Even in ancient times, our Slavic ancestors noticed: there is a close relationship between atmospheric phenomena and living nature. Thanks to this, plants, animals and insects often warn by their behavior of the onset of cold weather or the approach of warm weather. The people passed on their invaluable experience of many years of observation in signs, sayings and proverbs.

Do you want to feel like the great Nostradamus, and maybe even demonstrate your gift of weather prediction to your friends? Then quickly read folk signs about spring from Pustunchik and make accurate synoptic forecasts on changes in nature.

Spring signs about animals and birds

It is very interesting to watch animals, insects and birds in the spring - they, it turns out, are excellent meteorologists and often tell people what lies ahead.

The bees flew out of the hives early - wait for a warm spring. The imminent arrival of warmth is also indicated by the loud singing of birds. And if you happen to see a cuckoo or a woodpecker on a dry tree, rest assured that spring will be cold and rainy. Late spring also foreshadows a meeting in the forest with a white bunny.

  • The early arrival of the lark promises an early spring.
  • Sparrows bathe in early spring- to quick warmth.
  • If you see a starling, you know: spring is on the porch.
  • Migratory birds fly in large flocks - this means a friendly spring.
  • Once the blackbirds have arrived, there will be no more frost.
  • The finch flies to the cold, and the lark to the warmth.
  • If in spring there are a lot of tadpoles in puddles, it means a fruitful summer.
  • There are many tits near human habitation - spring will be cold.
  • When a lot of mice appear in the spring, expect a hungry year.
  • If a woodpecker is seen in March, then spring will be late.
  • The tits are singing - wait for the warmth.
  • The crane has arrived - the ice will melt soon.
  • When a cuckoo crows on a dry tree, it means frost.
  • When geese fly low, there will be little water, and when high, expect a lot of water.
  • If you met a hare (hare) in the spring, expect that snow will definitely fall.
  • If rooks fly straight to their old nests, then the spring will be warm.
  • Early flight of bees - for the red spring.
  • Crows bathe in early spring - to the warmth.
  • If hares shed for a long time in the spring, wait for more cold weather.
  • The cuckoo crows loudly and often in the spring - warm weather is just around the corner.
  • A migratory bird flies in flocks - to a friendly spring.
  • The early arrival of rooks and larks means a warm spring.
  • Early in January the woodpecker begins to knock - by early spring.
  • If there are a lot of cobwebs flying in the spring, the summer will be hot.
  • If a woodpecker knocks in March, then spring will be late.
  • When geese fly low, there will be little water, and when high, expect a lot of water.
  • If birds build their nests on the sunny side, the summer will be cold.
  • Ducks scream and splash - it means rain.

Spring signs for children: predicting the weather based on the state of the sky

Our great-grandfathers endowed the sky with something special, sacred meaning. Based on the state of the sky in the spring, they judged the future harvest, predicted the onset of heat, or predicted prolonged cold. Let's read signs of spring about the weather and at the same time check the veracity of their observations.

  • Crimson stars - to the winds.
  • Blue clouds in the sky mean warmth and rain.
  • Clouds are floating high - good weather.
  • There is a ring around the month - wait for the wind.
  • Thunder rumbles - bread will be born.
  • When lightning flashes in early spring, but thunder is not heard, there will be dry summer.
  • The first thunder thunders south wind- and spring will be warm, in the west it will be rainy, in the north it will be cold, and in the east it will be warm and dry.
  • The sun before sunset is red - towards the winds.
  • The red color of the moon in March is a sign of a quick cooling, increased wind, but not for long.
  • Blue clouds mean warmth and precipitation.
  • A low rainbow at noon promises heavy rain.

Folk signs about spring and spring months: March, April, May

Each month of spring is special and unique: March struggles to snatch the Earth from the embrace of winter, April pleases with flowers and the first warmth, and May is replete with the greenery of herbs and gardens. A spring day feeds the year, the Slavs said, which is why it is so important to make the correct weather forecast for the spring months. Signs about spring, passed down to current generations by ancestors, still help attentive owners to this day.

  • May is cold - a grain-bearing year.
  • In March there is water, in April there is grass.
  • Dry March and wet May - there will be porridge and loaf.
  • There are two cold periods in May: when the bird cherry blossoms and when the oak blossoms. If it rains in May, there will be rye.
  • Flood and uplift groundwater portends an invasion of harmful insects in the summer.
  • If the water does not flow in March, then in April the grass does not grow.
  • March with water, April with grass, and May with flowers.
  • If during March snowstorms the snow falls unevenly and wavy on the fields, then garden vegetables and spring grains will be born well.
  • The March wind is warm - for a warm, rainy summer.
  • March is unfaithful: sometimes he cries, sometimes he laughs.
  • Sometimes March boasts frosts too.
  • In March the frost is creaky, but not tenacious.
  • Frequent fogs in March foreshadow a rainy summer.
  • A dry March means grain fertility, and a rainy March means crop failure.
  • April with water - May with grass.
  • The April flower breaks the ice.
  • Many stars at the end of April - for a fruitful year.
  • Blue April skies signal warm and rainy weather.
  • Warm May is waiting for summer any day now.
  • Rain in May - wait for the harvest.
  • Rainy, cold and windy weather in May means harvest.
  • The handsome May of the forest is dressing up, waiting for the red summer to visit.
  • In May the bird cherry blossoms, but the cold still lives;
  • The May frost cannot squeeze out tears.
  • Cold, dry May - for a good harvest.
  • In May it rains - rye will be born, in May it is dry and warm - it is sunny in the garden.
  • Even though the nightingale is a small bird, she knows how to give honor to May.
  • How much rain there will be in May - so many years will the harvest last!

Spring folk signs: as evidenced by natural phenomena in spring

To understand the world, humanity has long tried to systematize knowledge and establish patterns of changes in nature. Our ancestors captured the connection between an event and a consequence in sayings and signs.

You have probably been convinced more than once: older people, whose childhood was spent not behind computer screens, but in a strong friendship with the sun, air and water, subtly notice the slightest changes in nature. Heavy dew portends a good harvest, old-timers assure. The persistent smell of yellow acacia in the air means rain. Read on for other interesting observations of spring.

  • Long icicles at the end of February - for a long spring.
  • It’s nicer for Evdokia (March 14th) – it’s been nicer all summer.
  • If in the spring the birch tree opens its leaves in front of the alder, the summer will be dry, if the alder is wet in advance.
  • I saw a fluff on a willow - and spring arrived.
  • Early spring is a sign that there will be many bad weather days in the summer.
  • If the snow melts in the spring on the northern side of the anthill, the summer will be warm and long, and if on the southern side it will be short and cold.
  • If in the spring the snow melts quickly and the water runs smoothly, it means a wet summer.
  • If in the spring the snow melts from the sun, there will be a fruitful year; from the rain, expect drought.
  • If the dandelion blooms in early spring, the summer will be short.
  • Oak trees are blooming - to the cold.
  • Spring with frosts - summer with hail.
  • Rare frosts - for a fruitful year.

It begins on March 22, the day of the spring equinox, and ends on June 22, the day of the summer solstice. Judging this somewhat differently folk calendar: on Candlemas (February 2) “winter meets summer,” and already on February 11 “winter knocks the horn off.”

However, the first meeting of spring was celebrated everywhere on March 1. And people noticed: if streams flowed to Evdokia, expect the first grass in the first ten days of May, and they did not even pay attention to the fact that after this day the snow could pile up “higher than a standing dog.”

The second meeting in the spring was held on March 9th. On this day, the arrival of the first feathered guests from across the distant seas was expected, and “larks” were baked, dough buns in the shape of birds. This is what the proverb says: “A sandpiper flew in from overseas and brought spring from captivity.”

A truly national holiday was the third meeting of spring - the Annunciation, which in the old days was celebrated on March 25. They thought that “I had overcome the winter, but the sleigh either wouldn’t make it for a week, or it would take a week.”

The day of May 1 in Rus' was called the harness, since everywhere, except only northern regions, harrows and plows touched the steamy spring soil.

With the beginning of the arable land we finally said goodbye to winter.

Early flight of bees - to the red spring.

Geese are flying high - there will be a lot of water; they fly low - few.

The rooks have sat on their nests and will go out to sow in three weeks.

If the ducks arrive fat, it will be cold and long.

The cuckoo began to crow - there would be no more frost.

The lark comes to the warmth, the finch to the cold. The wood lark has flown straight to the nest - get to work on the garden.

The mole always knows in advance what the water level will be in the river. With this in mind, he builds his home. And its hills are never flooded with water in the spring.

Before a large flood, the warbler builds a nest high.

A duck makes a nest on a high bank before a large flood.

The first thunder with a north wind means cold spring; in the east - dry and warm; in the west - to wet; in the south - to warm.

When the month in spring seems reddish, it means great warmth and thunder.

When the bird cherry blossoms, the cold always lives.

But in the spring, what will summer be like? Will it be productive and favorable to the peasant? Or maybe the rain will rot the entire harvest or the sultry sun will dry it out? And people noticed a lot...

If in the spring the snow melts quickly and the water runs smoothly, it means a wet summer.

An observant person was given useful tips and trees, and birds, and animals.

If a lot of sap flows from a birch tree, then the summer is expected to be rainy.

If the birch grows pubescent, expect a dry summer, and if the maple grows, expect a wet summer.

If lightning flashes in early spring but there is no thunder, the summer will be dry.

In the cold spring there is a hail-damaging summer.

If the first - thunder thundered early in the morning - the summer will be moderate; if at noon - warm and fertile; In the evening it will be warm, but autumn will be cold.

Snow melts in the spring on the northern side of the ant heaps - the summer will be warm and long, and if on the southern side it will be cold and short.

If there is no more water in the rivers in the spring, the summer will be hot.

In the spring there are a lot of networts flying - for a good summer.

Birds build nests on the sunny side - for a cold summer.

If a lark builds a nest in a hole, the summer will be dry, and on the hillock it will be rainy.

A steppe harrier builds a nest next to a swamp - for a dry summer, in the steppe - for a rainy one.

However, wait for good weather, hope for it, but don’t make a mistake yourself - and the farmer firmly grasped this truth. Therefore, we need to roll up our sleeves and get to work fertilizing the arable land.

What does the coming day have in store for us? The desire to know the future is ineradicable in man. Either innate curiosity takes its toll, or the need to be confident in the future. So the inquisitive mind looks for clues in everything, including in the behavior of nature. It is difficult to say how true the signs are, but there is a rational grain in long-term observations recorded in folk art, undoubtedly there is.

March signs

Early spring is remembered for crying icicles on the roofs of houses, cold streams cutting through the darkened snow, and the joyful trill of birds. Among the ancient Slavs, March 1st was the day of Yarila the Sun.

In Rus', in the pagan era, the new year started on this date.

Spring was greeted with round dances and ritual songs. On Yarilin day no one worked. Real warmth, of course, is still far away, but the expectation of change is subtly in the air. Be the first to feel the weather change migratory birds: Rooks move about on the arable fields still covered with snow.

By the signs of March you can judge what the summer and the future harvest will be like.

  • Short icicles portend early summer, long - a protracted spring.
  • Rainy March means crop shortages. Dry - for a good harvest.
  • Frequent fogs are a harbinger of a rainy summer.
  • Snow falling in mounds on the fields during a March snowstorm is a sign of the harvest of spring crops and vegetables.
  • If the snow begins to melt on the south side of the anthill, the summer will be short and cool.
  • Crows bathe - for warmth, rooks play - for good weather.
  • Rapid melting of snow everywhere promises a wet summer.

The Slavs believed that during the first three weeks of March, Spring fights Winter. The new era is finally asserted in its rights on the 21st - on the vernal equinox. The symbols of this day are larks and willow. Spring will be warm if birds build nests on the sunny side on March 21. This is also confirmed by the palm color. The abundance of water around will bring a good harvest.

April signs

"April" - Latin name, meaning “warmed by the sun.” In some regions of Rus', the second month of spring until the beginning of the 15th century was traditionally called birch ash. This name appeared as a result of the merger of two words - “birch” and “green”.

At the row Slavic peoples The month is called in the old way: Belarusians – “krasavik”, Ukrainians – “kviten”, Poles – “kfechen”.

From this it is clear that sure signs April - flowers. But before the crocuses, scillas, and early tulips bloom in the middle of the month, the daylight hours will become a little longer, the snowmelt will increase and the flood will begin.

As is known, the best weather forecasters- birds, animals and insects. Many weather signs in spring are interpreted based on the behavior of living creatures in April.

  • The early arrival of wagtails means warmth.
  • The crow ruffled its feathers on a branch - leading to precipitation.
  • A low-flying lapwing indicates dry weather.
  • If a bird screams in the evening, wait for it to clear up.
  • If a crow builds a nest in a tree high up, there will be a large flood.
  • Cattle roar loudly in bad weather.
  • If a spider sits in a corner, wrapped in a web, frost is coming.
  • The early appearance of bees means warmth and abundant flowering.

Spring signs are often used to predict the harvest. So, wet April means good arable land and an abundance of hay. The thunderstorm promises warm summer and nut harvest. Has the aspen blossomed? It's time to sow early beets and carrots. The aspen is all in catkins, and the hazel is in the buds - it will spoil the oats. Rain on Annunciation promises good rye, sun - a wheat harvest. If frost hits on April 7, prepare a basket for milk mushrooms.

May signs

At the beginning of May there may still be short periods of cold. They usually occur during the flowering period of bird cherry. Towards mid-May, catkins appear on birch trees. Cherries and apricots, strewn with white flowers, look like brides. Apple trees dressed in soft pink look no less romantic. Plum blossoms are striking in their variety of white and pink shades. Following the buds, leaves develop. Young greenery is initially fragile and bright. Above all this natural splendor, bees buzz together and cheerfully. The unique aroma of spring is in the air. At the end of May, lilacs bloom.

Folk signs about spring in May are as follows.

  • Moderately cold May- to the harvest.
  • A lot of cranes and beetles mean drought.
  • Frequent fogs and rains - for a fertile year.
  • If the birch leaf opens before the maple or alder, the summer will be dry.
  • Nightingales singing in a bare forest mean a crop failure for fruit trees.
  • A lot of sorrel - for a snowy and warm winter.
  • If the bird cherry blossoms before May 4, the summer will be warm.

Based on the signs of spring, you can make a timely decision on planting certain vegetable crops. If violets bloom on May Day, it's time to sow radishes, carrots, dill and parsley. clear weather May 9, or Stepanov Day, promises a harvest of cucumbers. The period of the Swimsuit was considered the most favorable for agricultural work. If May 20 turns out to be fine, the plants planted on this day will give a good harvest.

Spring- a wonderful time of year. At this time, nature wakes up after winter sleep. Everything around comes to life: the snow melts, trees bloom, gardens and flower beds bloom, birds return from warmer climes, field work and planting begin. Life begins to be in full swing: you can hear the babbling of streams, the singing of birds, the hum of tractors all around. No wonder people say: “Spring is red during the day.” At this time of year, cold weather is replaced by warm weather. sunny days. Among the people there are many signs of spring, by which one can predict the future weather, what kind of summer to expect, whether there will be a harvest this year.

Signs about the weather in spring

  • Long icicles - for a long spring.
  • Early spring is a sign that there will be many bad weather days in the summer.
  • Thunder in early spring - before the cold.
  • If lightning flashes in early spring, but thunder is not heard, the summer will be dry.
  • March is dry, April is damp, May is cold - a grain-bearing year.
  • If the clouds are floating high, the weather is good.
  • If a ring is visible around the moon, it means windy weather.

Spring signs about nature

  • The early arrival of rooks and larks means a warm spring.
  • Birds build nests on the sunny side - for a cold summer.
  • If there are a lot of cobwebs in the spring, it means a hot summer.
  • If a lot of mice appear in the spring, the year will be lean.
  • A swallow flies low - it means rain.
  • If you meet in the spring white hare, then snow will definitely fall again.
  • A lot of sap flows from the birch - for a rainy summer.
  • If the dandelion blooms in early spring, the summer will be short.

The signs of spring are the most long-awaited. After cold winter we're looking out the slightest signs quick warmth. Our ancestors accumulated a lot of experience in such signs, which has survived to this day and is still relevant.

The Slavs noticed that between atmospheric phenomena and living nature there is a connection. Thus, plants and animals often “tell” through their behavior about the approaching heat.
Below we present the most famous spring signs for March, April, May. Most of them are also applicable in large cities.

The loud singing of birds indicates the imminent warmth. Also, the long-awaited spring will bring large flocks of birds. Speaking separately about different types birds, then it is worth mentioning sparrows and crows, which by their swimming in puddles predict warm weather, and blackbirds, which, it is believed, if they have already arrived, then there will definitely be no more cold weather.

But a cuckoo and a woodpecker on a dry tree mean cold weather. It's a different story with tits. On the one hand, their singing foreshadows a warm warm up soon, and on the other hand, large groups tits - for cold weather.

Birds can tell a lot by their behavior. Thus, bird nests on the north side symbolize warm spring, and in the south - cold.
It is worth saying a little about the behavior of animals and its interpretation. For example, a long molting of forest animals indicates late warmth this year. Meeting a white fluffy bunny in the forest also indicates long cold weather.

Folk signs about spring: natural phenomena about imminent warmth

Now we will tell you about some very exact signs, which can be observed in inanimate nature and which speak about the nature of the coming spring. For example, melting snow in mid-March foreshadows imminent warmth.
Long icicles indicate a protracted spring. Clouds of blue color- wait for warm rain. But a clearly visible ring around the moon indicates imminent windy weather. Fluffy frost in the morning also portends imminent warmth.

You may be interested in the article: folk signs about the weather

There are many sayings about each of spring months, which are essentially signs.
For March:

For April:

For May:

Signs of early spring

If above we talked about signs that predict the arrival of heat, which can be observed in March, now we will talk about signs that symbolize early spring, which can be noticed back in February, or even in January.

For example, if it is warm on Fedosy Vesnyak Day, January 24, then spring will be early and warm. Another day by which it was very accurately possible to determine the early arrival of warmth is February 6, the Day of St. Xenia or Aksinya the Spring Marker. There is even a special saying on this day:

Aksinya is clear and spring is red. As Aksinya says about the arrival of warmth, so is spring.

The same can be said about the weather on Candlemas:

What is the weather on Candlemas, such is the spring.

If there is snow on Obretenye, then trample it until April.

Spring signs for children

Signs of spring are important for children, as they are just learning about the world and often from the age of three they begin to notice changes in nature. It is very important at this age to answer all their questions regarding the change of seasons, and also to pay attention to signs that indicate a change in season.

When talking about the arrival of spring, explain to your child how this will affect him. In particular, tell us about how it is necessary to change clothes as the weather gets warmer, why in cold weather you need to wear a hat, mittens and a scarf, but in warm weather you can do without it.

Explain to your child why the snow and icicles are melting, there is more sun every day, why it gets dark later and the birds sing more often and louder.
Don't forget to pay attention to such signs about spring for children as buds appearing on trees. And then, when they turn into leaves, remind him of how bare the trees were last month.

It’s also worth telling and showing how the snow melts. To do this, just collect it in a container and take it indoors. In this way, you will puzzle the child and promote the development of thinking.

If we talk about folk signs about spring for children, then you can draw your little person’s attention to an early thunderstorm in March. It foretells prolonged cold weather. Loudly singing birds predict a quick spring, as do clouds floating high in the sky.

Draw your child's attention to the little things associated with the change of season so that he better understands the process of changing seasons.

Unfortunately, not all ancient signs that have come down to us from time immemorial work now. Much has changed during this time, including ecology and nature. Human influence on environment. However, many signs work great not only in villages, but also in major cities. You just have to pay attention to them.

Spring folk signs and superstitions about the weather - all the secrets on the site

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