or cut into fillets and steaks.

Types and varieties

Scientists have described about 90 species of grouper fish, which differ not only in size, but also in appearance, color, and habitat. The length of the fish can vary from 20 cm to 250 cm. Large individuals can reach a body weight of over 400 kg. The most gigantic grouper was found in the tropical waters of the Indian Ocean - its mass was 458 kg and its length was 277 cm.

In the serran fish community, the most common one is the Red Grouper. IN large quantities it is found in Gulf of Mexico, where it is caught for industrial and private purposes. The red grouper is one of those species sea ​​creatures, on which the state of the surrounding ecosystem depends.

The following types of grouper are in great demand among gourmets and lovers of marine exotics:

red striped;

The meat of these types of fish is valued for its delicate taste and special, memorable aroma.

Beneficial features

Like most edible marine life, grouper meat contains few calories, which makes it worth including it in the diet menu. Moreover, it is a product healthy eating, as it is enriched with minerals, in particular selenium, phosphorus, sodium, calcium, potassium.

Grouper meat is a good source of proteins and an important antioxidant. It helps saturate cells with oxygen and is involved in fat metabolism. The minerals contained in fish help balance nervous system and improve the performance of the digestive tract.

By systematically consuming grouper meat, you can normalize blood sugar levels and improve the condition of mucous membranes and skin. It is especially useful to include this fish in your diet if you have thyroid dysfunction.

Taste qualities

Grouper meat is low-boned, low in fat and white in color. It is valued for its exceptional quality and delicate, slightly sweet taste, which the fish acquires due to the fact that it mainly feeds sea ​​mollusks and crustaceans.

By taste qualities, aroma and density, the meat of grouper fish is close to the most valuable seafood, such as sturgeon. After cooking, it does not lose its amazing taste and pleasant smell. Moreover, the meat still remains tender white, does not lose its consistency and becomes even more appetizing.

Use in cooking

Not all varieties of grouper meat are used for culinary purposes. Fish carcasses weighing up to 1 kg and overly large specimens do not attract culinary experts with their taste. Small fish are dry and insipid, while the largest specimens are bony and give off a specific taste. But grouper meat weighing up to 50 kg, on the contrary, is considered an excellent and very expensive delicacy product. It is prepared and served in the most expensive restaurants around the world.

Grouper fish is prepared in different ways. It can be added to soups, simply boiled, stewed, baked in the oven and even cooked over a fire. "al a-ash." The meat contains few bones, making it ideal for steaming.

Grouper goes well with soy and wine sauce, boiled rice, legumes, various vegetables, seasonings and fresh herbs.

Experienced chefs prefer to skin large specimens before cooking them. They believe that the thick skin somewhat worsens the smell of ready-made dishes.

The numerous order of perciform fish contains just over 9,000 species - this is almost half of all fish species. The sizes of perches can vary from tiny fish to incredibly huge, very fast and powerful predators open ocean. An excellent example of an impressively sized perch is the grouper, a member of the rock family, whose size greatly distinguishes it from ordinary perches. It can be very huge, up to three and a half meters long and weighing half a ton. Most groupers have strong powerful bodies and two or three very sharp spines on the gill covers.

Grouper fish live among corals in the waters of the Mediterranean and Red Seas, as well as the Indian, Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

This type of fish has unique color, which combines bright, quite expressive colors with spots and various interesting patterns. The surprising thing is that this perch can change the color of its body, depending on the conditions and situation in which it may find itself.

Deadly jaws of groupers

Sea bass Grouper of enormous size can be very aggressive, it clearly protects its space - it drives away, and sometimes swallows, anyone who comes across it. The size of the mouth of some groupers is very impressive; an adult can easily fit in it. The jaws of the perch's mouth are massive and have an expressive shape. The upper jaw is larger in size than the lower jaw, making it very convenient for the grouper to swallow prey completely.

The perch swallows its prey in a very amazing way. Its huge mouth can suddenly open and, like a funnel, suck in its prey. Sea bass large sizes can attack a person if suddenly, out of ignorance, he violates the boundaries, because the grouper doesn’t care who it is, a fish or a person, the main thing is not to get close!

They hide in dark gorges underwater world, between rocks or among the wreckage of sunken ships and can grab with their unrealistically large mouth everything that floats past. Grouper groupers present great danger for scuba divers. Some pearl divers fear groupers even more than dangerous predators- sharks There have been cases when a grouper could half swallow a diver. The scuba diver was saved only by the fact that the perch, feeling a compressed air cylinder in its mouth, released the man, since he could not swallow him.

In addition to the enormous size of the sea bass's mouth, its prickly spines also pose an extreme danger to humans. They are very sharp and, piercing the body of a scuba diver, can cause quite serious wounds and, as a result, contribute to large loss of blood. This is why divers are always warned to avoid large log-like fish.

Composition and calorie content of grouper perch

Large representatives of this breed of fish are not suitable for consumption. Their meat is very tough and not tasty. But, fortunately, not all sea bass are so large. If the grouper's weight does not exceed 50 kg, its meat has a unique taste. This is truly a delicious delicacy. Grouper meat contains various beneficial minerals and is low in calories (118 calories per 100 grams of product). It is thanks to this that fish can become a worthy dietary dish.

Features of some groupers

The grouper family has many names, but even more varieties. They differ greatly from each other, both in size and color. There are species of sea bass that have amazing feature- ability to change gender. During its life, a hermaphrodite perch can be either a female or a male. IN early age They are usually girls, and when they grow up, they can change gender and become men. If there is a shortage of males in the population, females may also change sex to maintain the species. This feature is possessed by a single large grouper with the gloomy name Black Grouper. The fish has this name because of its olive-gray color with black spots and oval black fins.

There is another variety of grouper that deserves attention. This is a giant grouper, also known as meru, merow, guasa. Sea bass of enormous impressive size lives in the waters of the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean. The name of the fish speaks for itself; its weight reaches 400 kg and its length is about four meters. These perches can jump above the water. Having swallowed air during the jump, the fish’s bladder is filled with air and for some time, having received a “caisson”, it is in a suspended floating state.