Most best time for tourist trip to Vietnam is, of course, April, May and October. But not every traveler has the opportunity to visit the country during these months. Some tourists had to visit the country during the rainy season. What is this natural phenomenon?

The rainy season is the period of time during which rain falls a large number precipitation. In Vietnam, this phenomenon changes from 50-degree heat to high humidity, no less difficult to tolerate by visiting tourists than the heat.

The inhabitants of Vietnam have adapted to the rainy season over the thousand-year history of their country. Possible damage from the elements is reduced to a minimum due to irrigation systems and bypass structures built by the local population around the settlements. But despite this, floods during the rainy season are not uncommon.

According to weather conditions, the country is divided into three regions. Regardless rainy season in vietnam any tourist will find the mountain coolness, and the gentle sea, and the bright sun. In the north, the climate is mild and dry in winter, and vice versa in summer. heat and humidity. The central region of the country is characterized by hot weather and humidity. all year round. The south of Vietnam has a climate similar to the northern regions, but with a predominance of higher temperatures.

Vietnam is the only country of its kind located in South-East Asia, which is favorable for trips of tourists with medical contraindications of extreme heat.

North of Vietnam

Winter in the north of the country near Hanoi is quite cool (daytime temperature does not exceed +20 degrees) and is accompanied by heavy rains. In the mountainous provinces of Khao Bang and Lao Cai, from August to February, the weather is cloudy and coldest, with frequent frosts on the ground. As the air temperature rises in mountainous areas, heavy rains begin, which stop only on New Year's Eve. It is not uncommon in these places climatic events like tropical typhoons.

During rainy season in vietnam the Hanoi region receives more than 80 percent of the annual rainfall, and the mountainous regions receive more than twice the amount of precipitation.

Center of Vietnam

For the central regions of the country (Dalat, Nyachang, Da Nang), the rainy season lasts from October to February. AT coastal areas the influence of the ocean is strongest and typhoons are more frequent there. The air temperature is only +25 degrees. The ocean at this time is restless and poses a danger to lovers scuba diving and surfing.

In the mountains of Central Vietnam, the coolest month is January. The rainiest period in this area is September and October. The Truong Son Mountains prevent penetration monsoon rains per territory, therefore, here, in comparison with other regions of the country, there are different terms for the intensity of precipitation.

South of Vietnam

The areas of the South (Phan Thiet, Vung Tau, Ho Chi Minh City) have the highest humidity compared to the rest of the country. At rainy season in the South Vietnam their characteristics. And although it lasts from May to November, the weather at this time is very pleasant due to the absence of the scorching sun. As a rule, strong and short showers (for 10-15 minutes) occur in the afternoon. It is during this period that most of daily allowance precipitation.

Of all the territories belonging to Vietnam, only Phu Quoc has the shortest rainy season. Its length is no more than a month. The increased humidity that accompanies the rainy season is observed only in October. This is due to the proximity of the island to the equator, where the difference in seasons is not as noticeable as in other regions of Vietnam, and average temperature water is +30 degrees C.

Currency of Vietnam

The national currency of Vietnam is called dong. In terms of value, it is one of the smallest currencies in the world. Designate it as VND or đ. Formally, one dong is equal to 10 hao and 100 sous, but such small Vietnamese money is not currently issued. Dong is a non-convertible currency. In 2007, the government of the country developed a plan for the gradual transformation of the dong into a convertible currency and decided to de-dollarize the Vietnamese economy.

Climate of Vietnam

If you are going to visit Vietnam, it is good to know climatic features of this country, otherwise your beach holiday may fail safely. This is especially important if you are going to visit this country during the off-season or plan to visit different climatic zones. In my own way temperature regime The Vietnamese climate is divided into subtropical and tropical. According to the seasonal division, the climate is monsoonal.

Vietnamese cuisine

The geographical location and colonial past had a huge influence on the cuisine of Vietnam, as a result of which the cuisine of this country absorbed the culinary traditions of French, Thai, Chinese, and Indian cuisine. At the same time, Vietnamese cuisine has retained its originality: it is not customary for the Vietnamese to succumb to dishes with significant heat treatment, and food, mainly with a small amount of fat (which makes it quite nutritious and healthy).

As is typical for most countries in the region, summer heavy rains in Vietnam are regular. Inhabitant of the temperate climate zone it is difficult to imagine what a tropical downpour is - a stream of water often pours from the sky like a bucket, often accompanied by thunderstorms and destructive hurricanes. The weather in the resorts of Vietnam can change several times a day - a clear sky, which, it would seem, until recently there was not a cloud, is suddenly covered by gloomy rain clouds, which are taken to squeeze out moisture with tropical intensity.

If you look at the map, it is striking that Vietnam is stretched from north to south for several hundred kilometers. This feature contributes to climatic conditions the north is somewhat different from the south. There are no cardinal differences, but, nevertheless, it is worth analyzing the weather in summer season rainfall in the south and north separately.

Rainy season in the north

The entire territory of Vietnam is characterized by the dominant influence of the summer monsoons - winds that blow on land from the sea, bringing an abundance of moisture. The number of rainy days gradually begins to increase around mid-April, but until mid-May they do not cause inconvenience to tourists. And from the second half of May, the elements fully come into their own, reaching a peak in August, when an average of at least 310 millimeters falls per month. The weather slowly changes and the rains are very heavy until the very end of October. In total, 1300 millimeters of precipitation falls from May to October (annual norm is 1650 millimeters).

The air temperature throughout the rainy season in Vietnam and its northern part is tropically hot. In May, the air warms up to 27 degrees on average, and in October to 25.5 degrees. The two hottest months are June and July, when the average temperature almost reaches 30 degrees, regularly rising up to 35 and even 40. But given the proximity high mountains in China, occasionally cold snaps occur - at night the air cools down to 10-15 degrees.

Rainy season in the south

The southern regions of Vietnam are a "wet" zone in every sense. Here great amount rivers, flourish rainforests so beloved by northern tourists. The rainy season is somewhat more pronounced than in the north of Vietnam. It starts abruptly and ends just as abruptly. If even in April precipitation is rare enough and does not cause any inconvenience, then storms come in May, the rains stubbornly intensify until the end of September, after which the decline begins until the rainy season ends in November. Most wet month in the south of Vietnam - September, when up to 330 millimeters of precipitation falls. In total, from May to October it gives out up to 1700 millimeters - a little more than in the north.

Temperatures are almost the same as in the north. The only thing is that there are no cold snaps at all, and the most hot month not summer at all, but spring - the average temperature in April is more than thirty degrees.

rainy season local residents in Vietnam you will not be surprised, but for tourists it can bring a lot of trouble. Therefore, the peak of the season in this South Asian country falls on the winter.

Rarely there are tourists for whom there is no concept " bad weather". Of course, a hurricane-force wind accompanied by a downpour has its own charm. Especially if it happens in such an extraordinary country as Vietnam. The nature in these parts is so beautiful that the raging sea and palm trees bending to the ground only add to its charm. And if not strong wind- you can even walk ankle-deep in flooded streets, experiencing new, somewhere even romantic, sensations.

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But, a good part of travelers come here for a bronze tan. For this, the presence of a bright sun and a sufficiently high air temperature is important. Therefore, when planning a vacation, it is worth considering the climatic features of the region. Geographic location divides Vietnam into three main zones, in which seasonal features are not distributed equally. Based on this, the country receives vacationers at its resorts all year round, receiving everything they need, whether it is exciting excursions, sports, enjoyment natural beauties, the bliss of wonderful beaches. For all this, you just need to choose your place and time.

Nha Trang, Vung Tau, Mui Ne, Saigon, Dalat, Phan Thiet, Con Dao and Phu Quoc islands are in the south. The rainy season comes here from May to November. Just do not think that the rest here at this time will be overshadowed. Rather, on the contrary: night and very short-term (15-30 minutes) daytime rain in the afternoon slightly cools the air (up to 27-30 ° C). Such a comfortable temperature for hiking will be very useful for lovers of sightseeing. Moreover, they are offered at big discounts, and everything else is almost four times cheaper. Sales of various souvenirs and exotic fruits please with their variety and price. The only trouble is mosquito bites, which multiply at an incredible rate when high humidity. But if there are anti-mosquito products available, this problem can be ignored.

Rainy season in the central part

In the central part: Da Nang, Hue, Hoi An, Da Lat, the rainy season starts in October. January and February are considered the most formidable, when showers lasting several hours are accompanied by violent winds, and huge waves on the sea, which nevertheless remains quite warm. Since May, dry and hot weather favorable for beachgoers.

Rainy season in northern Vietnam

Cool air currents from China enter the northern regions from November to April. Therefore, it is not only rainy here, but also cold (up to + 8 ° C at night). So, when planning a vacation in the resort cities of Hanoi, Ha Long, Sapa, you should consider weather.

A unique country is Vietnam, here you can move to another place, hiding from the rainy season. And continue to bask in the sun, swimming in gentle waters hospitable resorts. The possibility of solitude against the backdrop of amazing landscapes, inexpensive shopping, trips to architectural and natural monuments, original National cuisine and emerging sports entertainment attract all large quantity visitors. Travel business is just beginning to develop here, but has already acquired a worthy reputation. The expressive representatives of the local population, who have only recently endured a terrible war, do not leave anyone indifferent, they delight with their steadfastness of character and touching friendliness. The conditions of their life amaze with the pace of development, the cleanliness and accuracy of life surprises.

No weather can spoil the pleasant experience of staying in this unique and colorful country. You just need to choose the right place and time of year to travel.

What can you buy in Vietnam? - Details in our article.

Holidays in Vietnam are possible throughout the year, because the climate here is conducive to relaxation and serene pastime. Even the rainy seasons, without which not a single year is complete in Vietnam, can be used for family holidays. Vietnam because of geographical location divided into three vast areas, each of which at the same time of the day can be dominated by different weather.

The rainy season in Vietnam in Nha Trang occurs in certain months of the year, so tourists planning to relax in Vietnam are advised to carefully study the climate of a particular region of the country before purchasing plane tickets.

The rainy season in Vietnam: is it worth going on vacation?

No one would like to fly a huge distance to Vietnam and get into the rainy season, when tourists are somewhat limited in their desires and possibilities. However, despite the fact that showers in Nha Trang happen often, sometimes turning into a storm of rain and strong winds, the air and water have time to warm up perfectly and are easily suitable for swimming and activities. water sports sports.

Vietnam rainy season is coming different time for different regions countries. This is very convenient for travelers who can come to Vietnam at any time of the year, only choosing the most favorable climatic and weather conditions for themselves. The country is divided into Southern, Northern and Central regions.

Southern region of Vietnam: rainy season

The southern region of the country is made up of such famous resort cities as Dalat, Nha Trang, Mui Ne, Ho Chi Minh City, about. Phu Quoc, Phan Thiet, Vung Tau. Precipitation in these cities begins to fall in May and ends closer to. However, do not think that the rainy season here is endless downpours, thunderstorms and squally winds, which make it impossible to appear on the street and walk along the sea coast.

In Vietnam, the rainy season has nothing to do with many hours of heavy rain washing away everything in its path. The rains here are short-lived and last quite a short time, interspersed with the solstice and turquoise skies. Rains in Nha Trang, just like in other regions of the country, last about 15 minutes, then there is a lull, the sun comes out.

Of course, when cloudy weather sets in, the air temperature drops slightly, and it becomes noticeably cooler outside. Trees, shrubs and herbs, having received a small sip of water, straighten their petals washed with drops of water and begin to smell marvelously fragrant. The aroma also spreads from ripe fruits and berries that ask to be put into the mouth.

Central region of the country: rainy season

When in Vietnam the rainy season in the southern part of the country dominates with might and main and sets the rhythm for vacationers, in the central region, on the contrary, dry reigns, sunny weather. Hoi An, Hue, Da Nang resort towns meet with rainy season mostly in December. and until the very end of September there is dry, hot weather, with warm, warmed up to 27 ° C air and no less warm sea ​​water. It is here that tourists who want to get a bronze tan and experience all the power and ruthlessness of the Vietnamese sun on their own bodies are recommended to come.

In Vietnam, in Nha Trang, the rainy season brings with it winds that lift the sea big waves. Swimming at this time is not recommended, diving will also be inconvenient. The ocean becomes restless from about mid-December and calms down towards the end of February. AT autumn months in October and November central part Vietnam can be hit by powerful typhoons, bringing heavy rainfall and scaring vacationers with a roar of water pouring onto the ground.

Northern Vietnam: rainy season

In Nha Trang, the rainy season is more noticeable and strong than in the central and northern regions. In the north, dry, sunny weather prevails, lasting from the beginning of May until the very middle of autumn. And with the onset of the winter season - December - in the northern part of the country cool, cloudy and rainy weather. At this time, it is best to drink hot tea in the room, wrapped in a thin blanket.

In Vietnam, the monthly weather of the rainy season in the north of the country is divided into dry and rainy periods. So, April here is characterized by sufficient humidity, at this time the air temperature reaches 20 ° C during the daytime and about 10 ° C at night. Most cold month a year in the northern region of Vietnam - January.

Rainy season: rest or rejection?

Most tourists prefer to travel to Vietnam during the warm, dry months. This time is great for:

  • excursion walks;
  • city ​​sightseeing;
  • beach holiday;
  • water sports;
  • riding scooters;
  • diving;
  • bathing in warm sea water;
  • going to massage and spa treatments;
  • gatherings in cozy summer cafes under open sky etc.

Monthly rainy season in Nha Trang should not frighten travelers who have decided to properly take a break from the bustle of the city away from their home and service. Having a short-term character, the rains do not in the least interfere with a pleasant pastime, as they spill onto the ground mainly in the afternoon, namely in the evening, when many have already left the beach.

In the central region beach season starts in May and ends closer to. Throughout this time, the beaches and hotels of Nha Trang are clogged with tourists who have come from all over the world with different purposes: someone wants to get to know Vietnam better, learn its traditions, ancient customs, other tourists come here for a beautiful tan, others strive to taste the incomparable Vietnamese cuisine, famous all over the world for its exotic dishes.

If suddenly you are going to Vietnam in June, then check out the article:.

From September to December favorable conditions issued for those tourists who prefer passive recreation - active sports. Riding scooters, diving and surfing are just a few of the activities that stir the blood of travelers and leave indelible impressions in their heads.

One of the main horror stories of tour operators regarding Vietnam is the rainy season. Like, Vietnam is turning into one big Venice, everyone is swimming around on bikes, typhoons, hurricanes, earthquakes and alien invasion.

In short, it is impossible to rest in this very season. Others, on the contrary, promise a fine rain, which only refreshes and generally contributes to the formation of lightness throughout the body, improves eyesight and virility. As always, the truth is somewhere in the middle. Therefore, let's see what is remarkable about the rainy season in Vietnam, when it comes and what a tourist can expect from him. You can read more about the weather in this beautiful country in general here.

When the rainy season comes

Let's start with when the rainy season in Vietnam starts. The fact is that the climate of Vietnam is far from uniform. In the same season, the weather in the northern and southern parts of the country can be drastically different. Since our site is mainly devoted to recreation in Nha Trang, let's look at when the rainy season comes to this particular city. If we consider the rainy season in Vietnam by months, then in Nha Trang it actually begins in November. Of course, it also rains in October. But it is November, December and January that can be called the rainiest months of the year. During this period, you can expect up to 15 rainy days per month. In February, the sun begins to come out more and more often, the waves slowly calm down and the sea becomes quite suitable for swimming: it is cleaner and calmer. Even the central city beach, which is noticeably washed out by the waves during the rainy season. If you want to come during this period and still soak up the warm sand, we recommend that you go to Mui Ne or Phu Quoc for a day or two. After all, when it rains in Nha Trang, the sun shines at these neighboring resorts.

Local rains are noticeably different from those in our latitudes.

Features of the rainy season in Nha Trang

Surprisingly, the rainy season in Vietnam is different. In particular, in Nha Trang it is noticeably different from the same Saigon or Hanoi. Firstly, here it is not as severe as in most other regions. In Nha Trang, you will not find people floating around the streets, flooded houses and cars everywhere. Of course, there are a couple of places in the city that are in the lowlands. However, storm systems work perfectly and the water does not stagnate for a long time. On most main streets, you will not find puddles even during a heavy downpour. Secondly, it doesn't rain for a week in a row. It can be a couple of rainy hours when it pours like a bucket. Just unexpectedly, a wall of water comes into the city and just as suddenly leaves. It happens to be insignificant it's raining day or two with short breaks. But in general, when the rainy season begins in Vietnam, you will not have to constantly get wet and there will be respite.

Something similar can only be seen in the Big C supermarket area.

Another feature of the rainy season is the wind and waves. During this period, quite impressive waves rise in the Nha Trang sea. On a city beach, for example, they can be three meters high. Of course, such a phenomenon can not be observed every day. But on average, the waves are such that swimming with small children is not worth it. Although, you can always go to Paragon Beach. Just 10 minutes from the city center and you are on a small private beach with a concrete breakwater. Here, in any season, calm water, so it is very comfortable with children. Therefore, there is essentially no such thing as a holiday season in Vietnam. Here, rather, several seasons for different type recreation. The rainy season, for example, is not suitable for the beach, but is great for outdoor activities.

The rainy season in Nha Trang will appeal to surfers


A few words should be said about this particular climate of Vietnam. Yes, indeed, sometimes typhoons come to Vietnam from the Philippines. However, most of them are rather weak and go more often to the north of Vietnam. The typhoon, if it gets to Nha Trang, is “weakened”. At the same time, any more or less significant becomes public knowledge in advance. So that the only way to suffer at least somehow from it is to walk down the street at the moment when they announced all over the city a storm warning and everyone sits at home / hotels. The last significant typhoon was in Nha Trang in 2017. And that one of two is enough serious disasters over the last 100 years. So there is nothing to be afraid of. Nonetheless, best season for a holiday in Vietnam, to exclude the possibility of a typhoon - this is spring and summer.

This is what the streets of Nha Trang looked like after one of the most destructive typhoons of the last 100 years. As you can see - nothing terrible, the city was ready

Getting ready for the rainy season

Finally, we will give you a couple of tips on how to have a good time in Nha Trang during the rainy season. The first thing you should understand is that Vietnam is very diverse. It's not just the beach, rum and seafood. This country has magnificent nature, which you can admire during the rainy season. After all, instead of sitting in your room and watching the rain, you can go on one of the hundreds of excursions. Believe me, even in the rain you can visit the mass cool places near Nha Trang. It is not necessary to wait until the season in Vietnam reaches its peak and millions of tourists from all over the world travel. After all, it is much more pleasant to visit certain sights when there are not thousands of noisy Chinese people there. Do you agree?

If you still want to swim, you can always go to one of the spa complexes. For example, in the same I-RESORT for only 120,000 dong (price of August 2018) you get a full day pass to hot and cold mineral pools, waterfalls and just a great place to relax. Even in the rain it's pretty good.

In a place like this you will have a great time even in the rain

Separately, a few words should be said about driving a bike. The rainy season in Vietnam is far from the best time to get behind the wheel of a two-wheeler. Traffic here is quite difficult for an unaccustomed driver, and in the rain it all only becomes more complicated. But, if this does not scare you, stock up on 2 things: a thick raincoat and transparent glasses (or a helmet with a visor). Otherwise, riding a bike in the rain in Nha Trang will be inconvenient and even dangerous. Speaking of raincoats. In Nha Trang, thin transparent raincoats are sold on every corner. They cost an average of 10,000 dong. But we do not recommend buying them. The fact is that this is a one-time nonsense that is constantly torn and does not really cover from the rain. We recommend buying a long, dense raincoat for 70-90 thousand VND. First, it perfectly protects from a rain. Secondly, it is not blown (and this is very important, believe me). Thirdly, such a raincoat will last you the whole rest, and then you will also take it home with you.

As you can see, se rain zones in Nha Trang are not so terrible. Yes, it is not very suitable for a beach holiday, but you can still have a great time: excursions, Beautiful places, SPA complexes - this and much more is waiting for you.