With. 1
The world 4th grade
Topic: “Reservoirs of our region”

Conducted by: Aparina N.I.

Topic: “Reservoirs of our region”

Lesson objectives:

  1. To form students’ ideas about the reservoirs of our region.

  2. To introduce natural and artificial reservoirs, the importance of reservoirs and their protection.

  3. Develop cognitive interest, ability to reason and analyze.
Equipment: globe, map of the area.
During the classes.

Today we will go there

Where fresh water splashes.

To find out the topic of the lesson,

We need to solve the crossword puzzle.















Questions for the crossword:

  1. A surface shape that has a steep crumbling slope.

  2. The place where the river begins

  3. The bottom of a mountain, hill.

  4. There is a ravine, a mountain, a hill.

  5. The warmest sea in Russia.

  6. Surface shape.

  7. Entire territory earth's surface divided into natural...
(the topic of the lesson is written on the board and in notebooks: “Reservoirs of our region”)

  1. Testing knowledge and skills.
We have now learned the topic of the lesson,

But first, a story about the surface of our region.

What surface shapes do you know?

Tell us how ravines are formed?

How to stop the formation of ravines?

How should plowing be done near slopes?
Replace with one word:

Mountains created by human hands from waste - waste rocks left after processing of extracted minerals.

Depressions with gentle slopes overgrown with plants.

A hill with a height of 200 to 500 meters.

A form of surface that has a base, a slope, and a peak, and whose height is more than 1000 meters.

Depression with steep crumbling slopes.

Graphic dictation.

(if you agree with the statement, write the + sign, if you disagree, then put the - sign)

The shapes of the earth's surface are plains and mountains.

An elevation whose height is more than 1000 meters is a hill.

Terricons are mountains created by nature.

An old abandoned quarry is a wound on the surface of the Earth.

The builders, having finished building the house, buried all the garbage in the ground, brought soil and laid out a small park. Did they do the right thing?

Gullies and beams decorate the surface native land.

(+, -, - ,+, +. -)

  1. Working on a new topic.
Guys, solve this riddle:

I am both a cloud and fog, I am a river and an ocean. I fly and run, and I can be made of glass.

What color is water on the map?

Let's spin our globe. What color is our Earth? Why?

Does water taste the same?

What is the water like in the reservoirs of our region?

Where is the salt water?

What bodies of water do you know?

Let's divide the named reservoirs into two groups according to their origin. Reservoirs created by nature are natural and those created by man are artificial.


Now let's work with the map of our region.

What bodies of water are located in our region?

Teacher's story.

Main river Saratov region- Volga. A lot of kind words The Russian people spoke about this river, calling it a nurse, a beautiful mother. Since ancient times, the Volga has lived in legends and tales, in songs and books. It is one of the great rivers of the world and the largest in Europe. It has a very winding channel with a length of 420 kilometers. The Volga is navigable. Widely used for irrigation of the Trans-Volga steppes. There are many canals in the Volga region. There are many hydroelectric power stations on the Volga. The Volga is rich in fish, there are 75 species of fish. The Volga is a favorite vacation spot for residents of our region.

The widely known rivers are the Big and Small Irgiz, Khoper, and Medveditsa.

- What is the name of the place where the river originates?

What is the name of the place where a river flows into another? big river or the sea?

What else does the river have?

That's right, tributaries. The river flows along the bed and it has a right and a left bank. And tributaries are also left and right.

How do we know this?

You need to face the flow of the river, then on the right there will be the right bank and right tributaries, and on the left - the left bank and left tributaries.

  1. Phys. just a minute.
We'll take a little rest

Let's stand up, take a deep breath,

Hands to the sides, forward.

We're on the beach

The sun is burning.

Let's quickly run into the river,

Let's dive in and swim.

Oh, what grace!

But you also need to know when to stop.

Let's quickly run to class,

We'll listen to the story there.

  1. Continue studying a new topic.
- What was the role of the reservoir in our physical education? a minute? What did we do?

We were resting, which means that the reservoir is a place for people to rest.

What else do you know about the importance of reservoirs?

People take water from reservoirs for drinking and cooking. A pond is a home for plants and animals. Water is taken from reservoirs for economic needs. Cargo is transported by water. Plants and factories take water for operation.

The importance of reservoirs is very great, because without water neither man, nor plants, nor animals can exist. Do we always behave correctly near a body of water?

Read about this in the textbook on pages 155 – 156. – How should adults and children protect water bodies?

Currently, plants and factories are building treatment facilities where the water used in production is purified and used again. We know that water is a solvent; various substances dissolve in it, therefore the use of fertilizers and pesticides in agriculture V large quantities also dangerous for bodies of water. With melt water and rain poisons can enter the reservoir, which is dangerous for all living things.

VI. Consolidation of what has been learned.

Drawing up a memo “Rules of conduct near a reservoir”


    Don't throw trash into the water.

  1. Don't leave trash on the shore.

  2. Not my bike and others vehicles in reservoirs.

  3. Should not enter water bodies wastewater plants, factories, fertilizers and pesticides.

  4. Be careful when swimming.

  1. Lesson summary. Ratings.
- What bodies of water do we know?

What two groups are reservoirs divided into?

What is the significance of bodies of water in nature?

How should we protect water bodies?
With. 1

Goal: Create conditions for familiarization with various types reservoirs of the native land.


  • repeat parts of the river;
  • learn to distinguish bodies of water;
  • introduce you to the diversity of reservoirs in your native land;


  • develop cognitive activity;
  • promote development logical thinking, speech, imagination
  • develop the ability to analyze, compare, highlight the main thing, generalize, draw conclusions


  • bring up ecological culture behavior in nature;
  • to cultivate a sense of belonging to the small Motherland through studying the nature of the native land.

Equipment: cards with guesses, threads of blue and of blue color, presentation “Reservoirs of the native land”, drawings of water droplets, sheets of paper, colored pencils.

Universal learning activities:

Personal: understand the importance of following the rules of behavior in nature, gaining a feeling of love for nature and native land.

Regulatory: take initiative in setting new tasks, offering your own solutions.


  • General education
: realize educational-cognitive, educational-practical tasks, search for information, own observations objects of nature.
  • brain teaser
  • : process the information received, compare and group facts, determine the causes of events.

    Communicative: enter into educational cooperation with the teacher and classmates, carry out joint activities in small and large groups.

    During the classes

    1. Organizational moment.

    - Hello guys. I'm glad to see you! Let's give each other a good mood! I will smile at you, you will smile at me! Let's try to maintain our mood until the end of the lesson!

    2. Activation of mental activity.

    Today we will study our region.
    Draw conclusions and reason.
    And so that the lesson benefits everyone,
    Get back to work, my friend!
    Everyone has something new to learn.
    Tell your friends about it later.

    And we start with a warm-up.

    – There is water all around, but is there a problem with drinking? ( Sea.)

    - Not water and not land - you can’t sail away on a boat and you can’t get away with your feet. ( Swamp.)

    - It flows, it flows, it won’t flow,
    He runs, he runs, but he won’t run out. ( River.)

    Worth a trough
    It's full of water. ( Lake or pond.)

    In the summer heat, he will treat you to ice water. ( Spring.)

    - Which common name we can give our guesses. ( These are bodies of water.)

    – What is a body of water? ( Large depression filled with water.)

    – Which body of water would be superfluous in this group:

    River, swamp, sea, pond, lake, spring. ( Sea - salt water.)

    – Who thinks differently? ( A pond is an artificial body of water.)

    – What is the significance of bodies of water in nature? ( Reservoirs provide water for drinking and irrigation, feed us fish, give us electricity, medicine, and a place to rest. All living things need water.)

    - Well done! And we continue our journey.

    3. Goal setting.

    - Guys, do you know what reservoirs there are in our village of Semyany? ( The village has ponds and a river.)

    – What learning task will we set for ourselves in class today? ( We need to find out what other bodies of water there are in Semyany, as they are called.)

    (Annex 1, Slide 1)

    4. New material.

    1) spring.

    - Guys, where can I get the cleanest and cold water? (We can get the cleanest and coldest water from a spring). Slide 2

    - The spring will give us clean water, and water is source life on Earth. That’s why springs are also called –…… ( Springs are also called springs.)

    – We have a spring in Semyany, which is called the Holy. Why do you think? Slide 3.(It's next to the church.)

    – The water in it is not only clean, but also holy. it is believed to flow under the church.

    - There is not enough space for the spring. Slide 4.And it turns into a trickle. As more streams join together, the stream becomes wider and deeper. This is how a stream forms a river. The beginning of the river is called….. ( source).

    Game "Strings".

    Children take strings, these are streams. When they come together, a river is formed. The connection point is the source.

    What river flows in our village? Slide 5(A small river flows in the village of Semyanka - Semyanka.)

    - Why was she called that?

    (Students express their assumptions: this is the name of our village. 7 families lived, the village stands on seven pits, etc.)

    – The word “Semyana” consists of two independent components, which is translated from the ancient Mari language: “yana” - river, “Sem” - black. The settlement on the river began to be called Semyanka, and the river itself was called Semyanka.

    The river itself is small. The length is about 20 kilometers, it has one left tributary, Malaya Semyanka (Evlashka).

    Previously (about 30 years ago) there was a lot of fish in Semyanka, women went to the river to rinse clothes. And along the banks there were many wells. Every year the river shallows and becomes like a small stream.

    What body of water does Semyanka flow into? (Sura River). Slide 6.

    And the Sura River already flows into the river... Slide 7

    – What is the name of the place where a river flows into another body of water?

    (The place where it flows is called the mouth.)

    3). Physical education minute.

    "River worried..."

    The river is agitated once,
    The river is agitated two,
    The river is agitated three,
    river figure
    Freeze in place.

    - Man has always settled near water. Why? ( Water is the source of life, it is needed for farming, drinking, and provides food.)

    – And if there is not enough water, he learned to create reservoirs. We call reservoirs that man created... ( artificial).

    – What artificial reservoirs are there in our village? ( Ponds). Slide 8

    – What ponds in our village do you know?

    Guess game

    - I will show the pond, and you must name it. Slide 9-12

    Historical reference.

    Arshinov Pond - was named after the nickname of a man who lived next to the pond. Arshin is a measure of length equal to 71 cm.

    Most ponds are named after their location: Chechulinsky, Shkolnye, Lopatinsky, Ryabinki, Meleshny, First and Second Fir Trees, Guzninsky.

    How many ponds can you find in the vicinity of our village? (16)

    5) Anxiety.

    – We love to relax on ponds, but... Slide 13

    – Name the causes of water pollution. ( Household pollution: garbage after people rest, washing cars near water bodies.)

    - In the old days, ponds were cleaned. To do this, dams were broken, water was released, the bottom was cleared of dirt and silt, and springs were freed. The dam was then covered with earth, and fresh spring water quickly filled the depression.

    In many ponds, the springs are clogged, the ponds are overgrown with algae and grass, and become swamps. Slide 14

    – What do we call swamps? ( A swamp is a waterlogged area of ​​land.)

    5. Consolidation.

    The class is divided into two groups.

    General task for groups:

    draw a diagram of a river or pond. Name the similarities and differences between these bodies of water.

    1st group. Reveal the importance of local bodies of water for humans and animals. (drawing)

    2nd group. Make a memo “Rules of human behavior near water” (picture).

    6. Lesson summary.

    – What bodies of water are there in our village? ( Ponds, swamps, river, springs.)

    – What groups can they be divided into? ( Natural, artificial.)

    – Finish the sentence: “By exploring, getting to know rivers and ponds, a person learns about nature and becomes...” ( Smarter, kinder, more cultured, more thrifty, etc.)

    Teacher: Well done! You worked very well today!

    7. Homework.

    Homework is creative: draw pictures or bring photographs on the topic “Reservoirs of your native land.”

    8. Reflection.

    Students receive a drawn drop of water.
    If it was interesting, the droplet smiles.
    It was not interesting, boring - a little sad.

    Lesson notes

    "Reservoirs of the native land"

    Teacher primary classes

    MAOU secondary school No. 37 Chernysheva N.Yu.


    - To form students’ ideas about the surface and water bodies of their native land. Learn to work with a map. To introduce the importance of reservoirs in nature and human life and their protection.

    To develop students’ cognitive interest, observation, ability to analyze and draw conclusions, and reason. To develop students’ speech and mental processes: memory, attention, thinking, perception.

    Cultivate love for your native land.


    globe, «Physical map Chelyabinsk region", children's drawings

    “The surface of the native land”, photographs “Shapes of the earth’s surface of the native land”, “ Animal world caves”, “Drop”, riddles about reservoirs, cards: reservoirs, natural, artificial, river, sea, ocean, pond, lake, stream, spring, swamp, canal, reservoir; blue chips, “Rivers of our region”, contour maps for each student, DVD “River Flood in 2014”, slides “Rivers of the Chelyabinsk Region”, pens, colored pencils (red, blue), “Administrative map of the Chelyabinsk region”.

    1. P.K. Mezentsev. " Mysterious world titles", Chelyabinsk, 1998.

    2. E.V.Grigorieva. "Nature Southern Urals", Chelyabinsk, 2002.

    During the classes

    I. Class organization.

    Eye exercise: look up, down, right, left, straight.

    II. State the topic and purpose of the lesson.

    Today we will continue our acquaintance with the nature of our native land.

    Slide 1. “Our land”

    III. Testing knowledge and skills.

    (Working with a globe)

    What is the name of our planet?

    What continent do we live on?

    What country do we live in?

    What is the name of the capital of our state?

    What region do we live in?

    Where is the Southern Urals located?

    Where are the Ural Mountains located? (between the East European hilly and West Siberian flat plains)

    (Working with the “Administrative map of the Chelyabinsk region”)

    What area do we live in?

    What city is it located in? regional center?

    Where is the city of Chelyabinsk located on the map of the region? (northeast)

    How many kilometers does the Chelyabinsk region stretch from north to south? (490 km)

    From west to east? (400 km)

    What area does the Chelyabinsk region occupy? (88,000 sq. km)

    What is the total length of the region's boundaries? (2850 km)

    What other regions, countries and republics does the Chelyabinsk region border with? (in the north - Sverdlovsk region, in the northeast - Kurgan region, in the southeast - Kazakhstan, in the southwest - Orenburg region, in the west - the Republic of Bashkortostan)

    What is the shape of the Chelyabinsk region like? (on the cross)

    Where is our hometown?

    (Working with the “Physical map of the Chelyabinsk region”)

    In which natural area is Chelyabinsk region located? ( forest zone)

    What type of forest is in the Chelyabinsk region? ( mixed forests)

    Why do you think so?

    In which thermal zone lies the Chelyabinsk region? (moderate)

    What is characteristic of this belt?

    What is the shape of the earth's surface in the Chelyabinsk region? (in the east - the West Siberian flat plain, in the center - the Trans-Ural hilly plain, in the west - the mountains of the Southern and Middle Urals)

    What is the shape of the earth's surface in our area?

    These are mountains different heights with steep and gentle slopes. The Ural Mountains are called stone belt Russia. Our mountains are very old.

    Exhibition of children's drawings

    In your drawings you depicted what the surface of our region looks like.

    What did you draw? (mountains, rocks, caves)

    Exhibition of photographs “Shapes of the earth’s surface of our native land” taken by a student in our class.

    Conversation about the protection of the land surface of the region.

    - We are talking about the need to protect plants and animals. What about the edge surface? Is she in any danger? How to protect the surface? (children's answers)

    What is a ravine? How are ravines formed? How to deal with them?

    What is a waste heap? How is it formed? How is it harmful? How should we fight it? Talk about careers.

    Conversation about “cave paradise”

    - Slopes Ural mountains composed mainly of limestone, which is easily washed away by water, forming craters, deep gorges, and underground caves. There are more than 200 caves in the Chelyabinsk region. The Ashinsky district is called “cave paradise”. Why do you think? It has 45 caves. Almost at every step there are caves on the Sim River.

    Do caves need to be protected?

    Caves must also be protected! These are also natural monuments.

    IV. Learning new material.

    Slide "In the caves"

    The caves are dark, cold, and there is water everywhere. It seems that you are in an enchanted castle. It is interesting to look at the bizarre figures, similar to fairy-tale monsters, to admire the crystal tubes of stalactites (a stone icicle, and under it a column - a stalagmite). But all this underground beauty was created by small droplets of water. Like this one.

    Slide "Drop"

    Look at the globe, at the map. Tell me, what color is the water on them? Let's spin the globe. What color is our planet now? Why? There is a lot of water on Earth; 2/3 of the earth's surface is occupied by water. Astronauts lovingly call the Earth " Blue planet».

    Where is the water? (in reservoirs)

    Riddles about reservoirs:

    Guess which bodies of water we are talking about.

    1) Shakes a little in the breeze

    Ribbon in the open

    Narrow tip in the spring,

    And wide - into the sea. (River)

    2) There is water all around, but drinking is a problem. (Sea)

    3) Everyone goes around this place:

    Here the earth is like dough,

    There are sedges, hummocks, mosses...

    No leg support. (Swamp)

    4) In blue shirts

    They run along the bottom of the ravine. (Streams)

    5) Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Arctic - this is... (Oceans)

    What other bodies of water do you know?

    1. Game. (Working with cards)

    What 2 groups can all bodies of water be divided into according to their origin?

    Purpose of the work: Distribute cards with the names of reservoirs according to their origin. Children take turns running to the board and attaching cards.)



    river pond

    lake channel

    stream reservoir





    Which artificial reservoirs is there in our area?

    What natural bodies of water are there in our area?

    Work on the “Physical map of the Chelyabinsk region”

    There are many reservoirs in our area, but today we will study the main natural reservoir, which is located in our city.

    Slide "River Ai"

    On the bank of which river is our city located? Do you know where it comes from and where it flows? (one student comes out and tries to show the Ai River)

    How should rivers be shown on a map? (from source to mouth)

    Rivers have tributaries. Name and show left and right tributaries.

    How to identify them?

    Conclusion:River Ay beret Start from the Klyukvennoe swamp, located at the junctionUrenga and Avalyak ridges of the Southern Urals, 2 km southwest ofcordon South and 70 km south-west of the city of Zlatoust.

    Practical work according to contour maps of the Chelyabinsk region.

    Slide “Physical and contour maps of the Chelyabinsk region”

    (Children have outline cards and colored pencils: red and blue).

    Target: We will examine local rivers and plot them on contour maps.

    1). Let's outline the outline of our area with a red pencil.

    2). Let us denote the large populated areas of the region - cities

    3). Let's mark the Ai River on the map.

    Where does it begin, its source?

    Where does it flow?

    4). What other rivers flow in our area?

    They flow into the Ai River, these are its tributaries. Let's mark them on the map.

    5). What other rivers do you know?

    Support card:Rivers in our area

    6). Self-test (check with slide)

    What rivers flow into the Ai River? Mark them on the card with chips.

    Physical education minute.

    Along the path, along the path

    We jump on the right leg.

    And along the same path

    We jump on our left leg.

    Let's run along the path,

    We'll run to the lawn.

    On the lawn, on the lawn

    We'll jump like bunnies.

    Stop. Let's rest a little.

    And we'll walk home.

    Conversation about the Ai River.

    All rivers flowing through our region originate in the mountains from underground springs. That's why the water in them is cold.

    What is the current of our Ai River?

    How the river changes in different times of the year?

    Slides and DVD "River Flood 2014".

    Let's repeat the safety rules on the river.

    V. Working in a notebook

    Independent work №1.

    Target. Find out the importance of bodies of water.

    Conclusion: What is the significance of the Ai River for us?

    How do people use it?

    Conversation about the protection of water bodies.

    We live in the green kingdom of mountains, forests and fast rivers. If you look at the map of the Chelyabinsk region, it seems that we have quite enough water. In fact, the region's water reserves are small. In addition, industrial pollution causes water to become undrinkable if not treated. Many rivers of the Chelyabinsk region are subject to severe pollution: the Ural, Miass, Ai, Techa. In addition, the Techa River is contaminated radioactive waste. IN major cities– Chelyabinsk, Miass, Zlatoust and others populated areas water often arrives on schedule, rural areas drinking water transported in tanks. We must save water!

    Independent work No. 2.

    Target. Find out how to protect water bodies.

    Work in a notebook.

    (Goal: Indicate with arrows what ends up in bodies of water.)

    Peer review.

    Conclusion. Which ecological problems and what should be done to avoid them? (Do not cut down trees near water bodies, clear springs and streams, fight poaching, conserve drinking water.)

    Physical education minute.

    In the morning the dragonfly woke up,

    She stretched and smiled.

    Once she washed herself with dew,

    Two - she spun gracefully,

    Three - bent down and sat down,

    At four, it flew.

    Stopped by the river

    Spun over the water.

    VI. Consolidation of what has been learned.

    1. Game “Who can remember more and faster!”

    Rules of conduct near bodies of water.

    (Work in pairs)

    Check: Slide “Signs”

    The teacher shows signs on the slide, and the children say that they represent and mark the named sign on their pieces of paper)

    What other rules of conduct near bodies of water do you know?

    2. View slides “Reservoirs of our region.”

    Target. Make sentences about your native land.

    VII. Lesson summary.


    “Get to know your country, your land..., your little town or little river! Even if they are small, the great grows from the small! (Academician A. Fersman).

    I really hope that when you grow up, you will try to do everything to make our native land even more beautiful, and there would be no such places that will cause pain and resentment in the soul. You can be the master of your land only if you know your land well and treat its nature with care.

    1). P.K. Mezentsev. “The Mysterious World of Names” - toponymic dictionary.

    2). E.V. Grigorieva. "Nature of the Southern Urals".

    IX. Homework instruction.

    Reading additional literature about the reservoirs of our region

    Make a model from plasticine “The importance of reservoirs in nature and people’s lives.”

    X. Grades for work in class.

    XI. Reserve.


      List the bodies of water in our region.

      What is the name of the river on which our city is located?

      Tell us about it according to plan:

    Where is the source of the river?

    What is its current: fast or slow?

    Cool or gentle banks has a river?

    Does the river have tributaries? Which?

    Which river does it flow into?

    Where is the mouth of the river?

    When is ice cover and drift observed on the river?

    What is the importance of a river in the life of plants and animals?

    How do people use water from our river?

    How should people protect the reservoir?

    Various bodies of water are often found on the surface of the earth: springs, streams, rivers, lakes, seas, oceans. Spring: after rain and melted snow, the water goes into the ground, but when it encounters clay on its way it stops. Then the water comes to the surface of the earth. Therefore, such an outlet of water from underground is called a source or spring. People treat sources with care. At such springs a tired traveler or tourist will quench his thirst and find coolness and shade. All springs in our country are strictly protected. And yet there are careless people who throw garbage into springs. You cannot drink water from such a source. Spring: after rain and melted snow, the water goes into the ground, but when it encounters clay on its way it stops. Then the water comes to the surface of the earth. Therefore, such an outlet of water from underground is called a source or spring. People treat sources with care. At such springs a tired traveler or tourist will quench his thirst and find coolness and shade. All springs in our country are strictly protected. And yet there are careless people who throw garbage into springs. You cannot drink water from such a source.

    ROOK The water in the spring is constantly flowing. It cannot remain in place for a long time and flows down in some direction. A stream is formed that merges with other streams. And now a big stream is flowing. There is constant flow of water in the spring. It cannot remain in place for a long time and flows down in some direction. A stream is formed that merges with other streams. And now a big stream is flowing.

    RIVER Other streams flow into the big stream. This is how rivers are formed. Rivers have great importance In human life. Water is taken from rivers for drinking and irrigation. The rivers are rich in fish. Our rivers are very beautiful. No other country in the world has as many rivers as ours. Among them are many of the largest in the world. These are: the beautiful Volga, the quiet Don, the mighty Ob, Yenisei, Lena, Amur. Other streams flow into the big stream. This is how rivers are formed. Rivers are of great importance in human life. Water is taken from rivers for drinking and irrigation. The rivers are rich in fish. Our rivers are very beautiful. No other country in the world has as many rivers as ours. Among them are many of the largest in the world. These are: the beautiful Volga, the quiet Don, the mighty Ob, Yenisei, Lena, Amur.

    O L E R O Lakes are round, oblong, and winding in shape. You can drive around the lake or walk around it along the shore. And then you can get to the other side of the pond. Lakes vary in size. U large lakes from one shore you cannot see the other, but the small lake can be seen completely. Most lakes are extremely beautiful. They are called " blue eyes Earth." Lakes are round, oblong, and winding in shape. You can drive around the lake or walk around it along the shore. And then you can get to the other side of the pond. Lakes vary in size. In large lakes it is impossible to see the other from one shore, but a small lake can be seen completely. Most lakes are extremely beautiful. They are called the “blue eyes of the Earth.”

    SEA Seas are shaped like lakes. But even the smallest seas are larger than lakes. The seas are connected to the ocean. Lakes are not connected to the ocean. The water in the seas is salty. Seas, like lakes and rivers, are widely used by humans. They are used for fishing and are used by cargo ships and passenger ships. Seas and lakes, their shores - wonderful places for relax. Like rivers, they decorate our land. Seas are shaped like lakes. But even the smallest seas are larger than lakes. The seas are connected to the ocean. Lakes are not connected to the ocean. The water in the seas is salty. Seas, like lakes and rivers, are widely used by humans. They are used for fishing and are used by cargo ships and passenger ships. Seas and lakes and their shores are wonderful places to relax. Like rivers, they decorate our land.

    O C H R A N A V O D O Y M O V In our country, big job for the protection of water bodies. It is prohibited to cut down forest along their banks. You cannot throw garbage into water bodies or leave it on the shore. Water inspectors constantly monitor the cleanliness of water in reservoirs. To protect fish and waterfowl, hunting and fishing periods are strictly limited. A lot of work is being done in our country to protect water bodies. It is prohibited to cut down forest along their banks. You cannot throw garbage into water bodies or leave it on the shore. Water inspectors constantly monitor the cleanliness of water in reservoirs. To protect fish and waterfowl, hunting and fishing periods are strictly limited.